Fruit chips recipe. A recipe with step-by-step photos of how to make fruit chips in an electric dryer at home for the winter. Pear Cinnamon Chips

Fruit chips are a good option for a light snack; in addition, this processing allows you to preserve the harvest for the winter without much effort and additional expenses. The most convenient way to prepare fruit chips is in a special device - a dehydrator (dryer), if you don’t have one, we suggest using an oven, the result will be no worse. Today's selection of recipes is about fruits.

Fruit chips

This fruit chips recipe is suitable for drying any fruit: pears, apples, oranges, lemons, pineapples, plums, etc.


  • granulated sugar – 500 g;
  • any fruit.


Cut the fruit into very thin slices. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees and cover a baking sheet with parchment. Cook syrup from sugar and water; when it boils, put slices of fruit in it and boil for 3-4 minutes, then drain in a colander. Place the boiled fruits in one layer on a baking sheet and dry at 70 degrees for 6 hours. The chips need to be checked from time to time as different fruits take different amounts of time to cook.

Fruit banana chips


  • large, slightly greenish bananas.


Peel the bananas and cut them diagonally into thin long slices. In a duck pot or deep frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and add the chopped bananas in small portions. Fry for 3 minutes until golden brown. Place the chips on a paper towel and let the excess oil drain off. Ready-made chips can be seasoned with salt, but if salty bananas are too exotic for you, then sprinkle the bananas with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

There is another way to prepare fruit chips from bananas - in the oven. Cut the bananas into thin slices, lightly grease with warmed honey, sprinkle with lemon juice and put in the oven to dry for 2 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. Dry in a similar way and pineapple, only at 110 degrees.

Ecology of nutrition: People leading a healthy lifestyle should not eat traditional chips. But crunch with fruit chips prepared according to a special recipe

It’s interesting that the familiar potato chips were born completely by accident. Once, one of the visitors to a restaurant establishment said that he refused to eat the prepared dish because the fried potatoes were cut too thick. The cook decided to take revenge on the picky client: he cut the potatoes into as thin slices as possible, and, traditionally frying them, ceremoniously served to a capricious client. No one could even imagine that such an exquisite “revenge” would soon become a signature dish not only in this restaurant!

Revolution in the world of snacks

Today in stores in Europe and America you can find a variety of fruit chips that are in great demand: after all, they are low-calorie and healthy even for children. Typically, they are produced by sublimation - that is, the fruit is freeze-dried at very low temperatures and then placed in a vacuum drying chamber. In this way, manufacturers of fruit chips achieve maximum evaporation of moisture from fruits and preservation of vitamins in them.

However, such delicious snacks can be prepared quite easily and simply at home.

Homemade chips

Almost any fruit is suitable for making fruit chips: apples, oranges, bananas, limes, caroms, kiwis. But it is worth keeping in mind: the juicier the fruit, the more time you will need to prepare it.

Some people mistakenly compare fruit chips with dried fruits, but the main difference between any chips is that they must be crunchy. Therefore, to prepare them you will need a vegetable cutter or slice grater. With their help it will be easier to cut the thinnest slices.

Everyone can make chips to suit their individual taste. For example, you can spread the sliced ​​​​slices with honey, sprinkle with cinnamon, cloves, powdered sugar, vanilla or any other seasoning.

Now you need to cover a baking sheet with parchment, lay out the slices on it and put it in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. Moreover, during the cooking process, the oven door should remain slightly open. This will allow air to circulate in the oven and dry out as much moisture as possible from the fruit.

You should not mix future chips from different types of fruits that are different in structure on the same baking sheet, as they have different drying times. Otherwise, one of you will burn, and the other will remain undried, that is, it will not be crispy.

You should also be careful not to burn your chips, especially if you use honey or sugar.

The baking time for fruit chips depends on the type of fruit, the thickness of the slices and the seasonings you use. This baking process can take up to 7-8 hours. The end result should be crispy and brittle chips. Believe me, the result is worth it!

It is better to store such chips in a glass jar with a lid so that they do not get damp and retain their crispy structure for as long as possible.

Using the same principle, you can make chips not only from fruits, but also from vegetables. Wonderful chips are made, for example, from pumpkin and carrots.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Fruit and vegetable chips are an excellent substitute for high-calorie sweets, and are also suitable as a light snack. published

Of course, you will decide for yourself how tasty it is when you try it. As for the benefits, nutritionists believe that drying ranks second after freezing in terms of preserving the vitamins and nutrient composition of foods. Homemade chips are a great addition to a healthy diet.

You can make chips from almost any fruit and vegetable. To keep your snacks healthy but not bland, prepare them with sea salt, pepper and dried herbs. If you want a sweet and light dessert, soak fruit slices in syrup. Experiment! And a recipe for chips in sugar syrup from chef Valery Chizh will help you get inspired.

What do you need

(you will need 200 g of chips)

  • 2 apples
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 oranges
  • 3 lemons
  • 2 kiwi
  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 kg sugar

What to do

Preparing the syrup:

1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add a liter of cold water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil.

2. Remove the pan from the heat and squeeze one lemon into it. Stir. Wait 10–15 minutes for the syrup to cool slightly.

3. For aroma, you can add flower petals (for example, roses, violets or lavender), vanilla bean or a tablespoon of any liqueur. But this, however, is not necessary.

Preparing the chips:

1. Slice the fruit crosswise into slices as thin as possible (ideally 1 mm). It is precisely the subtlety (and also the syrup/spices) that will distinguish your product from the so-called dried fruits. Well, if you have a grater/slicer, use it. Otherwise, grab the knife. Don't forget to remove the seeds during the process.

2. Place the chopped fruit in a saucepan with warm syrup, cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours.

3. Set the oven to preheat to 70ºС. While preheating, remove fruit slices from pan and place on paper towels to absorb excess syrup.

4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (aka baking paper). Place the fruit slices in a single layer. If everything does not fit on the baking sheet, you will have to make several approaches. Place the tray with the fruit in the oven for one hour.

5. Take out the fruit slices, turn them over and leave for another hour. Then check: if the chips break easily, they are ready. If not, keep it in the oven for another ten minutes, then check again.

If you didn’t eat it all at once, it’s okay. Hide the chips in a dry, dark place where they will not get wet. There they can be stored for several days, or even a week.

For many years, chips have been one of the most popular snacks. Once you try this product, it is very difficult to stop. After all, the chips are very tasty. This delicacy is usually made from potatoes. Despite their extraordinary taste, these snacks are on the list of dangerous foods. Chips are not beneficial, and some additives can even be harmful.

If you are a fan of this delicacy and find it difficult to refuse it, then you can prepare more delicious snacks at home. These are the so-called fruit chips. In addition, such products benefit the body and have an original taste. How to prepare such snacks?

To make fruit you need to remember a few basic rules. First of all, this concerns cutting. Slices of fruits and even vegetables should be made very thin. It is best to use a chef's knife or a special grater to chop food.

Before placing fruits and vegetables on a baking sheet, line it with kitchen paper or parchment. This will prevent food from sticking during the drying process. The slices should be laid out in one layer. This will significantly speed up the process. In addition, the fruit chips will turn out crispier and will have the necessary crust.

To ensure that fruits or vegetables cook evenly, turn them periodically. To make a small batch of these chips, you can use a toaster. As for storage, it is better to place ready-made snacks in a dry and airtight plastic container.

Carrot chips

Vegetable and fruit chips, the recipe for which is described below, are prepared quite quickly and easily. Carrot snacks are bright and have a delicate, sweet taste. Such chips are a source of beta-carotene, which improves vision and strengthens the immune system.

To prepare the delicacy, peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. Vegetable pieces should be mixed with nutmeg, cinnamon and a tablespoon of orange juice. After this, the slices can be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. These chips should be baked at a temperature of 120 °C. The whole process takes about 45 minutes. The snacks will be ready after an appetizing crust has formed.

Apple chips

Fruit chips can be made from almost any product. Apples are most often used. The benefits of these fruits need not be mentioned. After all, everyone knows what properties apples have. Chips made from these fruits have a sweet and pleasant taste. It is very difficult to break away from them.

Spices can improve the taste of the product. Apple chips are best prepared in combination with nutmeg, ground ginger and cinnamon. Thin slices of fruit should be mixed with spices and then placed on a baking sheet. These chips are prepared for an hour at a temperature of 100 °C. Bake the slices for 30 minutes on one side, and then 30 minutes on the other.

Banana chips

These fruit chips are considered the best. They can be prepared even for children. After all, ready-made banana snacks have a pleasant sweetish taste. Such chips are popular not only among those with a sweet tooth, but even among athletes. It is worth noting that the finished treat contains vitamins B 6 and C, potassium, and natural sugar.

Bananas are best baked in combination with cinnamon. Ready-made snacks are served with or honey. This is a very tasty dish that you simply can’t put down. Bananas should be cut into thin slices and sprinkled with cinnamon. After this, the blanks should be placed on a baking sheet in the oven. These fruit chips are baked for 1.5 hours. In this case, the oven should be preheated to 100 °C. Snacks may be slightly soft at the end of cooking. However, once they cool, they will harden completely.

Strawberry snacks

Children love this delicacy very much. To make strawberry chips, you only need a few ingredients. For 500 grams of ripe berries you will need 50 grams of powdered sugar. This delicacy should be prepared only from ripe and juicy strawberries. It is worth cutting the berries into slices, the thickness of which does not exceed 3 millimeters.

The baking sheet must be covered with parchment. Then you need to cover the paper with 25 grams of powdered sugar. It must be distributed evenly over the entire surface. Only after this can you lay out the slices of berries. Chips should be baked at a temperature of no more than 100 °C. The entire cooking process takes one and a half hours. After baking, strawberry snacks should be coated with the remaining powdered sugar and then left in the oven for another half hour.

In conclusion

Now you know that you can make vegetable and fruit delicacies at home, such as those described above. It's actually a simple process. The result is delicious chips that will not harm your body. On the contrary, such products are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Good health, success in career and personal life, well-groomed appearance are the three components of an ideal contemporary. And each of the components is directly or indirectly related to nutrition. Proper healthy eating. To be healthy, you need to choose healthy foods.

A proper diet affects your appearance and well-being, charging your body with energy and mood to conquer peaks in your profession and matters of the heart. What does this have to do with fruit chips? And this is one of the healthy eating options, although it belongs to the category of snacks.

Historical information about snacks

Breakfast is over, lunch is still far away, but do you want to eat? This is where a snack comes to the rescue - a lightweight dish to quickly satisfy hunger that you can eat with your hands. It is precisely as a “light snack” that it is translated from English.

Snacks are available in all countries of the world. The French eat canapés, Americans crunch on chips and popcorn, Easterners love raisins and nuts, Russians crack sunflower seeds.

But for the average person, snacks are associated primarily with chips or crackers, which are very unhealthy. Active production of snacks began at the beginning of the last century with the formation of an association of manufacturers of this product, and potato chips became the most popular and famous snack. Moreover, as the legend says, chips owe their birth to a cook who figured out how to cut potatoes unusually thin for frying.

Over the years, chips became thinner, their shapes became more refined, their tastes became more diverse, but their usefulness for the body remained questionable. And then a fruit snack appeared, which you can also quickly snack on, crunching like chips, only without harm to your health.

Revolutionary breakthrough

The idea of ​​keeping the sought-after form and replacing the content was happily welcomed by snack lovers. After all, the popularity of snacks among children and youth grew from year to year, thanks to persistent advertising. Now not only in Europe and America, but also in almost every store in our country you can find chips made from a wide variety of fruits.

They differ from their “progenitors” from potatoes in their low calorie content and usefulness for consumers of any age, even children. And all because the process of their production is radically different - no frying, no vegetable oil, no carcinogens. There is sublimation.

The fruits are frozen and dried. Moisture is removed from frozen fresh foods, and the vitamin set is kept intact. If sublimated and dried fruit is immersed in water, it returns to its original state.

Fruit snack chips have been highly praised by nutritionists, doctors and the public. But there is one “but” - the product is relatively expensive, which means it is not accessible to everyone. What should I do?

Do it yourself

You can make this healthy delicacy yourself at home. All the fruits necessary for this are always available in every home. Some of you will wonder about the need to produce a snack if you can eat a healthy fruit anyway. Moreover, the fresh product contains more vitamins. How about some crunch? And also, homemade fruit chips are:

  • variety of daily diet for children;
  • an alternative to store-bought junk;
  • the ability to take light-weight chips on a hike or to work;
  • a chance to quickly and calorically satisfy your hunger during a weight loss diet;
  • realization of hidden or obvious culinary talents.

You can prepare chips for every taste, for each family member, using the seasonings that they especially love. Desire, flight of fancy - and everyone has their own recipe for “fruit bliss”. Almost any fruit can serve as the starting product. Homemade chips are prepared:

  • from banana;
  • from pineapple;
  • from apple;
  • from orange;
  • from kiwi;
  • and others.

The main distinguishing feature, in comparison with dried fruits, is the crispy structure, so you need to cut the fruits into very thin slices using a special grater or vegetable slicer. Juicy fruits require more cooking time. And for taste they use a variety of seasonings. Honey, cinnamon, cloves, powdered sugar and vanillin.

Snacks are prepared in the oven or microwave. Assorted fruits are a modern popular fortified natural dietary supplement. Let's try to cook it.

Gourmet assortment

To prepare 200 grams of fruit chips, take:

  • two apples, bananas, kiwis and oranges;
  • three lemons;
  • one pineapple;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

First, make the syrup:

  1. Pour the sugar into a container, add one liter of cold water and bring to a boil.
  2. Remove the syrup and squeeze the lemon into it. Stir the syrup and let it cool.
  3. Are we experimenting? Then we’ll put any aromatic additive in it, be it flower petals, vanilla or liqueur.

Then we'll make the chips:

  1. Cut the fruit into slices as thin as possible, removing the seeds. The ideal thickness of the chips is one millimeter. Cut across and into circles.
  2. Immerse them in the still warm syrup, cover with a lid, and let them brew for two hours.
  3. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees, and remove the slices from the syrup and place on paper towels to remove excess.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment, on which we place the slices (in one layer!) and put it in the oven for 60 minutes.
  5. Turn the slices over and set them again for 60 minutes.

It is advisable not to close the oven door completely to allow air circulation. Ready-made chips break easily. Be sure to check them and if there is no crisp effect, add drying time until you achieve the desired result.

Fruits with varying degrees of juiciness and fiber structure should not be placed on the same baking sheet. They will not dry evenly as they require different drying times. If you used honey or sugar to enhance the taste, make sure that the snacks do not burn.

Crispy structure and fragility are the indicators of ideal chips. For storage, use glass containers with a lid. The product should not become damp, otherwise it will lose its best qualities and stop crunching. Don't limit yourself to fruits, because there are also delicious and healthy vegetables!

Vegetable chips are in no way inferior to fruit snacks in taste and, unlike the former, they are not so sweet! Carrots and beets from the oven will not only be a low-calorie and specific snack, but also very beautiful in color. Diet chips can be prepared with seasonings of dried herbs, sea salt and pepper.

According to an authoritative organization called WHO, a balanced healthy diet requires the inclusion of at least four hundred grams of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. This can significantly reduce the risk of such dangerous diseases as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and others.

In terms of vitamin preservation, nutritionists consider the drying process to be second only to freezing. Our country is rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as hardworking people who grow many plants in their dachas and garden plots.

The availability of fruits allows them to be used in a wide variety of variations for health benefits. And fruit chips are unusual, tasty, healthy and wholesome!
