How fun it is to celebrate the New Year. Comic wishes and predictions for the New Year. Recipes for New Year's pies and cakes Sweet pie for the New Year

Original message by Svetik_ES

Thank you very much! We did a lot of work on the design!!! But unfortunately the text is not readable due to the background. I was able to read the rhymes by copying them into Word! The shiny background is eye-opening. I advise you to change it. I repeat: Thank you - I’ll use it this New Year!

This Christmas tree made of sweets and tinsel will fit even on a holiday table!

Do you want the NEW YEAR OF THE SNAKE to be successful for you?

Do you want happiness to always surround you in the COMING YEAR OF THE SNAKE?

Then every family, on New Year's Eve, should have a very tasty and unusually decorated New Year's salad "SNAKE" on the festive table! And then the New Year's spirit of the snake will be grateful to you)))

And throughout the year, it will bring you happiness and success!

Preparation of Snake salad:

1. Grate boiled potatoes, eggs and processed cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Finely chop the pink salmon, pass the garlic through a garlic press.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix well.

And now the creativity begins!

1. Shape the salad into a snake and garnish with thinly sliced ​​cucumber scales.

2. Create a unique pattern using olives and carrot pieces.

On New Year's Eve we write wishes

On leaves and put them in a beautiful bag,

Let everyone pull out a joke for themselves

Prediction for next year!

Good luck to you in everything!

Bucks, a jeep, and also a dacha!

But beware of diseases

Play sports more often!

I know for sure, this year

You will be lucky with love!

May you be lucky in the rest -

Don't climb into the gap!

And a good year for you!

Will bring a lot of happiness!

Just take care of your nerves

And don't go to the left!

And this is the forecast for you:

Keep your nose up!

If they offend you -

Don't forget to give back!

Believe me! This year is for you

Brings a lot of new things

But don't go out at night,

Visit the bathhouse more often!

It is very important for you to remember -

Avoid overloads!!!

So that all your finances

Don't give it away for medicine.

I see that happiness will come to you,

Success awaits you everywhere!

But don't drink without orders

More than two bottles at once!

You, my friend, be more fun,

Don't spare effort in your work!

Sleep more, read newspapers,

Drink beer and chew cutlets!

A big shock awaits you:

Vodka, beer, songs, dance.

Fun awaits, a lot of jokes

And...not the nearest road.

In general, you won’t be lost!

You will live in happiness and peace.

There will be love and affection

Yes, not life, but just a fairy tale!

I'll tell you, beauty

You'll get lucky, of course!

In a month or two

Will be met by a dear friend.

If you don't be lazy -

You can achieve a lot!

Your health will be fine,

A very cute gift is waiting for you!

Stay out of debt -

Eat less pies!

You will shine with your beauty,

In general, have fun!

Do you dream about

To make more money.

Start it quickly

Thicker wallet!

You, friend, this year

You will avoid any hassle!

And a friend will come to you to ask for forgiveness.

Bring out generous treats from the cellars!

A journey awaits you

And a plane ticket

Sea, palm trees and romance

If this is not a scam!

You will have a great time meeting the new day -

You will provide the family with rice!


Probably many would like to look into the future. This desire is especially acute during the magical time of the New Year holidays. After all, even adults want to believe in miracles and hope that everything will be fine. On and on, during and during a meeting with friends and business partners, you can temporarily become a wizard and predict a good future for people. And even if these are just texts of New Year’s predictions, and not real forecasts, they are very kind and good. They will give you a wonderful mood and increase the anticipation of a fairy tale. All that remains is to print them out, roll them up and invite the guests of the New Year's Eve to draw out their happy future. Or maybe it will come true, who knows?

20 positive New Year's predictions

  1. The year will be dazzling for you. Sometimes you want to close your eyes from bright events and colors. Enjoy what this year brings. Look around carefully so as not to miss the opportunity to find your happiness.
  1. The year will be prosperous for you. All reasons to worry will be a thing of the past. Family and friends will delight you, work colleagues will help you in your new project. There will be enough money for both vacation and investment in your future.
  2. The year will be very profitable for you. Not only will new cash flows come to you, but you will also receive offers for profitable investments. Pleasant purchases will be a new car or a cozy apartment.
  3. Your year will be filled with passion. You have long been waiting for butterflies to flutter inside you, and a pleasant warmth spread throughout your body from the touch of a loved one. A new surge of feelings can completely absorb you. Passion will also open up in work, where you want to achieve previously outlined goals.
  4. The year will be very productive for you. All projects and things that were planned in the past will easily begin to be implemented. Perhaps you didn’t believe it yourself. Great success will be achieved on the personal front. Keep a notebook to record all the good things the coming year has in store for you.
  5. The year will be filled with surprises for you. They will all be pleasant, so there is no need to be afraid of them. On the contrary, prepare for the fact that a complete reboot in life may be required in order to enjoy the upcoming happiness.
  6. The year will be romantic for you. Open your heart to love and stop being afraid to be a happy person. In response, you will receive a flow of tenderness that you have dreamed of. Agree to romantic dates, arrange events and surprises for loved ones. Having found new meaning in life, everything else returns to normal immediately.
  7. It will be a sweet year for you. Life in chocolate is fraught with the fact that you can gain excess weight. Therefore, while basking in your happiness, do not forget to look around in order to adjust your behavior in time. It is better to remove excessively sweet people from your environment so that they do not spoil the harmonious picture.
  8. The year will be harmonious for you. Surprisingly, the moment will finally come when there will be balance in all areas. You will be satisfied with everything that happens at work, on the personal front and at home. People around you will notice how your eyes will glow in a new way.
  9. It will be an amazing year for you. You are already unaccustomed to the fact that fate gives pleasant surprises. These are the ones she has saved for the coming year. Even those whom you seemed to know like the back of your hand will be surprised. It’s better not to refuse even very adventurous offers this year.
  10. It will be an amazing year for you. The success that will fall on you, the cash flow and the abundance of new acquaintances will put you in a state of shock. Come back to your senses and enjoy what the new year has in store for you.
  11. The year will be filled with communication for you. Even if before you didn’t like new acquaintances and frequent meetings, this year it will become the basis of your life. It is through communication that you will find new friends, partners or customers, and also find a new area of ​​application for your head.
  12. It will be an amazing year for you. Get ready that the results you receive, success in business and vibrant relationships with your loved ones may become the subject of envy. In order not to experience sad shocks from your enemies, think through your defense in advance.
  13. This will be an unusual year for you. You will discover hidden reserves within yourself, which will allow you to decide on the craziest actions. The time has come to make the planned parachute jump or go rafting on the river, tell your loved one how much you want to celebrate old age together. Sometimes it will seem that everything around has changed. In fact, you yourself changed and were able to open the doors to your happiness.
  14. The year will be active for you. You like to be in good shape. Unlike others, your activity always has a clear rational basis. Take action to achieve success: at work, at home, in business, in sports. Your activity will infect others, which will make the year rich in results.
  15. The year will be unforgettable for you. You won’t tell your grandchildren about it, but you will remember it with pleasure in old age, sitting by the fireplace. Bright relationships, unusual meetings, new discoveries and travels will leave an indelible mark on life history.
  16. It's going to be a great year for you. A revolution in life will allow you to gain access to new resources. This will open up opportunities for realizing your plans and fulfilling your dreams. What previously seemed inaccessible will suddenly be in your hands.
  17. The year will be filled with love for you. Being the center of attention may be unusual, but those around you will want to talk about their feelings often. Don't be afraid of this attention. Love has never harmed anyone. She is able to overcome any obstacles, so there is no point in hiding her feelings either.
  18. The year will be calm for you. I really want to take my time and enjoy communicating with loved ones and meeting friends. These opportunities will be available in the coming year. Save up your strength, because the sea of ​​life always welcomes a storm after a calm.
  19. The year will be filled with kindness for you. A kind heart will allow you to cope with even the most sophisticated intrigues. Share these feelings with others and receive kindness in return. Some actions will amaze you with their selflessness and change the structure of your values. As a result, you will be able to understand what is most important to you in this life.

30 short predictions that can be written on pieces of paper

  1. Happiness is already at the door.
  2. Be attentive to your health.
  3. Listen to the advice of your intuition.
  4. The people who are nearby now will help all year.
  5. The necessary meeting will happen very soon.
  6. Love smiles and waits in the wings.
  7. Luck in money matters.
  8. Good luck in any endeavor.
  9. Happiness is somewhere nearby, turn around.
  10. A year of tears, but only from joy.
  11. A trip to a new country awaits you.
  12. This year will radically change your life.
  13. There may be a new addition to the family this year.
  14. Career growth will be rapid and successful.
  15. Peace and tranquility in the family all year round.
  16. A romantic date will help you find mutual feelings.
  17. Any business is doomed to success.
  18. Traveling for the soul will give you the necessary rest and new impressions.
  19. Open your heart to love this year.
  20. The family will give real support.
  21. This year many new acquaintances are expected.
  22. It's time to relax and take up a hobby.
  23. A sea of ​​happiness awaits you this year.
  24. Fortune will answer yes to any question.
  25. Take risks and you will definitely win.
  26. This year will bring a promotion at work.
  27. The desired will come true in the middle of the year.
  28. This year will bring only happiness and success.
  29. Love will come to you this year, don't miss it.
  30. A very successful year to start your own business.

20 realistic New Year's predictions

  1. The year will not be easy. You will have to fight for your own happiness. Nothing will happen without hard work, but patience and perseverance will lead to positive results.
  2. Serious illnesses are possible this year. Don't be lazy to dress warmer. As a result, your health will improve.
  3. This year will bring a lot of fun. Don't forget about the main thing in a carnival - fun.
  4. The year promises miracles and delight from those around you. Get ready to become the center of the company and make new friends.
  5. You have a lot of work to do, but also an increase in income as a result of hard work. Try new areas, success awaits you.
  6. It's better to be careful on the roads. Failure to follow the rules can lead to serious problems.
  7. There are many important issues to be resolved this year. Every decision you make will affect your future life. Be careful.
  8. The year is favorable for self-realization. Everything planned will come true easily, as if by magic. Believe in a fairy tale and accept the gifts of fate.
  9. A year of serious challenges. Not all acquaintances are equally useful. Review your social circle to avoid trouble.
  10. This year you will have to try to stay afloat. In a difficult situation, those closest to you will help. Don't be shy to ask for help, and you'll definitely get it.
  11. Great love awaits you. Make the right choice and she will stay with you for a long time.
  12. The year is good for major acquisitions. A new car will not break down, and the house will give you warmth and comfort.
  13. This year, pay attention to the situation in the family. There is a high probability of quarrels for far-fetched reasons.
  14. A difficult year in terms of love. Misunderstandings, quarrels and even separations are possible. Pay more attention to your significant other. Discuss every exciting moment and you can avoid unwanted consequences.
  15. This year, luck will follow you in everything. Big wins and serious finds are likely.
  16. A year of losing peace. It will seem that everything is not going the way you would like. It’s worth relaxing, taking a vacation and collecting your thoughts in order to overcome a difficult period.
  17. A year of change. Change everything, success awaits you in any new endeavors. More determination, fate rarely gives such chances.
  18. The year will clearly show who is a friend and who is not. In difficult situations, the attitude of acquaintances will manifest itself especially clearly.
  19. A year for you. Don't be afraid to say “no” and do as you see fit. Otherwise, fortune will not help.
  20. This year your family will grow. Several weddings of relatives are possible. A caught bouquet this year is a particularly effective omen for a close marriage.

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They always prepare for the New Year's feast in advance. They buy poultry, meat, fish, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, sausages, prepare salads, etc. A well-set table and deliciously prepared dishes are a kind of guarantee of success and prosperity in the coming year. A good housewife herself knows what her family and friends like, what dishes and drinks they prefer. The only thing I can recommend and add that is unusual to all this is dishes with wishes. They will add a new, fresh touch to the usual feast, entertain guests and give hope that their wishes will come true in the coming year.

What is this anyway? In fact, dishes with wishes are a game. Wishes are written on long small pieces of paper, wrapped in foil and placed in future, mostly small baked goods - pies, cookies, buns. The baked goods are placed in a common basket and distributed to guests, warning them that there is a foil package inside the bun or cookie. Guests take their own baked goods from the basket.

Wishes can be either serious, in the form of wishes to family and guests for health, happiness, love, success, etc., or humorous, in the form of forfeits, for example, running outside to get snow, dancing, singing, reading poetry, kissing a neighbor, or neighbor sitting next to you, drink a glass of juice without your hands. You should focus on the age of the guests, otherwise the jokes may not be understood.

Like any nation, China also had traditions associated with the celebration of special events, for example, such as the Harvest Festival - Zhongqiujie, New Year, etc. To decorate it deliciously, on this day everyone baked and gave Moon cookies to loved ones, using special recipe with nut butter. At that time, China was under the Mongol yoke. One of the rebels against Mongol rule, Zhu Yuan Zhang, came up with the idea of ​​using mooncakes to transmit secret messages. Thanks to them, the rebels were able to come to an agreement and unite in the fight for freedom. It was after the overthrow of the Mongol yoke that Zhu Yuan Zhang became the founder of the Chinese Ming dynasty and its first emperor.

There is another beautiful legend that a girl who fell in love with a young man not from her class invented and used cookies of such an unusual shape, into which she put messages for her beloved. And in this way they could convey sweet wishes to each other. Isn't it beautiful?

Then it makes sense that on American territory, Fortune Cookies appeared thanks to one of the Chinese workers who worked in the 40s of the last century on the construction of the Great American Railway through the Sierra Nevada to California. It was one of the legends, combined with homesickness, that inspired his idea to revive Fortune Cookies. During the Lunar Festival holiday, poor Chinese workers were unable to bake large traditional mooncakes. But a way out was found - that’s when they took the form of a cookie folded in half for the month, and into which they put a piece of paper with wishes of happiness, goodness, and prosperity. This is how the beautiful and ancient tradition of giving each other Fortune Cookies for the holidays was revived.
And of course, this good tradition has spread to many countries around the world, giving cookies to loved ones with fortunes for important events.
Join them and start giving each other these cute sweets.

The Chinese use wise sayings as wishes, here are some of them:

  • If you want to have success, you have to look like you have it.
  • Best the enemy of the good.
  • The funniest desire is to please everyone.
  • What we pray for is what we receive.
  • The only difference between a winner and a loser is that he rises one more time than he falls.
  • Remember that every day is the first day of the rest of your life.
  • In life there is the main thing and the unimportant thing, and we often waste our energy on trifles.
  • Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad as it could have been!
  • Do what you must, and come what may.
  • People love to win. If you haven't decided on your final goal, you have no chance of winning.
  • The other side of the crisis is new opportunities.
  • Not everyone can be your friend, but everyone can be your teacher.
  • If you truly want to be happy, learn to control your thoughts.
  • Everyone is entitled to as much happiness as they themselves are able to give.

To prepare such cookies, you need to prepare wishes written on narrow pieces of paper according to the amount of baked goods, raw egg white 3 pcs.,
powdered sugar 90 g, flour 90 g, salt to taste and vanilla essence - 9 drops.
Beat the whites into a stiff foam. Separately combine flour, powdered sugar, salt and essence, gradually add to the protein, stirring lightly. Prepare 2 non-stick baking trays. Spoon the dough onto the first one, trying to make the cookies thin and neatly round, place the baking sheet in the oven for 5 minutes. At this time, fill out the second sheet as well. Remove the first sheet from the oven while the cookies are hot and use a wooden spatula to wrap the wish sheet into them. It's easy to wrap the cookies, just fold the circle in half, then in half again. Do the same with the second portion. The finished cookies will harden and become crispy as they cool.

In addition to cookies, wishes can be placed in pies - I think this option is much closer to us than cookies, because many families prepare pies for the New Year. As wishes here you can use pre-invented funny wishes, for example, the following: Love will unexpectedly come when you don’t expect it at all or Make a wish - miracles happen, all hopes and dreams come true in the New Year, We wish that life never ends, trouble and sadness were not encountered along the way, etc.
I offer you the following version of these pies. To prepare them you will need: 400 g wheat flour, 1 cup cottage cheese, 2 chicken eggs, 3 tbsp butter, 1/2 tsp soda, 2 tbsp sugar. l., salt to taste, ready-made any salty filling, for example meat 600 g, wishes on leaves.
Pour flour into a mound, make a hole in it, add cottage cheese, mashed with egg, sugar, salt, soda and butter. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut out circles with a medium cup, put on each one the filling and a foil envelope in which a piece of paper with a wish is wrapped. Bring the edges of the dough together tightly and pinch tightly. Place future pies on a baking sheet greased with oil. Brush the surface of the dough with beaten egg. Bake the pies for about 20 minutes at 200`C.

Can be cooked Rye snack buns with wishes. Prepare the following products: filtered water 600 ml., dry yeast 2 tbsp. l., sugar 1 tbsp. l., rye flour 3 cups, wheat flour 3 cups, caraway seeds 3 tbsp. l., vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l., butter, salt 1 tbsp. l., wishes on pieces of paper.
For the dough, mix warm water, yeast, sugar and leave for 20 minutes in a warm place. Combine rye flour, wheat flour, cumin seeds and salt. Pour the dough into the flour mixture, knead until a soft dough forms. Cover with a napkin and set aside for about 1 hour in a warm place. After the dough has risen, divide it into parts, put foil with a wish in each, and roll into a ball. Form all the buns in this way. Place the buns on a greased baking sheet at a distance of 2 cm from each other and leave for 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 200`C and place a baking sheet in it. Bake until the buns turn brown. Brush the surface of the buns with melted butter until the crust becomes soft. Cool the buns and put them in a basket.

And he finds many funny ways to do this. For example, in China (or in the USA - these two countries constantly argue about who was first) fortune cookies were invented.

Before you eat the treat, you need to break the cookie into two parts - inside there will be a treasured piece of paper that will tell the secret of your future or help you make a decision.

We offer three simple ways to prepare magical sweets.

Recipe 1 (basic)

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 50 g sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • vanillin

Step 1. Beat the egg whites. Add sugar, flour, vanillin. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous dough forms (the consistency of pancakes). Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with parchment.

Step 2. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture onto a baking sheet and level it with a spatula into circles with a diameter of 8 cm. It is better to do no more than four pieces at a time.

Step 3. Place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn. The cakes should be slightly browned around the edges. During this time, prepare your predictions and tea cup.

Step 4. We take out a baking sheet. Wait 10 seconds and use a spatula to flip each cookie. Now we put a piece of paper with a fortune on each “pancake”, fold the cookies in half, pinch the ends and “hang” them on the cup - we get the shape we need. While the first cookies are cooling on the cup, load a new baking sheet.

Step 5. We bake cookies until we run out of predictions. By the way, cookies can be dipped in chocolate, colored sprinkles or coconut flakes.

Recipe 2

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/3 cup sugar (powdered sugar)
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp. vanillin
  • a few drops of lemon juice

Step 1. Beat the egg whites. Add sugar and continue beating the whites until smooth. Add melted and cooled butter, flour, salt, vanillin and a couple of drops of lemon juice to the egg mass. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is formed (as for pies). Preheat the oven to 160–170 degrees.

Step 2. Roll out the dough into a layer 3–4 mm thick. We cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm. We place the note with the prediction in the very center of the circle. Fold the dough in half so that the note is inside. Along the straight line of the resulting semicircle, fold the dough in half again.

Recipe 3

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 4 tsp. water
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon starch
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • vanillin
  • 1/4 tsp. salt

Step 1. Beat the whites (for 10 seconds to start), then add vanillin and vegetable oil. Continue whisking until the mixture begins to foam slightly.

Step 2. Pour sugar, starch, salt, flour into a second bowl, add water. Use a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Step 3. Continuing to beat slowly, pour in the whites. The result should be a fairly thick mixture. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Step 4. Grease baking paper with butter and spoon the dough onto the paper. Bake for about 10 minutes.

Step 5. Press the fortune into the cookie, using the rim of a mug to shape the cookie into the desired shape (see recipe 1).

Step 6. Place rolled cookies in muffin tin and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Ready!

48 prediction ideas from the website portal

We did a little thinking and came up with almost five dozen magical predictions that you can put in your cookies. There are only good forecasts and wishes here: we know that such a small note can inspire new achievements or just

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What New Year's holiday can be imagined without cheerful wishes and toasts, funny competitions and games? Of course, you should think carefully in advance about how to set your guests up for a playful mood. And comic predictions for the New Year, funny wishes for the New Year, which will become a real highlight of the entire festive feast, can help with this.

Each of us expects some kind of miracle from celebrating the New Year. And it doesn’t matter at all how old a person is – five or fifty. Every year, according to an established tradition, we raise our glasses to the chimes and make our deepest wishes. The New Year's wish for “dreams coming true” is heard at every step. What more could you wish for your best friend or relative, and even do it in an original and funny way?

Not only wishes for the New Year and making wishes, but also fortune telling are considered traditional. The latter, by the way, may actually turn out to be a very interesting activity. So why don’t you and your company tell fortunes on New Year’s Eve? You can choose which version of this game is more suitable for your guests: simple or comic predictions for the New Year. But just guessing, for sure, may not be interesting to everyone. You need your guests to remember you for a long time as the most cheerful and original host. To do this, you can come up with a whole scenario of various funny fortune-telling, containing comic predictions for the New Year, and such that even people who are completely devoid of a sense of humor will like it.

In general, New Year competitions for adults are good because they can be held without leaving the festive table. Before the start of more active competitions, comic predictions for the New Year will be able to put those gathered in the right mood. And there are a lot of ideas (which we will definitely share) on how to present comic predictions and wishes for the New Year.

Option #1. You've probably already heard about cookies of fate or happiness, as they are called. These cookies are baked with a New Year's prediction or wish written on a piece of paper inside. Why don’t you prepare similar cookies and serve them with dessert, for example. You can similarly bake, more familiar to us, small nuts with filling and predictions inside.

Option number 2. You don't have to hide funny New Year's predictions in cookies. It will be much easier, and maybe even more fun, to use ordinary balloons for this purpose. Prepare the required number of balloons (it is better if there are more of them than guests). Before inflating them, write New Year's predictions on small notes and, rolling them into a tube, place one prediction inside the ball. Don't forget to prepare a pin for the New Year's party so that guests burst the selected balls.

Think carefully about what New Year's predictions to offer your guests. If you doubt that all guests will positively perceive comic predictions for the New Year, it is better to do with simple ones. For simple predictions there are just a lot of ideas: a car, an apartment, a trip to Italy, the birth of a child…. For both options, there is only one obligatory condition: the wishes must be exclusively positive, because everyone wants to have fun in the New Year. When choosing various New Year's jokes, you need to be sure that all guests will receive them well.

Option number 3. Don't forget about our long-standing tradition of baking a festive cake with surprises. Various items are placed in the pie dough: a coin, candy, a pod of hot pepper, etc. The special charm of such a pie lies in the excitement, because not everyone will get New Year's predictions and, on the contrary, some may get several at once. You need to eat such a pie carefully so as not to damage your tooth on a coin, for example.

Option number 4. There is a simplified version of the New Year's fortune pie. It is not necessary to put objects into the dough. Instead, you can cut a thick sheet of paper into squares, and after drawing a funny picture with a wish for next year on each square, put them in the pie.

Option number 5. It is also not necessary for you to make New Year’s predictions. Weave fortune telling into New Year's competitions for adults by offering guests a game similar to forfeits. Let each guest give you some item. You will choose an “oracle” - a player with a good sense of humor, who will predict fate for the next year. Show the oracle objects one by one, without naming the owner. If the oracle is endowed with a healthy sense of humor, then the company is guaranteed to have a lot of fun.

Option number 6. You can arrange, for example, an old Russian fortune telling, only in a comic style. Let's say, place several bottles around with “prophecies” inside. Blindfold the person who wants to know his future, and, having untwisted him, let him choose the first bottle he comes across by touch.

In general, comic predictions for the New Year and New Year competitions for adults can come in a wide variety of variations. The only thing that can limit you is your own imagination.

And in conclusion, we offer you several examples of New Year's predictions and comic wishes that you can use on your holiday.

Funny wishes for the New Year and comic predictions for the New Year


In the New Year you will be fabulously lucky - you will win a million dollars!!! And then you give every penny to charity.


In the New Year, you should not scold the black cat that ran across your path. Better take him home: the cat will be great company for your 33 parrots.


In the New Year, you will be able to get rid of a bad habit, but in return you will acquire a couple of new ones.


Next year, always enter your boss’s office with the left foot: then you will definitely be promoted.

New Year's jokes:


Don't twist the button when you expect a bad event, otherwise it will definitely fall off.


In the New Year, they will delight you by giving you the most desired gift - a goldfish! True, this fish will be stuffed with rice and herbs.


In the third decade of the coming year, a fireworks display of bright events awaits you. Start preparing immediately!



Smile a lot in the New Year and sign a contract with Blend-a-Med.


When giving your beloved a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Remember: he must love!


You are lucky! Therefore, in the New Year, be more modest and stop eating lucky tickets on the trolleybus!


When crossing the road, look around carefully - there is a chance that you will meet your destiny.


If on June 1 of next year you wear your clothes inside out, many members of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. There is a chance to meet your love!


If you come across a foreign body in bread, know that it’s good luck!


Beware of the bald ones!


Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation - a car.


If neighbors knock on the radiator tomorrow morning, then a fun and unforgettable year is ahead.


Expect a new addition to the family next year. It’s likely that your neighbor’s cockroaches will come to you for permanent residence.


If, when fortune telling on ice in a saucer, you did not see the treasured dimples that foreshadow the birth of daughters, dig them out yourself! Business.


If the log you chose to predict the financial condition of your future husband turns out to be smooth, immediately throw it away and find a suitable one. You don't need a poor husband at all!


If you see the reflection of your betrothed in the mirror, look around. Perhaps your husband is standing behind you.


After this New Year, a very pleasant surprise awaits you - the Old New Year will come! A great excuse to have a drink!

You can come up with an incredible number of such comic predictions; all you need is your imagination and a playful mood. Just don’t forget, when preparing comic predictions for the New Year, to be tactful; your jokes should not become personal, offend or offend someone. Then your holiday has every chance to be truly unforgettable and fun.

And, happy upcoming!

A little more about New Year's fortune-telling:
