How to correctly count calories for weight loss table. Simple math: How to count calories to lose weight. Calculation of the mass of the finished dish

How to count calories for weight loss - a guide for dummies

The good news is that counting calories is easy. The bad ones are that the food will have to be weighed.

“If you want to get in shape, count your calories!” - this is perhaps the first advice you will hear from your fitness trainer.

How to count calories if you want to lose weight. How to quickly determine the number of calories in each dish. What to do with counting if you eat in a restaurant or cafe. At the request of Soviet Sports Life&Style, an accessible guide to calorie counting was compiled by a professional expert - master trainer of the federal network of fitness clubs X-FIT Ivan Ermolaev.

Why do you need to count calories?

Calories are a unit of measurement of energy that the body receives from food. If we receive a surplus (surplus) of energy, then the body will most likely leave it in reserve - that is, store it in the form of subcutaneous fat. If an energy deficit occurs, the body will have to cover it. To do this, he uses his own tissue: fat and muscle.

To summarize: when there is a deficit of energy, we lose weight, and when there is a surplus, we gain weight. Thus, in order to have an idea of ​​whether our body is losing weight or, on the contrary, gaining new mass, we need to know two parameters. The first is how many calories we spend. The second is how many calories we get from food.

Do you dream of losing weight or are in the process of gaining weight, but you don’t have time for long and tedious calorie calculations and exercise routines? The online calorie calculator will calculate all the parameters in seconds! You only need to enter the product and weight, everything else is a matter of technique!


For people who are familiar with various diets and methods of getting rid of extra pounds, a calorie calculator will be a useful assistant in losing weight. Each meal has its own nutritional value and provides the body with a certain supply of energy. But there is one problem: if these eaten calories remain unused, they instantly turn into fat cells, which are deposited on the body.

This is a very unpleasant moment, but the solution to this problem is quite simple - a balanced diet. With its help, you will be able to completely control your energy intake and expenditure, as well as keep yourself in good shape. Correct calculation of the energy value of food and its consumption is necessary for losing weight, in the process of gaining muscle mass, or simply for maintaining physical fitness.

It is best to entrust calorie counting to a computer: count it online using a diet counter or using a calculation formula. It will help you avoid mistakes and errors, save time and tell you which foods should be more in your diet and what their fat and protein content is.

Diet online calorie calculator

How to use a calorie calculator correctly?

It's very easy to use:

  • in the “Product” line, start entering the name of the product you are interested in, the calorie content of which you would like to know;
  • hints will appear;
  • select the one you need;
  • enter mass;
  • the result will be calculated automatically.

Thus, you can find out how much BJU is contained in a given product and what its nutritional value is. With the help of an online counter, you can easily keep control of your daily calorie intake. It is especially convenient for those who want to lose weight.

But knowing this data is not enough. It is important to understand what and how much you should eat so as not to gain weight.

How many calories should you eat per day?

Thus, the food consumed per day consists of 40% carbohydrates, 40% proteins, and 20% fats. The daily value of nutrient units depends on age, gender and level of physical activity.

For men

For women

To keep yourself in shape, do not exceed the permissible limits.

When planning your menu, we must not forget that in addition to the nutritional value of food, you need to take into account its quality. Therefore, it should be balanced, moderately saturated with dietary fat, the excess or lack of consumption of which leads to weight gain. It is advisable to add fresh vegetables, fruits and grains to your menu. They will give you strength and energy for the whole day and have a positive effect on your health.

For weight gain

Those wishing to gain weight should pay special attention to:

sunflower seeds 20,7 52,9 3,4 578
kiwi 1,0 0,6 10,3 48
a pineapple 0,4 0,2 10,6 49
coffee 0,2 0 0,3 2
beef 18,7 12,6 0 191
ginger 1,8 0,8 15,8 80
cucumbers 0,7 0 3,1 15
buckwheat 4,5 1,6 27,4 137
almond 18,6 57,7 16,2 645
Cherry juice 0,7 0,0 10,2 47
eggs 12,7 11,1 0,6 153
tuna 23,0 1,0 0 101
lentils 7,8 0 20,1 111
boiled turkey 25,3 10,4 0 195

For bodybuilders during the cutting period, it is preferable to exclude sweets, fried and flour dishes from the diet, to focus on protein foods (B - 50%, F - 20%, U - 30%), fish, seafood, lean chicken fillet, nuts, vegetable oil , curd products with a minimum percentage of fat.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food you eat

Below is a table of the 30 most common foods that are most often included in a balanced, healthy diet:

oatmeal 3,2 1,8 15,4 93
buckwheat 4,5 1,6 27,4 137
pearl barley porridge 3,2 0,5 22,7 102
butter 82.5% 0,5 82,5 1 747
milk 2.5% 2,8 2,5 4,6 53
kefir 2.5% 3 2,5 4,0 51
Ryazhenka 4.0% 2,9 4 4,1 68
sour cream 15% 3 15 2,9 163
semi-fat cottage cheese 16,5 9 1,9 156
Dutch cheese 26,4 26,5 0 352
beef 18,7 12,6 0 191
lean pork 16,3 27,9 0 318
chicken fillet 20,4 8,6 0,8 161
new potatoes 2,2 0,3 12,5 57
carrot 1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers 0,7 0 3,1 15
tomatoes 0,7 0 4,1 19
Walnut 13,5 61,5 10,6 662
crucian carp 17,5 1,6 0 84
zander 19 0,7 0 81
hake 16,4 2,3 0 84
honey 0,6 0 80,5 312
sugar 0,2 0 99,6 377
black chocolate 5,2 35,6 52,4 546
orange 0,8 0 8,6 38
banana 1,7 0 22,1 87
peach 0,9 0 10,1 42
apple 0,5 0 11,4 48
wheat bread 7,4 2,2 53 246
chicken egg 12,7 11,1 0,6 153

If you are planning to lose weight, what dietary rules should you follow?

An online calorie analyzer for ready-made dishes will help you not to fall below the set mark. The principle of its operation is the same as that of the online calculator of calories eaten. You can also use the calorie calculator for foods and ready meals. This counter will help you calculate the calorie content of ready-made food products.

This cannot be done without reducing the amount of kcal. To calculate your daily intake, use the following formula:

Desired weight x 14 / 0.453

Not every required weight is safe. A decrease in the energy value of food by more than 20% will be harmful to health.

The formula for determining this indicator:

Reduced performance/energy value at the moment.

Bottom line:

  • for men – 1800 kcal;
  • for women – 1200 kcal.

A lack of this indicator will lead to a deterioration in health and even loss of consciousness.

Proper diet for weight loss or healthy eating

Those seeking to get rid of extra centimeters cannot do without the following exceptions:

  • sweets (chocolate, sugar, honey, condensed milk), use cinnamon instead;
  • fried (it is better to boil or bake);
  • salty and pepper (food should be neutral);
  • flour (bread, buns, donuts, cakes, pastries).

Give up all this to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Mono-diets are very effective, but you can do without them. Table of products for weight loss:

The above components reduce appetite and burn fat deposits, contain useful vitamins and microelements. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water and green tea. For greater efficiency, include physical activity, go in for sports:

  • run in the morning, go to the gym;
  • do special exercises at home;
  • work on problem areas (stomach, sides, legs, arms, back);
  • check the calorie content of finished products using an online calorie analyzer.

Have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then the result will not be long in coming. Find a set of exercises on the Internet or consult with nutritionists and select an individual exercise routine.

High-quality weight loss does not cause anxiety, depression and stress, and promotes the formation of the right attitude towards food. Under no circumstances should you resort to “quick” diets that promise you a loss of 5 or even 10 kg in a week. They won't lead to anything good. It is best to get in shape a little bit without harming your health.

Often, in the diet of someone who has followed the difficult path of calorie counting, only boiled chicken breast, rice, cucumbers and other simple foods remain. To calculate the energy value of a dish, just weigh it and enter the numbers in a special box.

A calorie counting guru can prepare a pot of borscht for a week, goulash, salad, cutlets and always know the energy value of a serving. To do this, you need to learn how to calculate how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are contained in 100 g of a complex dish.

Let's figure out how to do this, using the example of Olivier salad, which is not the most useful, but relevant on the eve of the New Year.

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • 300 g boiled potatoes;
  • 300 g of Doctor’s sausage;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 150 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 200 g canned green peas;
  • 120 g mayonnaise.

Calculation of the mass of the finished dish

Before preparing a dish, each component must be weighed and the results recorded.

Another important figure is the final mass of the finished dish. In this case, it will be 1,345 g, taking into account the fact that one egg of category C1 weighs approximately 55 g. Of course, you can weigh the finished dish only together with the bowl or pan in which it is located. Therefore, determine the mass of the container in advance and subtract this figure from the final one.

Weigh frequently used utensils and record the readings in a notebook. This will come in handy if you forget to find out the mass of an empty bowl.

Counting calories using a table

We draw up a table in which we write down the ingredient, its quantity, calorie content per amount of product used (in this case, per 300 g of boiled potatoes or 120 g of mayonnaise) and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can find out the KBJU of a product in the calorie counting app.

The table will look something like this:

To find out how many kilocalories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in a complex dish, you need to remember the simple rule of proportion - the equality of two ratios:

total calorie content of the dish / weight of the dish = calorie content of one serving / 100 g.

From this proportion we obtain a universal formula for calculating the calorie content of a dish:

total calorie content of the dish * 100 / weight of the dish = calorie content in 100 g.

How it works using an example table:

2 318,05 * 100 / 1 345 = 172,3.

100 g of Olivier salad, prepared exactly according to the recipe, contains 172.3 kcal. This formula is also suitable for calculating macronutrient content. Only instead of the total calorie content, you need to substitute the total number of proteins, fats or carbohydrates contained in the dish. For example:

93.84 * 100 / 1,345 = 6.9 g of protein per 100 g of salad;

178.73 * 100 / 1,345 = 13.3 g of fat per 100 g of salad;

77.19 * 100 / 1,345 = 5.8 g carbohydrates per 100 g of salad.

Calorie counting using services

There are not many services that will calculate the calorie content and dietary fat content of a dish for you. They are less accurate than your calculations. The program calculates the final weight of the dish by adding the mass of all ingredients. This is true if all components are solid. But it does not take into account the degree of evaporation of liquids.

When calculating in tables, water does not need to be weighed due to its zero calorie content. Its content will be reflected in the final weight of the dish. For services, the amount of water will have to be taken into account and entered in the appropriate column.

Services for calculating the calorie content of 100 g of food were created quite a long time ago, so they are distinguished by an overloaded design and an abundance of advertising. But they will quickly make all the calculations. To do this, you don’t even need to register on the sites.

On the website, you can calculate how many calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates are contained in 100 g of a dish in the “Food Analyzer” section.

You need to enter all the ingredients into the table (you can select from the drop-down list) and indicate their quantity.

The service will provide numbers that can be entered into your calorie tracking app. By the way, the calculation results coincide with those obtained using the formula.

To calculate the calorie content of 100 g of a dish on the website, you need to select the “Calorie calculator” section, then the “Calculation of the calorie content of a finished dish” item.

On there is an option “Take into account boiling (reduction of weight during the cooking process)”, so you can enter raw potatoes into the table, not boiled ones, and put a tick under the table.

Any of these methods will help calculate the approximate energy value of a dish, since not a single service knows how many calories are in a specific apple, piece of meat, or serving of cereal and how many of them are absorbed by the body. However, these approximate figures are enough to create a diet for weight loss or.

How to count calories according to Bormental?

Who is Bormenthal, and why should we be interested in how to count calories using his method? Then, maybe you’ve heard such an expression as “Bormenthal’s diet - without fasting and exercise”? The authors of this technique are confident that you can lose weight by learning to count calories and consume foods with energy value no more than the established norm. For example, 1000 kcal should be enough for a day, and if a woman has a sedentary job, then her daily requirement will be 800 kcal. In addition, this diet involves a couple of fasting days a week, even if you did not exceed your calorie intake. You say you are passionate about physical activity and can’t live without three workouts a week? Well, then your daily calorie intake can be increased by 200-300 kcal, that is, according to Bormenthal, the maximum daily intake cannot be more than 1300 kcal. This diet, like all diets, has its pros and cons. For example, this diet does not pay attention to such an important indicator as the rate of metabolic processes in the body. It also does not take into account the individual rhythm of a person’s life, so if you are actively involved in sports, then such a diet will really allow you to lose weight, but most likely you will lose more muscle mass, and fat deposits will not be in a hurry to go away.

But there is also a significant plus, which for many outweighs all the minuses - this diet really does not include any prohibitions. You can eat everything at any time of the day or night, even chocolate, eating ice cream and washing it all down with coffee with cream, the main thing is that it fits within the daily intake. In general, it’s up to you, choose what you like, arm yourself with scales and a calculator and move forward to slimness and health.

Should you count calories?

Why count calories if, firstly, there are ready-made diets, and, secondly, we are told that weight gain is affected by an incorrect balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates? All this, of course, is correct, but a ready-made diet may not suit you; it is designed for a person who sits in an office all day, and it’s good if you feel support under your butt by late evening. But the balance of proteins with fats will still not be enough; in any case, you will have to limit your food intake. And it’s much more convenient to do this by counting calories.

How, then, can you count calories correctly?

If you don’t know how to count calories, then the table of calorie content of basic foods, which you can see at the end of this material, will be useful to you. You will also need a calculator, notepad and pen. Before you eat something, consider whether you can afford it according to your daily allowance. If you can, eat healthy, just don’t forget to write down how many calories you consumed in a notebook. When counting calories, give preference to the numbers indicated on the product packaging rather than in the table. It is better to plan your diet in advance - you will spend less time counting, preparing, and recalculating calories in the portion eaten. Count the calories in everything you eat - tea with sugar and half a cookie should also be taken into account.

It’s clear how to count calories if you eat muesli, yogurt and fruit - look at the packaging or in the table and you’re done. But what if you want “human” food, soup, for example? We sum up all the components from which you cook the soup and calculate the energy value of one serving. For example, we cooked soup, calculated how many calories were in the saucepan and weighed it. We weighed how much we wanted to eat, made a proportion and calculated how many calories are in your portion. After counting the calories for a dish once, do not forget to wash it down with its calorie content. If you fry something, then you need to add 20% to the total calorie content of the dish - this is oil.

I don’t have a scale, how can I count calories without one? In a good way, you need to buy scales, but while they are not there, you will have to rely on your eye and memory. We remember in the store how many grams of the product we bought, mentally divide it into equal pieces of 100 grams, and at home we calculate how many calories we want to eat according to the table.

Let's get straight to practice.

Scales It is best to choose electronic ones. This way you will know the exact weight. It's easy to test the scale before purchasing: take a small object (or several objects) whose weight you know and place it on the scale several times. Reboot the scale and check again. If the number does not change, the scales are not lying. Many manufacturers allow an error of +/- 5 grams. Tables of weights and measures for determining the weight of products are not helpful here: After cooking, the dish will need to be weighed in order to calculate its total calorie content, and then your one serving.

It is best to choose electronic scales

Collection of calorie tables can be found in any bookstore, and you will always have it at hand. The calorie content of the product is also indicated on the packaging. The numbers may vary slightly in different tables. Choose one table for yourself and use only that one.

All kitchen utensils It is advisable to weigh it in advance so that later you can easily subtract the weight of the dishes or plates.

When preparing dishes, it is important to remember: calorie content of water, salt- 0 (zero) kcal. But water adds weight and thereby changes the overall calorie content of the dish.

The more water you add, the more weight and the fewer calories per 100 grams

The dish you counted once is more no need to recalculate, if its composition does not change. Just write down the quantities of ingredients you need in your notebook.

And the most important thing - formula to calculate the calorie content in 100 grams of a finished dish:

How to understand the symbols in this formula?

A (grams) - total weight of the finished dish in grams;

B (kcal) - the total caloric content of foods in the finished dish.

How to use this formula?

We multiply the two numbers diagonally by each other and divide by the number that is diagonally with X:

B × 100: A= the number of calories in 100 g of the dish you prepared.

Is the formula not very clear? Let's look at detailed examples of how to apply it in practice.

Simple dishes: porridge

Let's start with a simple dish and calculate the calorie content of ordinary rice porridge.

100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal

. Rice - 300 g
. Water
. Salt

1. 100 grams of dry rice contains 330 kcal.
2. For our porridge we took 300 g of cereal: 330 kcal × 3 = 990 kcal.
3. The entire volume of cooked rice porridge will have calorie content 990 kcal: Apart from water and salt, which, as we already know, have no calories, we did not add anything else.
4. From 300 g of dry rice you get about 900 g of ready-made porridge.
5. Using the formula, we calculate the calorie content of rice porridge per 100 grams:

900 g rice porridge = 990 kcal

100 g rice porridge= X kcal

990 × 100: 900 = 110 kcal (990 multiplied by 100 and divided by 900)

So, our result: 100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal.

Using a similar scheme, we calculate the calorie content of boiled pasta, beans, and lentils. Before cooking, weigh the dry pasta and calculate the calorie content of the dry weight. Boil the pasta, drain the water and weigh the finished pasta: the weight will be greater because the pasta has absorbed water. Then we calculate the calorie content per 100 g.

Complex dishes: cream soup and apple sambuca

Calorie content of a multi-component dish is not much more difficult to calculate than the calorie content of simple porridge. Let's cook some hearty food pumpkin soup.

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal

For your convenience, all data is shown in the table.


Product weight

Calorie content per 100 grams

Milk 3.5%

1 l (1000 ml)


Bulb onions

Butter 82.5%


1630.5 kcal

1. The total weight of products needed to prepare pumpkin puree soup is 2675 g.
2. Total calorie content of foods - 1630.5 kcal.
3. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion in butter, then add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin cut into small pieces, pour in milk, add salt. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 30-40 minutes. After this, grind the vegetables together with milk in a blender into a puree.
4. The weight of the finished dish is 2562 g and contains all the same 1630.5 kcal (I remind you that water evaporates, not calories).
5. Using the formula, we calculate the calorie content of pumpkin soup per 100 g:

In 2562 g of soup = 1630.5 kcal

100 grams of soup = X kcal

1630.5 × 100: 2562 = 63.6 kcal (rounded to 64 kcal)

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal.

And let's not forget about light dessert. Today on our menu airy apple sambuca with an amazing cinnamon aroma.


Product weight

Calorie content per 100 grams

Calorie weight of the product according to the recipe

Apples (peeled and seeded)

Egg white


479.4 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that we will need to prepare the apple cinnamon dessert is - 790 g.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 479.4 kcal.
3. Let's prepare apple sambuca.

Sambuca is a gelled dessert made from whipped egg whites.

Cut the apples into quarters, remove the peel and seeds. Place in a mold, pour a couple of tablespoons of water on the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180°C for about 25-30 minutes (until soft). Cool the finished apples, and in the meantime, dissolve the gelatin as indicated on the package and heat it to 40-50°C, after which we also cool it. Grind the apples into puree using a blender, add sugar and beat with a whisk (attachment) or mixer for about 1 minute. Then add egg whites to the apples, beat for at least 5 minutes: the mass will turn white and increase in volume. Then pour in the gelatin and beat for about 1 more minute. Pour the mixture into bowls and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle with cinnamon and garnish with apple slices and a sprig of mint.
4. The weight of the finished dessert is about 675 g and contains 479.4 kcal.
5. Let’s calculate the calorie content of apple sambuca per 100 g:

675 g of dessert = 479.4 kcal

100 g of dessert = X kcal

479.4 × 100: 675 = 71 kcal

100 g of apple sambuca contains 71 kcal.

Fry cutlets, chops and meat in batter

There is one key point to consider when calculating the calories in fried foods: 20% the amount of oil that you pour into the frying pan is absorbed into the product (cutlets, chops). However, if you fry potatoes, other vegetables, flour products, do not lose sight of the fact that these dishes absorb oil almost 100%. This is especially true for zucchini, eggplant, pancakes, pancakes: they absorb oil like a sponge and always require additional “feeding”. When you sauté vegetables with oil, all the oil ends up in your stew. In this case, you need to take into account all the fats used in cooking.

Eggplants absorb oil like a sponge.

I suggest you have a hearty lunch fried chicken fillet with sour cream and garlic sauce.


Product weight

Calorie content per 100 grams

Calorie weight of the product according to the recipe

Chicken breast fillet

Lemon juice

Vegetable oil

900 kcal - 20%*

Salt pepper


768 kcal

*20% of the indicated calorie content of the oil is 180 kcal, which will be absorbed into the chicken meat. The rest of the oil will remain in the pan.

1. To prepare fried chicken fillet we need 650 g products.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 768 kcal.
3. Let's start preparing lunch. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts and lightly beat it. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Let's prepare the sauce for the chicken fillet. Ingredients to taste in the quantities you need: sour cream, garlic, herbs, salt. Squeeze the garlic through a press, finely chop the greens, combine with sour cream, add salt and mix. Or grind all ingredients with an immersion blender. The calorie content of sour cream sauce will be equal to the calorie content of your sour cream: greens and garlic are very low-calorie foods.
4. The weight of chicken fillet after cooking is about 400 g and contains all the same 768 kcal.
5. Now let’s calculate the weight of fried chicken fillet in 100 g using the formula:

400 g fried chicken = 768 kcal

100 g fried chicken = X kcal

768 × 100: 400 = 192 kcal

In 100 g of fried chicken fillet we have 192 kcal (excluding the calorie content of sour cream sauce).

If you want to cook meat in batter, then you need to add the calorie content of the batter (flour, milk, egg) to the calorie content of meat and vegetable oil.

How many calories are in broth and compote?

When cooking, part of the calories is transferred from the products to the broth: from fish - 15%, from meat - 20%, fruits - 30%, dumplings, manti and khinkali - 20%. These numbers may fluctuate: it all depends on the cooking time of the products.

Let's calculate the calorie content of salmon fish broth. Take a salmon steak weighing 300 g and 1 liter of water. Calorie content of salmon in 100 g = 142 kcal, in 300 g of this fish = 426 kcal (142 × 3).

426 kcal - 15% = 63.9 kcal (rounded to 64 kcal).

1 liter of salmon broth contains 64 kcal. 100 ml of broth contains only 6.4 kcal!

Boiled meat and vegetables

Today we have for dinner boiled beef, a glass of kefir and salad. The calorie content of kefir is written on the packaging, but we will calculate the calorie content of meat and salad ourselves. With a salad, everything is simple: add up the calorie content of all its components. We count the meat.

When cooking meat, about 20% of its calorie content goes into broth

. Beef shoulder (boneless meat) - 1 kg
. Salt

1. 100 g of beef shoulder contains 208 kcal.
2. In 1 kg of shoulder blade: 208 kcal × 10 = 2080 kcal.
3. After cooking, the weight of boiled meat is about 700 g: boiled meat has decreased in volume and weight.
4. When cooking meat, about 20% of its calorie content goes into the broth, so 2080 kcal - 20% = 416 kcal, this is exactly how much was boiled into the broth from a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, and there are 1664 kcal left in the meat itself.
5. Now let’s calculate the calorie content of boiled beef per 100 g:

700 g of boiled meat = 1664 kcal

100 g of boiled meat = X kcal

1664 × 100: 700 = 237.7 kcal

100 grams of boiled beef shoulder contains 237.7 kcal (rounded to 238 kcal).

And in conclusion, I want to give you some useful advice: the calorie content of fruit compote (without sugar), broths, coffee and tea (also without sugar), garlic, herbs, and many dry spices is so small that you should not focus on it. You won’t be able to drink enough broth in a day to catastrophically go over your calorie intake. And, moreover, you are unlikely to handle so much garlic. But if you cook using fats, then you can reduce the calorie content of the first or second courses: after cooking, remove the fatty film from the surface of the dish with a spoon.

Counting calories may seem difficult at first glance. Already the second or third time you will do better, and after a while you will do it automatically.

Now spring is the most beautiful time of the year, when nature awakens. I sincerely wish you to be in a fresh mood and vigorously move towards your intended goal.

Best regards, Natalie Lissi
