What you need for homemade beer. The best beer recipes at home. How to make it yourself according to the instructions step by step? stage - wort fermentation

In any store you can buy beer from a variety of manufacturers (both dark and light). But what makes some fans master the technology of preparing this drink at home? Some people want to experience new flavors, while others find interest in the process of brewing beer at home.

Contrary to popular belief, making quality beer yourself? not an easy task. You can find many recipes, but not all of them will lead you to success. It is important to be able to choose the right ingredients, equipment and follow the technology exactly. Any mistake can lead to you getting mash or some other alcoholic drink instead of what you want.

Which products to choose?

Home brewing equipment

You need to take a container larger in volume than the intended beer. Is there one important condition? all equipment must be sterile. To do this, treat the items with boiling water and dry them with a clean towel.

Before preparing beer at home, take the time to wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

Detailed traditional technology

So, you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment ready at home. Let's begin a complex but interesting process.

Stage 1. Mashing the malt

First you need to achieve a certain temperature regime. Place water on the stove and heat it to a temperature of 61 to 72°. In the future, you will have to maintain a stable temperature within this limit. The strength of the beer and its aroma will depend on this.

To get a higher degree of alcohol, choose the lower temperature limit. If you leave the value at 70–72°, you will get a not very strong, but aromatic beer. The optimal temperature is considered to be 65°, at which the future strength will be 4°.

It is better to place the malt first in a fabric bag (preferably made of flax), and then in hot water.

Boil the mixture for 1–1.5 hours. Then they check it for the presence of starch. How to do this at home? Take a white saucer and pour a little malt into it, and then add a drop of iodine. If the mixture turns blue, it means there is starch in the malt. And he shouldn't be there. In this case, boiling is necessary
continue for another 15 minutes.

Stage 2. Filtration

An ordinary colander and gauze, which were described above, are suitable as a filter. Slowly pass the resulting liquid with malt and squeeze the linen bag into the filter.

Step 3: Adding hops

For 10 liters of hot wort add 10-15 g of hops. Then the liquid must be boiled for another hour.

Stage 4. Cooling the wort

You can simply leave the container with the wort to cool at room temperature. However, at this moment there is a high probability of contamination of future beer with foreign microorganisms. How can I speed up the procedure? To do this, place the wort in a bath of cold water for 30 minutes. Make sure that the temperature does not drop below room temperature.

After cooling the wort, repeat the filtration procedure. Pour the liquid into a fermentation container.

Step 5: Adding Yeast

0.25 g of yeast is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Wait 15 minutes and then add them to a large container and stir with the wort.

Stage 6. Waiting

Now all you have to do is put the pan in a dark place at home and wait 1-1.5 weeks. A live drink needs time to ferment. Therefore, it is kept for another 1 week in the refrigerator.

Stage 7. Bottling

Prepare several clean bottles and add a little granulated sugar to the bottom. Use a silicone hose to transfer the beer from the fermentation vessel into the bottles. It is important that the hose does not touch the surfaces and bottom of the pan. Otherwise, sediment may get into the beer.

First, the beer is stored warm for several days (so that the sugar saturates the beer with carbon dioxide), and then? in the cold. As you can see, the described technology has a lot of nuances and takes a lot of time. Is it possible to make everything simpler?

Today you can find many recipes that will help you make your favorite drink at home in an easier way.

Very simple recipe

For those who are not ready to spend a lot of time and effort at home, but want to try beer prepared at home, we recommend the following recipe.

  • Water? 5 l.
  • Hop cones? 16
  • Sugar? 250 g.
  • Dry yeast? 10 g.

Beer is made as follows. We boil the cones in water for an hour and a half. Dissolve sugar in water and add to liquid. Cook the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. Then strain the beer, cool to room temperature and add yeast. All that remains is to bottle the beer and let it sit for 5 days.

Bavarian beer recipe

This recipe, on the contrary, is very complex. If you fulfill all the conditions correctly, the result will be a beer with a unique taste and aroma.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sweet and sour custard bread? 4 lbs.
  • Rye malt? 2 pounds.
  • Salt? 0.25 tsp
  • Yeast? 15
  • Pepper? 10 grains.
  • Hop? 1.5 lbs.
  • Sugar? 1 lb.
  • Water.

They do everything in this order. Should the bread be finely chopped, pepper? crush and grind, hops? scald with boiling water. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water. Place all ingredients in a cast iron pot (use 0.5 lb. of sugar). Pour the mixture with water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream, cover with a thick cloth and place in a warm place for a day.

The next day, add the remaining sugar, diluted with boiling water, and boiled water (15 liters) to the cauldron. Cover with a lid and place in a preheated oven for 2 days.

Remove the kettle from the oven and cool the mixture. Drain it into a ceramic bowl, and pour 3 liters of boiling water into the cauldron. Pour the liquid from the boiler into the previously drained mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a large container (for example, an enamel pan) and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam, filter the resulting liquid and bottle. Seal them tightly with corks and place them in a cool place for 15 days.

There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lovers of the intoxicating foamy drink around the world. But not everyone is able to brew beer at home for themselves and their friends, which would be not only natural, but also unusual and truly tasty. But only from such a drink can you get true pleasure! We want to tell you some secrets that will help you brew excellent quality homemade beer. It will bring pleasure to you, and you won’t be ashamed to treat it to your friends. It is important to understand the algorithm, the technology that is the basis for making any beer, and you can experiment with adding different types of malt and using different types of hops and yeast later.

How to brew homemade beer from natural ingredients

First, let's look at the composition of any natural foamy drink. It includes:

Barley malt is very popular today, as it allows you to brew homemade beer with a rich malt flavor. Hops are usually used granulated. It is prepared in advance, which greatly simplifies the task. Yeast is a fermentation catalyst and is also very easy to buy, for example, at a malt shop. Now let’s look at the specific proportions and algorithm of actions.

Proportions for mixing ingredients

It is impossible to brew beer at home without relying on specific numbers. Therefore, we will look at making beer from 35 liters of water (soft, as mentioned above), for which 5 kilograms of malt will be enough. As for hops, its proportions can be different (it all depends on the taste preferences of the brewer), but, as a rule, it is about 50 grams of granulated hops per 5 kilograms of malt at the initial stage of a home brewer; after a year, the brewer’s “appetites” increase significantly. Based on these proportions, you can brew homemade beer in a volume of about 25 liters.

Algorithm of actions

To make it easier for you, we will schematically outline the algorithm for mixing ingredients and processing them:

Directly brewing beer

Often two weeks are enough for the sugars to completely ferment into alcohols. The beer can then be bottled. In this case, for every liter of beer you need to add one teaspoon of dextrose (glucose). This promotes carbonation (saturation of carbon dioxide) in the beer. This is what makes the beer “fizzy”. Carbonization time on average can be 7-10 days. You can also use sugar instead of glucose, but the taste of homemade beer may suffer from this.

Actually, now you have everything that will allow you to brew beer at home, which you will enjoy doubly. And the point is not even that it will be natural. The most important thing is that you managed to brew homemade beer yourself.

And even if the first “pancake” turns out to be lumpy, the main thing is desire, and our malt shop will help you with the rest. For any additional questions, you can always contact us using the information from the “Contacts” tab. Now you don’t need to think about how to brew beer, what’s more important is who you’ll share it with! Craft beer is a drink for friends.

  • Thursday, 13 July 2017 15:15

Beer is an extremely common drink all over the world; it was invented back in Ancient Egypt. Currently, we can see it in bars and stores in huge quantities and in a variety of varieties. But one cannot but agree that homemade beer made with one’s own hands is much better than factory beer. After all, we know for sure that only natural products were used to make it, without any preservatives.

Many people mistakenly believe that home brewing technology requires serious equipment, but this is not entirely true. To brew beer at home, you can easily use ordinary kitchen utensils, for example a large saucepan. In addition, all the necessary ingredients for the recipe can now be purchased in stores, and it is not at all necessary to prepare hop cones and brew wheat and barley malt in advance.

There are different recipes for making homemade beer, which are replete with a considerable number of interesting components, because beer is a very multifaceted drink. But if we talk about the traditional classic recipe, then it includes yeast, hops, malt and water.

If you do everything correctly, take the necessary pauses and correctly adhere to the recipe, then in the end you will get a homemade drink with thick foam and rich taste. No pasteurization or filtration, like store-bought beer, only natural ingredients - this is the only way to get foamy homemade beer with a pure, original taste.

Brewing beer at home: what do you need for this?

The art of home brewing is not an easy task, so not many people take the risk of making beer with their own hands. Most of us find it easier to buy a bottle of beer at the store than to mess around in our own kitchen. Therefore, all home brewing recipes are designed for loyal fans of this foamy drink who prefer a pure taste, without impurities or preservatives.

To brew traditional beer, in addition to water, three ingredients are needed: brewer's yeast, hops and malt. The only “but” is that it is not recommended to experiment with yeast, but to immediately buy the best ones in a special store, because the successful outcome of brewing depends on their quality. The first two ingredients can theoretically be made at home, but this will take additional time, so it is also better to purchase them ready-made.

An important nuance: to obtain light beer, malt must be dried naturally; to obtain dark beer, a special caramel variety is added to the main mash, no more than 10% of the total mash; it is prepared in the oven, lightly roasted.

Malt - These are, in fact, sprouted dried barley grains in a hard husk, which serves as a natural filter in the production of beer.

This ingredient should be white, sweetish, have a pleasant smell and not sink in water. Before use, the malt must be ground in a special roller mill so that intact husks remain.

Hop All varieties are divided into two types: aromatic and bitter, and it is selected depending on what you want to achieve more in homemade beer, aroma or bitterness. The main thing is that the hops are of good quality; this plays an important role in the density of the homemade drink. Before using it, the cones should be carefully examined; they should be reddish and yellowish.

Yeast It is very advisable to take beer ones, but if you were unable to purchase them, then regular ones will do. The main thing is that they are dry and alive. As for water, it must certainly be clean and soft; purified, filtered water or water from a spring is ideal. As a last resort, you can use boiled water. If it's bad, your homemade beer won't taste good and you'll be wasting your time.

Ideally, it is better to buy water. It will, of course, be a little expensive, but the taste of the intoxicating drink will be simply excellent. And one more important nuance: sugar. It must be taken at the rate of 8 grams per liter of beer (to saturate with carbon dioxide); some recipes use glucose or honey.

Equipment needed for home brewing

All the equipment you need to make your own beer at home can be found in any kitchen, or you can get it without any problems; there is no need to purchase a special expensive apparatus or a mini brewery. So, you will need a large saucepan (enamel is ideal) for 30 liters, it can be improved by installing a drain tap at the bottom. The saucepan is where you will cook the wort, as well as another container for fermenting the beer.

Be sure to stock up on a thermometer to monitor the temperature, and a large piece of gauze 4-5 meters long. Next, you need to prepare glass and plastic bottles into which you will pour your homemade beer, and a narrow silicone hose (with its help, the drink is carefully removed from the sediment).

A chiller is needed to cool the wort. You can make it yourself at home from a copper tube. You can do without a chiller and use a bathtub or a very large tank of ice water at home to cool the beer wort. Some people also stock up on a hydrometer - a device that determines the sugar content and density of the future drink, but this is not at all necessary.

Recipe for traditional beer at home with photos

To make grain beer in your own kitchen, according to the classic recipe, maintaining all temperature moments and pauses, you must first pay attention to the preparatory stage: thoroughly wash and dry all equipment (except for the thermometer) and start the process with clean hands.

Everything must be sterile, otherwise you risk infecting the wort with wild yeast or other microbes and getting sour mash instead of beer and ruining all your efforts. Then prepare the ingredients: 32 liters of water, 5 kg of barley malt, 45 grams of hops, 25 grams of brewer's yeast and granulated sugar (from the calculation given above).

  1. Pour 25 liters of water into a saucepan, heat to 80°, and immerse the ground malt in it, poured into a gauze bag (it is made from a long piece of gauze). Close the pan with a lid and pause for an hour and a half at a temperature of 65-72°, turning the heat on or off. It is at this temperature that the malt is saccharified; as a result, the wort becomes sweet and easily fermentable sugars appear in it.
  2. After an hour and a half, increase the fire temperature to 80° and maintain this pause for another five minutes. Then remove the bag of malt from the pan and rinse in the remaining seven liters of water, which should then be poured into the wort. This way we wash out the remaining sugars from the malt.
  3. Next, according to the recipe, the wort should be brought to a boil, remove the foam that has formed and add the first 15 grams of hops. The wort needs to be boiled intensively for half an hour, then add another 15 grams of hops. Then cook for another 50 minutes, add the last portion of 15 grams of hops, and cook for another 10-15 minutes. This will take about an hour and a half in total.
  4. Now, the wort needs to be cooled very quickly, within 20-30 minutes. The sooner you do this, the lower the risk of contamination of future beer with wild yeast and harmful bacteria. Transfer the pan to a bathtub filled with ice water, then pour through cheesecloth three times into another container.
  5. The next step is to dilute the brewer's yeast and add it to the wort, stirring thoroughly. It is very important to follow the instructions on the yeast package. Next, the container is transferred for fermentation to a dark place with a temperature of 18-22°, a water seal is installed on it, and the wort is left to ferment for a week or ten days.
  6. Intensive fermentation will begin within 6-12 hours and will last for two to three days. All this time, the water dispenser will actively blow bubbles, carbon dioxide will escape, and the beer at the end of fermentation will become much lighter. Readiness is determined by the absence of bubbles during the day - this means that the fermentation process has completed.
  7. Now the recipe calls for carbonation of the beer (filling the drink with carbon dioxide) to improve the taste and achieve the appearance of dense, thick foam. Don't be scared by this “scary” name, the carbonization process is quite simple. You need to take the sterilized bottles that you have prepared for storing beer (it is highly desirable that they be made of dark plastic or glass) and pour sugar into them (8 grams of sugar per 1 liter of beer).
  8. After this, the drink must be carefully drained using a narrow silicone hose and the bottles filled, being careful not to touch the sediment (otherwise the beer will turn out cloudy). Do not pour to the very top, but leave a couple of centimeters so that the beer “breathes”, and seal tightly with lids. Then, without any pause, the secondary fermentation process will begin, which will supply the young beer with the necessary amount of carbon dioxide.

For best quality, you need to put the bottles in a dark place with a temperature of 20-23° and leave them alone for two to three weeks. After the first week has passed, the bottles must be shaken periodically, and at the end of the period, transfer them to the cellar or refrigerator.

Therefore, a completely reasonable question arises: why bother brewing your own beer? After all, this is a difficult and very painstaking process: preparation takes several days, you need to carefully monitor the temperature readings during cooking and fermentation. And the slightest violation of even one rule can threaten damage to the entire party and wasted time.

We answer: Firstly, it is very exciting. And secondly, you yourself will know the composition of the foamy drink. In modern realities, this factor is very important. And most importantly, the taste of homemade beer is completely incomparable to store-bought beer.

Today we will tell you how to make excellent one-stop homemade beer using a simple recipe. This is an excellent option for those who want to learn how to make a foamy drink on their own, but are not yet ready for complex recipes.

How to make one-stop beer at home: a simple recipe

To prepare one-stop beer we will need:

  • Water – 20 l

Necessary equipment:

  • Fermentation container with water seal 30 l
  • PET bottles with stopper
  • Overflow siphon
  • Dextrose

The last 2 accessories in the list are optional, but desirable - carbonating beer with them is more convenient. Otherwise, the siphon can be replaced with a regular sieve with gauze, and dextrose with sugar.

Cooking procedure

A simple recipe for homemade beer (video)


The last necessary step is carbonation of the beer. Thanks to it, the beer will be saturated with carbon dioxide (become carbonated) and finally form its beer taste.

For this process we will need:

  • PET bottles
  1. First of all, we disinfect all the equipment - the lids, the bottles themselves and the siphon. Sterility is one of the main factors in the proper maturation of beer. For disinfection, you can use any alcohol-containing liquid, but we will use Deo-Chlor. Then we rinse everything with water and begin carbonation.
  2. We pour 1 tablespoon of dextrose into each bottle, then top it up with our wort. Screw on the lid.
  3. Before final capping, we slightly open the caps on the bottles, press on the vessel, thus releasing all the air from the bottle, and screw it all the way.

There is about a month left until final ripening. After this period, the finished beer can be safely poured into glasses and given to family and friends for tasting.

The history of brewing exists since Ancient Egypt. Now this popular drink is everywhere, sold in large quantities in grocery stores and bars in many varieties.

It's quite can be cooked at home using only natural products and ordinary equipment. In this regard, a simple recipe can give better results than when prepared in production.

There are many beer recipes with interesting ingredients. In the traditional case, it consists of the following components:

  1. Malt— barley grains, a natural filter during production. The raw material should be white, have a pleasant smell, and not sink when placed in water. It is ground, leaving the husk intact.
  2. Hop divided by variety. Aromatic and bitter types are used, which are combined in the preferred proportion: either the beer will be bitter or with a hop aroma.
  3. Yeast It is preferable to choose beer houses. Ordinary ones are also suitable if the required type cannot be found.
  4. Spring, filtered or (worse) boiled water.
  5. A little Sahara for carbonation, it improves taste and makes the foam dense. Homemade beer recipes also come with honey.

All products for making beer at home are easy to purchase. The requirement for yeast (like all other ingredients) is the best quality.

Interesting! The light beer recipe uses regular drying. And to dark varieties add 10% caramel, dried in the oven with light frying.

Home brewery equipment

All cooking recipes only require. Namely:

  • 30 liter saucepan (preferably enameled);
  • fermentation;
  • thermometer for temperature control;
  • gauze up to 5 meters;
  • silicone hose to remove sediment from the drink;
  • chiller - a device for cooling wort or a bath with cold water;
  • a hydrometer that measures sugar content (optional);
  • bottles for the finished product.

Attention! Sometimes a tap is installed at the bottom of the pan through which the liquid is drained. How to brew homemade beer is described below.

Classic recipe

To implement the traditional method of brewing beer at home, you first need wash, dry, sterilize all the dishes. Product composition:

  • water - 32 l;
  • barley malt - 5 kg;
  • hops - 45 g;
  • brewer's yeast - 25 g;
  • sugar (sand) 8 g/l.

It is possible to prepare beer at home according to step by step instructions:

  1. Pour 25 liters of water into a pan and heat it to 80°C. Ground malt is immersed in a gauze bag, covering the container with a lid. Keep the composition for 1.5 hours at a temperature of about 72°C, periodically turning on the heat under the pan.
  2. Increase the temperature to 80 degrees and hold it for 5 minutes. After this, the bag of malt is removed, washed with 7 liters of the remaining water, which is added to the wort in a large saucepan. Now all the sugars in the malt have been used.
  3. Boil the wort, remove the foam and add 15 g of hops. Boil for 30 minutes, then add a second portion of hops - 15 grams. After boiling for another 50 minutes, pour out the last of the hops and simmer for up to 15 minutes, then turn off.
  4. The wort must be cooled quickly (in no more than 30 minutes). The purity of the drink depends on this. The pan can be lowered into a bath with as cold water as possible. After this, the contents are poured into a new container through gauze.
  5. Brewer's yeast is diluted according to the instructions on the package and poured into the wort with stirring. The container is transferred to a dark place where the contents ferment for a week (up to 10 days) with a water seal at a temperature of about 22°C.
  6. After 12 hours, fermentation will become intense, lasting up to 3 days. Bubbles should come out of the water seal. As carbon dioxide escapes, the drink will become lighter in color. The absence of bubbles for a whole day is a sign of readiness.
  7. Carbonation (saturation with carbon dioxide) improves taste and creates dense foam. Sugar (8 grams per liter) is poured into bottles and beer is poured using a narrow hose, eliminating sediment. Leave about 2 cm near the throat (for “breathing”) and seal it. After this, secondary fermentation begins.
  8. Bottles are stored for up to 3 weeks at temperatures up to 23°C in the dark, after which they are transferred to the refrigerator.

This recipe contains a step-by-step guide on how to brew beer at home. Product you can try right away, but if you keep it in the cold for a month, the taste will improve thanks to endurance.

Based on this cooking method for beginners (and not only) you can come up with other recipes.

Other DIY cooking recipes

Beer is prepared at home using recipes based on a variety of components.

It is made from grain, berries, bread or crackers, with or without yeast. The following methods will help you make homemade beer with original ingredients.


Beer, the recipe of which includes cherry fruits, has long been produced in Belgium under the name scream. This is not the only type of cherry beer drink, but the most traditional.

In fact 30% liquid, from which it is prepared, is juice. The cherry beer recipe includes the following products:

  • Pilsen lager malt - 4 kg;
  • Crystal malt - 0.3 kg;
  • chocolate malt - 135 g;
  • corn flakes -700 g;
  • barley popcorn (puffed) -700 g;
  • 20 g each of Whitbread Golding and Tettnang hop varieties;
  • Saaz hops - 10 g;
  • Irish moss - 10 g;
  • water - 28 l;
  • ripe cherries - 4.5 kg.

The preparation steps are as follows:

  1. The wort is boiled for 1.5 hours, with the first two varieties of hops added at the beginning of the process. And 15 minutes before the end of the boil, add the Saaz variety. Irish moss is added 10 minutes before the end.
  2. Cool to 22°C.
  3. This is a beer without yeast. It is poured into barrels, where it is stored for up to 4 months, after which cherries are added.
  4. Ripening lasts up to 8 weeks, while the strength increases.

Cherry beer can be made with yeast, but this method is preferable.

How to make rye?

There is rye beer dark and light depending on the type of malt. The shade can be copper-orange or dark red.

Making light beer at home involves reducing the proportion of rye malt to 50%, replacing it with barley or wheat, and also eliminating the light roasting of this ingredient.

  • rye malt - 3 cups;
  • honey - 2 cups;
  • hops - 100 g;
  • yeast - 1.5 sticks;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • water (boiling) - 10 l.

You need a container with the ability for liquid to flow out at the bottom, like a samovar.

The stages are as follows:

  1. Grind hops and malt, place in a linen bag. Mix the yeast with a tablespoon of sugar and leave to rise.
  2. Put honey in a saucepan, boil the samovar and pour water from it through a bag into a large container. Stir the malt.
  3. When there is enough water in the pan with honey, you need to mix the contents, let it cool and add yeast.
  4. The yeast will drop, after which you need to pour the liquid into bottles and keep in a dark place for up to 4 days. The drink is ready.

There are many other similar methods for making grain beer.

Bread based

Beer is also produced from bread, including the stages of brewing, fermentation and maturation. Compound:

  • malt - 400 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • hops - 200 g;
  • crackers - 800 g;
  • yeast - 35 g;
  • pepper - peas;
  • water - 13 liters.

The recipe for homemade bread beer is implemented in the following steps:

  1. In a large saucepan, mix half the sugar, malt and crackers. Add pepper to scalded hops with boiling water.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in 6 liters of warm water, combine it with hops and pepper, and stir. Place in a dark place for a day, without covering. Add the remaining sugar and pour in warm water, 4 liters. Cook over low heat, without bringing to a boil, for 4 hours.
  3. Boil the next day, then drain the liquid. Add 3 liters of boiled water to the porridge. After an hour, drain the liquid, combining it with the previous portion.
  4. Boil the wort, remove the foam and filter. Fill the bottles with the product, close tightly, and place in a cool place for two weeks until ready.


The recipe for Viennese beer will require the following composition:

  • Vienna malt - 3.8 kg;
  • Pilsen malt - 1 kg;
  • Istrinsky hops - 28 g;
  • hops “Early Moscow” - 20 g;
  • yeast (S-33);
  • 2 oranges - zest.

Beer is prepared in the following steps:

  1. Wort is made: malt is mashed and water is added. Cooking lasts 75 minutes at 65°C.
    First, “Istra” hops are added, and after 20 minutes, “Early Moscow” hops are added. The beer is brewed for an hour, then cooled to 22°C.
  2. Yeast is added, everything is mixed and left to ferment for up to 10 days. Temperature - from 18 to 25 degrees.
  3. The composition is filtered, orange peel is added. The beer is left to mature for 2 weeks.
  4. The composition is filtered. It's ready, but we can wait another month. The general storage period is up to six months.


The recipe for making velvet beer deserves attention with honey and cinnamon. Compound:

  • rye malt - 12 kg;
  • wheat malt - 1.2 kg;
  • black bread - 4.8 kg;
  • yeast - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 g;
  • molasses - 1 kg;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • raisins - 600 g;
  • hops - 140 g;
  • water.

It is prepared in the following steps:

  1. Dry, grind the bread, mix with other ingredients except water. The hops are scalded with boiling water.
  2. Water is added, the mixture is brought to a porridge state, after which it ferments for 6 hours.
  3. 26 liters of boiled water are poured in. In a tightly closed form, the composition settles for a day in a warm place.
  4. The liquid is drained, water is added, 6 liters. The container is left for another 6 hours.
  5. Drain again, mix the drained liquids and pour into sealed bottles.
  6. Ripening is carried out in the cold 12 days.

But the same result that can be obtained using home technology will not work. That is why it is recommended to study the secrets of brewing.
