How to dry it in the oven. Dried apple chips. How to properly store dried apples

Apples with own garden always much tastier and healthier than those sold on store shelves. Therefore, many housewives have questions about how to dry apples in electric oven and what are the basic rules of this process.

It is a well-known fact that dried apples almost completely retain their vitamin reserves and minerals included in their composition. In addition, add dried fruits possible in various dishes. This is a traditional dried fruit compote, and as a seasoning for pilaf or pie filling, as well as dried apple slices can be added to tea and brewed. The main thing is to properly dry the apples and store them in the future.

Basic moments

An electric oven will help you achieve excellent results and prepare for winter period a lot of delicious apples for compote and baking. You can do this in a gas stove, but experienced housewives note that in an electric stove it is much easier to monitor the process and prevent the air from heating unevenly. At the same time, the quality of the final product and the time that the drying process will take directly depends on the power and novelty of the oven.

It is important to note that apples are almost entirely water. During the drying process, they lose almost all the moisture they contain. But this in no way affects their composition and all vitamins and minerals, as well as taste, remain in place. When drying, the fruit slices greatly decrease in size, so the final result will bring no more than 10% of the volume of fresh apples.

The Antonovka variety is excellent for drying

Apples should be sweet and sour or sour varieties. Sweet apples do not retain any properties when dried. taste qualities and are only suitable for making compote. To obtain a greater yield of the final product, it is better to take apples with thin skin and a small amount of grains in the core. The fruits are thoroughly washed and wiped, and then cut and cored. To prevent apples from oxidizing, they can be placed in boiling water and then lowered into the solution lemon juice, vinegar or salt.

Experienced housewives prefer winter varieties of apples. For example, the varieties “Aport” or “Antonovka” are excellent. They produce firm and juicy fruits of medium size. Such dried fruits will great addition for any dish.

Main rules of drying

Before drying, preheat the oven thoroughly.

Before drying apples in an electric oven, you need to learn a number of simple, but very important rules. You should also have an idea of ​​the sequence of actions. These are the basic principles that help achieve quality process results:

  • correct temperature conditions (experts advise setting the oven at 50-60°C in advance and gradually increasing it to 80-95°C);
  • you need to place apples on a baking sheet only when the oven is completely and well heated;
  • open the stove slightly when the temperature reaches 80°C (this will allow excess moisture to escape freely).

In addition, you will have to periodically look after the apple slices and stir them sometimes so that they do not stick to the leaf. This ensures uniform drying and coloring of the apple pieces.

In some cases, if the slices were cut too wide, you will have to turn them over so that the moisture escapes faster. That is why, when cutting fruit, you should carefully maintain the width of the slices.

Drying instructions

To obtain quality dried fruits, which will be stored well in winter, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm of actions. Drying apples in the oven is a process consisting of several stages:

Harvesting and choosing apples

Winter variety of apples “Bogatyr”

To dry apples correctly and get high-quality and delicious product, first you need to choose the right fruits. For this method of harvesting fruits, large and medium-sized hard fruits are used. Preference is always given to winter varieties; they are very strong and resistant to drying in an electric oven.

Fruit preparation

The harvested crop must be carefully sorted and rotten apple fruits removed, leaving only strong and whole ones. You can also use damaged apples, but you must first remove all rotten and bruised parts of the fruit. Then the apples are thoroughly washed and placed on a paper towel to dry. You can wipe each apple with a towel to speed up the process.

Apple slicing

There are two ways to cut fruit for drying in an electric oven. Grandma's old way is to cut the apple into quarters, remove the middle and cut it into slices. Modern progress makes the task of housewives somewhat easier. In stores you can purchase a special metal knife that removes the core of an apple without affecting the integrity of the fruit. We remove the core using this device and cut the apples into circles. It is important that the thickness of each slice does not exceed 5 mm.

Note! To prevent the sliced ​​fruits from darkening before placing them in the oven, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice or dip them in a saline solution for 10 minutes. The solution is made using 1 tbsp. salt per 1 liter boiled water. After this, the apple slices need to be thoroughly dried by placing them on a paper towel. Do not place raw apple slices on a baking sheet; this will significantly increase the drying speed in the oven.

Laying on a baking sheet and placing in the oven

After all the preparatory steps, the apple slices are laid out on a dry baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven. The slices are laid out freely, without touching each other and without laying them in several layers. They should “breathe” freely during the drying procedure.

The process of drying apples in the oven takes quite a lot long time. You can do this with short breaks. The main thing is not to forget to turn the apple slices over so that they do not stick to the surface.

Drying duration

The power of the electric oven, the degree of supervision of the process and the variety of apples selected will be key factors in the speed of the process. 8-10 hours are required to dry strong and sour apples. In an electric oven at better conditions Apples are dried in 5 hours if the oven is modern and has the ability to operate in several modes.


If the oven is not gas, but electric, the most preferable option is the one with a gradual increase in temperature. Experienced housewives advise first preheating the oven to 45-50°C. As soon as the oven walls have warmed up, you can place baking sheets with fruit slices.

Then gradually increase the temperature to 75-95°C. At this stage, it is better to open the oven door slightly so that the evaporated moisture from the apples can easily escape. In that temperature conditions the main drying hours pass. Finally, the temperature is lowered again to prevent the apples from burning. The readiness of the product can be determined by its beautiful golden or brown hue by taking a few slices from different places on a baking sheet.

Drying modes

Modern electric ovens, unlike conventional gas ones, have several operating modes that allow you to speed up the drying process and achieve a beautiful golden hue of dried fruits. Changing modes from low to medium will become excellent option for modern models of electric ovens.

Experts advise choosing a mode with a convection function, in which drying will take only 6 hours. The turned on fan will allow the moisture to leave even faster, without lingering in the laid out apple slices and on the walls of the oven.

Determination of readiness

If apple slices were blanched at the fruit preparation stage, then the dried fruits will be light brown in color with “rusty” notes. The light beige color, fairly flexible and non-brittle consistency of the final product indicates normal drying without additional treatments. However, do not be upset if the slices begin to crumble and break; they can also be used in cooking for making baked goods, compotes and jellies.

Readiness is determined by visual inspection and palpation of dried fruit slices. You need to take several pieces from different places on the baking sheet and check readiness. The main feature full readiness is the color of apples and elasticity.

Recipes for dried apples with syrup

For dessert dishes Pre-candied fruits are often dried. For example, apple slices are placed in sweet syrup, prepared yourself or bought in a store. Leave the apple slices to soak in the syrup for a day and only then put them in the oven. The result will be tasty and elastic beautiful pieces apples that will become the perfect complement for dessert dishes.

You can also soak whole pieces of apples in sweet syrup. To do this, just do the usual sugar syrup and put the pieces there along with the peel and core. During the day, the apples are candied and then dried in the oven. With this component, compotes and jelly will only benefit in taste.

Important points

The evaporation of excess moisture from apple slices placed in the oven must be constantly monitored. Control over the process is necessary to avoid spoiling the product.

Adding syrup before drying is a personal matter for each housewife. You can prepare dried fruits in various options so that in winter you can prepare desserts and dishes to the delight of everyone at home.

Dried fruits should also be stored properly. Dried fruits are placed in glassware with a tight lid, and go to a dark, dry room. If you notice that some of the harvested fruit has spoiled, you will have to throw out the entire contents of the container. This means that the rules for drying or storing the product were violated.


Dried apples are an alternative to frozen products. During drying, flavors and beneficial features fruit.

They can be used not only for making pies and compotes, but also for snacks.

The quality of dried fruit depends on compliance with the rules of preparation and storage.

The most painstaking work awaits preparatory stage. The apples need to be sorted, processed and cut.

  • Selection of apples. Separate damaged and rotten fruits from fresh ones. Make sure they are even, smooth and without damage.
  • Rinse under water and wipe dry. It is advisable to use products for washing vegetables and fruits.
  • Peel and core the fruit. However, the peel is removed only from sour varieties. For sweets, only the core is removed.
  • Treat the fruits with a 1% saline solution to prevent them from darkening during cooking. As an alternative, you can use water acidified with lemon or vinegar.
  • Cut into circles or slices. The thickness of the pieces should not be more than 1 cm.

Which varieties are more suitable?

For drying, it is better to choose sour and sweet and sour varieties. Any variety will do, but the most commonly used are Antonovka, Aport, Pobeditel and Slavyanka.

You can also choose sweet varieties. But the taste of such apples will be less pronounced, and the quality of dried fruits will be lower.

Learning to dry apples at home

A large number of in a variety of ways drying allows you to prepare dried fruits for the winter for any housewife. You can use any household appliances and special devices or dry them the old fashioned way.

Sun and open air on the balcony

It is considered a popular method. However, for the most part it is suitable for people who live in a private house or in apartments with balconies, which are located on the sunny side.

At the same time, the sun must be bright and the air temperature must be high, otherwise the apples will simply rot.

Drying duration: 4-6 days.

First way:

  1. Prepare a large baking sheet. As an alternative, you can use a wide mesh.
  2. Arrange the pieces on a baking sheet. They should be a short distance from each other.
  3. Place the baking tray in a sunny area. Roofs away from tall trees are most suitable.
  4. Turn the slices daily.

Second way:

  1. Prepare long, dense threads.
  2. Thread a thin needle and thread the apples. The width of the slices must be at least 3-4 mm, otherwise they will break.
  3. Hang to dry outside or in a dry, ventilated area. When drying in an attic or barn, it is better to cover the fruits with thin gauze to protect them from dust and dirt.

In an electric stove and electric oven

An electric oven is suitable for drying at home at any time of the year. However, it requires more time and effort than similar methods.

Drying time: 6-8 hours.

  1. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees.
  2. Line a baking tray or wire rack with baking paper.
  3. Carefully place the pieces on the paper so that they do not touch each other.
  4. Place apples in preheated oven. Leave the door slightly open to allow air to circulate. If the oven is equipped with convection, then you should turn it on.
  5. Turn over every two hours.
  6. After four hours, increase the temperature to 80 degrees. Wait until the moisture from the apples evaporates.
  7. When the fruits are dry, lower the temperature again to 50 degrees.
  8. After four hours, turn off the oven.

In a gas oven

The advantage of a gas stove over an electric one is that apples dry twice as fast. And you hardly need to monitor them.

Drying time: 2-4 hours.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  3. Place the apples on a baking sheet and place on one of the lower tiers of the oven.
  4. Dry them for one hour on each side. To dry until crisp, increase exposure time to two hours.

In the microwave

Most quick way- drying in the microwave. The main thing is that the household appliance is powerful enough.

Drying time: 4 minutes.

  1. Place apples on a plate. Place in the microwave.
  2. Set the power to 250 W. Turn on the microwave for 40 seconds.
  3. Remove the plate and turn the pieces over.
  4. Set the power to 300 W. Turn on the microwave for 3 minutes.
  5. Leave for another 30 seconds if they are not dry enough.

In an electric dryer

The electric dryer is special device for drying fruits, berries, vegetables and mushrooms. Typically, the dryer has three temperature settings: low, medium, high.

Drying time: 8 hours.

  1. Place apples on an electric dryer tray.
  2. Set the temperature to 55-60 degrees.
  3. Turn on the appliance and cook for 8 hours.
  4. After the time has passed, check for readiness. If the apples release a little juice, leave for another 20-30 minutes.

In a convection oven

Drying apples at home in an air fryer is not inferior to other methods, but you need to calculate the time correctly so as not to spoil the workpiece. Also, the slices should be no wider than 3 mm, otherwise they will not dry completely.

Drying time: 1 hour.

  1. Place apples on rack.
  2. Set the temperature to 100 degrees and low airflow. You can increase the temperature to 110-120 degrees if they do not have time to dry completely.
  3. Set the timer for 1 hour.

In a slow cooker

Drying in a slow cooker does not require much effort, but you can only cook a small portion at a time.

Drying duration: 40-50 minutes.

  1. Place the pieces in the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Set baking mode.
  3. Let it cook for 40 minutes.
  4. Turn the slices over and cook for another 10 minutes if needed.

How to determine the readiness of apples

By appearance pieces you can determine readiness. It is important to consider several details:

  • the pieces lost up to 80% of their weight;
  • the slices are soft and elastic;
  • the skin has darkened;
  • the pulp does not stick;
  • there is no moisture on the pieces;
  • When you press on the pieces, the juice does not flow.

Immediately after cooking, place the apples on a flat surface covered with paper and leave for a day in a ventilated area. Then you can start packing.

In the video experienced housewife shares the secret of how to dry apples in an electric oven.

How to properly store dried apples

Ready apples must be packed in bags made of natural fabric.

Cellophane bags and containers made of plastic or glass are not suitable for these purposes because they do not allow oxygen to pass through. As a result, they may begin to “suffocate.”

However, instead of fabric bags, you can take paper or cardboard.

The storage location should be dry and cool. High humidity and temperature will lead to mold growth. It is also important that the room where dried fruits are stored is ventilated.

Advice: By using a wire rack instead of a baking sheet, the fruit will be processed more evenly and will not stick to the surface.

You can dry apples in either a gas or electric oven. The type of device and the principle of its operation will not affect the quality of the workpiece. Either way, the apples may darken, but be careful not to burn them. The power of the equipment plays a certain role - drying in weak slabs will take longer.

If the oven does not have a convection function, you will have to open the door slightly so that the evaporated moisture can escape freely and the process will go faster. This can cause some discomfort, because during the period when fruits are dried, the weather is quite warm. The problem is solved by providing ventilation - you can open the windows and turn on the hood.

In the oven you will get high-quality drying, evenly processed on all sides, if you are not lazy, keep an eye on it and turn it over in time. This method has a rather significant drawback - limited space. That is, you will be able to do as much drying as there are enough baking sheets. And often there is neither strength nor desire left for the second or third game.

Drying apples in the sun and in the microwave

Experienced housewives have become adept at drying fruits at home over gas burners. The cut slices or circles are strung on a thread and hung. This is a very fast method - the product will be ready in 2 hours. But it is necessary that the hood works during the entire time.

We also suggest using the oldest method and drying the apples using the sun. The process is very simple. Prepare the fruit as you normally would. Place the pieces on tables or boards covered with paper or a clean cloth. This can be done right in the courtyard of your house, on the balcony or on the windowsill if you live in an apartment. Cover the top of the fruit with gauze to protect it from flies.

Drying lasts 3-4 days if you place the workpieces on the sunny side. In the shade it will take a little over a week. Apples need to be turned over every day and brought indoors at night.

Advice: To determine readiness, evaluate the product with different parts racks or baking trays. All pieces must be the same color and degree of dryness.

Convenient and modern version for preparation - microwave. Apples practically do not lose vitamins during this processing. The radiation affects each piece evenly, and it is thoroughly dried both inside and out.

The slices or mugs are laid out in a thin layer on a special dish and the microwave oven is set to 200 W. You need to check the degree of dryness every 30 seconds, turning the pieces over as necessary. In total, cooking will take 3-5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices.

Ways to prepare apple drying many, everyone chooses according to their capabilities. But, of course, the best thing is still the dryer. Preserving vegetables and fruits for the winter by removing them more moisture is a direct function of the device. That is why this treatment is considered the best. Let's consider this option in more detail.

How to dry apples in an electric dryer

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Number of servings: 30

Energy value

  • calories – 23.1 kcal;
  • proteins – 0.22 g;
  • fats – 0.01 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.9 g.


  • apples – 5 kg.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the fruit and cut into pieces no more than 5 mm thick. Remove seeds and stalks.
  2. Arrange the apples evenly among the trays.
  3. Turn on the device. Set the temperature to 60 degrees. It will take you about 8 hours to dry one batch. It is advisable to check the condition of the workpiece several times.

Advice: do not peel homemade fruits - almost everything is concentrated in it useful material. But the skin also accumulates toxins, so it is better to remove it from store-bought fruits.

Features of preparation by apple varieties and storage conditions

Not all apples are suitable for this type of preparation. Summer varieties, for example, Grushovka, Katya, Arkad, White filling, Melba and others, contain a large number of sugars, which is why they dry out poorly and the product turns out loose. Such drying may be suitable for compotes, but nothing more complex can be made from it. If you decide to harvest summer varieties, cut the fruit thinner. You can purchase a special knife for this.

Autumn or winter ones are much more suitable sweet and sour apples– McIntosh, Streifling, Jonathan, Golden, Welsey. But the Antonovka variety is considered the best for this purpose. Such fruits are fresh are stored longer than summer ones, and when deprived of moisture, they will preserve necessary qualities even longer time.

After drying, you should sort through the pieces and set aside those with moisture remaining. You can bring them to condition or send them to compote immediately. Store the product in a cloth bag. Check the condition of the workpiece from time to time to prevent insect and mold infestation. If you put dried fruits in a clean jar, close them tightly and put them in the refrigerator, they will be suitable for consumption for two years.

Advice: To prevent drying from darkening, soak unpeeled apples in saline solution for a few minutes. To do this, dilute salt in water at the rate of 1 tsp. per liter Remove the processed apples and, without wiping them, take them outside to dry.

Home drying is not only a raw material for compotes. It will come in handy if you want to cook fruit pilaf, muesli or cupcake. There is absolutely nothing complicated in preparation and you will not find the best way apple processing in good years.

The benefits of drying are difficult to overestimate. The finished product can boast of the following composition.

  • Potassium, magnesium. Support normal work heart muscle.
  • Iron, phosphorus, copper. Participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, help cardiovascular system function correctly.
  • Vitamins B, C, K, E, A. They help nervous system maintain a stable state, participate in the body's metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, and support brain activity.
  • Polyphenols. Contribute to lowering blood pressure, improve the elasticity of the walls blood vessels, get rid of toxins and other “garbage”.
  • Pectic substances. Improve metabolic and digestive processes, normalize cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Organic acids. Support acid-base balance body.
  • Tannins. Act as antioxidants and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Drying suitable for diet menu. Energy value The product contains 230 kcal per 100 g. Eating six small pieces will not add many calories. Several apple slices can be used as snacks, as an addition to cereals. For those with a sweet tooth who are trying to get rid of excess weight, an excellent substitute for cookies and candy.

Preparation and processing of fruits

The first question housewives ask is what type of apple is best to dry? You can prepare any fruit, but it is recommended to give preference to summer and autumn varieties, having acidic and sweet and sour taste. They should be ripe, tart, with juicy, medium-density flesh. You can dry apples at home that are spoiled by rot. In this case, you just need to trim off the damaged areas. Frozen apples are also suitable. It is not necessary to pick the fruits from the tree, since you can collect those that lie on the ground.

For convenience, it is better to worry about the tools in advance. Bucket, basin, pan, cutting board, a knife are integral attributes of preparing dry fruits. The entire preparation procedure has three stages.

  1. Selection. The collected fruits are thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Cleaning. The core is removed from the apples. Everyone decides for themselves whether to remove the peel or not. If dried fruits will be used in the preparation of jelly, charlotte, pies and other baked goods, then it is better to cut it off. It is worth removing the skin from store products as it may contain nitrates.
  3. Slicing. The fruits are cut into slices, the thickness of which should be no more than 10 mm. This size is the most optimal for uniform and quick drying. Another cutting option is circles or semicircles. Unlike slices, they look more beautiful and neat.

Sliced ​​fruits quickly turn rusty. Iron, which is included in their composition, oxidizes in air. To prevent them from darkening, use the following tips: soak the fruit for ten minutes in a solution of salt and water - 20-25 g per 1 liter. You can also sprinkle the slices with lemon juice or soak them in water with citric acid(10 g per 1 l).

How to dry apples in an electric oven

The use of electric ovens is especially important for city residents. An undeniable advantage is that during the process of cooking dried fruits, the air in the kitchen does not become “heavier”, as happens when using a gas stove. An electric oven is safer in maintaining a stable fire. It is much easier and more convenient to control and regulate the temperature.

Electric technology is good because it allows the fruit to retain the bulk useful elements. From 10 kg fresh fruits yields approximately 1.5 kg dried. Before drying apples in an electric oven, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles and rules of the process itself.

During the cooking process, you need to take care of protective equipment. We protect our hands from burns with gloves. We operate the stove in the cool part of the day, otherwise in the heat you can get heat stroke. We ventilate the kitchen area.

Fruit layout

The fruits cut into pieces can be placed on a wire rack or baking sheet. The first option is better, as it ensures uniform drying. Line a wire rack with parchment paper and carefully place the fruit on it. If you do dry apples on a baking sheet in the oven, the sheet should be clean and dry. To prevent slices from sticking to it, it is covered with paper. It is important that the apple pieces are thin, otherwise they will turn out not dried, but withered. To prevent the apples from burning, you need to shake the pan periodically.

Cooking time

Depends on the condition and power of the equipment. On average, it takes five hours to dry apples in the oven with constant supervision. But the process can last eight to ten hours if the fruit is too hard and sour in taste.

Temperature conditions

The basic principle of cooking is to constantly increase the temperature and lower it closer to readiness. At the very beginning, you need to preheat the oven to 45-50°C. The fruits are starting to wilt. At the second stage, apples should be dried at a temperature of up to 70-95°C and maintained for several hours until most of the moisture has evaporated from the fruit. At the third, final stage, the initial temperature is set. A yellowish or brownish tint will indicate the readiness of the product. You can take one slice and bend it. If it does not leave marks on your fingers, it means it has reached “full condition” and has broken - the fruit is overdried.


When operating a conventional device without hot air, the above alternation should be followed. The technique can be with convection. This is a stove in which a fan is installed to blow hot air. The following sequence is used here - low (40°C), medium (75-80°C) and again low heating power. If you dry fruits only on medium mode, they will not spoil. Drying time in a convection oven decreases by no more than a couple of hours.

Other methods

In addition to using an electric oven, you can dry fruits in other ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main methods include the following:

  • in a gas stove;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a convection oven;
  • in a special dryer for fruits and vegetables;
  • on air.

In a gas stove

Peculiarities . The method is suitable if you need to process a large amount of crop. As for the disadvantages, when using a gas stove for a long time in the kitchen, the air becomes heavy. Uncomfortable conditions can be changed with high-quality ventilation.


  1. Place the prepared fruits on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. During cooking, shake it periodically to prevent the apple pieces from burning. If we put several sheets in the oven, then swap them from time to time. We can put the apples on the grill. They will dry more evenly on it than on a baking sheet. You don't have to use paper.
  2. At the first stage of drying, set the temperature to 50-55°C. During this period, we open the appliance door slightly to ensure air ventilation.
  3. After two hours, carefully mix the slices. Next, increase the temperature to 70°C. We keep it until the main liquid from the fruit evaporates. We reduce the heating power to 50°C.
  4. It is better to dry apples in a gas oven for six to eight hours. We check their readiness in the same way as when using an electric oven.

Modern gas stoves can be equipped with a convection function. Drying involves the same steps as during application. conventional oven. The difference lies in the temperature regime. The first stage is heating to 40°C, the second - to 75-80°C, the third - to 40°C. There is no need to open the door for the first two hours. Drying time may be reduced by one to two hours.

In the microwave

Peculiarities . One of the fastest ways to prepare dried fruits. Suitable when you need to recycle a small amount of harvest.


  1. Place the prepared pieces of fruit on a plate.
  2. We put it in the microwave and select a power of 200-300 W. Set the timer for three to four minutes. We try to check the fruit every 30 seconds.
  3. If the pieces are dry on one side but not on the other, then turn them over.
  4. We check readiness, as in the two previous options.

IN microwave oven you can cook beautiful apple chips for compote, for tartlets and charlotte. You need to place the pieces of fruit overlapping on the grill. They cook in the “Grill” mode for 15 minutes. The finished chips can be sprinkled with cinnamon and lemon juice. The delicacy is suitable for children's parties.

In a convection oven

Peculiarities . The fastest way - the cooking process takes only one hour. Moisture is removed from the fruit evenly, which ensures uniform drying. Ready dried fruits has long-term storage.


  1. Place the slices on the air fryer levels so that they do not touch each other.
  2. Cook for one hour at a temperature of 100°C and low airflow.
  3. If the first portion is not dry enough, then set the second portion to a temperature of 120°C.

To properly dry apples for the winter, you need to calculate in advance the approximate amount finished product. Fruits lose up to 85% of their weight during cooking. Therefore, take this indicator into account, especially if you need to prepare a large amount of dried fruits.

In an electric dryer

Peculiarities . Drying apples at home in this way is convenient, since you can process a lot of raw materials. The electric assistant will do everything itself. You just need to load fruit into it and select suitable program. There is no need to turn them over or shake them, and constantly monitor their condition. The slices will not burn and will turn out to the correct degree of drying.


  1. Place the apples cut into slices in one layer on trays.
  2. We install grates in the dryer for vegetables and fruits. Set the temperature no higher than 55-60°C.
  3. We wait seven to eight hours. If the slices are not completely dry, we can leave them for another couple of hours, increasing the temperature to 75-80°C.

Modern models of electric dryers have functions for preparing specific fruits. If the device is outdated, it will not be difficult to set the required mode manually. The only disadvantage of using technology is that it is quite high consumption electricity.

On air

Peculiarities . A classic time-tested option that our great-grandmothers and grandmothers used. It is considered the most budget-friendly. More suitable for owners of private houses. But can only be used in dry, warm weather. The option is also suitable if the fruits are dried on a central heating radiator. The fruits lie on it for several days until most of the water leaves them. Then they are taken outside to dry.


  1. Place the apples cut into slices on a baking sheet.
  2. We place it in an open space in direct sunlight.
  3. Cover with gauze to prevent wasps, flies and other insects from landing on the fruit.
  4. Stir the slices two or three times during the day.
  5. At night we bring the baking sheet indoors.
  6. We dry it for five to seven days.
  7. We check the readiness of the fruit, as in the previous methods.

You can dry fruits in air not only on a sheet, but also on a thread. The cut slices need to be strung on a thick thread, leaving a little free space between them. “Garlands” are hung in the attic, open balcony, terrace, where there is good air circulation. The apples will be ready in 10-14 days.

After you have managed to dry the apples in the oven or in other ways, you need to take care of their safety. Linen, cotton bags, cardboard or wooden boxes are suitable for storage, glass jars. Drying agent is poured into them and left in a dry, warm, dark place that is well ventilated. Cannot be used for storage plastic containers And plastic bags, since the drying will “suffocate” in them. The product should be periodically checked for mold, signs of decay, and insects.

How to dry ranetki at home to preserve the taste and benefits?

How to dry ranetki in the oven

Fruits without damage or rot are suitable for drying; they must be thoroughly washed. To prevent them from turning dark, it is worth keeping the apples for a short time in a weak solution of acetic or citric acid.

Since ranetki are small apples, they can be cut not into slices, but only into halves, carefully removing the core. The easiest way is to dry them in the oven. How to do it correctly:

  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Place the apple halves on it.
  • Place in an oven heated to 80 degrees.
  • After thirty minutes, reduce the temperature by 10–15 degrees.
  • After four hours, remove the baking sheet, turn the fruit over and place it back in the oven, lowering the temperature another 15–20 degrees.
  • Dry for another four hours, turning the ranetkas over from time to time.

The readiness of apples can be easily determined by their light brown tint and lack of juice.

How to dry ranetki: other methods

There are other methods of preparing dried fruits for the winter. But they will require additional household appliances.

It is quite possible to dry ranetki in the microwave. To prevent them from getting burnt, you should set the power of the device correctly.

Microwave drying is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the power is set to 250 W, at the second it is increased to 300 W. First, the ranetka halves are laid out on a flat plate and cooked for about half a minute. Then the container with ranetkas is removed, the fruits are turned over and dried at high power for three minutes.

We check the fruits: if they are not yet dry, turn them over and put them in the microwave for another half a minute

How to dry ranetki for dried fruits in an electric dryer? Place the apple halves on trays. If you want to speed up the process, you can cut the ranetki into quarters: this way they will take up less space and dry faster. They need to be dried at a temperature of 55 degrees. This procedure takes approximately eight hours. Apples should be flexible, but not release juice when pressed.

You can dry small apples in the sun. They are either laid out on trays or racks, or strung on threads or wooden skewers, like mushrooms. This method will save electricity, but it will not be effective in humid weather. Then the ranetki can be dried in an oven or electric dryer.

Dried ranetki are stored in paper bags or canvas bags in a dry place. Periodically, you need to remove and inspect the workpieces for mold or rot to avoid poisoning.
