We make homemade mayonnaise from sunflower grains. This raw food mayonnaise recipe is a great sauce for salads and appetizers! Raw food mayonnaise: a simple recipe with herbs

"! Today's topic is about flowers, which is especially important on the eve of spring. Rose is the queen among flowers. This is the most beautiful, majestic and amazing flower. A paper rose looks just as tender and delightful; it will decorate any room. Just look how stylish she looked on the festive table in the cafe.

DIY crepe paper flowers last much longer than real ones, will decorate any interior and can serve as an excellent holiday gift. Today I want to tell you how to make roses from crepe paper with your own hands. In fact, doing this is not as difficult as it seems; even a beginner can cope with this task. Can you imagine what kind of gift you and your child can create for your beloved grandmother on March 8th!?

In order to make roses, we will need:

  • crepe paper in two colors (green and rose),
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • wire, skewer or cocktail tube,
  • good mood:-).

Buy Koh-I-Noor crepe paper(size 200 by 50 cm), at a favorable price with delivery you can Here.

Cut a piece of crepe paper approximately 10-12 centimeters high and 70-80 cm long. The splendor of our rose depends on the length of the segment - the longer, the more splendid, but don’t get carried away too much, otherwise it will be difficult to roll it up.

We cut the blank for the paper rose across the sheet, i.e. “wrinkling” will be across the segment.

Fold the upper right corner as shown in the photo and press it.

Next, we begin to form the curly edge of our flower. You made bows from dough, right? So, it's very similar. At the same distance (width of the pad of the thumb), bend the edge, pinch and turn.

We continue this action along the entire length of the segment.

It is easy to form a rose from the resulting strip. Just twist it (fairly loosely) into a bud, even slightly forming waves.

Holding our paper rose firmly in your hand, insert the skewer into the center and stretch it until the end “hides” in the petals. We tie it at the base with a thread.

After this, we straighten the petals and give the flower shape.

Next, we need to decorate the junction - we make a green peduncle (receptacle). To do this, cut out a strip of green corrugated paper 2.5 centimeters wide and 25 centimeters long. We fold it like an accordion and cut off the corners.

We coat the bottom of our rose with PVA glue and wrap it with leaves, cutting off the excess.

The next step is to decorate the stem of the paper rose. For this we will again need a narrow piece of green crepe paper. Glue it to the base of the flower and wrap it around the stem, periodically fixing it with glue.

We stop in the right places and insert the leaves into the stem using a wire.

Corrugated paper flowers are typically used to decorate gifts. But if you decorate a photo frame, wall clock with them, make a panel or an elegant one, then they will decorate the interior and bring lightness to it. Before you learn how to create flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands, you need to understand what material is suitable for this and what else is needed to make the craft look like a real plant.

Getting to know the material

Corrugated paper is also called crepe or crepe paper. The only difference is that gaufrer is a French name, and crepe is an English name. In Russian there is also an analogue - reaper, pressed paper. There are several options for corrugated paper on sale, but the main classification is divided according to the density of the sheets:

Paper for creativity and gift wrapping: density 30–50 g, small folds, the height of which is not regulated. It is not suitable for floristry because it does not stretch well, tears and gets wet from the glue.

Floral paper is used for packaging flowers and sweet designs. Its density is in the range of 120–180 g. Deep folds provide the necessary amount of stretch to create realistic colors.

Corrugated cardboard has a high density and is only suitable for making gift boxes.

Please note that the craft paper label says “fine crepe” on the packaging. The floral paper is marked with the inscription “crepe extra”, and the sheets themselves have transverse textured stripes.

Folds on floral paper are called flutes, which are divided into three types:

  • E-flute up to 1.6 mm high – for making small flowers;
  • B-flute up to 3.2 mm high – for life-size paper flowers;
  • A-flute up to 4.8 mm high – for packaging.

The color palette includes not only plain paper, but also metallized double-sided paper, with gradient and rainbow colors.

We will also need auxiliary materials for creativity:

  • Type tape, which is used as colored tape to decorate the base of the flower and stem;
  • Scissors and stationery knife;
  • PVA glue (thick), heat gun;
  • Threads for attaching petals, sheets;
  • Floral and regular wire;
  • Wooden sticks for stems;
  • Styrofoam balls or candies for the center of the flower.

And also: ribbons, frames, baskets, vases and even cups and saucers - the decor is limited only by the imagination of the master.

Basic techniques and secrets of creating flowers from corrugated paper

Master florists have come up with hundreds of ways to make flowers from corrugated paper with their own hands. However, there are basic techniques that, by combining and transforming, can achieve almost perfect resemblance to the original.


Please note that the stem for any type of flower is created according to the same principle:

  • The base is floral wire, a wooden stick or a paper tube.
  • You need to attach the stem to the head of the flower at the initial stage (it is threaded through the layers of paper that form the petals) or the flower is collected directly on the stem.
  • The stem can be decorated either with a thin strip of corrugated paper with glue or green tape.
  • To make it look more like a real branch, you need to cut out the leaves and attach them to the stem, masking the junction with tape.

How to easily roll a thin paper tube is explained in this video:


Use a ready-made strip of corrugated paper in two or more colors, or you can cut it out from a sheet yourself. The layers are ground down.

Gathering should be done immediately - then you will not be able to pull out the thread without damaging the paper.

Then the workpiece is wound in a spiral around a rod or attached to a surface, and the collected waves create volume.

They are also made for this ball by twisting.

But in this case, a strip of corrugated paper is folded in half and then rolled into a roll. To prevent the flower from falling apart during assembly, it must be glued as the roll increases. Finally, use your fingers to carefully straighten the curls, forming an open rose. The base is a foam ball onto which the roses are glued.

Flowers made from corrugated paper using a similar technique are shown in a master class on creating a rose with an original curled edge:

This technique is popular for making chrysanthemums, daisies, daisies, carnations and other flowers with many small petals. The base is a long strip with cut fringe or cut rounded petals. For example, this charming rose.

Flowers from individual petals

These delicate flowers are made without a base, by joining individual petals cut out according to a template.

For sakura flowers you will need:

  • three long rectangular strips with rounded edges for petals,
  • one long rectangular strip with pointed edges for leaves,
  • for the core, a short strip with transverse cuts.

The petal and leaf blanks should be folded in half, mark the center and straighten the edges, forming a bend. Assembly is carried out using glue by simply connecting the blanks one on top of the other, and a twisted core is attached to the center of the resulting flower.

Blanks for pansies are cut out of multi-colored paper; if desired, the middle can be tinted and veins drawn. The assembly of the flower is carried out by connecting the petals to each other also with glue or thread. Floral wire would be appropriate here as a stem.

This chamomile is collected using a similar technology, but to make a bouquet, a stick is used as a base.

To make this tulip as similar as possible to the real one, it was necessary to create a core using a special technology.

Flowers on a fixed basis

There are many varieties of flowers that are made using this technique: chamomile, but the most common is the English rose.

The peculiarity is that the petals are wound onto a base - a foam or paper ball, which can be replaced with a small round candy.


It is precisely on this principle that this

1. Cut strips of corrugated paper approximately 6 cm wide and 10 cm long. Colors can be combined at your discretion: a delicate milky core and rich yellow, orange or red outer petals.

2. Fold the blanks like an accordion along the width of the petal, rounding the edges.

3. Using your fingers, slightly straighten the corrugations, forming a wavy edge, then use toothpicks to wrap the petals, giving a natural shape.

4. The petal blank should be stretched, giving it a semicircular shape - this will facilitate the formation of the flower.

5. We wrap the base of the flower in a rectangular strip without cuts, pulling the corrugations so that the paper tightly envelops the ball or candy. We fix it with a drop of glue and tighten the bottom with thread.

6. We lay all subsequent petals overlapping in a circle, tightening them with thread. At the end of the work, we decorate the assembly site with a sepal of green or any other color in accordance with the intended composition.

Advice. If you want to make a bouquet on stems, then sticks should be glued with hot glue to the base of the flower - a ball or candy - before the flower begins to form.

Here is a slightly simplified, but no less spectacular version of this flower.

Master Svetlana Bormotova proposed a simple technique that turns an ordinary rose into an exquisite flower:

This decorative artichoke is also created on a fixed base. An incredibly beautiful decorative element!

You may not immediately guess that there is a candy hidden in the graceful daffodil - you will definitely be sorry to disturb such grace:

Original compositions and examples of decor creation

Traditional decoration - bouquets in a vase. You can collect a bouquet of daisies, roses, tulips, and for experienced florists it will not be difficult to create a gladiolus branch:

If you love indoor flowers, but don’t have time to grow them, then a corrugated paper orchid flower is just what you need. This is difficult work that requires certain skills, but the result is worth it.

You can decorate a room not only with bouquets of paper flowers. For example, for indoor wedding ceremonies, you can create a photo zone using paper flowers. They are attached to a perforated wall using a wire bent into a hook.

Using the techniques described, you can create a topiary. The base is a foam ball, which is covered with corrugated paper petals.

This “cool magazine” harmoniously combines the warmth of the created bouquet and the sweet filling of the box. This gift will definitely be remembered for a long time!

Your guests will immediately pay attention to the decorations decorating the interior, but will not immediately understand how this cup does not fall...

With a little patience and effort, you will create elegant decorations for your room, make a celebration unforgettable, or just give your loved ones an unconventionally decorated simple gift.

Master classes from the unique master Lia Griffith

Lia Griffith makes incredibly beautiful flowers from crepe paper! Her step-by-step master classes are accessible and understandable, despite the fact that they are presented in English.

Inspiration and beautiful flowers!


Crepe paper is a wonderful and inexpensive thin corrugated material. One of its varieties is crinkled paper, which can easily stretch. Crepe paper has a surface with tiny folds, increased strength and rigidity. Wedding bouquets are often made from it, so it can be bought in florist shops. So let's make flowers together from simple but high-quality crepe paper, which is easy to disassemble with diagrams!

Flowers are beautiful and, perhaps, one of the best interior decorations. Bouquets will add an atmosphere of celebration, romance and tenderness. Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to use fresh flowers in decoration. In addition, they wither quickly. Therefore, they can be replaced with bouquets created with your own hands from special crepe paper.

It is difficult for novice craftsmen to do without diagrams, patterns, templates, so it is better to start with simple examples. Next we will look at a detailed master class on making flowers.

Making tulips from crepe paper with work diagrams

There are many schemes for creating tulip buds from crepe paper using the rolling method.

You can make leaves and stems for our tulips according to the diagram.

Graceful lily in an interesting master class with description

You can also create an elegant origami lily, the diagram of which is below.

It should look like a lily.

Let's look at the photo instructions for the Kawasaki rose

A diagram for creating a rose from the master Kawasaki.

How to create a lotus flower with your own hands, learning the step-by-step process

The diagram is attached.

We study the creation of the simplest flower using the origami technique

This method consists of composing a flower according to a diagram. You need to take a square sheet of paper with dimensions of 15 cm. It should lie face up. Then fold the sheet on both sides diagonally. Its edges should fold evenly, and when pressed on the folds, form the letter X.

Now we unfold the paper and fold it from left to right, and then unfold it. Then fold the top edge down. We should get a rectangle. In the windows that open, at the bottom, carefully push the upper left corner of the paper. The fold located in the middle of the sheet should rise and all corners should fit together accordingly. If you did everything correctly, then you will get a diamond-shaped figure. Align it and turn it 180 degrees. Thus, the windows should open from the top. Then we fold the right corner with the lower left to the middle fold. You should end up with something similar to a kite. Having turned the diamond over, we repeat all the steps.

Let's open the petals and take our kite by the upper tip, folding it three-quarters down. Using your thumb and forefinger, press into the middle of the product. You should get a stable crease.

We put the stray petals in place, creating them to our liking. Using special or regular scissors, you need to round the edges or make teeth. It all depends on what kind of flower you want to get.

You will need patience to create the flower, but it will be worth it. Your bouquet will be indistinguishable from the real thing.

For clarity, you can view diagrams for making beautiful flowers from simple crepe paper.

You can also watch a fragment of a training video on creating flowers:

Consider assembling a voluminous and bright flower bouquet

Let's take a closer look at the master class on creating bouquets from crepe paper. A voluminous flower is well suited for decorating curtains or for any outfit. To make it, you need to take thin paper, glue, a ring for fastening (can be replaced with a button), and scissors. The more layers of color there are, the more voluminous the product will be. Usually it is best to do 5-7 layers.

So, we put all the paper layers together. Cut out a rectangle measuring 15*30 cm. Place all the layers in an even stack and make an accordion out of them. The folds should be 2 cm wide. Attach the accordion in the middle of the ring or button, securing with thread. It should look like a fan. It must be glued in a circle and allowed to dry for 5 minutes.

Carefully lifting the paper, compact the top layer of the product towards the middle. Do this alternately with each fold, layer by layer. Congratulations, your product is ready!

Crepe paper is a unique material not only for children's creativity, but also for “adult” crafts. Flowers and buds of incredible beauty can be made from this colorful and inexpensive material.

What kind of “beast” is this? Simply put, this is a colored thin corrugated paper sheet. In handicraft stores it is sold in the form of rolls. In the form of ribbons on a reel, such paper can be purchased at florist stores. If you decide, then you definitely can’t do without it!

Also, to make flowers from corrugated paper you will need:

  • wire,
  • PVA glue (or better a glue gun),
  • scissors,
  • watercolor or acrylic paints to give the petals a more natural look.

So, let's get started?

Paper ribbon flowers

This is a simple technique. It is necessary to prepare long ribbons of crepe paper so that the corrugations are across the length of the ribbon. Then we twist the ribbon as in the picture and secure it with glue in the shape of a cute bud. This method is well suited for making small flowers.

Large flowers made of crepe paper

To make a large flower, you need to fold the paper like an accordion, then tie it in the middle with wire and trim the edges of the accordion so that you get petals.

All that remains is to straighten the finished product!

Depending on how you trim the edges, you can end up with completely different varieties of plants. For example.

And that's the end result!

Beautiful, is not it? Especially if you use material of different colors.

Master class on crepe flowers made from petals

Here is another “ribbon” method that allows you to create the illusion of individual petals on the finished product.

To create a flower with your own hands that is very similar to a natural one, you can paint veins and dots with watercolors. The result will be a real masterpiece!

Such ornamental plants are quite practical. They can be used to decorate the interior.

Be a decorative element for a brooch, hairpin, gift wrapping!

Good day, my dear chefs. Most often we season the salad with vegetable oil or lemon juice. These are great options. But why not season it with a delicious sauce? No, no, not store-bought, but made with your own hands. Moreover, today I want to let you in on the secret of how to make raw food mayonnaise. Once you taste it, you will understand that there can be no better sauce :)

You can prepare this sauce at any time of the year. In winter, add dried herbs to the composition. And in the summer, use fresh herbs - marjoram, basil, parsley, dill, etc.

Also, look at the amount of water added. I recommend pouring just a little liquid first. And already in the process of preparing the cream, add more as needed. That is, control the water consumption, otherwise you will end up with soup, not sauce :) I also have recipes for preparing first courses. Choose what tastes better - raw food borscht or okroshka.

I offer you 5 delicious options for raw food mayonnaise. Choose according to your taste and cook with pleasure. And write your comments which one you liked best.

From sunflower seeds

This incredibly delicious creamy sauce is perfect for vegetables and salad dressings. And it cooks very quickly.

You will need the following components:

  • sunflower seeds 150 gr
  • water 120-240 ml (½ - 1 glass)
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - about 3 tbsp. (or natural apple cider vinegar)
  • olive oil - 60 ml (about 3 tbsp)
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • sea ​​salt - ½ tsp.
  • black pepper - 3-4 peas

According to your taste, take a small handful of fresh dill, 1-2 tsp. dried basil and half a teaspoon. spoons of thyme.

Now let's start cooking . Place the shelled sunflower seeds in a bowl and cover them with filtered water. Leave for at least 4-6 hours. Ideally, soak them in the evening and go to bed.

In the morning, start preparing the sauce. Strain the seeds (just don’t throw out the water, you’ll need it later). Wash the seeds, place them in a blender bowl and grind.

Add water, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and lemon juice to a blender bowl. Then turn the blender on high speed and puree for 1 minute. As a result, you should get a homogeneous smooth mass. Add half a glass of water first, and then check the consistency.

Add herbs (dry or fresh) and mix the ingredients on low speed with a blender. The ingredients must be completely combined.

Voila! Divinely delicious mayonnaise is ready. It's time to taste it :) Once you try it, write a review about it in the comments.

Avocado and cucumber

This cream can be used to dress light salads, as well as fresh zucchini pasta. Or you can simply spread it on some bread and have a satisfying snack. To me, it's more of a creamy sauce than mayonnaise. What do you think? Share your opinion :)

The combination of cucumber and avocado gives the cream richness and a hint of refreshing coolness. In addition, the exotic fruit makes the dish more nutritious. And this is not surprising, because it is the avocado pulp that serves as a source of valuable oil. If the “oilyness” seems a little low to you, add a couple more tablespoons of olive oil to the sauce.

Prepare the following components:

  • avocado -180 g (1 piece medium size),
  • cucumber - 200 g (1-2 pieces),
  • sunflower seeds - 54 g (3 tbsp.),
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 30-40 ml (juice of 1 lemon),
  • basil - several large leaves,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • black or white pepper - ¼ tsp,
  • salt - to taste.

Carefully remove the seed from the avocado. Then cut the exotic fruit pulp and cucumber into large slices. Grind the hulled sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder. Place the resulting mass and remaining ingredients into a blender bowl. Mix everything until creamy.

Essentially, the raw food cream is ready. You can, of course, enrich its composition with your favorite spices. But it seems to me that there is already enough spice here. However, the choice is yours :) Just don’t forget to write in the comments what spices you used and what happened.

From pumpkin seeds

This cream has an amazing taste! Thanks to pumpkin seeds, it turns out slightly sweet with a nutty flavor.

Ingredients :

  • pumpkin seeds - 40 g,
  • shallots - 1 piece,
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp,
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • salt and nutmeg - to taste.

Peel the shallots and roughly chop them. Grind the shelled pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and mix. Start with low speed and gradually move to high speed. Because blended ingredients may splatter, clean the edges of the blender jar as needed. As a result, you should have a homogeneous creamy consistency. Pureeting may take 1 to 2 minutes.

Add water or milk a little at a time. Adjust the amount of liquid yourself. The consistency of the finished cream should be similar to a creamy mass.

Cashew sauce

Components :

  • cashew nuts - 220 gr,
  • honey dates - 4-6 pieces (peeled),
  • water - 180 ml (or nut milk),
  • vanilla powder - ¾ tsp.

Place cashew nuts in a deep container and fill with water. Leave them to soak for at least 4 hours. If possible, leave it overnight. Remember, friends, the longer the nuts are soaked, the better. Especially if you don't have a high speed blender.

Drain the water, then place the nuts and dates in a blender bowl and grind.

Add nut milk or water a little at a time while grinding. And then add vanilla. You should get a homogeneous mass. This mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

From sunflower and sesame seeds

This is a very simple recipe. Its main components are sesame and sunflower seeds. If you wish, you can make the same sauce from flax. That is, take flax instead of sesame or use both of these components.

Required components:

  • sesame seeds - 50 g,
  • sunflower seeds - 50 g,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp,
  • salt - to taste (I recommend ¼ tsp),
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • water - 200-250 ml.

Grind sesame and sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder. Transfer the resulting mass to a blender bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and grind everything thoroughly. If you find the mayonnaise too thick, add a few tablespoons of water. Add water gradually while pureeing.

These are the delicious sauce recipes invented by raw foodists. And most importantly, they contain the benefits of natural products for our body. And much less caloric content than simple mayonnaise (500-640 kcal).
