White rosehip petals in tea. Unusual common rosehip. Benefits of leaves and flowers. Rose hip flower tea

Rosehip or Rōsa is a well-known plant from the Rosaceae family in our country. In official and folk medicine, not only are the fruits of this crop in demand, but the medicinal properties of rose hip flowers are also widely used.

Botanical description

Bisexual flowers with a diameter of 1.5-10 cm can be either single or collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. Some species have bracts. The pedicels are short, 0.55-1.75 cm long. The hypanthium is ovoid, spherical, bottle-shaped or pitcher-shaped, with a narrowing at the throat. The corollas are large in size, with five petals, sometimes semi-double. The coloring may be red, yellow, creamy or white.

Sepals of the entire type may have an extended pointed tip. A pair of sepals have a bilateral dissection, and one has a unilateral dissection. Numerous and freely located stamens are complemented by two-lobed anthers. The pistils are most often sessile, attached to the receptacle, and arranged spirally at the bottom of the hypanthium. Ovaries with hairs, single-locular type, freely located. The ovules are single-covered.

The medicinal and healing properties of rosehip flowers are used very widely.

Beneficial features

The beneficial qualities of rosehip flowers are easily explained by their chemical composition:

  • essential and fatty oils that provide astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides and flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • wax;
  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

Rosehip: harm and benefit (video)

The flowers of this ornamental crop are an excellent raw material for the production of rose oil, which is very actively used in aromatherapy. Based on rose oil, Bulgarian manufacturers launched the production of the famous drug “Rozanol”, used in the treatment of biliary tract diseases, liver diseases, and also to improve the condition of people suffering from urolithiasis. Ointments, gels and lotions with rose oil can cure long-term non-healing wounds.

Extracts from flowers are used to improve the taste and smell of medicines. Dried and crushed rosehip petals are a popular additive for herbal and soothing pillow fillers.

The benefits of rose petals also determine their presence in various herbal preparations used in folk medicine to increase immunity, strengthen strength during colds and flu, and in the treatment of neurasthenia. Products based on rosehip flowers have proven themselves to be effective in getting rid of conjunctivitis, hemorrhoids, and reducing the risk of allergic manifestations.

Medicines based on rosehip petals for internal use are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to treat diarrhea, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.


There are almost no pronounced contraindications for the use of rosehip flowers. You should limit the use of drugs based on rose petals if you are prone to allergies, and also be careful when taking such drugs in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases and individual intolerance to the components.

Indications for use

Decoctions and infusions based on rose petals are used to prepare both external and internal remedies. External agents are in demand for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, skin ulcerations, burn surfaces, dermatitis and psoriasis, purulent dermatological infections, acne and furunculosis.

Medicines containing rosehip petals for oral administration are in demand in the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, heart attacks and pre-infarction conditions, ischemia and hemorrhagic strokes. Such medications are recommended for reduced levels of pancreatic enzyme production and decreased appetite.

Infusions and decoctions of rose petals can cure:

  • cholecystitis with the formation of stones;
  • exacerbations with hepatic and renal colic;
  • disorders in the hematopoietic systems;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • conditions accompanied by vitamin deficiencies and insomnia.

A positive effect is observed in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections.

Methods of application

Based on the petals of rosehip flowers, decoctions are prepared that have a pronounced therapeutic effect in the presence of erysipelas of the skin and eye diseases. To prepare the product, pour 0.1 kg of raw material into a glass of boiling water and boil for an hour. Then the broth must be cooled and strained. It is used as a lotion, which is applied to the affected areas.

How to prepare tincture of rosehip flowers (video)

Rosehip flowers are widely used in cosmetology in the form of compresses with decoctions or water infusions, which can rejuvenate the skin, restore its smoothness and elasticity, eliminate swelling and various defects, and help get rid of age spots and spider veins. Cosmetologists recommend taking baths with the addition of rosehip flowers: this procedure well moisturizes and effectively softens the skin, relieves skin irritation and inflammatory processes, and also helps get rid of cellulite and postpartum stretch marks.

All the flowers are gorgeous! Each flower is charming in its own way and keeps in
some secret to yourself. It may also have healing properties, beneficial
affecting the body and aromatic qualities that have their own
special magic that affects the emotional and psychological background

Rose and rose hip, which is very often popularly called
Bulgarian rose, just like each of the most wonderful gifts of nature -
contain extraordinary healing properties. More than one hundred years
Rose petals are added to tea precisely because of these properties,
which thanks to them has a truly enchanting aroma and beneficial
influencing physiological functions adds strength to a tired body,
slightly calming and intoxicating.

Rose hip flower drink
- this is a separate story, almost a legend. From time immemorial,
village healers advised people suffering from heart disease
make a drink from rose hips. Drink made from flowers brewed in boiling water
rosehip - rich in vitamin C, has a calming and relaxing effect
action. This drink is useful in general and for the whole body, but
can also be used for preventive purposes - for health and
longevity, strengthening the immune and cardiovascular systems. On prescription
The healer had to brew dried rosehip flowers with boiling water and drink
such a healing drink after meals.

The rosehip itself -
this is just a treasure trove of nature, about which we know so little and so rarely
we use. Rosehip since time immemorial, even by our great-great-grandmothers
and was used by great-mothers as a means to improve exchange
substances in the body and even against bleeding gums (periodontal disease) and
anemia (anemia).

Today doctors recognize
the fact that rosehip is an excellent prophylactic against
many diseases. Doctors have proven that drugs manufactured
from rose hips have diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory,
antisclerotic and hemostatic effect.

roses have always been given great importance, thanks to their
a specific aroma, slightly intoxicating and intoxicating. Russia does not have
such vibrant customs and traditions as, for example, in the East, which
Rose flowers and intimate relationships between lovers are connected. Moroccan
customs, for example, include practices such as foot washing
beloved on the first wedding night with fragrant rose water, a bath with
rose petals, dance of a Moroccan beauty for her beloved with a rose on
heaving, pert chest.

Rose petals find their way
place both in love magic and in love games. The bed is strewn
rose petals, which came to us from the West, caresses in which lovers
can use not a feather, but a cool rose with its velvety
delicate petals.

Rose petals and rice at weddings
shower the newlyweds. A beautiful and solemn moment remains in the memory
not just by observing some norm or custom, but as one of the most
vivid memories.

From rose petals and rose hips even
making jam! Didn't you know? To make this dessert
fresh flowers are collected, after which they are laid in thin layers in
jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar and pressing tightly with a spoon. Then
put the jar in the refrigerator and after a while, when it forms
the syrup is poured into a separate glass container, and the petals are again
covered with sugar. The aromatic syrup thus obtained from
rose petals and rose hips, very useful for heart disease and anemia,
It is added to tea and as a stress reliever.

Here are a few recipes for making jam from rose hips petals (you can also make jam from tea roses):

1. Jam from rosehip petals (or roses).

To prepare you will need:

125 g petals

1 kg granulated sugar

1/2 liter of clean water

5-8 g citric acid

Dip the washed petals into pre-prepared syrup, brought to a boil. Cook in one batch. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pour the prepared jam into jars.

2.Jam and petals.

Ingredients for cooking:

250 g petals

200 g granulated sugar

1 g citric acid

Sprinkle the peeled petals with a thin layer of sugar, add citric acid in parts and leave in a cool place for one day. Then mash the petals with a pestle until smooth. Place in pre-prepared jars. Sprinkle sugar on top. Store in the refrigerator.

3.Jam and petals.

0.5 kg petals

2 kg granulated sugar

juice of 2-3 fresh lemons

3 glasses of cold water

Peel the petals, add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar and pour in lemon juice in parts, grind until smooth. Use the rest of the sand to prepare syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar, add the prepared mass of petals to the resulting mixture and simmer fire. The finished jam takes on a transparent color. The jam is ready.

Reading time: 4 minutes


Tea made from rose petals is a very unusual drink for us, because many people prefer the green or black variety. But to relieve tension, fatigue and please yourself, you need to brew a flower infusion. You can prepare a drink from rose petals only or add them to tea leaves. The flower not only attracts with its aroma and beauty, but also has many healing properties.

Composition and beneficial properties of flower tea

Rose petals contain: essential oils, sugars, carotene, citric and malic acid, vitamins B, C, K, E, PP tannins, flavonoids and other substances. Healthy tea can be brewed from both fresh petals and dry ones. It is better to collect them early in the morning, after rain, then the leaves need to be dried. Regular consumption of such flower teas has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive, nervous and immune systems. Tea with rose petals:

  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Helps with colds, relieves sore throat, relieves tonsillitis;
  • Normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • Treats conjunctivitis, the infusion should be used as a lotion on the eyelids;
  • It has bactericidal properties and helps get rid of skin rashes;
  • Helps with insomnia and depression.

Tea with rose petals is very useful; rose petals are also used to make ointment, creams and masks are used in cosmetology. Thanks to its bactericidal effect, an infusion of pink leaves has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it soft and velvety. The petals are often used in cooking; they are added to desserts, wine, compotes and jam. The high content of vitamin C in the composition of the flower drink makes it indispensable, especially in the autumn-winter period.

How to make tea with rose petals

The brewed drink will taste sweet, with a delicate aroma of fruit. This infusion will help relieve stress and relax. To prepare it you need:

  • Place two teaspoons of petals in a cup;
  • Pour a glass of boiled water, cooled to eighty degrees;
  • Close the lid and leave for five minutes.

Rose tea also helps lower body temperature. If you have an upset stomach, you should drink this drink twice a day.

Chinese rose

There are many varieties of roses, but the Chinese rose has special healing properties. If you brew tea from it and drink it regularly, you can cleanse the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. This infusion is also useful for the stronger sex; it helps improve potency and relieve hangovers. Flower teas have beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and also normalize blood pressure. Tea is a good remedy for swelling and removes excess fluid from the body.

Chinese rose tea

The recipe is very simple, brew a delicious healthy drink as follows:

  • Place four grams of petals in a teapot;
  • Pour a glass of boiling water (ninety degrees);
  • Close and leave for about three minutes.

You can prepare it several times; the first time the tea is brewed, the tea turns out to be transparent, and the next time it has a pink tint. Honey and sugar should not be added, as its taste is quite sweet.

Bath based on infusion of rose petals

If you are tired after a hard day's work or are worried about a feeling of anxiety, we suggest taking a flower bath.

  • Place half a glass of petals in a container;
  • Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water;
  • Cover with a lid and leave for thirty minutes.

Now fill the bath with water and add the prepared infusion there. If you regularly do this procedure, you can get rid of stressful situations, fatigue, and cleanse your skin.

Tea rose jam

To prepare it you will need one kilogram of rose petals, three kilograms of sugar and one liter of water. The buds need to be separated into separate leaves. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the petals, stir and boil for another five minutes. Turn off the heat and cool the broth for several hours.

Boil the syrup again and cool. Add a few lemon slices to the jam and boil it again. Sterilize the jars by placing them in the oven at a low temperature to warm them up. Boil the lids. Place the jam into jars and close the lids.

Tea for gastrointestinal diseases

Brew a mixture that will help with gastritis and stomach ulcers:

  • Ten grams each of tea rose petals, chamomile flowers, calendula, dried grass, horsetail;
  • Twenty grams each of agrimony grass, wormwood leaves, rose hips, dill seeds, plantain and St. John's wort;
  • Seventy grams of yarrow.

Separate six grams of the herbal mixture and pour boiling water (half a liter). Place in a steam bath for thirty minutes. Drink the prepared strained tea four times a day, twenty minutes before meals.

Infusion for wounds and burns

Tea made from tea rose and herbs is used as a lotion to quickly heal wounds. To prepare it you will need.

It is impossible to calmly pass by a blooming, abundantly covered with pink flowers.

Rose hip bush. The bright and at the same time delicate aroma of a flowering plant unobtrusively attracts and makes you involuntarily slow down to enjoy this amazing smell. But not everyone knows that a piece of this wonderful aroma can be preserved for a long time in the form of delicious jam made from fragrant flowers. Not everyone can make fragrant, tender jam from rose hip petals, but only a very patient person. Freshly blossomed rosehip petals are suitable for cooking. Can you imagine how much time it takes, how much painstaking work to put in to collect at least half a kilogram of weightless petals? You can prepare this for future use with three-liter jars. So this recipe is only for the very patient and hardworking.

How to collect and prepare rosehip petals for cooking?

To make rosehip jam fragrant and tender, you need the petals of a newly bloomed flower. How to collect them? Collect all the petals of the flower into a pinch, pick them, then use scissors to cut off the white and pink part of the petals with which they are attached to the receptacle. It is advisable to collect and put them in a basket without crushing them. It cannot be stored assembled; it is necessary to make jam from rose hip petals immediately after collection, since they will not release juice during further processing. Weigh the raw materials, pour into a wide enamel bowl, add lemon juice (it can be replaced with citric acid). Then grind the rosehip petals. Their volume will greatly decrease, they will secrete juice and turn red. For five hundred grams of raw materials, you need to add the juice of one lemon or five grams of citric acid.

from rosehip petals?

Often, when making jam, sugar is poured into the prepared raw material and allowed to brew for a certain time so that it dissolves and is saturated with juice. Indeed, in this case, the raw material produces abundant juice, sugar dissolves in it, but the jam cooked in this way turns out to be liquid. If you cook it longer until it thickens, then the berries, and in this case the rosehip petals, will become tough and their unique aroma will be lost. It is strongly recommended to cook rosehip petal jam in prepared sugar syrup; to do this, pour sugar into an enamel pan and add water: for one kilogram of sugar you need 0.5 liters of purified water. Allow the syrup to boil, stirring frequently to avoid burning. Pour the prepared rosehip petals into the boiling syrup, let the mixture boil, remove from the heat and leave to infuse for a day. Cover the pan not with a lid, but with gauze or a towel. Next, put the infused mass on low heat, let it boil and pour into sterilized small jars, cover them with lids, and pasteurize for ten minutes in hot water. Store in a place protected from light.

The fragrant and tender rosehip petal jam is ready. Pleasant memories of warm summers on long cold winter evenings.

Rosehip blooms delightfully - delicate petals thin out the delicate floral aroma and create a poetic mood. It’s a pity, the petals fly away quickly... However, this beauty can be collected and withered, and then enjoyed with delicious flower tea all winter. And not just tea. Extracts are prepared from wild rose flowers (that’s what rose hips are called) that enhance the smell and taste of medicines. Dried petals are used as “stuffing” in fragrant pillows, on which it is so easy to fall asleep. Rose hips are also used to prepare rose oil, rose water for washing, cosmetic ice, infusions, and masks.

Rose hip flower tea

It is good to combine dried flowers with meadowsweet flowers and mint to make a delicious drink. Or add rose petals to green tea, which immediately takes on a subtle floral flavor. The extract of the petals is added to honey, syrups, wine liqueurs and jam are made from the flowers.

Rosehip flowers are also included in tonic, anti-cold, and immunity-boosting teas. The petals are useful for the prevention and auxiliary treatment of diseases of the urinary system; they stabilize the functioning of the pancreas, fight constipation and poor appetite. While preparations made from rosehips have a number of contraindications, rosehip flowers are safer and, sometimes, healthier than berries. An infusion of rosehip flowers restores elasticity to the walls of the arteries and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, removes sand from the bladder, helps cope with renal colic and colds, and helps cope with neuroses and insomnia.

If you pour 100 grams of rosehip flowers with a glass of boiling water and boil this decoction for an hour, you can make compresses for sore eyes. The same decoction (as well as the infusion) is also used in cosmetology to combat pigment spots, stars, swelling, and irritations on the skin. Water for washing is also prepared from rosehip petals, which makes the skin elastic.

Extracts from rosehip petals are included in anti-aging cosmetics, and baths with wild rose petals soften the skin and help reduce stretch marks and cellulite.

Benefits of rosehip leaves

We often bring leaves along with rosehip flowers; there is no need to throw them away. The leaves are high in tannin, making them ideal for tea drinks. The leaves also contain catechins, saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, carotene, salicylic, caffeic and vanillic acid, essential oils, vitamins (rose hips are especially rich in vitamins C, K, B1). Vitamin teas are prepared from the dried leaf to relieve the symptoms of digestive diseases, because such teas relieve pain and improve the motor function of the stomach. The leaf helps with menstrual pain and rising temperature, high blood pressure and swelling (drinks made from rosehip leaf have a pronounced diuretic effect). Rosehip leaf can be fermented, drunk with honey, or added fresh to vitamin-rich green salads.

Rose hip leaf decoction recipe

Pour a tablespoon of leaf into a glass of water, boil for a minute and leave for 40 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day, after meals. This decoction is taken for vitamin deficiency, diabetes and rheumatism.

The benefits of rosehip roots and branches

Both twigs and roots of rose hips are used; in any form, this fragrant plant is useful and wonderful. The roots are collected in the fall and are recommended for people suffering from cholelithiasis and salt deposits in the joints. To prepare the decoction, you need to add a tablespoon of crushed rosehip roots to a glass of boiling water, boil the decoction for ten minutes and leave for a couple of hours. Take the decoction three times a day, after meals, half a glass.
A decoction is prepared from rosehip branches, which relieves pain from rheumatism and radiculitis.

Preparations from any part of the rosehip (especially tinctures) should be taken with caution by people who have problems with blood clotting and a predisposition to blood clots. Only under the supervision of doctors can those who have heart and liver diseases take rose hips. It is also necessary to remember that rosehip preparations containing alcohol help to raise blood pressure. And water infusions, on the contrary, decrease.
