Curd soufflé recipe with gelatin without sugar. Curd souffle - recipe with gelatin and fresh fruit. Tips from chefs. In the morning the curd soufflé is ready

We all know very well about the benefits of cottage cheese. However, not everyone likes its slightly sour taste. Therefore, in order mix business with pleasure, we recommend trying the curd soufflé. It turns out very tender and airy. You can prepare cottage cheese soufflé in the oven, slow cooker or microwave. There is a recipe for curd soufflé with gelatin, but in this version the dish loses the texture for which we all love it so much. Next, we will share with you several simple recipes for cottage cheese soufflé, which is perfect for adults and children.

Recipe for dietary curd soufflé in the oven

We need: silicone molds, mixer, blender, spatula, brush.


Step-by-step preparation

Using the same technology, you can prepare a cottage cheese-banana soufflé in the oven.

Video recipe

If you want to clearly see the texture of the curd mass for a soufflé in the oven, we recommend watching the following video.

Curd soufflé in the microwave

Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.
We need: whisk, spatula, silicone molds, microwave.
Number of servings: 9.


Step-by-step preparation

Using the same technology, you can prepare cottage cheese and apple soufflé.

Video recipe

To clearly see what the finished soufflé should look like in the microwave, we recommend watching this video.

Curd soufflé in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 40-45 minutes.
We need: whisk, blender, spatula, slow cooker, brush.
Number of servings: 5.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Separate the yolks of three eggs from the whites and place them in different dishes.

  2. In a separate bowl, combine 3 yolks, 245 grams of cottage cheese, 45 grams of semolina, 45 grams of sour cream and 135 grams of sugar. Blend the resulting mass using an immersion blender.
  3. Combine the curd mass with the whipped egg whites and stir with a spatula.

  4. Place the curd mixture into the slow cooker and smooth it out with a spatula.

  5. Close the multicooker lid, select the “Baking” function and cook for 30 minutes.
  6. After half an hour, transfer the finished soufflé from the multicooker to a plate and serve.

Video recipe

You can see clearly the entire recipe described above for making cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker in the next video.

In the vastness of modern cooking, there are many simple desserts that can be prepared in a home kitchen without any problems. For example, which is suitable for a festive table and for everyday use. contains very few calories due to the fact that it is made from cocoa. requires a minimum of time for its preparation. It is prepared from a mixture of milk and gelatin or agar-agar. Homemade is prepared from only three available ingredients, and it turns out even tastier than store-bought.

Curd soufflé is perfect for a light breakfast. If you have already tried making soufflé using one of our recipes, share your impressions in the comments.

We open the refrigerator... and our gaze suddenly encounters a bowl of cottage cheese left over after stuffing the pancakes. Oh, we have a great chance to show off our talents, cook something airy and tasty, but “in a hurry” - as a creative impromptu! This impromptu will be a no-bake curd soufflé - as a simple way to please your loved ones without having any special culinary skills.
Our tips will help you prepare a delicious and healthy dessert with true pleasure, which will be felt by everyone who tastes a piece of food soaked in your love. And you can add a few more “your little masterpieces” to your collection of recipes.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese soufflé with gelatin


  • - 4 tbsp. l. + -
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g bag + -
  • Gelatin – 25 g + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • Mashed cottage cheese— 300 g + -
  • Fruit or berry syrup- taste + -


Try to prepare an incredibly delicious dessert using the following recipe, which you will certainly remember for its simplicity! You can consider this recipe as a base recipe for making no-bake airy curd pies with different fillings.

  1. To begin with, we dilute the gelatin as written in the instructions on its packaging. A glass of water will be enough.
  2. Pour the pureed cottage cheese into a suitable bowl, mix with sugar and aromatic vanilla.
  3. To the prepared curd mass it is necessary to add milk and gelatin completely dissolved in water. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This result can be easily achieved using a blender. If you don't have a blender, you can use a whisk.
  4. The resulting curd soufflé is poured into molds, fruit or berry syrup is poured on top and refrigerated. The soufflé will harden within two hours.

Yummy! Bon appetit!


  • Cottage cheese - pasty (you can use children's cottage cheese) - 300 g + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • Chocolate (preferably black)— 100 g + -
  • — 200 ml + -
  • Liqueur - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • Cookies – 200 g + -


This recipe does not require heat treatment of the cottage cheese, so all its beneficial properties are preserved. And chocolate will only add sophistication to the dish!

  • We take a baking dish (but we won’t bake anything in it!), grease the sides and its bottom with oil. Next, line the bottom with oiled baking paper.
  • Grind the cookies in a meat grinder or using a blender, mix with cocoa powder. Add heated milk and butter warmed to room temperature to the resulting fine crumbs. Stir until smooth, and carefully, evenly layer the cake onto the bottom of the prepared pan. Place the form with the soufflé base in the refrigerator.
  • We deal directly with the soufflé. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and let it cool. Add cottage cheese, vanillin, powdered sugar and liqueur to the cooled chocolate. Beat all ingredients thoroughly with a blender or mixer until soft and fluffy.
  • Now we take the gelatin, pour it with three tablespoons of hot water and leave it for 10 minutes. Next, put the bowl with the swollen gelatin in the microwave for 30 seconds (for further use we get a clear liquid). Let it cool.
  • In a separate container, whip the cream into a fluffy foam.
  • Let's start preparing the actual curd soufflé. Add gelatin to the whipped curd mass in small portions, constantly whisking all ingredients so that the gelatin is evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
  • Add whipped cream to the resulting curd mass and beat everything thoroughly again. Soufflé - ready!
  • Remove the pan with the cookie crust from the refrigerator and pour the soufflé into it. For complete hardening, the cake must be refrigerated for about 12 hours.

We serve our incredibly delicious dessert solemnly and beautifully! Enjoy your meal!


  • Cottage cheese – 600 g + -
  • Semolina - 0.5 cups + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • Sweet syrup (berry or other)- 6 tbsp. l. + -


This dessert will appeal to little ones with a sweet tooth, especially those who don’t like cottage cheese, and you will like this soufflé for its ease of preparation.

  1. Pour boiling water over the semolina and cook until a thick porridge is obtained. We are waiting for it to cool down.
  2. We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to enrich it with oxygen or use already pureed cottage cheese. Then add it to the cooled semolina porridge. Add butter, vanillin and sugar here.
  3. Separate the yolk from the white. Place the yolk into the curd mass and mix again until smooth. Beat the egg white into a stable foamy peak and gently stir into the curd-semolina mixture to obtain an airy soufflé.
  4. Place the prepared curd mass in ceramic molds, place in a double boiler (you can use a regular grill rack) and steam for 30 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished curd muffins with sweet syrup and serve with tea.

Enjoy your meal!

Another simple recipe for an airy cottage cheese pie is the most popular among mothers with small children. - 1 tbsp. l. + -

  • Banana or apple- 1 PC. + -
  • Preparation

    This airy pie is best for breakfast. Most importantly, it is tasty, healthy, and can be prepared quickly!

    1. Take the pureed curd mass and beat an egg into it. Cut a banana or apple into small cubes and add to the cottage cheese along with sugar. Mix thoroughly.
    2. Place the resulting mixture in the microwave.
    3. In just 5 minutes (using a power of 750 W), we get a healthy and tasty product - tender and nutritious.

    There are a great many options for making cottage cheese soufflé, and everyone can find their own recipe, diversifying it by adding fruits, berries, chocolate, and caramel. We are sure that no-bake cottage cheese soufflé will become your favorite dessert!

    Any curd dessert is a very tender and delicate creation. What can we say about the curd soufflé, which literally just melts in your mouth.

    This velvety delicacy can be prepared in oven, slow cooker, steamer, but many people like curd dessert that is not heat-treated. Maintain and secure its shape, as well as give the dish a pleasant taste sensation gelatin will help.

    The process of creating a soufflé is simple, but it requires patience. Initially, you need to beat the curd base for quite a long time so that it becomes airy, porous, and light. Then you will need to beat the whites just as hard. A mixer and blender will help in this painstaking task.

    Delicate curd mass is delicious combined with fruit and berry fillings. You can buy puree in the store, but it’s tastier, of course, to make it yourself from fresh berries.

    Desserts in which the curd is saturated with the rich aromas of chocolate and cocoa are in no way inferior to the curd-fruit soufflé.

    Traditional method of preparing soufflé with gelatin

    Let's prepare:

    • 200 g cottage cheese
    • 150 g sour cream
    • 20 g gelatin
    • 3 eggs
    • 200 ml milk
    • 100 g sugar
    • a little vanillin

    How to cook:

    Advice. When choosing cottage cheese, give preference to a soft paste-like product that does not contain curd grains. If your budget allows, buy it at the market.

    Cottage cheese, like cream, should be bold or semibold. Milk can be of any fat content. Gelatin is diluted in both cold and hot milk. Please refer to the instructions on the product packaging for exact information.

    Gelatin diluted in cold liquid should be heated before combining with other products, but the prepared substance should not boil, otherwise the soufflé will not harden. The curd base should be whipped at least 5-7 minutes. Whip cream and whites for the same amount. Both of these components must be refrigerated.

    Video recipe for delicate soufflé at home

    Very tasty and tender curd soufflé with fruits

    Let's prepare:

    • 300 g cottage cheese
    • a glass of strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries
    • 2 yolks
    • 4 squirrels
    • 150 g powdered sugar
    • stick of butter
    • 100 ml milk

    How to cook:

    How to make gelatin dessert with bananas?

    Let's prepare:

    • half a kilo of cottage cheese
    • 4 ripe large bananas
    • half a glass of dried apricots
    • kiwi fruit
    • 4 eggs
    • 150 g sugar
    • 25 g gelatin
    • 100 ml milk

    How to cook:

    Before offering the delicacy, decorate each serving with a green kiwi ring and crush it a little with chopped quince pieces.

    Recipe for curd soufflé "Blanmange" without baking

    Prepare a simple soufflé with cocoa

    Let's prepare:

    • 200 g milk
    • 200 g cottage cheese
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa
    • 3 eggs
    • 200 g cream
    • 100 g powdered sugar
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of chocolate chips

    How to cook:

    How to serve a dish correctly?

    Jelly curd soufflé is served as independent dessert treat, decorating it with berries, fruits, chocolate, caramel. This delicacy is wonderful for become a layer in homemade biscuits, cakes, muffins.

    Set the dessert table with beautiful dessert plates (they are slightly larger than a tea saucer), spoons or special forks (they look like spoons with slots).

    Among the drinks offered with the soufflé are tea with milk and honey, or cocoa. Its sweetness is well emphasized by sour fruit drinks and compotes. Pairs perfectly with this dish any dessert alcohol.

    Egg, mint, and coffee liqueurs go well with the soufflé. Try the Irish creamy miracle “Baileys”, the bitter Italian “Amaretto” with an almond aftertaste. You can also serve thick, sweet wine like Cahors or Malaga.

    I hope you are missing good PP desserts. Today we will prepare cottage cheese soufflé. The recipe is quite simple, but the dessert turns out delicious and beautiful. Therefore, it is suitable both for tea drinking with the family and for treating guests visiting the light.

    By the way, about the light - you will hardly need it (or at all, if you have a microwave). Therefore, the recipe is ideal for a hot summer day.

    It can be very difficult to survive a hot summer without ice cream. This is often the only food you want to eat in such merciless weather. It is, of course, delicious, and you can (and should!) treat yourself from time to time. But do not forget that ice cream, firstly, is very high in calories, and secondly, it is not particularly healthy. Sugar and confectionery fats are not foods that should form the basis of your diet. And a tender, cool cottage cheese soufflé is an excellent alternative.

    How to make curd dessert with gelatin


    • soft cottage cheese 5% – 300 gr.
    • sweetener Fit Parade – 5 gr.
    • carob or cocoa – 20 gr.
    • instant gelatin – 10 g.


    - dilute gelatin in 100 ml of water, heat (do not boil!) until liquid, then cool
    — meanwhile, thoroughly mix the remaining ingredients (enter carob or cocoa through a sieve to avoid lumps)

    - add cooled gelatin to the mixture and mix again

    - Fill muffin tins with the prepared mixture. You can use one larger mold, then it will work

    — Place the curd soufflé in the refrigerator for 30 minutes until completely set. If you use one large mold, increase the cooling time.

    Curd soufflé is ready

    When serving, the dessert can be decorated with chocolate chips or berries. Bon appetit!

    I am often asked about the use of carob. And chocolate curd soufflé is a great example. By the way, the taste will be completely different depending on whether you buy raw or roasted bean powder.

    Raw carob is more tender and sweet, while fried carob is more like chocolate.

    You can make many other light and tasty desserts from cottage cheese: light cakes. You will find all these recipes on my blog. The desserts turn out tender, they contain a lot of protein and calcium - ideal for both children and mothers on a diet.

    When preparing cottage cheese soufflé, the recipe can be slightly modified. For example, add cinnamon or vanilla to the mixture, banana pieces or nut crumbs... That's the beauty of simple desserts! You can experiment with them as much as you like. By changing one ingredient, you get a new dish each time.

    I can’t say that I’m a big fan of jelly, and despite this, I cook it often, because the rest of the household simply adore this dessert. Every time I try to experiment with taste and ingredients. In addition to the obligatory gelatin, I add various berries and fruits, add cookies, biscuits, marmalade, pour it in layers and even make pies with jelly.

    However, it didn’t take me long to become an expert in preparing such a delicacy. For a long time I was afraid to even touch gelatin. No, he didn’t bite me or scare me, it’s just that when I was a teenager I somehow tried to dissolve the crystals, and in the end I ended up with a whole bowl of an incomprehensible viscous mass. Of course, it went into the trash, and I forgot about this miracle product for several years. Now I can say with confidence, carefully read the instructions for use.

    If I had then read and taken the right ratio of gelatin and water, then perhaps my first experience with it would have been more successful. Therefore, you should not neglect the finely written text on the packaging, otherwise you risk being left without the intended dish, and the family without a delicious dessert.

    To make sure that gelatin is actually easy to prepare, today I suggest you learn how to prepare curd soufflé with gelatin. I am sure that cocoa lovers will appreciate this delicacy, as well as cottage cheese lovers. It turns out airy, moderately sweet, with a pleasant smell and appearance. Why wouldn't you like a treat for a children's party?

    step by step photo recipe for cottage cheese jelly with gelatin


    • cottage cheese – 150-170 g,
    • sugar – 0.5 cups,
    • sour cream – 3 heaped tablespoons,
    • cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon,
    • gelatin – 1 tablespoon,
    • warm boiled water – 1 glass.

    Cooking process:

    If you wish, you can add a pinch of vanillin, coconut flakes, cinnamon, and then your dessert will sparkle with even greater colors. In a convenient deep bowl, combine sugar, sour cream and cottage cheese.

    By the way, about birds... or rather, about cottage cheese. If you want its grains in the jelly not to be visible or felt, then take the paste type. You can even use sweet curd mass, but in this case, vary the amount of sugar that you need to add, if necessary, of course. I had regular grainy cottage cheese. I didn’t rub it through a sieve, this can also be done to get a homogeneous product, but I just mixed it right away with the other ingredients. Using a mixer, beat everything thoroughly. Add cocoa and turn on the mixer again. For coffee aroma, you can use instant coffee powder.

    The result is a fragrant curd-chocolate mass.

    We set it aside for a while and work on gelatin. Pour water into a saucepan or metal bowl. Immediately take a vessel that can be placed on the stove. Add gelatin, mix and simmer over low heat.

    The main thing here is not to miss the moment. If you are distracted and the contents boil, the gelatinous mass is spoiled. You can start all over again. Stirring constantly, dissolve it over low heat until the crystals dissolve. Then pour it into the already prepared cottage cheese mixture and mix. On some packages there are recommendations to pour gelatin with water and let it swell, then just heat it up.

    Pour the curd base for jelly into molds, bowls or jars and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

    The curd soufflé is ready, you can take a sample.

    Bon appetit!
