Cinnamon: the benefits and harms of your favorite fragrant seasoning. Composition and use of cinnamon: its beneficial properties and harmful qualities. Medicinal properties of cinnamon and its uses

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello, friends. When the cold weather sets in, I go to my favorite oriental spice store and buy cinnamon sticks. I add it to almost all drinks - tea, coffee and even compotes. In addition, I love baked apples with cinnamon and honey, as well as charlotte, which I also generously sprinkle with cinnamon before baking. As you might guess, today I’m going to talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of cinnamon, its benefits when combined with honey, and of course, recipes for treating a variety of ailments.

Eastern queen of spices

Cinnamon deserves a separate detailed discussion. It is associated with the element of Fire and is dedicated to the Sun. And the immortal Phoenix himself is reborn from the fire where she burns. The first among the Noble Ones, Queen Hatshepsut, once upon a time sent ships for her to the distant country of Punt. The inventive Scheherazade spoke about her on the velvet Arabian nights. It was worth its weight in gold and was considered the spice of kings. Her aroma is the aroma of magic and superpowers. It helps you see, hear and remember better and faster. It excites the imagination and makes the heart beat faster. It attracts luck and brings success in creativity. Cinnamon. Yes Yes! The one that can be found in any store and in any kitchen.

Meanwhile, the secret of its origin remained unsolved until the 16th century. The monopoly on the sale of this spice was held by Arab merchants, who told stories about the place of its growth that were worthy of “1000 and 1 night. But at the beginning of the 16th century, the Portuguese Lorenzo da Alma discovered cinnamon in Ceylon, and its mystery was solved.

Essentially, cinnamon is the bark of a tree. This plant is alpine and generally unpretentious. On plantations, the bark is cut from trees twice a year. Definitely copper knives. This is not a tradition or a ritual. It's just that any other metal oxidizes too quickly. In addition to copper, knives can be made from gold and silver, but, unfortunately, such tools are not available to assemblers.

The first cinnamon plantations were established in the 18th century in Ceylon. Now it is grown in the countries of the Indian Ocean and in South America.

There are four types of spice.

1. Ceylon cinnamon. The highest quality and most valuable. It has a delicate aroma and a sweetish, slightly pungent taste. You can buy organic Ceylon cinnamon Here
2. Cassia vera, Malabar cinnamon. Her homeland is India. It has a sharper aroma and a bitter, astringent, burning taste.
3. Indonesian cinnamon from the Moluccas Islands. It is called cinnamon or spicy cinnamon. It has a characteristic cinnamon smell and a pungent, pungent taste.
4. Chinese cinnamon. Habitat: Southern China. It has the most pungent smell and tart-burning taste.

Cinnamon is a spice that has an unusually wide range of uses. It is indispensable in cooking, perfumery and pharmaceuticals. And when we talk about cooking, we mean all its areas - from canning to desserts and brewing. The pharmaceutical industry uses cinnamon tree oil to normalize the digestive system, for diabetes and frequent colds. When it comes to perfumes, the scent of cinnamon is one of the most popular. Chanel, Nina Ricci and Dolce Gabanna are just a few of the popular brands that use notes of cinnamon in their compositions. And the North American brand Fragrange produces eau de toilette with a cinnamon mono-aroma.

Cinnamon: benefits and harm

The aroma of cinnamon, warming and festive, will drive away a sad mood. This is a natural remedy for depression, stimulating the production of joy hormones. The spice contains a whole complex of vitamins and microelements, which explains both the great benefits of cinnamon and the harm caused by inept, uncontrolled use. The aromatic spice helps eliminate “bad cholesterol” from the body. If you eat half a teaspoon of this spice every day, your blood sugar levels will drop significantly.

Cinnamon improves blood circulation and metabolism, stimulates breathing, heart function and brain activity. It improves appetite and promotes digestion, stimulates the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. This spice in any form improves the condition after a stroke, removing the effect of “shaking hands”. Has antibacterial and antifungal effect. An infusion of cinnamon in alcohol is detrimental to tubercle bacilli and some viruses. And homeopaths consider cinnamon the best remedy for seasickness.


In the case of cinnamon, the main rule remains compliance with the dosage. You need to listen to your body to determine the right amount. In addition, there is a possibility of individual intolerance. A dose not exceeding half a teaspoon is considered safe.

Cinnamon contains coumarin. The amount of it varies in different types of cinnamon. The highest content of this substance is in Chinese cinnamon. This can cause headaches and liver problems, so cinnamon is contraindicated for chronic use in people with liver disease.

A large dose of this spice causes strong stimulation of the nervous system. You should also not take cinnamon at high temperatures. Cinnamon helps thin the blood, so it is contraindicated for those with poor blood clotting. Women should use this spice with caution during pregnancy. Cinnamon oil, when it gets on the skin, causes discomfort and redness.

Cinnamon with honey, beneficial properties and contraindications

Cinnamon goes well with almost all spices, drinks and foods. But the tandem of cinnamon and honey is considered the most effective in folk medicine, the beneficial properties of which are very great, and there are not many contraindications. The healing mixture has a particularly beneficial effect on older people. Cinnamon with honey on an empty stomach is useful for senile sclerosis and memory loss, since this remedy perfectly cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques.

♦ For glaucoma, take twenty grams of spice powder and half a kilogram of honey. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass. You need to take a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The course is until lasting improvements.

♦ In order to remove wounds and ulcers in the mouth, you need to mix spice powder and honey in equal parts. Lubricate the oral cavity with the mixture.

♦ Cinnamon mixed with honey in equal proportions will protect against flu and colds. This drug should be taken half a teaspoon 3 times a day after meals. Honey and cinnamon also help cleanse blood vessels and reduce cholesterol in the blood.

♦ A set of spices with honey will help restore visual acuity, improve overall well-being, and strengthen blood vessels in the brain. You need to take one tablespoon each of cinnamon powder, black cumin seeds, cloves, nutmeg root (nard, available in oriental spice stores or markets) and mix everything until you get a homogeneous substance. Before going to bed, you need to eat a third of the mixture along with natural honey. Treat until all the healing mass is gone. If necessary, take a two-week break and repeat the course.

♦ To treat multiple sclerosis, take one tablespoon of cinnamon powder, three tablespoons of lemon balm leaf powder and mix with four lemons, bitten through a meat grinder. Add half a kilogram of honey and twenty grams of pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures of valerian and hawthorn to the mixture. You need to drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

♦ To treat hair loss and prevent baldness, you need to take one teaspoon of cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey. Grind the entire mixture together with heated olive oil to a paste. Fifteen minutes before washing your hair, you need to thoroughly rub the paste into the roots of your hair.

♦ Shortness of breath. Take one gram of cinnamon and Vaseline, mix with one hundred grams of hawthorn fruit, thirty grams of honey and pour the whole mixture with 700 grams of high-quality cognac. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and shake twenty-four times, then leave to infuse for a couple of days. Drink the strained mixture one tablespoon in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. In the morning and evening, drink weakly brewed tea with the addition of a small amount of decoction.


Despite all the advantages and beneficial properties of cinnamon and honey, the healing tandem still has contraindications:

  • The mixture should not be used if you have diabetes:
  • You should use cinnamon with honey with caution if you have diseases of the endocrine system;
  • People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases with low acidity should take the mixture in moderation, and if discomfort or discomfort occurs, immediately stop using it.

Is drinking coffee with cinnamon beneficial or harmful?

It's good to drink coffee with cinnamon. Add a quarter teaspoon of powder to a cup of freshly brewed drink, and the aroma of coffee will become even brighter and more refined. In addition, coffee with cinnamon acquires numerous beneficial properties, minimizing the harm of the drink.

I often add ground cinnamon to my coffee and feel the full benefits of this drink. What beneficial properties are hidden in a fragrant cup of cinnamon coffee? You will be quite surprised to see this list of healing effects:

  • coffee to which cinnamon is added will protect against infection and ARVI, as it has an antiviral and antibacterial effect;
  • the drink “invigorates” the blood, causing it to circulate faster, which is important for those who suffer from ischemia;
  • this coffee relieves spasms in the liver and bile ducts;
  • capable of having a good expectorant effect;
  • When consumed regularly, it reduces blood sugar levels;
  • improves brain function;
  • promotes weight loss by lowering blood cholesterol levels.


Along with its benefits, coffee with cinnamon can be harmful. In particular, it is not recommended to drink this drink if you have hypertension (coffee increases blood pressure) and frequent headaches due to high blood pressure. People with bladder and kidney diseases, gastric diseases, women with painful periods or difficult menopause should also avoid using it.

Kefir with aromatic cinnamon for the night

Cinnamon in combination with fermented milk products, such as kefir, will lower blood sugar levels. The effectiveness of this remedy has been proven by repeated observations of the patients themselves. For diabetes mellitus, drink kefir with cinnamon at night, stirring half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of kefir. Already after the first dose, there is an improvement in well-being, and with regular use, sugar returns to normal. For a lasting effect, drink kefir with cinnamon in courses, taking short breaks of 1-2 weeks.

♦ There is also this recipe: the following cocktail will be very useful for diabetics. Take half a teaspoon of kefir and a pinch of pepper, and pour a glass of kefir. Drink half an hour before bedtime.

♦ Kefir with cinnamon also has a positive effect on high blood pressure, then it is drunk not before bed, but during the day:

♦ To lower blood pressure, take a teaspoon of seasoning powder and pour half a glass of kefir over it, then stir gently and add kefir to a full glass. You need to drink it regardless of food for two months twice a day.

♦ To lose weight, drink kefir with cinnamon in the morning, adding 1 teaspoon of ground spice to a glass of kefir.

Treatment recipes

♦ For the treatment of multiple sclerosis and lameness, you can try the following medicine. We take one tablespoon of cinnamon and thyme powders, three tablespoons of lemon balm leaves ground into powder, four lemons, which must be minced together with the skin, but without seeds. To this whole mixture you need to add half a kilogram of honey and twenty milliliters of pharmaceutical tinctures of valerian and hawthorn. Take one tablespoon of the mixture three times a day an hour before meals. This will help improve blood flow in your arms and legs.

♦ Take a quarter teaspoon of spice and stir it in a glass of hot water. You can also add a spoonful of honey or sugar. You need to drink two or three sips every hour. This tea helps prevent or stop a migraine attack and is also excellent against headaches.

♦ To strengthen your hair, you can take two drops of the plant’s essential oil and add two tablespoons of olive oil to it. Rub the mixture into the scalp half an hour before washing and rinse with shampoo.

♦ To rejuvenate the whole body, you need to take three or four drops of the plant’s essential oil and add it to a bath with a temperature no higher than 38 degrees. You need to take a bath for about fifteen minutes and do not dry your body until it dries itself.

♦ Take half a teaspoon of the plant powder and pour a glass of boiling water. The entire mixture should be left until it cools down and drunk on an empty stomach, and half before bed. Place the rest in the refrigerator. This tea perfectly speeds up metabolism and burns excess fat.

The benefits of cinnamon tea for colds and possible harm

♦ Tea with cinnamon and cloves is good for colds, but it is harmful for gastrointestinal diseases. Boil a pinch of cinnamon spice and a bud of cloves in two hundred milliliters of water. Strain the resulting mixture and add the fresh juice of half a lemon. Next, add one tablespoon of honey and drink hot before bed.

♦ To prevent the flu, you need to drink a glass of warm tea every three or four hours, adding half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of black pepper, and sweetening it with a little honey. Do not take if you are nervous.

♦ For the flu. In a shot of vodka you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon, pepper, cloves, ground ginger root, add one chopped bay leaf and a tablespoon of honey. The entire mixture must be poured with boiling water in a porcelain bowl and left for half an hour and strained. You need to drink before going to bed.

♦ For coughs and colds, you can drink a glass of hot milk three times a day, in which a quarter teaspoon of spice will be mixed. Drink regardless of food.

♦ Take half a teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of grated fresh ginger root and a slice of lemon. If necessary, you can add a spoonful of honey. This tea is great for colds.

♦ If there is a need to cure a sore throat, then you need to take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and pour half a glass of hot water, but not boiling water. Leave the decoction for thirty minutes and drink two sips every hour, and if necessary, add a little honey or sugar.

Natural organic cinnamon powder can be purchased here.

This is a real product that retains all its beneficial properties. I love this cinnamon!

Instead of mulled wine - warming cinnamon wine

♦ Hot wine with spices and cinnamon, an anti-cold remedy known since the times of Ancient Greece. To make this delicious medicine you will need:
· red wine (500 ml);
· orange and lemon (two slices each);
· honey (teaspoon);
· cloves (2 buds);
· cinnamon (a piece of stick and a pinch of powder).

All ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. Drink this drink hot, in small sips, preferably at night.

♦ This recipe for medicinal tea has long been known in Korea. For it you will need:
cardamom (4 grains);
· cloves (3 buds);

· ginger.

Grind the spices and add hot water (280 ml). Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a pinch of black tea, a little milk and a spoonful of honey. Drink this tea before bed.

A medicinal delicacy made from cinnamon, spices, nuts and dried fruits

Take two tablespoons of cinnamon, one teaspoon of cardamom, two tablespoons of grated orange peel, a quarter cup of sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chopped almonds, walnuts or pine nuts, and a half cup of apple or orange juice concentrate, chopped dates, raisins, a mixture of crushed fruits and coconut flakes. All this mush needs to be thoroughly mixed and distributed on a baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 160 degrees. You need to cook for forty-five minutes, stirring occasionally. The finished dish should be dry and toasted, then add fruit and coconut. If you care about your figure and want to reduce the amount of fat, then remove nuts from them. This dish will help in the treatment of coronary disease.

Psychics say that the aroma of cinnamon is the aroma of passion. And if you treat the object of your dreams with a cup of coffee with the addition of this spice, the date will be unusually pleasant and promising. Therefore, among the beneficial properties of cinnamon, as well as contraindications, I would also include its ability to awaken passion in the hearts of people. Be careful with such an aphrodisiac - do not treat tea or coffee with cinnamon to those you are completely indifferent to. What if you wake up a sleeping volcano?..

Health to everyone!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Cinnamon is considered a true natural treasure. This spice is often used in confectionery and various culinary dishes. In addition to its exquisite aroma and incredible taste, it has a number of beneficial properties that you should know about. It is rich in vitamins and beneficial elements. The spice is also known for its antioxidant effect, which is actively used in cosmetology.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon

This red-brown spice has healing properties that have been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, doctors used cinnamon to treat arthritis, coughs and sore throats. Cinnamon increases energy and vitality and is an excellent source of calcium, iron and manganese. It stimulates digestion, provides the body with fiber, and helps fight diarrhea.

The spice has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkillers;
  • and diuretic effect.

It should be noted that cinnamon stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder, as well as the kidneys, liver, and entire digestive system, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. It also stimulates the nervous system, helps treat depression and improves mood.

This spice improves blood supply to the brain, so brain cells receive more oxygen and nutrients. This improves concentration and visual memory.

Cinnamon essential oil is widely used. It tones the body, relieves cramps, and is an analgesic. The oil has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and has an antiseptic effect. It is often used to treat:

  • flatulence;
  • colitis;
  • acne;
  • colds;
  • flu;
  • relief of rheumatic pain;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Types of this spice and its composition

There are two main types of cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon and cassia. Ceylon spice is considered more healthy and is widely used in Western Europe. Cassia is considered to be native to southern China, which is why it is often called Chinese cinnamon. It is much cheaper than Ceylon cinnamon.

These two main types differ in appearance, color and taste. Their main differences:

  1. Ceylon cinnamon has a delicate and sweet taste and a more subtle aroma. It is lighter in color (light brown) and the product itself has a thin crust (which is so soft that you can even chew it). In appearance, it looks rolled up, like a roll.
  2. Cassia has a spicier taste and a sharper aroma. The color is reddish brown and the sticks are thick and curved on both sides.

In addition to the difference in taste and aroma, Ceylon cinnamon has a very significant advantage - it contains approximately 1000 times less coumarin. This is very important because coumarin is toxic to the kidneys and liver, and can cause serious health harm if consumed in large quantities.

Composition of 10 g cinnamon:

  • energy value: 24.7 kcal;
  • fat: 0.12 g;
  • carbohydrates: 8.06 g;
  • proteins: 0.4 g.

In addition, cinnamon is rich in essential minerals such as manganese, iron and calcium, and also contains high amounts of fiber.

Cinnamon dosage

The exact dosage of cinnamon is a controversial issue. According to studies, to obtain therapeutic effects, it is enough to consume approximately 3-5 grams per day. The exact amount depends on many factors, including age, health, body weight, etc.

But consumption of more than 6 grams of spice per day is strictly contraindicated. This is due to the fact that the spice contains coumarin. This substance in large doses is very toxic to the liver.

This spice helps fight a variety of diseases. In most cases, it is enough to simply consume it by adding it to tea or dishes. Sometimes rubbing with cinnamon essential oil is used.

Cinnamon against flu and stomach upset
For flu and stomach upset, tea with the addition of this spice will be very effective. You can drink it 3-4 times a day. It is best to drink it after meals. You can use powder or sticks to make tea.

Cinnamon tea recipe:

  1. Take a teapot into which tea is poured. 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon is added to it, after which boiling water is poured.
  2. The drink should be infused in the kettle for several minutes, after which it should be stirred.
  3. Pour the tea into a cup and wait until it cools a little and becomes warm. A little honey is added. You need to drink the drink while it is warm.

Cinnamon for diabetes
Scientific evidence suggests that including cinnamon in the diet may help improve glucose and lipid levels in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The study authors claim that eating 3 to 6 grams of the spice per day leads to lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels . This reduces the level of bad LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in the blood.

Consuming cinnamon can reduce risk factors associated with diabetes. Additionally, cinnamon extract can prevent fasting blood sugar levels from plummeting, which can prevent symptoms such as fainting or dizziness.

Cinnamon for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease
Increasing evidence suggests that the accumulation of soluble oligomeric β-amyloid polypeptide (Aβ) plays a key role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, a natural substance found in cinnamon extract (CEppt) has been found to have the ability to inhibit the formation of toxic Aβ oligomers. This makes this spice a powerful ally in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

A study of experimental mice with an aggressive form of Alzheimer's disease showed significant improvements in cognitive behavior and survival. Moreover, their disease did not progress as usual. This means that cinnamon extract can also be used to treat Alzheimer's disease. However, for this purpose, spices should be taken in large quantities, which can be very harmful to the body.

Cinnamon against arthritis and osteoporosis
Many patients have found relief from joint pain in recent years thanks to regular consumption of cinnamon and cinnamon massage. This is due to the fact that the spice contains significant amounts of manganese, a mineral necessary for the formation of bone tissue and the functioning of blood cells. The body needs manganese to maintain optimal bone health, so people deficient in this mineral are more likely to develop osteoporosis.

Cinnamon against fungal infections
Cinnamon contains a substance called cinnamaldehyde, which has antibacterial and analgesic properties. It has shown exceptional effectiveness in suppressing certain resistant fungal and bacterial infections. This is especially true for E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

The antibacterial properties of cinnamon oil are most pronounced. It is used for external local use, with the exception of the genital area and mucous membranes. The most effective recipe is a mixture of 2-3 drops of Ceylon cinnamon oil with 2 tablespoons of almond or olive oil.

Cinnamon and weight loss
This spice is considered an ally for all those who want to lose extra pounds. It speeds up metabolism, improves the digestive process and regulates kidney activity. Regular consumption will improve metabolic processes. This leads to the fact that fats received from food are more efficiently eliminated from the body.

Since cinnamon helps get rid of excess weight, it is often a component of anti-cellulite creams. The following cocktail will be very useful for weight loss: take one glass of kefir or yogurt. You should add 0.5 teaspoon each of cinnamon and ginger, as well as a pinch of chili. Everything is thoroughly mixed and drunk. It is worth noting that the cocktail is only effective if it contains all of the listed ingredients. However, do not forget that the best way to lose weight is proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

All the beneficial properties of cinnamon are further enhanced by mixing it with honey.

  1. For sore throat. This is one of the most enjoyable home remedies. To treat a sore throat, mix a spoonful of honey with the same amount of cinnamon. The resulting mixture should be turned into a thick suspension, which you then need to eat. The slightly coarse consistency of the mixture helps clear the throat effectively.
  2. Benefits for the immune system. Cinnamon contains antioxidants and flavonoids, just like cocoa. Every morning on an empty stomach it is recommended to eat a spoonful of honey with cinnamon. It is better to dissolve them in a glass of milk. This will improve your immune system and prevent you from getting the flu.
  3. Bad breath. Every morning you should rinse with honey and cinnamon, which are mixed in a glass of water. This will effectively get rid of bad breath.

Cinnamon tea

One of the most enjoyable ways to consume cinnamon in large quantities is as an aromatic tea. To prepare it, you can use the following recipes:

  1. The simplest and most effective method is to put a whole cinnamon stick (preferably Ceylon) in 200-300 ml of boiling water. After the drink has cooled a little, add a spoonful of honey to it.
  2. If you don't have cinnamon sticks, you can use cinnamon powder. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to 300-400 ml of boiling water. Next, boil the water for about 5 minutes, after which the drink is filtered through a fine filter or cheesecloth.

This tea is especially effective for irritable bowel syndrome. A very good addition to cinnamon tea would be a piece of ginger.

You can make cinnamon tea even more fragrant and attractive:

  1. You need to wash as many apples as you plan to make cups of tea.
  2. Take a sharp and short knife (for fruit) and cut out the inside of each apple to create an empty container.
  3. Tea is prepared using one of the above methods and poured into apples.

How to Add Cinnamon to Your Diet

Aromatic spices can be widely used as an addition to various dishes and drinks. It can be added to tea, coffee or cocoa (cinnamon sticks are more suitable for this), liqueur, wine, punch.

Cookies and various desserts will turn out to be very tasty and unique when adding this spice. Sometimes it is added to oatmeal or baked apples. You can also make a drink from honey and cinnamon, or simply mix them for direct consumption.

Recipe for a very tasty drink: a glass of fresh milk, honey and cinnamon. The amount of ingredients is selected individually according to taste, but you should not exceed the recommended doses. Apart from powder and sticks, cinnamon can also be taken in tablet form.

Generally, consuming cinnamon is safe for most people. But in addition to all the beneficial properties of cinnamon, there are also some risks that may arise, especially with excessive consumption of the spice.

  1. Since cinnamon is a powdered tree bark, it has a high cellulose content. As a result, it is difficult to digest, which can cause discomfort and gas in the abdominal cavity for some people. This means that patients sensitive to cellulose should not consume the spice in large quantities.
  2. Cinnamon should not be consumed by people with ulcers or gastrointestinal diseases. Pregnant women should limit their consumption, as large amounts of this spice can lead to premature birth.
  3. The spice is contraindicated for people who are allergic to this product.
  4. It is not advisable to include it in the menu for infants.

Taking more cinnamon is also not recommended under the following conditions:

  • breast-feeding;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • some forms of hormone-dependent cancer, such as breast cancer;
  • serious heart problems;
  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • low blood pressure;
  • hypoglycemia.

When applied to the skin, cinnamon can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

There is a huge risk in trying to swallow a whole teaspoon of cinnamon powder! It is very dangerous to consume the spice without dissolving it in food or some drink. This causes coughing and choking, as well as a burning sensation in the mouth, nose and throat. Other effects may occur, including nausea and nosebleeds.

Inhaling cinnamon powder may cause suffocation! In addition, there is a serious danger that some of the powder will enter directly into the lungs. This can have serious consequences such as pneumonia, thickening of the lung tissue (fibrosis), scarring, pneumonia, and collapsed lung.

Patients with asthma or other respiratory problems are at risk of breathing difficulties when taking cinnamon.

Unwanted Interactions

As mentioned, the coumarin found in cinnamon can cause liver damage. Therefore, combining spices with drugs that have an effect like coumarin is undesirable. It is not recommended to consume too much cinnamon if a person is taking any of the following medications:

  • acetaminophen;
  • amiodarone;
  • carbamazepine;
  • isoniazid;
  • methotrexate;
  • methyldop;
  • fluconazole;
  • itraconazole;
  • erythromycin;
  • phenytoin;
  • lovastatin;
  • pravastatin;
  • simvastatin.

Combining diabetes medications may have a risk of excessively lowering blood sugar levels, so cinnamon should be taken with extreme caution when using the following:

  • glimepiride;
  • glibenclamide;
  • insulin;
  • metformin;
  • pioglitazone;
  • rosiglitazone;
  • chlorpropamide;
  • glipizide;
  • tolbutamide

You should also be careful when combining the spice with alpha lipoic acid and chromium.

Large amounts of cinnamon should not be taken with certain natural remedies and herbs that have potential negative effects on the liver, such as:

  • Dubrovnik;
  • kava-kava;
  • peppermint oil;
  • red yeast rice

You should be careful when combining with the following herbs, which may lower your blood sugar:

  • bitter melon;
  • fenugreek;
  • garlic;
  • horse chestnut;
  • ginseng;
  • plantain.

Guar gum, used as a stabilizer and thickener in the food industry, also has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you should avoid eating foods containing guar gum along with large amounts of cinnamon.

Video: beneficial properties and harm of cinnamon

Cinnamon belongs to the evergreen trees of the laurel family. The tree is grown in tropical regions. Before it goes on sale, the plant grows for two years, then the bark is cut off and dried. The inner thin layer of bark is used as a spice. Cinnamon comes on sale in the form of twisted tubes and has a special, warm aroma.

Housewives have long found the use of this spice in cooking, adding it to baked goods. In perfumery, the essential oil of the plant is used to compose perfume compositions of perfumes, soaps, gels and tonics. The properties of the plant are also used in medicine. Mentions of it can be found in the treatises of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian teaching on health, where unique medical qualities are attributed to it.

Composition of cinnamon

100 gr. cinnamon contains:

Cinnamon - 15 beneficial properties

  1. Cinnamon's ability to lower blood sugar levels

    The chemical components of the plant are able to control blood glucose levels, which is an important factor for people with type 2 diabetes. The presence of flavonoids and polyphenols has a positive effect on this disease. Cinnamon reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels due to low lipoprotein density. Research conducted in this area by American scientists has proven that the properties of the plant can be used in additional treatment regimens for patients with diabetes.

    Consumption of just half a teaspoon of plant extract in the daily diet reduces glucose readings in patients with type 2 diabetes. You can add cinnamon to all kinds of dishes - porridge, tea, infusions.

  2. Plant help with high cholesterol

    When faced with the phrase “bad cholesterol,” you should understand that this is a formation of a protein-apoprotein compound and is referred to in medicine as the LDL complex. Cholesterol itself has an organic compound in the form of a natural fatty alcohol. Its deposition on the walls of blood vessels leads to the deposition of plaques that clog the lumen of the vessel and interfere with the free passage of blood.

    Cinnamon's ability to reduce the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels makes it indispensable for improving brain function. Using the plant as an additive to culinary dishes, it is possible to reduce the percentage of LDL in the body and protect yourself from diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

  3. Using cinnamon for weight loss

    An unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, and eating foods high in fat all lead to increased body weight and unnecessary kilograms.

    Adding one tablespoon of plant extract to the main dishes of the diet, as a dietary seasoning, will improve digestion and help cope with excess weight.

  4. Cinnamon Helps Improve Blood Circulation

    By consuming the plant in food, you can improve blood circulation, which will have a beneficial effect on its oxygen saturation and activates the metabolic activity of cells.

  5. Preventive properties of the plant against cancerous tumors

    The antioxidant properties of the plant make it possible to use the plant extract during anti-cancer preventive measures, combining them with a proper lifestyle and physical activity, especially if there is a hereditary threat of the disease.

  6. Antimicrobial and antifungal properties of the plant

    In pharmacology, the properties of the plant's essential oil are considered one of the best, capable of counteracting the formation of viruses, bacteria and fungal infections. During the period of seasonal respiratory diseases, it is enough to wet clean the house with the addition of a few drops of oil and a disinfectant effect will be ensured.

    And tea with cinnamon normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity and eliminates pathogenic yeast-like candida fungi, which often occur against the background of a general decrease in immunity.

    For people suffering from hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating of the feet caused by fungal infections, the antifungal properties of the plant will help get rid of this problem. By adding 5-8 drops to water for foot baths, you can not only prevent unpleasant odors, but also prevent the appearance of fungus.

  7. Properties of cinnamon aimed at improving digestion

    Nutritionists recommend the use of spice in the diet due to the presence in it of a large amount of micro and macro minerals magnesium, iron, calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. It was found that the plant is capable of resisting inflammation caused by E. coli and improve digestive motility. Cinnamon is also an excellent source of fiber. Its components calcium and manganese are aimed at improving digestion by binding salts of bile acids and removing them from the body.

  8. Help with arthritic diseases

    Observations of patients with arthrosis, in which therapy using the properties of cinnamon was used, showed the ability of the plant to reduce cytokines that inhibit the production of cartilage lubrication. Patients who took ground cinnamon powder for 10 days felt significant relief and gained the ability to move freely without feeling pain.

  9. Use of cinnamon in dentistry

    Many dental hygiene products include essential oil of the plant in oral care products. And this is justified. The antibacterial properties of the plant not only eliminate unpleasant oral odor, but also improve the condition of the gums.

  10. Properties of the plant to improve cognitive abilities

    It is the cognitive abilities of the psyche (memory, attention, smell, etc.) that give us the opportunity to navigate in society. The processes of smell are physiologically closely related to the process of memory and memorization. Cinnamon is included in the list of essential oils that can have a stimulating effect on human cognitive abilities. If you say the word “cinnamon” out loud, everyone, without exception, will remember its pleasant aroma.

    Cinnamon not only activates brain activity, but is also an excellent tonic. Research conducted in Florida by Dr. Zoladz found the ability of cinnamon extract to improve memory quality and visual motor skills.

  11. Preventing Alzheimer's disease with cinnamon

    One of the standout properties of cinnamon is its ability to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientific research in this area is yielding positive results, based on the effect of the spicy plant on the human brain. Prevention of this disease is based on daily consumption of cinnamon extract in the diet.

  12. Using cinnamon essential vapor to repel insects

    The sweet aroma of cinnamon is an environmentally friendly means of repelling unwanted guests in our home - ants, mosquitoes, moths, flies and other insects. At home, you can prepare a spray for this purpose yourself by diluting a few drops of oil in one liter of water and treating insect areas with it. Cinnamon sticks can be hung in doorways, thereby protecting yourself from flies in the summer.

  13. Using cinnamon as a food concentrate

    Cinnamon not only repels insects, it is also an excellent preservative, often used in cooking. By putting a pinch of the plant powder in the refrigerator, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor in it. The bread will remain fresh and will not show signs of mold if there is a cinnamon stick in the bread bin.

  14. The plant's ability to balance hormonal levels

    The organic compound cinnamaldehyde can balance the hormones of the female body during menopause and in the intervals between “critical” days, increasing female progesterone levels. Although the product is of natural plant origin, you should still consult a doctor before using it.

    Researchers at Columbia University have established the plant's ability to control the female menstrual cycle during manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome, which women so often suffer from.

  15. Help with inflammation of the throat

    Possessing antibacterial properties, cinnamon can have an anti-inflammatory effect caused by sore throat. For this purpose, rinsing procedures are used. Cinnamon sticks infused in one liter of water for 24 hours saturate the solution with useful substances and soothe a sore throat.

  16. Cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac

    Essential extracts of the plant, irritating our receptors, evoke a positive response to its smell, while awakening sexual desire in men and desire in women. Many personal contraceptive items have a cinnamon scent.

  17. Use of cinnamon in cosmetology

    Cinnamon oil has found wide use not only for medical, but also for cosmetic purposes. Providing skin transformation with its use.

    Cinnamon and honey mask

    Pre-melted honey in the amount of two tablespoons is mixed with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. After applying to the face, keep it on for 20-30 minutes. This procedure has a rejuvenating effect.

    Mask with cinnamon, honey and nutmeg

    Melted honey 2 tablespoons, mixed with one teaspoon of cinnamon. Add 1 tablespoon of finely ground nutmeg to the resulting mass. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. The mask is not only nutritious, but also acts as a treasure.

    Cinnamon hair mask

    Cinnamon essential oil, having a tonic effect, is used in components for the care of dry, thin hair. The basic component for this procedure can be any oil you like - olive, burdock. Add 6-7 drops of cinnamon ether to 50 ml of base oil, distributing the product with massage movements along the entire length of the strands. The procedure time is one hour. It is recommended to repeat the manipulation once every five days.

Cinnamon - contraindications

In moderate doses, cinnamon has a positive effect on various body systems, but there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when consuming the spice. Cinnamon should not be consumed:

    People with individual intolerance to plant components;

    Women who are breastfeeding. The spice retains its aromas in mother's milk and is not liked by newborns;

    Cinnamon is also prohibited for manifestations of primary vascular hemostasis caused by poor blood clotting;

    Use with restrictions for manifestations of ulcers and increased readings of stomach acidity;

    In large doses, cinnamon causes allergic reactions, accompanied by skin rashes and swelling.

In Egypt, the price of cinnamon was equal to the price of silver. Only for representatives of the nobility it was added to baked goods and wine.

Cinnamon oil is included in warming medicinal ointments.

The plant is native to Sri Lanka. The cinnamon plant grown there occupies a leading place with its qualities. Second and third places are given to plantations from Indonesia and Brazil.

Cinnamon turns any culinary dish into a unique delicacy. Walking into a store and smelling cinnamon, you just want to buy a bun flavored with it. Managers use this trick to make more sales.

What else is useful?

Cinnamon is the dried and powdered inner layers of the bark of the cinnamon tree. The outer coarsened layer of any plant of this genus, according to the “classics”, should not be used as a spice. But in practice, the lion's share of cinnamon sold in domestic stores is not real cinnamon, but cassia - the powdered bark of a relative of true cinnamon, called Cinnamomum aromaticum.

In other words, cinnamon differs from cassia in that all layers of bark and, moreover, a different plant are used to make it. The aroma is very similar, although cinnamon powder still smells stronger than cassia. Plus, the texture of cassia is rougher due to the fact that it contains an admixture of the upper layer of bark. But less accurate manufacturing technology makes cassia a cheaper product, indistinguishable to a layman from real cinnamon.


The benefits of cinnamon come mainly from the chemical composition of its essential oil, which gives it its characteristic warm aroma. Its concentration in the tissues of cinnamon bark is more than 50%, and it itself is almost entirely formed by cinnamaldehyde - cinnamal. Aldehydes as a type of chemical compounds are ubiquitous in nature. Some of them are poisonous, even very poisonous, such as formaldehyde, and some are not. Non-toxic aldehydes only give the raw material a pleasant aroma.

Cinnamal in this sense occupies an intermediate position between completely harmless and extremely dangerous aldehydes - that is, it is moderately toxic. In particular, it has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and a burning effect on the tissues with which it comes into contact. Such properties make it a good insecticide for agriculture and allow it to replace antibiotics in the treatment of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections.

Farmers especially value cinnamaldehyde for its lack of harm to sprayed plants, soil and consumers of the crop treated with it. And the traditional medicine of the countries that produce cinnamon powder - for its consistently effective use of the plant for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. True, the presence of unsafe health properties in cinnamaldehyde determines not only the benefits, but also almost all the harm of cinnamon in the event of an overdose. And besides cinnamal, cinnamon powder is rich in other biologically active substances.

  • Eugenol. A phenol with the same partially toxic effect on microorganisms as cinnamaldehyde, including typical pathogens of human infections. It is not without reason that eugenol is used as an antiseptic in dentistry. Cloves contain more eugenol than cinnamon powder, which is why its extract is best known to us under the name “clove oil.”
  • Tannins. Moreover, in a wide “range”. Tannins always have a moderate toxic effect, and none of them are safe. Plants secrete them to protect their own tissues from pests, which is why their concentration in the bark of any of them is the highest. Cinnamon and cassia are tree bark powders, so the presence of a significant amount of tannins in their composition is not surprising. Tannins are similar in their effect to antibiotics, even more so than cinnamaldehyde, since they have a much stronger anti-inflammatory effect. And they have a higher potential for destroying pathogens.
  • Minerals. Calcium, which is responsible for bone strength and good muscle tone, iron, which ensures the synthesis of red blood cells in the bone marrow, potassium, which increases vascular tone and increases the number of heart contractions. Cinnamon powder also contains magnesium with its calming effect and zinc, which takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones and male sperm, as well as metabolic processes such as the breakdown of ethyl alcohol in the liver.
  • Vitamins. About a third of the entire group B, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and retinol (vitamin A). But they are present in all plants on Earth, as they serve as the basis of plant metabolism.

So, the medicinal properties of cinnamon are due to the high concentration in it of everything that is so valued by traditional medicine in the bark of many other plants. Namely, compounds with a toxic effect on both the human body and the causative agents of its pathologies.

Therapeutic effect

In practice, all of the above means that cinnamon powder can be used not only in cooking, but also for therapeutic purposes for the following pathologies.

  • Kidney diseases. And urinary tract, including cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). Cinnamon works here as a means of sanitizing tissues and internal membranes of organs, helping to eliminate inflammation caused not only by pathogens, but also by sand, stones, and any substances removed in excess from the blood. It also eliminates problems caused by chronic urinary retention, as occurs in men with adenoma/prostatitis.
  • Diarrhea (Diarrhea). And also constipation as the opposite of stool disorder. Firstly, cinnamon powder disinfects the digestive tract even more effectively than kidney tissue (due to its more direct action). That is, it eliminates problems with stool due to dysbiosis or intestinal infections - factors that provoke diarrhea more often than others. Secondly, cinnamon has a stimulating effect on intestinal peristalsis, improving the functions of digestion, assimilation of digested food and elimination of “dry residue”.
  • Pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Because the pungent, spicy aroma of cinnamon powder stimulates the activity of both the pancreas and gall bladder. This property is not the “prerogative” of cinnamon alone, since all spices and herbs with a bitter taste, such as wormwood, St. John’s wort, corn silk, etc., have a similar effect. It is not for nothing that they are also firmly established as choleretic in folk medicine.
  • Joint diseases. Including age-related ones, such as osteochondrosis. Cinnamon powder contains a whole set of anti-inflammatory components that can influence the speed and strength of the inflammatory response (a specific reaction that occurs when the body needs to renew some tissues, but their own resources for growth are no longer enough).
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. With the exception of hypertension, regardless of what causes it. The problem with treating the heart with cinnamon powder is that, like all spices, it increases blood pressure and can cause a feeling of heat, a rush of blood to the head, and a rapid heartbeat. That’s why, with a general positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (including due to potassium, magnesium, calcium), cinnamon is contraindicated in any of their pathologies, which are accompanied by a constant or periodic increase in pressure. What’s especially annoying is that this phenomenon accompanies them in most cases.
  • Respiratory diseases. Cinnamon powder, especially taken with honey, helps with all types of respiratory diseases and their common symptoms such as cough, sore throat, hoarseness. Cinnamon increases the temperature of the entire body and stimulates blood flow to the tissues of the throat. Meanwhile, it is precisely the high temperature and intensive “delivery” of leukocytes (immune bodies transported in the bloodstream) to the areas affected by sepsis that serve as mechanisms for the body’s natural fight against pathogens of any nature.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. Firstly, the benefits of cinnamon in gynecology are explained by the fact that it stimulates capillary blood circulation well, which is fundamentally important for the normal functioning of the arousal mechanism in representatives of both sexes. Secondly, cinnamon contains minerals necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, including those that “serve” sexual intercourse and are responsible for desire. Thirdly, it promotes sperm production in men. Fourthly, cinnamon extracts can suppress inflammation of the genital organs, improving not only the quality of sexual intercourse itself, but also fertility.
  • Endocrine disorders. One of the properties attributed to cinnamon is its supposedly scientifically proven ability to alleviate the course of non-insulin-dependent (that is, type II) diabetes mellitus. But here it must be said that, most likely, its benefit for diabetics at any stage of the disease is limited to a slight increase in the sensitivity of the cell’s insulin receptors to sugar. All metabolic stimulants have this property, including not only spices, but also caffeine, ephedrine, adrenaline, and physical activity. Faster blood circulation accelerates metabolic processes inside cells, and all of them take place with the participation of two common catalysts - sugar and oxygen. In other words, the consumption of glucose by cells with an increase in muscle tone or blood flow still increases, regardless of what they are caused by - fear, jogging in the park, drinking a cup of coffee or another reason. But there is no reason to assume that the treatment of diabetes with cinnamon can go beyond a slight and temporary increase in the absorption of sugar (only in the presence of insulin, so taking it does not relieve its injections), yet. But the benefits of cinnamon as a metabolic stimulant are manifested not only in diabetes mellitus, but also in a number of other endocrine disorders.

In addition to everything already listed, cinnamon helps solve a number of skin and hair problems, for which it is valued in cosmetology. Thus, its anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically allows patients to say goodbye to comedones, pustular rashes, enlarged pores, age spots, dandruff and hair loss due to its “fault,” fungal and bacterial infections of the skin and hair follicles, including demodicosis.

It is believed that cinnamon can reduce the rate of development of atherosclerosis by slowing down the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful for losing weight - as an “amplifier” of the effect of other measures. But both of these actions are explained by the same thing as the benefits of cinnamon for diabetes - stimulation of metabolism, the slowdown of which with age and due to inactivity, according to modern medicine, leads to aging of blood vessels and weight gain.


At the same time, taking cinnamon often provokes side effects, among which allergies are the most common. It can occur with any substance, especially with prolonged or frequent use. And cinnamon is a highly allergenic compound due to its pronounced effect, partial toxicity of the components and the presence of vitamin C. There is a high probability of tissue burns when using cinnamon essential oil (external applications) or exceeding its dosage when taken orally.

Cinnamon contraindications

Cinnamon is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, but only if it is used in cooking. But treatment with it during this period should be treated with caution, since the concentration of toxins in cinnamon, albeit weak, is not so small, and their effect on the fetus, by the way, has so far been poorly studied. Among the clear contraindications to its therapy is not only hypertension.

  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer. Since although cinnamon is able to relieve inflammation, including the walls of the stomach/intestines, when taken orally it will irritate them rather than heal them. It is precisely because of the properties of strong irritants or even abrasives that gastritis and ulcers exclude the use of any spices and foods with a sour taste, including vinegar, cinnamon, and most fruits. So you may not expect a therapeutic effect from taking it, but the pain can easily increase significantly.
  • Increased stomach acidity. Congenital or acquired. Cinnamon, like many other spices and metabolic stimulants, including caffeine and nicotine, itself provokes hyperacidosis. And if it is already available, the matter will probably end with an attack of heartburn.


As for the use of cinnamon in dishes, everything is clear: it serves as a traditional addition to confectionery, but sometimes it is also seasoned with savory dishes - rice, meat, etc., prepared in the oriental style. It is known that cinnamon complements the taste of natural coffee well (add cinnamon on the tip of a knife to a teaspoon of ground coffee). Reviews from housewives also say that cinnamon is an ideal addition to plum, currant, cherry, apricot jam, cream and curd desserts like Tiramisu.

Among other things, cinnamon is added to many aromatic compositions. And brewing tea with cinnamon is very simple - just add a third of a dessert spoon of cinnamon powder without a “hill” to a teaspoon of black tea, and then pour boiling water over them together and infuse as usual. Recipes for masks with cinnamon, of course, are somewhat more difficult to make, but they give silkiness and shine to the hair, and elasticity and uniformity of color to the skin.

Mask for the face

You will need:

  • a third of the pulp of one banana;
  • a teaspoon of sour cream (dry and normal skin) or kefir (oily and problem skin);
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Preparation and use

  1. Place sour cream/kefir, banana and lemon juice into the bowl of a blender or food processor, blend for thirty seconds, no more.
  2. Add cinnamon to the resulting mixture, beat again for 10-15 seconds - just to stir the product.
  3. Afterwards, all that remains is to remove the finished mask and apply a thick, even layer to the face, excluding the area of ​​the lips and eyes.

Preparations with cinnamon should not be kept on the face for more than fifteen minutes, and they should be washed off simply with warm water without using detergents.

Cinnamon can also be mixed with natural honey in a 1:1 ratio and applied to the face for no more than five minutes in the evenings, before bed, since such a mask warms well and activates capillary blood circulation, while simultaneously leading to temporary redness of the skin.

Hair Care Product

You will need:

  • a glass of full-fat kefir (normal and oily hair) or cream (dry and brittle hair);
  • the yolk of one chicken egg;
  • a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Preparation and use

  1. Heat kefir to a temperature of about 60 ° C (slightly warmer than body temperature), add cinnamon and kefir to it.
  2. Beat the mixture with a spoon or whisk until completely smooth.
  3. This mask should be applied to dry and clean hair, with an “emphasis” on the roots and subsequent distribution along the entire length.
  4. It is better to wrap the head with polyethylene on top; you can also wrap a waffle towel over it.
  5. Keep the product on your hair for no longer than half an hour, and then wash it off with warm water and your regular shampoo.

Anti-inflammatory compress

You will need:

  • a level teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
  • a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • dessert spoon of “Extra” table salt.

Preparation and use

  1. Heat the honey to 50-60 °C to make it thinner, add salt and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Then add cinnamon to the mixture and beat with a spoon until smooth.
  3. The resulting compress should be applied warm, locally, once a day (preferably in the evening), to problem areas - aching joints, areas of acne, pigmentation, fungal infection.
  4. It is advisable to cover the top of the applique with a piece of polyethylene and wrap it with a warm cloth, for example, a terry towel or a woolen scarf.

The use of cinnamon at home for the treatment of pathologies of the skin (especially the face) and the musculoskeletal system requires different times of exposure of the compresses. So, you only need to keep the application with it on your face for 15 minutes, and you can remove it from the skin of the body, including joints, after 20-30 minutes. It is permissible to slightly extend the exposure time, but not for long, since cinnamon can burn the skin, especially damaged or sensitive skin.

Cinnamon ( Cinnamomum velum or C. cassia) has been considered a miraculous plant in various cultures since ancient times. It has been scientifically proven that its active components - cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol - bring certain benefits to the body. While research is still ongoing regarding the health benefits of cinnamon and its ability to fight disease, it is recognized that cinnamon has some therapeutic benefits for certain conditions, such as digestive disorders and minor bacterial infections or colds.


Use cinnamon for colds or flu

    Choose Ceylon cinnamon. The two main types of cinnamon are Ceylon cinnamon and cassia (or cinnamon tree) cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is also called true cinnamon, but it is more difficult to find in a regular supermarket, which is often full of cassia. Ceylon cinnamon, however, is much better due to its lower coumarin content.

    Choose the best way to consume cinnamon. You can buy ground cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, cinnamon supplements, or cinnamon extract. Before choosing your option, consider what you will be using the cinnamon for. If you want to introduce it into your regular diet, the requirements will be different than if you are going to use it as a medicine. Use both cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon in different types of dishes.

    Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to hot drinks to combat flu and colds. Cinnamon is believed to have a good antibacterial effect, which will help your immune system fight off flu and colds. Cinnamon helps control the growth of bacteria and fungi. By adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to hot water, you're creating a soothing drink that's unlikely to cure your cold, but will make you feel a little better.

    Try a hot drink with cinnamon to combat a runny nose. A hot cinnamon drink can help relieve flu and cold symptoms, especially a runny nose. You can also add ginger to the drink so that you don’t give a cold a chance.

    Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to soups. Just like with a hot drink, if you add cinnamon to your soup, it will give it a special flavor and also make it easier if you are not feeling well.

    Use cinnamon to improve digestion

    1. Use Ceylon cinnamon to relieve digestive problems. If you want to improve your digestive tract with cinnamon, use Ceylon cinnamon. It doesn't matter how you use the cinnamon, but if you're flavoring your dishes, ground cinnamon is most practical, as it can easily be measured in teaspoons.

      • Cinnamon sticks are great for making drinks, but they make it much harder to measure how much you've consumed.
    2. Season high-carb foods with cinnamon. Adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to a meal rich in carbohydrates can reduce the effect of this type of food on your blood sugar. After eating, sugar levels rise as the stomach empties, but adding cinnamon can slow down this process and thus lower blood sugar levels. Scientific experiments have shown that adding a few grams of cinnamon to dessert can have a significant effect on gastric emptying rates.

      Help digestion by consuming cinnamon. As an alternative to using cinnamon as a spice, you can consume it in small doses after meals to aid digestion. If you experience heartburn or indigestion after eating, cinnamon can stimulate digestive activity. The oils contained in cinnamon help break down food and stimulate the digestion process.

      • Try cinnamon tea (a teaspoon of cinnamon dissolved in hot water) after meals.
      • Or add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to your afternoon coffee.
    3. Improve bowel function with cinnamon. Cinnamon is an excellent source of calcium and fiber. The combination of these two components will have a positive effect on your gut health. High levels of bile salts damage intestinal cells and increase the risk of colon cancer. Calcium and fiber bind and remove bile salts from your body, which in turn reduces the risk of bowel cancer. .

      Take cinnamon to help lower cholesterol. It has not been definitively proven that cinnamon has an effect on cholesterol levels. Theoretically, because cinnamon affects your body's production of fats and sugars, it may help lower cholesterol. However, this fact has not yet been proven and the amount of cinnamon you consume as a dietary supplement should be limited to 2-3 grams per day.

      • Although cinnamon adds a pleasant aroma to baked goods, using it in high-fat foods is unlikely to help you lower your cholesterol.

    Assess potential risks

    1. Consult your doctor. There are many reasons why you should not take cinnamon in medicinal doses. You should consult your doctor. You should also find out if there are potential risks of a negative reaction to other medications you take, both prescription and herbal.

    2. Find out how much and how often you should take cinnamon. Cinnamon is a misunderstood medicine, so there are no hard and fast rules about how much it should be taken to reap the health benefits. Recommended doses range from ½ teaspoon to 6 teaspoons per day. If in doubt, it would be better to play it safe and use less. Large doses of cinnamon can be dangerous, so under no circumstances consume more than one teaspoon or 6 grams per day.

      • As always, you should consult your doctor before you start consuming cinnamon regularly.