Candied pears for the winter. Preparing candied pears for the winter. Miscellaneous. How to make candied fruits in the oven

I sadly stated the fact: the number of fruits on the old tree has practically not decreased. And they still fearlessly sit on the branches, their legs dangling down, they still fly down just as boldly, diving onto the heartless cruel tiles... And I still feel sorry for these beauties - red-sided and fat-bellied.

Some time ago I started recycling the harvest, turning it into candied fruits. I utilized it almost non-stop: in a day I prepare five pallets of candied fruits, the next morning I add a new portion, and we eat yesterday’s portion during the day... An interesting book, a cup of green tea and a bowl with translucent, fragrant candied fruits - this is such a piece of pleasure! It's worth working a little for. True, quite a bit.

Candied pears are a huge piece of pleasure that you can easily do. Shall we try?


1 kg of hard pears;

150 g sugar.

Wash the pears, peel them, remove the core and cut them into cubes, the edge width is approximately 5-8 mm. No more and no less: pear pieces that are too thin will quickly dry out and become chips, while pieces that are too large will take a long time to dry.

While we are chopping the rest of the pears, place the finished cubes in a bowl of water so that they do not darken.

Add sugar. Shaking slightly, we achieve even distribution of sugar over the pears.

Leave for 20-25 minutes so that the pears release their juice and the sugar melts.

Then bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, without stirring, then turn the pears over once, swapping the bottom and top layers of the cubes, cook for another 3-4 minutes and turn off the heat.

Leave the pears in the syrup until they cool, then place them in a sieve.

Place evenly on electric dryer trays. If you don’t have a special device for drying fruits and vegetables, you can dry them in the oven - then lay the pears on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

And dry it. In an electric dryer - according to the instructions (it takes me about 6 hours at maximum power, I sometimes change the trays). In the oven - at a temperature of 80-100 degrees, sometimes the door must be opened slightly to allow moisture to escape.

step by step recipe with photos

Sweet candied pears can successfully replace jam and candies. They are very convenient to take with you on the road or to work. One or two candied pears will help replenish your energy and last until lunch. This snack does not contain any “chemicals”, although it is quite high in calories.


  • pears – 1 kg
  • granulated sugar – 750 g
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife


1. In order for candied pears to turn out juicy, elastic and well-preserved in shape, you need to carefully consider the choice of fruits. Preference should be given to slightly unripe, healthy pears with dense flesh. Those fruits that have already filled with juice will turn into puree when cooked. It is better to leave them for the table or use them for jam or marshmallows. Selected pears need to be washed and peeled.

2. Small fruits should be cut into two, and large ones into 4 parts. Remove the core with seeds and stalks.

3. Sprinkle the pears with half the norm of granulated sugar (350 g) and leave for 2 hours.

4. Pour the remaining sugar (350-400 g) into two glasses of water. Place on medium heat and boil. Add a little citric acid or fresh juice of one lemon. The acid will help keep the fruit halves dense and elastic and prevent them from boiling over. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes. Pour hot syrup over pears with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours.

5. The fruits should release juice. The fluid level will rise slightly towards the end of the break. Drain the syrup, boil and pour it over the pears again. After 8 hours, repeat the procedure. Gradually, the fruits will absorb the syrup and its amount will decrease again. Boil the syrup for the last time along with the candied pears and cook for 10 minutes. Let cool completely. Place the fruit in a colander and let the liquid drain completely.

6. The remaining syrup can be used for compotes or for soaking cakes. Place the dried pears on a surface covered with cling film: plywood, cutting board or tray.

One of the well-known ways to prepare fruits for the winter is to prepare candied fruits from them. This oriental sweet consists of 80% natural fruits, therefore it has great benefits for the body in the form of vitamins and minerals. In our article we will tell you how to make candied pears at home. Photos, descriptions of step-by-step preparation and useful recommendations will be outlined below. The oriental sweets turn out to be so tasty that thanks to them you can easily give up your usual sweets.

A simple recipe for candied pears at home

To prepare an oriental sweet according to this recipe, you only need 1 kg of fruit, 0.5 kg of sugar, a little powdered sugar and starch. From such affordable and natural ingredients you can prepare a delicious and healthy treat in just 3 days.

At home, candied pears are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. The fruits are cored, cut into slices and placed in a pan. Sprinkle the tops of the pears with sugar, cover with a lid and leave in this form for 6 hours.
  2. During this time, juice will be released from the pears. It must be poured into a separate pan, put on low heat and after boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the prepared syrup over the pears and leave again for 15 minutes.
  3. Repeat all steps, but when the syrup has boiled for 15 minutes, you need to transfer the pears into it. Simmer the fruit over low heat for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place the pears on a sieve and leave them in this form until the liquid has completely drained.
  5. On a large flat plate, pour 50 g of powdered sugar mixed with the same amount of starch. Scatter the cooled pear slices on top.
  6. Candied fruits should be dried in a room with low air humidity for 3 days. They should become dry and tough. Ready-made sweets need to be rolled in powder and starch, transferred to a jar and stored under a lid in a cool place.

Delicious candied fruits from whole pears

Hard and unripe fruits make a very healthy delicacy. To prepare candied pears at home, you need to peel the fruit (1 kg) from the seed part. Then you need to cook the syrup from 200 ml of water, 1 kg of sugar and citric acid (1 teaspoon). After boiling, with constant stirring, keep it on the fire for 5 minutes. Next, the prepared pears are dipped into the syrup. The contents of the pan are brought to a boil and removed from the heat. The pears remain in the syrup for a day.

Over the next 2 days, bring the syrup to a boil over high heat, then, reducing the heat, cook the pears for 5 minutes. Now remove the pan from the heat and leave the pears in the syrup at room temperature. On the fourth day, the fruit should be cooked for 15 minutes, and on the fifth - 1.5 hours. The finished pears are placed on a sieve until the syrup has completely drained, and after cooling, they are laid out on parchment for a couple of hours. Dried candied fruits are rolled in powdered sugar.

How to make candied fruits in the oven?

This recipe for preparing a sweet delicacy differs from the previous one only in that small fruit slices are boiled in syrup. First, pears (1.5 kg) are cut into slices, after which they are poured with boiling water (2 cups) for 10 minutes. After this, the liquid is poured into a pan, sugar (600 g) is added and the syrup is boiled. 5 minutes after boiling, pear slices are added to it. They need to be cooked for five minutes, then removed from the heat and wait until they cool completely (at least 4 hours).

Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and cool the pears at least 5 times. As a result, the syrup should become thick and the slices should be transparent. Then the pears are placed on a sieve to allow all the syrup to drain. At home, candied pears are dried in the oven to the required consistency for about an hour at a temperature of 70°. Then they can be sprinkled with powder.

Candied pears in an electric dryer

According to this recipe, fruit slices are boiled in sugar syrup based on natural juice. To do this, pears cut into long slices (1 kg) are covered overnight with the same amount of sugar. In the morning, the pan is put on high heat, after which its contents are brought to a boil and boiled at low temperature for 5 minutes. Similar steps are repeated 3-4 times until the slices become transparent.

At home, candied pears are dried in an electric dryer according to this recipe. To do this, the slices are laid out on a tray and left for 5-7 hours at a temperature of 70°. To store them, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and place them in a glass jar.

To prepare candied pears, choose fruits that are slightly unripe with a thick skin, because soft pears often become overcooked and lose their shape. The selected fruits are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut arbitrarily (in strips, slices, cubes), as shown in the photo.

Before blanching, while the sugar syrup is being prepared, the chopped fruit can be kept in a citric acid solution to prevent it from darkening. But in principle, this is mandatory, only for apples. The solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 tsp. acids per 3 liters of water.

Then blanch the sliced ​​pears in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Place them in a colander or sieve so that the water drains completely.

Sugar syrup is prepared in a separate container. It is prepared in this way: add 1.1 kg of granulated sugar to 300 ml of water and dissolve it. According to the rules, the syrup is brought to a boil at 80-85 degrees Celsius. If you don't have a thermometer, no problem! wait for the syrup to boil, do not bring it to a violent boil. This syrup will be enough for 1.5 kg of pears.

The best part is that the syrup can be reused. Up to three times. That is, you have prepared the first batch of candied fruits, do not pour out the syrup, in the same syrup you can cook the second and third batch of pears and even apples after the pears (or vice versa).

Pour this syrup over blanched pear slices. Put it back on the fire and boil for about 15 minutes, then set it aside for 9 hours. Again, this is according to the rules. My personal experience of preparing candied pears and apples says the following: the first day, boil for 15 minutes and leave until tomorrow. Tomorrow, after the first soak, the pears are boiled for another 15 minutes and again set aside until the day after tomorrow. During the first and second cooking, the syrup should be brought to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the fruit for 15 minutes at a very light boil.

For the third time, the candied fruits are boiled until the boiling point of the syrup reaches 105°C (without a thermometer - the boiling should be more violent than the first and second times and that’s it - don’t bother with the temperature!) and then put it in a colander, which is previously set on pan. Leave the fruits for 1.5 hours.

The cooled pear slices are laid out on any convenient surface in one layer and dried, as recommended in the sun, or you can also use the oven. Candied fruits are dried in it at a temperature of 40°C. My experience is that in the sun, on the street, even candied fruits covered with gauze cannot be protected from insects. I did not like it. Oven - too long. What to do? Place the baking sheet with candied pears or apples in a sunny, well-ventilated place. Drying time is only about 3 days. You need to look at the condition of the candied fruits. Dry on the outside, but soft on the inside. Just imagine, if you now put them in a glass jar and close the lid: will they stick together or become damp?

Based on the fact that the total drying time is about 3 days, then after the first two days the candied fruits are sprinkled with granulated sugar, laid out again and dried to the state that I wrote about above.

Ready-made candied pears or apples are placed in dry, clean jars and hermetically sealed with lids to prevent drying out.

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Candied pears are very tasty, sweet and unusually aromatic. They keep great in the refrigerator all winter! They can be consumed separately, or added to compotes and homemade baked goods. Children will also like sweet candied fruits, who will happily gobble them up on both cheeks, like candy. In principle, any variety of pear is suitable for making candied fruits, the main thing is that the fruits are firm, even slightly unripe - this way the slices will keep their shape well and can be better candied.

The process itself may seem time-consuming, but the results are worth it! Candied fruits perfectly retain their unique pear aroma and taste.


  • hard pears - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • water - approximately 1 l;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


1. To begin, wash the pears thoroughly to remove dirt and dust, then remove the seeds, remove the stems and cut into long strips - approximately 1 cm thick.

2. Pour boiling water over the chopped pears - approximately 1 liter will be needed, it should completely cover all the pears. After this, the water should be drained (but not thrown out!) and a sweet syrup should be prepared from it.

3. For the syrup, add sugar to the water and just let it boil, then drop the pears into the boiling syrup and boil them for 5 minutes. Let it cool in the syrup and boil it in the same way 4 more times - 5 minutes each, no need to stir, each time the pears should cool in the syrup at room temperature.

4. Place the cooled pears on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and dry in the oven at minimum temperature for 3-4 hours. After this, we take the deco to the balcony, cover the candied fruits with gauze and leave to dry for a day.

5. After a day, the candied pears will be completely ready; they need to be collected in a mound, sprinkled with powdered sugar and mixed thoroughly with your hands.
