How to heat milk in a Polaris slow cooker. Baked milk in a slow cooker. A great option for making baked milk in a slow cooker


Baked milk in a slow cooker- this drink can be called unique, its taste is able to return each of us to pleasant memories of childhood. Nothing else compares to this sweet and pleasant milky aftertaste.

Getting baked milk consists in its slow boiling until it acquires a characteristic creamy color. Our grandmothers cooked it in deep clay containers and simmered milk in the oven for a day.

It is possible to make baked milk in modern home conditions. It must first be boiled, then poured into a thermos for 5-6 hours. You can also heat milk in a closed container for several hours. But with this method of preparing baked milk, there is a possibility that it will simply “run away” due to uneven heating. Therefore, milk is recommended to be heated in a water bath, so that this does not happen.

Well, the most ideal option is to cook baked milk in a slow cooker. There is nothing complicated about this, and the taste of milk from a multicooker will be very close in taste to milk from a grandmother's oven. Due to the fact that heat is evenly distributed in the slow cooker and stored for a long time, the milk will turn out to be really baked, with an unusual aroma and caramel tint.

If you cook baked milk in a slow cooker, then give yourself and your family not only a delicious drink, but also a storehouse of vitamins and amino acids. Calcium contained in milk prevents the appearance of childhood rickets, phosphorus and vitamin A are necessary for the full development of vision in children, as well as for the prevention of neurological diseases. Vitamins E and C, which are antioxidants, increase the immunity of the child's body. Potassium, magnesium and vitamin B are the "golden" trinity for the development and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system of the body.

In addition, baked milk from a slow cooker is stored for a very long time, its composition is ideal for people with diabetes, for pregnant women and, of course, for children. Milk that undergoes heat treatment loses most of its healing properties, but this cannot be said about baked milk from a multicooker.

Our grandmothers cooked baked milk (varenets) in an oven in clay pots with thick walls. The milk languished for a long time, but it turned out very tasty, fragrant and with a delicious brown foam. Many of us remember baked milk from childhood, most housewives tried to cook it on the stove, but the taste of milk was not the same. When there is a slow cooker in the kitchen, the process of preparing baked milk is greatly simplified - you don’t need to do anything, just pour milk, select a program and set a timer.

Of course, you can cook baked milk on the stove or in the oven, but then you have to keep moving and constantly stir the contents. If you use kitchen helpers, then baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker will turn out with a rich caramel tint and a delicate aroma.

Products used:

  • homemade whole milk - 2 liters;
  • butter - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

  1. If you want to get real varenets, then be sure to take fresh homemade milk. You don't need to boil it beforehand. If you plan to cook a lot of baked milk and store it for a long time, then it is better to boil it.
  2. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.
  3. So that during the cooking process the milk does not “run away”, grease the walls of the container around the circumference with butter. You should get an oil ring that will not allow milk to rise above this mark.
  4. Baked milk in the Redmond multicooker is prepared using the Slowing program - many multicooker models have this function. The program does not allow milk to "run away".
  5. When cooking baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker in the “Quenching” program, it is better to play it safe and grease the walls of the bowl with butter.
  6. Close the lid of the multicooker, turn on the "Simmering" program. Baked milk will be prepared in the Redmond slow cooker for 6 hours.
  7. Wait for the multicooker to notify you with a sound signal - this means that the baked milk is ready. When it cools down a bit, the liquid can be strained through a strainer into a glass container, cool completely and refrigerate. For lovers of brown foam, these recommendations can not be followed.

Baked nut milk in the Redmond slow cooker

There are many ways to enrich the taste of ordinary cow's milk, but the recipe for making baked milk in a Redmond slow cooker with the addition of nuts is considered the most successful. Such milk can be used for medicinal purposes, for example, to increase the amount of breast milk, young mothers need to drink half a glass of baked nut milk every day.

Products used:

  • cow's milk - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • walnut - 8 pcs.
  1. Pass the nut kernels through a meat grinder or grind in a blender along with sugar. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar to powder.
  2. Pour milk into the multicooker container, add nuts, mix.
  3. Install the program "Planning". The cooking time for baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker is 6 hours, but after 2 hours you will hear a delicate creamy-nutty aroma. Do not rush to taste the milk, it should languish for several more hours.
  4. After the warning signal, you can open the lid of the multicooker and taste the baked milk in the Redmond multicooker. The shade of milk will turn out to be caramel, the foam will be brown, and the taste will be creamy-nutty. Such milk will be high-calorie and rich in vitamins.

Baked milk in a multicooker Redmond

If it is not possible to buy a homemade product, then you can cook baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker from the store. From 1 liter of milk you get 800 g of baked milk.


  • pasteurized high-fat milk - 1 liter.

How to cook baked milk in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. Pour milk into a dry and clean multicooker bowl.
  2. Since milk can “escape” during cooking, we will install a container for steaming dishes on top, and then close the lid of the multicooker.
  3. Select the "Extinguishing" mode, set the timer for 6 hours.
  4. After the end of the program, the lid of the multicooker can be opened - a brown foam forms on top of the milk. You can leave it or gently push it aside and put it on a saucer.
  5. Strain the baked milk through a strainer.

Baked milk is a healthy and tasty product. Baked milk goes well with soft gingerbread or corn sticks.

Tip: if you are preparing baked milk from 3 or more liters of milk, then sometimes even lubricating the walls of the multicooker container with butter does not save. During the boiling of milk, it is better not to miss this moment and “precipitate” the rising foam in time.

Ryazhenka from baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker

You can make very tasty fermented baked milk from baked milk - it will be as fragrant and beautiful as from the oven. Use this recipe to cook baked milk fermented baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker.

Products used:

  • homemade cow's milk - 2 liters;
  • homemade sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter - 1 tsp

How to cook fermented baked milk in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. The process of preparing ryazhenka will seem very long to you, but if you put milk to languish overnight, then by the middle of the day you can get delicious ryazhenka with a delicate foam.
  2. Pour milk into the multicooker pan.
  3. Step back from the edge of the container 5 cm and “draw” a ring with butter. This method will allow you not to guard the milk during boiling - the oil ring will hold the liquid.
  4. Set the “Simmering” mode, baked milk will be cooked in the Redmond slow cooker for 6 hours.
  5. When you hear a beep - it's time to proceed to the next step - cooking ryazhenka.
  6. 1 hour before cooking baked milk, you need to get the right amount of sour cream from the refrigerator and leave it on the table. During this time, the sour cream will heat up and it will be possible to introduce it into warm baked milk.
  7. Do not forget to mix the sour cream well so that it completely dissolves in the milk. Now select the "Yogurt" program, press the "Start" button. Wait until the fermented baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker is ready.
  8. Pour warm fermented baked milk into a glass container, close the lid and put in a cold place. After 20 minutes, it will thicken.

Ryazhenka cooked on baked milk in a Redmond slow cooker is served at the table along with fresh pastries, cookies or bread. Enjoy your meal!

Semolina porridge with baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker

Try to cook semolina porridge in baked milk - it will be very tasty and fragrant, as if it had been languishing for a long time in an oven in a clay pot. We offer a simple recipe for making semolina porridge with baked milk in a Redmond slow cooker.


  • baked milk - 2 cups;
  • cane sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp;
  • cream (fat content 35%) - to taste;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

Features of cooking semolina porridge with baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker:

  1. If you have not prepared baked milk in advance, then do it right now. Pour 1 liter into the container of the multicooker. milk, turn on the program "languishing" for 6 hours.
  2. When the beep sounds, the baked milk in the Redmond multicooker can be poured into a glass jar. And prepare the multicooker pan for the next step.
  3. In a bowl or cup, mix semolina with sugar and salt.
  4. Pour hot baked milk into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” program, wait until it starts to boil.
  5. Pour the dry mixture into hot milk in a thin stream, constantly stir the mixture with a spatula so that the cereal does not seize in lumps. Switch the multicooker to the "Porridge" or "Milk porridge" mode.
  6. There are many recipes for making cocoa. On baked milk, the most delicious and aromatic drink is obtained. Start a new day with a cup of invigorating cocoa prepared with baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker.

    What needs to be prepared:

  • baked milk - 180 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp;
  • corn starch - 0.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/3 tsp;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

Step-by-step preparation of cocoa with baked milk in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients: cocoa, powdered sugar, cinnamon, salt and starch.
  2. Pour baked milk into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” program for 5 minutes, wait until it starts to boil.
  3. Take 2 tbsp. hot milk and pour the dry mixture, mix. You should get a thick viscous mass, pour it into hot milk and, without ceasing, stir the contents.
  4. Wait for the cocoa to boil. Continue cooking for 3 more minutes.

The finished drink is poured into warm cups and served hot with fresh pastries.

Time: 180 min.

Servings: 10-12

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

A great option for making baked milk in a slow cooker

Baked milk is a tasty and healthy product that can be easily prepared at home. It's no secret that homemade dishes and drinks are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones - baked milk in a slow cooker is no exception.

Thanks to this technique, you can make a quick and tasty drink that will turn out without foam, with a mild taste and pleasant aroma.

If you are a fan of this fragrant and nutritious drink, you should not buy this product in stores, because you can boil fresh milk yourself using a slow cooker, thereby making an excellent drink.

Many lovers of such a delicacy will certainly like homemade baked milk in a slow cooker, because such a recipe turns out to be especially tasty and healthy for the body, especially since it can be served warm, which significantly improves its taste.

Any woman will be able to heat the product in a slow cooker, because you do not need to sit near the appliance and wait until you prepare baked milk.

In this case, the preparation process, although long (3-3.5 hours), however, does not require attention, since the drink is prepared independently using a modern kitchen appliance.

How to cook baked milk in a slow cooker? First of all, it is worth noting that this drink is prepared at a low temperature, since milk should not boil, but languish.

The boiling point of this product is 120 degrees, so for the preparation of a melted drink, it is worth giving preference to a temperature regime of 100 degrees.

It is worth noting that this mode and the tightness of the multicooker will make it possible to make an excellent melted delicacy, which can be compared with that cooked in a Russian oven.

That is why many modern housewives try to cook such a delicacy at home, because this is the only way to get a healthy and natural product.

It is especially good to drown and prepare a delicacy for children, because the finished product will have a rich composition that will allow you to provide the body with vitamins and other trace elements.

From such a drink, you can cook various dishes, for example, cereals, muesli and so on. In any case, baked milk will differ significantly from a natural product, not only in taste, but also in aroma and benefits.

It is worth noting that if you decide to cook such a delicacy at home, you should do it using a slow cooker.

This kitchen appliance has the ability to heat up evenly (bottom and walls), thereby making milk more tasty and healthy.

It is important to note that milk for the preparation of this recipe should be used only natural and fresh - a product from a pack, especially one with an expiring shelf life, will not work.

It is best to use a rustic drink, which will turn out to be the most aromatic and beneficial for the body.

In addition, it is convenient to remove sour cream from it, which is on the surface of the drink, because it contains a large amount of fat.

It is also worth noting that the fat content of the product should also be chosen carefully - it is desirable that the product has a minimum fat content - then the drink will turn out even tastier and will not form foam as it is prepared.

If you follow the recipe incorrectly, the result may be fermented baked milk, which is just as tasty, but still less healthy.


It is worth preparing this delicious recipe step by step, since only in this case you can achieve an amazing result.

Step 1

First of all, pour the room temperature product into the multicooker bowl. This should be done at the time when the bowl is removed from the appliance, so as not to flood the multicooker body.

Step 2

We turn on the kitchen appliances on the “Multi-cook” program and set the cooking temperature to 100 degrees. The languor time is 3 hours. This will be enough to prepare this recipe.

After 1 hour of cooking, you will be able to feel a light caramel smell, which will become stronger every minute.

That's all - this recipe, made in a slow cooker at home, is ready. After pouring it, there will be a thin caramel crust on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, which will show that the delicacy is completely ready. By the way, it turns out very tasty.

You can serve this delicacy to the table, both cold and hot - in any case, it will be tasty and incredibly healthy.

It is stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, so you can safely make this version of the goodies for the future.

It is worth noting that as you cook, the amount of liquid does not decrease, but remains the same - that is, you will get 3 liters of tasty, healthy and nutritious treats.

See another version of this dish:

Baked milk can be prepared in absolutely any slow cooker. This recipe uses Redmond. This is an incredibly delicious dessert drink. Both adults and children will like it. Baked milk has a rich caramel flavor…


Milk (1.5% or optional) - 1 l.


Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl. It is better not to cook more than a liter at once, because even with slow languor, it will periodically rise and may “run away”.

Place a special tray on top, which is designed for steaming. This will also further protect the milk from boiling over.

Set the "extinguishing" mode. Time is 3 hours.

But, here everything is very conditional. Because after 3 hours you will have very thick (and incredibly tasty) milk with a rich caramel flavor. If a more liquid and less saturated product suits you, then 2 hours will be enough.

After about 30-40 minutes, you can open the multicooker and carefully pick up the crust that forms at the bottom with a plastic or silicone spatula. You can not do this, but remove it already when washing the multicooker.

This is what baked milk looks like after 3 hours. The scent is just crazy!

Since no one in our family likes milk films, I additionally filter the product through a sieve. You do as you please.

It turned out delicious baked milk! You can use it in desserts.

Cooking in a slow cooker helps to make a less fatty product than in a store, since you choose the fat content of the original product yourself. I buy milk 1.5% or even 0.5%.

And further. Keep in mind that after languishing, milk decreases significantly in volume. In my case (I cooked it for 3 hours), it turned out a little more than 0.5 liters of baked milk.

Baked milk in a slow cooker— what could be easier? They poured milk, set the regime and forgot about it. I used to think that since milk is heat-treated for a long time, then all the benefits disappear from it. It turned out that she was wrong. Let's look at the benefits of baked milk and how to cook it in a slow cooker.

The benefits of baked milk:

  1. Baked milk is better absorbed by the body than regular milk, which is very important for people with milk protein intolerance. No swelling, and the body receives the building material for cells - protein;
  2. Since baked milk is more concentrated due to the evaporation process, it also contains a higher concentration of vitamin A, iron and calcium than pasteurized milk;
  3. That is, fewer calories can be consumed by drinking a smaller amount of baked milk, and we will get more benefits than drinking pasteurized milk.
  4. This is not about the benefits of baked milk, but about its taste - but this baked milk is delicious! And therefore, do not refuse it, but cook such baked milk in a slow cooker.

What you need to make baked milk in a slow cooker

Only milk and a slow cooker. The amount of milk depends on your appetites, I drowned 1 liter. But if there are both 2 and 3 . and 4 liters of milk, then the milk heating time will not increase, but will always be the same.

How to cook baked milk in a slow cooker

So, pour milk into the saucepan from the multicooker, close the lid and set the “Extinguishing” mode for 6 hours. This is the time for the Panasonic 10 and 18 multicookers, the Quenching program works so well in them that during the specified time the milk does not completely evaporate, only its consistency and color change.

I propose to compare the before and after photos and see for yourself.

Milk before heating in a Panasonic multicooker:

Milk after 6 hours of heating in a Panasonic multicooker:

The Panasonic multicooker is great for preparing a large number of dairy dishes.

You can cook, in jars on Activia, and
