How to sauté with flour. Sautéing is a culinary process. Cold sauces and dressings

Salvia– a name derived from the Latin phrase “be healthy.” How is this wish related to the plant? Dentists will answer. They know that the juice of the plant has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

This allows the extract to be used for stomatitis and gum inflammation. Comes in handy salvia flower and for diseases of the nasopharynx, for example, sore throat. It is also inflammatory in nature. In addition, grass is a food and ornamental crop. But first things first.

Features of salvia

Salvia- not a separate plant, but a genus of herbs. It belongs to the Yasnotkov family. It includes both annuals and perennials. Common features: a stem with four sides, buds in the axils of the apical leaves and inflorescences-spikes, less often - corymbose.

The genus Sylvia includes 700 species. These are compact bushes with a height of 20 centimeters to 1 meter. The bottom of the plants, as a rule, is painted in light tones of green, and the tops are dark. Clusters of buds emerge from the whorls of the latter, 2-6 in each. The length of one inflorescence varies from 10 to 25 centimeters.

The plant produces red color. Salvia rarely produces buds of other colors. White, purple and pink are the exception to the rule. The exception to the rule is the use of culture as an intoxicating powder. The plant produces an effect on the mind similar to the effect of weed, that is, hemp. However, the strength of salvia is several times less.

Use as a seasoning and food crop is standard. Salvia seedlings useful for salads and sweet dishes. Some species, for example Muscat, belong to spicy crops. Their aroma is appreciated by gourmets. But, most use only the decorative properties of the plant.

Not only the bright scarlet buds are beautiful, but also the foliage. It can be glossy or, on the contrary, velvety. In fact, salvia- This photo sage Only the last name is used among culinary specialists, and the first is applied to garden varieties and apartment varieties of bushes.

In ornamental species it is abundant. The buds bloom in early summer and last until the first frost. The plant is sensitive to low temperatures. Approaching zero even for a few hours can destroy landings.

Salvia species

The most frost-resistant is Medicinal salvia. Flower seedlings experiences short-term drops in temperature to zero. The form of the medicinal species is a herb or a subshrub.

In the photo is Salvia horminumova.

The latter reaches a height of 70 centimeters. The name was obtained due to its medicinal properties. For inflammation, decoctions from the buds and leaves of the plant are used. They are spicy, so they can be added to food.

In cold regions they are also in demand salvia seeds Dubravnoy. It is not only resistant to frost, but also the most unpretentious to care of all representatives of the genus. Gardeners who grow salvia in pots say that their plants went without watering for 3-4 weeks. People managed to go on a full vacation.

The last frost-resistant species is Whorled salvia. Buy The plant is usually sought after for urban flower beds and potted arrangements. The variety is purely decorative, distinguished by bright, purple and large buds. They appear in all their glory only in good lighting.

Of the salvias that are tolerant of partial shade, it is worth mentioning Transylvanian. She has lilac ones. They are quite large, unlike the buds of Blue Salvia. It is strewn with miniature inflorescences. The size of the grass itself is also small. Maximum height is 50 centimeters.

The Marsh species is one of the giants among the representatives of the genus. Photo of salvia seedlings may give a misleading impression.

In reality, you will get young shoots of 50 centimeters, which will quickly grow up to 2 meters. The homeland of the plant is South America. From this it is clear that the variety loves warmth. From the name it is clear that Salvia Bolotnaya also needs a lot of moisture, both in the air and in the soil.

Pictured is Salvia Divinorum

Tall and salvia divinorum. She also comes from America, but not from the swamps, but from the mountains. To gain a foothold in the stones, the plant acquired a powerful root system. The grass produces new shoots as soon as it touches the ground. If the stem reaches it, there will be another one about 1.5 meters high.

Miniature species with bright colors are often chosen as home and garden plants. Such, for example, are the Sparkling and Red salvias. Both have bright scarlet buds and rich green fuzzy foliage. The grass grows about 40 centimeters. True, the Red species is only a biennial, and the Sparkling salvia is a perennial plant.

Caring for salvia at home

Planting salvia, only when they are confident in their abilities and knowledge, flower growers say. Sages are difficult to care for. Most representatives of the genus not only require a lot of sun, but are also afraid of winds and drafts. The soil should be rich in humus. Loams are suitable. They retain a lot of moisture that plants need.

It can’t do without feeding. During the growth period, several approaches are required. The minimum program is the application of mineral fertilizers during the period of seedling growth and at the moment of buds setting on it. Feeding is taken in a comprehensive manner, without the predominance of one or another element. The only thing you can focus on is lime. Salvias love it when it is present in abundance in the soil.

Salvia price

You can buy seeds or seedlings. Salvias take about three months to grow. Therefore, seedlings are not cheap. For a cassette with 10 plants they ask for 250-350 rubles. If you buy in bulk and pre-order, you can spend 100 rubles for 50 sprouts.

In the photo there is an indoor salvia

A piece purchase costs 15-17 rubles per seedling. You will pay the same amount for a bag of seeds of 20-30 pieces. There are packages with a large number of grains. Such packs are more expensive. The price tag also depends on the type of sage. For garden and heat-loving ones they ask for less. Indoor and frost-resistant varieties cost a pretty penny. You can pay 30 or 50 rubles for a package of seeds.

Having taken the seeds, they are planted in February. By the end of spring there will be seedlings ready. Most types of salvia bloom in early June. Only a few varieties bloom in July and August. At the end of summer, for example, the Swamp Sage “ripens”. The rest of the time, the grass amazes the public only with its height and dark green foliage.

The zenith of summer has arrived and every plant is trying to make a statement. Flowering is a continuation of the species. Bloom, saturate the seeds with vitality and go into the shadows, giving way to a new generation. opens its panicle of tubular flowers at the height of summer, when pollinating insects with long proboscis are most active. With its victorious bloom, it fascinates and delights. How to grow salvia and create a composition?

Origin and cultivation of salvia

Salvia and sage are one family of Lamiaceae. The name of the flower is translated as a sign of its usefulness - to be healthy. Many people know about the benefits of the sage plant. It has been used for medicinal purposes since Ancient Egypt. Salvia is usually called decorative forms that have common ancestors with sage. In addition, in Europe, sage is called salvia.

The plant is cultivated in many forms and is a wild plant throughout America and Europe. The numerous genus is represented by more than 900 different varieties. Among the salvias there is even a hallucinogenic variety. The plant loves bright places and light soils.

Planting and caring for salvia

Urban landscaping cannot do without salvia for many reasons:

  1. Salvia blooms continuously throughout the warm period until frost.
  2. This beautiful ornamental plant does not grow and holds the created composition well.
  3. Gas pollution from transport does not affect the decorative appearance of the plant.
  4. By choosing different shades of inflorescences you can create any composition.

But gardeners love the plant no less, who begin to sow salvia at home when winter is just in full swing. In addition to the victorious scarlet color, salvia panicles amaze with a variety of tones. You can make a multi-level planting, selecting salvia according to the height of the bushes. But the main step in obtaining long-term flowering will be growing salvia seedlings.

How and when to sow salvia for seedlings

The plant from seeds blooms in the fourth month, and therefore is grown as an annual crop only after sowing in February or early March. Salvia seeds can be bought at a specialty store, or you can get them yourself. They ripen after the flower falls after 50 days. Seed germination lasts up to 5 years.

It is still better to purchase varietal seeds in specialized stores

Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the ground for seedlings. It should be light and nutritious. Two weeks before sowing salvia for seedlings, the soil should be treated with a composition that enhances biological processes in the dormant soil. Sift the earth, moisten it and add a teaspoon of EM-1 Baikal to a bucket of earth. The warm soil will become fertile in two weeks, and at the same time thread-like seedlings of weeds will emerge, the seeds of which will inevitably hatch in the living soil.

Place the box with the prepared soil in a tray, level it and sow small salvia seeds mixed with sand for a more even distribution. In order to press the seeds to the ground, you need to moisten the ground with a fine spray and cover the surface to retain moisture. Planting and caring for salvia during seed germination are decisive for the further production of healthy seedlings.

Shoots will appear in 10-14 days. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil at this time, preventing the coma from drying out. Watering must be done through a tray. The soil will be saturated with moisture through the drainage holes; then drain the water from the pan so that there is no excess moisture.

During the germination period, prevent plants from being pulled into a string and lodging.

Seedlings in the cotyledon stage can stretch out if they are in a shaded place or if night temperatures are high. Then you should add soil to each sprout, preventing it from falling. Watering should be done without wetting the leaf blade. When growing salvia seedlings from seeds, this period is considered the most crucial. Lighting and reduced temperature will allow you to get strong seedlings at the first stage of planting

Picking salvia from seeds must be done after the appearance of two or more true leaves, while deepening the sprout to the cotyledon leaves. The first pick can be in a common container at a distance of 5 cm between plants. The second thinning of the plants is carried out a month later in separate cups, with a good capacity of the earthen coma, since they will have to develop for another month and a half.

Whether it is necessary to fertilize salvia when growing seedlings will be determined by the condition of the plants. If the bush is not developing well, you can feed the flowers in a low concentration. But with each plant transplantation, fertile soil is used and there must be enough nutrition.

When planting and caring for salvia, you need to make the plant bushy. After 3-4 pairs of true leaves appear, the top should be pinched to allow axillary shoots to begin to develop. At the same time, you need to arrange containers with plants so that there is no shading. From the end of April, the temperature at night is lowered to 10 degrees, hardening the salvia before planting in the ground.

So, in order to grow salvia seedlings from seeds, the following conditions must be met:

  • prepare fertile land and quality seeds;
  • observe temperature and lighting conditions during each growth period;
  • do not allow the clod of earth to dry out or over-wet;
  • while pinching the plant.

Planting salvia seedlings in the ground

Planting and caring for salvia in the open ground involves choosing the right place for or planting. The place should be well lit, the soil should be light and fertile, with good moisture holding capacity. For vigorous flowering, you can add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in instant form. When planting, add guest ash, a spoonful of superphosphate and a liter of well-rotted organic matter to the hole. Carefully roll the bush into the ground and deepen it slightly. Water with warm water and cover from the sun for several days until the plant takes root or plant in cloudy weather.

Plants are placed at intervals of 20-30 cm, depending on the height of the bush and its tendency to branch. Water the plant moderately; if the earth clod is dry, watering watering should be carried out only in the evening. Flowering of the plant occurs 100-120 days after germination and does not stop until frost. Flowering will be abundant if foliar feeding based on the drug EM-1 Baikal is used for prevention and to increase immunity.

Plant pests and diseases.

Salvia is not affected by fungal diseases. Therefore, you will only have to fight the insects that have colonized the plant. Pests include whiteflies and thrips. Therefore, salvia plantings should be kept away from vegetables, since the whitefly will subsequently settle on them. In addition, sage can be colonized by aphids and spider mites. The decorative quality of plants suffers. Therefore, strong preparations are used, which are best not used on vegetables during the fruiting period.

Snails and slugs love to feed on the tender foliage of salvia. If they are present in the garden, then it will be beneficial not only for the flowers to catch them. The classic method of bark and slate traps placed under bushes will help. But even the neighbor’s shellfish can crawl into containers with beer and fermented fruit juice.

Salvia for landscape design - video

Salvia is a plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

If we translate the name of the flower salvus literally, we get the word meaning "to be healthy". And this is not surprising, because since ancient times Salvia has been highly valued for its medicinal properties.

In addition to its main name, Salvia is also called sage.

Salvia of the American group is a one-year plant that is grown only in warm climates. The Mediterranean type Salvia group represents plants that are more winter-hardy and have a huge variety of colors. Cold-resistant varieties of Salvia are found in almost all climatic zones. They are represented by a wide variety of species and unpretentious growing conditions. This type of Salvia can grow even in shady places and during wintering do not require any shelter.

The Salvia plant genus is so diverse that it has more than 1 thousand varieties. For decoration and home cultivation, the most commonly used varieties are Salvia brilliant and sparkling Salvia.

Salvia plant and its features

The height of the plant can sometimes be more than 90 centimeters, and when growing a perennial plant it can reach up to 120 centimeters and form either a bush or a semi-bush. In moderate and cool climate zone, Salvia grows for one or two years. Today there are both red, white, pink and purple plants.

The leaves of the plant are mostly pinnately dissected, although plants with entire leaves can also be found. Salvia is characterized by small flowers that form at the end of the peduncle into inflorescences that externally resemble a spike or panicle. The length of the inflorescence reaches 25 centimeters. The fruit is capable of producing up to 4 nuts. Seeds, plants ripen a month after the start of flowering. You can collect seeds with flowers no earlier than a month after they fall. The germination of such seeds reaches five years of age. If two-year varieties are grown, the seeds must be planted only in the fall and be sure to cover them for the winter.

Salvia is a flower that can decorate not only a flower bed, but also any other area, as it blooms throughout the summer, until the first frost. Salvia has a variety of colors, which allows you to create multi-level flower beds. The level of air pollution is in no way case does not affect the plant, which allows you to grow it even in megacities in large flower beds.

Varietal diversity of Salvia

Based on the characteristics of agricultural technicians, this plant is divided into three large groups.

The first group is considered to be plants that grow in the subtropics of America; in our climate they can only be grown as annuals. Species of this type prefer moist soil and generally cannot tolerate any frost.

This group includes the following varieties of Salvia:

The second group includes plants that are of Mediterranean origin. They are more resistant to temperature changes and drought resistance. This variety of Salvia prefers loose soils and mineral fertilizers.

Salvia planting and care

When is it necessary to sow Salvia seedlings?

A plant that is planted from seeds can bloom already in the fourth month of life, which is why annual crops are grown mainly in this way.

Nowadays, you can either buy seeds for planting or collect them yourself.

Self-assembly It is best to carry out when the seeds are fully ripe, this happens no earlier than 50 days after the flower has completely fallen off.

Before you start sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, it is necessary to pre-treat the soil with a special composition that will enhance biological processes in the soil. The soil for planting should be soft and nutritious. Box with ready-made mixture for planting t installed in a special tray, level as much as possible and only then begin sowing seeds. To press the seed to the ground as much as possible, it is necessary to moisten the ground using a special sprayer. Shoots appear within 10 - 12 days. During this period, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. Watering should only be done through a tray. In addition, it is important to prevent the sheet plate from getting wet.

Salvia seedling care

As mentioned above, watering should only be done through a tray, using a special spray bottle. Through the existing drainage holes, moisture can enter the plant and saturate its soil. Excess moisture negatively affects the development of the plant, as it leads to root rot. To prevent sprouts from stretching and were strong, the seedlings are exposed to the light. The night temperature should not exceed 21 degrees, and the daytime temperature should not exceed 25.


When 2 or more true leaves appear, it is necessary to pick the plant. To do this, you should use only nutritious and loose soil. It is necessary to bury the seedlings along the cotyledon. A month later, as the first shoots of Salvia made themselves known, they dive into separate cups, the diameter of which is at least 12 centimeters. If the plant is weak two weeks after picking and is significantly stunted in growth, it may be necessary to apply mineral fertilizer. Landing in the ground carried out no earlier than the end of April.

Planting in open ground

Basically, planting is carried out after the complete completion of spring frosts. For planting, it is necessary to choose the most fertile and loose soil. If the mail is heavy, it must first be should be fertilized with humus. The landing site should be as protected from the wind as possible.

To achieve abundant flowering, you can apply potassium phosphate fertilizers. Perennial plants are planted at large intervals from each other. Watering is carried out only with warm water. For two to three days after planting, the plants are protected from direct sunlight.

Summer care

The main purpose of this care is proper and timely watering, loosening the rows and weeding. In addition, in the summer, various mineral fertilizers are applied to increase the number of flowers. Watering is done only when the soil dries out and only in the evening. The plant is undemanding to high humidity. It is best to fertilize Salvia when the plant is in a state of budding. The essence of caring for a plant in summer consists of a small number of points:

  • timely watering;
  • inter-row loosening;
  • cleaning the grass and lightly fertilizing the plant.

Watering the plant should only be done when the soil begins to dry out.
