Fragrant cinnamon rolls. How to make cinnamon rolls from yeast dough according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. How to make delicious buns from yeast dough without eggs

Rich yeast buns remind many of childhood, when you come to the village to visit your grandmother, and she is already standing on the doorstep with these fragrant pastries. Today we will talk about how to make such delicious and rich cinnamon and sugar buns.

Easy cinnamon roll recipe

Kitchenware: baking tray; deep bowl; whisk; silicone brush; tea spoon; tablespoon; shoulder blade; rolling pin; cutting board; scissors; kitchen towel; parchment paper; potholders; cutting board; serving utensils.


How to choose the right ingredients

To get a truly flavorful dish, it is best to buy cinnamon sticks and grind them at home. However, quite often we are deceived, and in stores, instead of real spice, cassia is offered both ground and in the form of sticks.

The danger of this situation is that cassia contains coumarin. in large enough quantities that it can be harmful to human health, so it is important to understand what such a spice really looks like.

  • Cinnamon sticks are thin, fragile, uniformly light brown in color, always curled on both sides.
  • When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the country of origin. This product is made in Ceylon. If the manufacturer is China, Vietnam or Indonesia, you will buy cassia.
  • If you have already bought a spice, but want to be absolutely sure that it is cinnamon, drop some iodine on the surface of a stick or a small amount of powder. If the place of contact with iodine becomes deep blue, it is cassia, but if it turns slightly blue, it is a real spice.

Step-by-step preparation

Preparing the dough

Preparing the dough and filling

Cooking buns

  1. The baking sheet can be covered with parchment paper, which is very convenient, because... It will remain clean after the baking process. Or sprinkle it with a thin layer of flour.

    Before you start forming the buns, you need to take a board and grease its surface with either regular vegetable oil or melted butter. Also in a small bowl you need to beat a chicken egg (1 pc.), which will be needed to grease the buns before baking.

  2. You need to form small balls from the finished dough, it is advisable to knead them in your hands for a few minutes and place them on the prepared board.

  3. Next, roll out the dough ball into a small round layer 3-5 mm thick using a rolling pin.

  4. Grease the surface with melted butter, sprinkle evenly with the filling and make a tight little roll.

  5. Now, using scissors, make cuts from one part of the roll and connect its edges. You will end up with a cute flower-shaped bun. Do this with each round piece.

  6. Place all the preparations on a baking sheet, brush the surface with beaten egg so that a beautiful shiny crust forms on the surface.

  7. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180-190° for 20 minutes. As soon as they are baked, put everything in a beautiful dish and you can serve.

Bon appetit!

Video of making cinnamon rolls

I invite you to watch a video in which you can clearly see each stage of preparing such delicious and aromatic buns, and also make sure that making such goodies is quite simple and easy, even if you are a beginner and have never worked with yeast dough.

How to serve a dish and with what

Cinnamon rolls are very cute, fragrant and incredibly tasty. If you are expecting guests, such pastries will be an excellent option for a delicious tea party. It is also suitable for drinking tea in a close family circle on a day off, when you don’t need to run anywhere or rush.

It does not require any special serving, and to decorate the table, you can serve apples along with them, because... they go well with the aromatic spice.

Other possible preparation and filling options

You can prepare such a dish with a wide variety of fillings; poppy seeds lovers can try it, and if you are partial to dried fruits, you will definitely like it. If you love soft and juicy pastries, you will not leave anyone indifferent. Well, in order to slightly embellish everyday life, you can bake aromatic ones that can easily replace bread for first courses, especially borscht.

Do you like yeast baked goods? Share your favorite recipes. And when you use this recipe, send your feedback and leave comments.

Finally, today I'm going to talk about my favorite sourdough cinnamon rolls. When I tried them for the first time, I could no longer forget their taste, like airy dough melting in my mouth, and a captivating aroma. They are no worse than my other favorites. By the way, my family and guests were also fascinated by their appetizing appearance. They dispersed among them simply at the speed of light. No matter how much I bake, they don’t last long.

You can create such a pastry according to your imagination. But I, for example, don’t really fantasize and make them with ordinary spirals, simple curls, and so on. I love eating them with tea or milk. Especially in cloudy weather, baking with aromatic spices and a cup of tea lifts my spirits. My children also often take them to school and in large quantities.

It is worth noting that I make cinnamon rolls not only with cinnamon alone, but also with additional additives in the form of apples, sugar or delicate cream. It certainly turns out incomparable. Look how I prepare all these options.

Sometimes you don’t want to deal with dough and kneading so much that it’s easier to take ready-made (store-bought) yeast dough. I defrost it in advance, roll it out well and add a creamy filling with spices. I’m not particularly clever here with the shape of the products. They still come out beautiful and appetizing.


  • 500 g yeast puff pastry;
  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara.


1. First, prepare the filling. To do this, mix together cinnamon, sugar and pieces of softened butter until smooth. You will get this mass.

2. Now take the finished yeast dough. It had to be defrosted in advance at room temperature.

Do not use a microwave or oven to defrost it.

Roll it out into a large layer with a rolling pin and spread the filling prepared earlier on top.

3. After this, roll the dough into a roll and then cut into equal small pieces. Now all that remains is to place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment and coat with beaten egg. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

4. When they are browned, you can remove them from the oven and as soon as you put them on the table, your house will be filled with the wonderful aroma of quinnamon. Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for yeast buns with apple and cinnamon

Now it's time for apple cinnamon rolls. These two products are used to make different types of baked goods because they go well together. I once treated my guests to this pastry and they were delighted! Here's how to cook them.


  • 2 apples;
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g melted butter;
  • 200 ml. milk;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp. yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 1/4 tsp. salt.
  • 1 g. vanillin.


1. First, you should slightly warm the milk to 36 degrees. It should be warm to the touch, not hot. Mix it with sugar, yeast, salt and mix. Next, add the egg, butter and flour in small portions. The dough is ready, all that remains is to cover it and let it sit for 1 hour until it rises.

2. Now let's prepare the filling. We grate the apples on a coarse grater and, so that they do not darken later, sprinkle with lemon juice or 6% table vinegar.

It is better to take apples with a dense texture.

Then add a tablespoon of sugar and wait until the apples give juice. This juice must then be removed by squeezing out the entire mass.

3. Now let's do the dough. Divide it in half. Take one part and roll it into a rectangular layer 5 mm thick. Spread the top with dumplings, and then with the apple filling (only half!) and at the end sprinkle with sugar.

4. Roll the dough into a roll and cut into equal pieces. Do the same with the other part of the dough. Grease the finished pieces with milk using a pastry brush and sprinkle with a little sugar. Place the cut side down on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

5. The baked goods are ready, but first cover them with a kitchen towel to make them soft. And then you can serve it on the table.

How to make delicious buns from yeast dough without eggs

If there are no eggs in the house, it's okay. And without them you can make excellent yeast dough - tender and light. Just a few minutes and you're done. And the filling is also simple - a combination of cinnamon and sugar. You just have to work hard on the shape of the buns, but you can easily learn.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 300 ml. water;
  • 5 g dry yeast;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 60 ml. vegetable oil.


  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 yolk.


1. Put yeast, half the sugar (10 g), water (it should be preheated to 36 degrees in advance) in a bowl and stir well. Cover with a lid and leave for a while. After this, add the rest of the sugar (10 g), then salt and vegetable oil.

2. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the whole mass until it becomes soft and stops sticking to your hands. After this, let it rise for 1 hour under the lid.

3. Now let's start with the filling. It's easy to prepare - just mix cinnamon and sugar.

4. Roll out the finished dough into a rectangular layer measuring 50*30 cm and 5-7 mm thick.

If it sticks to the rolling pin, sprinkle it with flour.

Then grease it with vegetable oil and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top of the filling. Next, fold the dough towards the middle on both sides, as shown in the photo, and coat this layer with vegetable oil again.

5. Fold the dough in half again and flatten it slightly with your hands. Next, divide it into 10 pieces of 5 cm each.

6. Now press each piece in the middle (but without cutting) with a dough scraper or knife. Next, tighten the edges, twist and secure the ends. Form the rest of the products in the same way.

7. Line a baking tray with baking paper greased with vegetable oil. The pieces will increase in volume during baking, so place them at some distance, leaving a gap. Let them sit for a while and then brush with beaten yolk. And place in the oven for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

8. By the way, every time I have to prepare a double portion of dough, since such buns fly away very quickly among my household!

Making Sinabon buns with cream at home

I fell in love with Sinabon at first sight. Oh, I’ve made so many different types of these buns, but I loved this recipe. It's all about the dough and cream. The dough simply melts in your mouth, and the cream is curd-creamy, especially delicate, and perfectly soaks up baked goods. I can describe the advantages for a long time, so it’s better now to tell you how to cook it.



  • flour - 800 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • melted butter - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast - 9 g.


  • cinnamon - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • soft butter - 50 g.


  • soft butter - 50 g;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.


1. In a bowl, mix melted butter, eggs, salt and sugar. Then add milk, yeast and gradually add flour. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Let it rise a little in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

2. To make the filling, simply combine the sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl.

3. When the dough has rested, roll it into a rectangle 5-7 mm thick. Then grease it with soft butter using a brush and sprinkle the prepared filling on top.

4. Then divide the roll into equal pieces approximately 5 cm wide and place them on a baking sheet with the cut side up.

Lightly press the top of each piece with your fingers.

Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

5. And now it’s the cream’s turn. Place cottage cheese, softened through a sieve, butter, powdered sugar, lemon juice into a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Instead of a pastry syringe, we will use a plastic bag. Use scissors to cut off a corner and add cream.

6. Without removing the baked products from the baking sheet, coat them with this cream like this, in a zigzag manner - from top to bottom. Ready! Now you can brew tea and enjoy the amazing taste.

Video on how to bake beautiful cinnamon and sugar buns in the oven

In this video you can see with your own eyes all the steps in the process of making cinnamon sugar buns. At first I was interested in their unusual shape. But having tried it, I was also surprised by their taste and aroma, and they manifest themselves well when they are still warm and fresh. I just love eating them with fresh milk.

What I love most about these buns is the airy, delicate flesh, and their shape is also pleasing to the eye—it captivates and looks appetizing. As for yeast dough, you don’t have to fuss with it for a long time; it’s quite easy to knead. Try it and see for yourself! If you have questions, ask in the comments and share the article on social networks.

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine a friendly conversation without homemade confectionery - rosy, neat, prepared by the caring hands of a skillful housewife. Cinnamon has a pronounced aroma in baked goods - the smell of this popular spice quickly spreads throughout the house and instantly awakens the appetite of lovers of homemade culinary masterpieces.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

The spice goes well with fruits, especially apples, although for baking you don’t have to prepare the filling at all. Some recipes for cinnamon rolls, only when mentioned, awaken the desire to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious dish at all costs: boiled-baked nut roll, French buns, buns with apples, cheese and walnuts, with tofu, almonds, poppy seed filling, zucchini, honey, etc. But everything ingenious is simple - the tandem of cinnamon and sugar is also very successful. As for the form and presentation, among recipes from all over the world you can find such options as bagel, snail, bun. In principle, it all depends on your imagination; any idea can turn into a real culinary miracle.

Hello dear readers of the culinary blog. Surely each of you, at least once in your life, has had the opportunity to eat cinnamon buns. The taste of the butter dough literally melting in your mouth and the enchanting aroma cannot be forgotten.

Let's all together bake this wonderful dessert for evening tea today.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking, some like to bake buns from puff pastry, others prefer kefir dough. However, I suggest making yeast dough with milk, because the classic cinnamon roll is made from it.

Even those who have never dealt with baked goods will not have any difficulties with baking, because the entire cooking process will be described in as much detail as possible.

Now let’s start looking at the recipe for buns made from yeast dough with cinnamon, which we will use for cooking.



1. Wheat flour – 0.5 kg;

2. Milk – 0.2 l;

3. Granulated sugar – 0.07 kg;

4. Butter – 0.05 kg;

5. Egg - 2 pcs.;

6. Yeast - 10 g;

7. Salt – 1/3 tbsp. l.;


1. Granulated sugar – 0.1 kg;

2. Cinnamon – 0.02 kg;

3. Vanillin – 1 tbsp. l.;

4. Butter – 0.05 kg;

5. Yolk – 1 pc.;

Cooking method:

1. Pour milk heated to 40 degrees into a deep bowl.

2. Add granulated sugar, yeast, salt.

3. Add a handful of flour, stir, the consistency of the dough should resemble pancake dough.

4. Place in a warm place for a quarter of an hour, and wait until the yeast enters the active phase, the dough increases in volume, and many small bubbles appear on the surface.

5. Add eggs and melted butter. Please note that the oil is not too hot; temperatures above 50 degrees have a detrimental effect on yeast fungi. If you add very hot ingredients you can spoil the whole dough and it will stop rising.

6. Be sure to sift the flour through a fine mesh sieve. Combine it with the rest of the ingredients.

7. Knead into a plastic dough.

8. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a kitchen towel or cling film and keep warm for 40 - 50 minutes. Knead the risen dough and let it rise again.

9. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle thickly onto the greased layer of dough.

10. Melt the butter and brush the rolled out dough. Try not to leave unsmeared gaps. It is very convenient to do this with a silicone brush, but if you don’t have one, you can get by with a regular brush with natural bristles.

11. Sprinkle a cutting board with flour and roll out the dough into a layer approximately 5 - 10 mm thick.

12. Form the dough into a tight roll.

If you roll out the dough on parchment paper, it will be much easier to roll.

The parchment will act as a makeshift mat, and you can form a roll of yeast dough, just like you make sushi. As a result, the finished product will be neat and evenly dense along its entire length.

13. Cut the roll into equal pieces.

Let's start baking:

14. This set of products makes approximately 11-12 buns.

15. Grease a baking tray with butter or line it with parchment paper. Place the buns cut side up. Cover with a towel or napkin and let them sit for 30 minutes.

16. When the buns are ready, brush with egg yolk.

17. Bake cinnamon rolls for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

To ensure that the finished products are soft and airy, cover them on top with a towel as soon as you take them out of the oven.

Sprinkle the slightly cooled pastry with powdered sugar and serve.

Bon appetit.

We hope everything worked out for you and you will use this recipe more than once.

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