Quick alcohol tinctures at home recipes. Tincture recipes

You can easily prepare alcohol tinctures yourself. This drink turns out strong and aromatic, and the quality is not inferior to store-bought alcohol. Homemade products are prepared from fresh fruits, berries or herbs with the addition of vodka or cognac. Each of the alcoholic infusions has a slightly different taste - it depends on the type of fruit, the length of infusion and many other factors. You can safely take them to the holiday table at any time of the year. In addition, when preparing homemade tincture, you can accurately verify the quality of the raw materials, the absence of dyes and synthetic flavors.

An alcohol tincture consists of any type of strong alcohol and a base. If you combine these two components, the liquid is saturated with taste and aroma, without losing its strength. At home, homemade tinctures are prepared from a week to several months, depending on the type of main raw material. You can also use low-quality fruits and berries. They can be partially padded or damaged - all these areas can be easily removed, and the remaining parts can be taken as a base.

The process of preparing tinctures at home includes several stages:

  • preparation of raw materials - fruits, berries or herbs are cleaned of dirt and impurities, crushed or pureed (depending on the recipe);
  • infusion - the duration of this stage can reach up to several months;
  • straining - finished tinctures do not contain impurities or residues of raw materials;
  • storage - the liquid is poured into glass containers and kept in a cold room for several years.

Recipes for alcohol tinctures are simple and accessible; you don’t need to purchase special equipment to prepare them. Drinks with different flavors are prepared using alcohol. Some of them can be used for medicinal purposes - herbal extracts are used to improve appetite, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also to relieve inflammation.


A huge number of recipes for homemade infusions allows you to choose the simplest and most delicious. Today you can find a huge number of ways to diversify a recipe by combining your favorite flavors. There are also quick preparation methods - they will come in handy if you urgently need a drink for a holiday or a visit from guests.

For lovers of healthy alcohol tinctures prepared with their own hands, there are several options:

  • herbal drinks - they are also used for medicinal purposes;
  • berry liqueurs are sweet and aromatic, they can even be made from jam;
  • Fruit liqueurs are a great way to put your bountiful harvest of apples, pears and other fruits to good use.

Cedar tincture with alcohol

For this you will need 4 tablespoons of unshelled nuts and 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. For taste and aroma, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and vanillin, as well as currant leaf and grated lemon zest. Preparation takes place in several stages:

  • pour boiling water over the nuts in a separate container, drain the water, repeat the procedure three times - this way the finished liqueur will not taste bitter;
  • place all the ingredients in a glass bottle, fill with alcohol and leave in a warm place for 10 days;
  • strain the tincture, pour into a bottle for storage;
  • After another 4 days it is ready for consumption.

The recipe for pine tincture is simple, but you will need high-quality nuts. They must have a strong shell, without an unpleasant odor or signs of spoilage. Before cooking, nuts must be sorted and cleaned of impurities.

Cranberry tincture with alcohol

The cranberry tincture is thick and rich, with a bright aroma of spices. For 2 liters of alcohol or vodka you will need 400 g of fresh berries, a few tablespoons of honey and lemon zest to taste. Lovers of sweet liqueurs can additionally add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

Tincture recipe:

  • rinse the berries and mash them to a puree, leave in a warm place for 2 days;
  • add 1 liter of alcohol and leave to infuse for a week;
  • strain the tincture, pour the liquid into a separate container and leave, and pour the remaining alcohol over the berries;
  • after a week, strain the liqueur, combine the liquid from two bottles, add the mixture and spices;
  • leave for another week, then strain and serve.

In winter, such a liqueur can be prepared from frozen berries. They do not differ in taste and retain all their beneficial properties. However, after defrosting, the aroma may become less intense, so it is recommended to increase their dosage to 450-500 g per 2 liters of alcohol.

Chokeberry tincture with alcohol

Rowan berry tincture is not only a tasty alcohol, but also a well-known medicine. In winter, it improves immunity and helps cope with colds. For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol you will need 1-1.5 kg of ripe berries, 500 g of sugar and a few tablespoons of dry cloves. The liqueur is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • wash and sort the berries, crush them to a paste and leave in a warm place for several days;
  • add sugar and spices, add alcohol and leave in a dark room for 2 months;
  • strain the liquid, pour into a storage container and serve.

Rowan berries have a characteristic sour taste, so a tincture of them is prepared with the addition of a large amount of sugar. Rowan also goes well with other red berries: cherries or currants.

Viburnum tincture with alcohol

Viburnum is an excellent protection against colds and viral infections, so you should definitely stock up on this drink for the winter. For 1 liter of alcohol you will need 1 kg of viburnum berries and a few tablespoons of sugar. The cooking process is simple:

  • wash the berries and crush them to a paste;
  • add sugar and alcohol, leave in a glass container in a dark room;
  • After 3 weeks, strain the tincture - it is ready for use.

Recipes for alcohol tincture at home may vary. So, you can easily replace sugar with honey, add cinnamon and cloves. Spices go well with the bitter taste of berries, and honey is also considered an effective medicine.

Lingonberry tincture with alcohol

Lingonberry liqueur has a bright ruby ​​hue, a fresh aroma and a bitter taste. This berry is a valuable source of vitamin C, which is preserved after infusion and is present in the tincture. For 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, take 6 full spoons of berries and start preparing:

  • sort and wash the berries, grind to a paste;
  • pour alcohol, add a few tablespoons of sugar if desired;
  • leave for 3 weeks, then strain and serve.

A really tasty tincture is made from a mixture of berries. It is recommended to combine lingonberries with raspberries and rose hips in equal proportions. If you add honey instead of sugar, the liqueur will be thicker and more aromatic.

Apple tincture with alcohol

For 1 liter of alcohol you need to take 1 kg of fresh apples, a few tablespoons of honey and half a spoon of cinnamon powder. The tincture is prepared as follows:

  • wash and peel the apples, remove the core and seeds, cut the fruit into thin slices;
  • add honey and spices, add alcohol and leave warm under the lid, stirring occasionally;
  • After 10 days, strain and pour into a container for long-term storage.

The apple tincture is ready. It can be drunk either cold or heated over a fire with spices. With the addition of honey, its consistency becomes thicker and its color more saturated. Using the same recipe, you can prepare a tasty and healthy apple liqueur with cognac.

Redcurrant tincture with alcohol

Homemade tincture made with alcohol and currants has a bright ruby ​​hue. The berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, thanks to which you can protect yourself from infection in the off-season and strengthen your immune system. For the classic liqueur recipe you will need 1 liter of vodka and 500g of ripe berries, you can also add honey or sugar to taste.

Even a beginner can handle making currant liqueur:

  • Rinse fresh berries under water and fill the jar halfway;
  • add sugar or honey, fill the container completely with alcohol;
  • leave for 3 weeks in a warm, dark room, then strain;
  • The tincture is ready for use.

The liqueur can be prepared from red currants of any variety. For taste, it is also recommended to add a few fresh twigs with leaves. They will not only add a bright aroma, but also supplement the drink with healthy vitamins and minerals.

Cherry tincture with alcohol

There are a huge number of ways to cook. The berries have a characteristic sour taste, but many people like sweeter drinks. The taste is adjusted by adding additional components, sugar and spices. For a fragrant spicy liqueur you will need 1 kg of berries, 1 liter of vodka, 10 tablespoons of sugar and spices to taste (cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg).

Cherry tincture cannot be called fast. It must be prepared in several stages so that the liquid absorbs all the taste and beneficial properties of the berries:

  • wash the cherries and pierce each one with a toothpick, you can leave the seeds;
  • place the berries with sugar and spices in a glass container, pour in alcohol (the berries are placed in layers, sprinkling each with sugar and spices);
  • pour in alcohol and leave to infuse under a lid or gauze, stirring occasionally;
  • After 2 months, the liqueur can be strained and placed on the table.

There are other recipes for cherry liqueur. Some people advise removing the seeds first so that the taste is softer and the bitterness disappears. However, when preparing large volumes of the drink, this method will require a huge amount of time.

Lemon tincture with alcohol

Light refreshing, perfect on a hot summer day. Traditionally, it is prepared with lemon zest and mint leaves - they give a special softness to the taste and freshness of the aroma. For 1 liter of vodka you will need the zest of 5 medium ripe lemons, 150 g of fresh mint leaves (you can replace 50 g of dried raw materials). Additionally, you can add sugar.

The liqueur is prepared according to a simple recipe:

  • Wash the lemons and peel the zest so that only the yellow part remains;
  • Place the zest tightly in a glass container along with mint leaves and sugar, pour in alcohol;
  • Leave in a warm place for 10 days, stirring the jar periodically;
  • strain through large cheesecloth and pour into a bottle for long-term storage - the liqueur is ready for use.

You can cook it both in winter and summer. The zest contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which is absorbed by the liquid when infused. This drink is especially useful during seasonal immunodeficiencies in order to avoid colds.

Plum tincture with alcohol

Ripe plum fruits are an excellent reason to cook. Among purchased drinks you can also find alcohol based on plums or plum pits, but a truly natural and healthy product is worth making yourself. The taste is a little tart, but sweet even without adding sugar. For 1 liter of alcohol or vodka you should take 1 kg of ripe berries, 200 g of sugar and a couple of sprigs of mint.

Even a beginner can handle preparing the drink:

  • Wash the plums and place in a glass container, fill with alcohol;
  • after 2 weeks, strain the tincture;
  • Boil thick syrup from plums with added sugar;
  • Combine the tincture and syrup in a glass bottle, add mint and other ingredients to taste;
  • Let it sit for 24 hours and the liqueur is ready.

It has a thick color and bright aroma. It should be served with light dishes, fruits and desserts. If you manage to collect a rich harvest of berries, it is recommended to set aside some for homemade plum wine.


Infusion of their fresh raspberries is a great way to remember the hot summer in the frosty winter. It is recommended to prepare it during the harvest season, but frozen berries are also suitable. For 1 liter of alcohol you will need 1.5 kg of raspberries, as well as 250 g of sugar and water. The recipe is so simple that it is difficult to make a mistake:

  • Rinse the raspberries well and put them in a glass container, add alcohol and leave in a warm place for 5 days;
  • Boil a thick syrup from water and sugar, stirring it constantly over low heat;
  • strain the tincture and combine it with the syrup, leave for a few more days;
  • The drink is ready - it can be served.

The raspberry liqueur turns out sickly sweet. It is recommended to serve it with desserts or fruit slices. To dilute the taste a little, raspberries can be combined with lingonberries, cranberries or other sour fruits.


Aromatic blackberry tincture, prepared with your own hands, is not only a sweet, tasty drink, but also a source of useful substances. They are found not only in the berries, but also in the leaves of the plant, so they can also be added to the liqueur. For the classic recipe you will need 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, 500 g of ripe berries, 5 tablespoons of sugar and several twigs with leaves. To improve the taste, you can also add lemon zest from half the fruit.

Blackberry tincture recipe:

  • put the berries in a jar, add additional ingredients, add sugar and pour alcohol;
  • leave for 2 months, stirring the contents of the jar every few days;
  • strain the tincture, pour the liquid into a glass bottle with an airtight lid.

It is better to work with blackberries while wearing thin gloves. The berries contain a large amount of coloring substances, which are then difficult to wash off from the skin of the hands. They give the finished drink a rich dark shade.


Juniper berries are used in folk medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiencies, lung diseases and dermatological problems. They are taken orally as part of a tasty and healthy tincture, which is easy to prepare yourself. For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol you will need 5 g of berries and 25 g of honey. These components are combined and infused for 10 days in a warm place. Then the drink must be strained and drunk according to the instructions.

Juniper tincture is recommended for medicinal purposes. If you drink 1 spoon before meals every day, you can significantly strengthen your immune system and prevent seasonal colds. Juniper extract has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is also present in pharmaceutical medicines.


Preserving the sweet taste and aroma of ripe blueberries is very simple - just prepare a healthy homemade tincture. For 1 liter of vodka you need to take 1 kg of berries and 250 sugar (more or less is possible), combine them and leave for 2-3 weeks, stirring constantly. Then all that remains is to strain the liquid, pour into a beautiful decanter and serve.

Blueberries are a staple food recommended by doctors to maintain visual acuity at any age. The extract of these berries is present in vitamin supplements, syrups and tablets. However, the tincture turns out to be not only healthy, but also tasty. It may well replace purchased alcohol on the holiday table.

Sea buckthorn

If you take 1 kg of sea buckthorn fruit, 1 liter of vodka and 500 g of sugar, and then infuse for 2 weeks, you will get an original alcoholic drink of your own production. It has a characteristic sourness, so it is rarely prepared without adding honey or sugar. Sea buckthorn fruits are excellent for coughs, strengthen the immune system, and calm the nervous system. Plus, it's simply delicious and looks great at any meal.

Homemade tinctures are sure to please guests and household members. The variety of flavors will allow everyone to find a suitable recipe, and even a beginner can cope with the preparation of the drink. Fruits and berries, medicinal herbs, honey and spices - all these products are much healthier than the highest quality store-bought alcohol. In addition, liqueurs have a long shelf life. If you prepare them in large quantities during the harvest season, they will always be on hand to please unexpected guests.

The quality of your homemade drink will directly depend on the purity and softness of the water. It is recommended to use a bottled one, for example, from a line of baby food - then the base will not have to be further cleaned. However, alcohol must be prepared.

To clean, pour it into a clean glass jar and add pharmaceutical activated carbon, crushed into powder (15 tablets per 3 l). Stir the contents of the container and let it sit. After a day, pour the alcohol into a clean container through ironed gauze or white flannel.

Add purified alcohol to the water in small portions. To achieve the desired strength of the drink, use. If you don’t have a special measuring device, stick to the common proportions: 2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water.

Vodka does not have to be 40% ABV. According to the State Standard of the Russian Federation, the alcohol content in this drink can be from 40 (in European countries - from 37.5%) to 56%.

To make the vodka softer, it is advisable to add sugar syrup, which must be prepared from equal parts of water and granulated sugar. Add 1 teaspoon of syrup to 1 liter of homemade vodka, seal the container with the alcoholic drink hermetically and let it sit for at least a day. Cool the vodka before drinking.

Alcohol tincture

Homemade alcohol tinctures are usually called strengths from 18% to 60%. Fruits, berries, herbs, spices and other additives are often infused cold in water diluted with water (home strength 45-50%).

You will get a wonderful fragrant one. Grind a glass of clean berries with the same amount of granulated sugar, pour in 0.5 liters of homemade vodka and leave for 2 weeks to a month. After aging, it can be diluted, if desired, with clean water to the desired strength:

30 to 60% - bitter or semi-sweet drink;
- from 18 to 25% with a sugar content of up to 30 g per half glass - sweet tincture.

If 0.5 glasses of tincture contain from 30 to 40 g of sugar, then this is already considered liqueur; even sweeter drinks (about 50 g of sugar per half glass) are called liqueur.

All that remains is to strain the finished drink and place it in the cold.

Homemade liqueur

Liqueurs are usually based on fresh fruit and berry juices, which are fortified with purified alcohol and sweetened. In addition, you can infuse the fruits. You can add various aromatic essences to suit your taste.

A very fragrant liqueur is made from fresh strawberries. Pour 1 kg of berries into 1 liter of vodka and keep in a warm place in a hermetically sealed container for half a month. After this, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Boil syrup from 0.5 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar, cool to room temperature. Mix strawberry infusion and place in a dark place for a week.

Cumin, mint, rose hips, marjoram, zest and other additives give homemade liqueurs their characteristic aroma. Essences for an alcoholic drink can be made in advance by first drying the plants. Grind them into powder, pour in high concentration alcohol (at least 75%-90%) in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for a week. Using various essences, spices, herbs, berries and fruits, you can create your own signature recipes.

Related article


  • homemade jam tincture
  • Tinctures, liqueurs, vodka

Homemade alcohol tinctures are used to treat many diseases, as well as for rubbing. For their preparation, regular medical alcohol, which can be bought at a pharmacy, and medicinal plants are used. Tinctures are used as an aid in the treatment of diseases while taking medications.


Pour 40-70% rubbing alcohol into a wide jar or bottle and add medicinal herbs. For convenience, first add the herbs and then add alcohol. If you are using a jar, place the herbs in cheesecloth and tie it into a knot, then place it in the container.

The tincture should be prepared for 7-10 days. Shake the container periodically, if not, then when a certain concentration is reached in the lower layers alcohol medicinal infusion, enrichment alcohol stop using herbs. Store the container with the tincture in a dark place at room temperature with the lid tightly closed.


  • what can be made from alcohol

High-quality vodka is quite expensive in the store, however, you can independently purify the alcoholic product whose quality you doubt. This can be done in various ways, for example, with coal. Moreover, there are several “coal” options for purifying vodka.

You will need

  • Vodka, activated black carbon, gauze or paper napkins, optional carbon water filter, raisins, tricolor violet root.


Today, moonshine brewing is for many not just a source of high-quality and inexpensive alcohol, but also a hobby, an outlet. A favorite activity, doing which you can forget about problems and difficult life situations. Many of those who brew this drink do not drink it “pure”, preferring instead to create tinctures and liqueurs. I am one of these people; making tinctures has been my hobby for more than 6 years. We collect a wide variety of recipes that can be prepared at home with the whole family: we write down, try, experiment. The best drinks that we have come across were published in this blog, because there is no point in hiding them on the shelf, let every lover of moonshine at home enjoy the wonderful drinks, recipes for which you will find in this article.

As an introduction, it is worth saying the following: making such drinks at home is not a quick task; you often have to wait up to six months, and sometimes even longer. In my cellar there are containers marked 2010 and earlier, sometimes it’s even a pity to open them, because every year the drink only gets better, tastier, richer. All this is said to mean that you should not chase quick results; quality products are the fruits of months of infusion. However, for those who like quick infusions, in this article we will look at such options; perhaps someone will like them even more than those infused for years, it’s a matter of taste and personal preference.

Features of moonshine infusions


Two types of tinctures are made from moonshine: liqueurs and tinctures themselves. Unlike liqueurs, the latter are not so sweet and much stronger. The amount of alcohol in them is 45% and higher, so tinctures made with strong homemade alcohol are better than with vodka, which has a lower alcohol content.

The basic rule for preparing tinctures is high quality moonshine. It must be well filtered and, preferably, double distilled so that unpleasant impurities and odors do not spoil the taste of the finished product.

As a good option: We select raw materials for the mash that would be in harmony with what is infused. We got moonshine from the first distillation and distilled it through a distillation column.

Sugar level

There are three types of tinctures based on the amount of sugar.

  1. Bitter. They are prepared with herbs or spices, for example, St. John's wort, galangal, oregano, ginger and so on. The sugar level in these drinks does not exceed 2% and only if it is contained in the products used.
  2. Semi-sweet (conditionally sweet). These are infusions of berries, often with the addition of herbs. The amount of sugar in them is related to how sweet the berries are used. But usually its level does not exceed 5-6%
  3. Sweet. This type includes a variety of tinctures to which sugar is added. In them its level is 18-20%

These drinks are usually not made too sweet, like liqueurs. Although a lot depends on taste, overly sugary strong alcohol is heavy and insidious.

General principles for preparing berry infusions

A homemade moonshine tincture will be of high quality if the original product is not only well purified, but also strong.

  • For a herbal drink, its strength should be 50%. If the strength exceeds 60%, then it is recommended to add water.
  • If berries are used, the alcohol content should be higher, preferably 70%. Because the berries will definitely give juice, which will dilute the finished product and reduce its strength.
  • It is better to prepare berry tincture from frozen berries, as they release more juice containing substances necessary for a better taste.
  • To get a drink with a pleasant, slightly caramel flavor, it is recommended to bake some berries, for example, in the oven.
  • You need to infuse moonshine in a warm and, preferably, dark place. In the light its taste will change, and in the warmth it will be ready for consumption faster.
  • The preparation time should be long, at least 2 months, and preferably 3–4.
  • During the infusion process, you should not open the lid, taste, etc. Since this can lead to oxidation of the moonshine and the taste will deteriorate.

Therefore, in order to prepare a tasty and high-quality drink, you need not only accuracy, but also patience.

Tincture recipes


At home - one of the most famous. And not only because this berry is very well suited for preparing alcohol-containing drinks, but also because it contains a lot of vitamins, and the infusion is not only tasty, but also healthy.

The process of preparing Klyukovka is simple.

  • In a three-liter jar (frozen or freshly harvested).
  • Add 100 grams of sugar. Those who like it sweeter can increase its quantity.
  • Fill it to the top with moonshine and place it in a dark place for three months.
  • , drain the mixture through a colander and strain through cheesecloth.

Blackcurrant tincture

The aromatic one cooks faster than the cranberry one, but it also needs to sit for at least half a month. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the longer it infuses, the better and brighter the taste will be.

For a liter of moonshine you will need 1 kg of fresh black currants and 150 grams. Sahara.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and put into a jar.
  2. Add sugar and shake well to mix with blackcurrants.
  3. Pour moonshine into a container with berries and leave to infuse.
  4. After two weeks, drain and filter the tincture.

Lemon tincture (early ripening)

Tinctures can be prepared not only by cold method, but also by heat treatment. Heating strong alcohol with berries significantly speeds up the process of saturating it with aroma and taste and reduces the infusion time.

One of these “early ripening” tinctures is lemon. It can be done if guests are expected to arrive, but there is no ready-made wine.


  • liter of moonshine, strength not lower than 60%;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 70 grams of sugar
  • 4 cloves;

This drink should be prepared in a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid so that the light and volatile alcohol does not evaporate and the strength of the final product does not decrease.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the lemon into half rings along with the zest.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add sugar, cloves and pour in moonshine.
  3. Then the mixture must be heated, but not to a boil, so that the alcohol does not begin to evaporate. Turn off the heat when the first bubbles just begin to rise from the bottom of the pan.
  4. Close with a tight lid and leave to infuse.
  5. After 12 hours, filter and, after bottling, put in the refrigerator for another couple of hours.

You can make cranberry tincture in a similar way.

Making moonshine tinctures is a fascinating and creative process. During which, you can enjoy not only the consumption and creativity, but also the enthusiastic reviews of guests.

Source: samogonniyapparat.ru


This moonshine drink has a distinct smell of hay with hints of herbs, a real aroma of nature.

We will need:

  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Zubrovka – 1-2 blades of grass;
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • Moonshine (40-45 degrees) – 0.5 l.


  1. Zubrovka can be found at any market from herbalists - the grass should have an even green color and give off the smell of a fresh meadow. – you can take 2 small blades of grass or one long one.
  2. Cut the bison into small pieces, place in a jar and fill with moonshine.
  3. To make the tincture, add sugar (or fructose) and lemon juice.
  4. Place the jar in a dark place and shake occasionally.
  5. After two weeks, filter the drink through cotton wool.

Zubrovochka is very good for outings into nature (fishing, hunting, barbecue). Used for any fermentation and pickles, fried meat or lard.


A very simple way to make a tincture from moonshine, which is good both on its own and as a prevention of colds.

We will need:

  • Fresh ginger – 20 g;
  • Moonshine – 0.5 l.;
  • Horseradish root – 40-60 g;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Cut horseradish and ginger into small pieces, place in a jar and fill with moonshine.
  2. Send the tincture to a dark place for a week - during this time the horseradish will give off its aroma to the drink, and the ginger will absorb fusel oils (this will once again cleanse the moonshine).
  3. Filter the drink. Pour the tincture into a glass, add honey, lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Pour the contents of the glass back into the jar and leave for another couple of days.

Great for fatty foods and grilled dishes.

You can adjust the moonshine to your taste by adding red hot pepper or fresh dill to the tincture.


A very useful moonshine tincture (in reasonable quantities), which should be consumed as an aperitif before a hearty lunch.

We will need:

  • Pine nuts (unpeeled) – 40 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Moonshine – 0.5 liters;
  • Dried zest – 20 g;
  • Blackcurrant leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of the knife.


  1. Clean the nuts from resin and “spruce smell”. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over them three times.
  2. Crush the nuts (along with the shells). Place it in a jar along with the other ingredients and fill it with moonshine. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Infuse Kedrovka for two weeks, shaking the jar periodically.
  4. Filter the drink (through several layers of gauze).
  5. After filtering, let it brew in a warm place for another 3-4 days.

You can add your own ingredients to the drink (various berries or herbs), the main thing is that they do not interrupt the main “cedar” aroma.


The simplest, but at the same time one of the most popular and very tasty recipes for moonshine tincture.

We will need:

  • (better than winter varieties) – 3-4 pcs;
  • Red rowan berries – 200-300 g;
  • Moonshine (50 degrees) – 1 liter.


  1. Cut the apples into slices.
  2. Place apples and red rowan in layers in the prepared container alternately - the jar needs to be filled two-thirds full.
  3. Pour alcohol over the fruits and leave for 3 weeks.
  4. Strain the resulting drink (using several layers of cotton wool).

The drink turns out to be very aromatic, with a soft and pronounced taste. Recommended to be consumed with fruit or citrus fruits.


This moonshine tincture is intended for lovers of strong drinks with a hint of spice.

We will need:

  • Chili pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • Vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife;
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • Black pepper – 3-4 peas;
  • Propolis – a pinch;
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon zest – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Paprika – 1 tbsp;
  • Moonshine – 1 liter.


  1. Slightly cut the chili along the surface with a knife. Crush the black peppercorns.
  2. Place all ingredients in a jar and fill with moonshine.
  3. Place the tincture in a warm but dark place. Shake daily.
  4. After a week, filter the tincture through cotton wool. Let stand for another 2-3 days.

To reduce the strength of the drink, the chili can be placed whole in a container without cutting. Use in small quantities with meat or fish snacks.


The tincture has powerful medicinal properties - it treats gastrointestinal diseases and improves immunity.

We will need:

  • Galangal root (dried) – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Coffee – 4-5 beans;
  • Moonshine – 0.5 liters;
  • Dry licorice root – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix all ingredients, place in a container and fill with moonshine.
  2. Shake the tincture thoroughly and place it in a dark place for 21 days.
  3. To make the color and taste more intense, you need to shake the jar daily.
  4. Strain the drink and place in bottles (preferably dark in color).
  5. Be sure to store refrigerated.

The tincture can be consumed with any snack in small quantities.

Berry tincture

Berry tincture from moonshine is softer than all the others. Therefore, it is especially loved by women and served with fruits or sweets.

We will need:

  • Berries – 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar (sand) – 200 g;
  • Moonshine (40-45 degrees) – 1 liter.


  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, dry them, and place them in a prepared container.
  2. Sprinkle sugar on top of the berries and mash them lightly with your hands – you want the berries to burst but not turn into a “mixture”.
  3. Pour moonshine over the berries and shake well.
  4. Send the container to a dark place for a month. Shake occasionally.
  5. Carefully (several times) filter the tincture, then bottle it.

Berry tincture can be made from various berries: cranberries, chokeberries, viburnum, as well as fruits: cherries, quinces, currants.

Source: alcoholgid.ru

Lemon tincture

The taste of this alcohol is similar to Limoncello liqueur. However, lemon tincture on moonshine is much easier and faster to make. It is served chilled as dessert alcohol.

We will need:

  • 5 lemons;
  • half a liter of moonshine;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • glass of water.

Wash the lemons and dry them thoroughly. Take one citrus and very carefully remove the zest from it. It is important not to touch the white pulp, which tastes very bitter. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Prepare the syrup. To do this, take granulated sugar, lemon juice and water. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook the syrup for about 4 minutes over low heat. Stir and skim off foam as needed.

Now peel the remaining citrus fruits. You need to remove not only the yellow peel, but also the white pulp. Finely chop the juicy part of the lemon.

Mix alcohol, syrup, lemon pulp and zest in a glass container. Seal tightly and place in a cool place for 5-6 days. Now the drink is ready, all that remains is to strain it.

Hawthorn tincture with moonshine has an interesting taste and medicinal properties. However, you need to drink it extremely carefully. After all, if used incorrectly, you can develop dysbacteriosis. Doctors also warn that hawthorn can disrupt the rhythm of the heart.

Many people prefer to infuse moonshine with herbs. It all depends only on your imagination. You can take the following ingredients:

  • rose hip;
  • coriander;
  • dill;
  • sage;
  • fennel;
  • cardamom.

This list can be continued for a very long time. Therefore, choose your favorite herbs and treat yourself to delicious infusions.


  • 1 tsp anise seeds;
  • 1 tsp cumin and sugar;
  • 2 pieces of star anise;
  • half a liter of moonshine.

How to do

Place all the spices in a jar and fill them with alcohol. Place the jar in a dark place for 2 weeks. After 5 days, approach the container and shake it. Now filter the liquid and add sugar to it.

The taste of the tincture is deep, with a spicy-herbal aroma and a ginger aftertaste. The drink is well suited as an aperitif, enjoyed with apples or citrus fruits.

Place the container in a dark closet for a day. Now you can drink anise tincture with moonshine.


Viburnum tincture copes excellently with insomnia, hypertension, and perfectly cleanses blood vessels. But you can drink it just for fun. Making such alcohol at home will not be difficult even for beginners.


  • 0.5 liters of moonshine;
  • half a kilo of berries.

To make the drink truly healthy and tasty, the berries should be picked after the first good frost. Then the viburnum will lose all its bitterness and taste a little sweet.

Remove the berries from the bunches.

For the recipe, we will take the largest, ripe berries, because they will provide a lot of juice and nutrients for our infusion.

Take a 2-3 liter container and pour all the selected viburnum into it. Now it's time to pour in some of the alcohol. It should be 2 cm above the edge of the berries. Close the container and place it in a dark place for a day. Now add the remaining moonshine, then close the bottle tightly. The exposure should take place within a month. Now you need to strain the viburnum tincture and pour it into bottles.

Raisin tincture

We will prepare this drink with regular raisins. Why choose this particular dried fruit? The fact is that it retains 80% of its beneficial properties. Consequently, the tincture of moonshine with raisins will not only be aromatic and tasty, but will also not harm your body.

So let's take:

  • 0.5 liters of moonshine;
  • 15 major raisins;
  • 7 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp black leaf tea.

Cooking option

To make such a drink, it is advisable to take home-made moonshine. After all, then you will know exactly how well the alcohol is distilled and purified. The higher quality the raw materials, the better the product you will get.

So, mix all the ingredients in a glass container, and then add alcohol. For 4 days, the container is placed in a dark and cool place. The tincture is ready if it has acquired a beautiful cognac hue. Now make a cotton-gauze filter and pass the contents of the container through it.

If you want to make the filtration process easier, then when preparing the drink you need to sew all the ingredients into a cotton bag and fill it with moonshine.

This will make the drink no worse, and it will be easier to prepare.


Tincture from galangal root is very simple to prepare. She fell in love for her wonderful taste and her medicinal properties. People say that galangal root helps cure stomach diseases and also improve immunity.


  • half a liter of moonshine;
  • 1.5 tsp dried galangal root;
  • 1 tsp dry licorice root;
  • 5 coffee beans.

Mix coffee, licorice and galangal. Fill the ingredients with moonshine. Carefully seal the container. Now you need to shake it a little and take it to a dark place for 21 days. True connoisseurs recommend shaking the drink every day so that the color becomes saturated. After 3 weeks, the alcohol is considered ready. Strain it and pour into a dark glass container.

The tincture loves the cold, so store it in the basement or refrigerator.

Delicious chokeberry tincture

This berry is unique for its beneficial properties. The interesting thing is that it does not lose its qualities when insisted. Therefore, this drink is recommended for people who suffer from hypertension, diseases of the blood vessels, and the thyroid gland. The chokeberry tincture turns out to be very aromatic and has a pleasant taste.


  • 1 liter of moonshine;
  • 3 cloves;
  • half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of fresh chokeberry.

Preparation method:

Wash the berries thoroughly, place them in a container, and mash them with a wooden pestle. Using metal objects to chop rowan is not recommended. Fill the resulting mixture with granulated sugar, then add cloves. Mix the contents of the container thoroughly and leave it alone for two days to obtain the juice. After this, pour moonshine into the container. Close the container and take it to a dark place. Your rowan tincture will be ready in 2 months.

During this time, the moonshine will absorb all the most beneficial substances from the berries. After filtering, the delicious drink is ready.

Lingonberry tincture

This drink is much tastier than regular moonshine. Lingonberry tincture has a pleasant berry taste. Of course, it also has beneficial properties.

We will need:

  • 0.5 kg of ripe lingonberries;
  • 1 liter of moonshine;
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar (you can do without it).

Sort, wash and dry the berries. After remembering them, place them in a glass container and cover with sugar. It is very good to use flower honey instead of granulated sugar. Lingonberry leaves will add an interesting aroma to the drink. For this amount of moonshine, 6-7 pieces are quite enough.

The mixture must be covered and mixed thoroughly. Many people choose plastic lids, but this is not the best option. To infuse, the mixture is placed in the dark for a month. Sometimes come over and shake the jar. This will make the color of the drink brighter and more saturated. The next processes you will have to do are filtration and bottling. By the same principle

Given the huge variety of recipes, choosing the best recipes for alcohol tincture is very difficult. Therefore, first you need to decide what is included in the concept of “best” tinctures. For some people, the “best” are tinctures with exceptional taste, without taking into account the consequences. For others, these are those, after even excessive intake of which there are no headaches or other “consequences”. For still others, the decisive factor is the medicinal properties of the tincture (in this case, of course, their use is not intended for “excessive” intake, and even taste is an insignificant requirement).


First of all, it should be noted that none of the alcohol tinctures will be beneficial to health if consumed as a “table” drink. The healing properties of alcohol tinctures appear when consumed drop by drop (maximum 30-100 g per day and strictly according to the recipe). In large quantities there can be no talk of any medicinal properties.

The “hangover” properties of tinctures (no headache, dry mouth, etc.) are often very individual and depend on many factors:

  • state of the body at the time of administration;
  • snack quality;
  • emotional condition;
  • the degree of ventilation of the room during sleep;
  • individual reaction of the body to the ingredients of the tincture.

In addition, many alcohol-based tinctures are not intended for oral administration at all and are used exclusively externally, for rubbing and compresses.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol, as a rule, allows the ingredients of the tincture to be better absorbed. In addition, alcohol tinctures have a “warming” effect, both when taken orally and when used externally.

Therefore, for external use, the tincture should not be used unless local heating is required. The “cooling” effect is temporary (associated with the very rapid evaporation of the alcohol solution from the surface of the skin), followed by heating.

When tinctures are consumed internally, dissolved alcohol allows you to retain additional moisture in the body. Therefore, if edema and kidney disease have already occurred, the use of alcohol tinctures is not recommended.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Any alcohol tincture should be stored in glass, in a dry, cool, always dark place (can be in the refrigerator). In the light, even at low temperatures, a very rapid breakdown of molecules occurs and the formation of new substances that are not typical for tincture. As a rule, the shelf life of alcohol tinctures, unlike decoctions and infusions without the use of alcohol, is very long: 3-4 years (some resources indicate that it is “unlimited,” but, as you know, nothing lasts forever).

Storing alcohol tincture in glass

Such tinctures should not be given to children under 3 years of age. It is also not recommended for older children. You should drink tinctures very carefully for ulcers and increased stomach acidity. Not all, but many alcohol-based tinctures (usually from berries or herbs) have properties that increase acidity.


Before making a tincture from alcohol, you should collect the necessary ingredients and prepare them. The phrase “Who cares when to collect them! Roots are roots, and leaves are leaves, whether in spring or autumn” is absolutely wrong. “Every berry has its own time,” they said in the old days. And this applies not only to berries. At different times of the year, the chemical composition of leaves, roots and other parts of the plant is different (even if the chemical elements are the same, their percentages differ significantly).

Leaves should be collected just before flowering. When the leaves are collected, the petioles are cut off as there is nothing useful in them. To avoid burns when collecting nettle leaves, you should wear gloves when collecting them. First you need to mow the grass and leave it in the sun for a couple of days. Then the leaves lose their pungency.

Time to harvest bark: April-May. The branches from which the bark is taken should be 1-2 years old. Old bark is no good. About covered with moss, etc. and there is no question. A circular incision of 1-3 cm is made at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. The rings are connected by longitudinal cuts (from 1 to 3). First, the bark should be slightly peeled off and left to dry for 1-2 days. Then remove, dry, and chop. Please note that branches (or seedlings) after such an operation are not residents! You cannot “kill” a tree, so only some branches are used, which will then be cut down.

Collecting bark for making tinctures

Time to collect buds: March-April. You should wait until they swell, but before they bloom. Flowers are collected at the stage of bud formation or at the very beginning of flowering. If the inflorescence is a “basket”, then you should wait until the flower opens completely (with the exception of arnica flowers, where the collection is carried out before the flower opens). Flower stalks are removed.

Fruits and seeds are collected early in the morning or late in the evening, in damp weather. Fruits (especially juicy ones) must be dried immediately before they become wrinkled. Roots can be collected in any weather. But the collection period is important: autumn or late August (at the end of the growing season). For biennial and perennial plants - autumn of the 2nd or 3rd year.

Drying (roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds) is carried out in a dry, well-ventilated room, where there is no direct sunlight. An attic or even a shed will do. The buds should be dried in a cool, dry place, also out of direct sunlight. The place must be cool, otherwise there is a risk that the buds will bloom.

Some vitamin-rich plants and herbs containing glycosides should be dried quickly at elevated temperatures (50-60º). These are the leaves of henbane, datura, motherwort, lily of the valley, foxglove, and black currant berries. Rose hips, strawberries, primroses are dried at 70-80 º. Shelf life of raw materials: 1-2 years for above-ground parts, 3-5 years for underground parts.


Each alcohol-based tincture has its own recipe. Some recipes are indicated in spoons, others in grams. For this purpose, a correspondence table is provided:

  • 1 tbsp. l. with a slide - 20 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l. without slide - 15 g;
  • 1 tsp. - 5 g.

Ingredients for alcohol infusion

If the tincture contains more than one ingredient, then grind them separately and then mix them. The ingredients poured with an alcohol solution or vodka are infused for 1-3 weeks, then filtered and allowed to settle for another 3-4 days, at a temperature of about +8 º (can be in the refrigerator). It is necessary to remember: in order for the alcohol tincture to be beneficial, you should take good quality vodka and alcohol.


A tincture of calendula flowers is good against inflammation. It is used for sore throat, inflammation of the gums, and also for skin inflammation. Vodka (100 g) is poured into 20 g of calendula flower mass. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Shake occasionally. When using, dilute with water to 1/3. For rinsing the throat and mouth, dilute at the rate of 1 tsp. tinctures per 1 glass of water.

Red is used for headaches, dizziness, and noise in the head. After drying, pour the flower mass into a jar (without tamping or shaking) and fill with vodka or alcohol solution. Infusion period: 2-3 weeks. Drink 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day. This remedy is also recommended for improving blood supply to the brain (including during the rehabilitation period after a stroke).

For bruises, ulcers, and for treating wounds with suppuration, they are used. 3 tbsp. l. flower mass is poured with 200 ml of vodka. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. For external use (wounds, ulcers, suppuration, inflammation of the oral mucosa) it is used as a filler for compresses and lotions.

For colds and gastrointestinal inflammation, use homemade tinctures of chamomile greens. In 2nd century l. Chamomile greens are poured into 200 ml of vodka or alcohol solution. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. For external use (for example, for rinsing) use a 10% solution with water. For inflammation of the stomach or intestines and for colds, drink 20-25 drops 2-3 times a day.

A good diuretic for kidney inflammation is elderberry tincture. Pour 100 g of alcohol solution or vodka into 20 g of crushed wild elderberry rhizome. Infusion period: 8 days. Drink diluted tincture: 15-20 drops per 3 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day. Not more! Otherwise, there will be a risk of dehydration.

Elderberry infusion

Another good diuretic is aspen bark tincture. In 1 tbsp. bark, pour in 250 g of alcohol solution or vodka. Infusion period: 3 weeks. Then drain the vodka and squeeze out the bark. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink diluted: 20-30 drops in half a glass of water 2 times a day.

An effective choleretic agent for liver problems is dandelion tincture. 1 tbsp. l. crushed dandelion leaves and roots pour 100 g of 70% alcohol. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Drink diluted: 20-30 drops in half a glass of water 2-3 times a day.

For severe bleeding (uterine, menstrual, intestinal, hemorrhoidal), use a tincture of nettle leaves. In 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves pour in 100 g of vodka. Infusion period: 1 week. Then drain the vodka and squeeze out the grass. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink diluted: 20-30 drops in half a glass of water 2-3 times a day. For hemorrhoidal problems, use externally, diluted: 1 tsp. l. for 1 glass of water.

As a “restorative” remedy for bleeding in the stomach, tinctures of mistletoe and horsetail are used. 1 tbsp. l. Mix each ingredient and pour in 200 g of vodka or alcohol solution. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks, it is necessary to shake from time to time. Then drain the vodka and squeeze out the grass. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink diluted: 15-20 drops per 70 g of water (about 1/3 cup).

For hypothermia and colds, you can drink blackberry tincture as a warming agent. Vodka is poured into fresh berries in a ratio of 1:10. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Then drain the vodka and squeeze out the berries. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

Blackberry tincture

For rheumatism, in case of joint pain, it is indicated for use as an external remedy for swelling and inflammation. In 2 tbsp. pour 200 g of vodka into the flowers. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Filter. Apply externally as a rub.

For rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis, it is recommended to use as an external remedy. At 2 tsp. crushed capsicum, pour in 100 g of alcohol solution (70%). Infusion period: 2 weeks, occasionally need to be shaken. Then drain the alcohol and squeeze out the pepper. Strain the pressed raw material. Apply externally as a rub.

Ginger medicinal tinctures are recommended for the treatment of bronchial asthma and improvement of vision. Peel and chop 0.5 kg of ginger. Pour in vodka or alcohol solution (to cover completely). Infusion period: 2 weeks. Use diluted: 20-30 drops per 1 glass of water. Drink after meals.

For rheumatism, gout, radiculitis and colds, tincture of poplar buds is used as a rub. Pour 200 ml of vodka or alcohol solution into 20 g of crushed poplar buds. Infusion period: 2 weeks, shake occasionally. Then drain the alcohol and squeeze out the kidneys. Strain the pressed raw material.

A remedy against a febrile state of the respiratory tract during influenza, malaria, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract is a tincture of sunflower.

It is prepared like this: in 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 g of vodka or alcohol solution into the edges of the sunflower flowers. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks, shake occasionally. Then drain the vodka and squeeze out the flowers. Strain the pressed raw material. Take 20-30 drops half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day.

And a little about secrets...

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Alcohol-based tinctures can rightfully be called a means of combining business with pleasure. After all, on the one hand, they are the oldest alcoholic drinks, and on the other hand, they have been used since ancient times as a panacea for various ailments.

However, the secret of their long history and diversity lies not only in a wide range of healing properties, taste qualities and an almost unlimited shelf life. Bitter, sweet, semi-sweet, strong and not so strong, tinctures have gained their popularity due to the fact that they can be prepared from a wide variety of products.

Among the drink recipes you can find options prepared with berries, fruits, medicinal herbs, leaves, buds, flowers and roots. The only difference is that if fruit and berry liqueurs can be consumed at will, then medicinal versions of these preparations are taken strictly as prescribed at a certain interval, a strictly defined number of times.

In this article we will tell you how to make a tincture from alcohol at home, which combines excellent taste and benefits for your health.

Please note: when preparing homemade tinctures, alcohol should be diluted with water according to the table below. As a rule, it is diluted to 40 - 45 C.

Mint-anise tincture with nuts. A fragrant drink made with anise seeds and walnuts with the addition of mint will perfectly stimulate the nervous system and pamper gourmets with a refined, piquant taste.

  • 2 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • 40 grams of mint leaves (fresh);
  • 40 grams of anise;
  • 40 grams of walnuts.

Pour alcohol over mint, anise and nuts and seal. Place in a warm place for two weeks. After this time, the infusion should be filtered, poured into a clean bottle and consumed. If desired, the remaining grounds can be repeated, reducing the alcohol content to 1 liter and leaving the bottle in a warm place for 30 days.

Recipe 2

On cranberries. Cranberry is deservedly revered as the queen of berries. Which is not surprising, because it is a rich storehouse of biologically active substances, antioxidants and vitamins. This recipe will help you preserve and increase its beneficial properties, combining them with a pleasant taste.

  • 0.5 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • 1 cup fresh cranberries;
  • Granulated sugar to taste.

Rinse the berries, discard and drain. Mash them until pureed. Add granulated sugar. Fill the mixture with alcohol and seal it in a bottle, leaving it to infuse for 7 days in the dark and cool. Afterwards, strain the finished liqueur through several layers of gauze.

Recipe 3

Pear with dried fruits. If the season has passed, you should not deny yourself the pleasure. Treat yourself to a dried fruit drink made as follows.

  • 2 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • 100 grams of pears (dried);
  • 100 grams of raisins to taste;
  • 100 grams of currant leaves.

Wash and soak dried fruits. Place them in a bottle and fill with alcohol. Leave to infuse for 30 days in a dark place. The contents of the container should be shaken once every few days. Strain the finished product.

Recipe 4

Apricot on the pits. Delicate taste, spicy aftertaste and a lot of pleasure - this is all about the tincture made at home using this simple recipe.

  • 1 liter of diluted alcohol;
  • 2 kilograms of fresh apricots;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 – 6 clove stars;
  • cinnamon (on the tip of a knife).

Rinse the apricots, discard and drain. Cut the pulp into slices. Grind the bones. Mix all ingredients and add alcohol. Insist for a month. Filter and seal for further storage.

Recipe 5

Tincture in French. A drink prepared according to the canons of French masters will allow you to experience the taste of Provençal herbs and their medicinal properties.

  • 3 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • Cardamom;
  • Ginger;
  • Carnation;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Anise;

Mix equal proportions (43 grams) of herbs, season with alcohol and leave to stand for half a month in a warm place. After two weeks, strain and store.

Recipe 6

On gooseberries and bread. The following recipe will allow you to seal the summer sun in a jar.

  • 2 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • 2 kilograms of gooseberries;
  • 2 slices of rye bread;
  • a little jam to taste.

Coat the bread with jam and dry. Place washed and drained gooseberries into a bottle, add bread and pour alcohol. Seal the bottle and leave in the dark and cool for 120 days. After straining, pour into jars.

Recipe 7

Kiev style liqueur with strawberries. A fragrant strawberry aperitif prepared at home will become a real decoration for your table.

  • 800 grams of strawberries;
  • granulated sugar;
  • alcohol to taste.

Wash the strawberries, drain and sort. Place in a container, alternately placing a layer of sugar on a layer of berries. Tighten with gauze. Leave in the dark for three days. Then carefully drain the juice, passing it through cheesecloth, and squeeze out the pulp. Pour the resulting juice into bottles, diluting with alcohol to taste. Seal tightly with twine (optionally with paraffin). Store in the dark and cool.

Recipe 8

On citrus zest. A refreshing, invigorating citrus tincture made according to this recipe will give you strength and help fight the blues and colds.

  • 3 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • 250 grams of citrus zest (orange, lemon, tangerine);
  • 900 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 705 milliliters of water.

Pour the zest with alcohol. Leave in a warm place for 90 days. When the time comes, brew sugar syrup in water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and strain. The finished tincture should also be filtered, and then mixed with syrup and poured into a container for storage.

Recipe 9

On rowan berries. This purely winter liqueur will help perfectly protect yourself from viral diseases during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

  • 2 liters of diluted alcohol;
  • 1 kilogram of rowan berries (caught by frost);
  • water;
  • granulated sugar.

Load the washed berries into a bottle and fill with alcohol. Place in a warm, sunny place for three months. When the time comes, the tincture should be filtered and mixed with sugar syrup prepared in advance in water. Then pour the mixture into bottles and close tightly.

Recipe 10

On acacia flowers. Delicate, fragrant acacia will give gourmets a lot of joy if it is prepared according to the following recipe.

  • 750 milliliters of diluted alcohol;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 150 grams of acacia inflorescences;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

Remove sepals from flowers. Load into a bottle, sprinkle with sugar. Cover the neck of the bottle with a napkin and place it in the cold for 24 degrees. Afterwards, strain the mixture in a sieve and rinse with clean water. Put the candied inflorescences back into the container, pour in alcohol, stir, let it brew and pour out for storage.
The shelf life of any homemade alcohol tincture is practically unlimited.

