Mangosteen - how to choose and clean it correctly, beneficial properties and effects on the human body. Beneficial properties and contraindications of mangosteen

Mangosteen (mangosteen) is a tropical fruit from Southeast Asia that belongs to the Guttiferae family. Mangosteen fruits are small, about . The trees on which this fruit ripens reach 25 meters in height, and the first fruits appear on them only after 10 years. Mangosteen is covered with a purple peel, and inside there is a white core of the fruit, divided into 4 - 8 segments. The more segments a fruit contains, the fewer seeds it contains.

But the origin of mangosteen is still not fully understood. There is an assumption that this plant appeared on the Sunda Islands in Southeast Asia. The tree was first domesticated in Thailand, where it is now a national treasure.

It's surprising that mangosteen has never been used for health purposes North America or Europe, although it is folk remedy in Asia. This is explained by the fact that for a very long time this fruit could not be taken out from its historical homeland.


Mangosteen is one of the most delicious exotic fruits. Not only the pulp, but also the seeds and even the peel of the mangosteen fruit are edible. The seeds are boiled or fried, and jelly is prepared from the peel after special processing.

Most often, fruits are eaten fresh, enjoying the delicate sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. They are rarely preserved, because during pasteurization the taste and aromatic qualities of the fruit are lost. In those countries where mangosteen is not exotic, jams are prepared from the fruit by briefly boiling the slices with brown sugar and cinnamon.


Calories - 63
Carbohydrates - 15.5 g
Proteins - 0.50 g
Fat - 0.4 g
Alimentary fiber- 5.10 g
Vitamin C - 7.2 mg
Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) - 0.054 mg
Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) - 0.054 mg
Vitamin B 3 (niacin) - 0.286 mg
Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.032 mg
Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) - 0.041 mg
Sodium - 7 mg
Potassium - 48 mg
Calcium - 5.49 mg
Iron - 0.17 mg
Phosphorus - 9.21 mg
Zinc - 0.12 mg

Beneficial features

Like most tropical fruits, mangosteen can be called a little treasure trove of health. Mangosteen is famous for containing 40 of the 200 xanthones - biologically active polyphenolic compounds. It is these xanthones that allow mangosteen to be used as an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antifungal and antibacterial agent.

In addition to xanthones, mangosteen receives its healing properties from other components, such as polysaccharides, proanthocyanidins, quinones, sterols, stilbenes and catechins.

Mangosteen has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. It may also be effective in treating depression, aging, obesity, skin conditions, allergies, ulcers, diabetes, diarrhea, fever and pain.

Mangosteen also helps in development lymphatic system, which plays an important role in strengthening immune system. Mangosteen achieves this with the help of flavones and flavonoids, which boost antioxidants in the body and therefore improve overall health.

Treatment of diseases:

For dysentery and diarrhea: Mangosteen peel is consumed in dried and powdered form to treat diarrhea and dysentery.

At skin diseases : Ointment made from mangosteen peel and bear fat is good for skin diseases such as eczema.

In case of disturbances in activity endocrine system : Mangosteen helps normalize hormonal levels. It also helps to rejuvenate and cleanse the body, increasing its vitality.


This fruit, like any other exotic fruit, can cause allergic reactions in the body. It is recommended to stop using it for those people who experience a rash, itching or redness on the skin when consuming mangosteen.


Mangosteen helps solve many skin problems and significantly improves its condition. Mangosteen extract does not tighten the skin, and its antioxidants are ideal for use in skin care products, giving it youth and beauty.

It is believed that the first one to try purple fruit, was Buddha. He appreciated the excellent taste and healing properties mangosteen and presented it to people, calling it “the king of fruits.”

The mangosteen fruit is considered one of the most exquisite fruits in the world. The English traveler Frife in 1637 described his impressions of this fruit as follows: “Hesperides apples are just fables compared to mangosteen; nectarines, peaches, apricots taste poor compared to these fruits. The aroma of mangosteen fruits combines the aromas of apricot, melon, rose , lemon and your own." At one time, Queen Victoria (1819-1901) liked the mangosteen so much that she promised a special reward to anyone who would deliver its fruits fresh to England.


Mangosteen is a child of the tropics, very demanding temperature conditions, humidity, soil composition. To avoid the death of mangosteen, the tree must grow in soil rich in organic matter, the temperature should be between 7 - 37 degrees. The conditions for the well-being of mangosteens are high atmospheric humidity, the absence of strong winds and salt water.

The mangosteen tree is a long-lived tree, reaching a height of 25m, but grows very slowly. Largest quantity Mangosteen fruits are collected from 25-40 year old trees, although some plants bear fruit even at the venerable age of a century.

The mangosteen is an asexual plant - reproduction occurs without the intervention of male cells, all flowers are both male and female, capable of self-fertilization. This very rare natural phenomenon is called parthenogenesis. Its flowers do not produce nectar, which attracts natural pollinators, so during flowering no birds or insects hover around the mangosteen.

Storage and transportation

Mangosteen fruits are transported at a temperature of 11-13 °C. Purchased fruits are stored well in a cool, well-ventilated area for 2 weeks. They can be stored in the refrigerator even longer.

The tropical plant mangosteen or mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia - gives people an extraordinary exotic Thai fruit. Europeans call it royal fruit, and the reason for this is the English Queen Victoria, who loved him to such an extent that she promised a high title to the person who would ensure the supply of this curiosity to her table constantly.

However, an ancient legend says that the fruit was first discovered by Buddha, after which he gave it to people - this is how the name “fruit of the Gods” arose.

This is a tall tree, reaching a height of 25 meters, with an evergreen crown, a beautiful pyramidal shape. Graceful oval, rather large leaves (can grow up to 25 cm) have a pointed tip. They have a rich green color.

The flowers of the plant are unusual - up to 5 cm in diameter, have a greenish tint and red inclusions. They are located at the end of the branch in a group of 5-9 pieces and do not need pollination, since they have both female and male characteristics. There is no nectar in the flowers. Thus, the tree itself is fertilized and does without the labor of bees, butterflies and small birds.

The tree blooms only in the 9th year, after which fruiting begins.
Mangosteen is an unusual fruit for residents of Russia, although in recent years it has appeared in the retail chain, and those who tried it appreciated the taste of the exotic thing!

Distribution area

Mangosteen grows everywhere in the countries of Southeast Asia, in the humid equatorial climate. Over time, it was settled and began to be cultivated in Thailand and Cambodia, India and the Philippines, as well as Central America, Colombia, Africa and the Antilles.
The fruiting season in Thailand begins in April-May, and the mangosteen harvest ends in August.

Mangosteen fruit

Fruit or berry exotic mangosteen very decorative - dark purple and brownish in color, spherical with a thick peel that is not eaten. Its size ranges from small - 3 cm in diameter, to large - about 8 cm. After cutting the fruit, a snow-white core is revealed, reminiscent of cloves of garlic. Usually there are from 5 to 8 of them in one fruit. Large segments contain seeds - no more than 4 pieces. The weight of one fruit varies from 80 to 200 grams!

After eating the fruit, it would be wise not to throw away the peel, since the burgundy-colored amniotic pulp contains a lot of useful substances, which is used to make purees and juices!
It is very difficult to convey in words the taste of the berry. To some it resembles grapes, to others it resembles rambutan (a tropical juicy fruit with a hairy skin), but everyone who has tasted mangosteen agrees that they are beautiful.

Calorie content

The calorie content of mangosteen does not exceed 70 kcal per hundred grams of fruit. About the same for freshly squeezed juice. It may be slightly higher for syrup.

Vitamin composition

All the benefits lie in the unusual composition of the berries. Perhaps mangosteen is the champion in terms of the amount of vitamin PP (niacin) it contains, only mango surpasses it, but not by much.

In addition, the berries contain the following vitamins and microelements:

  • C (ascorbic acid). B1 (thiamine).
  • B vitamins.
  • vitamins A, D, E.
  • Potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen

Why is mangosteen especially beneficial? Of course, its main value, in addition to good taste with a slight sourness, high content of vitamin PP. Some even call the help from mangosteen “3D”.

The fact is that with a clear lack of vitamin PP, the following occurs:

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea).
  • Dermatitis (skin inflammation).
  • Dementia (dementia).

So, if there was nothing else in mangosteen besides niacin, then it should still be considered unique fruit. But this is not so, because the berries also contain many useful benefits, thanks to their rich chemical composition.

Here are some of the ailments that mangosteen helps fight:

  • Restores immunity (stimulated due to its beneficial effect on lymph nodes).
  • Reduces inflammation (joint pain).
  • Facilitates the course of allergies.
  • Has an antibacterial effect.
  • Slows down the process of cell aging.
  • Effective in the fight against cancer cells.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Depressant.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improves blood.

Another important component of mangosteen are xanthones - antioxidant substances. Currently, 200 xanthones are known to science. Mangosteen contains 40 of them! They bravely fight cancer cells by launching a mechanism for their self-destruction. So far, this fruit is the only one in which such healing properties have been discovered! That is, there is another factor in the uniqueness of the fruit.

Such a " vitamin bomb"is indispensable for maintaining the body in the postoperative period.
The abundance of microelements and vitamins has a strong effect on brain activity; it is no coincidence that the fruit is indicated for Alzheimer's patients.

It also acts as a vasoconstrictor, which is important for hypertensive patients and those with cardiac disorders. At the same time, it strengthens the nervous system.

Medicinal properties of the peel, leaves and bark of the tree

  1. The dried peel is used for dysentery.
  2. Included in ointments for skin diseases.
  3. Taking a decoction of the bark orally is used for diarrhea, cystitis, urethritis and gonorrhea.
  4. The decoction is used externally as a hemostatic agent.
  5. Stomatitis is treated with a decoction of the bark and leaves.
  6. Applicable in cosmetics as a skin rejuvenator.

How to choose the right fruit

  • When you come to the market or store, you first need to pay attention to appearance fruits
    The most ripe berries should be a nice dark purple color.
  • If possible, it is advisable to choose large fruits, since they have a larger edible part.
    The leaves of the fruit in the lower part should not be withered, but please the eye with greenery. If they are brown, it is possible that rotting has begun inside.
  • Taking the fruit in his hand, the buyer should feel its elasticity - after light pressure it should restore its shape. A hardened peel that cannot be pressed indicates that the fruit is overripe.
  • Mangosteen can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.

How to clean and eat mangosteen

When you bring this wonderful fruit home from the store, the first thing you want to do is try it. Here the rules are the same for all fruits and vegetables - you need to wash them thoroughly in running water. After this, after drying it a little, it is enough to cut in the middle of the fruit, lightly, so as not to damage the pulp. One half of the peel is easily removed, and it is better to leave the second in the form of an impromptu glass. Armed with a teaspoon, you can safely start tasting!

Contraindications for use

The fruit will cause harm to the body if consumed in unlimited quantities. Of course, in the conditions of our country this is hardly possible, but when visiting countries where it grows, you do not need to eat exclusively mangosteens, making a “reserve” for the rest of your life. This will not only not help, but will also harm!

Some body systems may be at risk:

  • Blood clotting decreases.
  • Slowing down the reaction.
  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Allergy.

Based on this, there are groups of people for whom this fruit is contraindicated.

  • Impaired kidney and liver function.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Peptic ulcer disease.


Separately, it is necessary to mention mangosteen syrup.
It is used as a strengthening remedy for fatigue, vitamin deficiency and for weight loss, since the berry accelerates metabolic processes and is low in calories. This drug is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement.

It is recommended to take half a small spoon twice a day. Usually dietary supplements are added to tea (not very hot), kefir and other drinks. Gradually the daily dose is increased to 2 spoons.
It is not necessary to consume mangosteen only internally. It can be added to a nourishing cream or scrub - this will provide support to the skin; only for external use, not syrup is used, but dry soluble powder. The course of treatment lasts one month.

Use in cooking

Most great benefit They bear freshly picked fruits, but raw mangosteen is also included in vegetable and fruit salads. It is good with seafood and cheese.
Those with a sweet tooth can enjoy a milkshake with fruit pulp. IN southern countries preserve its white segments and squeeze them out in front of clients Fresh Juice. Confectioners prepare from fresh fruits filling for delicious pies.

Application on the farm

The tree bark contains orange latex, which is used in the production of paints.
The wood is used to make crafts and small carpentry.
In Asia, young shoots of the tree replace chewing gum.

From all of the above, it should have become clear what mangosteen actually is.
It’s absolutely true that for residents of Southeast Asia it is a familiar fruit, albeit extremely medicinal, but for Europeans it is an extraordinary, exotic and rare fruit that can provide great help in case of illness, and this makes it even more desirable.

However, one thing must be understood: since he has biological active ingredients, then its use should not become as commonplace as the familiar apples, but using it in medicinal purposes, be sure to follow the instructions of a specialist.

On store shelves today you can find many exotic fruits, one of which is mangosteen (lat. Garcínia mangostana). Experts do not recommend experimenting with its use, so before buying a fruit, familiarize yourself with its beneficial and harmful properties. Due to the long list of useful substances, this fruit is often used in the preparation of medicinal products. On the other hand, if you eat the fruit in large quantities or do not know the selection criteria, the use of the fetus may have negative consequences for the body.

What is mangosteen

Mangosteen (mangosteen, mangosteen, mangkut or garcinia) is the fruit of the evergreen tree of the same name. The flesh of the fruit is snow-white, and in appearance it is somewhat similar to a head of garlic. The peel has a purple, burgundy-violet color. The pulp, which is the edible part, consists of 4-10 segments - it has a unique fresh and sour taste and unusual texture. There is bitter juice inside the skin. Mangosteen comes from Southeast Asia and is especially popular in Thailand, Cambodia, India and Vietnam.

The tree grows and bears fruit only in regions characterized by a humid equatorial climate. Even small changes optimal conditions provide Negative influence on plant growth and development. Mangosteen is imported to Russia from Thailand, where evergreen trees of the same name bear fruit from May to August. It is not recommended to buy them at other times of the year, because... they will not only have no taste, but also no tangible benefit.

Chemical composition

Like most other tropical fruits, mangosteen is a storehouse of nutrients. The latter complement each other perfectly and provide positive influence on the human body. By regularly consuming mangosteen, you can solve some health problems. The important substances in the composition of this tropical fruit, the concentration of which is the highest in the pulp, are:

  • Vitamins A, groups B and C. Each of the elements has its own functions, which together help maintain health, wellness- for example, vitamin A is necessary for vision and bones, substances of group B are responsible for the normal functioning of the brain, C - important for the growth and restoration of tissue cells.
  • Magnesium. The lack of this substance becomes one of the reasons due to which the blood sugar level increases. In addition, magnesium deficiency can provoke depression and chronic fatigue. In combination with calcium, this substance can increase the strength of bone tissue.
  • Copper. Is a participant in processes associated with the synthesis of enzymes. Copper deficiency negatively affects hematopoiesis, metabolism, immune system, nervous system.
  • Phosphorus. Responsible for the condition of bone tissue and teeth. Helps stimulate cell regeneration, tissue renewal, and metabolic processes.
  • Potassium. It is a component of intercellular fluids. This substance is responsible for normal work muscle tissue, blood vessels, endocrine glands. In combination with sodium, it helps maintain water balance. Potassium deficiency manifests itself in the form of hypertension and edema.
  • Sodium. A substance responsible for the condition of mucous membranes, skin, as well as the level blood pressure. In combination with potassium, sodium can regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the condition of muscle tissue.
  • Xanthones. Natural antioxidants that bind free radicals and remove them from tissues. They are famous for their antiviral, antimicrobial and tonic properties.
  • Calcium. A substance that is a component of teeth and bones, a regulator of heart rhythm. Takes part in the production of hormones. In addition, calcium strengthens the immune system and increases the permeability of cell membranes.

The benefits and harms of fruit

Rich chemical composition from vitamins and other useful substances along with the right combination ingredients are the basis for the beneficial properties of mangosteen. With regular consumption of this tropical fruit, you can strengthen your immune system, because... There is an improvement in the functioning of the lymphatic system. Other beneficial properties of mangosteen:

  • Tissues begin to receive what the body needs nutrients in sufficient quantities.
  • All protective barriers of the body are renewed and improved. For example, the skin becomes less susceptible to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • There is a decrease in the body's reactivity, due to which allergic manifestations are observed less frequently.
  • Current inflammatory processes are eliminated at all levels. Regular use The fruit helps with arthritis, acne, neuralgia and several other systemic diseases.
  • The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi and bacteria, is gradually inhibited.
  • There is an activation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which in a positive way affects the condition of the skin.
  • According to some scientists, substances from this tropical fruit can fight cancer cells by activating their self-destruction processes.

The described results of the influence of the complex of mangosteen components are universal, but there are also specific properties. For example, eating a tropical fruit helps in the fight against overweight by stimulating the synthesis of enzymes and removing excess fluid from the tissue. Women should pay special attention to this product, because... it can help improve your mood and reduce the negative symptoms that are common during menopause or PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Eating the fruit can cause some harm, although negative consequences are very rare. Often they begin to appear against the background of obvious abuse of mangosteen or a combination of the fruit with medications, although mangosteen does not contain toxins, and if negative consequences often no special treatment is required. You need to discard the fruit or reduce the usual portion to one tablespoon of pulp no more than 3 times a day. In this case, you need to remember the following:

  • In addition to vitamins, the fruit pulp contains useful minerals, there are substances that can change the rate of blood clotting. You should not consume the tropical product too often while taking anticoagulants.
  • If you overuse mangosteen or eat unripe fruits, there is a risk of increased acidity in the stomach.
  • In combination with a number of medications, consumption of the fruit can affect the decrease in reaction and have a pronounced sedative effect.
  • People prone to allergies may encounter problems such as rashes, itching, redness, and minor joint pain when consuming mangosteen. If the described conditions occur, you must stop using tropical fruit.
  • Pregnant women should consult their doctor first, because... There is currently no specific information regarding the use of mangosteen by this category of people.

For treatment

This tropical fruit with a unique sour taste is often used for therapeutic purposes. For this purpose it is dried. Usage options:

  • A decoction prepared from the skin of the fruit can alleviate the condition of gonorrhea, cystitis, and diarrhea.
  • The crushed dried skin of the fruit can help get rid of attacks of dysentery.
  • The mangosteen fruit is useful because a decoction of the sepals helps with stomatitis and is used during fever.
  • If the pulp of the fruit is first baked, then soaked in water and then ground to a puree, you can get rid of diarrhea in just a few hours.

Mangosteen for weight loss

Due to its ability to break down fat deposits and enhance metabolic processes, mangosteen has also found use in the fight against excess weight. To do this, you need to eat a certain amount of the product every day. fresh or use Mangosteen powder or syrup. The course of use of the latter lasts 30 days daily, take no more than 1/2 teaspoon before each meal. Before taking, read the ingredients. According to the manufacturers, only natural ingredients are used for production. The syrup consists of:

  • fruit pulp;
  • minerals;
  • complex of vitamins.

Mangosteen syrup does not contain any dyes, preservatives or other harmful substances. This suggests that its use should not cause any harm. Despite its relatively simple composition, this syrup has good effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. According to research results, it contains an amount of antioxidants that is not found in any other weight loss product. To make one jar of syrup, the manufacturer uses 25 fruits.

Mangosteen for weight loss is effective not only in terms of breaking down fat deposits. The complex of substances included in the product promotes recovery hormonal levels, which normalizes the general condition of the body. True, you won’t be able to purchase mangosteen syrup for weight loss at any pharmacy, because... it is not a medicine - it is biological active additive, which is ordered on the supplier’s official website.

It is simple and convenient to use mangosteen in powder form. It can be used by adding it to dishes, cocktails and other drinks. The powder is also used for external use, for example, it is suitable for anti-cellulite wraps. Additionally, mangosteen helps with stomach problems, normalizes digestion and intestinal function, which is important when losing weight.

How to eat mangosteen

An incredibly tasty and healthy tropical fruit is widely used for making juices, cocktails and salads. In addition, it can be included in sauces for meat and fish dishes, pies. It is often used to make soufflés. This fruit can make the taste of a dish more fresh and piquant, giving it an unusual citrus aroma and taste. The crushed pulp is included in ice cream and yoghurts. In some countries, mangosteen is dried and canned.

In Southeast Asia, mangosteen is used to make jam - for this, the pulp is boiled with brown sugar and cinnamon. The soft part of the peel can be used to make jelly. This one is fresh tropical fruit you can eat it like this:

  1. Make a cut in a circle without touching the pulp, then open the peel.
  2. Cut off the top of the fruit and eat the pulp with a spoon.
  3. Remove the leaves, press a little on top of the fruit, and when it cracks, remove the pulp - this option is suitable if the fruit is ripe.

The energy value of the product ranges from 60 to 65 kcal per 100 g - it depends on the content of organic components in the pulp, which is associated with the degree of maturity and other factors. It has no cholesterol or saturated fat. The composition of 100 g of fruit is approximately as follows:

  • proteins, fats, carbohydrates – 0.5/0.4/15 g;
  • sugar – 16.5 g;
  • fiber – 5 g.

How to choose the right fruit

To determine if a mangosteen is truly ripe, press on the top of the fruit. In this case, the peel should burst, releasing the pulp, but if this approach does not work, then you have a fruit that is not yet fully ripe, which will have to be peeled with a knife. Check out other recommendations to help you choose the right mangosteen:

  • Make sure the bright purple skin is not blotched. Their presence is considered a sign of long-term, improper storage of fruit.
  • Mangosteen is not allowed to have dry skin. The presence of cracks will indicate that it is overripe. It is desirable that the skin be dense and slightly springy when pressed.
  • The fruit must be large and relatively heavy, only then the core will also be large.
  • The skin of the tropical fruit contains bitter juice. If the shell is damaged, then there is a high probability that it will get into the pulp.


Mangosteen is also known in narrow circles as purple mangosteen. This tropical evergreen tree first appeared, as many scientists believe, on the Zondonia Islands and the Moluccas Islands of Indonesia. Now it grows mainly in Southeast Asia, as well as in tropical countries. South America: Colombia, Kerala in India, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, where the tree was introduced. It can reach 25 meters in height, although there are also relatively small trees, for example 6 meters high. Unusual exotic fruit mangosteen is very sweet and spicy, its flesh is juicy and slightly fibrous with vesicular liquid (like citrus fruits). The inedible peel of the fruit has a red-violet hue when ripe. The seeds of the fruit are almond-shaped and small in size. The purple mangosteen belongs to the same species as other but lesser-known mangosteens such as the button mangosteen or the madruno mangosteen. Growing it at home requires a careful approach to choosing a place of growth and compliance with the rules of care. The article talks about how the fruit is eaten and in what variations it can be used. In the meantime, look at the mangosteen fruit in the photo, illustrating the visual appeal of a powerful plant:

Let's get to know the tropical stranger in the photo

As we said earlier, the homeland of mangosteen is the Sunda Islands and the islands of Indonesia. Since ancient times, the tree has been grown in the Philippines, Java, Sumatra and mainland Southeast Asia. The tree and its fruit are highly valued in the commodity market for their delicate texture and slightly sweet-sour taste. Let's take a closer look at this tropical stranger. Look at the mangosteen in the photo, it allows you to imagine this unusual fruit:

A description of mangosteen was first included in Linnaeus's book "Species Plantarum" in 1753. In Russia, the tree was first grown in a greenhouse in 1855. Subsequently, the culture of this tree was introduced into the Western Hemisphere, where it established itself in the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. Later, the culture established itself on the American continents, and later in Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Ecuador. The tree never grows far from the tropics. Due to the long duration of the fruiting period and the long-term result of selection cycles, mangosteen is recognized as not the best option for research that can improve the tree's performance.

Reproduction and cultivation of mangosteen at home

Mangosteen is often propagated using seedlings. The vegetative method of propagation is difficult, unlike the first method. Seedlings are not only reliable way, but they also bear fruit earlier than plants propagated vegetatively. The plant produces recalcified seeds - these are not seeds in the usual sense of botany, but like the egg of an asexual embryo. The formation of seeds does not involve any fertilization, so the seedling is genetically identical to the mother plant. If the plant dries out, the seeds die very quickly. But if you wet the seeds during propagation, then after 2-3 weeks the seeds will begin to germinate. After this, the plant can be kept in a pot in the nursery for 2-3 years. Growing mangosteen at home requires a lot of experience and enormous knowledge from the grower. Once the tree reaches 25-30 centimeters, they are transplanted into a garden or other open space at a distance of 20-40 centimeters from each other. Replanting is always done during the rainy season, as young trees need shade - coconut and banana trees, rambutan and durian are the most effective. Another benefit of growing other crops near mangosteen is that they suppress weeds. The mangosteen fruit initially appears in the form of a pale green or almost white product. Over time, the fruit enlarges - this takes approximately 3-4 months, and the color deepens to dark green. During this period, the fruit increases in size until it measures 6-8 centimeters in diameter on the outside until the final stage of ripening.
The growth of a tree plant slows down if the room temperature drops below 20 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature range for it is from 25 to 30 degrees, with an air humidity of 80% - 38-40 degrees. The minimum possible temperature is 3-5 degrees. both young and mature trees tolerate shade well. Mangosteen trees have weak root systems and prefer deep, well-drained soil with high content moisture, which is why in the natural environment they grow near large and small rivers. The plant is not suitable for calcareous soils with low organic matter content. The tree requires a climate with a good distribution of rainfall throughout the year (< 40 мм/месяц) и 3-5 недель сухого сезона. Оно чувствительно к водообеспеченности и применению удобрения, количество которого увеличивается с возрастом дерева (вне зависимости региона нахождения). В первые пять лет после прорастания мангостин очень чувствителен к засухе, поэтому ему необходим корневой запас, в том числе и для лучшего развития в первые годы роста. Постоянная форма кроны дерева – это пирамида.

Mangosteen seeds lose their viability very quickly, so at home it is necessary to prepare them for planting 4-5 weeks after the fruit has been picked from the tree. Slightly increases seed productivity next way: You need to wrap them in damp moss or fiber. Before planting in a pot, carefully prepare the drainage and soil mixture with peat. The seeds are placed at a depth of two centimeters and slightly moistened, after which the container is covered with film. It is better to plant the seeds first in special seedling boxes, and only then place them in pots. After this, they can already be planted in a permanent container. Be prepared for the fact that the first shoots will appear only after 1-1.5 months. Mangosteen is a slow growing tree, so it will reach its height of 25-30 centimeters only after 2 years, no less. The fruits will appear only after 10 years. The soil should not be wet, but should almost always remain moist; water the plant often - but not abundantly. The plant dies at temperatures below 4 degrees and above 37.

Mangosteen fruit - how to eat and use it

It takes at least 5-6 months for the fruits to ripen on the tree, after which they acquire a purple color. The quality of the fruit, including its bitter taste, is determined by changes in the pulp or around the fruit (it may crack as a result of excessive absorption of water). The mangosteen tree bears fruit for the first time within 5-6 years, but it happens only after 8-10 years. Its productivity depends on the climate and age of the tree. If a young tree is planted for the first time, then the likely productivity is 200-300 fruits, while at the end of the period - 500 fruits per season on average. Mature trees, aged 35 to 40 years, can produce up to 3 thousand fruits. Even old trees that are more than a hundred years old still maintain their productivity at a high level.

The bulk of mangosteen is produced in Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand as the country with the largest area of ​​cultivated fields: 4 thousand hectares in 1965 and 11 thousand hectares in 2000, which in total gives a profitability of 46 thousand tons. Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines are other major producers. As we have already said, the mangosteen peel is inedible, unlike the pulp, which is also divided into 4-8 segments. The fruit can be eaten both fresh and canned. How mangosteen is eaten depends on how the pulp is used. You need to choose only those fruits that squash when pressed. Otherwise, you risk consuming an already spoiled product. First of all, you need to peel the fruit - remove the green top and press on the middle, after which the fruit quite easily opens into two parts. After this, eating it is very convenient and pleasant. The fruit is mainly consumed fresh - the juice is squeezed out, used as an ingredient in salads, milkshakes, soufflés and fillings for pies and cakes, it is even used in fish sauce. By the way, sophisticated sweet and sour taste mangosteen goes harmoniously with seafood, especially shrimp and squid. To achieve original taste yogurt, ice cream or kefir, you just need to cut the fruit into pieces and add to the product.

Fans of exotic fruits should definitely try mangosteen, the fruit of a plant belonging to the Garcinia genus. Unfortunately, this tree does not grow in the CIS countries, but is common in Malaysia, Thailand, east and south Asia and the countries of Indonesia. However, in most large supermarkets you can find this product on sale. unusual fruit. What is it and how is it used? What is the composition of the fruit? Let's talk about the benefits and harms of mangosteen, and also “Popular about health” will tell you how to eat the fruit.

What is mangosteen?

The mangosteen fruit is no larger in size than a tangerine. Its peel is dark purple in color and is thick and dense. The thickness of the peel of the overseas fruit is about a centimeter. There is pulp inside white. It looks like garlic cloves. It tastes sweet and sour with a citrus tint, a little like an orange. The lobules contain seeds and seeds. The pulp is quite juicy and refreshing. How to use mangosteen?

Application of mangosteen

Mangosteen is eaten fresh; it tastes very good and is healthy. On sale you can also find canned fruits, however, during storage they lose some taste qualities and beneficial properties. Cocktails or purees are also prepared from mangosteen. In Thailand, fruit is served for dessert, and Malaysians love mangosteen jam.

However, the fruit can be used not only in cooking. For example, the wood of the plant is often used to make furniture. The peel of mangosteen has also found a use. It contains a pigment that is used in the leather industry to dye leather products black. IN folk medicine Asians use different parts of the mangosteen tree. What is the chemical composition of the fruit? What's special about it?

What is the composition and nutritional value of the fruit??

The composition of mangosteen is of interest to people who prioritize their health. Beneficial features found not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel.

It contains valuable phytonutrients that have an adaptogenic, tonic, and general strengthening effect. Mangosteen is a record holder for the content of xanthones, powerful antioxidants. Mangosteen pulp contains a lot of vitamins A and C, as well as trace elements - magnesium, zinc, calcium and potassium. About 60 varieties were found in this fruit! Today, this fruit has no equal; there is no other vegetable or fruit that simultaneously contains such an amount of antioxidants.

The peel is enriched with pectins and essential oils. The calorie content of mangosteen is 73 kcal per 100 g. Most of its pulp contains carbohydrates - 18%, protein - 0.4%, and fat - 0.6%.

Benefits of fruit

In view of the composition of the fruit, one realizes that it must be very beneficial for health. It is so indeed. Antioxidants, of which there are so many here, are of great value. They easily neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals in the body, preventing the formation of cancer cells. That is, it is recommended to eat mangosteen to prevent cancer and cleanse the entire body as a whole. If eating mangosteen did just that, that would be enough. But this is not the only benefit of the fruit.

Another benefit of mangosteen is that it helps you lose weight, but not only due to its low calorie content. Substances in its pulp speed up metabolism and improve digestion. By the way, it is also useful for gastrointestinal problems, but not in the acute phase, but in the remission stage. Thanks to its ability to relieve inflammation and heal, it can even cure peptic ulcer. Regular consumption of mangosteen helps improve performance, gives a surge of energy, relieves headaches, and normalizes blood circulation and cardiac activity. Are there any contraindications to it?

Harm of mangosteen

In general, there is no need to talk about the dangers of the fruit, since mangosteen does not have harmful properties. But! There are some known health problems in humans for which it is not recommended to eat this fruit. For example, if you have poor blood clotting, avoid the tropical treat. The xanthones in its composition thin the blood. Harm from the fruit is also possible if allergic reaction on him. This manifestation may become an obstacle to eating the fruit.

How to eat mangosteen?

The pulp of the fruit is eaten. To get to it, you need to remove the peel from the fruit. Since it is quite thick, it is usually cut to a depth of about a centimeter and carefully removed by hand. Inside, under the skin, there are white segments, which are what they eat in mangosteen. You can simply remove them with your hands or eat them with a spoon. The peel itself is rarely eaten fresh, although it is also extremely useful; it is used in making jam or for other purposes.

So your acquaintance with the mangosteen fruit took place. Perhaps you will someday be able to find it while somewhere at a resort or other place. If you get such an opportunity, be sure to taste the Thai fruit, which is a real source of health.
