Why do they throw eggs into the garden? Some tips for preparing chicken eggs Cooking poached eggs

Do not cook the freshest ones.

Fresh eggs are very difficult to clean after boiling. Therefore, it is advisable to let the eggs sit in the refrigerator for a while.

When buying eggs in a store, be sure to check when they were packaged. This, of course, does not guarantee that the date is real, but you can roughly get your bearings.

Before cooking, take eggs that are in the refrigerator.

It is difficult to calculate the time and cook eggs exactly to the degree of readiness as originally intended. To get the desired result, you need to boil the eggs immediately after you take them out of the refrigerator.

Cleaning a chicken egg

Sharp temperature contrast after cooking.

After cooking, pour cold water over the eggs and let them sit for a while. After this, the shell itself will lag behind the eggs.

Cleaning with a can of water.

Pour water into the jar, about 1/3 of the entire container. Place the boiled egg there, close the jar with a lid and shake it. After these manipulations, the shell will fall away from the egg on its own.

Roll the eggs on the surface

Tap the finished egg on the surface of the table, then lightly pressing it down, roll it back and forth a couple of times. This will make it easier for you to remove the shell from the egg.

Cooking poached eggs

You need to break the eggs into a separate container for cooking.

For this we need the freshest eggs possible. Before dipping them into boiling water, break the eggs into a separate cooking container. This way you can carefully place the egg into the water without damaging its shape.

Whirlpool in a pan

To prevent the egg from spreading in the pan, use a spoon or any other cutlery to create a whirlpool, and then carefully pour the egg into the water.

Pre-heat eggs in their shells

A cook named Julia Child came up with one way that helps to cook poached meat without losing the desired shape. To do this, before breaking, the egg must be immersed in boiling water for 7 seconds.

Methods for frying eggs

Turn down the heat

There is no need to heat the pan to maximum. Cooking chicken eggs over low heat is considered the most optimal. This way we will get soft and tender scrambled eggs.

It is advisable to cook on a non-stick coating

This coating is ideal for preparing any dish, especially scrambled eggs. With such a coating you can easily move the finished dish onto a plate.

Strain the omelet before cooking

To get the air screw, before putting it in the pan, pass it through a sieve. This way, all unbeaten pieces will remain on the sieve.

Turn off the fire in time.

If you do not remove the frying pan from the stove in time, the dish will lose its tenderness. It is advisable to turn off the heat when the scrambled eggs are no longer raw, but not completely cooked. After this, cover with a lid and wait about 5 minutes. The heat of the pan will be enough for the eggs to fully cook.

You will definitely surprise everyone with this food!
I present to you a simple way to boil an egg so as to swap its main components, that is, so that the yolk is on the outside and the white is on the inside.

Shine a flashlight through a raw egg

See how bright it is? This suggests that the egg is ready for perversion

Wrap the egg in duct tape

From the outside it may seem stupid, but don't worry, science does things all the time that at first glance seem like complete nonsense

Wrap an egg inside your tights

After wrapping the egg in tights, don’t forget to secure it so that it doesn’t end up on your kitchen wall. To do this, you need to make a knot or secure it with something on both sides.

Grasp the ends of the tights and rotate the egg

The fun part. Be careful not to break an egg on your head

Shine the light on the egg again

The egg doesn't glow? Great! That means it's ready to cook! If the egg doesn’t glow, it means you didn’t ride it well on the pantyhose carousel, and you’ll have to repeat it again.

Boil it

Remove the egg from the tights, but do not remove the adhesive tape from it. Place the egg in warm water and cook it for 10-15 minutes, rolling it around the pan from side to side. Once the egg has cooked, place it in a bowl of cold water.


Peel and cut the egg, voila. You can have a moment of self-satisfaction, because you managed to boil an egg inside out!

Eggs are so nutritious that they are called "natural multivitamins." In addition to vitamins, they also contain unique antioxidants and powerful brain nutrients that the body is often deficient in. Here are six reasons why eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

High nutritional value

One whole egg contains an amazing array of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, healthy fats, etc. They contain almost all the vitamins and minerals that the human body needs. It is very important to understand that almost all the nutrients are contained in the yolk.

Improved lipid profile

Scientists studied how eating eggs affects the risk of heart disease and found no connection between the two factors. Including this product in the diet improves the lipid profile and generally has a beneficial effect on health. One study found that eating three whole eggs a day reduced insulin resistance and increased HDL levels. However, diabetics should still use this product with caution.

Low choline intake is associated with liver disease, heart disease and neurological disorders. This nutrient is especially important for pregnant women. Research suggests that its deficiency may increase the risk of neural tube defects and lead to cognitive decline in a child. The best sources of choline are egg yolks and beef liver.

Eggs are rich in protein, which is the main building material of the body and a source of energy. One can talk endlessly about its benefits, but one thing is certain - foods high in protein must be present in the diet.

Benefits for your figure

Include this product in your diet and you will get rid of extra pounds. Eggs contain a lot of protein and healthy fats. They saturate the body, satisfying hunger. Research shows that eating eggs for breakfast can lead to fat loss.

In one study, women who were overweight or obese were divided into two groups. One group ate eggs for breakfast, and the second group ate bagels (an American pastry). Both breakfasts had the same energy value. The experiment found that women who ate eggs felt more full and ate fewer calories for the rest of the day and for the next 36 hours.

In another study that lasted for 8 weeks, eating eggs for breakfast resulted in significant weight loss compared to the pounds lost by study participants who ate bagels.

Eggs contain two antioxidants that are beneficial for eye health. We are talking about lutein and zeaxanthin contained in the yolks. They significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, which are among the leading causes of visual impairment and blindness in older adults.

In one study, consuming 1.3 egg yolks per day for 4.5 weeks increased blood levels of zeaxanthin by 114-142% and lutein by 28-50%. These are very high indicators confirming the benefits of this product for eye health.

It turns out that this is a real magical ritual. They throw eggs into the garden to harm and spoil the fertile soil. This is practiced by envious people, but not without the help of healers, if they are not such. There can be a lot of reasons, so let's look at this phenomenon in more detail.

What to do if you find an egg in the garden

If you see an egg in the garden, you shouldn’t pick it up with your bare hands, you can’t know why the egg was planted. Next, you need to find out the purpose of the person who did this. To do this, put on old gloves, but without holes, and take the “gift” in your hands. Take it out of the garden and break it up.

If all the contents inside are black, it means they want to harm you. Burn the broken egg away from the garden, preferably where people do not go. And don’t forget about gloves, they should also be thrown into the fire. Sprinkle the ashes with damp earth so that all the negativity remains in the ground. Then take a fresh egg and start rolling it from the very entrance along the right side of the perimeter of the garden, then along the left side and towards the exit with the words: “As the bad thing rolled in, so it rolled back.” After performing this ritual, burn the egg away from the garden.

A broken egg has blood veins inside. This means that the damage was caused by a blood relative. It’s bad that people close to you are trying to harm you, and, simply put, their goal is to ruin the soil in your garden. Perhaps it is envy if your harvest is many times greater than theirs. Or they want to get your land in this way, which in two seasons will cease to be fertile due to these magical actions.

After destroying the planted egg, for three days, pay attention to who comes to your garden. Perhaps the culprit will be discovered.


Don't tell anyone about your high yields, especially your neighbors. Don’t fight over the land, there is enough for everyone - both in this world and in the next world too. If you share the harvest, then symbolically take money in return.

Why do they do the “egg rolling” ritual?

For example, in magic you can do the following.

1. Remove any family damage. On a certain day, they take a domestic egg from under a black chicken and perform a ritual “rollback”. This means that they roll back any negative energy flow that was sent through the astral world into the real world - to you. This is done by knowledgeable people who, at the request, out of envy or their own anger, want to harm a specific family or one person.

But not every magician, sorcerer, or sorcerer will undertake such a task. To do this, you need to have good protection because “reckoning” will come, a kind of reverse blow, which will be many times stronger.
For bad purposes, you should not perform the “egg rolling” rituals, otherwise you will get what you deserve and there may be sad consequences.

2. Reduce the disease. By rolling an egg around the entire body, you can remove the disease and reduce it to the egg. Then, at the intersection of four roads, you should roll the testicle away from you with your left hand and silently go home. This action quickly puts seriously ill people on their feet and restores vitality. It especially helps children when doctors cannot find out the cause of the disease.

Editor's note

Soviet history... From the seventies.
June... Beginning of the session... Student dormitory... Saturday...
Most of the students had gone home for the weekend yesterday, but without saying a word, they stayed. Zoya and Sergey are classmates.
Small dorm room with a large window.
Zoya and Sergey pretend that they are solving a RGZ (calculation and graphic task in electrical engineering). RGZ is a reason to be together, and (this is especially valuable in a dorm environment), to be alone, when there is no one nearby and no one bothers you. For the third week now they have been dating, walking, going to the cinema and just once, as if as a joke, they kissed. For Zoya this kiss is nothing; with Sergei she wants more. Much more! But how can he, such a modest person, tell him about this?

Sergei sits next to her, sometimes accidentally touching her with his hand or knee. This is pleasant - both for her and for him; Fortunately, they don’t have any extra clothes on, he’s wearing a T-shirt and shorts, she’s wearing a robe. Looking at this simple robe, you might think that Sergei took Zoya by surprise with his arrival. But that's not true. Zoya knew that he would come and got ready: she ran to the shower twice, curled her hair with curlers, put on makeup, perfume, and even managed to polish and coat her fingernails and toenails with pink-pearl varnish. As for the robe, Zoya put it on on purpose. Tight and very short, the robe, in her opinion, best emphasizes the lines of her body. In addition, the robe can be easily unfastened. Just three buttons. One, two, three... However, Zoya is not sure that it will come to this. I would like to! Under her robe she is wearing very bold panties and a beautiful lace bra. Zoya wants Sergei to see all this! The panties are very tight, narrow and so transparent that every pubic hair is visible. The bra only supports the large (to the envy of her friends!) breasts, leaving them almost completely open...

Taking a break from the RGZ, they talk about music and new films. In general, nothing... The sun is hot. The usual noise is heard from the window. Cars, trolleybuses... There is a strong smell of asphalt. The road outside is being repaired.
-Well, how long can you smoke? - Zoya feigns indignation and goes to the window.

Sergei looks at her from behind. Her blonde, dyed hair falls in waves over her shoulders. The robe high exposes beautiful legs covered with an even tan.
“Yes, they don’t smoke much,” he says.
- It’s still disgusting.

Zoya turns away from the window. Now they are separated by a table littered with books and notebooks. Zoya, bending down, begins to move them from place to place.
- The red pencil disappeared somewhere... Didn't you see it?
“Nope,” Sergei says quietly.

Sergei has no time for a pencil. Because Zoya bends over, her robe comes off in front, and Sergei sees her breasts. His heart skips a beat. He had never seen such sweet “fruits” from anyone. How big they are! Just about to fall out of the white bra. Long live the robe! Doesn't hide anything. And long live Zoya herself! He bends over so that not only his breasts, but also his stomach are visible. Sergei's mouth becomes dry. And Zoya catches his long glance and, not at all embarrassed, says:
-I think you're getting distracted. You're peeking...
Sergei is lost.
-I’m not spying on anything... I’m just looking.
-So how is it? Beautiful?
Zoya straightens up.
- You lie and don’t blush.

“I’m not lying,” Sergei mutters. He remembers her legs and adds, “Also... your legs... are beautiful!” And you walk beautifully.
-Really? - Zoya rejoices. Until today, Sergei has not complimented her - how do you like it? So? - She moves away from the table and slowly walks around the room, deliberately swaying her hips.
Sergei nods his head.
Zoya shrugs coquettishly.
-I didn’t think so.
At this time, something rumbles outside the window, the smell of bitumen becomes stronger. Zoya returns to the window again and looks out onto the street.
-Dump truck. The asphalt fell down.
Her robe is riding up dangerously.
-What dump truck? - Sergei is “interested” and approaches her.
"Finally." - Zoya sighs to herself.

The window has only one sash open; they look at the dump truck and inevitably touch each other's shoulders, sides, hips. The workers, talking loudly, are scattering and leveling the asphalt, but Zoya and Sergei do not see or hear them. They freeze in the window and listen to something completely different: themselves, their feelings. These feelings are pleasant. Zoya involuntarily weakens, feeling the strength and warmth emanating from Sergei, and he gets drunk from the smell of her body and hair. He understands that this state can end at any moment. Sooner or later, Zoya will get tired of feigning “interest” in the process of laying asphalt and then... Sergei makes up his mind! He puts his hand on Zoya’s waist. Zoya pretends not to notice anything, but at the same time presses closer to him. Sergei opens his palm wider; he it seems that this way he will cover and feel a much larger part of her soft side. Zoya moves in response. Her breathing becomes deeper. Sergei uses his second hand, for which he has to move a little back. His thigh touches her thigh, which opened under the edge high robe lifted up. This touch is like a burn! Zoya rises, gently pushing herself off the window sill, and... rests against Sergei with her barely covered buttocks! He blushes with shame - after all... he already has an erection! And she? It turns out she’s not ashamed! Zoya feels his penis, but... doesn't pull away! This is like a signal for him. Act! Be bolder! Freezing with impudence, Sergei moves his hands from her waist to her hips, then a little lower and climbs under her robe. A trembling completely permeates him, which he unable to contain it. Zoya is also trembling, but not as noticeably. “Lord, how good!..” - she thinks. Sergei slides his hands again, only now up and under the robe: his palms stroke the full thighs, rise to the wide hips, linger on the panties, his fingers touch the elastic and are surprised at how tight it is and how deeply it cuts into the tender girl’s body. With his hands, Sergei feels Zoya’s condition, her breathing and heartbeat - sharp and frequent. And his heart doesn’t just beat, it pounds like a bell in his chest...

Zoya straightens up and presses her back to him. Sergei gains determination and, choking on the scent of her hair, kisses her on the back of her head. Zoya slowly, with an intermittent sigh, turns to him, slightly throws her head back and, parting her lips, closes her eyes. It looks like a request or even an order: “Kiss! On the lips!” It is a crime to disobey such an order, and Sergei kisses her, first on the neck, then on the cheek and finally on the lips. Zoya responds by gently sucking his lips. His head is spinning. He had never kissed so nicely before. His hands stroke her back (that’s what a robe means, it doesn’t get in the way!), tied up by a tight strip of bra, and then scatter in different directions: the right one crawls up, to the hot wet armpit, the left one falls down, onto the thigh, where the narrow strip of panties sharply turns into a triangle of thin fabric, symbolically covering the buttocks.

Zoya suddenly comes to her senses:
-Window! They will see us.
-Who needs us?
-Doesn't matter.
She draws the curtains. The hem of the robe rides up above the panties. Sergei's arms and legs are becoming weak - only now he really saw how big, tight and round her butt is. Standing half-turned to her, Sergei again puts his hands under her robe, pressing one palm to her buttocks, and the other to her elastic breasts, which seem huge to the touch. Zoya does not remain in debt and, as if by chance, touches the waistband of his shorts with her fingers.

They excite each other to the limit, and it seems that no one and nothing can bring them out of this state. It is difficult for them to stand, they want to lie down, but neither he nor she dares to be the first to take a step towards the bed. Sergei’s breathing is shortened over and over again, he is tense, his penis seems to be stiff and is bursting with a stake in his swimming trunks and shorts. But Zoya, on the contrary, has a relaxed, supple whole body. She feels his penis pressing into her stomach, and it makes her feel pleasantly dizzy, her cheeks glow with a crimson blush, the skin all over her body burns, as if pricked by a thousand small needles, and below, between her legs... oh! It’s also hot there, and also ticklish, wet, slippery...

Clothes get in the way; they have long been superfluous. With trembling fingers, Sergei touches and immediately releases the top button on the robe, then touches it again and... unfastens it! Zoya sighs. “Two left...” Then one... And... that’s it! Sergei opens his robe and presses against her. Kissing her, feeling her body is much more pleasant than doing the same through a robe. Zoya lowers her hands and moves her shoulders back a little. “He wants to take off his robe completely!” - Sergei guesses and helps her. The robe falls to the floor. Realizing that the next step is his, Sergei takes off his T-shirt and shorts. They stand for several minutes, kissing and pressing into each other. The feeling of their almost complete nakedness makes their heads spin. I want more! I want to completely undress. Sergei puts Zoya’s hands behind her back and timidly tries to unfasten her bra. He's trying, because he's never done it before. He fiddles with the small clasp for an excruciatingly long time, but, alas, nothing works. Zoya comes to his aid and with a quick, almost imperceptible movement of her fingers, unclasps her bra. The breasts fall out of the lace cups and, unconstrained, acquire a beautiful, oblong-rounded shape. Sergei looks at them without looking away. And Zoya looks at him and rejoices at what she sees in his eyes: love, admiration!

Without breathing, Sergei slides the thin straps off her shoulders, and the bra slides down her arms to the floor. Zoya doesn't pick it up - she doesn't want to be distracted by anything. Her nipples stand straight out, and the skin on the pinkish circles around them is covered with pimples. Sergei presses himself against her and barely restrains himself so as not to groan. But Zoya can’t hold back and moans quietly, sweetly. She had never felt so good with anyone! All her previous suitors tried to get her to “give” them, but they never got it. None of them turned her head. But Sergei turned his head...

Zoya reaches her hand towards his swimming trunks; her hot palm slowly creeps under the elastic band and stops as soon as her fingers touch the coarse hair. Not expecting this from her, Sergei shudders and experiences a not entirely pleasant feeling. This feeling is jealousy! But to whom? He does not know. Yes, it doesn’t matter. Zoya's courage raises vague suspicions: a girl, if she is modest, will not get into a guy's panties... And if Zoya does this, does that mean he is not her first? Were there others? I wonder how much?

Fortunately, evil suspicions do not torment Sergei for long. He has enough sense to think: “What do I care about this? She’s not my fiancée...”
Zoya, meanwhile, slowly pulls the elastic band of his swimming trunks down. She leans back slightly and this seems to give Sergei a reason to hold her by the waist. There is another meaning in her movement: hugging her waist, he involuntarily puts his hands on her panties. “I’ll take it off!” flashes through his head, “she’s not shy.” He puts his trembling fingers under the tight elastic band of his panties, pulls it back and!.. Sweet moments! They simultaneously remove each other's last clothes. Zoya looks at his erect penis with wide eyes. Before that, she had only seen “manhood” in photographs that occasionally appeared in the dormitory. These photographs, usually taken in the form of cards, were of great interest to the girls and, passed from hand to hand, from room to room, were worn down to holes. But those are photographs. And here - in reality!..

She is overcome with indescribable excitement. How many times had she imagined this situation and couldn’t fully imagine it! A real man's dick! The guy's dick that will make her (at least she really wants it) a woman.

Zoya is getting weaker. The thick, long penis amazes her with its size. Plump bluish veins make its surface uneven and lumpy; the blunt fleshy head seems huge. It is impossible to imagine this colossus in yourself. “I can’t!” she thinks with sweet horror.

And Sergei also looks down, but does not see as much as she does. He sees only the bottom of her slightly convex belly, which turns into her pubis, covered with thick curly hair. Nothing else. The main secret is hidden from his eyes between her legs...

They sit on the bed. Sergei presses his face between her breasts. The smell of her skin has an intoxicating effect on him. Her heart is pounding beneath her skin. Sergei wraps his lips around the nipple and sucks. He does the same with the second nipple. Zoya sighs convulsively and presses his head to her. She throws her head back, and his hands move to her shoulders and his lips to her neck. He slowly pushes her onto her back. Everything happens silently, words are not needed now. Only lips, hands, touches, sighs and the quiet creaking of the bed springs...

Sergei kisses all of Zoya. When his lips are at the neat, deep navel, he feels Zoe shudder; her hips move slightly apart, and it even seems to him that she leans forward with them. The hard cock presses against her thigh. Zoya is eager to take the penis with her hand; from the words of her friends, she knows how to caress it, but... no! She lacks courage. Sergei presses her tightly to him. She gives in to his arms, presses her whole body into him, and he, unable to stay on his side, turns over onto his back. He grabs her buttocks and pulls her up along his body to reach her lips with his lips. Zoya also wants to kiss him, but does not have time: a loud moan suddenly escapes from her parted, deeply breathing lips. The reason is more pleasant than a kiss: her vagina runs over the penis. Without thinking about shame, Zoya groans and rubs against him, albeit from above, without penetration, but for her, a virgin, this is a lot.

Sergei wants to continue. From the stories of his friends, he knows how to do it: everything is simple, he knocked him down, spread his legs, and planted him! But in practice... He moves Zoya higher, so that the hollow of her vagina is on the head of his penis. With his head he feels moisture and warmth, and understands that this is IT!, this is where he should enter, but... how? How to stick it in without making her uncomfortable and ruining everything?!

Zoya doesn’t know either and continues to rub herself without letting the dick in. Let Sergei do it himself. He's a man!

Pleasure fills her. The feeling is almost unbearable! The vaginal lips swell and open slightly; a small tubercle protrudes in their upper part. This tubercle in Zoya is the most sensitive place, as, indeed, in all girls and women in the world...

At some point, Zoya loses patience. She is excited beyond all measure and, not recognizing her voice, half-whispers and half-moans:
-Seryozha... I can’t take it anymore!..
These words contain everything: agreement, desire, impatience and even reproach: “Do something!”

And Sergei does. He puts his hand between her full thighs, and his finger surprisingly easily, as if attracted by a magnet, slips into the soft slippery slit. In this case, the finger touches the same tubercle. Zoya is seized with feverish trembling. She moans out loud. Guessing that he has pleased her, Sergei repeats the movement with his finger. Then again and again! Zoya grabs his shoulders with unexpectedly strong hands.
-Oh oh!

He reaches his lips to her shoulder, then to her neck and to her earlobe. Her whole body is covered in goosebumps. His instinct tells him that the right moment has arrived. Was not! Sergei knocks Zoya onto her back and leans on top. She doesn't mind! He's finally doing what he's supposed to do. Her legs spread, her arms nervously clasping his back. Sergei leans on his elbows and pokes his dick at random. Once, twice, three times... tenth time! Useless! Misses. Zoya waits, not disturbing him in any way. The touch of the penis teases her, turns her on, causing her vagina to tighten. Zoya... wants! And from this desire her legs bend even more at the knees and spread apart.

And Sergei is in a panic! He can't do anything. Something tells him that he needs to help himself with his hand, but for some reason he is embarrassed to do it. He breaks into a sweat from excitement. And then Zoya helps him out.
“Wait...” she whispers and, taking the penis with her hand, directs its head into herself. Where to go!

Sergei immediately perks up. This may be just the beginning, but still! He's almost there! The soft, tender lips of the vagina wrap around the head in a warm, tight ring. He makes a smooth movement forward and freezes at Zoya's loud moan. The entire head is pressed into the vagina. How cramped it is there! Just a vice! Sergei pushes again, and Zoya is already screaming. She's in pain. The dick is big, but that doesn’t scare her; the desire to feel it in yourself is stronger than any fear. Yielding to this desire, she raises her butt. The penis goes even deeper. The head is already resting against the film, stretching it. Zoya's heart begins to beat wildly. Gasping, Sergei pulls his penis out of the vagina a centimeter and pushes it inside again. Sharper and stronger! Zoya digs her nails into his shoulders and suddenly feels that everything is done!.. It’s done! The hymen is torn! And the penis immediately enters, no, falls into the hot, tight depths of the now ex-girlfriend.

Circles swim before Zoya’s eyes, tears appear in her eyes, and her whole body is covered in hot sweat. With surprise and joy, she feels that the pain is rapidly disappearing, replaced by new sensations. The penis pleasantly expands, stretches, and seems to fill her entire body.

Ready to scream with happiness, Sergei makes flexible movements with his lower back. Back and forth, back and forth... Added to their breathing and the creaking of the bed is the squelching sound of the penis sliding into the vagina. This sound seems indecent to Zoya, but... what can she do? After all, it's natural. And what is natural is not ugly...

Zoya gets drunk and “floats” with pleasure. All the girls said one thing about their first time - it hurt. With her everything is different! She has bliss! This bliss makes you short of breath and dizzy; an inexplicable sweetness enters every cell of the body and grows, intensifies with every second. Her hands boldly caress Sergei’s buttocks, and her legs wrap around his back in a tight ring. Sergei takes care of her, is afraid of hurting her, so he moves slowly and carefully, and she is already ready for more; she just wants to demand from him in a hot whisper in his face: “Darling, even more!.. faster!.. deeper!..” and at the same time bend sharply towards him...

Sergei suddenly tenses up. His face is distorted by a grimace of pleasure. Zoya understands that this is the end and manages to warn him:
- Serezhenka! Take it out!

Sergei jerks back; the penis slips out of the vagina and, twitching, shoots out tight jets of thick hot sperm...
