Coffee scrub: use for the body, cleansing the skin. Benefits and harms, contraindications. Ground coffee scrub: effects, preparation options

The grounds left over from drinking coffee are an excellent component for use at home, which can replace expensive salon procedures. Recipes and methods of use are simple and accessible.

Coffee grounds can be used either as a stand-alone product or with the addition of various ingredients, which have an additional effect on the epidermis.

  • mechanically removes dead particles of the dermis,
  • increases skin turgor,
  • stimulates renewal,
  • helps fight cellulite.


Coffee scrub should be used with caution if you have the following diseases:

  • hypertension,
  • psoriasis,
  • damage and infectious diseases of the skin.

Mode of application

For recipes you will need coffee grounds collected after brewing and drinking ground coffee medium or coarse grind. For one serving, it is enough to take the grounds of 3-4 cups of coffee.

Before scrubbing, take a warm shower or bath for 5-7 minutes to steam the skin, then wash with any detergent. The coffee mixture is applied to the skin, rubbed with palms and fingers with light massage movements until slight redness appears and a feeling of pleasant warmth appears. Start the procedure with the skin of your feet and gradually move up your body: this will cleanse the skin and disperse the lymph.

After the procedure, thoroughly rinse the thickener from the body with strong water pressure. After this, the skin feels smooth and silky. Do not give in to temptation - you must wash with soap or gel. The procedure should be completed by applying a moisturizing, nourishing cream or essential oil suitable for your skin type to the skin.
This scrub can be used no more than once a week.


  • For rough areas - feet, elbows, knees - it is advisable to use coarsely ground coffee grounds. The skin should be warmed up warm water and rub the coffee alternately on all parts of the body with vigorous movements for 2-3 minutes.
  • For dry and normal skin Add 1/2 teaspoon of shower gel or glycerin to the thickener. This will soften the abrasive properties of the ground coffee.

A scrub with honey will have a beneficial effect on the skin: stir 3 tablespoons coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon of liquid honey.
A scrub with essential oil will help very dry skin: add ½ tablespoon of your favorite moisturizing oil to 3 tablespoons of grounds. Use olive, coconut or wheat germ oil.

  • To scrub oily skin, add a couple of tablespoons of kefir, curdled milk or yogurt to the thickening mixture.

A coffee scrub with mint, bergamot, lemon, and lemon balm will bring tangible benefits to the skin. Just 5 drops of oil (or a mixture of oils) per 2-3 tablespoons of grounds is enough.

  • A coffee scrub will successfully complement the complex against cellulite and stretch marks if you turn scrubbing into a massage. The procedure is carried out, like scrubbing, using massage movements, but with stronger pressure. Spend 5-7 minutes on each problem area. For this recipe, mix 2 tablespoons of grounds with ½ tablespoon of geranium, almond or lemon oil.
  • You can use finely ground coffee to make a facial scrub with the addition of a cleanser or oils that suit your skin type. This peeling is done delicately: massage your face with your fingertips, avoiding the eyelid area and upper lip.

Coffee is not just an invigorating drink that is very pleasant to drink in the morning. He has wonderful cosmetic properties and promotes deep cleansing of the skin.

Coffee scrub at home will be effective means for peeling and lifting. By regularly using aromatic powder, you will prevent early skin aging, stimulate active blood flow, and cleanse pores.

How to make a coffee body scrub

Brewed coffee is a natural body scrub. A mask with coffee grounds helps gently exfoliate dead skin particles and activates blood circulation. To make a scrub at home with your own hands, you can mix coffee of different grinds, selecting the appropriate abrasiveness. It is allowed to mix purchased cosmetics such as essential oils and shower gels into the mask. Thus, each woman can create a recipe for a mask that meets her individual requirements and is ideal for her skin type.

How to make coffee grounds? Grind the beans finely and brew the drink without any additives. It is better to brew coffee than to steam the powder in boiling water. Ideal proportions for preparing the drink are 2 tsp. crushed coffee beans to 1 glass of water. If you require a large number of scrub, then the dosage should be increased. It is better to use brewed coffee grounds immediately after drinking the drink. If this is not possible, dry the powder and store in a clean jar.

For cellulite

It’s easy to prepare an anti-cellulite scrub at home: mix coffee with some base oil or body cream. To lose weight, you should add a warming component to the mask - cinnamon or black pepper. To carry out an express procedure to eliminate cellulite, the scrub is diluted with shower gel and the resulting mixture is massaged into problem areas of the body every time you take a bath.

Green coffee scrub recipe:

  • Combine 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds, vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of sugar, a little coarse salt and cinnamon.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to dry clean skin and gently massage the areas of the body covered by “ orange peel"for 3-5 minutes.
  • Cellulite scrubs are conveniently applied to the body using a glove-shaped washcloth. Keep the coffee and sugar on your body for another 10 minutes, then take a shower.

For stretch marks

Before using a coffee scrub at home, take a hot bath to steam your skin. To prepare a mask for stretch marks, choose exclusively natural products. It is better to stick to green coffee, the beans of which should be ground very finely. The mixture prepared according to the recipe below is applied to problem areas of the body with light circular movements. The procedure can be repeated every 10-14 days; more frequent peelings will not allow damaged cells to recover in a timely manner.

Recipe coffee scrub against stretch marks:

  • Mix coffee and salt in proportions 2:1, add one part of white clay, dilute the product with warm water. The scrub should have the consistency thick sour cream.
  • If your skin type is dry, add olive or other oil to the mask base oil.
  • Leave the product for 7-8 minutes, then rinse with water. Coffee and oil serve as a gentle peeling and effectively moisturize the skin.

Anti hair

Before the procedure, take a bath to steam your skin. Rub the epilation scrub into the skin for at least 3-5 minutes, using circular massage movements. To speed up hair removal, leave the mixture on your body for half an hour, covering it cling film. You need to repeat scrubbing every 4-5 days to achieve complete hair removal. As a rule, this requires 4-5 procedures.

Anti-hair scrub recipe with coffee:

  • You will need coffee grounds and soda (2 tbsp per 1 tsp). Mix the ingredients well, add a little water room temperature, and the mixture should remain thick.
  • To prepare a high-quality body scrub at home, choose exclusively freshly ground coffee and dilute the product with cool water, since heat deactivates the beneficial properties of soda.

Coffee face scrub

Not only expensive professional creams or salon procedures can rid your skin of acne and make it firm and youthful. It is possible to give your face freshness and beauty with the help of simple, available recipes, the components of which can be found in every housewife’s kitchen. A face mask made from coffee grounds is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation, as it contains a complex of antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. Cleansing the face with this peeling also helps relieve puffiness under the eyes and smooth out fine wrinkles.

From honey and coffee

A scrub with honey is suitable for those with oily skin. It’s easy to prepare, just mix 1 hour at a time. l. coffee grounds, honey, olive oil, natural yogurt. The components are carefully mixed to a homogeneous consistency. The coffee face mask is applied for 8 minutes, then washed off with massage movements. The final stage is to lightly moisturize the skin.


Cinnamon mask – perfect solution for problematic facial skin. To prepare it, mix coffee grounds with melted honey and cinnamon (all ingredients are taken in equal quantities). To give the mixture a suitable thick consistency, dilute it with water. Rub the scrub with coffee using massage movements, then wait 6-7 minutes and rinse your face with warm water. This product helps clean pores and cure skin inflammation. To achieve lasting results, repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

With sour cream

Homemade coffee scrubs are suitable not only for oily, but also dry and combination skin types. Such products imply the presence of a nutritional component in the mask. Great option For those with dry or normal skin, use a product with sour cream. To prepare the scrub, you should mix fresh milk product, coffee and olive oil in equal quantities. Cover your face with the mask, leaving it for 8-10 minutes, then rinse it with warm water and pat dry with a towel. The skin will acquire a pleasant color, cleanse, and become smooth.

Coffee scalp scrub

The basis of a coffee hair mask is freshly ground powder or coffee grounds. However, the second option is considered preferable due to its gentle soft texture. A natural coffee scrub at home accelerates hair growth, making it strong and soft. Scrubbing the head is recommended for any type of hair, but before the procedure, make sure that there are no wounds, scratches, or other damage on the skin.

With gelatin

Thanks to the collagen contained in gelatin, hair becomes smooth, manageable and shiny. The mask envelops the hairs with a protective coating that prevents the loss of moisture and nutritional components. To prepare the mixture, you need to dilute 1 sachet of gelatin in warm water. When the component swells, add 2/3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds and a small amount of hair balm. Cover your hair nutritional composition, leaving for half an hour, then rinse. Repeat the procedure at home 1-2 times a week.

With egg

Combine 1 tbsp in one container. l. cognac and boiling water, 1 tsp each. olive or linseed oil and coffee grounds, add 2 egg yolks. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, apply the product to your hair. Place a plastic bag over the mask and wrap it with a towel. A hair mask with an egg at home lasts for at least half an hour. To make your curls “alive”, silky, thick, carry out the procedure every 5-6 days.

Video: coffee grounds scrubs

Making homemade cosmetics has become extremely fashionable. This approach to appearance care allows you to save money and time on trips to the cosmetologist. In addition, home procedures provide the opportunity to independently select and experiment with suitable ingredients for cleansing scrubs, masks and lotions that are better suited to a particular representative of the fair sex. In the video you will learn about the rules for preparing home remedies for effective peeling.

Due to the properties of coffee and its effect on the skin, this product has long been used in cosmetology as one of the main components of many skin care products. Today I will tell you how to make your own coffee body scrub at home, the recipe for which is very simple and easy. You will also learn about using a scrub from this aromatic product in sauna.

Do you want to have a slim and toned body? Coffee will help you with this!

Coffee is an essential ingredient in many skin care products. This wonderful product has anti-cellulite and firming properties. Its use in care helps increase skin elasticity and get rid of excess volume. Due to its exfoliating properties, coffee is often the main ingredient in skin peels and scrubs.

Coffee body scrub at home: general recommendations for preparation and use

  • To prepare such scrubs, you can use either drunk or regular, not yet prepared ground coffee. IN sleeping coffee It contains a little less caffeine, but it does not stain the skin as much and, in my opinion, has a more delicate smell.
  • Use fine and medium grind coffee for care, because large particles can easily injure the skin of your thighs or abdomen.
  • Do not use in skin care products instant coffee, it is unlikely to have the effect we need.
  • One of the components of the scrub must certainly be a product that will soften the skin when used. For example, these could be cosmetic oils.
  • Before using the scrub, make sure that you are not allergic to its components.
  • Apply the product using rubbing movements only to steamed and damp skin.
  • After applying it, massage your skin thoroughly for ten minutes.
  • This scrub should be used in body care at least twice a week.
  • Always apply cream after scrubbing your body.

How to make a coffee scrub at home: the best recipes

One of the simplest and fastest scrubs to prepare is a product consisting of coffee and the shower gel or body cream you use. You can add a little cinnamon and a few drops of essential oil with anti-cellulite properties (orange, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot).

But much more benefit your body will benefit from products containing other beneficial to the skin natural ingredients. Eg:

Coffee-salt scrub

  • coffee grounds in the amount of 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt – 100 grams;
  • olive oil – 10 ml.

The ingredients must be mixed together and applied to the skin.

Using honey

  • honey – 100 grams;
  • coffee - 50 grams;
  • olive oil – 10-15 ml.

This remedy will help in the fight against cellulite. Apply it to the skin of the thighs and buttocks and massage it for a while time easy pats.

Care product with pepper tincture

  • coffee grounds – 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt – 100 grams;
  • pepper tincture – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pepper in the scrub will improve blood circulation, as a result of which it will become elastic and smooth.

Scrub mask with clay

  • coffee – 100 grams;
  • clay (blue) – 100 grams;
  • water – about 20 ml.

To prepare this product, coffee and clay must be diluted with water until creamy. For better effect Problem areas should be massaged, then wrapped in film and left on the body for one hour.

I hope these coffee body scrub recipes will help you get ready for the beach season and get a beautiful and toned body. Will help you with body care and at home.

Coffee body scrub in a sauna or bath: application, recipe

Probably everyone knows about beneficial properties bath procedures for the body, but not everyone knows about the positive effects of a sauna or steam bath on the skin. Using a coffee body scrub in a sauna can produce the same effect as expensive spa treatments.

Using the scrub more often than once every 7 days is not permissible. If this is done more often, it can negatively affect the condition of the skin and cause damage to its protective top layer, as well as provoke acid imbalance and even inflammation.

When using coffee peeling in a sauna, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before entering the steam room, rinse off hot water. This will wash away the different harmful substances and will not allow them to penetrate the pores at the moment of their opening.
  2. The scrub should be used after your skin has been thoroughly cleansed and steamed. It is applied to moistened skin and distributed over the body with light circular movements, paying special attention to problem areas.
  3. After the procedure, the scrub is washed off with cold water, and after visiting the steam room, you should stand under a cool shower to remove any remaining toxins from the skin.

One of the best coffee peeling recipes for the sauna

To prepare a scrub that is perfect for bathing procedures, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • dry coffee grounds;
  • sour cream or natural yogurt.

The indicated peeling components are taken in a ratio of 1:3 (one part of the grounds to three parts of the liquid component). You can literally add a few drops to the mixture orange oil, which will enhance its anti-cellulite properties.

When applying the scrub while in the steam room, do not rub it roughly on the skin so as not to damage the skin.

Let the mixture remain on your body the entire time you are in the sauna. Then simply wash it off with water.

This procedure is especially useful for the body in winter period, because the products included in the scrub have excellent skin-softening properties.

And finally, watch the video in which they will tell you about another DIY coffee scrub recipe:

Knowing how to make a coffee body scrub at home, as well as how to use it in a sauna, you can effectively care for your body, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin and make it smooth and elastic.

For good scrub It is important to have a high-quality abrasive substance. And if this substance also has beneficial and nutritional properties, then the result will exceed your expectations. Coffee body scrub is considered such a remedy. With a gentle effect on the epidermis, it brings undeniable benefit in the struggle for beauty, slimness and youth.

How to make a coffee scrub?

Modern stores offer a lot brands, producing various scrubs, including those made from coffee. However, such means:

  1. They are expensive;
  2. Contains unnatural additives.

In order to save and get natural product, it is best to cook it yourself. At the same time, your ingredients must meet certain conditions:

  • Use fresh grains. Using expired grain will not bring you any benefit, since all the beneficial microelements of the product have already been lost;
  • For cosmetic procedures fine and medium grinding are most suitable;
  • In addition to ground Arabica coffee, coffee grounds are also used;
  • To prepare grounds, coffee must be brewed according to all the rules without the use of sugar and milk;
  • The shelf life of the grounds should not be more than five days;
  • It is better to store the grounds in glass jar without allowing air to enter.

Thus, making a coffee scrub yourself is not difficult. For various procedures you can use a homogeneous ready mixture, or with various additives to achieve maximum effect.

Benefits of coffee

Arabica beans contain quite a lot useful substances. Thanks to them, the use of raw materials in cosmetology is quite widespread. Using Arabica as cosmetic product will help:

  • Dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, thereby speeding up the process of breaking down the fatty layer of cells;
  • Remove excess fluid from cells, thanks to which you will acquire beautiful forms;
  • The fatty acids contained in coffee will make the epidermis soft and more elastic;
  • Regular exposure to grains of ground grain will help avoid varicose veins and problems with blood vessels;
  • Thanks to caffeine, your epidermis will be protected from ultraviolet sun rays and exposure to low temperatures;
  • Get rid of small wrinkles, prevent and slow down the formation of deeper ones;
  • Tighten facial contours and achieve a lifting effect.

Thus, subject to certain conditions, cosmetic effect It won’t take long to wait from the procedures.

Coffee grounds scrub for face

It is a well-known fact that our skin cells need oxygen. However, during the course of life, our cells become clogged with dust, sebaceous secretions, and dead particles of the epithelium. As a result, we have a tired appearance and premature aging of the skin of the face and neck.

Arabica based scrub will help:

  • Cleanse facial pores;
  • Lighten skin;
  • Moisturize and supply cells with useful microelements;
  • Even out the texture of the epidermis.

The main advantage of using Arabica is its non-aggressive effect. In this case, the effect becomes noticeable immediately.

Tips for preparing and using a face mask:

  1. For skin with active sebaceous glands, ground coffee is suitable, and for dry skin, use coffee grounds;
  2. Give preference to fine grinding;
  3. Additive raw egg or honey will increase nutritional properties masks;
  4. Yogurt, kefir, oil will additionally moisturize the face;
  5. The use of salt will enhance the peeling effect;
  6. Before use, the face must be cleaned and steamed;
  7. The temperature of the mixture should be comfortable;
  8. Do not rub your face until it becomes red, this can injure the skin;
  9. Don't forget about your neck and décolleté;
  10. Apply the mixture in a circular motion;
  11. Avoid contact with abrasives around the eyes;
  12. The mask should be washed off with warm, pre-purified or boiled water. Infusions of disinfecting herbs are also suitable;
  13. Apply scrub twice a week.

Coffee scrub for cellulite

When using a coffee mixture to reduce cellulite deposits, remember:

  1. For deeper penetration useful microelements, your body must be cleansed and warmed up before the procedure;
  2. Be sure to use a stiff massage brush to rub in the mixture;
  3. Complete the procedure with a bath with essential oils, promoting the breakdown of fats and removal of fluid from cells;
  4. Adding salt or black to the ground grain will help enhance the exfoliation effect. ground pepper, in this case it is necessary to add olive oil;
  5. Honey will help achieve a warming effect;
  6. Rub the body parts in a direction from bottom to top, the stomach - in a circular motion clockwise.

Thus, due to its properties, coffee is quite effective in the fight against cellulite. However, using a scrub will bring the desired result only with a systematic approach. It is recommended to carry out the procedures a maximum of three times a week from 15 to 30 minutes.

Cleansing the skin of the feet

The skin of the feet is most susceptible to adverse effects. Wrong shoes often cause cracks, corns, and calluses on your feet. In summer, feet dry out and become rough.

A coffee scrub will help your feet look perfect both in summer and winter:

  1. Arabica particles will remove dead and dead cells;
  2. Removing dead cells will start the renewal process;
  3. Increased blood circulation will relieve fatigue syndrome;
  4. Protects against the adverse effects and proliferation of microorganisms and fungi.

Since the skin on the feet is rougher than on the rest of the body, it is recommended to use coffee in combination with additional ingredients, increasing the cleansing and moisturizing properties of the product.

Contraindications for use

Having thought about skin peeling using coffee particles and having studied all the advantages of using this product, it is imperative make sure there is no allergic reaction. To do this, you can apply the already prepared mixture to your elbow and wait a little for the reaction. If it does not follow, you can safely begin the procedure.

Remember, the absence of an allergy to the drink does not affect the skin reaction.

  • In the presence of injured areas, wounds and scratches;
  • When burned in the sun;
  • For skin with acne;
  • Under the age of 30.

Thus, coffee body scrub is used quite widely. Starting from using masks for the face, hands, body and ending with cleansing the feet. This is one of the readily available and easy to prepare ways to cleanse, moisturize and nourish your skin. After drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, take your time to throw away the contents at the bottom of the mug and let this magical product bring benefits once again.

Video: using a hot coffee scrub for cellulite

In this video, cosmetologist Valentina Oleynikova will tell you how you can reduce your waist size by 3 cm in 10 days using this product:

Refresh dull skin color, unclog clogged pores, relieve inflammation, even out skin texture in one procedure - it will help you do this homemade scrub from coffee for the face. It has a mild effect but a strong effect. Choose best recipes coffee peeling for face.

Not many people know that the cause of dull complexion and tired skin may not be bad habits or failure to adhere to a daily routine. Most often, the face looks wrinkled and gray if the cells lack oxygen due to clogging of the pores with sebaceous plugs, particles of dead epithelium, dust and other impurities. Due to disturbances in cellular respiration, the skin begins to fade, lose its youth and age prematurely. But you can clean your pores at home: there are a large number of peeling options. One of the most popular is a coffee face scrub, which acts gently on the skin, but removes impurities in an instant. Its ground grains act as abrasive particles that carry away unnecessary debris from the surface of the epithelium and pull out impurities from the depths of the skin pores. Learn how to prepare a coffee facial scrub to make it easier for your skin cells to breathe and thereby improve your appearance, getting rid of unnecessary complexes.

The effect of coffee scrub on the skin

Thanks to chemical composition this invigorating drink, coffee facial scrub performs several functions at once: cleanses, tones, nourishes. Regardless of the form in which you use coffee for peeling (ground or grounds), it is in any case enriched with various substances that have the most beneficial effect on the skin.

  • Caffeine increases the skin's resistance to external harmful attacks (it does not burn so much in the sun, does not get frostbite when low temperatures, becomes less susceptible to “chemicals” in store-bought cosmetics); its main function is the tone it gives to the skin;
  • Antioxidants increase skin elasticity, smooth out shallow wrinkles;
  • Polyphenols promote increased production of collagen in cells, as well as elastin, which leads to a lifting effect visible to the naked eye: the skin is noticeably tightened, the contours (oval) of the face become clear, clear, beautifully defined;
  • Carotenoids are responsible for healthy color faces: everyone knows that coffee scrubs and masks eliminate dullness and yellowness of the skin, giving it a very beautiful matte tan; in addition, it is these substances that make this cosmetic product preventive against the development of cancer diseases skin;
  • Chlorogenic acid Helps caffeine protect the skin from excessive ultraviolet radiation (from the sun) that it receives in hot summer weather.

Regular coffee facial peeling at home will provide your skin with excellent cleansing and additional nutrition.

However, it is always worth remembering that any scrubs can be dangerous for certain skin types. Coffee is no exception.

Therefore, be sure to read the indications and contraindications for its use and decide whether a coffee scrub is suitable for you personally.

Indications and contraindications

  • considering that coffee beans- a source of antioxidants that have an excellent rejuvenating effect on the skin, such peeling will be very useful for mature, aging, wrinkled skin;
  • Regular deep cleansing of the skin is necessary any skin type, therefore, coffee peeling can be used carefully by everyone, subject to certain contraindications;
  • if your facial skin begins to turn grey, yellow, blue or pale, restore her healthy glow and give her a beautiful matte shade A coffee scrub will help, thanks to the coloring properties of carotenoids in its composition.

If you adhere to these indications, no difficulties will arise when using this cosmetic product.

However, along with them, there is a list of contraindications for coffee peeling, and it cannot be discounted. It is not recommended to use this scrub in the following cases:

  • serious skin and blood diseases;
  • allergies, individual intolerance to coffee;
  • very sensitive, thin, vulnerable, delicate skin, which is injured even under the influence of soft coffee grounds.

When studying the indications and contraindications for this cosmetic product, take note of one important fact. Homemade face scrub made from coffee grounds left after you've already enjoyed aromatic drink, has a softer effect on the skin. Its abrasive particles have passed heat treatment(were welded), so they cannot injure the thin and sensitive epithelium with their sharp edges - take advantage of this moment if you are the owner of such delicate skin. A more harsh scrub made from ground coffee that has not been heat treatment, it is advisable to use it very carefully to avoid accidental injury to the skin. He will have much more contraindications than a product made with coffee grounds.

From this article you will learn how to get rid of pigmentation on the face.

Do you want to know how to make a refreshing, rejuvenating, toning and refreshing homemade facial toner? Then you

Coffee peeling procedure for face

For a homemade coffee facial scrub to be as beneficial as possible and to satisfy all your aspirations and hopes, you just need to know how to prepare it. There is no need to experiment in such an important matter and rely only on your experience. Be sure to listen to the advice of professionals, to the reviews of those who have already tried this product on own skin. This will help you turn your home peeling procedure into a few minutes of pure pleasure and long-term enjoyment of the results.

  1. Choose the right coffee for your beauty treatments. Roasted, natural, finely ground black coffee, without additional flavorings, will be most beneficial for peeling. Never use regular soluble powder with all sorts of impurities, which will not have any peeling effect on the skin.
  2. Very effective in cleansing the skin with ground coffee beans, but rubbing with them should be as gentle and careful as possible: sometimes even thickened, fatty epithelium is injured by the sharp edges of abrasive particles.
  3. When using coffee grounds for home exfoliation, make sure they are cooled until lukewarm. It's important not to get burned here.
  4. Having prepared a miracle cure, do not forget to check it for allergic reaction, apply it to the delicate skin of the wrist, rinse and observe the result. If there are no visible reasons for concern (rash, itching), you can use a scrub. The absence of an allergy to a drink does not always guarantee that there is no allergy for external use of coffee.
  5. The scrub is applied to clean, steamed skin with open, enlarged pores, ready for the cleansing procedure.
  6. With the prepared coffee scrub, you can clean and soften not only the skin of your face, but also your neck, décolleté, elbows, knees and feet.
  7. Apply the peeling agent with massaging circular movements to the entire surface of the face, except for the area around the eyes. The duration of this coffee massage is 1 minute when used coffee beans and 2 minutes - when peeling with coffee grounds.
  8. The coffee scrub is easily washed off, plain water, which is better to clean in advance by passing through a filter, or at least leave overnight to let it settle. Alternatively, you can use mineral water without gas or a decoction of chamomile, calendula and any other medicinal herbs, beneficial for the skin.
  9. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a week.

Knowing how to make a coffee facial scrub at home, you can give your skin, tired from regular stress, a new radiance and youth.

With cleaned pores, it will be able to fully receive oxygen in sufficient quantity. This peeling will be very useful for her. There is no shortage of recipes to choose from, because coffee goes surprisingly harmoniously with the most different products nutrition and oils.

The best coffee scrub recipes for facial skin

The express coffee scrub recipe is easy to prepare and quick to use. Coffee grounds after drinking liquid in warm, while it has not yet had time to cool, apply to the skin and massage. Then wash off and do makeup. Incredibly simple, amazingly fast (only 2-3 minutes) and amazingly effective. This procedure will give your skin a boost of energy for the whole day. If you have more free time, start cooking more complex recipe coffee scrub, which contains other components. Each of them makes their own modest contribution to cleansing the face: honey and egg - additional nutrition, butter and sour cream - moisturizing, salt and sugar - enhanced cleansing effect. Choose recipes based on your skin type and the problem you would like to solve with this product

  • Nourishing honey-coffee scrub

Homemade honey and coffee facial scrub is very popular among those who prefer to use natural products to care for their skin. The amazing tandem of these two products amazes with its results: honey nourishes and heals, softening the somewhat traumatic cleansing effect of coffee beans. Be sure to try a scrub made from coffee and honey - and it will probably become one of your favorite products. Two tablespoons. mix warm (preheated in a water bath) honey with the same amount of coffee grounds ground grains or grounds.

  • Moisturizing coffee and oil scrub

Olive oil also has a softening effect on cleansed skin. Therefore, in combination, they make a gentle scrub that is safe for the skin. Two tablespoons. Mix coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon. warm olive oil. Ground grains It is better not to use it as part of such a mask, because when massaging the skin they will begin to dissolve under the influence of warm oil. You can add 1 tablespoon to this scrub for more nutrition. also warm honey.

  • Ultra-cleansing coffee and sea salt scrub for oily skin

Sea salt will not only enhance the cleansing properties of coffee, but in addition will do an excellent job of removing excess sebum that will be produced by the glands. Therefore, a coffee-salt scrub is an almost ideal remedy for, but is contraindicated for cleansing problematic skin. Two tablespoons. Mix coffee grounds or ground beans with 1 teaspoon. sea ​​salt, which can be replaced with coarse table salt if necessary.

If you are a green coffee lover, you can also use it as a facial exfoliant. It differs from black varieties in that it has excellent tonic properties and removes toxins from cells. The result is a double cleansing effect. Two tablespoons. coffee grounds or ground beans are mixed with 1 tablespoon. granular cottage cheese, choose the fat content according to your skin type.

  • Soft scrub made from coffee and sour cream for sensitive skin

Coffee and sour cream scrub will do an excellent job of cleansing the most sensitive skin. Everyone will love this coffee grounds peeling for the face. Two tablespoons. Mix coffee grounds with the same amount of fatty, homemade sour cream if possible.

  • Sweet scrub made from sugar and coffee

Another ultra-cleansing of the facial skin - ground coffee, coupled with grains of sugar, can bring the oldest impurities from the pores to the surface. Two tablespoons. Mix ground coffee beans with 1 tablespoon. granulated sugar(it is advisable that it is not very small).

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