Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds? Beneficial properties and harm of watermelon seeds. The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

Everyone knows about its benefits. Some experts even claim that regular consumption of apricots can prolong youth and longevity. When eating an apricot, it is customary to simply throw away the pit. This is not worth doing. Apricot kernels are rich in useful components. And the concentration of some vitamins and minerals is much higher than in apricot juice pulp. With proper use of kernels, you can cure some diseases and prevent their development. But, an excessive amount of seeds harms the body. Therefore, it is important to know how and how many seeds you can eat.

What does apricot kernels contain?

Apricot kernels, the benefit of which lies in their composition, have a rich mineral composition. The vitamin composition is no less impressive. Thus, the kernels are saturated with different vitamin groups: F, A, E, C, B, PP. The group of vitamins B deserves special attention. In addition to the common B1, B3, B6, B9, B5, apricot kernels contain a rare unique vitamin - B17. To a large extent, thanks to him, the seeds of the fruit gained their popularity in medicine.

Among the minerals and trace elements it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Sodium.

Apricot kernels contain high levels of fiber and pectin. There are much more of these components in the seeds than in the pulp of the fruit. Also, the cores are rich in rare substances such as tocopherols and phospholipids, amygdalin, and various natural pigments. It is worth highlighting multiple saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The highest concentrations are found in linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and hydrocyanic acids.

Calorie content and nutritional value of apricot kernels

Nutritionists do not recommend overusing apricot kernels, as they are very high in calories. It has been established that 100 grams of this product contains about 450 kcal. This is a lot, and if there are a large number of bones, it can cause you to gain extra pounds. Nutritional value consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The first, proteins, are not so much in the seeds - no more than 3 grams. Fats have the largest amount - 45 grams per 100 grams of seeds. We need carbohydrates to increase tone, give energy and strength. There are about 25 grams of them in the kernels. Apricot kernels are famous for their essential oils, which are used in various fields of activity. The cores of some types of fruit consist of 70% edible essential oil.

Beneficial properties of apricot kernels

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of apricot kernels. The main benefit lies in the vitamin B17 content. This component is considered a real “killer” of cancer cells. Apricot kernels should be eaten to prevent oncological diseases. Just 7-10 cores per day is enough. If oncology has been detected, it is recommended to consume up to 20 seeds per day to treat cancer in the initial stages. This healing effect has been proven by scientists, representatives of both folk and traditional medicine. You can determine the amount of vitamin B17 by taste - there is more substance in those kernels that are bitter.

Apricot kernels contain a record amount of potassium. In this regard, with regular, moderate consumption of apricot kernels, the functioning of the heart muscle improves. Also, potassium is known for other beneficial properties. The mineral strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves their permeability, and reduces vascular permeability. In combination with lowering cholesterol levels, it has a preventive effect on atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

Among other beneficial properties of apricot kernels, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Protecting cells from free radicals;
  • Rejuvenation;
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids and constipation;
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora.

This product is recommended for use by athletes, as the seeds contain a high amount of calories and carbohydrates. This will help restore strength and muscle structure after training. The kernels contain tocopherols, which prevent premature aging and make the skin elastic and smooth. Therefore, bones are actively used in cosmetology. Particularly popular is apricot oil made from the kernels of the fruit. Organic acid substances have a positive effect on hair, nails and epidermis.

The use of seeds in medicine and cosmetology

In order to prevent many diseases, you need to eat dried seeds in their pure form. But, there are also special decoctions and infusions for the treatment of pathologies. Thus, a simple water tincture of the seeds is used to treat respiratory diseases, in particular cough, sore throat, and asthma. Also, this infusion is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Apricot kernel oil is popular both in medicine and in cosmetology. The product is used both internally and externally. The oil is famous for its antimutagenic properties, restores blood vessels, and strengthens the heart muscle. Just a couple of tablespoons of oil a day will completely restore the normal functioning of the entire system.

Internal use of the oil also has the following effects:

  • Relieves constipation;
  • Treats hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
  • Restores intestinal microflora;
  • Protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from ulceration;
  • Removes waste and toxins from the body.

Very often, apricot oil is added to lotions, tonics, masks, balms, shampoos and gels. Apricot oil can be applied to the face at night. Such manipulations will improve blood circulation, restore normal complexion, cleanse and tighten pores. But the main beneficial property for the skin is rejuvenation. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out, and by imparting tone and elasticity, the aging process is suspended, the skin is nourished with essential vitamins and minerals.

Oil-based hair masks strengthen hair roots and accelerate hair growth. Also, with regular use of masks, hair acquires a natural, natural shine. It is very useful to apply oil to the surface of the nail plates. It is recommended to undergo a whole course of procedures to strengthen nails and accelerate their growth. For this purpose, the product can be used as an independent cosmetic product or in combination with other beneficial essential oils.

How and to whom are apricot kernels harmful?

Numerous studies of the product have proven that apricot kernels have not only benefits, but also harm. Excessive consumption of the product is especially harmful. The high calorie content of apricot kernels can cause obesity and the appearance of extra pounds. Once in the body, the cores begin to actively release amygdalin (hydrocyanic acid). An excess of this component causes severe poisoning.

To reduce the level of amygdalin, you need to dry the seeds not in the fresh air, but in the oven. Also, the optimal permissible amount of apricot kernel consumption is 40 grams of kernels per day. It is very important that the seeds are fresh, not old (from last year). Such nuclei have a high concentration of toxic components.

Apricot kernels are completely contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy period;
  • Lactation period;
  • Diabetes;
  • Severe liver diseases;
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

Some experts allow the use of seeds during pregnancy. But their quantity should be minimal - no more than 20 grams per day. The same applies to children, if the children do not have an allergic reaction to a specific product. If the permissible dosage is exceeded, the body may react with poisoning. The first signs of intoxication appear both half an hour after consumption and 6 hours later.

At first, the patient will complain of general weakness and drowsiness. Also, problems with the respiratory system often arise, severe headaches and migraines appear. The gastrointestinal tract causes severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Large-scale poisoning can cause seizures and even fainting. If one of these signs is detected, you need to drink activated carbon, or any other absorbent, and consult a doctor.

Everything in nature is thought out and everything has its use. Consuming summer fruits abundantly, we don’t even think that their seeds, which we are used to throwing away, can be useful.

However, the key word here is “can”, because the kernels of many fruits sometimes not only do not benefit the body, but also harm it. We figured out what the seeds of various fruits contain and what effect they have on health.

Can you imagine the enormous potential contained in fruit seeds? After all, it would seem that from such a small and fragile core of the same apple a whole tree can grow. The properties of fruit seeds have long attracted the attention of scientists and are still the subject of numerous studies. Essences and oils are extracted from them and are actively used in the production of various cosmetics. Substances included in medications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are obtained from grape seeds, and grapefruit seed extract has antiviral and antifungal effects.

According to experts, in the kernels of various fruits there is an increased content of biologically active compounds that are effective in the fight against excess weight, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Thus, specialists from the Texas Research Center found in cherry, apricot, plum and peach pits phenolic compounds (cahetins, quercetin and anthocyanins) beneficial for the human body. But this does not mean that you need to eat all fruits with seeds in unlimited quantities. Moreover, most seeds are so small in size that there is no tangible benefit to the body from consuming them. But harm is quite likely.

It is worth noting that nature initially provided a hard shell for the kernels of various fruits. This allows them to pass safely throughout the human gastrointestinal tract and leave the body naturally. The hard shell of fruit seeds is resistant to enzymes, which protects them from digestion. To obtain a biological effect from eating them, the seeds must either be chewed thoroughly, which is not always possible and safe for the teeth, or use improvised means to get rid of the hard peel. Some seeds, which actually contain substances beneficial to the body, are recommended to be dried and ground, and then added to tea, coffee, yoghurt, etc.

Let's take a closer look at what is beneficial and what is harmful from the kernels of vitamin fruits available to us in the summer.

Cherry pits are both beneficial and poisonous. The small kernels contain mono- and polyunsaturated fats, potassium, copper, fluoride, calcium and many other minerals. Cherry kernels also contain vitamins A, B, C, F and E, tocopherols, phospholipids and pantothenic acid. They make oil, which has a positive effect on metabolism. But you can’t just eat cherry pits. They contain the glycoside amygdalin, which during the breakdown process releases hydrocyanic acid. By the way, it is this substance that provides the bitter taste of the kernel. But it is worth noting that when the seeds are heated in water to 75°C, hydrocyanic acid is destroyed.

From fresh cherry pits, just separated from the pulp, you can prepare compotes, sauces, liqueurs, fruit drinks, etc. It is interesting that our ancestors made so-called warming pillows from washed and dried cherry pits. To do this, dry kernels were placed in linen bags and practical and pleasant-smelling products with warming properties were obtained.

Peach and apricot kernels

Peach pits are reliably protected by nature, because not only are they sometimes difficult to separate from the pulp, but the outer shell of the kernels can only be broken with a hammer. But even when you get to the core of the peach pit, don’t rush to eat it. Firstly, it tastes bitter, and secondly, it also contains a lot of amygdalin, which releases the same hydrocyanic acid. The use of peach seeds is advisable only for obtaining oil from them, which contains beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids. Amygdalin in oil is not destroyed and does not form hydrocyanic acid. Moreover, it can be both edible and cosmetic oil.

Apricot kernels are also a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, beneficial minerals and vitamins. They taste more pleasant, but due to the risk of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, even an adult should not eat more than 10 of them per day. Apricot kernels have found their use in cooking. They are added to sauces and jams for flavoring, and are also used in the preparation of the famous Italian amaretti cookies. You can even remove the kernels from the seeds, roast them in the oven, chop them and eat them along with dried apricots and honey.

The benefits of apple seeds are very controversial. The small kernels contain iodine, useful acids, potassium and even protein. What makes apple seeds harmful is again amygdalin, which is found in the fruits of many plants of the plum subfamily. And yet, nothing bad will happen from 5-6 apple seeds a day. The main thing is to chew them thoroughly.

Grape seeds: easier to spit out or healthier to swallow?

Some eat grapes directly with seeds, others carefully select and spit them out, and still others even prefer grape varieties without seeds. Numerous studies have shown that grape seeds contain many beneficial substances. These include vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds. But it is difficult to chew small and hard seeds well, and swallowing them whole is useless. To get the full benefits of this product, it is much easier to grind it and add a little bit to milkshakes, smoothies, yogurts, coffee or tea. Also, oil or tinctures are prepared from grape seeds, which retain all the beneficial properties of grape kernels.

Unchewed grape seeds act like fiber in the body, improving intestinal motility. But for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to do this to avoid exacerbations.

It is worth noting that pomegranate seeds have the same properties, which in addition contain many unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

Oil is extracted from the seeds of a popular summer berry, which in its properties is not inferior to almond oil, and in taste - no worse than olive oil. In China, roasted watermelon seeds are in particular demand, and in West African countries they are even added to soups.

But, despite all the beneficial properties, you should not try to chew each of the numerous watermelon seeds. Take pity on your tooth enamel! If desired, the seeds can be dried and crushed, and then consumed along with the same yoghurts and smoothies.

What's hiding inside an avocado?

Avocado is, of course, not a summer fruit and, moreover, not typical of our latitudes, but still its seed is worth describing. Today, avocados have become so often used in cooking by Russians that they have ceased to be exotic for us. According to scientists and nutritionists, avocado seeds contain large amounts of antioxidants and fiber. According to researchers, antioxidants are good for health and help maintain youth. Fiber prolongs the feeling of fullness and promotes the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Due to the presence of tannins in avocado kernels, they taste quite bitter. Therefore, if you want to get the benefits of the fruit seed, you can grind it to a powder and add it to yoghurts, smoothies, salads and other dishes.

We were often frightened as children, saying that if you swallow a cherry pit or eat a piece of watermelon along with the seeds, you can end up in the hospital with appendicitis. Yes, hypothetically, such a possibility exists, but only if the swallowed bone clogs the exit from the appendix. And the likelihood of this is negligible.

Pomegranate has long been known for its beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. The main feature of the berry is the usefulness of not only the sweet and sour pulp, but the entire fruit.

Various tinctures are made from pomegranate seeds and oil is produced. They have medicinal properties and are used in cosmetology.

At the same time, is it possible to eat pomegranate seeds with seeds, is there any benefit in such an activity? What contraindications are there in this case? Pomegranate seeds - the benefits and harms of the seeds are described later in the article.

Seed composition

Pomegranate seeds contain many vitamins and microelements

Is it healthy to eat pomegranate with seeds? refers to exotic fruits. Most consumers pay attention only to its taste, while few people think about whether pomegranate seeds can be eaten and whether there is anything healthy in them. Some believe that, on the contrary, they harm the gastrointestinal tract. It's a delusion. It is important to figure out whether it is possible to swallow pomegranate seeds. This part of the berry contains many vitamins and microelements.

The composition of the seeds is as follows:

  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Vitamins of group B, A, E;
  • Polyphenols;
  • Iron;
  • Sodium, calcium, potassium;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Phosphorus compounds.

In addition, they contain starch, iodine, ash, and tannins. Many studies have been conducted on whether it is possible to eat pomegranate with seeds. The use of these seeds is widespread in cosmetology, in the treatment of various diseases, in the preparation of tinctures and medicines.

You might be interested to know whether you can eat apricot kernels. Read more details


To understand whether it is possible to eat pomegranate seeds with seeds and whether pomegranate seeds are beneficial for the body, you should understand the properties of these small seeds.

Their action is as follows:

  • Detoxification;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Regulation of metabolic processes;
  • Elimination of symptoms of diarrhea, headache;
  • Stabilization of the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • Positive effect on male sexual function;
  • Reduced pain during menstruation;
  • Stabilization of pressure in hypertension.

In addition, the seeds have a positive effect on the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, help restore sleep, and are effective for skin diseases and depression. The question remains whether diabetics can eat pomegranate seeds with seeds. The answer is also positive, since with their help sugar levels are normalized. The use of harmful substances provokes inflammation in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Are the seeds good for the intestines? Due to the tannin content, a protective layer is formed that prevents the inflammatory process.

You will learn more about the benefits of pomegranate seeds from the video:

Can children eat it?

The beneficial properties of pomegranate have a beneficial effect on the body at any age. However, can children eat pomegranate seeds? Until the age of three, it is important to monitor whether children eat pomegranate seeds. This is not recommended for young children because their gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully functional. At this age, pomegranate should be consumed without seeds, only the pulp, or take the fruits of boneless varieties.

What are the benefits of pomegranate seeds after three years? The benefit to the body is the treatment and prevention of anemia, as an effective antibacterial agent for stomatitis. The main thing is not to consume grains very often. For children, the norm is once a week.

Can pregnant women eat it?

Pregnancy leads to a deficiency of ascorbic and nicotinic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin and other microelements necessary for the development of the baby’s organs and tissues. Pomegranate is able to replenish the missing elements; it is useful for both mother and child. However, can pregnant women eat pomegranate seeds?

If there is no individual intolerance to the fruit and no allergic reactions, then the answer to the question of whether pomegranate seeds are useful lies in the following effects during pregnancy:

  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Reducing swelling, toxicosis;
  • Replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • Increasing the body's defense during an influenza epidemic.

Is it possible to swallow pomegranate seeds while breastfeeding? In this case, of course, you need to monitor the baby’s reaction. If it does not occur, then it is recommended to start with no more than five grains, after which the serving size can be increased to 20 pieces.

Almonds will bring great benefits to mother and baby during breastfeeding.

The benefit of pomegranate with seeds for women also lies in its effect on hormonal levels. The seeds contain phytohormones, the lack of which causes excessive menstruation, hot flashes, mood swings, and decreased hemoglobin. You can avoid such negative reactions by consuming pomegranate seeds.

Can men eat?

Is it possible for the male half of the world's population to eat pomegranates with bones? In addition to all the positive aspects outlined, the benefit of pomegranate with seeds for men is to improve blood circulation. Due to this, a positive effect is observed regarding erectile function.

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Harmful properties and contraindications

Are there any contraindications for consuming pomegranate seeds? Their benefits for the human body are clearly great, but this rule only applies with moderate consumption. Is it harmful to eat them in certain cases, and in which ones?

Pomegranate seeds always exhibit beneficial properties, except in cases where the following contraindications are present:

  • Hypotension;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Colitis;
  • Increased gas formation, constipation;
  • Gastritis accompanied by high acidity.

Why is the opinion so popular that you should not eat pomegranate seeds; can you get appendicitis from the seeds? They do not provoke bacterial inflammation in any way; cases of appendicitis are possible only when seeds get into the appendix and block the passage. But due to their too small size, this probability is minimal. Therefore, the question of overly anxious people, whether pomegranate should be eaten with or without seeds, has a clear answer.

Features of use

Pomegranate seeds have beneficial properties not only when they are fresh. They are also used to make oils and tinctures. Pomegranate seed oil is produced by cold pressing. It is considered even more useful than the seeds of the fruit themselves.

The composition of the resulting product contributes to the following:

  • Has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Softens the skin;
  • Accelerates the renewal of damaged tissues, restores protection;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Restores natural moisture in the epidermis.

Pomegranate seed oil is used for age-related skin changes, for whitening the face, and preventing photoaging of the epidermis due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

You might be interested to know the benefits of grape seed oil. Read more details

The beneficial properties of alcohol tincture from seeds are also widely known.
She is capable of:

  • Prevent respiratory diseases;
  • Reduce inflammation;
  • Relieve menstrual symptoms;
  • Reduce the incidence of cholesterol plaques.

To prepare you will need 5 pomegranates, lemon, 350 g of sugar and 500 ml of alcohol. The grains must be extracted by squeezing the juice out of the pulp. To them you should add lemon zest, cinnamon, sugar and pour alcohol over everything. The drink should be infused in a cool place for 20 days. It is recommended to drink it one tablespoon before meals 1-2 times a day every day for two months.


Whether it is necessary to eat pomegranate seeds is up to each person to decide for himself. At the same time, the choice of whether the seeds can be swallowed and whether children can eat the fruit with them depends on the presence of contraindications and the child reaching the age of three. However, the beneficial properties of the berry seeds are very high and help saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Are seeds digested in the stomach? They are not completely digested, but this fact does not pose any threat due to the small size of the grains.

Similar materials

Interestingly, the homeland of the apricot has not been precisely determined, although scientists suggest that it could still be Armenia, or places in the Tien Shan mountains. Today, this tree can be found in almost all parts of the globe where there are suitable climatic conditions.

Over the course of several centuries, various apricot varieties have been bred, including frost-resistant ones. In places with the most favorable conditions, the age of an apricot can reach a century, and this in no way affects the quality of fruitfulness. The fruits of the tree are mostly similar to another representative of the plum genus, the peach, with exactly the same color: yellow, orange or pink, by which one can determine the presence of carotene, a very useful substance and necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

The composition of the fruit is not just rich and varied, it is truly unique: natural acids, inulin, tannins, starch, and this does not take into account the most valuable microelements that are present in apricots. The most valuable in terms of its properties and, of course, incredibly tasty, is considered to be the apricot grown in Central Asia, a place where climatic conditions are most favorable for the growth and ripening of fruits.

The most common format in which the fruit is consumed is fresh or dried, in both cases it is a very useful product in its properties, however, it should be remembered that apricots have a high sugar content.

Composition of apricot kernel

Amygdalin (B17) is still the subject of controversy among medical scientists, and since the substance is found in the kernel of the apricot kernel, there are many fans of using this product in food. In its effect, amygdalin resembles the chemotherapy procedure, only without the consequences and harm to health that are observed during inpatient treatment with the use of drugs known for their complex side effects on the body. These properties were first discovered by scientists more than 60 years ago and today have fully confirmed the special effect on the body’s cells.

But not only amygdalin is present in the apricot kernel; in groups, for ease of classification, the list of substances and trace elements is as follows:

  • Squirrels.
  • Vitamins, including rare ones (C, PP, B, F).
  • Microelements (phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium).
  • Essential oils.
  • Acids are unsaturated and saturated.
  • Pigments.
  • Tocopherols.
  • Phospholipids.

Amygdalin contains hydrocyanic acid, a substance that can cause harm to the body, so eating apricot kernels in large quantities instead of the desired benefits can cause harm. Another important quality of kernels is their taste: the more bitter the product, the more toxic substances it contains. It is advisable to choose sweet kernels for consumption; they are considered the most useful and valuable in their qualities.

Apricot kernel calories

But the calorie content of the apricot kernel should be highlighted separately; this is very significant, since not only doctors are interested in the product, but also cosmetologists and even culinary specialists, due to the presence of a large amount of fats and substances with special nutritional characteristics: amazing taste and aroma. This circumstance affects the calorie content of the substance (there are more than 500 calories in a fresh fruit kernel per 100 grams of raw material), which is a prohibiting factor in the use of the product for the category of people who are obese and predisposed to weight gain.

And be that as it may, it is the presence of fats and other valuable microelements that primarily interests pharmacists and cosmetologists, since many of the listed substances are not often found in the plant world. In China and other countries of the East and Asia, apricot kernels are consumed in small doses as food, and as nutritionists and doctors note, reasonable use of the product has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Can I eat apricot kernels?

Doctors were interested in an interesting fact: a Tibetan settlement was found where all the inhabitants, starting from early childhood, eat several apricot kernels every day. At the same time, they are completely free of cancer; at least, not a single case of death due to this has been identified. Almost all members of the community are long-livers and, what is important, the tree is considered a symbol of fertility, which is why it is quite normal and natural for a woman in the village to give birth at 50-60 years old.

Statistics show that people who consume this product in reasonable quantities can boast of mental alertness, good health and an active lifestyle even in old age.

Regarding the effectiveness of the substance, it is worth noting that traditional medicine has long used plum kernels to treat pulmonary diseases, and apricot leads the list. Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, cough and many other respiratory diseases are treated with the help of apricot kernels, but there is one thing, and this is expressed in contraindications for a certain category of people. This circumstance must be remembered when deciding to use a substance. By the way, many Eastern people use apricot kernels to satisfy hunger: just a few grains saturate the body with all the necessary microelements and vitamins for 3-4 hours with an active lifestyle.

Why are apricot kernels bitter?

Those people who have tasted fruit kernels probably note their taste, sometimes they are tasty and sweet, but sometimes they are unpleasant and bitter, but in any case, the taste of bitterness is present in the substance, albeit in different concentrations.

Experts explain the different taste characteristics and varying degrees of bitterness by the presence of toxic substances that are present in the kernels. If the kernel itself tastes sweet, with a slight presence of bitterness, this product can be consumed, provided there are no prohibitions.

In case of strong bitterness, it is better not to tempt fate and not to use such raw materials either as a food supplement or as a means to treat diseases, since the product has a high content of hydrocyanic acid and various organic poisons. Amygdalin is an element that contains hydrocyanic acid, a substance that is by no means safe for the human body. This simple knowledge will help you choose the right product of the right quality, the use of which will bring maximum benefit.

Is almond an apricot seed?

For a person born in the East or Central Asia, the question of the similarity of apricots and almonds will cause a condescending smile, although in general, these people are characterized by increased impenetrability and calmness, and it is extremely difficult to provoke them to show emotions. And yet, there is a similarity between the two substances and not a small one; if you compare the list of trace elements, acids, fats and other components, some identity appears.

What is the difference between almonds and apricot kernels, here are the main factors:

  • The kernels of both fruits differ in shape; in almonds it is elongated and oval, in apricot it is flattened and rounder.
  • The kernels differ in size, with almonds being larger.
  • Almonds have a noticeably darker nut color.

Almonds are more popular: they can be found freely available in almost all supermarkets. The reason for its popularity lies in the composition of the substances, since there are still slightly more of them in almonds than in apricots, and they are more valuable in terms of their usefulness for the human body. If we take it as a whole, by and large, these are practically the same product.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels are undoubtedly a very interesting product, which causes various disputes among scientists, traditional healers and ordinary people, due to the composition of the components present in the nut. Most people, when eating the juicy, tasty pulp, simply throw away the seeds, believing that they definitely have no benefit, but as it turns out, this is not the case.

In fact, the dispute about the product as a healing substance, but at the same time requiring careful use, has lasted for hundreds of years. Only recently, scientists have confirmed many guesses regarding the benefits and harms of the apricot kernel, revealed many secrets regarding the composition of microelements and given a detailed description of the properties of the product. What is the value and harm of apricot kernels, why there is a lot of controversy around this product, and what secrets have scientists discovered.

Benefits of apricot kernels

Apricot as a plant today is in some way unique: scientists are only guessing where its homeland is, some of the substances have not yet been fully studied, and the ability to rejuvenate the body’s cells and create a natural barrier against many incurable diseases is simply amazing, but does not explain the entire mechanics of the effect.

The apricot kernel acquired particular value when scientists accurately clarified the phenomenon of the effects of enzymes, microelements and other components of the product, which together help fight such serious illnesses as oncology, pulmonary and colds, and restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These are not all the useful qualities that such an inconspicuous-looking grain, hidden under a hard shell, is endowed with.

What are the benefits of apricot kernels?

People have long learned to use apricot kernels and the main areas where this is being developed at an industrial level are divided into categories:

  • Medicine.
  • Cosmetology.
  • Perfumery.
  • Cooking.

In traditional medicine, the substance is still used only in small quantities due to incomplete study of the product. Many secrets and features have just begun to be revealed to scientists, but those facts that are known today are already of considerable interest, because in a way, the apricot kernel is a kind of elixir of youth.

Traditional medicine has been using apricot kernels for centuries to treat colds and lung diseases. The same list includes diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system and oncology, but the secrets that the substance contains have not been fully revealed. How to explain the principle of operation of apricot kernels, whose effects are comparable to such a complex procedure as chemotherapy? This phenomenon forces many scientists to conduct new and new research, which simultaneously discover other useful properties, for example, the core contains carotene, also a substance very necessary for the human body. Carotene has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, increasing blood circulation in the eyeball, saturates it with oxygen, and cleanses the blood.

Cosmetologists and perfumers have been using the seeds of various fruits for centuries due to the presence of vegetable fats and unique essential oils. The recipes for ointments and perfumes are often kept secret, passed down by tradition from family to family, or from master to master.

In cooking, kernels are mainly used to decorate various dishes and give them a specific flavor; sometimes apricot kernels and winemakers use apricot kernels for the same purpose when preparing various alcoholic beverages.

Where are apricot kernels used?

Traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking are the three main areas where apricot kernels are used most often. Cosmetologists have been using various herbal additives in their products for a very long time. The greatest value of the kernel is the presence of vegetable oil in it, which contains large quantities of useful and rare vitamins and fatty acids. Together, they slow down skin aging, strengthen it and nourish it with everything it needs. The moisturizing and healing effects of such products are simply amazing, so various creams, balms and ointments are very highly valued, especially by that category of people who are accustomed to using only high-quality material.

For culinary experts, the products are used more when decorating desserts, and many of us, when eating sweets, do not even suspect what is included in their composition. For example, cakes, yoghurts, fruit ice cream, creams, baking fillings, caramels, the list goes on, but all this is prepared from various ingredients and apricot kernels are often included in this list due to their unique taste.

Traditional medicine also has many areas where apricot kernel is used. Again, it is easier to use examples: urbech, a substance that is prepared from several components that are most valuable in their qualities: honey and butter. The value of urebch lies in the fact that the substance retains all important microelements and vitamins after the cooking process, since the recipe does not use heat treatment. This mixture is used to treat colds and respiratory diseases, and is also a great way to strengthen the immune system.

Harmful effects of apricot kernels

Any product can have both a positive and a negative side, this applies to almost everything that a person eats or uses as medicine. This is primarily due to the individual qualities of the body. The high content of sucrose, toxic substances and fatty acids is a ban on the consumption of apricots and kernels for the category of people suffering from diabetes mellitus, prone to obesity and “gaining” extra pounds.

Scientists have discovered a lot of interesting things about the composition of the apricot kernel and its effect on the human body. A particularly important point is that it prohibits the use of fruit kernels in large quantities for food and refutes the prohibition. The nut contains a poisonous substance under the terrible name cyanide, which turns into hydrocyanic acid during digestion, an equally dangerous poison, but by eating the pulp of the fruit and the apricot kernel at the same time, a neutralization reaction occurs. The reason for this phenomenon is the presence of pectin in the fruit pulp, which eliminates toxicosis. Therefore, if you want to eat several grains of fruit, it will not cause harm to the body, but if you eat only one kernel, and in large quantities, it is very easy to get food poisoning.

And yet, there should be a norm and common sense in everything. You should not give the product in large quantities to children, categories of people who have diabetes and are obese, since instead of the intended benefits, a negative result from eating nuts is possible. And yet, cases of poisoning by absolutely healthy people with apricot kernels are by no means isolated, and the reason lies in ordinary overeating, when too many grains are eaten at one time, for example, 50 or more.

Why are apricot kernels harmful?

The question of the usefulness of using apricot kernels, especially when it comes to eating them, has both a number of opponents and admirers. Many doctors do not deny the healing properties of the substance, but suggest using it strictly in pharmaceuticals or cosmetology. It is certain aspects of the composition, namely the presence of substances harmful to the human body, that require using apricot kernels with caution. What do specialists identify first of all from substances that, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the human body?

  • High calorie content. For people with a predisposition to obesity, this product is definitely not suitable.
  • Sucrose. This substance is also found in excess in the apricot kernel; the product is definitely contraindicated for people diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Amygdalin. A substance that during digestion turns into a toxic poison called hydrocyanic acid. The concentration of the poison only in very large quantities can cause harm to the body, but the substance is still considered harmful in moderate dosage.

For whom are they contraindicated?

Doctors and nutritionists identify the main categories of people for whom eating apricot kernels is contraindicated.

  • Pregnancy period.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Patients with diabetes.
  • Acute or chronic liver diseases.
  • Categories of people prone to obesity.
  • Individual intolerance to the product.

Of course, control is needed regarding the consumption of the substance by children; they may not pay attention to the prohibitions, but in large quantities nuts can cause poisoning. For children, the daily intake should not exceed 10 apricot kernels, provided that they do not taste very bitter.

Symptoms of apricot pit poisoning

The harm from eating apricot kernels appears when the number of kernels eaten exceeds 20 for children, and more than 40-50 for adults. It is quite possible that a smaller amount may have a negative effect on the body, but in terms of symptoms, it resembles ordinary poisoning:

  • Appearance of weakness and lethargy.
  • Pain in the stomach area.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea, cramps, vomiting.
  • Trouble breathing.

A more acute form of poisoning is expressed in manifestations of convulsions, acute heart failure, sudden blockages during inhalation, fainting, and a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Application in cosmetology

Officially, apricot kernels are most in demand in the preparation of cosmetic preparations for skin care. Actually, it is not the core itself that is used, but the oils that are squeezed out of the product; it is they that have the effect of the “elixir of youth”, not only restoring the skin, but also regenerating damaged areas, healing microcracks and other affected areas. Cosmetologists do not skimp on praise for the material that is found in apricot kernels, because in their properties they are very similar to other representatives of plums: almonds and peaches.

Apricot kernel oil

When squeezing apricot seeds, cosmetologists use a cold method; it is this method that guarantees the safety of all useful microelements and vitamins. After the process, the substance has a slight viscosity when poured, while it has a pleasant smell and color, more reminiscent of the stem of ripe wheat.

Oil as a substance for creams and ointments can be combined with other similar material, which is taken from related fruits, but it can also be used in its pure form, as, indeed, is often done in cosmetology. The oil can be used to treat skin diseases: wounds, inflammation, to normalize the normal functions of the dermis. The same substance is recommended for treating the skin of infants, with manifestations of cellulite, sagging, and loss of an attractive appearance. Constant use of apricot nut oil makes the skin smooth, even, with a pleasant matte tint. The main healing properties that apricot oil has are:

  • Moisturizing effect.
  • Softening and rejuvenating properties.
  • Tonic properties.
  • Returns the color to normal.
  • Due to natural peeling, the external condition improves.

The listed features of apricot oil allow it to be used as a component in massages, making balms, shampoos, and creams.

Apricot kernel scrub

That category of people who monitor the condition of their facial skin and their appearance in general are probably aware of the healing properties of masks prepared from apricot kernels. After the procedure of using the scrub as a mask, the velvety and tenderness of the shade is restored, the skin acquires an even, healthy glow. Apricot kernel scraping can be prepared all year round: in the summer from fresh fruit, in the winter from canned fruit, but for this you need to know how to properly prepare the necessary products.

  • Sorbitol – 20 gr.
  • Boiled chilled water – 50 g.
  • Apricot puree – 200 gr.
  • Glycerin – 2 tbsp. l.

The listed components are mixed and stored in a glass container, provided that the mixture is tightly rolled. The belongings themselves are prepared extremely simply:

  • 5 apricots.
  • 1 tsp. coarse ground coffee.
  • 1 tsp. honey

The pulp is removed from the fruit and kneaded until it resembles fruit puree. The seeds are ground to flour and all the ingredients of the recipe are mixed together.

In cooking

Cooking has always used fruits to prepare various fruit dishes and desserts, and apricot is no exception. Many cooks, when using fruit pulp, do not throw away the seeds, as they are well aware of what a valuable raw material it is as an additive for many tasty things. Apricot kernels are used as a food ingredient and in industrial cooking, and the reason is the presence of healthy oils and the original smell and taste that the kernel has.

The main areas where industrial cooking uses plum kernels are:

  • Creams.
  • Syrups.
  • Waffles.
  • Ice cream, yogurt.
  • Bakery.
  • Cakes.

In home cooking, delicious jams, preserves, and preserves are prepared from apricot pulp and seeds, and this is only a small part of the list of dishes.

Recipes with apricot kernels

Anyone who has at least once tried preserves or jams, the recipe of which contains crushed apricot kernels, will never forget the incredible taste of the dish. Actually, the recipe itself is not complicated; these taste qualities are imparted by the correctly selected amount of ingredients.

  • 40 pcs. apricot kernels.
  • 70 gr. water.
  • 1 kg apricot.
  • 550 gr. Sahara.
  • 1 tsp. Kirsha.
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice (with pulp possible).

Fruits are selected that are not overripe, elastic and juicy, they are washed and divided into halves. Water is poured into the prepared bowl and sugar mixed with fruit halves is added. The mixture is cooked like regular jam until the fruits become moderately soft, after which lemon juice mixed with kirsch is added to the mixture and allowed to boil for 3 minutes. Next, crushed apricot kernels are added, boiled again, after which the dish can be poured into glass jars and rolled up.

Urbech from apricot kernels

Urbech is a unique substance that not only has an original taste, but also has anti-inflammatory and other healing properties. The recipe for urbich comes from Dagestan and is a mixture of apricot kernels, or other seeds (flax, sunflower) with honey and butter, there is a unique selection of carbohydrates, proteins and fats of plant origin.

Urbich is used both as a dish and as a remedy for treating colds and other diseases. It is easy to prepare, and you don’t need a lot of ingredients either: honey, butter and crushed kernels (all in equal proportions) are mixed and brought to a paste in a water bath. The main condition in the recipe is not to heat the mixed ingredients too much, so that heat treatment does not destroy the valuable microelements and vitamins in which they are rich.

Apricot kernels for cancer

Traditional healers have long been using the kernels of plum crops in the fight against cancer, and by the way, they are doing it very correctly, as scientists have confirmed this fact in a number of studies. Externally, the disease is exposed to what is medically called chemotherapy, and the reason for this manifestation is the composition of trace elements and a special substance in the kernel of apricot kernels, or rather amygdalin.

Amygdalin as an active substance of a biological nature has become known since the mid-19th century, it was at this time that scientists around the world became interested in some facts regarding the raw materials obtained from apricot kernels, with the aim of using it in pharmaceuticals. At that time, amygdalin was presented as a substance with high toxicity. It is this that acts destructively on the human cell, due to inhibition by cyanide.

Medicinal component of apricot kernel

Pigmatic acid and amygdalin are the medicinal substances that suppress and kill disease-affected cells. The only condition for the use of drugs made from apricot kernels is the use of therapy that supports the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. Treatment of cancer-affected people with apricot kernels is similar in effect to the process of using chemotherapy, where the main task of the drugs is to destroy cells affected by the disease. The same work is performed by cyanide, the strongest of poisons, which is present in small dosages in the amygdalin.

Mechanism of action on cancer cells

The mechanics of influencing disease-infected cells with the help of amygdalin were developed more than 30 years ago by Dr. Contreras, a Mexican scientist involved in studying the properties of apricot kernels and other types of fruits from the plum category. The doctor is rightfully proud of his achievements, since his technique cures people with lesions at the 4th stage of disease development.

The entire principle of the mechanism that affects cells affected by the disease is based on the use of amygdalin and acids that are present in apricots. 4 amygdalin molecules in combination with two glucose do not cause harm to healthy cells, and the fermentation process created by benzaldehyde and cyanide molecules suppresses the work of only disease-infected cells.

An amygdalin extract is made from the raw materials, which is supported during the treatment process in combination with the use of drugs to protect against damage to the kidneys and liver.

The effectiveness of treating cancer with apricot kernels

Experiments on the use of apricot kernels for the treatment of cancer patients have made significant progress over the past three decades. Although many of the effects of the substance have not been fully studied, scientists have managed to decipher the main thing: moderate consumption of kernels in food can not only inhibit the growth of affected cells, but also regenerate them. If in 1962 the effectiveness of treatment reached at least 70% of the complete cure of diseases, then by 2010 this figure rose by another 10%, which in itself says a lot.

Although the opinions of experts have some differences in their research, they generally unequivocally state that the use of drugs containing amygdalin is by far the most promising medicine to combat malignant neoplasms.

Apricot kernels for cancer, how to take?

Despite the warnings of many skeptics that the substance contains strong toxic poisons, poisoning with apricot kernels is a rare phenomenon, and if used correctly and certain rules are followed, it is completely eliminated. Scientists who have studied the effects of amygdalin on the human body claim that consuming up to 7 apricot kernels per day is a completely reasonable amount of raw material sufficient to prevent the appearance and development of tumors.

Traditional healers approve of their colleagues from traditional medicine in almost everything, but regarding the use they advise adhering to the following rules.

  • It is best to use kernels from wild trees as food.
  • Products are collected in environmentally friendly places and away from roads.
  • The seeds are destroyed immediately before consumption.
  • Only raw grains are eaten.
  • The lighter the color of the kernel, the more beneficial they are for the body.

Calculation of the required amount of substance is made by a simple combination of weight per kernel (5 kg per grain). If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is necessary to reduce the number of kernels eaten. A prerequisite for taking it is to consume the kernels on an empty stomach, although some experts advise mixing the chopped nuts with a small amount of honey and washing the mixture down with cold water.

Apricot kernels for cancer: reviews

Patients cured with preparations made from apricot kernels, as well as those people who fought the disease on their own using apricot kernels as medicine, were amazed by their healing effectiveness. During the treatment of the disease, most patients experience the effects of various medications and their genuine joy when positive results are observed is quite understandable. There is official data on the use of drugs made on the basis of apricot kernels, and facts, as they say, are stubborn things - the positive effect in treating the disease is very high, within 70%.

Most cancer patients form groups, sharing various knowledge. This is very valuable, because thanks to various reviews, many patients find truly useful and working advice. Judging by the reviews of former cancer patients, victory over the disease leaves some health-related problems, and most of them are in the form of complications on other organs of the body.

There are also skeptics who claim that traditional medicine is practically powerless with its recipes in the fight against cancer, and all attempts to use anything that is not related to traditional treatment are complete nonsense. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but, again, facts are stubborn things, they are very difficult to refute.

With the help of apricot seeds you can expel worms, cure the heart and even prevent cancer.
The sweet, aromatic fruits that we all love to enjoy are not just tasty. They are very useful, right down to the bone. The aromatic grains contain a substance that can cure both cough and dermatitis. Apricot oil has always been valued by its weight in gold.

What is the secret of apricot seeds?

Apricot kernels smell like almonds. They contain amygdalin - it is also called vitamin B17, says herbalist Elena Baklyukova. - It is also found in bitter almonds, seeds of apples, cherries, peaches, plums, and millet. This vitamin has been shown in some studies to prevent cancer, but recently this has been questioned. They also contain carotene and other vitamins essential for health, which make the seeds a universal medicine.

In addition, apricot kernels contain a unique oil that treats dermatitis, sore throats, runny nose, annoying cough, and can replace expensive nourishing cream (vitamin F is especially useful for the skin, accelerates cell regeneration, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, restores balance, counteracts the formation of acne) .

This oil acts as an antibiotic. If wounds (stomatitis) have formed on the tongue or gums, you can chew an apricot kernel; this greasy pulp relieves pain and inflammation.

Is it true that you can’t eat too many apricot pits?

Amygdalin breaks down in the intestines, forming hydrocyanic acid, which provokes severe poisoning. Therefore, apricot kernels can be eaten only a little at a time - a maximum of 3 - 5 pieces per day for adults and adolescents. By the way, this is a recognized anthelmintic. And if you add crushed seeds to tea one at a time, you will get good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritional value

Apricot kernels are a controversial health food and have been suggested for cancer prevention and treatment. The seeds contain monounsaturated fat and are a good source of protein and dietary fiber. The oil in the seeds has vitamin E. However, the seeds also contain cyanide, a potentially fatal toxin. Although your body can detoxify small amounts of cyanide, consuming too many apricot seeds or kernels can be hazardous to your health.

Bitter and sweet apricot kernels

The nutritional value and toxicity of apricot kernels vary depending on the variety. Some apricot seeds are sweet and contain cyanide. These sweet apricot seeds are suitable substitutes for almonds. Bitter seeds contain higher levels of cyanide. The product label should indicate whether apricot seeds are considered sweet or bitter. However, expect a bit of a bitter taste even from sweet apricot seeds.

Calories, nutritional value

A 1/4 cup serving of apricot kernels contains 160 calories. Only 1 gram of fat is saturated fat. Apricot kernels do not contain cholesterol and contain negligible amounts of sodium or potassium. A serving of apricot kernels contains 7 grams of carbohydrates with 2 grams in the form of sugars and 5 grams of dietary fiber. One serving of apricot kernels contains 7 g of protein. Apricot seeds are not a significant source of most vitamins or minerals, but there are 4 milligrams of vitamin E per 100 gram serving of apricot oil.

Amyglalin and pangamic acid

Apricot seeds contain amygdalin, which some researchers believe helps prevent and treat cancer, and pangamic acid, which may be useful in treating coronary heart disease. Levels of these compounds are highest in raw, whole apricot kernels, as opposed to cooked or processed ones. You may find that amygdalin is referred to as vitamin B-17 and pangamic acid as vitamin B-15, but does not recognize these substances as vitamins and considers them unsafe for use in food or medicine.

Safe consumption

Cyanide occurs naturally in apricot seeds and related products, including cherries, peaches and almonds. The amount of cyanide per apricot seed varies depending on the size and variety, but the average apricot seed contains 0.5 milligrams of cyanide. The lethal dose of cyanide ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 milligrams per kg of body weight, depending on factors including age and liver health. Based on medical history, the lethal dose for an 80-kg person was between 80 and 560 apricot kernels per day. For a 60-pound woman, the lethal dose would be 65 to 455 bones per day. Toxicity occurs at lower doses, so the lethal range should be considered as the extreme upper limit.

See how to separate seeds from seeds:

Vitamin B17: apricot kernels and cancer

Apricot kernels - the seeds at the center of the fruit - are characterized by high levels of B17. Although technically not a vitamin, B17 is consistently referred to as such. The Vitamin and Nutrition Guide describes B17—also known as amygdalin—as having properties beneficial for reducing pain associated with arthritis and lowering blood pressure. However, the most commonly cited attributes of the amygdala revolve around its supposed cancer-fighting and prevention capabilities.

Application for cancer

Amygdalin, extracted from apricot kernels, has been used to create a chemically modified version of B17 known as Laetrile since the early 1950s. Although their names usually change, Amygdalin and Laetrile do not have the same qualities. Laetrile's fame comes from the fact that it kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells unaffected. Consequently, Laetrile's reputation is based on the idea that it provides the same benefits of chemotherapy without the side effects or disadvantages.

What Research Shows

The results of a clinical study conducted between 1979 and 1981 showed that the use of Laetrile is not an effective treatment for cancer. In fact, within three months of starting the study, 91% of those who took part saw their cancer actually progress. Consequently, the American Cancer Society and other leading cancer researchers have since found that apricot kernel extract is not an effective cancer treatment.

Cyanide problem

The practice of eating large quantities of apricot kernels every day as a means of fighting cancer has survived largely through anecdotal evidence. However, not only is consumption of apricot kernels ineffective against cancer, it poses additional health risks when they are consumed in abundance. The levels of cyanide found in apricot kernels pose a health risk, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

The American Cancer Society further states that B17 consumed in combination with high vitamin C increases the amount of cyanide released into the body and increases the risk. Safe amounts of amygdalin depend on a person's age and size, diet, and overall health. It is best to consult a doctor before consuming apricot kernels in large quantities.


Inside the fruit there is one large seed, which is enclosed in a hard shell. Although the flesh of the fruit is most often eaten, few people realize that the seeds are edible. The seeds, or “kernels,” are a good source of dietary fiber and protein. Plus, they have no cholesterol and are a rich source of vitamin E and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

Apricot kernels are promoted as a healthy food. The taste of apricot kernels can range from slightly sweet to very bitter. The sweeter variety is similar in taste and texture to almonds and can sometimes be used as a substitute in recipes. Amaretto, a type of lemongrass with an almond flavor, is sometimes made with apricot kernel extract. In addition, the oil from the kernels can be extracted and used for cooking.

Although apricot kernels have beneficial properties, they are high in amygdalin, which is a potentially toxic cyanide-containing molecule. Side effects of this compound's toxicity include headache, nausea, fatigue and lethargy. For years, the molecule had anti-cancer properties, but recent research has challenged these claims. A clinical study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine that found amygdalin to be potentially toxic and not suitable for treating cancer.

Although apricot kernels are potentially toxic, poisoning due to amygdalin is relatively rare. A study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine published the effects of the poisoning and described them as similar to cyanide toxicity. However, the number of apricot kernels that must be consumed to lead to these symptoms is very high. Eating one seed no more than once per day is safe for healthy adults, and the health benefits outweigh the potential risks.

Apricot kernel oil for skin

Apricot seed oil is a light and gentle oil used in creams, lotions and other cosmetics to balance, nourish and lubricate your skin. According to the University of Minnesota, organic apricot oil is cold-pressed and has a very low aroma, making it an excellent carrier oil used to dilute fragrant essential oils before applying to the skin. Store organic apricot oil refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a year. Throw away apricot oil if it becomes rancid or discolored. Avoid purchasing synthetic apricot kernel oil, which is extracted with chemical solvents and stripped of its natural color and flavor.


Apricot kernel oil is lightweight and gently moisturizes the skin. Choose apricot oil to moisturize balanced skin, oily skin and skin with hormonal imbalances. Apricot oil's light texture makes it useful in facial serums or oil blends used to moisturize the face. Apricot kernel oil is light enough that it does not leave a greasy feeling on the skin after use. Although apricot kernel oil is most beneficial for oily skin types, it is gentle enough to be used on any skin type. Apricot kernel oil will also help rehydrate dry skin.


Apricot kernels are rich in gamma-linoleic acid, which comes from essential omega-6 fatty acids. Its content in apricot oil helps the skin maintain moisture balance. Acid also plays a role in firming and toning your skin, according to Close. In addition, organic apricot kernel oil contains vitamins A and E, which soothe the skin and slow down the signs of aging. The nutritional properties of apricot oil are anti-inflammatory and can soothe minor skin conditions such as eczema. Consult your doctor about your skin condition before using apricot oil.


Apricot seed oil provides lubrication for the skin. As a light and gentle lubricant suitable for sensitive skin types, apricot oil is often used in massage. Apricot oil is used as a lubricant in lip balms. Apricot oil is suitable for use on the sensitive skin of your lips.

Other uses of apricot oil

Apricot oil is a thin, odorless oil pressed from the seeds or kernels of the apricot - Prunus armeniaca. Commonly used in the world of massage, apricot oil is a versatile oil that offers several benefits depending on how you use it.

Easily accessible

Apricot oil is generally readily available in large quantities at natural health stores and pharmacies, both in-store and online. Prices vary depending on factors such as how the apricot is extracted from the pit. Apricot seed oil has a texture and color similar to that of sweet almond oil. Typically, apricot seed oil has a longer shelf life than other commonly used oils.

Vegetable oil

Apricot kernels are used to make a universal oil suitable for all types of cooking. Rich in monounsaturated fat, food-grade apricot oil may help lower LDL cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, and promote cardiovascular health, especially when used in recipes in place of other sources of saturated fat.

Skin enrichment

Paula Begun, author of The Complete Beauty Bible, notes that apricot oil is one of the oils with a lipid content similar to that of your skin. When the lipid content of the skin becomes too low, dryness and irritation occur; Topical application of apricot oil helps soothe and heal rough, damaged skin. The fine texture of the oil allows it to penetrate the skin faster, which promotes faster healing and heals wounds or cracked skin without leaving any residue. Shirley Price, co-author of Aromatherapy for Healthcare Professionals, notes that apricot oil is also useful for relieving itchy and irritated skin caused by eczema. As an added benefit, it states that apricot oil helps prevent and minimize the appearance of wrinkles.


According to Phyllis Balch, certified nutrition consultant and author of The Nourish Recipe, apricot oil is a prime option for use as a carrier oil in aromatherapy. When using apricot oil topically, you can mix it with several different essential oils, including lavender, chamomile, rose, lila, jasmine, and ylang-ylang, to create a pleasant yet gentle massage oil. Balch recommends 25 drops of essential oil per 32 ml of apricot oil for massage for adults.
