Factory for sewing children's clothing. Russian children's clothing factories


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Russian children's clothing factories

Russian children's clothing factories - 690 manufacturers and suppliers. Wholesale sales without intermediaries. Major brands and new brands of clothing for children and teenagers, school uniforms. Catalog 2019: official websites, addresses, contacts and prices of clothing factories. Order a price list and become a dealer!

Manufacturers of children's clothing in Russia are able to provide a decent assortment. See for yourself, take a look at the catalog and buy a trial batch. Russian clothing factories for children's clothing take into account extremely stringent requirements for manufacturers and the quality of products for children, even by European standards. Receiving a hygiene certificate for a Russian manufacturer is a kind of feat, confirming that the products it produces are truly suitable for children.

Relatively recently, the Russian textile market for children with their inexpensive products was occupied by clothing factories from Asian countries, Belarusian, Turkish and Ukrainian manufacturers of children's clothing, which does not always meet the quality standards required for clothing for children.

Increased incomes allow consumers to buy high-quality and often expensive goods from European children's brands. But Russian manufacturers of children's clothing are winning back consumers, competing with importers every year.

They closely follow fashion trends and adopt the experience of successful production by purchasing new sewing equipment. Traditionally, domestic clothing factories prefer to produce children's clothing from natural cotton, wool and flax, but, following fashion, they also include products from modern membrane fabrics and safe artificial fillers.

Russian buyers are becoming more demanding when it comes to products for children and prefer reasonable prices with European quality, so entrepreneurs are increasingly choosing Russian clothing factories as suppliers.

The catalog of wholesale children's knitwear manufacturers at the online exhibition includes both well-known Russian brands “Karon Kids”, “Fox-cub”, “Happy Lama”, “Gloria Jeans”, “KotMarkot”, as well as manufacturing enterprises and ateliers ready to produce clothes wholesale under the customer's brand.

Russian clothing factories supplying children's clothing are looking for dealers, chain stores, corporate customers, and wholesale companies for uninterrupted supplies of products to the regions. They offer the production and sale at low prices of outerwear, winter and other seasonal children's clothing, sports and school uniforms for export. Use it, become a dealer, distributor, wholesaler!

The most popular production excursion for school-aged children is a tour of a chocolate factory. We are pleased to invite you to go there and see with your own eyes how your favorite candies and chocolate are created. This trip is usually very popular with all age groups.

In Moscow, you have the opportunity to visit two chocolate factories that produce and organize exciting excursions for children - Rot Front and Concern Babaevsky. Excursions to these two factories can be compared endlessly, but it is much more effective to plunge into this exciting journey for lovers of sweets! We will be happy to meet, show and tell young sweet tooths all the intricacies of producing the most delicious sweets!

Excursion to the Rot Front chocolate factory

Age restrictions: from 4th grade

Opening hours: from 09:00 to 16:00, except Saturday and Sunday.

Address: Paveletskaya metro station, 2nd Novokuznetsky lane, 13/15

The excursion program for young lovers of sweets to the Rot Front factory starts from the museum. Schoolchildren here are told about the history of the factory, which dates back 180 years. After this, the guys will proceed to the chocolate production workshops, and this is a whole adventure - there are very tasty intoxicating aromas that excite the appetite. Schoolchildren take part in tasting sweets during the excursion with great joy. At the same time, during the tasting, guests will find many treats - you can eat plenty of chocolate. To ensure that this amazing adventure to the factory leaves a pleasant impression, the children are given a sweet gift.

1,250 rubles 1,900 rubles

25 schoolchildren + 2 accompanying persons 1,200 rubles 1,850 rubles

32 schoolchildren + 3 accompanying persons 1,150 rubles 1,800 rubles

33 schoolchildren + 2 accompanying persons 1,100 rubles 1,750 rubles

Excursion to the Babaevsky Museum of the History of Chocolate and Cocoa Concern

Age restrictions: from 2nd grade

Starting times for excursions from Monday to Friday: 09.30, 10.30, 11.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30, 17.15

Museum address: m. Krasnoselskaya, st. Lobachika, 1

An incredible adventure into the delicious world of chocolate starts with the ancient Mayan civilization. You will see an exhibition dedicated to this people, the first to produce cocoa.

Then the excursion participants go into the hold of the ship of the conquerors. They brought chocolate to European countries, then this beloved sweet came to our country.

At the factory, the children have the opportunity to follow the process of transforming the mass of chocolate into those very chocolate bars that we love so much. It is at this moment that all participants in the excursion program can taste absolutely any sweets. At the end of the excursion program, each visitor will receive a great gift with sweets!

Advice from the company: leave all your bags on the bus, take bottles of water with you.

Important! Complimentary accompanying guests are not provided with a gift.

17 schoolchildren + 2 accompanying persons 1,450 rubles 2,000 rubles

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When you buy a product or service from someone, you give him money for development, finance him (help). If you don't buy, you don't help (don't finance). By buying Russian goods and services, you help Russian people. This is reasonable for you if you are part of the Russian people.

Dmitry Mezentsev

Subscribe to RUSSIANSOYUZRF @russkii_souz

The information you add must meet our selection criteria

  • Russian manufacturers- these are Russian production owners who produce goods on the territory of their country, registered in it and using the labor of Russian workers. Accordingly, they produce Russian goods.
  • Russian owners or co-owners of production, using anything foreign in the production process (companions, workers, territory, etc.) are placed in the section “Production with Russian participation" Accordingly, they produce goods with Russian participation.
  • Russian sellers- these are Russian entrepreneurs who use the labor of Russian workers and sell Russian goods or goods with Russian participation. If the store has at least one shelf with Russian goods, then the store can be placed in the catalog and advertise these goods.
  • Russian services provided by Russian entrepreneurs who use the labor of Russian workers and strive, if possible, to use Russian goods.

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What could be more exciting and interesting for modern schoolchildren than an excursion to a production facility? Today, kids are trying every day to understand the secrets of how this big world works. And organized excursions for schoolchildren to production are a great opportunity to see and learn:

  • how exactly companies are structured;
  • what specialties exist;
  • what is required to become a true professional in the future.

Today, a production tour is a special program during which you can see how the production of a particular product is carried out: sweets, bread, kvass and even ice cream. And besides, you have a chance to see with your own eyes how a real talk show is created, how animated films are born and much more. Our travel company “Soyuztour” helps children become more familiar with the work of chocolatiers, confectioners, directors, and firefighters. With the help of such excursions, love and respect for work are instilled, and most importantly, children become aware of their place in life - it is easier for them to choose a future profession.

And what’s most interesting is that most modern industrial enterprises easily open their doors, giving you the opportunity to observe the entire process of creating products. Seeing how what we are used to buying in stores is “born” is priceless and incredibly interesting. That is why such excursions are considered no less educational than trips to literary and historical monuments, and at the same time they are exciting both for schoolchildren and for the parents accompanying them.

Excursions to production are of greatest interest to children in fifth and sixth grade. They find them especially spectacular and interesting. As experts note, such “events” are better remembered than any traditional visits to parks, estates or museums.

How to choose the right excursion?

  • When you decide to visit a particular production facility with your children, pay attention to whether there are any age restrictions imposed by the enterprise. Some excursions do not allow children under the fifth or even eighth grade.
  • Someone books an excursion through a travel agency. And this is an excellent solution - to delegate all the hassle to knowledgeable specialists. For example, our company Soyuztour is always happy to organize for you an interesting “trip” to a particular enterprise. It’s better to sign up for such a trip in advance, since it can be difficult to get to certain productions at the right time.
  • Special attention should be paid to the requirements that enterprises place on tourists. They can vary significantly. And similar requirements concern such parameters as the number of schoolchildren in a group, the mandatory availability of removable shoes, and so on.
  • Give your child good memories that will not only last for the rest of his life, but will also make a significant contribution to it.

The main thing is to carefully and responsibly approach the organization of the excursion. And with the help of travel company employees, this is much easier to do. Experienced Soyuztour specialists will always be able to offer the best and most reliable options for your excursion.

So, if you want to see for yourself and show your children the real “behind the scenes life” of modern production plants, enterprises, factories - you are welcome! Come and book any excursion to the production site you like.

“Children’s factories”: how the Nazis raised “purebred Aryans.”

Lebensborn is a program for the birth of purebred Aryans.

The basis of the Nazi ideology of the Third Reich was the concept of the dominance of the Aryan race over all others. In order for all of Germany to believe in this idea, not only active propaganda was carried out, but also a special plan was developed to preserve and improve the genetic “Aryan” code. It's about the program Lebensborn, which involved raising superchildren with “pure” blood.

Himmler with his daughter. Berlin, 1938.

"Lebensborn" means "source of life" in German. This program was personally led by Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler. Lebensborn's main task was to prepare racially pure mothers, give birth and raise children of the Aryan nation.

Maternity shelters from Lebensborn.

Beginning in 1935, strict requirements were set for the parents of future “pure-blooded” Aryans: they must be healthy, have no criminal record and be of Aryan origin. Women who were selected to participate in the program were placed in comfortable conditions and became pregnant only by SS members. The press called the orphanages where babies were given birth and raised “Himmler’s baby factories.”

Shelters with “pure-blooded Aryans”.

After a couple of years, it was decided to select women in labor from among the residents of Norway. According to the Nazis, blond and blue-eyed women were the best suited for the “production” of purebred Aryans. While many German women joined the Lebensborn organization for ideological reasons, for Norwegian women this was practically the only opportunity to lead a more or less normal lifestyle during wartime. Many of them became mothers voluntarily. Over the entire period of the existence of the Aryan production program, about 8,000 children were born in Germany, and 12,000 in Norway.

Only SS men could become fathers of super children.

Women who gave birth to several "pure-blooded Aryans" were awarded the Mother's Cross.

In 1938, Himmler decided that the production of superchildren was proceeding too slowly. Therefore, they began to select already pregnant women with suitable appearance. They were offered to hand over babies to the shelter in exchange for financial reward. Those who bore several children for Lebensborn were awarded the Mother's Cross.

Children from Eastern Europe are examined by a German doctor.

After another year, “suitable” children began to be kidnapped from Poland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and the Czech Republic. Upon arrival in Germany, the children were examined by doctors and decided who would fit the concept of a “typical Aryan” and who would not. Those deemed unfit were sent to concentration camps to face certain death.

Children with “pure blood” were transported to “re-education camps”, where they were given new German names and imposed Nazi ideology, forcing them to forget their origins and parents. All those who did not succumb to re-education were mercilessly destroyed. In these “child Germanization centers,” boys and girls were irradiated with ultraviolet light so that their hair received the light shade required for a true Aryan. After retraining, the children were sent to SS families or sent to boarding schools.

Children are exposed to ultraviolet light to make their hair light.

The process of “Germanization of children.”

Almost all documentation about the Lebensborn program was destroyed during the final stages of World War II, so it is impossible to say with certainty how many children were taken to Germany. Historians give an approximate figure of 200,000.

After the end of the war, women who took part in the program for the birth of purebred Aryans had a very hard time. Residents of Norway and Germany took revenge on mothers who received food and medical treatment during the war. They were beaten, made outcasts, and forced to do the hardest work.

The women who were in Lebensborn were made outcasts after the war.

Children born and those who had already undergone the course of “Germanization” were sent to shelters or insane asylums, where they were mercilessly abused. Norway tried to disown the Lebensborn children and deport them to Germany, but to no avail. Sweden has accepted several hundred children from Norway. One of them was the future ABBA soloist Anni-Frid Lyngstad, whose father was an SS sergeant. [
