Jelly cherries for decorating the cake. Sponge cake decorated with chocolate and cherries. List of the best fruits for decorating cakes

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

This article provides various examples of how you can decorate a cake with fruits, tips on choosing fruits and how to arrange them on the cake.

how to decorate a cake with fruits

1 serving

30 min

140 kcal

5 /5 (8 )

Even the most delicious dessert without the correct, bright design does not give any idea about itself, does not carry any tasty urge. In this article I want to talk about an option for serving dessert that is available even to novice pastry chefs, namely, decorating cakes with fruits at home with a photo for greater clarity.

Decorating cakes with fruits: everyone is in favor of useful decoration

What are fruits? They are a source of vitamins, first of all. And for whom sweets are most often prepared at home - for the flowers of life, our children. For me the main advantage of a cake decorated with fruits and berries is the benefits for the body, unlike, for example, colored creams or sugar figures. Another plus: if you overdo it with sugar while preparing the cakes or cream, fruits or berries with a sour taste will balance out and smooth out such a mistake.

List of the best fruits for decorating cakes

Fruits are an excellent material for decorating a cake; they are inexpensive, tasty and healthy, colorful and bright. Fruits and berries have always been in harmony with the dough as a filling, why not use them in decoration.

To decorate a cake with fruit, it is advisable to choose ripe, but not overripe fruits, without cracks or stains on the skin, without dents or darkening. The most popular fruits for decorating desserts are: apples and almost all citrus fruits, bananas, peach, plum, apricot, kiwi, pears. Among the berries, confectioners prefer strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and currants (black and red). Grapes are often used in desserts.

What fruits are not suitable for decorating a cake at home?

But there is also a list of which fruits it is not advisable to decorate a cake with. Not all frozen fruit retains its color, shape and flavor once defrosted, so you need to be selective with it.

Cherries are not very suitable: firstly, because of the pit; secondly, after removing the pit, the cherry exudes juice, which colors the cream, on top of which the fruit is laid out. The same can be said about watermelon: it is too juicy to use in cakes.

Pineapple and kiwi do not allow the jelly to harden, so if you plan to fill the fruit decoration with jelly, they should be doused with boiling water before decorating. If canned fruits are used to decorate sweet dishes, the liquid must drain from them.

How to decorate a cake with fruits: step-by-step instructions

Let's look at how to decorate a cake with fruits step by step. I will be decorating a sponge cake with buttercream and chocolate fudge on top, apple, raspberries and blackberries. In order to prepare the decoration, I need the following products:

Decorating a cake with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is that the composition does not float and the flowers, and I will make roses, do not fall apart.

Step one: I make syrup. Pour a cup (100 ml) of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add 100 g of sugar. Stir the sugar until it dissolves completely and remove from the heat.

Step two: wash an apple and 100 g each of raspberries and blackberries. I scatter the berries on a towel to dry. I cut the apple in half, then into thin slices.

I dip a plate of apple in syrup and roll it into a tube, I also dip the next one and wrap it on top of the first.

The secret to how easy it is to decorate a cake with apple roses is that each “petal” covers the end of the previous one.

In addition, the “petals” are set by the syrup. One flower requires approximately five apple slices.

Step three: I place the flowers in the center of the cake. The mint leaves around them imitate rose leaves. Along the edge of the cake, it is round in shape, I place blackberries and raspberries close to each other, alternating them. I put several berries in a chaotic order in the free places on the cake. The cake decorated with fruit is almost ready, the final touch is to lightly sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar; it will look beautiful against a chocolate background.

During a famine in 1407 in the German city of Lubeck, it was decided to make bread from almond flour. Since then, Lubeck has been considered the capital of marzipan, which is known to be made from almonds and sugar syrup.

How to decorate a homemade cake depends largely on the event for which it is prepared. If it’s for a children’s party, then cutting out figures of animals or fairy-tale characters from fruits will be just a great idea.

From fruits you can make flowers, geometric shapes, hearts, and so on, whatever your imagination allows.

From fruits cut into slices, you can easily lay out any ornament or an entire carpet, combining fruits and berries of several colors. A composition of fruits and berries is often filled with jelly, which gives it stability and a glossy shine.

Fruits can be dipped in chocolate, sprinkled with powder or cinnamon, coconut, or ground nuts.

If we decorate a cake with fruit and sprinkle powdered sugar on top, the fruit or berries must be dry, otherwise the powder will spread on them.

Ideas and photo examples: decorating a cake with fruits

1. Bouquet of orange roses with apple and kiwi leaves. The composition is filled with almost colorless jelly, which gives it durability and does not detract from the brightness of the color of the fruit. It looks simple and elegant.

2. A very delicate spring composition of raspberries and the remains of tinted cream. Despite the fact that only one type of berry was used, there is a sense of completeness in this design.

3. The cake is decorated with bright, juicy and appetizing berries. No complicated tricks, just a perfectly chosen combination of color and shape.

4. A fruit figure that is perfect for decorating a cake for a children's party. Using this owl as an example, you can depict any other animal or fairy-tale character.

The Snickers chocolate bar, beloved by many people with a sweet tooth, is named after the favorite horse of Frank Mars, a confectioner and owner of a chocolate factory.

How to decorate a cake with fruits: instructions for decorating a cake on video

On the topic “How to decorate a cake,” I suggest you watch a short video. Using an apple, an orange and a kiwi as an example, the video shows how to make simple cake decorations. Simple shapes can be placed in an original way on the surface of the cake and some other fruits or berries can be added to them. In the same way as in this video, you can cut other fruits or add your own cutting method to the example.

Invitation to discuss decorating the cake with fruit and possible modifications

Juicy and bright fruits give every cook his own ideas about using them as decoration. If you have similar experience, your own best practices and favorite techniques on how to decorate a cake with fruit, write to me in the comments, send me a photo, I will be grateful to you. It would be interesting to know your opinion about fruits that are easier to work with, about how best to combine fruits in color and taste.

Decorating a cake with fruit is the best option for decorating a dessert at home. Even a child can make this kind of decoration; a simple fruit ornament does not require any special skills. In addition, the combination of fruits and berries of bright colors looks festive and appetizing.

How to make cocktail cherries to decorate cakes and cupcakes? 4 recipes! ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ Of course, you won’t find real maraschino in our latitudes, just like its analogues like amarena. According to experts, the closest thing to Croatian cherries, if not in taste, then at least in structure, is ordinary cherries. You can also experiment with duki - cherry-cherry hybrids, or simply choose the most bitter-sweet and always very aromatic berry. Classic recipe for maraschino: Everything is extremely simple here - for half a kilo of cherries you will need to take 400 milliliters of maraschino. To reduce the cost of the product and - at the same time - give it a deeper, richer taste, part of the liqueur can be replaced with other alcohol - for example, dark rum or grain whiskey. If you plan to eat the cherry or put it in baked goods, it should be covered. First, you need to remove the seeds from the fruit. If you want the tails to remain in place - like a real maraschino - you can pick out the seeds from the other side with a pin. If the cuttings are not needed - they are not edible anyway - no one will forbid you to use a cherry peeler. Next, loosely place the berries in a suitable jar, add a pinch of salt, pour alcohol to the top, close the lid and shake. Leave in a dark place for 7-10 days. That's it, our maraschino cherry is ready! It should be stored in the refrigerator and used as needed. Marasco cherries with cherry liqueur This recipe is more complicated and cumbersome, but cheaper and the result will be more interesting. Cherries obtained by this method are sweet, spicy, with a heady cognac flavor - not only do they fit perfectly into baked goods. Plus, they are delicious on their own. The main thing is not to overdo it with such a delicacy! cherries/cherries – 500 grams; sugar (can be brown) – 1 cup; vanilla – 1-2 beans or a couple of centimeters of pod; cherry juice – 1 glass; bay leaf – 1 small; cloves - 2 pieces; nutmeg – a small pinch; cherry liqueur (can be homemade) – ¼ cup; brandy – 250 ml. Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Pour cherry juice into a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla and spices (you can use less or more sugar than in the recipe, to taste, in short). Boil and simmer over low heat until the liquid has reduced in volume by half - usually 8-10 minutes. Remove spices from syrup. Add cherry liqueur to the mixture (I think, if it is absent, the cherries will not lose much) and brandy, stir thoroughly and pour directly hot onto the cherries. Close the jar and let it cool naturally. Move to a cool place. In a week our cocktail cherries will be ready! Spiced Cherry with Amaretto Another variation of unsweetened cherry. According to this recipe, the prepared maraschino cherry turns out, although vaguely, but still similar to real Maraschino - the almond flavor of the amaretto affects it. By the way, homemade Amaretto or a simple apricot kernel tincture would fit right in here. cherries/cherries – 300 grams; orange zest - from half a large fruit; cinnamon - a small stick; star anise - half a star; cloves - 3 buds; brandy – 200 ml; Amaretto liqueur – 50-100 ml. Carefully peel the zest from the orange, being careful not to remove the bitter white peel. Remove the pits from the cherries and place them in a jar. Add zest and spices, pour in amarette-cognac mixture. Leave for at least 10 days, after which the cherries can already be used! Non-alcoholic maraschino cherry Just what you need for desserts and baked goods! Delicious, sweet, moderately spicy, almond cherry, which, by the way, will be ready much faster than according to the previous three recipes. If you don’t have almond extract, you can replace it with the same amaretto, literally 100 ml; anyway, when preparing the syrup, the alcohol will evaporate, but the taste of almonds will remain. cherries/cherries – 400 grams; one and a half glasses of water; half a glass of 100% grape juice; a glass of sugar; juice from three medium lemons; a pinch of salt; small star anise; teaspoon almond extract. Place water, juices and spices in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add sugar, cook, stirring, until it dissolves. After this, almond extract and cherries are added to the liquid. The mixture must be brought to a boil again, set to the lowest heat possible and simmer until our brew acquires a distinct cherry aroma - no more than 8-10 minutes, preferably less, otherwise the berries will burst and become ugly. Place the cooled syrup with cherries in a jar and refrigerate. Cocktail cherries prepared according to this recipe will be ready in a day or two! All recipes for making maraschino cherries are not at all complicated, are relatively accessible and can be easily done with your own hands! This cherry in itself will be a wonderful delicacy, it will perfectly decorate your desserts, and will be useful for layering cakes and filling cupcakes!

Cherry cake recipe with photo

I propose to prepare an interesting cake for tomorrow's holiday - the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia! And use berries to make it summer-summer and delicious-delicious! As you already understood from the name, I used cherries. But you can take other berries. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind in this case is cherry. It is most similar to cherries in both taste and appearance. In addition, it is more acidic, so it fits perfectly into all sweet dishes, including cakes. Remember the wonderful... mmm, mind blowing, as my grandmother used to say!

Sponge cake with cherries is undoubtedly festive! However, any cake decorated with berries looks more impressive. And if the berries are used not only on top for decoration, but also inside - as an additive in cream or in the cakes themselves - then it turns out even tastier. A good example is the charming one! 😉

In order to bake a cake with cherries, the recipe with photo of which you are now studying, I used the simplest sponge cake recipe. The proportions are as follows: 3 eggs - 1 cup sugar - 1 cup flour - 1 tsp. baking powder (or you can make it with baking soda). I shared in detail the recipe for making the simplest biscuit. True, this time I slightly increased the amount of products - I took 4 eggs. But I reduced the amount of sugar, but of course, use your own discretion. If you frequent my website, you already know about my attitude towards sugar in baking. Most often, I am guided by the principle of putting as little as possible.

So, I made my cherry sponge cake with condensed milk and butter cream. This is a classic of the genre for sponge cakes. And everyone in my family loves him very much! But you can give preference to sour cream - just beat sour cream 30-35% fat with sugar. It will work out well too.

As for the layer of cake layers, it cannot be called mandatory. But this way the cake with cherries, the photo of which is in front of you, will be tastier. However, I love soaking any biscuits this way. When it comes to chocolate cakes, I often prefer diluted coffee. But I don’t use this option with light ones, because they will be painted over with this coffee shade. This time I just combined water and vodka. Vodka can be replaced with rum, cognac, or tincture. If you do not want to use an alcohol-containing drink, then soak it in light juice, green tea or diluted milk.


For the cakes:

  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • sugar - 250 g or to taste (I put 150 g)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp. with a slide
  • premium wheat flour - 1 cup (125 g)* + 2 tbsp.
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour

For cream:

  • condensed milk - 1 can (360 g)
  • butter - 200 g

For layering and decoration:

  • cherries - 300 g

For impregnation:

  • boiled water - 75 ml
  • vodka (rum, cognac) - 1 tbsp.

Cherry cake recipe with photo:

Preparing the biscuit:

I poured sugar, salt into a separate bowl and broke the eggs. Beat with a mixer at maximum speed for three minutes.

Sifted flour mixed with baking powder into the egg mixture. At first I just stirred it with a mixer, without turning it on, so that the flour did not scatter to the sides. Then turned on maximum speed and beat for 15 seconds. It is important that the dough is homogeneous. But you can’t beat it for a long time, otherwise it will settle during baking!

I poured the resulting dough into the mold. I use silicone, which I simply wet with cold water. If you usually lubricate it with oil or bake it in Teflon or steel, then do as you are used to.
The diameter of my form is 18-20 cm (due to the wavy edge). If your shape is larger, it doesn't matter. The sponge cake will just turn out shorter, and you will cut it into two layers. But you can increase the number of products if desired.

I baked a sponge cake with cherries for 40 minutes at 180-200 degrees. I checked for doneness with a wooden skewer - it came out dry, which means it’s ready.
It is advisable not to open the oven door during baking. At least the first 15 minutes - for sure. If you know from your oven that it quickly browns on top, then it makes sense to place the pan on the lowest level or first cover it with foil, and after 25 minutes from the start of baking, open the door, remove the foil and let the biscuit brown on top.
Carefully remove from pan onto a cooling rack.

Biscuit impregnation:

Only when the biscuit has cooled completely can it be cut.
I cut it into three parts. You can make two cakes. However, my third cake is a “cap” that rose up during baking. Many people simply cut it off and either eat it as an extra part, or grind it into crumbs and sprinkle it on the sides of the cake. You can do it in any way. I usually still use this “lid” as the top crust.
I stirred vodka in boiled water at room temperature and soaked all the cakes with this liquid. You can use another impregnation, I already wrote about this above, at the beginning of the recipe.
I left the cakes to soak for an hour. If you have time, you can let them sit like this for several hours. And if, on the contrary, there is no time, then you can start assembling in about 15 minutes.

Cherry cake recipe with photos - preparation of berries:

I washed the cherries, dried them carefully with a towel, and removed the seeds.

I left a handful of berries to decorate the top of the cake, and cut the rest of the cherries, mostly into quarters.

Preparing the cream for the cherry cake:

Combined softened butter with condensed milk. To make the butter thaw faster, I cut it into cubes. The amount of condensed milk in the cream depends on its thickness. Mine was quite thick, so the whole jar was gone. If it’s more liquid, 270 grams will be enough, that is, 3/4 of a can. Therefore, it is better to start with this amount. It's never too late to add a little more condensed milk.

Beat butter with condensed milk until smooth. You shouldn’t be too zealous here, because the oil may cut marks. The cream has become homogeneous - and that’s enough.

If you prepared the cream earlier, you can put it in the refrigerator. Especially if it's hot at home.

Cake assembly:

Place a little cream in the center of the serving dish. Then I placed the first cake layer. I smeared it with cream and placed chopped berries on it.

Carefully (this is no longer so convenient to do) applied the cream to the cherries.

Covered with the second cake. I repeated the manipulations: cream - cherry - cream.

She covered the entire structure with a “cap” - the third cake layer.

Covered the entire cake (and sides) with cream. The berries that I left were cut in half and placed on top in a circle. I placed a cherry with a stalk in the center.

It's best to let the cake sit at room temperature for a few hours to soak. And then put it in the refrigerator and take it out about half an hour to an hour before serving. This is what I like best in terms of impregnation. But circumstances vary, so act based on them.

That's all - a wonderful summer cake with cherries is ready, save the recipe with photos and delight your loved ones with this mega yummy! ;)

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During the summer season, various fruits and berries appear on sale, and this is a great time to decorate baked goods with fresh fruits. You can use fruit to decorate cakes based on different creams. You can create unusual decorations from bright berries, and if you use the carving technique, you will get an exquisite and unusual dessert design. ​

Let's look at a few simple options for decorating a cake with fruit at home. Step-by-step photo options will be presented here to make the decorating process faster and clearer.

Fruit selection

It is worth noting that not all types of fruits are suitable for decorating desserts. Some fruits are too juicy, so they can ruin the taste of the cake and also worsen their appearance. Under the influence of the juice, the top skin gets wet, and the cream begins to drain, which completely ruins the product.

The best fruit options for decoration are:

  • oranges and tangerines;
  • ripe apricots;
  • fresh pineapples;
  • pears and juicy peaches;
  • mango;
  • apples;
  • kiwi.
  • persimmon;
  • melon;
  • lime;
  • watermelon.

These fruits contain a lot of juice, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance and taste of baked goods. It is also better not to use blackberries, gooseberries, cranberries and blueberries. To decorate baked goods, not only fresh fruits are used, but also canned fruits.

To use them, you need to drain the juice from the jar, and then lightly squeeze the fruit slices themselves. In order not to damage the integrity and beauty of the pieces, they are thrown into a colander.

Fruit roses for decorating cakes

If the housewife is faced with the question of how to decorate a cake with fruit, then at home you can prepare roses using step-by-step photos.

To prepare them you need to prepare:

  • grapes - as much as needed;
  • fresh apples - 2 pieces;
  • dark chocolate - 1 bar;
  • large orange - 1 piece;
  • edible beads;
  • raspberry jelly;
  • mastic flowers;
  • high-quality jelly for cake - 1 pack.

Cooking process:

First, the surface of the cake is leveled using a cream base. In this case, it is best to use butter cream, then the top of the cake will be perfectly smooth.

The chocolate is finely chopped and then used to decorate the sides of the cake.

Three roses are made from an orange; they are not difficult to make; just cut the fruit into thin rings and roll them together into a rose. These roses are placed in the very center of the cake.

Rose petals are also made from apples; they are carefully cut out with a knife and placed on the cake next to the roses. Roses and petals are made from mastic to decorate the bottom of the dessert.

Jelly raspberries are placed on the surface of the dessert. The prepared jelly for the cake is poured on top and decorated with small beads and grapes.

Laying fruit on top

You can consider this option, how to decorate a cake with fruits at home, the simplest, here you can follow the step-by-step photos, or simply use your imagination. The top skin must be lubricated with a thin layer of cream so that the fruit slices are well fixed on the surface of the dessert. After this, cut the fruit into thin slices or circles and begin decorating.

Place the fruits as close to each other as possible, or use overlapping placement.

Registration can be done using different technologies:

  • by color;
  • dessert is decorated with only one type of fruit;
  • For dessert, fruits of different shapes are laid out.

Decorating desserts with jelly and fruits

This method of decoration is considered popular, as it makes it possible to obtain decorations that are well fixed on the surface of the cake. To make this design, you will have to use a springform pan.

The dessert is placed in a container and the fruit is laid out in any suitable way, after which the decoration is filled with special jelly for cakes. As confectioners say, it is best to exclude the use of orange and kiwi in this method, since the acid in their composition does not allow the jelly to harden normally.

Cherry touch

This decoration will look attractive on a snow-white cake with buttercream. Wine berries will be an excellent addition to dessert and will create an unusual decoration; such a cake can be served even at a big celebration. The decorating process can be left to the housewife, here it is enough to use a little imagination, but we should consider the process of preparing such a cherry.

To properly prepare cherries for a cake, you can use several methods at once:

  • the berries are placed with cognac and left there for twelve hours, such cherries are usually used for the “Drunk Cherry” cake;
  • the berries are placed in liqueur and left for a while; at home this method is used extremely rarely;
  • if the dessert is intended for children, then the cherries are simply boiled in syrup, and then sent to the refrigerator to infuse for three days.

Decorating with chocolate-covered strawberries remains very popular. The method is simple to implement and looks very attractive. All you have to do is take beautiful and large strawberries, dip them in melted chocolate and put them in the freezer until they harden. After this, the cake is decorated with these berries.

Cherries can rightfully be considered one of the very first berries of summer. Cherries are one of the very first to appear on the shelves of shops and markets with the first summer sun. This berry is not only incredibly tasty, but also infinitely useful, because it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that our body needs.

The news portal “site” in this article has prepared useful information for you on how to decorate holiday desserts using such tasty and healthy berries as sweet cherries and how to surprise and delight your family and guests.

Curd pudding with cherries recipe

Sweet cherries are very attractive berries in appearance, which will be an excellent decoration for even the most exquisite homemade cake.

One of the simplest options for decorating a birthday cake is to place well-washed and dried berries on the top of the cake.

In order for the berries to hold securely and not roll off the cake, place them on a soft and sticky base in the form of chocolate glaze or fluffy cream.

How to make chocolate frosting for a cake?

Another unusual and luxurious option for decorating a cake with cherries is to prepare small chocolates with the main characters of our article, cherries or cherries, inside.

Buy a few bars of your favorite chocolate, melt it in a water bath, dip it in the melted cherry or cherry chocolate and let the chocolate harden. Decorate your cake with these chocolate balls with berries inside.

If you don’t want to completely cover the berries with chocolate or sugar glaze, you can do it halfway. These cherries on the cake look very appetizing.

You can use Philadelphia cheese to decorate the berries for the cake. Coat each cherry with cheese and then dip into finely grated chocolate or cocoa.

As you can see, there are a great many options for decorating a birthday cake and other desserts with the first summer berries, cherries and cherries. And this means that every housewife will definitely find her own way. Don't be afraid to experiment and invent something new!

Clafoutis with cherries recipe
