Volatile Lena is doused with water. The “Revizorro” broadcast brought fame to Omsk restaurateurs throughout the country: the presenter was doused with water from a bucket and two cameras were broken

Co-owner of the Odessa-Mama restaurant Tatyana Melnikova gave an interview to the Dozhd TV channel about the scandal with the Revizorro program, which recently checked the establishment and found violations. Melnikova believes that closing host Elena Letuchaya was a normal response to a violation of the restaurant’s rights, and states that the expired products found in the kitchen were subject to write-off.

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Tatyana states that the appearance of a film crew in a restaurant without warning is illegal, and strangers in the kitchen are violating sanitary standards. The co-owner of “Odessa-Mama” did not watch the episode of “Revizorro” and calls the program “ vulgar and intended for a circle of people to which I do not belong.”

I don’t want my legal rights to be violated, and I ordered the entire administration of our restaurants to suppress their activities and not allow them to film. Not because I have something dirty, but because it is illegal.- Tatyana Melnikova

When asked by the presenter whether there were any facts of labeling violations that Letuchaya spoke about, Tatyana replied that the film crew employees did not know the labeling rules.

People pick up products. They don’t know how they are processed, what they are made of, and most importantly, they don’t know the labeling rules! The product is marked with the production date. And when Lena says: “Your product is expired on the 9th,” I can say that it is still quite edible on the 11th. Labeling rules have been followed, this product is legal.- Tatyana Melnikova

The expired products that the Revizorro presenter found in the kitchen were subject to write-off and the restaurant was not going to feed them to the guests, Melnikova claims.

Our work is checked by Rospotrebnadzor, the fire department, we have internal control, and my employees are afraid of my personal inspection more than anything else. I can say that even if there are some minor violations, it is not because someone deliberately wants to slip in something overdue or is negligent, but because this is a huge production and there are many external factors.

Of course, we monitor, but we are not biorobots! I can say that the day before their visit, on Friday, 1,382 people passed through the restaurant and actually ate all the food that was pre-cooked. What can I say, we missed so many products, something slipped through.

- Tatyana Melnikova

The restaurant owner does not see anything wrong in the behavior of the administrator who tried to lock Elena Letuchaya in the freezer.

Melnikova: An uninvited guest comes to your home and offends your guests whom you invited. What will you do? Should I write a statement to the prosecutor's office? You take, I don’t know, a frying pan and hit it in the forehead!

Host: Well, don’t lock it in the refrigerator.

Melnikova: Why not? She violated our rights. Nobody wants to protect them. I like to hire people who don’t give a damn, who are passionate, who would simply strangle themselves for their cafe.

Elena Letuchaya checked fashionable Moscow restaurants and provoked a real scandal among bloggers. The release of the “capital” season of the program revealed numerous violations in the famous establishments “Children of Paradise”, “Starlight” and “Odessa-Mama”, and at the same time generated a wave of curses and threats against the presenter.

Elena Letuchaya became the most talked about star of this week. Medialeaks did and told what the presenter of “Revizorro” lives and enjoys.

While fans of Lena Letuchaya are asking her to return to “Revizorro”, the presenter herself is ready to conquer new heights. So, at a press conference dedicated to the show, it became known that Letuchaya would produce the project.


“I haven’t seen Olga (Olga Romanovskaya is the new presenter of Revizorro. - Ed.) as a presenter, but I know for sure that it will be very difficult for her, including morally. It is very difficult to communicate with dissatisfied restaurateurs. "They poured slop on me in Omsk, and in Salekhard we were completely attacked. But I am ready to lend my shoulder to her at any moment, to help with advice and everything I can. It will also not be easy to win the love of TV viewers, but we hope that they will soon get used to the change presenter. For two and a half years we created this project and made not just an entertaining, but a socially significant show. I’m not going anywhere, I’m moving on. “Revizorro” is my child, my brainchild, and I’m not going to leave it. I will producer of the project, moreover, I came up with a new format for the show, which viewers will be able to see this fall,” said Letuchaya.

Let us remind you that the new presenter of “Revizorro” is the ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” Olga Romanovskaya. The girl disappointed fans of Lena Letuchaya. An entire campaign against Romanovskaya is gaining momentum on the Internet; more and more messages are appearing with the hashtag #Bring Back Elena Letuchaya.

A film crew led by TV personality Lena Letuchaya visited 2 restaurants and 2 hotels in the “third capital” in search of capital service. City residents saw details of the inspections today in the next episode of the program.


The first in the issue was the ill-fated Kolchak restaurant. Let us remind you that a branded “Revizorro” sticker appeared on the doors of the establishment, but Letuchaya turned to Omsk residents through her Instagram with a request to remove the fake: they say, it did not pass the test.

And now it turns out exactly why the restaurant did not please the unexpected guests. The main complaint against the kitchen workers was that there were no labels on the food in the refrigerators. In other words, a piece of meat that, according to the cook, was brought yesterday, could actually have lain for a month or a year. A ham was found in one of the freezers, produced 3 months before the shooting (produced on March 2, shooting took place on June 6), despite the fact that it should have ended up in waste back in March. A guest from the capital forced the catering staff, under the gun of cameras, to send cakes from the refrigerator to the trash bin, which had lain there for 5-6 days.

The entire filming process was controlled by the smiling owner of the establishment, who was no longer worried about what exactly the guests from the federal channel would see, but whether his daughters would have time to get an autograph from the TV personality. At the same time, he paraded around the kitchen without a special uniform, in street shoes and shorts.

In general, the restaurant had many advantages: cleanliness and order in the catering unit and bathroom. In the hall, the meticulous presenter, having climbed onto the table and running her hand along the beam under the ceiling, collected a fair amount of dust, which she was not particularly pleased with.


The “highlight” of the issue was the footage taken during the visit of “Revizorro” to the cafe “Old Omsk”. Let us remind you that on this day the police had to sort out the conflict between the establishment and guests with cameras.

From the very beginning, the television crew did not see a hospitable reception. As soon as the guys with the cameras and Letuchaya headed to the kitchen, some representatives of the establishment started a fight: they broke the cameras and snatched the microphone from the presenter. And in addition they doused me with cold water from a bucket. Twice!

However, the “Revizorro” film crew was already hardened by inhospitable hosts and therefore, even with an unkind reception, they managed to show what they stubbornly hid from the audience in the catering establishment. Dirty refrigerators, dust on the floor, old greasy oil in the deep fryer... Almost none of the products caught on camera had any markings, and the ingredients were in complete disarray in the cameras: squid ended up in the bar refrigerator, and cold cuts were in the same place, where are the pickles and fruits? However, the most unexpected find on the shelves was... dead flies.

Even the “grated kalach” Letuchaya called the local cuisine hellish and admitted to the camera: the film crew had not been given such a warm reception for a long time.


The next point on the film crew’s route in Omsk was the hotel of the same name (“Omsk”, also known as “Amax”). She miserably failed the test of the presenter, who rented a standard number for 1,550 rubles and at the end of the shoot got the money back.

The room doesn't cost a penny! - Elena concluded her visit to the “mansion” with this conclusion.

The frame includes dirty glass, due to which the Irtysh is not clearly visible, a burnt carpet, a collapsing floor and a collapsing ceiling. An eminent guest spoke with disgust about the smell from the refrigerator, dirt and black hair in the bathtub, complained about a broken shower and a non-functioning TV... In general, the hotel did not receive a single plus on five points.

This fall, the scandalous presenter, who previously only checked provincial cafes, raided fashionable Moscow restaurants. The release of the new season is being heavily commented on the Internet, and the owners of many restaurants accuse Letuchaya of slander. Meanwhile, the presenter even began to receive threats, after which the management of the Friday TV channel decided to assign round-the-clock security to Letuchaya.

They are threatening me with death. They actually hired security. They promised to tarnish their reputation. And the campaign to denigrate my name is in full swing! The authorities were informed. And we know who is doing this. I confirm the information!

During filming of the episode, restaurant employees locked Letuchaya in the refrigerator and then doused her with cold water from a bucket. At the same time, the Odessa employee later said in his defense that the bucket simply fell out of his hands.

Roman Super

The art director of the Odessa-Mama establishment kept on Facebook an angry post, which he later deleted. It was under this post that the first threats towards Letuchaya appeared.

The TV presenter was even promised to “send a postcard with Kashin with flowers in his hands,” hinting at the beating of the journalist in the courtyard of his own house in 2010.

The owner of the Take establishment, where the Revizorro film crew also came, also wrote in the comments:

Many fans of the Odessa-Mama establishment reconsidered their attitude towards the restaurant after the release of the scandalous issue. Here’s what, for example, journalist Roman Super wrote:

I have never been a fan of Lena Letuchaya. But on the contrary, I felt warm feelings towards “Odessa-Mama”. Until Lena entered their kitchen. Don't go to this place anymore. Firstly, “Odessa-Mama” feeds people overdue. Secondly, in “Odessa-Mama” there is a person who locks women in the refrigerator and pours water on the women. Thirdly, “Odessa-Mama” reacts to this video with rudeness and considers it all terribly funny, and comments with indignation on their social networks are simply deleted, and users are blocked. Probably, the ram Tolik has taken control of the restaurant for some time now.

And the co-owner of the Odessa-Mama restaurant, Tatyana Melnikova, went on air on the Dozhd TV channel, where she stated that the actions of the Revizorro employees are illegal and all that drives these people is the thirst for high ratings.

I don’t want my legal rights to be violated, and I ordered the entire administration of our restaurants to suppress their activities and not allow them to film. Not because I have something dirty, but because it is illegal and violates the law on journalism, because filming can only be done in public places, and a restaurant kitchen, according to all laws, is definitely not a public place where a service is provided, but a production one, where dishes and products are produced.

Because all sanitary laws are violated, according to which the presence of strangers in the kitchen is categorically prohibited - and these people are strangers, because no one invited them there, no one instructed them, no one checked their documents, and no one allowed them to enter in outerwear. the kitchen was not allowed, especially at the moment when dishes were being prepared.

As for the products, there are not many of them, but there were some that can be assumed from these dates that they had passed their expiration date. We have a procedure by which these products are written off. The fact that they are in the kitchen does not mean at all that someone will give them to the hall, just as they do not give away products that, perhaps, can still be given on time, but for some reason they are in doubt.

There is a multi-stage product verification system that we follow. I am a mother myself, I may well have expired fermented baked milk in my refrigerator, but this does not mean that I will pour it into glasses for my children in the morning.

I repeat once again, it was the height of the working day, the order had just arrived from the factory kitchen. Both the trays and the semi-finished products themselves are marked, from which the vacuum bag is cut and poured into trays for work. There is no need to label the products that are located to the right of the frying pan and will now be spooned there.

These are facts taken out of context and presented in the most unsightly form. Our work is checked by Rospotrebnadzor, the fire department, we have internal control, and my employees are afraid of my personal inspection more than anything else. I can say that even if there are some minor violations, it is not because someone deliberately wants to slip in something overdue or is negligent, but because this is a huge production and there are many external factors.

  • In the summer of 2015, a security guard at one of the Murmansk cafes attacked the film crew of the TV program “Revizorro” and presenter Lena Letuchaya because of expired dumplings they found.
  • That same summer, a major brawl broke out in the Victoria cafe, which is located in Salekhard. Employees of the establishment then beat several members of the film crew, and Letuchaya herself had to run away from the angry “restaurateurs” without shoes.
  • The “Revizorro” program is a copy of the Ukrainian project “Inspector” and has existed since 2014.

The Moscow season of the television program “Revizorro” has already made a lot of noise in the capital. Bloggers and journalists, ordinary citizens and the management of secular restaurants have split into camps in which they criticize and approve of the checks of Elena Letuchaya.

A real war began against the TV presenter, who this time showed up at popular restaurants in Arbat, Vorobyovy Gory, and Rublyovka. Thus, insults poured in against Letuchaya and “Revizorro” after checking the most popular Moscow restaurant “Odessa-Mama”.

In the kitchen of the establishment, Letuchaya found no markings; the cooks worked without gloves. While filming was underway, employees were putting fresh dates on all the products. Later, a man appeared in the frame and began to kick Elena out of the premises because of a “trade secret.” The citizen even locked the Flying One in the refrigerator, and then poured a bucket of water on it.

Later, information appeared on the Internet that the angry citizen was the director of Odessa-Mama. And on social networks, on behalf of the restaurant, an angry post was published addressed to the “Revizorro” film crew.

Dear guests of the cafe “Khachapuri” and “Odessa-mama”! Delays in service are associated with terrorist actions killed ... from “Revizorro” in our kitchen at the very worst time. The authorities promised a bonus to anyone who would help them find themselves in another more worthy profession,” -

wrote on behalf of the restaurant.

At the moment, the comment has been deleted, only a screenshot of the post has been saved. A journalist from Echo-Moscow drew attention to the video itself. Later, other media representatives were outraged by the behavior and situation in Odessa-Mama.

I have never been a fan of Lena Letuchaya. But on the contrary, I felt warm feelings towards “Odessa-Mama”. Until Lena entered their kitchen. Don't go to this place anymore. Firstly, “Odessa-Mama” feeds people overdue. Secondly, in “Odessa-Mama” there is a person who locks women in the refrigerator and pours water on the women. Thirdly, “Odessa-Mama” reacts to this video with rudeness and considers it all terribly funny, and comments with indignation on their social networks are simply deleted, and users are blocked. Probably, the ram Tolik has taken control of the restaurant for some time now,”

writes journalist Roman Super.

Elena Letuchaya raised even more questions about the kitchen in the Children of Raika cafe, which belongs to Varvara Turova, well-known among bloggers.

The footage included expired food and cockroaches. But the TV presenter was more outraged by the sewage system that comes into contact with the kitchen.

Some of the program's host's demands are fair and reasonable, and I think we are all grateful to her for the hard work she does. Some are absurd and impossible to implement. Believe me, absolutely any, for example, a Parisian cafe, would simply be immediately closed after her visit. But this does not stop either you or us from eating and drinking wonderfully in these very Parisian cafes,” -

Turova explained later.

Users are outraged that they are offered expired products for huge amounts of money, the halls are dirty, and, for example, cockroaches can crawl on sushi tables.

Meanwhile, the reaction of the Moscow Rospotrebnadzor to the scandalous filming of “Revizorro” is unknown.

Earlier Day Online wrote that it was from Revizorro. She will choose a new host for the reality show.
