How to make mulberry jam. Mulberry jam - beneficial properties. Mulberry jam with lemon zest

Mulberry is a favorite natural delicacy of many modern people. This berry can be pink, dark purple or white.

Each of these types has a specific taste. But any of them represents a whole storehouse of the most useful microelements.

The berries of this tree are often used in cooking and folk medicine.

Their positive effect on the human body has been proven by many medical scientists.

We suggest making supplies of mulberry jam for the winter season, but first we’ll tell you about its beneficial properties.

Information marked “important”: beneficial properties of the berry

Experts who studied the composition of mulberry and its effect on the human body came to a consensus - the berry is undoubtedly good for the health of both children and middle-aged and elderly people.

Its bactericidal property is known, which allows it to easily cope with pathogenic microbes that enter the human body.

Ripe fruits contain:

  • Vitamins (groups B, A, PP, K, C);
  • Microelements (phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron);
  • Saturated oil;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Squirrels.

Eating such fruits can really strengthen your immune system and get rid of many diseases. Mulberry is useful in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary diseases). With its help it is easy to get rid of problems with the stomach and intestines.

It is also of particular value in the treatment of hypertension, heart defects, and vascular diseases. When following a diet while losing weight, there is no need to exclude such berries from your diet.

During the cooking process, only one vitamin can be lost - C, which is unstable at high temperatures. But all other useful substances are preserved in mulberry no matter how the jam is made.

If the berries are frozen or made into jelly, they will also retain ascorbic acid. In winter (and other seasons) to prevent diseases, you can use mulberry jam to make tea or any culinary products.

The jam will perfectly decorate a homemade cake and is suitable for pies and croissants.

A simple recipe for mulberry jam

Mulberries are collected either by hand or by shaking the tree, after laying an oilcloth under the branches.

For jam you need to use only the ripest berries, which will make it possible to get the highest quality dessert.

Ingredients you will need to make classic mulberry jam:

Additionally, you will need an enamel cooking pan (other containers, for example, stainless steel, will do). It is better to use glass jars to store the finished product.

They must be thoroughly sterilized in advance in a special sterilizer or boiled in a large container. In some cases, steam sterilization is performed using a kettle, “putting” a jar on its spout.

But this “old-fashioned” method is only suitable for small jars. As for two-liter and larger ones, they may fall during such sterilization.

It is better to sterilize large containers by placing them over a pan with steam. Sterilize small jars for 10-15 minutes, large jars for 20-30 minutes.

Steps for preparing mulberry jam according to a recipe with photos:

Dessert jelly for the winter

This mulberry jam for the winter has a special pleasant taste and retains all the best qualities of fresh berries (even increasing its beneficial properties).

All doctors and people who prefer to be treated with folk remedies know about the benefits of jelly.

Mulberry jam in the form of jelly will decorate homemade cakes and pastries and is suitable for making original desserts in vases.

Required ingredients:

  • Ripe mulberries – 1000 g;
  • Sugar – 800 g;
  • Gelatin – 20-25 g.

Preparing jam-jelly for the winter:

Mulberry jam in a slow cooker

The easiest way to cook mulberry jam is in a multicooker specially designed for this purpose. This greatly simplifies the procedure for performing this work. After all, you don’t need to fuss with different containers and observe cooking timings.

This technique provides a special option, thanks to which it is simply impossible to produce a low-quality product.

Ingredients needed for the delicacy in the slow cooker:

  • Granulated sugar – 1000 g;
  • Mulberry – 1000 g.

Method of preparing preparations for the winter:

  1. Mulberries are sorted and washed, placed in a special container (in a slow cooker);
  2. The next step is adding sugar;
  3. Setting the “simmer” mode;
  4. When the equipment begins to make a specific sound (signal), it is turned off and the jam is taken out;
  5. After this, the resulting dessert is poured into jars for the winter, sealed and stored in a cold place.

You can find out about that right now on our website.

Royal jam from ripe figs can be prepared one at a time. The taste will delight you and even surprise you!

Do you like peaches? We suggest you prepare amazing nectarine compotes for the winter. Happy conservation!

Mulberries are an excellent solution for making delicious jam. But it is important to follow the rules that will eliminate some mistakes and make the dessert especially tasty and healthy. Recommendations for making mulberry jam:

  1. The jam will turn out liquid and even of poor quality if you use insufficient amounts of sugar to prepare it, so it is better to calculate the proportion - about 1:1 (1 kg of berries per 1 kg of sugar or 800 g);
  2. Excessive use of sugar can also change the taste of the dessert, so you should not overuse this product;
  3. To prepare the delicacy, you can use the pasteurization method by simply placing the berries with sugar in jars and heating them (from 10 to 15 minutes);
  4. To preserve the integrity of the berries, it is better not to be overzealous in the process of mixing them.

Mulberry jam is a delicious product that will provide a particularly useful service at any time of the year. You can also prepare this dessert with the addition of any other berries.

Everyone knows the incredibly tender and sweet mulberries. White, red, black, hybrids of different varieties - there is a lot of it growing in our latitudes. Outwardly it is slightly similar to, but the taste is completely different. Yes, and it grows on trees. And its juice is difficult to wash off your hands. It’s rare that when you were a child you didn’t feast on these berries straight from the tree!


It came to us in the late Middle Ages from Central Asia, and there from Africa. It also grows in North America, and in China it has been known since the third millennium BC. Then it was grown as a source of vitamins, and in addition, the berries could be used to make a very durable paint for fabrics. They also learned how to make silk there, the secret of production was carefully protected, the export of silkworms was prohibited on pain of death, and only an accident revealed it.

Black, red and white mulberries came to Europe from different places, but they have taken root here well. Botanists have even developed different varieties of mulberries of each color and their hybrids.

The mulberry is also called the mulberry tree. Silkworm larvae feed on its leaves. They are then used to extract thread for the production of silk fabrics - hence the name of the insect. Leaves are specially collected on farms for larvae. Each of them needs more than 10 kg per day.

Each finished silkworm cocoon contains about 1 km of thread.

Mulberries are very soft and tender; picking them is quite labor-intensive. It is much easier to spread an oilcloth under the tree and hang them on it. Then the berries fall the ripest and most intact.

Beneficial features

Mulberry is a healthy berry that must be included in the human diet. What's unusual about it?

  • It is an excellent antioxidant - it intensively removes toxins, regulates hemoglobin, and improves immunity. It contains many vitamins, and in terms of the amount of vitamin C it is confidently ahead of citrus fruits. In addition, it contains a complex of vitamins B, which are essential during pregnancy, such as E and K.
  • It contains a large amount of potassium. This microelement is urgently needed for people with cardiac problems. In case of shortness of breath, heart disease, threat or after a heart attack, it is recommended to consume foods with large amounts of potassium and mulberry is irreplaceable in this regard.
  • It improves kidney function, helps remove swelling of various origins, and regulates blood pressure.
  • It has diuretic properties and is excellent at driving bile.
  • Dried mulberries are necessary for diabetics - they significantly lower blood sugar levels.
  • This is an anti-inflammatory plant.
  • Fresh white mulberry juice is useful for colds, has expectorant properties, and helps lower fever.
  • Unripe black mulberries relieve heartburn, and overripe ones are an excellent natural laxative.
  • Mulberry has a good effect on liver function and helps with various hepatitis.
  • This is a good wound healing agent - its juice promotes the rapid healing of fresh, shallow cuts.
  • Mulberry is a lactogenic plant and is highly recommended for nursing mothers. And in any form - raw, boiled, juice, compote.
  • It is quite hypoallergenic and can be given to babies as early as six months.
  • Mulberries are quite low in calories - 100 grams of fresh berries contain (depending on the variety) from 40 to 50 kilocalories.

In folk medicine, its juice is also used as a remedy for lichen - damaged areas of the skin are generously lubricated with it.

It is also a good mild sleeping pill, relieves stress, and is indicated for students during sessions and for athletes during heavy physical activity. And most importantly, it’s simply delicious! In a word - eat mulberries and be healthy.

But even such a wonderful berry may have its contraindications. Even that can cause harm.


  • If you eat low-quality berries - sour, unripe or in large quantities - they can lead to digestive disorders.
  • Its juice does not combine well with the juice of other fruits - such a cocktail often causes fermentation in the stomach, so it is better to use it in its pure form. It is only “friendly” with citrus juices – no problems arise in combination with them.
  • It is better to consume it on an empty stomach, at least an hour before meals, so that mulberries do not mix with other foods and there are no problems later.
  • And, of course, if you have an individual intolerance to mulberries. To check if you are allergic to it, lubricate the skin on your wrist or elbow - if redness and inflammation appear within a few hours, mulberry is contraindicated for you.
  • Mulberries have the ability to strongly absorb harmful emissions into the air. Therefore, you should not purchase it from unverified sources. The berries could have grown on a tree near the road or in other polluted places and absorbed heavy metal salts and car exhaust. Or even grow up near nuclear power plants. Buy them only from reliable suppliers, do not go for cheapness, so that the healthy berry does not become poisonous and cause harm instead of the expected benefit.

The peculiarity of this berry is that it is very poorly kept fresh and spoils very quickly. It must be processed the same day it is collected, because even unripe and hard ones begin to rot. And one of the processing methods is jam.

There are many ways to make mulberry jam for the winter, and it will always be tasty and healthy. Mulberry jam provides almost all of the beneficial properties of fresh berries. Vitamin C, which disappears during cooking, can easily be replenished by adding fresh lime or lime.

If your child gets very dirty with black mulberry, wipe the stains with white mulberry juice - they will wash off easily. This applies to both skin and clothing.

Mulberry jam

Let us warn you right away - mulberry is a very juicy berry, and when it is covered with sugar, a lot of juice is formed. It is recommended to drain half of this juice, otherwise the jam will turn out to be too liquid.

The jam itself is not like others. It has a very special texture, a viscous syrup that gently envelops the berries. And this syrup itself is of an extraordinary color with an amazing deep radiance.

Before cooking, the berries must be carefully prepared - select spoiled ones and cut off the stem from the rest. The berries themselves may be slightly unripe - this way they will better retain their shape when cooked.

To make mulberry jam at home, you can take any variety, and even different colors at the same time. All berries take the same amount of time to cook, so there won’t be any difficulties.

Will need

  • mulberry – 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • vanilla - 1 sachet
  • lemon zest - teaspoon

You don’t need to add vanilla and zest - they are only needed for additional aroma.

If you are preparing white mulberries, use a little less sugar, as they are sweeter than black ones. Proportion: 3 cups of sugar per 1 kg of berries.

How to cook

You can make jelly from the remaining syrup. Add another glass of sugar, simmer over low heat for about an hour - so that the syrup almost does not boil. It will then boil down and become quite thick.

There is also a recipe for mulberry jam - it is more complex, but the result is more interesting.

The fact is that the mulberry itself is very sweet, and with the addition of sugar it becomes even sweeter. Many people may not like this, so it is better to “disguise” the sweet taste a little and set it off with something else. And in this sense, the sour taste of lemon or lime is perfect. The taste of the jam will become more intense, and the jam itself will become more beautiful. So try making mulberry and lemon jam.

So, you will need

  • Mulberry – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Lemon or lime - 1-2 pcs.

Cooking procedure

  1. Wash and dry the berries, remove the stems.
  2. Lightly chop the berries with a blender.
  3. Add sugar and place over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash and scald the lemon or lime and remove the skin. Cut it into small cubes, about 1 cm, and add to the berries. These pieces will make original candied fruits. If you don’t like these, you can put this skin in without cutting it, and take it out a few minutes later.
  5. Boil for another five minutes, squeeze out lemon juice, bring to a boil and turn off. Lemon can also be cut into slices and put in jam. But then the lemon itself will “clog” the taste of the mulberry, so be careful.
  6. When it cools down, roll it into sterilized jars and preserve in the usual way. This jam will turn out very tasty, with a pleasant lemon aroma and slight sourness. It will have almost the same consistency as jam, so it can be used as a filling for baked goods.

If you reduce the amount of sugar and add some hot spices, you will get an original seasoning for meat dishes.

This is such an unusual, simple-looking berry, familiar from childhood. So collect it, make some jam, and let it bring you pleasure all year long!

Making homemade mulberry wine

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We are accustomed to taking this wonderful berry a little lightly: you rarely meet a person who has planted a tree in his garden. More often, mulberry (the second name of this tree) is associated with childhood, when, running through yards in the summer, you could pounce on a tree strewn with berries and eat to your heart's content.

Mulberry jam - tasty and healthy

And it was really worth eating. The richest set of vitamins contained in mulberries not only increases the content of microelements in the body, but also helps strengthen the immune system. Mulberry juice, with its anti-inflammatory effect, can be used to treat colds and seasonal infections.

But in order for the effect to be not only preventive, but for potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron to be preserved until winter, housewives have learned to prepare mulberries in the form of compotes and jam. Of course, doctors say that during heat treatment, some of the vitamins A, B and C, which the mulberry is rich in, evaporate. But something still remains.

In addition, mulberry is indispensable for the nervous system of the body - stress, mild forms of depression, insomnia - these are just a few ailments that can be dealt with without pills by eating a couple of spoons of mulberry jam.

All of the listed beneficial properties of the berry, together with the amazing delicate taste of the jam, guarantee an uplifting mood and improvement in the general condition of the body.

How to make mulberry jam - preparation

Dark cherry and white mulberries are considered the most suitable for jam. Other varieties - pink, red - are not so sweet, but can also be used. So, in order to collect ripe and juicy berries, you may need one deftly tree-climbing child - he will be able to get to the top of the tree and pick mulberries.

But it is safer and easier to use another method: spread an oilcloth under the tree and thoroughly shake the tree. Ripe berries will fall at your feet, and the rest will remain to ripen.

Next, of course, wash and remove the stalks. To make the jam beautiful, remove the mashed berries. It’s better to put it straight into your mouth - there are never too many fresh vitamins, but you can cook compote. Leaving the mulberries to dry, we prepare an enamel pan or basin. We sterilize the jars in which the jam will be sealed in advance.

Mulberry jam - recipe

We pour the washed and slightly dried berries and sugar into a basin in layers: we actually sprinkle the berries with sugar. Leave for 8-9 hours (possibly overnight). During this time, juice is formed, which will be the syrup in our jam.

Next, put the mixture on low heat, stirring constantly, bring the sugar until completely dissolved and leave the jam to rest for 25-30 minutes. Add citric acid and bring to a boil a second time. Roll the hot jam into prepared jars.

To use this recipe, take berries and sugar in a ratio of 1x1.5 and always 2-3 grams of citric acid.

The second option for making mulberry jam

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg mulberries;
  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • 400-500 ml of water.

Pour boiling syrup over the berries, bring the jam to a boil and leave to cool. We do this 2-3 times. If during this time the jam does not boil down, then repeat the procedure several more times.

Finally, we put the jam into jars and roll up the lids.

Mulberry jam with whole berries

The third recipe is a variation of the previous cooking method. The difference is that to preserve the “marketable appearance” of the berries, the syrup is filtered through a sieve.

Then the syrup is boiled, the mulberries are returned to it, citric acid is added and brought to a boil over low heat. And, as always, they are rolled into prepared jars.

Mulberry jam - jelly

This version of jam should rather be called mulberry jelly or jam.

For a liter of mulberry juice take:

  • 700-1000 grams of sugar.

Gelatin should be added at the rate of 15-20 grams per 1 liter of liquid.

How to cook:

  1. If you decide to boil it, you don’t have to carefully select the mashed berries, because... To obtain a homogeneous mass, the entire mulberry must be mashed. It's better to do this with a wooden spoon.
  2. Next, put the berry mass on low heat and wait for the juice to start releasing. As soon as it appears, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from the burner and let the resulting compote cool.
  4. Next, using gauze or a sieve with a fine mesh, strain the juice, add gelatin and sugar and quickly bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour into jars and wait for the “cold winter evenings” to enjoy mulberry jelly.

Mulberry jam - mulberry jam

This preparation is more of a jam than a preserve. But sometimes there is no need to preserve whole berries (or, conversely, there are a lot of crushed fruits in the harvested crop). To make jam, you need to wash the berries and leave them to dry.

At this time, prepare syrup at the rate of 1.1 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water per kilogram of berries. Set the boiled syrup aside and pass the berries through a meat grinder. Combine the crushed mulberries and syrup, bring to a boil and roll into jars.

In order for everything to turn out easy and tasty, you need to listen to the advice of professional chefs.

  • Firstly, you need to prepare everything you need in advance - from dishes to jam components.
  • And, secondly, if rolling up cans is not your thing, you can use sterilization. For half-liter jars, this process will take approximately 15 minutes.
  • Thirdly, before making jam, pay attention to the sweetness of the berries. To make the jam have a balanced taste, add lemon juice or reduce the amount of sugar to very sweet berries. On average, 1 kg of sugar is used per 1 kg of berries, but this ratio can be changed either up or down.

Don't be afraid to try new recipes - mulberry jam will give you great pleasure when it's served.

One berry after another and the family will live, as the proverb truly says. Many people don’t particularly prefer it, but when they treat you to a ready-made dessert, they enjoy it wholeheartedly and ask, what is the jam made from? I explain, treat, and then collect gifts in return.

Mulberry jam - what products are needed

Mulberry jam - what products are needed

The main ingredient will be mulberry berries: they come in inky dark color, lilac and white, and if the berries are red, then they are still in the ripening period.

Most often, jam is prepared in two ways:

1. Immediately cover the berries with sugar, leave for a certain time so that the berries release juice, and then cook.
2. Or they are filled with sugar syrup and then subjected to heat treatment.

So next you need sugar and water. To give the jam a special taste, you can add lemon, vanillin or vanilla sticks, citrus zest, mint, star anise, lemon sugar, berry liqueur, a little salt, and when doing personal experiments, do what you want.

Mulberry jam with lemon

The berry itself can be either without much taste or very sweet, it all depends on where it grows and how it grows. If it really turns out to be sweet, then you really need to acidify it and transform the taste sensations.


  • mulberries - 2 kilograms;
  • lemon sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon zest and pulp - 1/4 of the fruit;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • water - 200 milliliters;

According to the recipe, we prepare mulberry jam with lemon as follows:

Sort the berries very carefully and rinse through a sieve or colander.

Sort out the mulberries

Then pour in the prepared hot syrup of water and sugar, according to the presented recipe. Place on low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

Then pour in the prepared hot syrup of water and sugar

After this time, add lemon sugar, which is sold in retail stores or can be prepared at home.

Add lemon sugar

Immediately add chopped lemon zest, but without the inner white coating. Supplement with pulp from the same citrus.

Add lemon zest and pulp

Boil additionally in two batches for 1/4 hour each; the consistency will show that the syrup has thickened and the berries have been soaked in it.

Boil the jam in two additional batches

Fill the finished mulberry jam into sterile mini jars, seal, turn upside down and cover with a warm towel until the next day.

Fill the finished mulberry jam into sterile mini jars

The jam tasted with a slight sourness of citrus and the smell of the forest, but this is for my sense and smell.

Mulberry jam with lemon

Mulberry jam with star anise

Mulberry jam with star anise

Many eaters don’t really recognize mulberry berries, but remember, they are healthy and if you flavor them a little, you will certainly get your appetite going. As for its usefulness, it helps to reduce blood pressure and “temper stomach pains,” and vitamin supplements are jumping after you,


  • mulberries - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1.2 grams;
  • water - 500 milliliters;
  • star anise - five stars, and for a subtle aroma four are enough;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • lemon juice - from one citrus.

According to the recipe, we prepare mulberry jam with star anise as follows:

1. Carefully sort out the dark mulberries, as ripe berries are very juicy and easily vulnerable.

2. Place cinnamon sticks and star anise into the prepared berries.

3. Then pour in the squeezed lemon juice, add sugar and leave the contents for 30 minutes.

4. Then pour in water and put on medium heat and cook for 20 minutes. Then leave it alone, and after one hour continue the cooking process again for 20-25 minutes. During the cooking process, remove the vanilla and leave the star anise.

5. Finally, let the finished jam cool slightly, then transfer it to sterile jars and roll up or screw. Turn over, insulate and leave until completely cool.

6. Store finished products in a cool place for no more than a year.

Mulberry jam with apples

I also wanted to complement the taste of the black berries with apples, but why apples? And because the consistency of the jam will improve, it will be more spreadable, and the apples will add jelly and an additional pleasant aroma. The combination is wonderful.


  • mulberry - 2 kilograms;
  • sugar - 2.5 kilograms;
  • apples - 10 pieces (medium size);
  • lemon juice - from one fruit.

According to the recipe, we prepare mulberry jam with apples as follows:

Sort the tender berries, remove any debris, leaves and rinse through a colander or convenient strainer.

Rinse in cold water. Then remove the peel from the apples; you should not throw it away; it will be useful for making fruit drinks.

Cut the apple pulp into thin slices.

Sprinkle the fruit and berry mixture with sugar and let it sit for three hours until the juice comes out. Place on the stove and cook over very low heat for 15 minutes.

Set aside the jam to soak the added fruits and berries for two hours. This must be done so that during cooking the containing ingredients do not wrinkle, but rather become saturated and look impressive.

Continue the cooking process again for another 1/4 hour, and then cool slightly and place in a glass container. Seal tightly, turn upside down, cover so that the finished jam does not cool so quickly.

Hartut (ready-made jam) can be consumed with aromatic tea as a bite, used as an additive for making casseroles, muffins, and served with pancakes, pancakes, and pancakes. With this jam, familiar dishes will acquire a flavorful twist.

1. When preparing mulberry berries for heat treatment, you need to sort them out and wash them very carefully, otherwise the whole berries will not retain their original shape, but will be a “mush.”

2. To prevent mulberry jam from being bland and tasty, it is advisable to add flavorings or small quantities of other berries or fruits of your choice.

3. To prevent a white film from forming on the surface of the finished jam during storage, you need to cover the jars with a warm coating after cooking so that the jam cools slowly rather than sharply.

4. It is necessary to distribute the finished dessert evenly into a glass container to match the ratio of syrup and dense part.

The ripening season for mulberries or mulberries is very short. To preserve the taste, aroma and at least some of the beneficial properties of these blue-black berries, you can make jam from them. It is very useful for colds. Taking 1 tsp. mulberry syrup several times a day can quickly get rid of a lingering cough. Mulberry jam, especially black mulberry, is prone to sugaring, so when preparing it, you must add citric acid, or better yet, lemon juice.

Mulberry jam

Black mulberries are similar to blackberries, but their fruits are oblong in shape. This berry has much more flavor nuances than its white counterpart. While the mulberry is unripe, it retains areas colored red. As they ripen, the fruits acquire a deep, black hue with a purple tint. Dark mulberry juice can stain your hands and clothes, so before starting work you should take care to protect them: wear thin rubber gloves and an apron.

mulberry jam recipe with photo


  • black mulberry (tuta) – 500 g;
  • granulated sugar – 600 g;
  • juice of ½ lemon or 1 g of citric acid.

Cooking process:

Tutu should be poured into a colander and rinsed in cold water.

Then you need to cut off the tails of the berries with clean scissors.

Sprinkle the mulberries with granulated sugar. Shake the bowl slightly so that the grains stick to all the berries.

Leave the fruits with sugar for 3-4 hours. A juicy berry should release juice during this time. If there is not enough of it or a small amount has collected, which is not enough for the initial stage of cooking, then you can pour in 100 ml of boiled cold water.

Place the bowl with the bacon over medium heat. As it heats up, the juice from the berries will begin to release more actively. By the time it boils, the fruits will already be completely immersed in liquid. It is necessary to stir the jam as little as possible so that the berries do not bruise. You can shake the bowl from time to time so that the syrup warms up evenly. 10 minutes after the start of boiling, you need to take a break and remove the black mulberry jam from the heat. The foam should be collected from the surface of the syrup.

Then cooking must be continued. The jam should be cooked in short, five-minute intervals until cooked. In total, this may take 30-40 minutes (not counting breaks). When bringing the jam to a boil for the last time, add lemon juice.

The finished black mulberry jam must be poured into sterile jars and sealed tightly.

It should be stored in the dark at room temperature.

Thanks to Gayane for the recipe and photo.
