How and when to eat almonds. How to choose and where to buy. Almonds are rich in unsaturated fats

Almonds are considered valuable food product And an exquisite delicacy. His beneficial features were known in ancient times and have not been forgotten in our time. Almond oil is widely used not only in the food industry, but also in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries.

Almonds are often called the most healthy nut, although it is actually a hard stone fruit. It grows in the form of a bush or tree with reddish branches. Very beautiful in the spring during flowering, when all the branches are covered with white and pink flowers subtle aroma. Almond trees were grown in Ancient Greece and Rome. Nowadays, its largest producers are the USA, China and most of the Mediterranean countries. Three varieties of it are used in culture: sweet, bitter and thin-walled.

Everyone knows the bitter taste of almonds, although in fact it is sweet almonds. Bitter contains a lot of dangerous substances - amygdalin glycoside, the breakdown of which releases hydrocyanic acid. These almonds cannot be eaten without pre-treatment, it is commonly used in the perfume industry.

Beneficial properties of almonds

Almonds contain protein, fatty oils and alimentary fiber. It contains a lot. Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E, which protects body cells from aging. B1 (thiamine) is involved in metabolism, providing the body with energy and strengthening the immune system. B2 (riboflavin) is part of many enzymes and is necessary in the synthesis of hemoglobin. B6 (pyridoxine) improves functioning nervous system, participates in hematopoiesis. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves liver function.

Among the beneficial properties of almonds, the high content of vital nutrients is known to the human body microelements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese.

Sweet almond kernels have been used in food since ancient times folk medicine for anemia, bronchial asthma, insomnia, migraines and even diabetes. Almonds are useful as an antitussive and were used as an anti-inflammatory for throat diseases. It affects potency and relieves hangovers.

Almonds normalize the functioning of the liver and spleen and have a mild choleretic effect. It also has anticonvulsant properties, it is prescribed as a laxative, and is used as an appetite enhancer. To stimulate appetite, it is recommended to take almond oil orally on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 3-4 drops.

Almonds are useful for people recovering from a serious illness. This and high-calorie product, and a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Some experts point to the beneficial effects of almonds in cleansing the kidneys of small stones.

Another beneficial property of almonds is its ability to calm the nervous system and increase its resistance to stress. Regular use small quantity Nuts cure insomnia. It is also believed that almonds stimulate the birth of original creative ideas and give a feeling of well-being.

Almond oil regulates the water and lipid balance of the skin, stimulates the process of cell regeneration. It serves as the basis for medicinal and cosmetic ointments that soften the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as effective remedy for the treatment of bedsores in seriously ill people.

Almond oil is one of the best natural remedies for strengthening hair and accelerating its growth. It nourishes hair, increases its flexibility, elasticity and shine. Almond oil is beneficial for both dry and oily hair.

How can almonds be dangerous?

Almond high-calorie product, his overuse may lead to weight gain. Although, how useful component, it is included in the composition for weight loss.

In addition to its beneficial properties, almonds have some precautions for use. It can be harmful and even dangerous. The danger of almonds is that for some people they are an active allergen. The allergic effect of almonds can be expressed in difficulty breathing, itching and swelling of the mouth and larynx. This happens rarely, but you should not give a lot of kernels to children, especially if they have not used this product before.

It is strictly forbidden to eat unripe bitter almonds. The toxic substances it contains can be deadly. When properly processed, they evaporate, and in small quantities they can be used for homeopathic purposes in the treatment of certain diseases.

Uses of almonds

Almonds are included in some types of chocolate and candies. It gives a subtle taste to liqueurs.

Bitter almonds contain essential oils, it is mainly used for cooking almond oil. Almond oil is a useful component in the production of soaps, creams, and hair balms. It also finds its application in the pharmaceutical industry.

The cake remaining after pressing almond oil is used to make halva or as pet food.

Even the shells from almond seeds do not disappear - they serve as raw materials for making activated carbon. It is also used as a flavoring and coloring agent for cognacs and liqueurs.

How to eat almonds

Almond kernels are eaten fresh, salted or fried, used in confectionery as an additive to ice cream and yogurt. Salted and roasted sweet almonds are considered in most countries of the world best snack for cocktails, beer. Almonds are usually sold in a hard shell, which reliably protects the “nut”. It's useful to know a simple secret, how

Almonds contain a lot nutrients, and therefore useful for promoting health. It helps relieve stress and calm nerves, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus. Let's look at the benefits and harms of almonds and how to consume them correctly.


It grows in countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel. Currently, its cultivation can be found in many parts of the world. The fruits of this beautiful tree are almonds, that is, oblong and flattened drupes, up to 6 cm long. They have a fibrous structure, external greenish color.

Almonds come in two varieties: sweet and bitter. More famous and commercially available are sweet almonds. Marzipan is made from them, as well as oil used for skin and hair care. consumed in large doses, it is a strong poison. It contains amygdalin, which gives it its characteristic aroma. In the body, this compound turns into toxic hydrogen cyanide. This type of almond is used for the production of fragrances and in pharmaceuticals.

Nutritional value and calorie content of almonds

It’s not for nothing that almonds are on the list of the most nutritious foods. Nuts contain a lot of protein (about 20%). They are great source unsaturated fatty acids and insoluble fiber. And also this treasure minerals, including:

  • magnesium (100 g of almonds contains about 270 mg of magnesium, which covers 60% of the daily demand for this element);
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Almonds are a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin E, B vitamins (including B2, B3, B6, folic acid). Nuts contain phenylalanine, an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Those who want to know how many almonds you can eat per day will probably be interested in the fact that despite the high nutritional value product, it should be consumed in moderation. These nuts consist of 50% fat, so they are very high in calories. 100 g of product contains about 590 kcal. According to nutritionists, people should limit themselves to a maximum of 30 almonds per day.

Almonds are good for the heart

Beneficial properties of almonds for of cardio-vascular system confirmed by many independent studies. Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and large amounts of vitamin E in nuts, they not only strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, but also reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. This, in turn, protects against the occurrence of arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, and myocardial infarction.

Maintaining normal brain function

Almonds are a rich source of many nutrients that help in the development and maintenance of healthy work human brain. Nuts contain two important connections for the brain: riboflavin and L-carnitine. They increase brain activity and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Research has shown that diets rich in almonds and almond oil can improve overall health and nervous system function.

Almonds are good for immunity and vision

Eating almonds is in a good way to strengthen immune system. Including nuts in your diet will not only help you avoid flu and colds, but will also ensure faster healing of wounds and acne, and improve the condition of your hair and nails. These properties are a consequence of the presence of large amounts of zinc and vitamin B2 in almonds. The latter is of considerable importance in the proper functioning of vision, as it protects against cataracts (progressive clouding of the lens).

Diabetes protection

Almonds consumed after meals help reduce the rise in blood glucose and insulin levels. This provides effective protection against dangerous spikes in blood sugar, especially in diabetic patients, who often suffer from large meals or food with unexpected high level Sahara. Nuts help regulate the absorption and processing of glucose, making the entire metabolic process much easier and therefore much safer.

Maintaining Bone Health

Almonds are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus. Which has a significant impact on the longevity and strength of bones and teeth and also helps in preventing the onset of age-related diseases such as osteoporosis.

Almonds and weight loss

Almonds, although high in fat and calories, promote weight loss. The essential fatty acids they contain regulate metabolism and prevent the formation of excess fatty tissue. In addition, these nuts contain a lot of fiber (12.5/100 g), which fills the stomach quickly and for a long time, providing the body with a feeling of fullness. Chewing two or three almonds for a long time is a proven way to cope with hunger pangs.

Of course, almonds will not give the expected weight loss effect if you consume them in large quantities. It is best to eat only a handful of these nuts several times a week, instead of other foods (and not as separate snack). Consumed in excess can lead not only to excess weight, but also to constipation (given the high fat content).

Excellent skin care

The benefits of using almonds for skin health have been well known for a very long time. Almond oil massage is often recommended for newborns. Almond milk added to soap because it perfectly improves the general condition and appearance skin. Almond raw material is a common component of many cosmetics designed for daily body care.

Almonds in the diet of pregnant women

Many people are interested during pregnancy. These nuts contain folic acid, which helps reduce the incidence of birth defects in newborns. It stimulates the growth of healthy cells and the formation of new tissue, and also prevents neural tube defects. Doctors regularly prescribe folic acid to pregnant women to ensure proper development of the baby and support the health of the mother.

Almonds are also great way get rid of nausea during pregnancy and heartburn, which often occurs in the second and third trimester. The nut neutralizes acids in the stomach and thereby eliminates the unpleasant burning sensation.

Almonds for vegetarians and athletes

Almonds are the second (after pistachios) richest source of protein among nuts. It contains even more of it than some legumes, e.g. white beans. Therefore, this product is recommended to be included in the diet of vegetarians. In addition, almonds are high in arginine, an amino acid that improves muscle performance, which is why athletes also love almonds.


Despite the popularity of almonds, the benefits and harms of this product are closely related, and you need to be careful when including it in your diet. The biggest disadvantage of these nuts is their oxalate content. Their excessive amount in the body can lead to many various diseases. Because of this, consumption of almonds should be avoided by people who have kidney problems and gallbladder.

In what form are almonds eaten?

You need to know how to eat almonds correctly so that their beneficial properties are fully reflected in the health of the body. It is recommended to eat these nuts raw, preferably on an empty stomach, to improve and speed up the absorption of nutrients. Before consumption, you can soak them in water overnight. There are several reasons for consuming almonds in this form:

  • Exposing nuts to high heat (roasting, baking, boiling) not only destroys many nutrients, including vitamin E, but also converts healthy unsaturated fatty acids into harmful trans fats.
  • Soaking almonds activates a number of enzymes, making them softer and easier to digest. Almonds should be soaked for 12 hours, changing the water several times (without pouring boiling water over them); thus, you can store these nuts in the refrigerator for several days.

One more question remains - is it possible to eat almonds with the skin on? True, the skin of these nuts contains fiber and vitamin E, but, unfortunately, it is also present in it. It reduces the absorption of many nutrients, in particular magnesium, calcium and iron. For this reason, before consuming almonds, it is recommended to peel them (after soaking this will not cause any difficulties).

Since ancient times, many peoples have believed almonds, beneficial properties which is indisputable, a symbol of fertility, prosperity and marital happiness. The almond tree is a plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. Asia is considered the birthplace of this plant. Today it is brought from the United States, Syria, Iran, Spain, and Italy. Every year the geography of production of this crop expands. There are about forty types of almonds. Breeders continue to develop plant varieties that are more resistant to different climatic conditions.

Almond. Photo

Almonds grow well on dry hillsides and poor soils. But it does not tolerate calcium deficiency in the soil. Does not like shady places and does not require much moisture. Although a tree may live for one hundred and thirty years, it will bear fruit for only fifty years. Reproduction occurs from “babies” emanating from the root of a tree or a bone. The crop is frost-resistant, but spring frosts and cold rain can cause crop failure. The plant grows like a bush or tree. Its height can reach six meters.

The leaves of the almond tree are long and have a pointed end. It blooms beautifully and profusely in pink. After flowering, fruits are formed - drupes. By the time of ripening, the soft part of the fruit dries out and the dry crust disappears. While almonds ripen, they resemble green peaches. The weight of an almond seed ranges from 1 to 5 grams.

Varieties of almonds

Thanks to the protective shell, the kernels retain their properties for a long time. useful qualities, because they do not come into contact with oxygen and ultraviolet rays. Purified nucleoli long-term storage capable of losing their biologically active properties. Sweet and bitter almonds grow in nature. Sweet grains are oval in shape.

Bitter almonds are suitable for making almond oil, which is used as a flavoring for drinks. Bitter almond grains contain a large number of amygdalin – up to 4%. Once in the body, this toxic substance breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde. Bitter almonds are not eaten. It is especially dangerous for children. Just ten nucleoli can cause serious harm to their health and even lead to death. For an adult, a lethal amount of poison is contained in fifty bitter kernels. In cases of poisoning by poisonous grains, you should immediately call a doctor.

The bitterness of almonds comes from a substance called amygdalin glycoside. Interesting fact: After heat treatment, a substance that was poisonous becomes safe. Therefore, bitter nut grains, if calcined, can be safely eaten. Only they still retain bitterness.

There is another type of almond - fragile. The kernels of this variety are sweet in taste, and their peel is very thin. Almonds are also distinguished by the thickness of their skin. Here they are divided into thick-skinned, thick-skinned, soft-skinned, and paper-skinned varieties. Paper-skinned almonds are very convenient to eat, but do not tolerate transportation and storage well.

Sweet almonds. Benefits and harms of the product

Sweet almonds, which contain approximately 570 calories per 100 grams of grains, are a healthy food for humans. Its kernels contain 50-60% fatty oils. This composition still includes 10% saturated fats, which are harmful to the body. The rest is represented by monounsaturated fats, which are considered ideal for absorption. Proteins in the product are up to 30%; almonds contain a record amount of protein.

Almonds are rich in B vitamins and also contain vital vitamin E. Sufficient quantity calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium. In terms of potassium content, the product is slightly inferior only. In terms of magnesium and zinc content, the nut ranks third among its relatives. But, none of them have as much calcium as almonds. And if we sum up all the contents biologically active substances, almond kernels remain in first place among all types of nuts.

Since almonds contain a large amount of calcium and vitamin E, it will be useful for people with anemia, eye diseases, convulsive muscle contractions, and insomnia. With increased acidity, grains are able to regulate acid formation in the stomach. Almonds are used for peptic ulcers stomach and intestines. It is recommended to be given to children with insufficient functions in physical development. Adults in medicinal purposes You need to take up to fifteen grains three times a day. Children are given the norm in powder form in soft food.

Two servings of almonds per week reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. The product is able to stop brain degradation in old age. Biologically active elements and vitamin E found in almonds and the manifestation of atherosclerosis. And B vitamins do an irreplaceable job, maintaining skin, hair, and nails in good condition. Eating grains helps remove toxins and poisons from the body, helps cleanse the body and blood. Almonds and products containing them are used as a choleretic agent; they are useful for enhancing male potency.

To medicinal properties almonds have become more effective, it is more appropriate to consume the kernels with sugar. It fully facilitates the process of processing and absorption of the product in the body. When consuming almonds, you need to remember their calorie content and difficult digestion. Nuts eaten in unlimited quantities can only cause harm. The optimal daily intake is a handful of nucleoli up to 30 grams.

There are much fewer contraindications for consuming sweet almonds than bitter ones. But still they exist. It should be eaten with caution by people prone to allergies. Since sweet almonds have great amount calories, it should not be eaten by those who are overweight. The nut can cause heart palpitations, dizziness and overexcitement, and in some cases even drug intoxication.

Application in medicine

For many hundreds of years, healers have prescribed almonds to treat asthma, migraines, anemia, and loss of sensation in the upper and lower extremities. Bitter almonds are used to make preparations for external use, and sweet almonds are widely used in the treatment of internal diseases. It is used to prevent malignant tumors, since vitamin E contained in the nut is a powerful antioxidant that can protect body cells from degeneration. Emulsions from almond grains alleviate the manifestation of the disease digestive tract: relieve pain, relieve constipation, envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation.

Almond oil relieves inflammation. It is used in diluting camphor for injection, and medicinal ointments are also made from it. Instilled into the ears for pain and tinnitus. The oil is used for bruises and injuries. Almond flour with honey is good for herpes. Just 10 grains of almonds can relieve heartburn. Bitter fruits are widely used in making homeopathic remedy for the treatment of diphtheria, ear disease, asthma, dry cough. Bitter almond drops are used in small dosages (7 drops each) against flatulence and to improve appetite.

Almonds make it easy to go on a diet. 100 grams of product per day will satisfy your hunger. At the same time, a person can feel good throughout the day, because nuts have a small glycemic index. Therefore, consuming almond kernels increases blood sugar levels slightly. So it's possible long time don't feel hungry. A constant sugar level guarantees satiety of the body.

Since almonds help normalize and reduce sugar levels in the body, they are prescribed to patients with diabetes. Kernels are especially beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes, as well as for patients who have shown pre-diabetes. The product can be taken for the treatment of diabetes, as well as for prevention purposes. Thanks to the properties of almonds to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, it reduces the likelihood of diabetes.

Almonds contain quite a lot of mineral salts that are necessary for pregnant women. Gynecologists recommend taking almonds during pregnancy. This best source magnesium The microelement is also prescribed to women in the form of tablets. This drug relieves excess muscle tension and prevents cramps. 30 grams of nucleoli contain daily norm magnesium – 80 mg. Vitamin E, which is abundant in the product, promotes normal gestation. Walnut grains save a pregnant woman from constipation. To relieve back pain and swelling, a mixture is prescribed: 100 g. almond oil, 7 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops each of neroli and sandalwood. Almonds are good for breastfeeding.

Almond oil

Almond kernels contain fatty oils from 40 to 60%. For getting quality product The cold pressing method is used. The oil is prepared from sweet varieties of almonds. It is very easily absorbed on the surface of the skin. The oil contains from 60 to 80% monounsaturated acids, 15-25% polyunsaturated acids, carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin E, amygdalin. A set of microelements: iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, sugar, proteins.

The oil is widely used for making cosmetics, as well as for medicinal purposes. The product is superior in reducing blood cholesterol. Able to fight inflammation, helps with burns. Oil gives cosmetic effect for any skin type. It also helps to recover well after a protracted illness and gain the missing kilograms.

It is recommended to drink a little less than a teaspoon of almond oil per day as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic. Useful for otitis media, bloating and pulmonary diseases. Creates good effect when applying compresses. Bedridden patients are prescribed to prevent bedsores.

How to choose almonds? How to store almonds?

It is best to buy almonds in shells. It is necessary to make sure that the shell is intact, without rusty deposits, without mold. The fruits must be uniform in color and similar in shape. You need to choose nuts by smell. If the almonds are good, then their smell is pleasant and fresh. You should not buy rancid almonds. The product in sealed bags will be of higher quality because it is less exposed to atmospheric influences.

If you are offered roasted almonds, it is best to buy nuts that are roasted without oil. Avoid buying food that is coated in sugar, corn syrup, or preservatives.

If you leave purchased almonds in an open container, they will quickly deteriorate and acquire a rancid smell, since they contain fatty acids and oils. It is best stored in glassware, in a cold place. Almonds can be stored in tightly packed containers freezer. The product will be fresh in the refrigerator for a long time. The beneficial properties of almonds are best preserved when they remain in the shell.

Almonds are one of the most popular types nuts, the benefits of which for the body are multifaceted. True, the nut also has harm. Especially if you use it incorrectly.


100 grams contain:

  • 12.5 g vegetable fiber;
  • 21.4 g protein;
  • 50 g of fat, of which 32 g are monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • 8.9 g carbohydrates;
  • 132% daily dose of vitamin E;
  • 114% manganese;
  • 71.4% magnesium;
  • and also enough large quantities antioxidants, copper, vitamin B2 and phosphorus.

The calorie content of almonds is 574.8 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, 10-15% of calories are not absorbed, as they are contained in fats, which are broken down by the human body with great difficulty.

Main beneficial properties

Almonds have three main therapeutic features:

  • promotes healthy cardiovascular system;
  • prevents diabetes;
  • helps to lose weight.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Maintaining heart and vascular health

Almonds are high in unsaturated fatty acids, similar to those found in olive oil, flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin E. Such a cocktail has an unusually beneficial effect on the walls blood vessels, reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions in them and helps normalize the lipid profile.

The influence of nut components improves the cardiovascular system and helps to avoid heart attack and stroke.

It has been shown that eating 40 grams of nuts daily can reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol - LDL) to 5.3 mg/dl and at the same time slightly increase the level of high-density lipoprotein.

However, this is not even the point. After all . They become truly dangerous when they oxidize. So, the polyphenolic antioxidants in almonds, together with the vitamin E present in them, help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins and thus prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Another important quality of these nuts that helps them maintain cardiovascular health is their high magnesium content. And the lack of this particular element leads to a stable increase in blood pressure.

Preventing diabetes

  • Magnesium in almonds is useful not only for maintaining proper blood pressure levels, but also for normalizing blood sugar. Deficiency of this microelement is one of the triggers for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Almost 40% of people suffering from these diseases have a lack of magnesium. And when the microelement level returns to normal, the symptoms of diabetes noticeably weaken.
  • Nuts are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and fiber. Together, these substances slow down the absorption of carbohydrates from food. And this makes it possible to avoid sudden changes in blood glucose levels, which contribute to the onset of diabetes.

Help with weight loss

All nuts are . However, almonds stand out especially brightly. Why?

  1. Fiber plus healthy fats and the proteins of these nuts are perfectly filling. Therefore, they help to avoid other snacks. It has been found that people who consume 40-50 grams of almonds daily significantly reduce the total number of calories entering their body per day. And they achieve this without experiencing the pangs of hunger.
  2. The product contains fats that are extremely difficult for humans to digest. These compounds account for 10-15% of total calories. Trying to absorb these substances, the body spends a lot of energy. This is why almonds are believed to help speed up metabolism.
  3. The reduction in the rate of absorption of food carbohydrates, provided by nuts of this type, makes it possible to avoid sudden changes in blood sugar. And, consequently, a massive release of insulin. This increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. Which is extremely important for losing weight. Since all people suffering overweight, are resistant to this hormone.
  4. High content antioxidants helps reduce the level of chronic inflammation. This is also significant for normalizing body weight. Because most people who need to lose weight eliminate the presence of markers of chronic inflammation in the blood. Even if it seems to them that they are quite healthy, and nothing “breaks out” for them.

What else are almonds good for?

  • The product contains a lot of different biologically active compounds. Therefore, the benefits it brings to the body are extensive. In addition to the main medicinal effect described above, the nut can:
  • fight oxidative stress, and, therefore, prevent the occurrence of cancer and premature aging;
  • prevent cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease (due to the presence of riboflavin);
  • improve the appearance of the skin (this is the particular benefit of almonds for women);
  • enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • maintain proper digestion;
  • maintain dental health.

How to use it correctly?

  1. Raw. Almonds that have been roasted, coated with sugar, or treated with any other industrial methods processing no longer provides any benefit to the body. Rather, it may cause harm. Since the fats present in this nut are oxidized when high temperatures.
  2. Since the product contains , it is good to soak the nuts before use. To do this, they need to be filled with cool water for 12-24 hours.
  3. Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to peel almonds. Here is a detailed video instruction on how to do this.

But under no circumstances should you use it. Since it is in the nut peel that a good half of all its antioxidants are contained. In addition, in order to remove the skin, the almonds must be heated, but this is not recommended for him.

Are they useful? almond flour and nut butter?

Yes. But only if their only ingredient is nuts. Finding such products on the market is not so easy.

What is the potential harm?

Allergy development is possible.

Nuts can also be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Therefore, they must be thoroughly washed before eating.

Other side effects only apply to cases overuse almonds

So, if you eat a lot of unsoaked nuts every day, you can reduce the intake of many important microelements into the body.

An overdose of vitamin E is possible. But to achieve this, you need to eat an incredible amount.

And, of course, it should be noted high calorie content almonds Yes, it helps you lose weight. But only when it is consumed in adequate quantities (40-50, maximum 100 grams per day). If the permitted dose is significantly exceeded, a set of excess weight.

Almonds: beneficial properties and contraindications. conclusions

Possible harm associated with the likelihood of occurrence allergic reactions, as well as with an “overdose” of nuts.
