11 cups black currants 13 cups sugar. Do you make such jam “royally”? Preparing jars and lids for closing jam, marmalade, etc.



Ingredients: currants - 7 glasses, sugar - 9 glasses, water - 3 glasses.

You need to sort and wash the berries. Get rid of the branches. Dry the currants by spreading them on a towel. Place the dried berries in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, add 3 cups of sugar and stir. After the next boil, add sugar again. And then - again. In total - three times three glasses. Mix well and skim off the foam.

After the third boil, cook the marmalade for 2-3 minutes. If you cook longer, the marmalade will not harden! Pour the marmalade as quickly as possible into dry sterile jars and close with sterile lids, store in a dark place.


Ingredients: currants - 1 kg, sugar - 500 kg, water - 0.5 cups.

Sort, wash, dry the berries. Pour half a glass of water into a bowl or saucepan. Add sugar and heat. Once the sugar has dissolved, add the berries. Boil the blackcurrants until the jam begins to pull away from the sides of the pan. Be sure to keep an eye on it and stir constantly. Spread the finished figs in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment and dry.

The figs can be cut into strips, sprinkled with sugar and stored in a cardboard box in the refrigerator. You can cut out various figures with a mold and decorate various confectionery products. Ribbons and bows turn out very beautiful.


Ingredients: currants - 1 kg, sugar - 600 g.

Sort through the berries, rinse under running cool water, drain in a colander and let dry a little. Grind the currants in a meat grinder, add sugar, stir, put the mixture of berries and sugar in a saucepan or cauldron, bring to a boil over medium heat, immediately remove from heat and let cool.

Repeat cooking by bringing to a boil three times, and each time after boiling you need to increase the cooking time after boiling by 2-3 minutes. When cooking jam, constantly stir the berry mass. After all the cooking, pass the still hot currants again through a meat grinder with the smallest holes in the grate.

Place the berry mass in a saucepan on the stove again, bring to a boil over low heat, immediately pour into small sterilized jars, and close with sterile lids after cooling.


Ingredients: sugar - 1.5 kg, currants - 1 kg, water - 2 cups.

Sort the berries, remove debris and twigs, rinse and dry on a towel. Weigh to determine the right amount of sugar. About 700 g of currants fit into a liter jar.

Place the currants in a bowl, add water at the rate of 1.5-2 cups per 1 kg. Put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Add sugar at the rate of 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries, stir, bring to a boil again and cook for another 15 minutes.

The finished jelly becomes thick and hangs on the walls of the pelvis. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. This jelly can be stored in the pantry.

Currants with sugar without cooking

Ingredients: currants - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg.

(If you store currants in the refrigerator, take the same amount of sugar as berries. If you put them in the pantry, then there should be twice as much sugar).

Before chopping the berries, you need to carefully sort them out, remove twigs and leaves. Then the currants should be washed under running water, poured onto a towel and dried.

Mix berries and sugar, grind with a blender or grind through a meat grinder. First, store the mixture in a clean enamel pan, covered with a clean towel, in a cool room for two days. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar and prevent fermentation.

Transfer to sterilized jars, leaving 3-4 cm to the neck. Then add sugar almost to the edge. Cover with nylon lids or tie with parchment paper and twine. Put it in the pantry or refrigerator.

Five-minute jam

Ingredients: currants - 1 kg, sugar - 1.5 kg.

Sort the berries, remove all small branches, rinse and dry on a towel.

Place the currants in a wide bowl, add sugar and stir. Now the berries should give juice, it is better to leave them for 10-12 hours. To speed up the process, you can stir periodically.

After this, transfer the berries to a thick-walled saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then put the jam into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over, wrap and let cool completely.


Ingredients: sugar - 13 cups, currants - 11 cups, water - 1.5 cups.

Pour water into a container for making jam, add washed, sorted berries, turn on high heat, quickly bring to a boil, boil for 8-10 minutes after boiling.

Next, remove the berries from the heat, add sugar, mix thoroughly and let the jam cool. Pour the prepared blackcurrant jam-jelly into clean jars and seal with plastic lids. This jam should be stored in a cool place.

Blackcurrant and raspberry compote

Ingredients: currants, water - 1 l, sugar - 1 kg, raspberries - 200 g, lemon balm - 2-3 sprigs, lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Sort and rinse the currants. Blanch in boiling water for 5 seconds, place in prepared three-liter jars, top with lemon slices and lemon balm sprigs. Prepare the syrup: add sugar and raspberries to the water. Bring to a boil and pour in the currants. After aging, drain the syrup, bring to a boil and pour over the berries again. Immediately seal the jars with lids.

Love this jam from berries and oranges. To prepare it, you can take any berries, but do not change their proportions - maintain the number of oranges, the total number of glasses of berries, and sugar. It can be cooked both raw and hot. Check out the recipe, maybe you will still have time to prepare such a delicious dish.

So, the basic recipe for royal jam:
6 cups black currants;
2 cups red currants;
2 cups raspberries;

13 glasses of sugar.

Cooking with xaa.su/24Mh

Pass clean berries through a meat grinder. Wash the oranges, scald them with boiling water, cut them so that they fit into a meat grinder (into 4 or more pieces) and remove the seeds, if any. Pass the prepared oranges through a meat grinder. Add 13 cups of sugar and mix everything well.

Tsar's jam can be stored fresh, but then the jars must be kept in the refrigerator. Or you can bring the berry-orange-sugar mixture to a boil, pour it into sterilized jars and cover with clean lids. Such jam can be stored both in the cellar and in the pantry, that is, like any other jam.

To sterilize jars, hold empty jars upside down over steam, which will kill bacteria. Using the same method, you can ensure the sterility of the lids for closing the jars, or simply boil them while still hot and screw them on. MAINLY remember safety precautions. Remember that the steam is very hot, so keep the lids and jars with a clean, dry towel, and the jars themselves are best held not in your hand, but placed on a sieve or colander.

The basic recipe for jam is described above, but no one says that it cannot be changed. Here is the recipe for royal jam, which was prepared this summer:

2 tbsp. black currant;
2 tbsp. strawberries;
3 tbsp. raspberries;
3 tbsp. red currant;
2 oranges (large size);
13 glasses of sugar.
Yes, strawberries were also added here, which only improved the jam. The aroma and taste of this royal jam is difficult to convey. It's simply delicious. Each berry gives its own unique taste, which is complemented by the taste of orange, the zest of which gives a simply colossal effect. Well, you can see that royal jam is healthy by its composition. It's just a vitamin bomb.

More tips for making royal jam:

The berries should be passed through a meat grinder along with sugar. That is, add a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of berries, and again sugar, berries, and so on until you run out of berries. This will allow you to twist them more thoroughly. Then pour the remaining sugar into the puree and mix well.
Bring the jam to a boil, which will give a more homogeneous mass without sugar crystals.
When the jars of jam have cooled, be sure to label what kind of jam it is and when it was made (write down the full date, not just the year).
Now you know how to make royal jam. Such jam is worthy of being in the best homes, and since the readers of my blog are the best, it simply should be in your homes.
I just want to add that this masterpiece of preparing berries is best prepared in different versions:

Use the basic recipe for royal jam.
Prepare according to the recipe with the addition of strawberries.
Add other berries and change the proportion of berries. The main thing is to save the number of oranges, the total number of glasses of berries, and sugar.
Leave some of the jam raw and store in the refrigerator, and bring some to a boil and store as usual sweet preparations.
In a separate notebook with recipes, write down the date of preparation, what was added and in what proportions, and whether it was cooked or not. In this case, you do not have to stick the full recipe for royal jam on each jar, but just the name and date. Eat it as a delicacy and then, firstly, you won’t get tired of it, and, secondly, it will bring benefits and not harm in the form of additional calories.

Blood sugar is a criterion for many processes in the body of a healthy person and in the treatment tactics of a diabetic patient. The level of glucose (glycemia) in the analysis indicates the state of carbohydrate metabolism. According to this indicator, medication intake, menu and lifestyle of the patient are adjusted. What are the dangers of increased glucose levels and what to do if blood sugar is 13?

Blood glucose levels - normal and pathological

Blood is donated “for sugar” regularly, at every medical preventive examination, upon admission to kindergarten, to study, to work.

The numbers in the results show how many mmol of glucose are present in 1 liter of the patient’s blood.

There are physiological norms for blood sugar limits for the fasting state and after meals.

If the patient has suspicions of glucose tolerance, then a special “sugar curve” analysis is performed, which shows the absorption of glucose over time. The basis for suspicion of a prediabetic condition is the excess of the sugar level in the morning before meals.

Normal glucose levels:

  • For a healthy person: before meals no higher than 5 mmol/l, 2 hours after meals up to 5.5 mmol/l;
  • For a patient with diagnosed diabetes mellitus: before meals from 5 to 7.2 mmol/l, 2 hours after meals not more than 10 mmol/l.

Individual variations in glucose levels in the assay are acceptable. However, the figure 7 (7.8) mmol/liter is critical if it is repeated several times. The patient is diagnosed with prediabetes, which indicates that there are already disturbances in the digestibility of carbohydrates and the patient’s condition is defined as hyperglycemia. For dynamic control, the patient is prescribed a “sugar curve” analysis.

If blood sugar is 13, then the question is “what to do?” is put in relation to a person with diabetes. This is not typical for a healthy person.

Glucose reading 13 - what does it mean?

A blood glucose level of 13 mmol/l is usually borderline for a person’s condition. A figure of 13 mmol/l indicates that the patient is in the initial stage of a state of moderate hyperglycemia. Here the metabolism is complicated by acetonuria - the release of acetone into the urine. A further increase in blood sugar threatens the patient’s life.

The level considered critical is 16-17 mmol/l.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia:

  • Frequent urination, urine may have a distinct odor of acetone (a similar odor may come from the patient’s fingertips and his breath;
  • Dehydration, which is visually identified by wrinkled skin of the fingers and sunken eyes;
  • Weakness, blurred vision.

First aid for high glucose levels

To stabilize the condition, an insulin-dependent patient should be given the usual dose of medication outside of the schedule. If this measure does not lead to a significant improvement in the condition after some time, the patient should repeat the injection. Then there are two possible scenarios:

  1. The measures taken helped, the sugar level decreased. To stabilize the condition, you should give the diabetic some quickly digestible carbohydrates. This could be candy or a glass of warm sweet tea (which is preferable).
  2. Therapeutic measures had no effect. The patient's condition continues to deteriorate, the glucose level remains the same or has crept up.

What happens if you ignore option 2? Blood sugar will steadily increase, since the metabolism is not able to provide a sufficient level of glucose absorption, and the body (against the background of sugar in the urine) continues to lose fluid.

The process threatens to enter the stage of hyperosmolar coma when the numbers reach 55 mmol/l.

Symptoms of hyperosmolar coma:

  • Unquenchable thirst;
  • Sharpened facial features;
  • Confusion, loss of consciousness.

A patient with similar symptoms (or better yet, without waiting for something like this) should be transported to a medical facility.

The condition requires vigorous and immediate medical treatment.

In people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (insulin-independent), a state of mild hyperglycemia can take years to develop.

Glucose reading 13 for type 2 diabetes

If a home glucometer often shows a rise in glucose to 13 mmol/l, then the patient needs to go to an endocrinologist. In patients who have suffered from diabetes for more than one year, the body gradually loses the ability to react violently to a rise in sugar. The patient “adapts and adapts” to pathological changes, ceasing to feel them. Such people may not complain about their health even if their glucose levels are close to 17.

However, the figure of 13 mmol/l is an indicator of the body’s need for insulin from the outside.

It’s time for the patient to add injections to the pills

Every diabetic tries to delay the time of the first insulin injection. He convinces the doctor, himself, that he can get by with pills. Psychologically, it is extremely difficult to accept the appointment of injections, but fears are unfounded.

Insulin replacement therapy for type 2 diabetes is less intense than for patients with type 1.

The patient often only needs 1 injection per day to initiate the production of more insulin by his own body. Treatment tactics are determined individually. For some, an injection at night is enough, while others take injections before meals. The dose of tablet drugs is also adjusted. Sometimes the reduction reaches 50%.

Possible complications if you don’t see a doctor in a timely manner

Chronic excess of glucose in the blood without correction leads to the development of severe complications in all organs and systems without exception. This:

  • Heart disorders. Increased heart rate at rest, tachycardia and then heart failure develop.

  • Disorder of the digestive system. The stomach can speed up or slow down motility. The patient experiences symptoms of indigestion: heaviness in the stomach, belching, flatulence. From the intestines - diarrhea alternates with persistent constipation.
  • Urogenital disorders develop against the background of loss of sensitivity of the nerve endings of the lumbosacral region. In women, this is manifested by vaginal dryness, which leads to microtrauma and inflammatory diseases. For men, this pathology threatens loss of potency. On the part of the urinary system, this (regardless of gender) is the development of congestion, infectious processes, and the appearance of residual urine.

The symptoms described above are included in the concept of “diabetic neuropathy,” which develops against the background of a prolonged state of hyperglycemia. With diabetic neuropathy, the peripheral nervous system is affected, both autonomic (working on reflexes) and somatic (working under the control of a person’s consciousness).

You can measure the required mass of sugar during cooking with ease and without scales; for this, it is enough to use a regular glass (faceted, tea), so let’s take a closer look at how many grams of sugar are in a glass (in a 200 ml and 250 ml glass), how many tablespoons of sugar are contained in 1 glass and how to measure sugar in grams using a glass.

How many grams of sugar are in a 250 ml glass?

A full faceted glass filled to the top (to the brim) holds 200 grams of sugar (granulated sugar).

1 faceted glass (250 ml), filled to the rim (to the rim) holds 160 grams of sugar.

How many grams of sugar are in a 200 ml glass?

1 full 200 ml glass contains 160 grams of sugar.

One 200 ml glass filled to the rim holds 120 grams of sugar.

How many tablespoons of sugar are in a glass?

The calculation below is relevant for a faceted glass with a volume of 250 ml:

  • How many tablespoons of sugar are in a faceted glass? 1 full faceted glass holds 10 heaped tablespoons of sugar or 12.5 heaped tablespoons of sugar.
  • 1/4 cup of sugar is how many tablespoons? 1/4 cup sugar = approximately 3 level tablespoons of sugar.
  • 1/2 cup of sugar is how many tablespoons? 1/2 cup sugar = 5 heaped tablespoons of sugar.
  • 2/3 cup of sugar is how many tablespoons? 2/3 cup sugar = approximately 8.3 level tablespoons of sugar.
  • 3/4 cup of sugar is how many tablespoons? 3/4 cup sugar = approximately 9.3 level tablespoons of sugar.

Popular questions on the topic: how many grams of sugar are in a glass?

As in previous calculations, we will measure sugar using a regular faceted glass (250 ml), and in the calculations we use a full faceted glass of sugar filled to the brim (200 grams of sugar in a full faceted glass):

  • How much is 1/4 cup sugar? 1/4 cup sugar = 50 grams of sugar (granulated sugar).
  • How much is 1/2 cup sugar? 0.5 cups of sugar (half a cup of sugar) = 100 grams of sugar.
  • How much is 2/3 cup sugar? 2/3 cup sugar = approximately 133 grams of sugar.
  • How much is 3/4 cup sugar? 0.75 cup sugar (3/4 cup sugar) = 150 grams of sugar.
  • How many glasses of sugar are in a kilogram of sugar? 1 kg of sugar = 5 full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 900 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 900 g of sugar = 4 and a half full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 800 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 800 g sugar = 4 faceted glasses of sugar, filled to the brim.
  • 700 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 700 g of sugar = 3 and a half cups of granulated sugar.
  • 600 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 600 g sugar = 3 full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 500 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 500 g of sugar = 2 and a half full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 400 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 400g sugar = 2 cups granulated sugar, filled to the brim.
  • 350 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 350 g of sugar = 1 full and 3/4 cut glass of sugar = 1 full cut glass of sugar + 6 heaped tablespoons of sugar.
  • 300 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 300 g of sugar = one and a half faceted glasses of sugar = 1 full faceted glass of sugar + 4 heaped tablespoons of sugar.
  • 250 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 250 g of sugar = 1 full 200 ml (faceted) glass of sugar + 2 heaped tablespoons of sugar.
  • 200 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 200 g sugar = 1 cup sugar (200 ml), filled to the brim.
  • 180 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 180 g of sugar = 7 heaped tablespoons of sugar + 1 heaped teaspoon of sugar.
  • 150 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 150 g of sugar = 6 heaped tablespoons of sugar.
  • 100 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 100 g of sugar = half a faceted glass of sugar = 4 heaped tablespoons of sugar.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much sugar is in a faceted glass, as well as how many grams of sugar are in a 250 ml glass, will help you quickly measure the required mass and volume of sugar according to a recipe in a matter of minutes with high accuracy. We leave our feedback on the topic of how many grams of granulated sugar are in a glass and how to weigh sugar without scales in a glass in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Ingredients for "Blackcurrant Jam-Jelly":
Black currants - 11 cups.
Water - 1.5 cups.
Sugar - 13 cups.

Recipe for Blackcurrant Jam and Jelly:

The proportions of berries, water and sugar are determined by many years of experience - the result is an amazing jam-jelly.
In order not to get confused about the number of glasses, my mother-in-law and I set aside 1 berry for each glass. If you suddenly get distracted, you can always count the berries - glasses

So, pour 1.5 cups of water into a bowl for jam, add 11 cups of berries, turn on the stove, quickly bring to a boil and after boiling, cook for 8-10 minutes.
Remove from heat, add 13 cups of sugar, mix well, cool.

After cooling, pour the jam into clean jars under plastic lids. The jam keeps well in a cool place.

You can make assorted jam, for example: 3 cups. black currants, 3 cups. serviceberry, 4 stacks raspberries (or other berries)

Black currant is one of the healthiest berries. I bring to your attention a recipe by which you can preserve all the beneficial vitamins of this berry. In this form, it can be used in baking, made compote and simply eaten with tea as jam. I mix it with water and give child. Every year I cover at least 3 kg. and not a spoon is left

1 kg black currants
2 kg - granulated sugar
Peel and rinse the currants. Let the water drain and pass through a meat grinder.
Add sugar and mix. Let stand, stirring occasionally, and seal in jars.


This is a decades-tested method of storing vitamins in currants. Everything is stored WITHOUT REFRIGERATOR at room temperature. My grandmother always made the proportions of 1 cup of pureed currants to 2 cups of sugar - mixed directly in a three-liter jar. They covered it with parchment, since at that time there weren’t many plastic covers)))


In the refrigerator, I really have a great one made from my favorite black currants, and from gooseberries, raspberries in a 1:1 ratio. And what doesn’t fit has to be welded, because... it is more reliable and not so sweet. For me, who is not a sweet tooth, a dose of 1:2 is lethal, and it also takes up a lot of sugar. Here's how I do it: after grinding and mixing with sugar 1:1, I put the mass on high heat and immediately stir so that

The sugar dissolved and did not stick. Once it boils, do not turn down the heat, just stir thoroughly for just 1-2 minutes, otherwise you may suffer from splashes and burning. Then reduce the heat and immediately pour into clean, dry jars and seal with tin
Sealed lids. This way you can store it outside the refrigerator for several years (if it doesn’t collapse first). I’ve stored them both in my room and in a warm basement - and nothing. Good luck to everyone, no matter what you do - everything is fine, living vitamins are great, they will come in handy in winter!

You can grind it in a blender and add sugar by eye and in the freezer!!!
