What to cook for breakfast for my husband. Breakfast for a man: options for delicious and healthy breakfasts

For most men proper breakfast is not at all the main event of the morning, and men do not pay so much attention to this main meal. Agree, it’s difficult to name healthy breakfast a couple of sausage sandwiches and a cup instant coffee. And this state of affairs can only be corrected loving wife. It's good balanced breakfast, made with men's needs in mind, will not only help your loved one stay alert and energized throughout the day, but will also encourage lighter, healthier meal choices at lunchtime. And all these factors together will help your man improve his well-being, adjust his weight, and simply lift his spirits and vitality. Today we invite you to understand and remember What to cook for breakfast for my husband.

Modern nutritionists tell us that men need the same nutrients, as for women, but only in large quantities. So, for example, if women need 46 grams of protein per day, then men need at least 56 grams. For good tone, your man needs to eat 250 grams more vegetables per day than you. And of course, you shouldn’t deprive your loved one of an extra cup of milk or dairy products.

An excellent choice for breakfast would be oatmeal or oatmeal. whole grain. This breakfast contains a large number of fiber, which helps improve the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system, helps your heart and serves as an excellent means of weight correction; A man needs to eat at least 38 grams of fiber per day. Add with the cereal a little milk serving great source vitamin D, garnish with fresh or canned fruit and berries, which complement the dish with important vitamins and antioxidants and give the porridges and cereals brightness and aroma, and an excellent healthy and tasty breakfast is ready. Does your husband like eggs for breakfast? Excellent choice! Protein-rich egg dishes will charge your beloved man with energy for the whole day, and the vitamins and enzymes contained in egg yolks, will help the digestive organs and improve well-being. Just don't forget to add a slice to this breakfast whole grain bread and some fresh vegetables. And what man can refuse juicy piece lean meat or delicious fish? You shouldn't deprive men of this pleasure. Just prepare these foods correctly, add vegetables, a cup delicious yogurt, and your husband will receive all the necessary nutrients and a lot of pleasure with such a breakfast.

Don't forget about making the right choice drinks. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices rich in important vitamins and minerals, and their bright taste and the aroma always lifts your spirits. Remember also that in every strong man there is still hidden deep inside a little mischievous boy who will surely be delighted with tasty and healthy food. milkshake with fruit and ice cream. And don’t deny your loved one a small cup aromatic coffee or delicious tea, because these drinks contain sufficient quantity antioxidants and essential oils, which will lift your spirits and add vigor.

Today “Culinary Eden” has prepared for you a selection of delicious and healthy dishes for breakfast, which will save you from having to worry about the question, What cook for breakfast for my husband.

1. Don’t have any time to prepare breakfast? A sandwich will always save you! After all, a sandwich can be useful. Cut a round whole grain muffin into two halves. Grease the bottom half with olive oil and tomato sauce, place a piece of low-fat on top boiled meat and a slice of cheese. Place a slice of tomato or cucumber on top of the cheese. Cover the sandwich with the other half of the bun and heat in microwave oven within 1 minute. Glass orange juice and a small cup of coffee will serve great addition your breakfast.

2. It’s very easy to prepare delicious rice porridge with tomato sauce and cheese. Boil a bag of rice in salted water until tender. instant cooking. It's best if it's a mixture different varieties rice (white, brown and wild). Place the rice in a colander and let the water drain. Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan. spoon olive oil, add rice and fry until golden brown. Then add ½ cup of any mild tomato sauce, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of finely chopped fresh herbs and mix thoroughly. Warm the rice and sauce for 2 minutes, then add 30 g. grated cheese, stir again and serve immediately.

3. Oatmeal is the unmistakable choice of a true gentleman. And it’s not easy to prepare it, but very simple. In a small saucepan, bring 1 tbsp to a boil. milk and 1 tbsp. water. Add a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and ¾ cup of rolled oats. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. IN ready-made porridge add 1 tbsp. spoon butter and mix thoroughly. Place the porridge on plates and sprinkle with pieces of fresh fruit, berries and nuts.

4. Cheesecakes can be prepared the night before and placed in the refrigerator. In the morning, all you have to do is quickly fry them and serve. Rub 250 g through a sieve. low-fat cottage cheese, add two eggs, 5 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt and sugar to taste. Mix thoroughly curd mass, make small cheesecakes from it and roll them in flour. Melt 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of ghee or butter and fry your cheesecakes on both sides until golden brown crust. Place the cheesecakes on plates, top with sour cream and serve.

5. You can prepare in advance and cottage cheese casserole with apples. This casserole remains tasty and aromatic even when cold. Rub 500 g through a sieve. cottage cheese. Grind two yolks until white with one glass of sugar. Mix cottage cheese and yolks, add 3 tbsp. spoons of melted butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina, salt to taste. Mix thoroughly. Beat two whites into a stable foam. Peel four apples and cut into small cubes. Add the egg whites and apples to the curd mixture and mix gently. Place the resulting mass in a greased baking dish, brush the top with melted butter and bake in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 15 - 20 minutes. Serve, water fruit sauce or sour cream.

6. A delicious French country omelette takes very little time to prepare. preparations. Two slices wheat bread peel off the crust, pour 3 tbsp over the pulp. spoons of milk and mash. Add two raw eggs and gently beat everything together with a fork. Add 50 gr. grated cheese, salt and white pepper taste. Stir again. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of butter, pour in the egg mixture and fry over low heat for 5 minutes under the lid. Sprinkle the finished omelette with fresh, finely chopped parsley, fold in half and place on a warm plate. Serve immediately.

7. It’s even easier to cook scrambled eggs with green peas. Beat three eggs with a fork, add salt and black pepper to taste. Melt 2 tbsp in a frying pan. tablespoons butter, add 3 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas and simmer over medium heat for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Pour over the peas egg mixture, let the eggs set slightly and stir quickly using a wooden spatula. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the scrambled eggs for another 5 minutes over low heat. Sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs with one tbsp. spoon of grated cheese, fold in half and place on a warm plate. Serve with fresh vegetables.

8. On weekends you can treat your husband unusual eggs baked with slices salmon Carefully break four eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks and place in greased baking pans. Make a small indentation in each egg white. Bake the whites in the oven preheated to 180⁰ for 5 minutes. When the whites are baked, remove them from the oven, place one small piece of lightly salted salmon and one yolk into the recesses. Bake in the oven until done, 10 to 15 minutes. Ready eggs Remove from the molds, place on warm plates and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

9. Does your husband love meat dishes even for breakfast? You shouldn't refuse him. Once or twice a week you can pamper your loved one with a meat breakfast. Carefully pound the lean veal steak, add salt and pepper to taste. Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan. spoon of olive oil and fry the steak over high heat for 5 - 7 minutes on each side. Prepare the sauce separately. In a cup, mix 3 tbsp. spoons of yogurt, 1 tbsp. spoon lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of mustard, salt to taste. Transfer steak to a plate and pour sauce over it. Serve with fresh vegetables and whole grain bread.

10. Traditional American Sunday breakfast often involves cooking delicious pancakes- pancakes. It's not at all difficult to prepare them. Sift through a sieve two cups of flour mixed with one cup powdered sugar and one teaspoon baking powder. In a separate bowl, mix one glass of milk, one a raw egg and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract(can be replaced with vanilla on the tip of a knife). Combine the dry and liquid parts of the dough and knead thoroughly with a whisk. Make sure there are no lumps left! Cover the container with the dough cling film and leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes. Heat a frying pan and brush with melted butter using a pastry brush. Pour 2 - 3 tbsp into the center of the pan. spoons of dough and fry the pancakes over medium heat for 2 minutes on each side until golden color. Place the finished pancakes on heated plates and serve immediately. Serve honey separately berry sauce or any liquid jam.

You can find even more new and proven recipes on the pages of Culinary Eden, which is always happy to tell you what to cook for breakfast for your husband.

Zhalnin Dmitry

There are ongoing discussions and studies about the healthiest and most satisfying breakfast for men and women.

American scientists have proven that perfect breakfast for a woman it consists of yogurt, cereal with milk and canned peaches. The ideal men's party looks different. For men best breakfast Scrambled eggs are considered to be exactly three eggs and no other recipes are used.

Why scrambled eggs? Because any egg dish is an excellent recipe for weight loss, since it is this set of products that reduces the level of the “hunger hormone”. Man for a long time doesn’t feel hungry until lunchtime for sure.

As a result of numerous studies, a lot of information has appeared about the so-called “ egg diet" In the morning, you can prepare an omelette of two eggs with tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, sweet peppers or other vegetables and sprinkle it with grated low-fat cheese. It is recommended to eat the omelet with whole wheat bread. Everyone knows such recipes.

For those who are constantly in a hurry, you need to have boiled eggs in the refrigerator for breakfast. They can be wrapped in pita bread with the addition of curry and vegetable salad. Wonderful, well-fed and healthy recipe for breakfast.

Simple breakfast recipes for your loved one!

14-08-2014, 21:30

What can you cook from eggs? Of course, scrambled eggs are the first thing that comes to our mind. I suggest you beautiful recipe called scrambled eggs “Warm Heart”

15-08-2014, 11:15

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and grease the molds with butter. Smoked salmon cut into small pieces, finely chop the dill. Place 2 tsp at the bottom of the molds. sour cream, evenly distribute salmon and dill on it, beat an egg on top. Bake for 12-15 minutes in a water bath. These baked eggs are best served with toast.

22-08-2014, 11:06

Many girls wake up in the morning in a hurry what to cook for their lover while he is still getting ready, quickly delicious and most importantly simple! One of the quickest options is amlet with crab sticks and cheese

Very tasty and tender pancakes"Curvy." I highly recommend kefir pancakes for breakfast. Any man will be happy with such a menu for the morning, which can be varied with many flavors of sweet honey. preserves, jams and condensed milk. Moreover, this will not add extra pounds to you; in the morning, the body must receive the maximum amount of calories so that your body is alert all day!

3-09-2014, 15:31

To make the cottage cheese pancakes tasty, you need to put the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add sifted flour, salt, sugar, vanillin and add a raw egg. All products are thoroughly mixed. After which you can begin to form the cheesecakes. Formed cottage cheese pancakes should be rolled in flour and placed on heated oil.

29-08-2014, 00:14

Recipe for making morning oatmeal for your beloved man with fruits

3-09-2014, 19:41

It is so accepted that pasta, or from Italian. - pasta, in everyday life usually called simply pasta, regardless of its shape. More varied pieces of dried dough different shapes and size, from wheat flour or rice, buckwheat, legume flour, or just starch. Quite often, various natural dyes and fillers. The most common group of pasta is long. Without going into the subtleties that distinguish one type long pasta from another, the most famous are spaghetti. Solid, not tubular, thin and long pieces of dough cylindrical. Length at least 15 cm, with diameter

3-09-2014, 22:53

Farfalle is an Italian curly pasta in the form of bows or butterflies, very popular in the northern Italian provinces. According to various sources, the appearance of this paste is no less than 5 centuries old. Farfalle means butterfly in Italian. There are small, large, multi-colored and plain farfalle. Be that as it may, children love farfalle. In any case, it’s always easier to come up with a story for the children to have farfalle for breakfast.

4-09-2014, 23:22

World famous Nigel Slater from the movie "TOAST" in this recipe Slater focuses on diced lemon. Thus, tender pieces Peeled lemons become an independent part of the seasoning, and indeed the entire dish. You use lemon as a fruit, rather than transferring it to lemon juice as usual.

7-10-2014, 22:28

Surprisingly light and quick dish both for lunch boxing for a child at school and outdoors. There are various variations on the filling theme, you can put banana and cheese and pickle Always the bacon wrap. Sausages can also be fried in a frying pan on the grill for 3-4 minutes. Regular sausages can be great hot snack, if you bake them with cheese and bacon.

11-10-2014, 23:32

We'll cook interesting dish one might say vegetable dish with sausage and bacon. Which can be eaten both hot and cold, the taste is unique in both cases. And most importantly, it can serve as a pre-prepared dish for nature and is tasty and healthy lunch for your child in the school lunch box.

24-10-2014, 14:22

Laksa soup is a Peranakan dish common in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, which is Hot soup with noodles. The etymology of the name "laksa" is unknown. We present to your attention one of wonderful recipes from the famous English chef Nigella Lawson.

Nutritionist opinion

Women are mistaken if they think that all men prefer something filling and high-calorie in the morning on an empty stomach. Not all men are used to eating their fill in the morning. Many are able to limit themselves to just a cup of coffee.

Naturally, it all depends on individual preferences. Among men, there will probably be those who like to eat something meat in the morning, those who do not refuse fruit or baked goods. But men who start their day with dairy products are not so easy to find.

If a man likes to eat heavily in the morning, for example fish or meat recipes breakfasts, then the perfect side dish in this case there will be buckwheat or oatmeal. According to nutritionists, oatmeal is very important product for men, as it is one of the richest sources of protein and necessary for the body acids

It is periodically useful to include blueberries in a man's breakfast, which helps improve memory and vision. If blueberries can be obtained mainly only in summer, then ordinary White cabbage always available. It perfectly reduces the risk of lung cancer and, due to the presence of potassium, cabbage improves muscle function and especially myocardial muscles. If you feed men correctly, then they can become a real support.

Most men prefer to have a hearty breakfast - it could be scrambled eggs with sandwiches or a side dish with meat or fish dish, and some will not refuse a plate aromatic borscht or boiled dumplings. But is such a start to the day healthy for the body? Let’s try to understand this issue and look at examples with step-by-step recipes for the healthiest men’s breakfasts. So what should be the right breakfast?

What is the healthiest thing to eat in the early morning before your workday?

First of all, I would like to note that breakfast should make up a third of a person’s total daily diet, and the meals should be nutritious enough to allow you to work productively until lunch. Then the body will not starve and give signals that it does not have enough energy to work mentally or physically productively. Therefore, it is worth eating foods such as:

  1. Dairy- cottage cheese, milk porridges, casseroles, cheesecakes, and a portion of kefir, fermented baked milk and delicious yogurt after waking up won’t hurt.
  2. Cereals– in the form of cereal products, porridge and healthy whole grain bread, which are long time give a feeling of satiety.
  3. Fruits and vegetables- as an accompaniment to meat dishes good for any season vegetable salad, and the fruits will become wonderful additions to delicious porridge, pancakes and pancakes.
  4. Meat, eggs, fish, seafood and poultry– not only meat is a source healthy bun, it can be obtained from eggs and legumes, and, of course, a portion of vegetables with a cutlet and salad is the most suitable food for a man in the morning. Then the morning will start on a positive note.

Delicious recipes for easy-to-prepare dishes for men's breakfast:

Below will be presented step by step recipes delicious and satisfying breakfasts that will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time, give you vigor, energy and good mood during the whole day.

Italian frittata with cherry tomatoes and fried bacon:

In essence it is very hearty omelette with a variety of different vegetables and meat filling made from bacon, ham, sausage or frankfurters or leftover baked meat from dinner. Alternatively, these products can diversify the preparation of the dish.

  • 4-5 chicken eggs;
  • 1 sweet onion;
  • 2-3 boiled potatoes in their jackets;
  • 6-7 slices of boiled smoked bacon;
  • 5 cherry tomatoes;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • A handful of grated hard cheese;
  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper and spices to taste;
  • Some fresh herbs for serving.


Clear onion and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown. Young potatoes do not need to be peeled; winter potatoes should be peeled and cut into thin slices.

Fry potatoes with bacon in vegetable oil with onions. Add cherry tomatoes cut in half. For health, it is recommended to take unrefined olive oil.

Beat the eggs with a fork or whisk, add salt and pepper well, and pour into the frying pan. Fry all the ingredients, sprinkle with grated cheese, add chopped fresh herbs and cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes.

An important point is to serve on a large plate with various sauces And fresh bread, pre-cut into portions.

Scrambled eggs with toast, baked in tomatoes:

Another option for quick and hearty breakfast using eggs. The presentation is so unusual and appetizing that any man who comes to the kitchen for breakfast in a bad mood will rejoice at it.

To prepare you will need:

  • Bread for toasting;
  • 55 gr. butter;
  • 85 gr. hard cheese;
  • 3-4 slices of ham;
  • 2-3 large tomatoes;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • A little salt and freshly ground black pepper.


The bottom of the washed tomatoes needs to be trimmed a little so that they stand firmly in the baking dish. Cut off the lid on top, remove the core from inside the product, being careful not to damage the walls of the tomatoes.

Salt the tomato from the inside, add a little pepper and grated cheese, beat in the eggs, season with salt and place in a preheated oven at 180 C and bake for 10-12 minutes.

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, sprinkle hard cheese on top and switch to the “Grill” function.

In the meantime, make sandwiches with ham from toast bread, you can add a little grated cheese, and fry them in a frying pan with butter on both sides.

Serve both components of the dish hot; you can diversify the serving with a portion of salad.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings:

Quickly prepare delicious lazy dumplings It won’t be difficult for even the laziest man; the ingredients for this will be found in the kitchen of any bachelor, and preparing dumplings is not at all difficult.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fine sugar;
  • A pack of cottage cheese with normal fat content;
  • Half a glass of flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • A little salt;
  • A dash of turmeric to add color;
  • Freshly ground pepper;
  • Thick sour cream for serving.


Whisk the eggs with the addition of salt, granulated sugar and turmeric. Add cottage cheese and mix the resulting mass with a spoon until smooth.

Pour flour into the curd and egg mixture, knead the dough, form it into a not very thick rope and cut it into small slices.

Boil water with salt and boil the dumplings for 5 minutes over medium heat. Place on a plate, add sour cream and, if desired, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper.

Hearty breakfast stuffed with baked chicken meat, vegetables and sauce in pita bread:

No man will refuse to taste juicy and appetizing shawarma. But such food can also be healthy, prepared from fresh products at home.

To prepare you will need:

  • A sheet of thin pita bread;
  • A little baked chicken - 250 gr.;
  • Fresh cucumber and tomato;
  • 85 gr. Chinese cabbage or any leaf lettuce;
  • A clove of garlic - according to making;
  • Some fresh herbs;
  • 50 ml. kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise;
  • A little salt and black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.


Disassemble the chicken meat into fibers and place on a sheet of lavash. Cut the cucumber and tomato, Chinese cabbage in small pieces.

Mix kefir with mayonnaise, add salt and black pepper, add washed and chopped fresh herbs.

Place the chopped vegetables on top of the meat, pour over the sauce and wrap the pita bread with the filling in the shape of an envelope.

Fry the shawarma in vegetable oil on both sides until golden crust and serve with coffee, aromatic tea or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.


We hope that this article will be useful and will pleasantly diversify dull breakfasts with healthy and delicious food, and then during the day you will only feel vigor and a positive attitude.

Many people associate morning with an eternal lack of time and hasty preparation for work. Due to such circumstances, it is difficult to allocate a sufficient amount of time for preparing breakfast, because besides this, there is still a lot to do. This is especially true for women whose responsibilities include getting their husband and children ready in the morning. But breakfast is the main source of human energy; it charges the body with efficiency for the whole day. Therefore, it is very important that it is complete and contains useful material for the body. So, what can you cook for breakfast quickly and tasty? simple recipes with photo.

Porridge with dried fruits

We need:

  • 4-5 tbsp. l. semolina
  • 45 g butter
  • 700 ml. milk
  • 2 -3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 100 gr. raisins
  • 50 gr. almonds
  • 50 gr. dried apricots
  • 50 gr. prunes

First, pour boiling water over the dried fruits for 25 minutes. Pour 500 ml. milk into a container, add a spoonful of sugar and boil. Then add semolina and cook for about 5 minutes (do not forget to stir). Once it is ready add the oil and let it sit for a couple of minutes. We turn the rest of the milk into foam, bringing it to a boil for 6-7 minutes. Then we lay it out in layers: semolina-dried fruits-foam-semolina and so on (depending on your container). A hearty and delicious breakfast for the whole family at a quick fix.

Video instructions on how to cook delicious porridge with dried fruits

Pumpkin porridge

We need:

  • cup wheat cereal or rice
  • 600 ml. milk (low fat)
  • 500 g pumpkin
  • half tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. oil drain

Wash the millet (rice) well. Let's set the mode small pieces pumpkin Place milk and pumpkin salt to taste in a multicooker (multi-cook mode 160 gr.) for 10 minutes. All that remains is to add millet (rice) for 15 minutes, then add oil (already at 110 gr.). You can add honey. A healthy and tasty breakfast for your child in a hurry.

Master class on cooking pumpkin porridge

Cereals with fruit

An ideal option for a quick breakfast would be oatmeal with fruit. It will not only give the body a feeling of fullness, but also improve gastrointestinal function. intestinal tract. A quick breakfast for your loved one out of nothing.

To prepare you will need:

  • flakes
  • strawberry
  • banana

Need to take rolled oats flakes and lightly boil them in hot milk. Cut strawberries, banana and kiwi into small cubes and mix with oatmeal. Instead of fruits, you can use dried fruits. A combination of oatmeal with raisins, dried apricots and prunes is considered ideal. This is also a quick and healthy breakfast recipe for the whole family, tasty and healthy.

Delicious cottage cheese casserole

We need:

  • 0.5 kg cottage cheese
  • 0.25 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 50 g semolina
  • 1 egg (we need the yolk)

First, pass the cottage cheese through a sieve, then slowly add milk and eggs. All that remains is to add sugar and semolina, also grease the molds with butter and lay out the curd mass. Bake for 40 minutes. A healthy breakfast for a child, quick and inexpensive.

Banana pudding

We need for 4 servings:

  • 4 bananas
  • 0.5 tbsp. semolina
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 eggs

First, mix milk and eggs. Then beat the semolina. Cut the bananas into rounds, put them in a mold and fill them with the mixture. Place in a steamer for 45 minutes. Children from this delicious breakfast in a hurry they will be delighted.


We will need:

  • cottage cheese
  • vegetable oil
  • condensed milk or jam

Cheese pancakes are a healthy breakfast for the body. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system, hair and nails. To prepare cheesecakes, you need to mix cottage cheese with flour and eggs. Add raisins and form cheesecakes into flat circles. Fry in vegetable oil until cooked on both sides. You can serve this dish with sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Delicious and healthy breakfast for the whole family in a hurry, tasty and healthy.

Pancakes with curd

We will need:

  • 1 l milk
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara

For filling:

  • cottage cheese
  • sugar

One of the delicious breakfast options is pancakes with cottage cheese. This dish is very tasty, but most importantly it does not require much physical effort or a lot of time. To prepare pancakes, you will need to pour milk into a container and put it on low heat. When it warms up slightly, add a little butter and wait until it dissolves in the milk. Meanwhile, grind the eggs and sugar into a homogeneous consistency. Pour it into a container with milk. It is important to let the milk cool, because in hot liquid the egg white can curdle. Add vegetable oil and mix everything with a whisk. Next, you need to gradually add flour until the dough acquires a thick consistency. Fry pancakes in a well-heated frying pan on both sides. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and raisins. Wrap the filling in a pancake and put it in the microwave. A good option A quick breakfast for my husband, tasty and inexpensive.

Omelet with cheese

We need:

Another tasty and quick breakfast option is a cheese omelette. To prepare it, you need to beat the eggs with mayonnaise until homogeneous mass. An indicator of the correct consistency is the foam that forms during whipping. Pour the beaten eggs into the frying pan and cover with a lid, frying low heat 5-7 minutes. When it is ready, place the chopped loin or boiled pork on one side (the fillings can be changed). Fried mushrooms with onions, blanched tomatoes, cheese and boiled meat go well with eggs. After the filling is laid out on one edge, cover it with the second using a spatula. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and let it melt. A simple quick breakfast recipe for the whole family, tasty and healthy.

Frittata with green peas

We will need:

  • bulb
  • green pea

For those who love more refined cuisine, you can make a frittata with green peas for breakfast. To do this, you need to finely chop one onion and fry it in vegetable oil, add it to the pan green pea. Beat the eggs with a whisk until foam forms and pour into the frying pan, then add salt and pepper. Do not stir the dish. Cover with a lid and cook for 10-15 minutes. Unusual recipe a quick egg breakfast, inexpensive and healthy.

Delicious lavash in 5 minutes

We need:

  • 250 g ham (or any other sausage)
  • 150 grams of Russian cheese
  • 150 g carrots (Korean style)
  • a little dill and mayonnaise

Let's start grating the cheese and ham. Don't forget to add greens, carrots and mayonnaise. We wrap all this in pita bread and a quick breakfast is ready, tasty and inexpensive.

Best quick pizza

We will need:

  • 5 tbsp. sour cream
  • a pair of eggs
  • 10 tbsp. l. flour
  • 4 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 150 g raw smoked sausage
  • greenery
  • tomato

Make the dough a little liquid. Before placing the dough in the pan, grease with oil. Apply mayonnaise or ketchup to the dough. Chop the tomato, sausage, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. Fill the dough with filling and sprinkle with cheese. Cover the pan and put it on the heat until the cheese starts to melt and the pizza is ready. So inexpensive and quick breakfast your loved one will surely like it.

Chicken muffins

We need:

  • a pair of chicken breasts
  • 200 gr. hard cheese
  • 1/2 tbsp. flour
  • 1/3 cup sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • greenery

The first thing we start with is to cook the breasts and cook them in pieces. Mix flour, sauce, milk and eggs. Mix grated cheese, chopped herbs and add chicken. Pour part of the mixture into molds, sprinkled with flour in advance. Pour the rest after compacting the previous layer and into the oven for 25 minutes.

Best chicken casserole

We need:

  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet
  • 2 pcs tomatoes
  • 200 gr. hard cheese
  • 200 gr. sour cream
  • 350 gr. mushrooms
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil

First, fillet mode and send it to the mold. We make layers: tomatoes cut into slices, mushrooms and chicken. Don't forget to salt each layer. Grate the cheese and add it to the sour cream, then put it on top of the casserole. Bake for 40 minutes. at 180 gr. (until the chicken is ready). The recipe for a delicious and satisfying breakfast is ready in a hurry.

Unusual mushroom balls

We need:

  • packaging of ready-made puff pastry
  • 5 potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 250 gr. mushrooms
  • 150 gr. cheese
  • 2 pcs. eggs
  • pepper, salt to taste

First, fry the mushrooms and onions. Already boiled potatoes cube mode. Mix everything, just add salt and pepper. Brush the defrosted dough with eggs (beaten, and the dough must be cut into rectangles). All that remains is to add the filling and roll the balls, placing them on a baking sheet, brushing with egg and putting them in the oven for 20 minutes. Such a simple recipe for a tasty and healthy breakfast for my husband in a hurry.

Banana tenderness
