How to serve a dish correctly. How to serve and eat different dishes. Serving items. Table porcelain

If you own a food service business, you know that food service and presentation are critical to making sure your guests are satisfied with their restaurant experience. However, chefs often don't pay attention to presentation and are more concerned with the taste of their dishes.

People eat with their eyes, and original and thoughtful presentation improves the appearance and taste of food. Focusing on presentation also allows chefs to showcase their creations to guests. While there are no hard and fast laws when it comes to “proper” presentation, there are a few important concepts to keep in mind when preparing and presenting a restaurant's delicious culinary creations.

Design and rules for serving dishes

Before starting to cook, the chef must think about what kind of cuisine he envisions. Does it create a hearty steak, a delicate side dish or an appetizer? You can't start assembling the plate until all the flavors are finalized, so it's wise to have your ingredients ready before the process begins.

In addition, the cook must pay attention to portion sizes before he begins to follow the rules for serving dishes. To do this, you need to focus on balancing proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables to prepare a healthy meal. Ultimately, carefully placed ingredients create art, but presentation should never overshadow the taste.

In order to understand the rules of serving dishes, you need to follow some steps.

Choosing the perfect plate

This action is the key to an attractive food presentation. Here are some points to consider.

Choose the right plate. One of the rules for serving food is to think of yourself as an artist, the plate as a canvas, and the food as paint.

Choose the right size. It is necessary to select a plate, making sure that it is large enough so that the food does not fall out. But at the same time small, so that the portions do not look too miniature.

Additional color of dishes. The shade of the plate also matters. White dinnerware is popular because it creates high contrast and provides a neutral backdrop for colorful creations. You need to make use of the empty space, thinking of the rim as a frame. And it's also important to know the rule of thirds to highlight the focal points of the dish. When applied to cooking, this postulate prescribes placing the main food on the left or right side of the plate, and not in the center.

Ingredient Location

Here are some of the most important aspects to consider when creating a dish:

  • Hourly serving rule. When the cook begins to fill the plate with ingredients, he needs to imagine a dial. From a diner's point of view, protein should be between 3 and 9, starch or carbohydrates between 9 and 12, and vegetables between 12 and 3.
  • Wet ingredients as a base. Another rule of thumb for serving meals and appetizers is to cover the plate with liquid ingredients first, as they tend to spread out if not supported by other foods. One way to secure wet ingredients is to layer them with pieces of meat or vegetables, for example.
  • Serve odd amounts of food. If some dish has a small volume, such as shrimp, scallops or canapés. You should always give guests an odd number. Seven Brussels sprouts instead of six create visual appeal and the diner's brain will think they got more food.
  • Don't overfill your plate. You need to make sure that the cook never overloads his canvas and keeps it simple by focusing on one ingredient - usually a protein. Finding a key component also ensures that related products play a complementary, supporting role.

Pay attention to details

Rules for serving cold and hot dishes:

  • Think about color and contrast. One of the best-kept secrets of a beautiful presentation is close attention to detail. While the focus will obviously be on the protein, it's important to consider how other elements of the dish provide color and contrast. The cook can create a beautiful backdrop for his plate by adding green vegetables or brightly colored fruits as accent points. Likewise, you should try to pair ingredients with complementary colors as this will further enhance the visual appeal of the dish.
  • Create height on the plate. Another way to grab guests' attention is to harness the power of growth. Compact stacking of ingredients is not as popular as it was 5-10 years ago, but creating a tall plate can greatly improve visual appeal. For example, you can place the steak on top of the polenta and lean the asparagus spears against it at a 45-degree angle.
  • Use texture to enhance a dish. The contrast of smooth vegetable puree with crisp onion straws or steak with shredded blue cheese makes for attractive combinations that are classic in upscale cuisine.

Design and work with sauces

After the ingredients are laid out on the plate, you need to season everything with delicious sauces. There are also special rules for serving hot food and sometimes cold food. You don't just need to carefully pour the sauce onto the plate. Instead, think of your bottle or spoon as a paintbrush, think of adding a flavor-enhancing sauce as an artist's touch, and remember that the dressing should enhance the plate.

One way to do this is to create accent points on one side of the dish (respecting the rule of thirds) or lightly drizzle the sauce over the main ingredients so guests get a little flavor in every spoonful.

Use jewelry purposefully

In the past, cooks would casually toss a piece of cabbage and a slice of orange onto each plate. However, these side dishes didn't add anything exciting to the dish, and few people even ate them first. Here are some examples of smart decorations and how to use them:

  • Choose edible ingredients. When the cook has finished cooking, you need to remember that all components must bind the dish together and be edible. Ultimately, garnishes are intended to enhance and complement the flavors of the chef's created appetizer, not detract from them.
  • Place side dishes purposefully. The decoration should never lie in a pile in one corner of the plate. Instead, the entire dish needs to be looked at thoughtfully to add color or texture. You should also avoid using unappetizing garnishes such as raw herbs, large pieces of citrus fruit, and anything that has a strong smell. Finally, you need to fill the plate quickly to ensure the food continues to stay hot.

It is worth noting that all these tips are also rules for serving sweet dishes.

Table etiquette

Fine dining restaurants require much more attention to detail than just cafes and food delivery. Routine tasks include setting customer tables to the correct height, polishing cutlery, and folding napkins into appropriate shapes. Traditional dinner menus and decorations can involve up to 20 items per guest, and with so many plates, utensils and glasses, it can be a question of what to place where. General rule for serving food and drinks:

  • Cutlery is placed on the outside, dinner plates on the inside, as this corresponds to the flow of the meal.

Tableware diagram

Tables are almost always set for right-handed people. Clockwise are usually located:

  • glasses for wine and water;
  • spoons;
  • knives;
  • plates with a napkin on top;
  • dinner forks;
  • bread plate and butter knife;
  • dessert spoon and fork.

Depending on the menu, additional items such as cups and saucers or specialty utensils such as seafood cutlery may be placed.

The glasses should be located diagonally or square to the right of the plate and consist of glasses:

  • for water;
  • white wine;
  • red wine;
  • sparkling wine.

It is important to ensure that the countertop is symmetrical to create an aesthetically pleasing backdrop for clients. Until employees remember where to place plates, napkins, and cutlery, a ruler can be used to measure the distance between the edge of the table and the utensils to ensure consistency in decor.

Tip 1: You should always check that the tablecloth does not show wrinkles or stains and that the seams are facing down.

Tip 2: When setting the table, keep your sharps and cutlery in the middle to minimize fingerprints.

Rules for serving dishes: quality requirements

Most upscale dinners will include 5 menu items: two appetizers, soup, salad and dessert. Many restaurants practice the open-side serving method, which means that the waiter's hands should never cross in front of the guest, and the food is always served to the diner's left side. The plates must be turned during display so that the white of the dish is facing the person.

Wine service for dinner

Tip: When serving drinks, you should never hold the glass by the bowl, always by the stem. The liquid will stay colder longer if the heat from your hand is not transferred to the glass. Be sure to use a cloth napkin when pouring wine to wipe any excess drops from the neck of the bottle.

Cleaning the table

There are some generally accepted gestures and signals that allow you to communicate the end of the meal to the guests of the establishment. Napkins will be placed back on the table and cutlery will be placed upright on top of the patron's dinner plate. If clients need to stand to use the restroom or make a phone call, a napkin is placed on the chair. This is a sign that the meal is not over yet.

For multi-course meals, empty glasses and plates must be cleared before the next menu item arrives.

Important Tips to Remember:

  • Ladies are always served first.
  • You should never eat, drink or chew in front of guests.
  • You must always demonstrate correct posture - do not slouch, cross your arms or leave them in your pockets.
  • Use employee entrances and exits only during official functions.
  • Do not engage in informal conversations with guests.

What and in what quantities is it advisable to serve on the New Year's table? Ekaterina Burlyaeva, nutritionist, head of the clinical diagnostic group of the CDC “Health and Sports Nutrition” of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, tells.

At midnight - snacks, dessert - in the morning

Ekaterina Burlyaeva: Any prolonged feast is accompanied by overeating. To avoid this, try to break the New Year's festivities into stages: dinner well before midnight and light snacks at midnight. It is useful to alternate passive rest with active rest. Take a walk around the festive city, weather permitting, go downhill, ice skating and sledding, and have dance and game breaks during the feast.

To control the amount of food eaten, you need to reduce the variety of dishes presented on the table. It is best to set the table by laying out prepared dishes in small portions. In this case, you can try everything and not overeat. Of course, you should avoid high-calorie foods and those products that require the use of large amounts of oil during cooking. For example, from fried meat - it can always be replaced with baked or grilled meat. You can often find dishes with mayonnaise, fried and smoked foods on the New Year's table. Such food in combination with alcohol can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and lead to unwanted weight gain.

It would be more correct to come up with one specific theme for your table. For example, a fish theme. Prepare the main hot dish from less fatty varieties of fish (hake, cod, dorado), make a vegetable side dish, prepare 1-2 vegetable salads or salads with seafood. Make a salad dressing based on lemon juice or low-fat yogurt, without adding oil or mayonnaise. Try to prepare dishes for the New Year's table yourself and not use semi-finished products and canned food. I recommend giving up desserts and saving them for breakfast in the New Year.

Meat - 100 grams each

Yulia Borta, Why is overeating dangerous?

— When overeating, all organs and systems of the body suffer. If we talk about the gastrointestinal tract, the most common consequences are esophagitis, heartburn, gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis, manifested by abdominal pain and stool upset. Also, overeating and excessive consumption of salty foods will negatively affect the circulatory system - increased blood pressure. Often after a feast, people may notice a worsening of chronic diseases such as gout and diabetes.

— How much food can you eat without health consequences?

— The optimal amount of food for each person is different. And it all depends on what exactly you intend to eat (calorie content of the dish) and how much you are used to eating at one time. On average, the stomach of an adult has a capacity of 0.5 to 1 liter. Accordingly, the volume of food consumed should not exceed 1 liter. During the meal, protein dishes (meat or fish) should be served in portions of 80-100 g, and vegetable side dishes in 150-200 g. When serving salads, it is better to limit yourself to portions of 100-150 g. If you plan to drink alcohol, then the portion of food should be reduced by 30-50%. Since alcohol is a high-calorie product.

If dessert is an indispensable attribute of the holiday, then it is better to put it aside and not mix it with the main dishes and especially with alcohol. But remember that even the most “low-calorie” dessert is a high-calorie product, and after eating it it is best to go for a walk, it would be nice to play outdoor games.

After excess food consumption, fasting days can be recommended. But it is advisable to consult a nutritionist on this issue, since the transition from high-calorie to low-calorie nutrition should be smooth. The doctor will help you calculate the required caloric content of your diet, give recommendations on the range and possible replacement of familiar foods with less calorie ones. The main task with such nutrition planning is to provide the body with all the necessary substances - vitamins and microelements, which enter our body only with food. For those who observe Orthodox fasting on the eve of the holiday, it is not recommended to switch from the diet observed during the period of fasting to a regular diet and, especially, to a diet with an excess of calories. This transition must be made very carefully, as this can provoke not only an exacerbation of chronic diseases, but also the emergence of new ones, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Who shouldn't have red wine?

— What alcohol is the most harmful and what amount of alcohol is acceptable at the New Year’s table?

— The stronger the alcohol, the higher its energy value. It is impossible to give recommendations on volume, if only because alcohol is difficult to recommend at all. There is a lot of scientific evidence that even in minimal doses, alcohol harms the body. So if you are forced to drink alcohol during a holiday gathering, try to minimize the dose. And the choice of drink may depend not only on usual preferences, but also on the presence of certain diseases. For example, drinking red wine for gout can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Who will lose weight faster?

— New Year's holidays are also a good reason for change. For example, in order to think about excess weight and start losing weight. How can a person understand that it is time for him to see a nutritionist?

— If a person’s body mass index (weight in kg divided by height in meters twice) is above 30, then you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Obesity contributes to the development of diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gout, pancreatitis, osteoarthritis, and some cancers.

Obesity is 20% more common in women. But losing body weight is easier for men, since they have a more favorable ratio of fat and muscle mass.

— What knowledge should a person have in order not to harm his health when planning his diet?

— Eating right, providing your body with everything it needs, is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to at least master the knowledge of what nutrients are - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and what role they play in the body.

Proteins are the main building material in the body. They are necessary for building muscle mass, cartilage (for example, inside a joint), and are an indispensable component of hair and nails. Thanks to proteins, our skin has the properties of elasticity and firmness. Proteins also perform a protective function, supporting the functioning of our immune system. Proteins are enzymes for many processes occurring in the body, including the digestion of food. Proteins also perform a transport function; they deliver necessary elements, for example, vitamins and microelements, into cells.

Fats ensure the good condition and performance of our cells, and are also involved in the synthesis of hormones. Therefore, fats must be present in every person’s diet. Carbohydrates are needed by the body as a source of energy. Sugar allows the body to quickly get the calories it needs for its functioning. Probably, each of us has noticed that we crave sweets during periods of active brain activity.

Cereals and vegetables are a source of dietary fiber that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The nutritionist’s recommendations are based on the main thing: abstinence both in the volume of food consumed and in the assortment of dishes on one table.

The second important piece of advice: do not subject yourself to experiments and strict diets; be sure to consult a nutritionist when creating a diet. Because the diet that helped your neighbor can undermine the strength of your body, trigger a destructive mechanism for many organs and systems responsible for your health and life.

One of these days there will be a luxurious feast where you play the role of hostess and organizer of the celebration, but you don’t know how to properly serve dishes to the table?

The site knows, and has prepared an excellent article with a detailed description of serving various dishes and drinks!

After all, deliciously prepared dishes are the pride of every housewife, but it’s not enough to just be able to cook or bake something tasty, you also need to know how to serve food to the table.

How to serve snacks?

Place cold appetizers on the table before guests arrive. Pay special attention to their decoration and appetizing appearance.

If suddenly there is not enough space on the table, do not under any circumstances correct the situation by serving it! Do not deprive your guests of the joy of admiring a vase of flowers! It’s better to serve some dishes a little later.

In a narrow circle of close relatives or friends, the hostess can serve dishes, taking them from an additional table standing next to her. Sometimes guests can serve themselves. However, if the company has gathered quite large, then the hostess should provide everyone with food. You need to approach each invitee from the left side and offer a dish, which the guest himself puts on his plate.

Serve fish appetizers and sandwiches first. Serve salads first with fish, then with meat, and then with vegetables. After the salads, it’s time for meat snacks - ham, pates and sausages.

How to serve first courses?

The soup can be poured from a tureen if there are few guests. In a large company, serve the soup, serving all the guests in the same tureen, only each guest pours it for himself. You can serve the broth and soup in heated cups or broth bowls on plates, placing dessert spoons nearby.

The first courses are sometimes served with pies, croutons or donuts, which are placed on a large dish covered with a paper napkin.

The former can be replaced with hot boiled fish with a side dish.

How to serve main courses?

After the first, remove the dishes and serve the second - meat dishes. If you have prepared several main courses, then serve them in the following order: first fried or baked meat (pork, beef), and only then poultry, cabbage rolls, etc.

Main courses are placed on the table in round or oval plates with a spoon and fork near them. The second courses are served already placed on plates and brought to the right of the guest.

How to serve tea and coffee?

Pour black coffee into small coffee cups, preheated, and serve on saucers with spoons. If you are treating your guests to tea, place a teapot with boiling water and a teapot with tea leaves on a tray next to you. Pour the aromatic drink into thin glasses or cups. When serving jam for tea, the hostess herself puts it in the socket for each guest.

For tea or coffee, serve cake, pastries, and sweets in vases or boxes. When cutting the cake into portions, make sure that its decoration does not deteriorate. Place a special spatula next to the cake.

How to serve alcoholic drinks?

No holiday table is complete without alcoholic drinks. And here it is very important to know which drinks are in harmony with certain dishes.

Spicy cold appetizers are served with Madeira or port wine, and for stronger ones - vodka. It is good to wash down fish and salads with dry white wine. Wine is not served with soup. Red wines go better with hot dark meat dishes (this includes beef, pork and game meat, as well as duck and goose), and white wines go better with chicken and turkey.

For classic black coffee and tea, offer guests liqueur or cognac as an additive. It is not recommended to accompany sweet dishes with alcoholic drinks. But, if this is still part of your plans, then give preference to nutmeg, tokay, and even better, champagne (sweet or semi-sweet). Dry and semi-dry champagne can also be served with other dishes, for example, appetizers or meat.

The temperature when serving is important for the correct perception of wines. Dry white wines, as well as vodka, should be cooled to 8-10 degrees. Red wines can be heated to 20 degrees. Drinks such as liqueurs, cognacs and fortified wines should be at room temperature - around 16-18 degrees, as they lose their flavor when cooled.

Champagne is served at a temperature of 6-7 degrees. Do not freeze it in the refrigerator. Cool the champagne in a special bucket with water and ice cubes.

Cocktails, mineral water, juices are served chilled or with ice cubes. Add ice to drinks or serve separately in a bowl.

Open bottles of drinks at the table. Do this carefully so as not to splash your guests. Hold the bottle with its neck towards the table. Having opened a bottle of wine, the owner pours a little drink into his glass, and then fills the glasses of those present, starting with the female half of the guests. Pour should be two-thirds of the glass, on the right side of the guest.

Drink bottles are not table decorations, so don't place them in rows between appetizers and salads.

We hope these tips will be useful to you in life, and the site will delight you with useful and interesting articles many more times!

We wish you successful celebrations and merry feasts!

Serving dishes

The waiter will certainly take care of serving the dishes in the restaurant. However, knowing the rules of presentation will help you feel confident and avoid any kind of awkwardness.

If at the time of seating the table has already been set, you should not touch the cutlery, straighten the napkin or rearrange the glasses ahead of time.

Typically, dishes are served to the table in the order they are offered on the menu and ordering sequence. Having chosen several dishes of the same category, you should inform the waiter when it is best to serve them.

It is acceptable to ask for a children's menu to be brought faster, especially if the establishment has a play corner.

In a friendly company or family circle, you can change the serving sequence by warning the waiter.

During the banquet, the serving sequence is not allowed to be changed according to an individual order. On a date, especially on the first, it is also better to stick to the established rules.

If for some personal reasons you decide to change the order of serving, inform the waiter about it.

A guest may miss serving a particular dish. You cannot return to a missed dish, but you can place an additional order in a friendly company.

There are three main methods of serving dishes: French (to take away), English (using a serving table) and Russian (on a common table).

Most establishments use the French method. In this case, the waiter brings the finished dish. Ready-to-serve dishes are served on the right. During a banquet with seating in a circle, some dishes are placed on the guests' plates from a large platter by the waiter. Food placed on plates is served from the left side.

Sometimes guests help themselves to a portion from a dish brought by the waiter. In this case, the waiter approaches the guest from the left and holds the dish in his left hand. If salad or other side dish sticks to the cavity of the spoon, simply scrape the spoon clean with a sliding motion of the fork.

When serving food, the temperature regime must be observed. It is advisable to serve hot dishes on heated plates, caviar in a caviar bowl containing a glass rosette and ice. The temperature of cold appetizers is up to 14 °C, hot - 75 °C, soups - 75–90 °C, hot meat and fish dishes - 65–75 °C.

Hot snacks are usually served in the container in which they were prepared, for example, in a cocotte maker. Cocotte makers are placed on a pie plate.

Most restaurants of European cuisine offer a wide range of main courses from fish, meat, poultry, vegetables in boiled, fried, stewed, baked and other forms.

The order of serving second courses: fish, then meat and poultry dishes, then vegetable, egg, dairy.

Most often, 3-4 dishes are ordered: a cold or hot appetizer, a first course, a hot fish or meat dish and dessert. Usually a cold appetizer is served before the soup, and a hot appetizer after it, but variations are possible.

Lunch of five or more courses is served on special occasions. In this case, after the hot meat there is a vegetable dish or both cold and hot appetizers are ordered.

The English method involves serving dishes on a serving table and portioning them in front of visitors. The dish is conveniently located on the left side of the serving table, and the plates are on the right. Waiters place food on plates in the following order: main product, side dish, sauce, herbs. The plate is served from the right side and with the right hand.

The waiters strive to make the portions uniform; if someone gets a little more side dish or a smaller piece, they are not supposed to indicate.

The Russian method of serving is convenient for a group of friends. Cold and hot snacks and dishes are placed on a common table, and guests serve themselves. You are not supposed to take food from a common dish with your fork. It is customary to take a portion from a common dish from the top or from the edge, rather than choosing better pieces.

Sauces can be served individually for each guest. They are placed on the guest's left hand.

When serving food, drinks, or changing cutlery, guests should not help the waiter. If the waiter is uncomfortable approaching the guest from the left, he can also approach from the right. The main task of service is the convenience and comfort of guests.

Some restaurants bring bread and butter before serving food.

For fish snacks include caviar (grained, pressed, chum salmon), fish (lightly salted, jellied, boiled, stuffed, marinated, smoked, fish salads), seafood (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish, oysters, etc.).

Meat snacks: meat (boiled, jellied), sausages, smoked meats, meat salads, boiled and jellied poultry, game and poultry salads.

Vegetable snacks: vegetable and mushroom salads, pickles, olives or black olives.

Soups: transparent, puree, milky, cold.

Hot dishes often offered in sections: fish, meat, poultry, vegetables.

Often the menu is presented by a sommelier to immediately offer an aperitif and help in choosing drinks.

The menu is served to the guest open on the first page. There is no point in reaching out for him. If there are several guests of equal status at the table, then the menu will first be served to the one sitting further from the waiter. In another case, the rule is used: children - women - men - according to seniority. In the women's team, no distinction is made between women by age.

Having noticed cigarettes or a lighter on the table, the waiter brings an ashtray along with the menu or explains where you can smoke.

During an official event, dishes are served “by rank”: first to more important, honored guests, then to women and the owner of the table.

Snacks are served within 10 minutes after ordering. The first and second hot dishes appear on the table within 15 minutes after ordering, unless the time has been specified additionally. Desserts, coffee and tea - within 10 minutes after ordering.

Do not rush to start the meal as soon as a plate of food appears in front of you - you should wait until the plates appear in front of all the guests.

Immediately after serving, you can start eating only soup.

The next dish is not served until all participants in the meal have finished the previous one. There is no point in delaying the meal and delaying the entire table.

Used dishes are removed from the right side when guests are ready, regardless of rank.

The end of the meal is indicated by the arrangement of the cutlery: the knife and fork are placed on the plate with their handles parallel, even if there is still food left on the plate. The soup spoon is left in the plate.

Under no circumstances should you help the waiter clear the table, even if you come to the restaurant with your family and children.

You should not stack plates on top of each other, especially glasses on an empty plate, or move plates to the edge of the table to demonstrate the end of the meal.

Do not place used paper napkins in a glass or glass.

The waiter should ask the guest if it is time to remove something from the table. If you haven't finished your meal and the waiter starts cleaning, you should stop him.

When clearing dishes, the waiter usually moves around the table clockwise. Glasses and glasses are removed with the right hand to the right of the guest.

You should not call the waiter who is removing dishes from the next table. Having taken dirty plates from the table, the waiter must immediately take them away so as not to stop and place dirty dishes on someone else’s table. Just give a sign and the waiter will return to your table.

The dessert menu is served when all guests have finished their meal and the plates have been cleared after the main course.

The waiter must clarify whether it is time/can the dish be served. Sometimes the waiter warns the guest that the dish will be served when ready.

From time to time the waiter checks with the visitors whether they like everything and whether they want anything else. A short answer of “yes, thank you” is enough. There is no point in admiring or criticizing the cuisine.

It is permissible to ask for a replacement dish only if the preparation standards are not met or the food is served half-baked or sloppy. If you don’t like the taste of the dish, you shouldn’t ask for a replacement.

If the dish is not served with sauce, do not ask for mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise. Even if visitors are accustomed to such food at home, it is better to eat the proposed menu in a restaurant.

If smoking is still allowed, then if one person smokes at the table, the ashtray is changed after each cigarette. For four or more guests, two ashtrays are provided. Cigarettes and matches are served to visitors on the left.

The arrival of coffee signals the end of lunch. Coffee and tea are served with sugar, sometimes with lemon. After stirring the sugar, remove the spoon and place it on a saucer.

The bill is served on the left side.

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The choice of tablecloth color is usually dictated by the color of the tabletop. Universal options - a plain tablecloth or a combination of 2-3 shades that harmonize with each other. It can also be a light cotton tablecloth with a laconic pattern or a traditional snow-white lace tablecloth. A perfectly ironed linen or burlap fabric is also appropriate. You can resort to contrast and cover the table with two tablecloths at once: a basic white one and an auxiliary one, with variations of red or green. In this case, the second tablecloth should be about a quarter smaller in width than the first.

Napkins are selected to match the tablecloth. Fabric ones are placed in an empty plate, paper ones are placed next to or under it. Fabric ones are decorated with rings made of metal, wood or porcelain. If desired, you can simply tie them with bright ribbons and add a spruce branch. Instead, you can choose paper napkins with colorful New Year's scenes - and you don't need to invent anything.

Classic table setting requires a basic set of dishes. It includes portion plates, cutlery, wine glasses, glasses and glasses. In some cases, tall glasses are acceptable. The plates are placed one inside the other, but no more than three, and only in the order in which the dishes will be served. An exception is made for a small pie plate that can be placed next to it.

The arrangement of cutlery remains unchanged: the fork is to the left of the plate with the teeth up, the knife is to the right, with the cutting edge inward. Dessert spoons are placed to the right of the knife. Glasses, wine glasses and shot glasses are placed to the right of the plate in accordance with the sequence of serving drinks. It is important that guests do not touch them when they take cutlery.

Arranging snacks

When serving food, it is important to follow some rules. Cold appetizers, cold meats and cheeses, and pickles are placed on the table first. It is best to place them symmetrically at different ends of the table so that guests can reach them from any place. Dishes with canapés, tartlets and snack sandwiches are arranged similarly. Remember, these are the only snacks that do not require cutlery according to etiquette.

Do not combine dry and wet foods on the same plate. Let's say, juicy pork carbonate and dryish cervelat. The released juice can spoil the taste and aroma. Meat products and cheese are cut into thin slices, so you can’t do without a sharp knife or slicer. And don’t go overboard with the decoration of the slice - it should be easy for guests to pick up a slice with a fork and take it from the common dish to their plate.

Serving meat

Serving meat dishes in each specific case has nuances. Thus, it is preferable to serve roast beef with a side dish on separate large plates, 2-3 pieces per serving. Place baked potato slices, vegetable salad, cauliflower puree or other side dish of your choice next to it.

The cutlets are brought out on a common oval dish, with a side dish beautifully placed around them. This could be fluffy rice with vegetables, pasta or jacket potatoes. Be sure to make sure that there are gravy boats with different sauce options on the table.

Beef Stroganoff and other meat dishes are brought out in pieces on separate portioned plates. The meat should be hot, so it makes sense to keep it in the oven for a bit or warm up the plate itself. In this case, the side dish is served separately.

To enhance the effect, a whole baked bird can be served on a large platter, decorating the legs with curlers. You can top it with large baked pieces of apples, citrus fruit mugs or shaped sliced ​​vegetables. Just rehearse in advance how to easily and naturally cut up a bird in front of your guests.

Serve fish

There are rules of etiquette for serving fish dishes. Whole baked fish, including stuffed fish, are usually served in the same container in which it was cooked. A ceramic mold with a spectacular pattern is best suited for this. You can beautifully cut the fish into slices in advance so that the guests can see a tempting cut with the filling.

If you cooked the fish in portions, serve it on separate large plates. Leave a little space nearby for the side dish, but only so that it does not mix with the fish. For fatty varieties, baked broccoli, lettuce or green peas are ideal. Low-fat fish will be organically complemented with stewed vegetables or mashed potatoes.

Cold fish appetizers are served on wide flat plates, rectangular and square. Sprats are completely removed from excess oil and beautifully placed in porcelain bowls. In both cases, you can decorate the fish with dill sprigs, red onion rings or lemon slices.

The aspic can be served directly in the dish in which it froze. Or you can remove it by placing it upside down. Pieces of fish and colorful vegetables in a frozen golden broth look extremely appetizing. Just do this manipulation right before serving.

We serve seafood

Serving seafood requires special tools. Sealed mussels are always served open. For convenience, guests are provided with tongs, which are held in the left hand to fix the flap and with a fork (regular or oyster) to remove the meat from there.
