Easy choux pastry cake recipe. Choux pastry cake is a delicate delicacy with an exquisite taste. Method for preparing the Custard Tenderness cake

The most difficult topic that designers don't like to talk about is fashion for teenagers.
What teenagers like to wear does not fit into the designer’s concepts of beauty and harmony, they hate these things, but we have to sew something for this group of the population, so they can’t go naked?
I myself am currently the mother of a teenager, our youngest is 14 years old, this is like my second series, the eldest has safely passed this age.
I won’t talk about how annoying it is to hear her scream at any of my remarks, how she forgets to brush her teeth and wash, how lazy she is to do everything!
Most of all, of course, she is now busy not with her studies, but with her appearance!
In schools here they are allowed to wear makeup and they try hard.
I often see girls of this period with thickly painted eyelashes, cheap mascara spilled onto their cheeks, the colored nail polish on their fingers with hangnails is peeling and nibbled, their hair looks terrible, hormones make it oily after half an hour, boys at this age look even worse, half a jar of gel on the head, pimples, elongated necks and both sexes have absolute madness in their eyes!
How can we survive this age?!

The first thing that both we and teenagers should know is that it is difficult for them; they are preparing for adult life and our task is to help them, not harm them!
Don't brush off their concerns, don't talk about acne:
- This is a teenage thing, they will pass!
They want to live today, so take your child either to a cosmetologist if the pimples are small or to a dermatologist if they are serious.
Washing with Clearasil is not always effective, it is just a means of care, but not a cure for the disease.
In short, treat acne!
Be sure to pay attention to the hygiene of a teenager, at this age they, frankly, stink! Do you remember at school how the girls’ locker room in physical education smelled?
You need to wash every day, or even twice, but remember that teenagers get very tired; after all, they are growing and their body is being rebuilt, so if the child goes to bed during the day, let him sleep! It's useful for him! Pay attention to the animals, too, puppies or kittens, when they grow up, they run, play and sleep!
Often girls are tormented by female ailments, stomach pain from the first menstruation. My eldest, just like me, suffered a lot, then we went to the doctor and she prescribed contraceptive pills, she drank for three months and after that she felt better. Maybe you should also see a doctor...
Now about the appearance.

Teenagers' clothes are a pain!
They don’t like and don’t like adult clothes, and we don’t like what they wear. What should I do?
We must remember that it is important for a teenager to be like EVERYONE else!
Belong to the group, be accepted into it and under no circumstances be ridiculed.
Even if you buy him a very expensive thing, but one that his peers don’t wear, he will never wear it!
Besides, if you force him to do this, it means experiencing a personal tragedy!
My brother was a teenager and his birthday was on January 1, I was already an adult, we were 7 years apart, and my mother and I decided to buy him a watch for his birthday.
Well, besides everything and the New Year, we decided to please the boy and asked him:
— What watch do you want?
“Casio, electronic, plastic, black,” he answered, and we went for a gift.
In those years, such things were sold in thrift stores.
We came to a thrift store, we stood there choosing, the seller asked what we were looking for, we answered that it was a watch.
He looked at us and saw that we were solvent and said:
- Why would you take this Hong Kong rubbish, look, real Swiss Omega, with crystal glass, an excellent bracelet, this is the real thing!
We looked, indeed, this watch next to the Casio looked like a Jaguar next to the Zaporozhets, we bought Omega and went home happy.
What can I say, my poor brother, he cried the whole birthday!
- Why do I need these?! I asked for a Casio, everyone has a Casio!
We convinced him that these were much better and more expensive, but he was inconsolable.
Then he smashed them while skateboarding and didn’t regret it at all!
Now, of course, it’s funny to remember this, but there was drama!

Therefore, buy what they want, they know better what is worn in their environment, do not tell them that you are still a child to wear this!
They no longer consider themselves children, of course, only so that their clothes do not go beyond the bounds of decency.
Kinder porn is too much. Don't let girls be too naked at school and on the street, pedophiles are not a myth.
And the rest is what is in tune with their culture, can and should be worn,
What's in fashion this season for teenagers?
The first thing is that you need to have a lot of white, gray, black simple T-shirts, calculate so that you change them every day, for example 7, then you can wash them once a week!
Second, at least two checkered shirts, this is for both boys and girls, these ones you know are called lumberjack shirts.
Third, be sure to wear a warm, thin woolen jumper for boys and a cardigan jacket for girls. They prefer multi-layered clothing, that is, they wear a shirt over a T-shirt.
For girls, leggings and the obligatory tight dress, look in Zara or H&M, they have them.
On their feet they prefer horrors like moccasins, sneakers, half-sneakers, sneakers, and flip-flops. Buy it!

All the arguments that it is harmful to the legs are like peas against the wall! At this age you can’t intimidate them with diseases! Just buy 2 pairs so that one at least has time to air out!
For teenage boys, just in case, when going out, buy one decent shirt, white, but they don’t like them, buy just a blue one with white stripes, and for the summer, two knitted polo shirts, with short sleeves.
In general, gradually teach the boy to wear shirts with a collar, while at this age he still resists, but your words will not go in vain, in about a year he will wiser up and understand that he looks much more impressive in these shirts.

Boys need support more than girls because many consider themselves just freaks and are more shy than girls. Explain to him that in childhood, boys and girls looked about the same, but the future man will have to grow up and change much more than the girl, don’t be embarrassed, from this Ugly Duckling HE will become a beautiful swan!
The one all the girls will run after!

Give a boy even more compliments than a girl; by the way, teenage boys are even more sensitive and cry more often!
And remember that clothes play an important role in a person’s social status!
Dress your children fashionably, follow teenage fashion, watch what they wear at this age, discuss outfits with them, buy cute little jewelry for girls like chains, bracelets, discuss fashion with boys in the same way as with girls, if he wants for example, wear a scarf or a cloth bag, buy, and do not say with ridicule:
-How blue! Ha ha!
What was bad for your generation is now beautiful (I don’t mean gay people). Remember that a teenager is a short stage, he wants to be like everyone else, girls put their feet up, try smoking, swear, try beer, and sometimes something else tighter, putting on makeup, fighting, kissing…. in general, horror and darkness... but this stage, fortunately, quickly passes, they will become wiser, become calmer and will already want clothes that are not like everyone else, but like no one has!

Then you'll have to fork out the cash!
For teenagers, companies such as Jack'n Jones, Holister, American eagle, Abercrombie, Abercrombie&Fitch, American rag, Tommi Hilfieger, Ralf Louren, Adidas work.
Look at the models, you don’t have to buy the same thing, but take a look at these styles, show them to your children, see their reaction...
TODAY April 22, 2013 there is a new article with addresses of sites where you can order inexpensive and fashionable clothes.
I wish you success!

On how to dress a guy, we offer 10 tips from famous designers.

How should a guy dress to look fashionable, attractive and at the same time not funny?

Many tips that you will find in the article will help you in this matter.

Men usually have a complex relationship with clothing.

Some people don’t even worry about how things, colors and textures from their wardrobe are combined with each other.

Thank you also for taking care of the cleanliness of your clothes.

Some go to extremes and experiment so boldly that they start to look ridiculous.

Some people buy standard sweaters, jeans, T-shirts and shirts, looking dull.

Well and how to dress for a guy to avoid basic mistakes, to attract admiring glances with your appearance, and not ridicule?

Yes, very simple!

Guys are generally lucky - in order to do this, they don’t have to follow fashion trends, buy a lot of things and spend a lot of money on accessories.

All they need to do is determine their size, figure out what suits them and what doesn’t, learn how to combine things and show a little imagination.

Well, why shouldn't everyone dress like this guy?

Agree, you rarely meet a truly stylishly dressed guy.

Males prefer to dress either in business suits (by the way, they often fit disgustingly), or in jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, or, even worse, in terrible sweaters and ankle boots, thanks also to the fact that the handles are not tucked into their socks .

There are, however, still guys from informal movements, but those, as for me, often go overboard with the desire to stand out from the crowd and start dressing simply ridiculous.

Of course, there are very pleasant exceptions, like, for example, the guy I met a few years ago in the Kiev metro.

He was so stylishly dressed that I still remember his image.

It would seem a simple shirt, slightly tapered trousers and moccasins, with a leather tablet bag over the shoulder.

  • in his clothes he combined three colors - brown, mustard and marsh green;
  • his bag and belt were the same color and seemed terribly expensive;
  • the shirt had small decorations – contrasting stitching, wooden buttons, stylized “epaulets” on the shoulders.

I noticed that I was not the only one looking at this guy; many girls on the subway noticed his appearance.

I just wanted to shout to other representatives of the stronger sex traveling in the same carriage: “Take an example, this is how a guy should dress!”

Let's start with some general tips on how to dress a guy:

    Wear clothes in your size.

    Not sure what size you are?

    Ask the store clerk.

    Keep your clothes clean and in good condition.

    You can dress in expensive things, but if they are stained or stink of sweat, then what is the point.

  1. Any thing fits perfectly on a good figure, so you shouldn’t grow a huge belly and fatten yourself up to the size of an elephant.
  2. Choose clothes according to your figure.

    Short guys don't like baggy clothes, but by choosing trousers that are several shades darker than your shirt, you can visually increase your height.

  3. Wear long socks under your pants to prevent hairy legs from showing when you sit down.
  4. Even if you have little money, you can’t wear the same thing every day and drag your clothes to the holes.
  5. Don't chase fashion trends, choose things that are out of fashion.

    Guys who stick to classics always manage to dress stylishly.

  6. Combine rich and calm colors in your clothes, do not turn into a solid gray or black spot.
  7. It’s better for a guy to dress in high-quality things - they last longer and look expensive.
  8. It doesn’t matter what you wear, the main thing is to look confident, then others will believe in the stylishness of your image.

Any guy needs to dress according to his style and taste

Naturally, in order to do this, you need to define your own style and develop taste.

Let's say you're a fan of the classics, and working in an office leaves its mark on your clothing style.

Then your wardrobe should have:

  • several suits that fit you perfectly;
  • a couple of shirts for suits and a few that can be worn on their own with trousers and a fashionable tie or scarf;
  • V-neck jumper;
  • classic dark jeans;
  • several versatile trousers;
  • a pair of polo shirts and tennis shoes;

If you don’t have a dress code at work and you are a supporter of a relaxed urban style, this does not mean that you can climb everywhere in a tracksuit or wear your jeans to holes.

Any guy can dress more stylishly - you have a choice:

  • jeans - dark and light tones;
  • pants with patch pockets;
  • cotton and linen shirts;
  • regular T-shirts (pay attention to the quality of the fabric) and polo T-shirts;
  • sweatshirts, long-sleeved T-shirts, bambers, etc.;

People who choose sports as their profession usually want to emphasize this with clothing.

Coaches are allowed to wear tracksuits.

But, again, you shouldn’t limit yourself to them: in any sports store you will find a huge selection of different clothes.

Any guy should dress appropriately

The ability to dress according to the event, place, profession and age is something that not all guys remember.

I understand that this is not only a matter of not caring about one’s appearance, but also a reluctance to spend a lot of money on clothes - “I’m not a girl.”

That is why a guy can come to special events in the same boring jeans and a ridiculously colored T-shirt, and, like an office clerk, look extremely ridiculous in a suit borrowed from his older brother.

To avoid such problems, build your wardrobe correctly.

In addition to the things you wear daily, based on your style, taste, profession, etc., You must have in your wardrobe:

  1. A good sports suit - for trips to nature, for example.
  2. A couple of t-shirts that go well with both it and jeans.
  3. A pair of jeans (if you prefer to wear trousers every day) are expensive and fit your figure perfectly.
  4. A weekend suit (jacket and trousers), preferably a dark (not necessarily black) solid color.

    Your jacket should not be too big or small, your trousers should not be too long or short.

  5. Shirt and tie to go with this suit.

Some more tips on how to dress stylishly for young guys in the video:

A guy who wants to dress stylishly should not forget about shoes and accessories

Most guys who want to dress stylishly somehow completely ignore the power of accessories, so they forget that:

  • the belt should be in harmony with the shoes;
  • tie clip and cufflinks can show your sophisticated taste;
  • the watch should match the overall style of your clothing and be expensive;
  • a cross is not a decoration, so there is no need to hang it on a thick tsepura and put it on display for everyone to see;
  • the shape of your glasses (both regular and sunglasses) should suit you;
  • scarves and arafatkas are worn not only by informals or guys of non-traditional sexual orientation;
  • a headdress can be worn not only in winter (“because the head gets cold”), but at any time of the year, creating stylish looks.

A guy who wants to dress well should pay a lot of attention to his shoes - they should:

  1. Be in good condition: polished, without holes or worn heels.
  2. Expensive enough to wear well and look presentable.
  3. Match your clothes in color and style.

    You cannot wear shoes with a tracksuit or sneakers with dress pants.

    Flip flops are shoes for the beach.

    Winter boots should not be rough if you are a fan of the classics (yes, I understand that shoes with thick soles are warmer, but we endure inconvenience for the sake of beauty) or pointed-toed with thin soles if all your pants are sports style.

If you still don't fully understand, how to dress for a guy, check out men's magazines and websites to understand what and how to combine with what, get some ideas from your favorite stars, contact a stylist, in the end.

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