What to eat for 150 calories. How many calories do you need to burn per day to lose weight? Physical activity and entertainment

The right snack will help you not only survive until lunch, but also help you become slimmer. How, when and what to eat to benefit your figure? We asked nutritionists and compiled a special reminder for you.

We have been struggling with the habit of “biting” almost since early childhood: remember the favorite phrase of educators, mothers and grandmothers, “Don’t eat candy, otherwise you’ll spoil your appetite”? In part, they were all right: there really is no benefit to frequent and improper snacking (and candy is just one of them). Quite the contrary: simple carbohydrates and everything we love to snack on - buns, croissants, chocolates - lead to surges in blood sugar levels, a voracious appetite and provoke weight gain.

Proper snacking solves these problems. “If you manage to eat fruits or nuts between main meals, then for lunch or dinner you can get enough of a smaller portion. This factor alone can help you lose weight, says Marina Apletaeva, nutritionist at the Alumed clinic. “And if the snack contained protein - for example, something made from dairy products - then it will also have a positive effect on metabolism, which is also important if the goal is to lose weight.”

What to eat?

Ideally, protein or fiber-rich foods. “Carbohydrate foods, of course, are also suitable as a snack, but under one condition - it is important to monitor its calorie content”, explains Marina Apletaeva.

When calculating the optimal caloric content of a snack, focus on your goals. Have you decided to get rid of everything unnecessary? An intermediate meal should contain a maximum of 100-150 calories. Are you maintaining your new weight and “making friends” with sports? You can “go wild” up to 200 kcal. Do you want to gain some weight? Keep your snacks within 250-350 calories.

Don't want to calculate how many calories are in a piece of apple? Check out our infographic where we've compiled 10 snack options and calculated 150-calorie serving sizes. And at the same time, they calculated how long you will remain full after snacking on one or another product. For contrast, along with healthy snacks (fruits, vegetables, yogurt), we also compared those foods that, according to nutritionists, are in no way suitable for the role of a proper intermediate meal (cookies, chips, sandwich).

Another trick that will help you become slimmer is the right combination of foods in your snack. By combining liquid and solid foods in an intermediate meal, you get all your taste buds working, activate enzymes and improve digestion. That is why it makes sense to supplement a small portion of yogurt with dried fruits, and a fruit salad with a piece of soft cottage cheese.

When to have a snack?

Nutritionists recommend eating at intervals of 2-4 hours: during this time, the food will have time to be digested, and you will get a little hungry. “Carbohydrate foods - fruits, dried fruits and some sweets - are well suited for the role of a second breakfast: they are best absorbed before 14.00, and those eaten later are stored in the fat depot”, explains Mila Gritsenko, creator of the smooth weight loss method and author of the book “Eat and Lose Weight.”

An ideal afternoon snack would be dairy products or vegetables. True, not all. “After 14.00 you should give up beets, potatoes and corn: they contain too much starch and sugar”, says Mila Gritsenko. Without harming your figure, you can snack on a light salad, baked cheesecakes or eggplant rolls.

The diet is suitable for women who lead an active lifestyle - they walk a lot during the day, exercise regularly and prefer active rest to passive rest. It will help maintain stable blood sugar levels and normalize weight. The diet consists of five meals, which are distributed throughout the day, taking into account time and the recommended number of bread units (XU) per serving. The number of servings of bread units per day must be agreed with your doctor.

A bread unit equals 10-12 grams of carbohydrates. According to doctors, meals should be planned so that you eat most of the carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and make breakfast and lunch more carbohydrate-rich than dinner and snacks.

Try to avoid long breaks between meals (calorizer). To do this, plan your meals in advance. Drink water before meals and throughout the day. Plan dinner 3-4 hours before bed so that the food is fully digested before you go to bed.

Menu for 1703 kcal

Breakfast (425 kcal): Oatmeal with dried apricots and milk, two eggs and coffee

  • - 40 gr.
  • - 20 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • (2 pcs.) - 110 gr.
  • - 160 ml.
  • (for cooking)

Boil the eggs. Boil the oatmeal in water, add finely chopped dried apricots, sweeten with a non-calorie sweetener, and add a little milk to the finished porridge. Brew coffee, sweeten as desired and add remaining milk.

Snack (182 kcal): Peanut butter crispbread and tea

  • - 20 gr.
  • - 20 gr.
  • - 240 ml.

Spread peanut butter onto the bread. Tea can be sweetened with a non-calorie sweetener.

Lunch (432 kcal): Daily cabbage soup, buckwheat porridge with chicken fillet, vegetable salad and tea

  • - 300 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 120 gr.
  • - 150 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 10 gr.
  • - 5 gr.
  • (to taste) - 4 gr.
  • - 240 ml.
  • (for cooking)

Boil the chicken fillet in a small amount of salted water. Prepare buckwheat porridge and add fillet to it. Chop the vegetables, add salt and season with lemon juice. If desired, tea can be sweetened with a non-calorie sweetener.

Snack (288 kcal): Cottage cheese with berries and coffee with milk

  • - 200 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 160 ml.
  • - 60 ml.

Mix cottage cheese with berries. Brew coffee, add non-nutritive sweetener and milk.

Dinner (376 kcal): Baked cod and buckwheat porridge with vegetables

  • - 150 gr.
  • - 35 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 10 gr.
  • - 5 gr.
  • (to taste) - 4 gr.
  • (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • - 240 gr.

Rub the fish with salt and lemon juice and bake in foil. Chop the vegetables and simmer until half cooked in a small amount of liquid. Boil buckwheat until half cooked and add to vegetables. Simmer together under a closed lid (calorizator). Add butter to the finished dish.

  • Caloric content of the diet - 1703 kcal
  • Proteins - 137 gr.
  • Fats - 62 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 150 gr.

How often do women and girls who watch their weight hesitate to eat anything tasty because they are afraid of exceeding their daily calorie intake? But it turns out that you can eat tasty, varied food and still lose weight. Don't believe me? We will prove the opposite and offer recipes for delicious dishes, the calorie content of which does not exceed 150 kcal. It turns out that delicious dishes can be not only healthy, but also varied.

1. Cream of mushroom soup

Ingredients(for two servings):

1. 450 ml of mushroom broth (preferably dried white mushrooms, but you can use champignons);

2. 300 g of cauliflower (you can use some white cabbage, but it no longer gives such a good consistency);

3. 150 g of mushrooms;

4. 1/2 onion;

5. 3-4 cloves of garlic;

Cooking method:

  • Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan (it is better to use melted organic oil or olive oil); half a teaspoon of melted butter or a tablespoon of olive oil will be enough for two servings.
  • Add finely chopped onion and chopped garlic.
  • Once the onion becomes translucent, add finely chopped mushrooms. Increase the heat and monitor the cooking until the liquid has evaporated.
  • Then turn the heat to low and simmer the soup covered for another 15 minutes.
  • Season with salt, pepper and puree the soup using an immersion blender.
  • Serve with finely chopped parsley or dill.

50 kcal

2. Flourless cottage cheese casserole


1. Cottage cheese - 500 g (5% or 0%);

2. Milk - 100 ml;

3. Corn starch - 20 g;

4. Egg - 4 pcs.;

5. Sah. substitute;

6. Lemon zest / vanillin / etc. fillers.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the eggs until foamy. Gradually add cottage cheese, starch, and milk into the mixture. Add sugar substitute.
  • Beat the resulting mixture with a blender.
  • Bake in the oven at 180 degrees. approximately 40 minutes.

Then cool the dish and you can enjoy its amazing taste.

124 kcal when using 5% cottage cheese and 97 kcal when using 0% cottage cheese

3. Zucchini rolls with chicken fillet

1. zucchini (or zucchini) - 1-2 pcs.;

2. chicken fillet - 1-2 pcs.;

3. garlic - 2 cloves;

4. cheese - 50 g (with minimal fat content);

6. salt, ground black pepper;

7. olive oil (you can do without it).

Cooking method:

  • Wash the zucchini and cut into thin strips, about 0.5 cm.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment, place the zucchini and brush a little with olive oil, then salt them.
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. and leave for 5-7 minutes (we do this so that the zucchini becomes softer and curls better),
  • Cut the chicken fillet into thin longitudinal strips. Then beat them off, add pepper and salt.
  • Add the garlic to the chicken breasts and leave for a while.
  • Place strips of chicken meat on the prepared zucchini, sprinkle with cheese and paprika.
  • We roll up zucchini rolls with chicken fillet, fasten them with a skewer and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

120 kcal

4. Salad with beans, chicken and corn:


1. bank cons. beans;

2. 1/2 cans of corn;

3. 2-3 tomatoes;

4. 1 chicken fillet;

5. 150g cheese;

6. sour cream (with minimal fat content).

Cooking method:

  • The chicken breast should be cut into pieces, salt and pepper and fry until tender in a dry frying pan without oil.
  • Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Three cheeses on a coarse grater.
  • Mix all the ingredients, add salt and season with sour cream.
  • You can sprinkle the salad with herbs and/or croutons on top.

145 kcal

5. Chicken breast baked with cottage cheese


1. 3 chicken fillets;

2. 110 g cottage cheese (5%);

3. 1-2 tbsp. soft curd cheese or ricotta (can be replaced with sour cream);
dill, green onions, parsley;

4. 3 cloves of garlic;

5. salt/pepper, favorite spices;

6. lemon juice;

7 2-3 tbsp. soy sauce;

8. 0.5-1 tbsp sour cream.

Cooking method:

  • To make the fillet juicy, soak it in water for 1-2 hours before cooking.
  • For the filling, mix cottage cheese with cottage cheese or ricotta, add finely chopped herbs, salt, then add chopped garlic and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Dry the chicken fillet. Then we make a pocket cut on the thick side, sprinkle it with salt and spices (to your taste), fill it with filling and close it.
  • Place the fillet with the filling on a greased baking sheet, pour over lemon juice, and then sour cream or soy sauce.
  • Bake the fillet for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. 4-5 minutes before the dish is ready, you can sprinkle it with cheese.

111 kcal

6. Pizza with a special recipe


1. chicken egg - 1 pc.;

2. chicken fillet - 500 g;

3. tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

4. onions - 1 pc.;

5. canned mushrooms - 200 g;

6. cheese -100 g;

7. tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;

8. seasonings to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grind 500 g of chicken breast fillet in a blender and add an egg to the mixture.
  • Spread the resulting mixture in an even layer on the frying pan; place parchment on the bottom.
  • Place the crust in the oven for 10-15 minutes until it takes the desired shape.
  • Then take it out, apply a thin layer of tomato paste on top and lay out the filling in layers: onions and tomatoes, cut into half rings, mushrooms and cheese, grated on a coarse grater.
  • Add your favorite seasonings and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

150 kcal

7. Vegetable casserole with fish


1. zucchini - 395 g;

2. tilapia fillet - 260 g;

3. cabbage - 265 g;

4. eggs - 200 g;

5. soy sauce - 25 g;

6. onion - 65 g;

7. greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grate the zucchini.
  • Finely chop the cabbage.
  • Pass the tilapia fillet and onion through a blender.
  • Mix all ingredients and add soy sauce.
  • Line a baking dish or pan with parchment and place the casserole mixture into it.
  • Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

70 kcal

8. Cherry muffins


2. 150 g cottage cheese (1%)

3. 50 g kefir or fermented baked milk

4. baking powder, vanillin, sweetener

5. fresh cherries

Cooking method:

  • Add to the cottage cheese 1 yolk, 50 g of corn flour and 50 g of kefir or fermented baked milk (you can use yogurt), sugar, vanillin, raisins.
  • Beat 2 egg whites until thick.
  • Gently fold the whites into the dough with a spatula.
  • Pour the mixture into the molds, filling them about 3/4 full.
  • Place in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes and bake at 180 degrees.
  • The muffins will turn out tender and airy.

In 1 piece approximately 55 kcal.

9. Peppers stuffed with bulgur, mushrooms and turkey


1. bell peppers;

2. minced turkey;

3. cooked bulgur;

4. mushrooms (champignons);

6. carrots;

7. tomatoes;

Cooking method:

  • Peel the peppers from the stem and seeds, place them in boiling water for a few minutes, then leave to cool.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the mushrooms and onions. Lightly fry all the vegetables along with the mushrooms in a frying pan without oil.
  • Mix the vegetable mixture with minced meat and bulgur. Salt and pepper.
  • Fill the peppers with the filling, sprinkle grated carrots on top and place tightly in a thick-bottomed pan (or slow cooker).
  • Stew the tomatoes with carrots and pour this mixture over the peppers. Add a little boiling water so that the liquid covers the peppers by about 2/3.
  • Simmer over low heat (or in a special mode in a slow cooker) for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness add 2 pcs. bay leaf.

129 kcal

10. Orange pancakes


1. 140 g cottage cheese;

2. 100 ml milk/kefir;

4. baking powder/soda;

5. orange;

6. oatmeal/corn/rice flour to your taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix cottage cheese with milk/kefir and egg.
  • The orange needs to be washed, dried and grated on a coarse grater. You only need to grate the orange part of the skin - we need the zest.
  • Add the zest to the dough - it will give a bright smell and a special taste. You can add a little more orange juice.
  • Add the flour you chose to the mixture. The dough should have a consistency similar to pancake batter.
  • Bake in a dry frying pan with a lid, fry on both sides.

At night, you can coat the pancakes with yogurt and put them in the refrigerator - in the morning they will be even tastier.

42 kcal

How often do those who lose weight sharply limit the consumption of a variety of foods. Yes, the weight goes away, but along with it joy and fun go away, uncontrollable anger or apathy appears as a consequence of the fact that the body lacks vitamins and other useful substances.

All this can lead to breakdowns and uncontrolled eating of sweets. Don't go to extremes, use our advice, eat tasty and healthy. And you can lose weight even if you eat pancakes (prepared according to a secret recipe, of course).

The frequency of meals is optimally three to four times a day, nutritious meals. The five to six meals a day recommended by some nutritionists is permissible only if the digestive system is sufficiently “active” and efficient, when by the next meal the stomach has already been freed of digested food and has had time to rest and recover. Before eating and immediately after a meal, take leisurely walks in the fresh air (exercise), which is good for digestion and will teach you not to overeat. The average (weight and height) adult requires approximately 1500-2000 kilocalories per day, plus energy expenditure for walking (200-300 kcal per hour, at an average speed on a horizontal road) or running (500-700 kcal / h, according to flat terrain). If you live on a diet, from hand to mouth, trying to lose weight with a minimum of calories in food, accordingly, the total calorie content of what you eat will be less.

Calorie content of food servings:

A serving of ice cream – 150-200 kilocalories
Borscht, 500g – 200
A piece of bread – 50-100
Boiled potato serving – 150
Lean / fatty meat (100g) – 200 / 400
Instant porridge (bag) – 140
A glass of whole milk, 3.2% (fat percentage) – 120.
Chocolate bar Mars - 160
Sandwich with butter – 200-300
Serving of pasta (150g) – 250
Candy - 50
Sugar (1 teaspoon) - 25.
Ham sandwich – 200
Sandwich with cheese – 150-200
Fish – 150-200
Compote – 120
Piece of cake – 300 (fatty varieties have more calories)
A cup of coffee with milk (without sugar) – 50.
Apple, medium size (about 150 grams), red / green – 80 / 40
// green and yellow apples are generally healthier than red ones and contain fewer calories
Banana – 80
A glass of grape juice – 100 kilocalories

A varied diet, balanced in quantity and quality of food, taking into account individual living conditions and physical activity, contributes to the natural normalization of weight. The body requires a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

Proportions of food intake during the day: the caloric content of breakfast should be 35% of the daily value, according to the number of calories, lunch - 40%, dinner - 25%.

After meals, you can take fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, as well as supplements containing potassium, sodium, and iron.

Edible grain bran (in the form of cereals, granules or flakes), rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements, should be included in the daily diet, as part of a dietary diet, but they must be taken in strictly limited quantities (this is a “heavy for the stomach”, difficult to digest food, which, moreover, increases in volume due to swelling in water). The bran should not contain large husks. Contraindications to taking bran: exacerbation of gastric ulcer, gastritis (consult a doctor). Limits on quantity - two tablespoons per meal, in total - up to 70 grams (6 tablespoons) during the day (depending on the percentage of fiber, that is, dietary fiber). Low-carbohydrate wheat bran has a calorie content of about 170 kilocalories per 100 g of dry weight.

Many nutritional problems can be avoided if you reduce the amount of refined concentrated foods you eat (sugar, fatty cottage cheese), which “hit” the body, causing overload in the form of sharp jumps in blood sugar and cholesterol levels, etc. It is enough, at least, to recall caries, pancreatitis and excess weight from obesity, the development of which is promoted by refined carbohydrates and fatty foods, in order to appreciate their overall negative impact on the human body.

Sweet foods in their natural form, thanks to fiber, “give up” sugar gradually, so after eating them, the blood sugar level does not rise as quickly as after a glass of freshly prepared pineapple or grape juice, where there is no longer any fiber. Therefore, even people with diabetes can eat fruits and vegetables in moderation. Interestingly, if you eat honey along with honeycombs, there will be no spike in sugar, because the wax prevents the rapid absorption of fructose and glucose into the blood, although not as much as the fiber contained in vegetables and fruits.

Products that cause a rapid jump in blood sugar levels: chocolate, condensed milk, ice cream, marshmallows, caramel, marmalade, halva, waffles, sherbet, pastries, pies, preserves, jam, fruit compotes, honey, sugar, sweet wines, carbonated drinks with sugar syrup (contain large quantities of easily digestible, “fast” carbohydrates). It is relatively safe to consume sugar in the amount of one teaspoon per meal (preferably as a bite or in the form of 1 candy). It is preferable to use cane ("brown") in the diet unrefined Sahara. In case of compensated diabetes, you can use natural sweeteners (xylitol or sorbitol), but their use should be limited - no more than 30 grams per day.

Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, acesulfame and other “chemicals”) are toxic in large doses. When heated strongly, they become carcinogenic. It is believed that their consumption at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day is safe, but there is not enough research on them yet.
