Buy a device for tempering chocolate. Shokovanna and other types of equipment. Video: the complete chocolate production process

Today, a huge variety of tempering machines are produced. Some of them perfectly temper chocolate and work for decades, while others, although called tempering, are not intended for this at all. Often, novice confectioners and chocolatiers are sold temperature machines under the guise of tempering machines, in which it is impossible to temper chocolate due to high thermal inertia or low heating accuracy. Often, the technologists of trading companies themselves do not understand what the fundamental difference between such machines is. Let's try to understand this issue together, based on materials from the site ""

So, devices related in one way or another to tempering chocolate can be divided into five categories, according to their principle of operation:
1. Food warmers, water baths, tempering baths and containers (“Melting kettle”, “double boiler”, “bain marie”);
2. Containers with a rotating bowl (“top table melter”);
3. Machines of the “wheel” type (“moulding machine”, “wheel machine”);
4. Continuous tempering machines (“Automatic tempering machine”);
5. Multifunctional machines (freezers).
It should be understood that in devices of categories No. 1-No. 3, tempering is performed once, for example, when the confectioner adds a seed in the form of callets. No further tempering occurs! The devices simply maintain a fixed operating temperature of the chocolate. This means that after some time, the previously tempered chocolate will certainly recrystallize and thicken. The confectioner will have to add melted chocolate or allow a layer of chocolate near the walls of the bath to make the mass less thick. In this type of device, you need to close the containers with a lid and stir the chocolate periodically, because on the surface it hardens quickly. The only machines that keep chocolate tempered throughout the entire working day are automatic continuous machines, category No. 4. They have three zones, where continuously during one cycle the chocolate dissolves at +45°C, cools to +28°C, and flows out of the tap already at +32°C, falling back into the first zone, where it dissolves again.

Category No. 1. Bain-meets, water baths, tempering baths and containers

The most extensive and most budget category of devices on the market. Not all of them are suitable for tempering chocolate, although they are called “tempering”. Basically, devices in this category are designed to work with chocolate glaze and have appropriate design features.
For convenience, we divided this category into five types and presented it in the diagram, Fig. 1., using the following criteria: 1) heating inertia, 2) type of thermostat, 3) temperature measurement accuracy, 4) heat exchange medium.

Fig.1. Devices of category No. 1.

Inertia is the ability of an object to maintain its previous state when an external influence appears or disappears. In other words, when the thermostat turns on the heating of a gastronorm container, inertia characterizes how quickly it will heat up, and when it turns it off, on the contrary, how quickly it will cool down. The greater this delay, the greater the thermal inertia. When tempering chocolate with callets, the heating inertia should be minimal. Inertia is directly affected not only by the type of heater, but also by the intermediate heat exchange medium between it and the gastronorm container. This medium may be oil, water or air, or it may not exist at all. For example, there are types of heaters that do not use an intermediate medium for heat exchange and do not have inertia. These include: induction, infrared, resistive film types of heaters.
You can get rid of inertia in a clever way, namely: by removing the gastronorm container with chocolate from the heated appliance (as a rule, the gastronorm container in such devices is removed). Then it becomes possible to add the seed to the chocolate. While the seed cools the chocolate, the confectioner can drain the hot water from the appliance and add enough cold water to reach operating temperature. Unfortunately, this method imposes restrictions on the weight of the gastronorm container with chocolate, and is usually applicable for containers weighing no more than 10 kg. Another way to get rid of thermal inertia is an additional cooling fan (for devices with an air jacket). In this case, it is not necessary to remove the gastronorm container from the appliance.
The thermostat can be mechanical or electronic. Mechanical is extremely inaccurate and the temperature setting error can reach more than ±5°C. Devices with such a regulator are definitely not suitable for working with chocolate, and, in general, are not the best option for working with chocolate icing. An electronic thermostat is much more accurate than a mechanical one and comes in two types, with low accuracy: ±1°C (suitable for glaze), and high accuracy ±0.1°C (suitable for chocolate).
Also, some devices install a second (additional) temperature sensor for the product in the mass. This is very convenient, because... the temperature of the bath walls quickly increases to the nominal temperature, and the chocolate itself warms up very slowly. According to the readings of this sensor, you can see whether the chocolate has warmed up or has not yet warmed up. However, the lack of an additional sensor is not a problem today, since most confectioners have non-contact pyrometers on hand. They can also be used to control the temperature of the chocolate.

Category No. 1, type 1.

Fig.1. Category No. 1, type 1.
Where: a) ZCK165BT, manufacturer STARFOOD (Taiwan), Gastrotop (China), etc., capacity 14 liters, price 4300 rubles. – 6500 rub.;
b) BMF 1/1ET, manufacturer FIAMMA (Portugal), capacity 14 liters, price 12,000 rub.

The price differs significantly, depending on the manufacturer. Sometimes the thermostat in such devices does not have a temperature scale at all; at best, abstract numbers 1-2-3-4 are printed. The temperature, of course, is set at random, and it is impossible to control it. These devices are not suitable for either chocolate or icing. As a rule, all models are equipped with a tap for draining water, but in some even cheaper Chinese models there are exceptions to this rule.

Fig.2. Category No. 1, type 2.
Where: a) Chocolate Melter, manufacturer Stadter (Germany), capacity 1.5 liters, price 4500 rubles;
b) SCIOGLICHOC 1.5, manufacturer ICB tecnologie (Italy), capacity 1.5 l.,
price 15,000 rub.;
c) MC01, manufacturer Martellato (Italy), capacity 3.6 liters, price 23,000 rubles;
d) SCIOGLICHOC 3.6, manufacturer ICB tecnologie (Italy), capacity 1.5 l.,
price 18,000 rub.;
e) Table Top melter, manufacturer Mol d'Art (Belgium), capacity 3 kg, price 15,040 rubles;
e) melter, manufacturer Dady (Germany), capacity 3 kg, price unknown.

The range of prices is amazing, although the devices are exact copies of each other. The difference is in the nameplates on the front panel. They are suitable for working with chocolate icing, although they are not the best option. The advantage of such devices is that they do not use water. Instead, an air jacket (layer) and an electric non-heater (TEN) are used. The thermostat scale has gradations marked with temperature values.

Category No. 1, type 3.

Fig.3. Category No. 1, type 3.
Where: a) CALORIBAC, manufacturer MATFER (FRANCE), capacity 3.5 liters, price 14,400 rubles.

The advantage of this device is an electronic controller that measures temperature with an accuracy of ±1°C. This, of course, is not enough to work with chocolate, but it is more than enough to work with glaze. Inside the device there is a bowl connected to an electric heating element. The heating from such a heating element in the bowl is extremely uneven and in order to work with glaze, you have to put another one in this bowl so that the uniformity of heating improves due to the air gap. This device is close to devices of the second type, but better than them.

Category No. 1, type 4.

Fig.4. Category No. 1, type 4.
Where: a) CHOCO-10, manufacturer MATFER (FRANCE), capacity 10 liters, price 26,700 rubles;
b) CHOCO-15, manufacturer MATFER (FRANCE), capacity 15 l.,
price 48,600 rub. (CHOCO-22, price 101,300 rub.);
c) MCD01, manufacturer Martellato (Italy), capacity 3.5 liters, price 33,000 rubles;
d) Scioglicoc digital, manufacturer ICB tecnologie (Italy), capacity 3.5 liters, price 25,000 rubles.

Although machines in this category are called tempering machines and have far from low prices, in fact they are not tempering machines. They are temperature controlled and designed to work with glaze. The chocolate in them can also be tempered by removing the gastronorm container from the heated appliance during tempering. The temperature measurement accuracy in them reaches ±0.1°C, which is quite suitable for working with chocolate. On the rear instrument panel, Fig. 4. a), b), just like conventional food warmers (type 1), there is a tap for draining water. Water is poured through the top, as in a regular food warmer (the gastronorm container is removable). In other words, these devices are food warmers with a precise electronic thermostat, and, of course, have high thermal inertia. They can have either a water jacket or an air jacket as a heat exchange medium.
Moreover, to the devices in Fig. 4. b) additional “wheel” type attachments are supplied, Fig. 5., which wind the glaze onto a disk and direct it into a special scraper, from which it flows out in a stream. You can place and fill a polycarbonate mold under this stream.

Fig.5. CHOCO-15 with a “wheel” type attachment for pouring glaze, the price of the attachment is 38,000 rubles.

Devices Fig.4. c), d) have an air jacket; water cannot be poured into them.
All devices in this category have an additional (second) thermal converter (remote, with a cord), which measures the temperature of the product in the mass, which makes these devices even more convenient for working with icing and chocolate.

Category No. 1, type 5.

Fig.6. Category No. 1, type 5.
Where: a) KZM-TT020, manufacturer “” (Russia), capacity 20 liters, price 32,000 rubles;

A device in this category differs from previous types in that it uses a “non-inertial” type of heater (infrared), due to which the device does not store residual heat and does not require an additional cooler. The gastro container cannot be removed from it. The temperature measurement accuracy is high and amounts to ±0.1°C. You can temper chocolate with callets directly in the bath of the device by adding 20-30% of cold callets (seed) to the dissolved chocolate. Since the seed has a workshop temperature (20°C), when it is added to the dissolved chocolate (40°C) and stirred, the total mass is cooled just to the operating temperature (32°C).
The device is spacious and perfect for basic production, for example, when making shaped chocolate or molded products.

Category No. 2. Containers with rotating bowl

The devices are mainly designed for 3-5 kg ​​of chocolate, but there are exceptions to this rule.
Unlike devices of the 1st category, these devices use a rotating spherical bowl. A stationary plastic scraper (partition) is installed in the bowl. As the bowl heats up and rotates, the chocolate melts and is collected on a stationary scraper, thereby mixing.

Fig.7. Category No. 2
Where: a) Mini Temper, manufacturer Pavoni (Italy), capacity 5 liters, price 54,500 rubles;
b) TOP Temper, manufacturer Dedy (Germany), capacity 5 liters, price 71,000 rubles;
c) Mini chokolatemachine, manufacturer Finamac (Brazil), capacity 4 kg, price 30,000 rubles;
d) REVOLATION 3Z, manufacturer CHOCOVISION (USA, New York), capacity 13 kg.,
price 112,000 rub.;
e) REVOLATION 1, manufacturer CHOCOVISION (USA, New York), capacity 1 kg.,
price 14,048 rub.;
e) top table melter, manufacturer Chocolatier electronique (England), capacity 1 kg.,
price 26880 rub.

Devices Fig.7. a), b), a conventional electric light bulb, which is installed inside the device, is used for heating. The light shines on the inside of the bowl and the bowl heats up. When you need to cool the bowl, the fan turns on, blows it, and the bowl cools.
Devices Fig.7. c), d), e), f) do not use light bulbs, they use forced blowing of the bath with hot air, or cooling with ambient air (at the temperature of the workshop). As a rule, due to this, these devices have more compact dimensions.
In general, the principle of cooling a bowl with ambient air at a workshop temperature (20°C) is inherently bad because it is known from thermophysics: the smaller the temperature difference between two bodies becomes, the slower the heat exchange between them occurs. In other words, cooling the chocolate to 26°C if it is 20°C in the workshop is problematic by blowing the bowl. That is why the capacity of the devices does not exceed 5 kg, because... It is simply impossible to quickly cool a large mass of chocolate in this way. In devices of larger capacity, additional coolers are used, which reduce the air temperature below the workshop temperature. If you temper chocolate with callets, then air cooling is not required at all, because The callets have a temperature of 20°C and when dissolved in hot chocolate, they cool it just to operating temperature.
In the controller there are devices in Fig. 7. a) there is a built-in program according to which you need to go through all three stages of tempering (+45°C) > (+27°C) > (+30°C), which is why this device is extremely inconvenient to use.
Devices of this category have low productivity; it is impossible to organize the pouring of chocolate into them, as in devices of the first category, using an additional “wheel” type attachment.

Category No. 3. Wheel type machines

Fig.8. Category No. 3
Where: a) Compact, manufacturer Prefamac (Belgium), capacity 15 kg, price 200,000 rubles. (video);
b) Junior, manufacturer JKV (Holland), capacity 15 kg, price 180,000 rub. (video);
c) CHOKO TT, manufacturer BAKKON (USA), capacity 15 kg, price 140,000 rubles (video).

Machines of this type have been used in most chocolate factories in Europe for many decades. The idea of ​​these machines is simple: a heated bath (like devices of the 1st category, only oval-shaped), a precise electronic controller and a large plastic wheel, which is lowered into this bath. Thanks to the oval shape of the bath, when the wheel rotates, the chocolate is perfectly mixed throughout the entire volume. A special scraper is installed on the wheel, which directs the chocolate in a stream back into the bath. You can place a chocolate mold under this stream and quickly fill it.
They cost more than machines of the 2nd category, but they provide many times greater productivity, have low noise levels, amazing handling and are easy to use. Loading volumes from 15 to 200 kg of chocolate.

Category No. 4. Continuous tempering machines

Fig.9. Category No. 4
Where: a) T5 Tempering, manufacturer Pomati (Italy), capacity 5 kg, price 200,000 rubles;
b) T8 Tempering, manufacturer Pomati (Italy), capacity 8 kg, price 350,000 rubles;
c) Selmi one, manufacturer Selmi (Italy), capacity 10 kg, price 280,000 rub.

In fact, much of what Russian sellers call tempering machines is not such in the classical sense. All devices from categories 1-3 can be used for tempering, but cannot temper themselves (continuously and without human intervention)! Those. tempering is performed once, and then the chocolate is simply maintained at operating temperature, which causes it to thicken over time, and it has to be diluted.
Machines of the fourth category are the most expensive machines, but provide a continuous flow of perfectly tempered chocolate throughout the entire working time. The essence of their work is as follows: chocolate, heated in a bath to +45°C, is fed through a screw (like in a meat grinder) into a pipe with very cold walls, where it is cooled to +27°C, after which it is heated to + 30°C and flows “like from a tap” back into the bath with heated chocolate, where it is again heated to +45°C. In other words, the chocolate is tempered during the entire working time, continuously. These machines have a pedal that temporarily stops the flow of chocolate so that the pastry chef can replace the mold or cup. These machines are very convenient to use, but they consume several times more electricity, since they simultaneously heat and cool chocolate in different areas. Moreover, during non-working hours, for example, at night, the heating of the machine must be turned on so that the chocolate in the machine does not freeze. If tempered chocolate hardens, heating it will be long and difficult. The second disadvantage is washing the car and replacing the chocolate with a different type. As a rule, such machines are used for one type of chocolate; for three types, respectively, three machines.

Category No. 5. Multifunctional machines.

Fig. 10. Category No. 5
Where: a) historical prototype, b) Trittico Executive for chocolate tempering, manufacturer bravo (Italy), price 1,200,000 rub. (video 1, video 2);

Machines of this type are similar in appearance to washing machines, and have vertical loading of product and horizontal unloading. They can not only temper chocolate, but also prepare ganache, ice cream, creams, mousses and much more, which is very useful when making fillings. The machines consist of two chambers: hot and cold. In the upper hot chamber, the chocolate dissolves and, under its own weight, flows into the lower chamber, where it is cooled and brought to operating temperature. Both chambers have stirrers, but the stirrer in the lower chamber can whip the product, is replaceable and has several shapes. Unlike continuous machines, these machines prepare chocolate once. Honestly, it's hard to imagine how these machines are cleaned of product after use or when not in use. I think cleaning is even more difficult than in continuous machines (category No. 4).

Popular nowadays, it has many organizational nuances, as does the cooking process itself. On the scale of an entire production, in order to obtain high profits, the manufacturing process requires special equipment for the production of chocolate. The quality of the equipment chosen will influence the quality of the products produced.

The production process consists of 4 main stages. At each stage, specific equipment for chocolate is required. Next, we will look at each of the stages in detail.

Conching and tempering stage

Conching equipment ensures homogenization of cocoa mass. Continuous mixing lasts up to 5 days in a special conche machine.

Thanks to this process, a product of the highest quality is obtained, volatile substances and excess moisture are removed, and the product receives the necessary aroma and taste, the consistency becomes homogeneous.

Tempering is a process that is responsible for the crystallization of the product, and hence for its appearance.

The equipment includes 2–4 zones through which the chocolate mass passes. It is cooled and mixed, thereby preventing particles of fat and sugar from protruding on the surface in the form of ridges.

Tempering chocolate provides:

  • smooth surface;
  • dense structure;
  • long shelf life;
  • safety of the product (does not melt, does not crumble).

Model YWT250/500/1000(manufacturer: China-Taiwan) – continuous tempering machine.


  • automatic operation;
  • vertical type: mass enters from below;
  • control using an electronic regulator;
  • carries out the process of decrystallization;
  • reuse of residual mass;
  • has a safety device;
  • automatic adjustment of chocolate temperature.

Characteristics of different models:

Chocolate molding stage

Pouring liquid into molds is called molding. At this stage, the product takes on its final form.

It is better to choose CNC equipment and polycarbonate molds. They can be ordered in any type.

Check out YQJ50(manufacturer: China-Taiwan) – a line for casting chocolate products into matrices. This is professional equipment, thanks to which the hot mass is poured into hot molds, which then pass through a vibrator. This process makes the structure of the mass homogeneous and removes air bubbles from it.

The line also produces chocolate products with fillings and additives.

The line includes:

  • chain conveyor to transport forms;
  • a block with an infrared heater, the heaters smoothly heat up to 30°C;
  • a block with 2 vibrators to evenly distribute the mass over the mold, cooling also occurs here;
  • depositor or casting head;
  • software control system with remote control.

It is possible to produce products from other products with subsequent coating of chocolate in one injection - “one shot” technology.

Productivity, kg/shift200 - 700
Casting speed, forms/min6 - 12
Whole chocolate weight, grams2,5 - 500
Filling weight, grams15 - 40
Mold heating power, kW6
Fan power, kW6
Mold temperature, °C24 - 45
Vibration motor power, kW1.1
Vibration time, sec.30 - 60
Conveyor motor power, kW0.5
Mold size, mm.300x225x30; 275x175x30
Number of forms, pcs.100
Compressed air consumption, cubic meters/min.2.5
Weight, kg800
Dimensions of the mold heating device, mm1700 x 1045 x 950
Casting head dimensions, mm1575 x 1045 x 1130
Dimensions of vibration device, mm1500 x 1045 x 850
Cost, rub.3 796 210

Delicious decoration of products

Equipment for making chocolate does not end with machines with standard functions; to expand the range of products produced, a number of additional lines will be needed.

Decorator for glazing line– equipment designed to decorate finished products with a pattern. Any drawing can be reproduced. The device is installed directly into the production line, as it has small dimensions.

Chocolate coating– equipment for covering any product with chocolate. There is a function for adjusting the coating - selecting some or all sides of the object, layer thickness. The speed of the process is also regulated.

At high production speeds, a more suitable model would be Twinrob: high speed, complex shape processing, continuous operation.

Chocolate coating with additives- a process with an automatic sprinkler device that applies glaze to the products with the addition of nuts, raisins, and coconut flakes. Installation is carried out on a conveyor belt or on a cooling tunnel table.

Line YQD400-2 – equipment for the production of chocolate dragees.


  • processing of additives (sugar, fat, powder);
  • pump operation;
  • transfer to thermal storage tank;
  • re-running the pump;
  • processing in a tempering machine;
  • polishing;
  • packaging of the finished product.

The line includes:

  • hot water tank (constant circulation);
  • fat melter;
  • sugar mill;
  • conche machine;
  • storage tank (with heating system);
  • tempering machine;
  • forming machine;
  • cooling tunnel;
  • controller;
  • polisher;
  • cooking apparatus.

The cost of the full line is RUB 16,657,800.

Chocolate packaging

Chocolate, like any food product, needs packaging equipment. Typically, manufacturers offer machines that are simultaneously suitable for different types of products, such as candies, biscuits, cookies, etc.

Packaging lines for chocolate TAURAS-PHOENIX are horizontal type, automated system and high productivity.

You can choose between brands, SR 500, EURO.

Video: the complete chocolate production process

ICB Tecnologie produces confectionery machines for making cakes, sweets, chocolate products and other sweets. The range of machines offered is extremely wide and includes a variety of professional confectionery machines for glazing, cutting confectionery products, devices for preparing tartlets, dosing and distribution machines.

DOSICREAM – Dosing device for fillings and confectionery masses Croissant rolling machines ROLLERO Enrobing conveyor ICBELT Tempering machine CHOCOTEMPER 12 KG with vibrating table
Machine for spraying egg mixture SPRAY-MIX (non-stick agents) Chocolate melting machines ICB TECNOLOGIE Tempering machine CHOCOTEMPER TOP Machines for preparing creams and sauces CHECREMA

ICB brand chocolate machines are primarily devices for melting, tempering and spraying chocolate. The company can offer equipment options of various sizes and performance that can make the work of confectioners and chocolatiers easy and comfortable, freeing up additional time for creativity.

In addition to technological equipment, in the ICB assortment you can always find equipment and special accessories for confectioners: baking paper, silicone baking molds, baking trays and gastronorm containers (600*400 mm), ice cream containers, transport trolleys, professional detergents.

What does ICBTecnologie offer for working with chocolate?

CHOCOTEMPER series tempering machines melt the chocolate inside a heated bath of 5.5, 10, 12 and 24 kg. Thanks to them, the constant fluidity of the chocolate is maintained. The equipment is controlled using Touch Screen technology - quick and convenient setup of all programs. The electronic pedal dispenser ensures high-quality depositing of chocolate into molds. Optionally, CHOCOTEMPER tempering machines can be equipped with a heated vibrating table or a transport belt for enrobing. These components allow you to use CHOCOTEMPER more efficiently and get better results.

ChocoHot hot chocolate making machines are installed in cafes, coffee shops and pastry shops and allow you to quickly and effectively make chocolate decorations right in front of visitors.

The equipment is made of stainless steel, equipped with a pedal dispenser to control the flow of chocolate mass and a reverse rotation screw for convenient cleaning of the machine.

In addition, different ChocoHot models have different interchangeable attachments, allowing you to create different effects when the chocolate drips.

Scioglicoc– chocolate melting machines consisting of a plastic body and removable containers with stainless steel lids. A wide range of machines is available with different numbers and volumes of containers: from 2 to 4 pieces and from 1.5 to almost 14 liters. These devices ensure even heating and melting of chocolate. The control panel is available in two versions - digital and analogue.

Chocolate Spraying Machines SPRAYCHOC used for decorating cakes, pastries and desserts.

With its help, chocolate velor is created on the surface of products.

The device consists of two main parts: a heated support and a spray gun. By changing the level of pressure, the amount of chocolate and the angle of inclination, you can create a variety of elements for decorating sweets.

Chocolate processing machine ICB TECNOLOGIE DECOR-FREEZE is a marble work surface that can maintain a temperature of -25°C. Under such conditions, chocolate, after melting in a water bath, cools faster, that is, it is brought to a working temperature at which it can be worked with - cast into molds, create chocolate figures, cover candies, cakes and pastries with it.

DOSICREAM – professional dosing device, with which it is easy and convenient to fill confectionery products such as tubes, cakes, croissants, eclairs and profiteroles and beignets with custard, chocolate or confiture. The device consists of a stainless steel frame and a funnel, which come in different volumes from 8.5 to 13 liters. Funnels, like all other accessories, are supplied separately. They are easy to remove and wash.

The DOSICREAM device operates in several modes, and is guaranteed to accurately dispense the product every time. All indicators can be adjusted based on production needs: the optimal amount of cream deposited, dosing and filling time, pause interval, etc.

Cook-Matic machine helps prepare tartlets from shortbread, salted or puff pastry. The size and shape of the “baskets” depends on the customer’s wishes and is easily adjustable. To do this, just set the temperature, baking time, and select the desired shape. The heating elements at the top and bottom can be programmed to different temperatures to ensure even baking of the dough.

CHITARRA machine consists of a solid aluminum base and stainless steel frames and is designed for cutting pastry, chocolate and semi-soft pastries. This machine is available in 3 versions:

  • Mini-CHITARRA with a distance between string knives of 22.5 and 30 mm;
  • Single CHITARRA with 5 options for distances between knives: 37.5, 30, 22.5, 15 and 7.5 mm;
  • Double CHITARRA, which cuts food in two directions simultaneously.

The company's product range also includes devices for applying jelly:

DIGITAL Spray Series with built-in 2.5 liter container. Small desktop model – Spray Mini Digital; Spray Maxi Digital, Spray Professional Junior 2 and Spray Professional are jelly sprayers for industrial production.

The Plurigel series is a spray in which gelatin is constantly heated to a certain temperature. Thanks to this, it can be sprayed without problems throughout the entire work shift. These machines are equipped with an indicator and notify you when there is no water in the boiler and when maintenance is required. Available options: Plurigel 10, Plurigel 20 (with open cart), Plurigel 30 (with closed cart).

JelTop is the most compact model of jelly application machine. The jelly mass is heated in a container and fed through heated pipes, thanks to which the gelatin does not harden prematurely. For optimal spraying and coating results, temperature and pressure levels can be easily adjusted.

SPRAY-MIX– a machine for applying non-stick agents, oil, eggs and other liquids to confectionery molds. The device sucks the product from the container, precisely controls the quantity and air flow for flawless spray results.

Dough mixing machines ICB Tecnologie are presented by planetary dough mixers for various confectionery and bakery industries. Options with different bowl volumes are available: 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 80 liters. The bowl of all models is removable, which facilitates the process of washing by hand or in the dishwasher. Additionally, the dough mixer can be equipped with a spatula for kneading sweet dough, a hook or a whisk for whipping cream and cream.

Additional confectionery supplies and accessories:

In addition to technological equipment for confectioneries and bakeries, ICB Tecnologie offers a range of professional accessories that are necessary in the production process:

  • Bakery - high quality parchment paper in different sizes, which is supplied in sheets or rolls;
  • NOVAFLON non-stick Teflon sheets;
  • professional silicone baking molds Ic-Flex. Suitable for use in refrigerators and ovens at temperatures from -40 °C to +280 °C;
  • trays of different sizes, made of aluminum with curved sides, as well as trolleys for moving trays made of AISI 304 stainless steel, which can be used in rotary ovens.
  • plastic baskets and containers of different shapes and sizes
  • machines for enrobing nuts and dried fruits

About company

Italian company GAMI specializes in the production of equipment for working with chocolate, chocolate ingredients and confectionery products. Specialized knowledge of these products has been gained through many years of experience as well as daily feedback from customers. Collaborating with renowned international chocolatiers and pastry chefs, GAMI manages to combine traditions and quality with the latest technological advances, and, relying on a team of professionals, accurately complete the assigned tasks.
Today among the main machines GAMI- dosing syringes with and without heated hopper, machines for tempering chocolate, for making hollow chocolate molds, enrobing machines, refrigeration tunnels, etc.

R-260 series dosing syringes

Dispenser syringes are designed for dispensing and filling products with semi-liquid products such as jam, cream, sauce, etc. This is an ideal device for filling donuts, bagels, buns, croissants, eclairs, puff pastries, as well as savory products. The dosing unit can be easily disassembled for cleaning. Available with a heated hopper for use with fillers that thicken quickly when cooled.


  • Mechanical adjustment of the dosed substance from 0 to 96 cm³.
  • The number of entered portions is set using the keyboard.
  • Dosing can be carried out using a keyboard, pedal or dosing gun (optional).
  • 4 nozzles included.
Syringe dispenser GAMI
piston R260-S
Syringe dispenser GAMI

Model Description Hopper volume, l Overall dimensions, mm power, kWt Voltage, V Weight, kg

Painted body 15 320x530x700 0,37 220 30
Syringe dispenser GAMI R-260-S-INV Painted body,
adjustable speed
15 320x530x700 0,37 220 30
Stainless steel housing 15 320x530x700 0,37 220 37
Syringe dispenser GAMI R-260I-INV Stainless steel case,
adjustable speed
15 320x530x700 0,37 220 37

T series chocolate tempering and coating machines

T240-520 series machines

Continuous automatic tempering machines - designed for melting chocolate glaze and coating chocolate products with it. The chocolate is heated in a water bath, and cooled by feeding it from the bowl with a screw. The compressor uses R400 freon. The container of the bowl, equipped with a kneading element that allows you to maintain the chocolate in liquid form, is made of AISI304 stainless steel. The heating and cooling processes are controlled by an electronic board using high-precision probes. The machine is equipped with a heated vibrating table and a pedal for dispensing the required amount of product. A wide range of accessories is also available to make working with the device easier: enrobing trolley, decorating accessories, mold dispenser, etc.

Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T240
Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T250
Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T400
Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T500
Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T520

Model Productivity, kg/hour Bowl volume, kg Dimensions, mm power, kWt Voltage, V Weight, kg
Tempering machine GAMI T240 35 8 500x500x1500 2 220/380 150
Tempering machine GAMI T250 50 10 430x600x1340 1,9 220/380 112
Tempering machine GAMI T400
90 25 800x700x1550 3,2 220/380 250
Tempering machine GAMI T500 170 45 680x920x1650 4,3 220/380 265
Tempering machine GAMI T520 200 60 680x960x1650 4,5 220/380 275
  • Dispenser for chocolate molds.
  • Various conveyors.
  • Screening mesh.

T550-600 series machines

Continuous automatic tempering machines - designed for melting chocolate glaze and coating chocolate products with it. The chocolate is heated in a water bath, and cooled by feeding it from the bowl with a screw.

The compressor uses R400 freon. The container of the bowl, equipped with a kneading element that allows you to maintain the chocolate in liquid form, is made of AISI304 stainless steel. The mesh conveyor is supplied with the machine and is part of the enrobing system, which is also equipped with a diffuser, a blowing device, a mesh shaker and a device for removing excess chocolate from the bottom of the product. The working width of the mesh conveyor is 400mm or 600mm, depending on the model. The conveyor consists of two parts, the first part is for loading products, the second is for moving the product into the enrobing chamber. Under the mesh conveyor there is a stainless steel bowl equipped with a feed roller and a scraper for applying glaze to the bottom of the products. The removable auger allows you to quickly and completely clean the machine for a quick transition from processing one type of chocolate to another. The heating and cooling processes are controlled by an electronic board using high-precision probes. The machine is equipped with a pedal for dispensing the required amount of product and an automatic start timer. It is possible to regulate the flow of chocolate. Additionally, you can purchase a vibrating table - a useful accessory for making chocolate pralines, Easter eggs and any hollow chocolate molds.

Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T550
Tempering machine
and chocolate coating T600

Model Productivity, kg/hour Bowl volume, kg Dimensions, mm power, kWt Voltage, V Weight, kg
Tempering machine GAMI T550 170 55 1420x950x1550 6 220/380 430
Tempering machine GAMI T600 320 80 1460x1300x1710 6,4 220/380 600

  • Diffuser for complete coverage of products.
  • Diffusers for covering products from below.
  • Decorators for covering products with straight stripes or wavy zig-zag lines.
  • Various conveyors.
  • Screening mesh.

Enrobing machines SB and R series

Enrobing machines are designed for coating confectionery products with chocolate glaze when the applied glaze or other coating does not require preliminary tempering. Using GAMI machines it is possible to glaze all sides of the product separately or completely.

SB10 Series Enrobing Machine

The compact enrobing machine SB10 is optimal for installation into countertops and counters in coffee bars, pastry shops, ice cream parlors and similar establishments. Ideal for making small portions of chocolate, decorating ice cream and confectionery. The bowl capacity is 10 kg and is equipped with a kneading unit that allows you to maintain the chocolate in liquid form. The bowl is made of AISI304 stainless steel. The machine is equipped with a pedal and a dosing system programmed using the control panel. Reversible and removable auger make cleaning the machine quick and easy. In addition, the product flow is adjustable.

R400-500 Series Enrobing Machine

Continuous automatic enrobing machines - designed for coating confectionery products with chocolate glaze when the applied glaze or other coating does not require preliminary tempering. The chocolate is heated using a water bath and stirred to maintain an even temperature. The container of the bowl, equipped with a kneading element that allows you to maintain the chocolate in liquid form, is made of AISI304 stainless steel. The temperature is controlled using high precision temperature probes and a control panel. The machine is equipped with a pedal for dispensing the required amount of product and an automatic start timer. The machine can work in conjunction with an enrobing conveyor equipped with a diffuser, a blowing device, a mesh shaker and a device for removing excess chocolate from the bottom of the product. The product flow can be adjusted.

  • Diffuser for complete coverage of products.
  • Diffusers for covering products from below.
  • Decorators for covering products with straight stripes or wavy zig-zag lines.
  • Various conveyors.
  • Screening mesh.
  • Loader of products onto a conveyor belt, etc.

R550-600 Series Enrobing Machine

Continuous automatic enrobing machines - designed for coating confectionery products with chocolate glaze when the applied glaze or other coating does not require preliminary tempering. The chocolate is heated using a water bath and stirred to maintain an even temperature. The container of the bowl, equipped with a kneading element that allows you to maintain the chocolate in liquid form, is made of AISI304 stainless steel. The temperature is controlled using high precision temperature probes and a control panel. The machine is equipped with a pedal for dispensing the required amount of product and an automatic start timer. The mesh conveyor is supplied with the machine and is part of the enrobing system, equipped with a diffuser, a blower, a mesh shaker and a device for removing excess chocolate from the bottom of the product. The working width of the mesh conveyor is 400mm or 600mm, depending on the model. The product flow can be adjusted.

  • Heated vibrating table.
  • Diffuser for complete coverage of products.
  • Diffusers for covering products from below.
  • Decorators for covering products with straight stripes or wavy zig-zag lines.
  • Various conveyors.
  • Screening mesh.

Enrobing trolleys and conveyors

The NRD12 enrobing trolley is designed to work in conjunction with tempering and enrobing machines for the production of chocolates and confectionery products, from cookies to cakes. The loading portion of the mesh conveyor can be stopped to accommodate items to be enrobed, then movement can be resumed by simply pressing a button. Thanks to this system, the entire procedure can be carried out by one operator, who can easily move from the product loading area to the enrobing area and to the product exit conveyor. The trolley is equipped with a mesh shaker, a device for removing excess chocolate from the bottom of the product and a blowing device. The conveyor is collapsible. The mesh part of the conveyor, where the glazing of the products takes place and there are no electrical components, can be dismantled for use with the truffle turntable or for quick and thorough cleaning. The working width of the mesh belt is 200 mm.

Enrobing trolleys NR400S and NR400S-30

The enrobing trolley NR400S and NR400S-30 is convenient for working with pralines and confectionery products, from cookies to cakes. The loading portion of the mesh conveyor can be stopped to accommodate items to be enrobed, then movement can be resumed by simply pressing a button. Thanks to this system, the entire procedure can be carried out by one operator, who can easily move from the product loading area to the enrobing area and to the product exit conveyor. Both models NR400S and NR400S-30 are equipped with a mesh shaker, a device for removing excess chocolate from the bottom of the product and are foldable. The mesh part of the conveyor, where there are no electrical components, can be removed for quick and thorough cleaning. The trolley can be equipped with strings instead of a mesh conveyor in order to obtain excellent glazing only on the surface of the product.

CRZ series glazing conveyors are used to coat only the surface of products. Models CR250Z and CR300Z have a working length of 900 mm and a width of 250 mm and 300 mm respectively. Models CR400Z and CR600Z have a working length of 1360 mm and a width of 400 mm and 600 mm respectively. The pitch between the strings is 25 mm.

NDEC series glazing conveyors are used to decorate the surface of products. A special heated scraper helps keep the conveyor clean throughout operation. Models NDEC250 and NDEC300 have a total length of 900 mm and widths of 250 mm and 300 mm respectively. The NDEC400 model has an overall length of 1360 mm and a width of 400 mm. The NDEC600 model has an overall length of 1220 mm and a width of 600 mm.

The cooling unit also controls humidity to achieve a flawless final result. The forward speed of the conveyor belt can be adjusted. Tunnels can be of different lengths, depending on the customer's needs. An independent temperature-controlled cooling unit is added to the tunnel every 6 meters, allowing different temperatures to be set. For the TR300 model, the conveyor belt width is 300 mm, for the TR400 model - 430 mm, for the TR600 model - 630 mm. The maximum height of the product is 70 mm, which can be increased upon request.

Model Belt speed, m/min Tape length, m Tape width, mm Dimensions, mm power, kWt Voltage, V
Cooling tunnels TR300-4 0-2,1 4 300 700x5100x1400 2,1 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR300-6 0-2,1 6 300 700x7100x1400 2,1 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR300-8 0-4 8 300 700x9100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR300-10 0-4 10 300 700x11100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR300-12 0-4 12 300 700x13100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-6 0-2,1 6 430 830x7100x1400 2,1 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-8 0-4 8 430 830x9100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-10 0-4 10 430 830x11100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-12 0-4 12 430 830x13100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-14 0-4 14 430 830x15100x1400 5,7 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-16 0-4 16 430 830x17100x1400 5,7 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-18 0-4 18 430 830x19100x1400 5,7 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR400-20 0-4 20 430 830x21100x1400 7,5 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-8 0-4 8 630 1030x9100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-10 0-4 10 630 1030x11100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-12 0-4 12 630 1030x13100x1400 3,9 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-14 0-4 14 630 1030x15100x1400 5,7 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-16 0-4 16 630 1030x17100x1400 5,7 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-18 0-4 18 630 1030x19100x1400 5,7 220/380
Cooling tunnels TR600-20 0-4 20 630 1030x21100x1400 7,5 220/380

Cleaning boilers TS series

Cleaver kettles of the TS series are designed for melting and maintaining large quantities of chocolate in a liquid state, which is then used for feeding into tempering or enrobing machines. Inside the kettle, a mixer keeps the chocolate liquid and homogeneous. The boiler and kneading body are made of AISI304 stainless steel. In order to preserve the organoleptic properties of chocolate, the heating system is based on a water bath controlled by a thermostat. The boilers can be equipped with a system for transferring chocolate to enrobing and tempering machines, via a screw and two-chamber heated stainless steel pipes (models TS50C / TS120C / TS250C / TS300C).

Cleaving boiler
Cleaving boiler
Cleaving boiler

Model Boiler volume, kg Dimensions, mm power, kWt Voltage, V Weight, kg
50 580x720x1330 2,4 220/380 190
50 580x720x1330 2,8 220/380 200
150 900x1000x1470 3,5 220/380 290
150 900x1000x1470 3,9 220/380 310
250 900x1000x1570 3,8 220/380 335
250 900x1000x1570 4,2 220/380 360
Cleaning boiler TS300 300 1000x1095x1570 4 220/380 360
Cleaning boiler TS300C 300 1000x1095x1570 4,4 220/380 390
  • Chocolate level meter.
  • Double-chamber heated pipe 1000x60ø mm.

RT series vibration centrifuges

Vibrating centrifuges of the RT series are designed for creating hollow figures from chocolate. The machines are equipped with magnets that hold the three-dimensional molds. Thanks to double axial rotation and separately controlled vibration, the chocolate is distributed evenly inside the molds. The movement of the levers is controlled by a safety clutch. The maximum load on the lever for the RT4 model is 1 kg, for the RT8 model – 10 kg. The more productive RT8 model is equipped with 2 fans located on different sides of the machine for primary cooling of the molds.

The growth in the production of various glazed confectionery products, the deployment of production of chocolate semi-finished products in countries producing cocoa beans and changes in chocolate production technology due to the increasing division of enterprises into those operating with full and reduced technological schemes (for semi-finished products) caused a significant increase in their production and in In connection with this, they created new technology and equipment for their mass production.
The most common chocolate semi-finished products include various types of glaze (chocolate without additives, with additives and fat), cocoa mass and cocoa butter. Among them, the largest share is occupied by various types of glaze.
Glazes are semi-finished products intended for the glazing operation - the formation of a thin layer of product on the surface of various confectionery products. Chocolate glaze is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar and flavoring agents. It can be prepared with the addition of milk powder (milk glaze) or grated nuts (walnut glaze). Fat glaze is also produced in large quantities, which includes sugar, cocoa powder, soy flour, ground cocoa shell, but most of the cocoa butter in it is replaced with special solid fats.
For the mass production of semi-finished products in blocks with different weights, two methods are used - molding pre-tempered semi-finished products by casting them into blocks on specialized machines or casting them into paper or plastic bags, previously inserted into standard retail containers made of corrugated cardboard. In the latter case, special installations or production lines are used.
Both methods make it possible to comprehensively mechanize the process and obtain block semi-finished products that are well packaged and convenient for transportation and use in production.

The process of manufacturing semi-finished products consists of the following stages: filtration, tempering, molding, cooling of semi-finished products and giving them a marketable appearance (wrapping, packaging in commercial containers, sealing the valves of corrugated boxes, bandaging and labeling).

Equipment for tempering chocolate semi-finished products

In the production of chocolate semi-finished products, standard high-performance horizontal automatic tempering machines or special continuous horizontal tubular tempering installations of the Filges system operating under pressure are used. Such installations are produced in Germany by the companies “Lehmann” (model KV) and “Bauermeyster” (model DK) and in Italy by the company; "Karle and Montanari" (KV model).
Tempering multi-cylinder installations of models KV and DK - Installations of models KV and DK (Fig. 1) have a completely identical design. They consist (Fig. 1, a) of a frame 5 covered with easily removable shields, on which several tempering cylinders 8 with independent flange electric motors 4 are mounted in a horizontal plane.

Rice. 1. Continuous multi-cylinder tempering unit, models KV and DK

The cylinders are equipped with pipes 1 and 2 for supplying water and steam. The number of tempering cylinders in installations ranges from one to four and depends on the productivity and thermal characteristics of semi-finished products.
Each tempering element of the installation is a “pipe-in-pipe” system 1 (Fig. 1,b). It consists of
a hollow cylinder covered with a layer of insulation 7, inside of which a second cylinder of smaller diameter is placed. The cavity between them forms a water jacket 2, into which water is supplied at a temperature of 10-15°C.
Inside a cylinder of smaller diameter, a hollow shaft 6 rotates with blades 3 made of plastic, which continuously clean the surface of the inner walls of the cylinder. Cooling water is also supplied to the shaft cavity 5. The semi-finished product, supplied by a pump under pressure, enters the annular zone 4, is cooled with water, intensively mixed and tempered.
The hollow shafts are made easily removable and can be removed for cleaning.
The semi-finished product to be tempered, for example, chocolate glaze with a Reutov viscosity of 10-12 Pa*s, containing at least 90% solid particles less than 30 microns in size, is pre-filtered through a vibrating sieve and thoroughly kneaded in a tempering container in order to reduce its temperature to 35-40 °C and at the same time homogenize the product.
The liquid semi-finished product is supplied countercurrently relative to the movement of cooling water into the annular space of each cylinder 8 (see Fig. 1, a) under pressure created by pump 7 with stepless speed control.
The installation allows you to temper the glaze to 30-31°C, and cocoa butter to a temperature of 21-23°C, bringing them to a paste-like state, and then transfer the products to molding by casting. Under these conditions, semi-finished products harden well and quickly, forming a homogeneous monolith, and require minimal additional cooling.
The tempered semi-finished product is discharged through pipe 9 and pumped into the funnel of the machine or into the receiving funnel of the installation for filling semi-finished products into special containers. At the end of the work, the remaining mass is drained through tap 6.
The installation is operated from control panel 3. Thermometers that record the temperature of the product in the tempering zone are installed on the end wall of the installation.
Water and steam are supplied to the tempering installation, which ensure its heating before starting work and maintaining the conditions necessary for the successful implementation of the tempering operation. After work, the installation must be completely cleaned of semi-finished product residues.
The installation is serviced by one worker.
Technical characteristics of horizontal multi-cylinder continuous tempering units operating under pressure are given in Table. 1.
Table 1
