Is it possible to marinate meat in one marinade? How to properly marinate different meats: secrets, subtleties, tips. Marinade with pomegranate juice

There are a huge variety of recipes for preparing delicious and juicy pork kebab. Stores and markets sell aromatic seasonings that everyone can choose to suit their taste. A good marinade can be made from almost any product that is stored in your refrigerator.

The fact is that the marinade adds a little sourness and spice to the meat, making its taste brighter, and the meat itself is much softer.

The only thing that is important when preparing any marinade is the correct use of utensils. Under no circumstances should you cook meat in aluminum or iron cookware, or in a wooden container. They greatly change the taste of the meat. The best options would be glass, clay or enamel containers of sufficient depth and volume.

How to choose pork?

When choosing pork, do not buy frozen pork. Use chilled fresh meat. Moreover, it is best if you buy young pork, as it is much softer. When purchasing, pay attention to the color: the lighter, the younger.

Good pork should be uniform and consistent in color. It should not have a rotten and irritating odor, thickened and dried blood, or mucus. Its juice is clear.

Fresh pork does not leave finger marks. They level out very quickly. If the dent remains, the pork is not fresh. The same can be said about it if its color is not pinkish, but yellowish. By the way, it is very easy to find out whether pork was previously frozen. If you press with your finger, it will change shade in this place.

And don’t buy already chopped pork. You may stumble upon a scam. It's best to cut your own pork at home.

The most delicious and soft kebab is made from pork neck. But she is also quite fat. The leg will turn out a little dry. Its preparation requires special recipes. Tough meat of the shoulder blade (and rather not tasty). Perhaps the best choice is the loin.

Rules for any marinade

To prepare a delicious marinade, the pieces need to be cut into small pieces so that they are well fried. Moreover, it is important to cut across the grain for faster cooking. Plus it will help the meat marinate better.

Since pork is a fatty meat, it is not recommended to put oil and fatty foods in the marinade. It is better to give preference to vinegar or lemon, alcohol and a lot of onions. And, of course, spices.

Try to salt the marinade 2 hours before cooking and leave it for at least 5 hours. In most cases, recipes recommend marinating meat for 10-12 hours.

Recipes for the best marinades for pork kebabs

Tomato marinade

For the tomato marinade, prepare in advance two kilograms of pork, two large onions, parsley, dill, 50 grams of tomato paste, a tablespoon of ground paprika, red pepper, black pepper, coriander.

Mix onion sliced ​​into rings with finely chopped herbs. Place the meat, cut into small pieces, into a large container. Add tomato paste, onions, herbs, spices and mix everything well. Pour in water until it completely covers the meat and refrigerate for 8 hours. Add salt and leave to marinate for another couple of hours. Next you can cook the shish kebab.

Champagne marinade

For such a tasty and unusual marinade you will need as much as 2-3 kilograms of pork, a bottle of dry champagne, 5 onions and spices.

The chopped meat is mixed with onions and placed in containers. Spices are added and everything is filled with champagne.

Marinate for 7-8 hours and salt before frying.

Marinade with mineral water

For this marinade you need 2 kilograms of chopped meat, half a liter bottle of mineral water, 3 onions, a teaspoon of cilantro grains, a teaspoon of ground paprika, 100 grams of dried tomatoes, seasoning and salt.

To prepare such a delicious kebab, the meat is laid out in a large container, mixed with onion rings and left until the juice releases. Next, paprika, cilantro, tomatoes and spices are added to the pork. All this is mixed and filled with mineral water.

Marinate for 10 hours and salt before cooking.

Kefir marinade

You will need half a liter of full-fat kefir, a teaspoon of sugar, 4 large onions and spices.

Two onions are cut into rings, two onions are grated and all this is laid out in a bowl or pan. Sliced ​​meat is laid out on top and mixed together with sugar and spices (without salt). Next, the pork is poured with kefir, mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours. After which salt is added to it and kept for about 2 hours.

Vinegar marinade

For the vinegar marinade, take 2 kilograms of chopped pork, 9% vinegar (5 tablespoons), 1.5 teaspoons of sugar, 3 large onions, 200 milliliters of water and spices to your taste.

Pork is mixed with peppers and onions in the form of rings. Vinegar diluted with water and sugar is poured into the meat. Everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator for 11 hours. The kebab is salted 2 hours before frying.

White wine marinade

To prepare, you will need a glass of good white wine, a teaspoon of coriander, ground black pepper and peppercorns, two bay leaves, and salt.

The chopped meat is placed in a glass bowl or enamel pan. All this is mixed with spices and poured with wine. Keep in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours and salt only before cooking.

Pomegranate juice marinade

Pomegranate marinade is quite interesting and tasty. To prepare it, for a couple of kilograms of meat you need one glass of real pomegranate juice, an onion, cloves and salt, basil.

The chopped pork is divided into 4 parts. The first part is seasoned with spices in a separate container. The second is laid out on onion rings that have been pre-cut and placed in another container. The third part is mixed with herbs, the fourth - with cloves. All parts should be left alone for 1-2 hours and mixed. After this, pour pomegranate juice over everything and let it sit for another 4 hours in the refrigerator. Next add salt and everything will be ready for cooking in 2 hours.

Mayonnaise marinade

Mayonnaise marinade is one of the most common and simple. It will require a kilogram of chopped pork, 100 milliliters of mayonnaise, a couple of bay leaves, 3-4 medium onions, spices, lemon, 50 grams of mustard and salt.

The onion is cut into rings and mixed with meat and spices. Squeeze lemon juice on top. All this is left alone under the lid for half an hour. Next, mayonnaise, mustard and spices are mixed. This mixture is added to the meat and onions and mixed.

This marinade can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 hours.

Lemon and basil marinade

Marinade with basil is suitable only for lovers of this herb. Since it has a very pungent smell and a rather peculiar taste, it is best not to choose such a marinade for a large company.

But if you decide, then you will need chopped pork, one lemon for every kilogram of meat, several large bunches of chopped basil, onions and spices.

This marinade is laid out in layers. A layer of meat is placed on the bottom, then onions, then basil and sprinkled with spices. The procedure is then repeated until the ingredients run out. After laying out the layers, the juice is squeezed out of the lemons and poured on top of the meat.

This marinade is kept in the refrigerator for about 8-10 hours.

Chinese marinade

For the Chinese marinade you will need pork. It must be cut into small cubes (up to 5 centimeters) in advance. For 300 grams of pork, take one tablespoon of soy sauce, oyster sauce, grated garlic, a teaspoon of black pepper and cilantro.

All ingredients are mixed and the resulting mixture is poured into cubes of meat. In the refrigerator, the container with pork in the marinade is kept for about 4 hours, after which each cube is cleaned of garlic and herbs before cooking to avoid burning and an unpleasant aftertaste.

This kebab is best served with hot sauce to taste.

Lemon marinade

Lemon marinade replaces vinegar marinade very well. In fact, the recipe is almost the same. It requires the juice of two lemons, a teaspoon of sugar, spices and herbs, three large onions and 200 grams of water.

Sliced ​​pork is rubbed with spices (necessarily with black pepper and chili pepper). The onion is cut into rings. Meat and onions are mixed in a container. Lemon juice, water and sugar are mixed separately. After this mixture is poured into the meat and placed in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. After this time, add salt to taste to the marinade and put it in the refrigerator again for 2 hours.

Coffee marinade

The advantage of coffee marinade is that it does not make the meat sour. For this recipe you will need a couple of kilograms of pork, herbs and spices to taste, 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive), 4 onions and coffee.

To prepare the onions, you need to cut them into rings. One liter of coffee needs to be heated in a saucepan and allowed to cool slightly. After this, pour the meat (pre-soaked in oil and coated with spices) and onions with hot coffee drink.

To cool the meat, cover it with a lid and leave it in the kitchen for 40 minutes - 1 hour. After this, place the pan or glass container in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours.

Bon appetit!

The course for the summer is confidently set. This means that from now on you can have barbecue picnics at least every weekend. All that remains is to stock up on recipes for delicious marinades for meat to taste them in the field.

Sensitive handling

The first step is to choose quality meat and marinate it correctly. Otherwise, even the most exquisite marinade will be of little use. Meat from young animals, fresh and with a small amount of fat, is best suited for kebabs. Cut it into small identical pieces so that they have time to fry evenly on the smoldering coals inside and out. Before a picnic, meat should be cooled in advance, but under no circumstances should it be frozen.

How long does marinated meat last? Fans argue about this until they are hoarse. For the meat to be properly soaked, soft and tender, it takes an average of 12 hours in the refrigerator. For some recipes, three hours is enough. In this case, freshly squeezed kiwi, pomegranate or pineapple juice, as well as grated lemon zest, will add softness to the meat. The meat becomes more tender in the presence of black pepper and ground cumin. But vinegar should be used carefully. Excess vinegar will dull the taste of the meat and make it very dry and tough.

Don't forget to add your favorite spices to the marinade: black and red pepper, coriander, dried and fresh herbs, chili, basil or bay leaf. Just don’t mix seasonings from different recipes - the result may not live up to your expectations. And to make sure you don’t make a mistake, you can purchase ready-made universal barbecue seasoning in the store.

Onion simplicity

The simplest marinade for meat is made from onions. For 1 kg of raw meat we will take 700 g of onion and 2 tsp. black pepper. Peel the onions, grate them on a fine grater or puree them in a blender. It is important for us that the result is a liquid onion paste. Mix it with black pepper and marinate the meat in the resulting mixture for at least three hours. Immediately before frying the kebab, you need to completely get rid of the onion marinade. This recipe is ideal for pork, lamb and beef. But for tender chicken meat it will be harsh.

Honey mustard hug

According to many experts, the fastest marinade for meat is honey mustard. Its peculiarity is that it does not require marinating at all. You can brush the meat with it right before cooking. So, mix 1 tbsp. l. mustard and honey, 1 tsp each. ground cumin and black pepper and add the fresh zest of one orange. Beat all the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous mass and take it with you on a picnic. Before frying, thoroughly coat all pieces of meat with sauce, string them onto skewers and place them on the grill. This marinade goes best with lamb. However, it is also quite suitable for beef and pork.

Tomato charm

Tomato sauce and kebabs are classics of the genre. How to make a marinade for meat from tomatoes? The first step is to squeeze 300 ml of juice from fresh tomatoes and mix it with 100 ml of apple cider vinegar. Better yet, take the same amount of dry white wine instead. Cut the meat into small pieces, rub them with a mixture of black pepper, coriander and nutmeg. Place the kebab in a deep pan, alternating with onion rings, and then pour it with a mixture of tomato juice and vinegar. In order for the kebab to reach the desired condition, it must be kept in the refrigerator overnight. This marinade is especially harmonious with pork and beef.

Kefir tenderness

Some experts are skeptical about the recipe for meat marinade based on kefir. However, thanks to it, the meat turns out to be especially tender, juicy and tasty. For 1 kg of raw meat we need 500 ml of kefir with a fat content of no more than 2.5%, as well as 500 g of onions, 5 black peppercorns and ½ tbsp. l. Khmeli-Suneli seasonings. Finely chop the onion into cubes and press lightly. Mix it with spices and chilled kefir, pour the mixture over the pieces of meat. To ensure that the marinade penetrates into all corners, thoroughly shake the pan with the kebab and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. This version of the marinade can be used to cook pork, beef and chicken.

Pomegranate hops

Gourmets consider pomegranate marinade one of the best marinades for meat. It not only successfully emphasizes subtle flavor notes, but also makes even the toughest meat tender. To begin, finely chop a large onion, a bunch of mint and cilantro. Season all ingredients with 1 tsp. black pepper and thoroughly rub the resulting mixture onto the pieces of meat. Place the kebab along with the herbs and onions in a pan, and then pour 2 cups of pomegranate juice and ½ cup of vodka over it. In this form we leave the kebab in the refrigerator overnight. Pomegranate marinade is universal, so it will perfectly complement any meat.

Do you know how to prepare a marinade for meat? Share your signature recipes and secrets of making perfect kebabs with other readers!

When buying ready-made marinated meat in plastic buckets, you can never be sure of the freshness and high quality of the product. Try marinating meat yourself, and we promise you will never go back to the store-bought version again.

When we talk about marinating meat, we immediately think of skewers with skewered meat or a barbecue grill full of delicious pieces of pork or chicken. However, marinated meat is perfectly cooked in the oven or baked in a frying pan, and you don’t have to go out into the countryside to do this.

You can marinate pork, beef, chicken and lamb. For the marinade, be sure to use salt and pepper, as well as seasonings and spices to taste: cumin, turmeric, mustard, honey, basil, nutmeg, rosemary, tarragon and others. The following are added to the marinade as a liquid base: soy sauce, kefir, lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, sparkling water, tomato juice, white or red wine, etc. Sometimes very unexpected ingredients are used in marinades: kiwi, coffee, oranges .

You cannot marinate meat in aluminum containers; use a glass, ceramic or metal enameled container for this. The less time you have to marinate the meat, the more pronounced the flavor the marinade should have. Soft marinades are suitable for soaking meat in it overnight, or better yet, for 12-14 hours. It’s a good idea to lightly mash the onions with spices with your hands first - this way they will more actively begin to share aromas and release juice.

Let's say right away that we do not consider vinegar and mayonnaise to be good options for marinades. There are dozens of more delicious and healthy recipes that are easy to prepare. For example, marinade with lemon juice. In terms of its effect on meat, it resembles vinegar - the juice softens meat fibers, neutralizes unpleasant odors and makes the kebab juicy. Take 3 lemons, squeeze out the juice and add one grated onion, black and red peppers, peppercorns, bay leaf and olive oil. Immerse the meat and onion, cut into rings, into this liquid. Remember a little meat, cover with a plate and press down on top with a weight. Place the meat in a cool place overnight.

Great option kefir marinade. It is especially good with chicken, but goes well with other types of meat. First, mix the chopped meat in a bowl with finely chopped onion. Pour in low-fat kefir (1 liter of kefir per 2 kg of meat), add your favorite seasonings and a bunch of chopped herbs (parsley or cilantro), salt. Leave it overnight.

Good for meat mineral water marinade. First, mix all the dry ingredients (salt, spices), onion and meat in a saucepan, knead everything well with your hands. Then fill it with sparkling water (so that the liquid covers the meat completely) and leave for 3-6 hours. Gas bubbles will penetrate the meat fibers, soften them and enrich them with the aromas of seasonings. The meat after this marinating will be tender and soft.

Connoisseurs of real Caucasian kebab assure that there is no need to pre-prepare the meat. A good piece of meat does not need additional processing with spices or immersion in an acidic environment. They recommend simply threading the pieces onto skewers and adding salt and pepper during the frying process. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of reliable points of sale of fresh meat; we mostly buy it in supermarkets or markets where it is difficult to find out the truth about the freshness of the product. And in these cases, for the sake of your own health, it is better to prefer the option of marinating meat.


Meat! Do you love him as much as we do? Of course, we can now tell you a lot about the benefits of this product, its necessity for a growing and adult body, the peculiarities of consuming animal proteins, how to choose the right quality products, and how important this is. But it’s better to read about different cooking methods and marinades for meat.

You always want to please your family and loved ones with something original and tasty for any occasion, but not only bread is the key product at any feast. Each member of the household, or even guests, may like the most marinades for meat, because often the taste of your dish will depend on them.

Do you still think that only yeast dough needs to be prepared with the “right mood” and some special “magical attitude”? And you begin to delve into the intricacies and secrets of preparing meat dishes. Wow, so many new things you will learn!

For true connoisseurs of delicious food: meat marinade! Cooking in the oven couldn't be easier!

Not only men, but also the fair sex love meat. It’s just that everyone gives preference to some of their own dishes, one or another type of meat. The easiest way to cook meat perfectly is to do it in the oven. Of course, depending on which animal meat you choose, you will need to adhere to some rules. But more about that next time. Now about marinades.

  • For brutal men, absolutely any type of meat is suitable. They will appreciate veal and eat chicken with no less pleasure. You just need to choose an appetizing marinade. Take, for example, a shoulder blade with or without bones - it’s up to you - but, of course, with skin, on which cuts should be made for better impregnation. The marinade can be like this: crush 2 heads of garlic with a large handful of salt and 1 tablespoon of black pepper, add 2 tablespoons of honey and mustard (to your taste), 2-3 tablespoons of any vegetable oil. Mix all this thoroughly and rub into a piece of meat. Massage (literally) your future dish, because meat loves to be treated this way! Seal tightly in a bag and leave in the refrigerator overnight (or even for a couple of days). After the meat marinade has soaked your delicious dinner in the oven, bake it. The time directly depends on what piece of meat you took and how big it is. Before the long-awaited serving, let it lie for half an hour.
  • A very bright Mediterranean marinade recipe for lamb lovers. Many people believe that lamb is a rather specific meat and, to some extent, it is. But everyone should try cooking, especially with such an enchanting marinade: 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil, juice of one lemon, several sprigs of rosemary, a head of garlic, 3 tablespoons of salt, a teaspoon of a mixture of peppers, a pinch of ground cinnamon. In a washed and dried leg of lamb, use a sharp, thin knife to make deep cuts down to the bone and rub the marinade deeply into each cut. Rub all the remaining marinade into the piece and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Bake for about two hours. Although, again, the time directly depends on the size of the piece. This marinade for meat baked in the oven will make the dish tender, juicy and incredibly aromatic. We are already silent about the taste!
  • For romantics - an unusually exotic and delicate dinner. Absolutely everyone likes poultry meat - it is time-tested. This product is ideal for those who are on a diet, and for small children, and for nursing mothers, and for men. The main thing is that it can be prepared in different ways and, in any case, it will be very, very tasty. Here, for example, is an option for the oven. Lightly beat the washed and dried chicken fillet and add a little salt and pepper. Place the prepared meat directly into a mold greased with olive oil, and place thinly sliced ​​kiwi rings on top of each piece alternately with banana rings. Leave everything to marinate for half an hour, then put it in the oven for 25 minutes. Then grate all this beauty with grated cheese and let it stand for another 5-10 minutes in a switched off but still warm oven.
  • Adventurous people will definitely like the marinade for roasting meat, which will make the dish something very unusual. It should combine a variety of tastes. Let's try this using turkey as an example. An unusual, explosive, aromatic marinade. Prepare two kilograms of meat, because we promise it will be very tasty. So, the marinade: brew a large cup of the most aromatic coffee, add 4 tablespoons of your favorite ketchup (you can use tomato paste), the juice of half a lemon, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, a tablespoon of sugar. Mix all this thoroughly. Dip the prepared turkey pieces into this wonderful mixture for an hour or two and can be baked in the oven. In a sleeve or just on a baking sheet - the choice is yours. The main thing is not to skimp on the marinade.
  • And another marinade that sounds like a fiery salsa dance. Do you have a lot of friends and want to spend a weekend evening in a special way? Let's start with the most important! And this is a large piece of veal tenderloin, prepared and dried with a towel. Coat with this juicy and incredibly aromatic marinade: two heads of peeled, chopped garlic, chili pepper (for those who like it spicy, leave the seeds, but for mere mortals we recommend removing them, because it will be very hot;), a spoonful of suneli hops, a spoonful of ground coriander , 3 spoons of soy sauce, one bell pepper, a bunch of cilantro. Grind all the ingredients in a blender, dip the tenderloin in this aromatic mixture until the last drop. Leave in the refrigerator overnight, or bake in a sleeve.

Marinade for smoking meat will enhance the taste of the finished product

The most important thing is to choose the right meat. It must be fresh, never frozen. It is better that it is a large piece or carcass, then it will be juicy and tasty. Smoking is a special method of cooking using smoke that is released from the combustion of wood. It is recommended to use branches of fruit trees for cold smoking; they will also play a role. When hot, the best option is alder sawdust. There are three types of marinades: dry, wet and mixed. You can experiment for different types of meat and use all the variations.

  • Very juicy and rich. This is the uniqueness of the dish, which was prepared using such a secret as a mixed marinade for smoking meat. Pieces of meat should be thoroughly rubbed with a mixture of seasonings: pepper, dill seeds, garlic, salt. Place everything tightly in an enamel or glass container and pour in the marinade: add a glass of salt, half a glass of sugar, bay leaf, allspice peas to 6 liters of water. Boil, cool, pour over everything and leave in the refrigerator for three days (the number of days depends on the weight of the meat).
  • The dry method of preparing meat is the simplest. Coat fattier pieces with a mixture of seasonings: paprika, ground cumin seeds, chopped bay leaf, plenty of salt. Place everything in a container, adding additional salt. Place under pressure. Marinating lasts two to three weeks, but it proceeds very evenly.
  • Wet marinade for smoking meat is good for poultry and hams. For 6 liters of water: 250 grams of salt, 100 grams of sugar, bay leaf, ground black pepper and peas, sliced ​​garlic and onion. After boiling, immerse the meat in the marinade, cook for half an hour, leave to infuse for 2-3 days.

In general, if we are talking about a process such as smoking, then we can say that the marinade will not play any super-important role. The thing is that the smoke itself will do its job. Well, you know what it is, smoked meat. I just want to add an emoticon with heart eyes. It has its own special taste even without marinade. Therefore, in some cases (and this is one of them), salt and pepper are the best marinade for smoking meat. Just remember that the right choice of meat is the key to a deliciously prepared dish. And the tree plays an equally important role. Believe me, the difference will be very, very noticeable.

Everything you need to know about marinade for grilled meat

For all lovers of a fun, active outdoor recreation with smoke, meat, spices, sauces, seasonings, it has long been known that the main ingredient of a delicious holiday is barbecue or grilled meat. To the sounds of your favorite, fiery music, looking at the smoldering coals and juicy veal steaks that you already want to eat, a lasting feeling of happiness arises. The stacks need to be properly marinated: 3-4 tablespoons of sesame oil, 2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, a spoonful of brown sugar, dried basil and sesame seeds, a pinch of ground white pepper.

You won't believe it, but your whole family will be surprised by the unusual, piping-hot taste that was prepared so exquisitely. Try it! 1 kilogram of strawberries (can be frozen), a large bunch of mint, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of pepper mixture, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce. Combine all these ingredients and grind in a blender. Carefully coat each piece and immerse it in such a rare, very exotic, but incredibly tasty marinade for grilled meat.

In principle, this is far from a complete list of those recipes that are in demand among meat lovers in this type of preparation. By the way, practice shows that the easiest way to get juicy grilled meat is not to marinate it. No matter how strange it may sound now. You can set the whole thing to cook, watch the fragrant metamorphoses, and already 1-2 minutes before removing the dish from the heat, season it with salt and your favorite spices. Thus, the meat, whatever it may be, will perfectly retain its juice and will be tender and soft.

How to choose a marinade for frying meat

Surely, each of you has had situations when unexpected guests arrive and, alas, there is no time to prepare. You haven’t seen each other for so long, and given the realities of our lives, no one knows when such a wonderful opportunity will arise again. You need to feed your guests deliciously and quickly. While someone is serving, someone is peeling potatoes, you have time to cook this wonderful piece of meat and it will be a culinary bomb. Juicy, tender, aromatic, soft, for this you need to pour impressive-sized pieces of meat with: a glass of dry red wine, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, add a teaspoon of a mixture of ground peppers, bay leaf, a pinch of nutmeg, 3 onions, cut into half rings. This is a win-win marinade for frying meat in a hurry. Try it and you won’t regret it.

Well, just a couple more options for you to add:

  • A 2cm piece of ginger, lemon juice and zest, a pinch of ground cinnamon, finely chopped pieces of ¼ chili pepper, a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of sea salt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 3 spoons of adjika, ½ spoon of ground paprika, a bunch of finely chopped cilantro, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.

Grilled meat is a win-win. Moreover, this applies to both an ordinary dinner in a close family circle and a festive meal for any occasion. You can prepare roasted meats in different ways with different marinades and, as a result, you will constantly get new dishes on your table.

The coolest marinade for meat for barbecue - what is it like?

Everyone has their own personal way of preparing barbecue, tried and tested by family and friends. Of course, it is very important to choose the right meat for this, but marinating it successfully to reveal the flavor range is also important. This very simple, accessible and right to exist option is considered classic:

  • Onion cut into rings, salt, ground black pepper and peas, bay leaf. All ingredients are used according to taste and depending on the mass. Actually, this is the option that is preferred by those who appreciate the taste of the meat itself. Its taste is not interrupted and this is the most expensive thing for real gourmets. An absolutely simple and, one might say, eternal marinade. By the way, the barbecue meat can be anything: lamb or chicken – it’s up to you to choose.
  • The taste of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, 50 ml, goes very well. cognac, a mixture of peppercorns, red onion in half rings, several finely chopped cloves of garlic and a mixture of hops and suneli.
  • Soft, tender, especially aromatic kebab will tickle your taste buds! For 1 kilogram of chopped lamb (by the way, chicken fillet is also very good): 3-4 large kiwis, 2 tablespoons of honey, a spoonful of mustard beans, 3 spoons of soy sauce and 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon of curry seasoning. Mix all this and grind in a blender. Dip each piece thoroughly into the mixture and add white onion rings.
  • This marinade for barbecue meat should find its fans among you, as it will suit any type of meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef). Each will have its own unique note. It will be possible to adjust the combination of seasonings slightly to your own taste for each meat. The basis of the marinade is fatty sour cream. For 1 kilogram of product you will need: 0.5 liters of sour cream, one star anise, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 0.5 teaspoon of ground dry ginger, 0.5 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of a mixture of Provencal herbs, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, pinch mixed peppercorns, ¼ tsp. ground coriander. You already know what to do with the marinade, and even more so with the finished dish 😉

Good luck choosing a marinade for any meat in a variety of interpretations. Add your favorite seasonings to each recipe and get not only aesthetic, but also real gastronomic pleasure.

Late spring and summer are the time for picnics with kebabs and barbecues in nature, around the fire, with the aroma of fried meat, with camp romance and countryside gatherings. How to properly marinate meat so that the kebabs turn out juicy, appetizing and healthy?

Why do they marinate meat?

Marinating softens even the toughest meat, making it tender and juicy. In addition, marinated pork, chicken, beef and lamb cook faster due to the presence of salt and acid in the marinade - lemon juice, vinegar or alcohol. Thanks to a rich bouquet of spices and seasonings, the meat becomes tastier and more aromatic, acquiring an original and unique taste.

However, meat is marinated not only for grilling and baking in the oven, but also for frying in a pan. The fact is that the marinade forms a film on the surface of the meat, thanks to which it does not burn, and the meat juice does not flow out during frying. Nutritionists also say that marinated meat is absorbed by the body much better, and this is especially important if we prepare kebabs for children.

Preparing the marinade

Preparing a marinade for meat is a creative and spontaneous process, so you can use any spices that you like and seem suitable for this particular meat. Any spices and dried herbs, various sauces, vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, honey, syrups, alcoholic drinks, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise, tomato paste and fruit juices (mainly pomegranate, apple, tomato, grape, lemon or orange). The main thing here is to take into account that too much acid can lead to dry meat.

You can also add greens, onions, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers and other vegetables to the marinade. Sour berries and pieces of fruit - pineapple, kiwi, papaya and citrus fruits - give the marinade a pleasant taste. Before marinating, be sure to taste your marinade - if it tastes good, the meat will taste good too!

How to marinate meat at home

Thaw the meat, rinse it well, remove all unnecessary parts, such as films and tendons. You can marinate the meat whole or cut it into pieces, but in the second case it will take less time to marinate. Prick the meat with a fork so that it is better soaked, place it in a bowl with the marinade, mix well and make sure that all pieces are soaked in liquid and covered with spices. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. The duration of marinating ranges from half an hour to 3 days, it all depends on the composition of the marinade, the quality of the meat and the size of the piece. Do not leave the dishes in a warm place, as the marinade may turn sour.

How to marinate meat for baking: secrets and subtleties

If the marinade contains acids - vinegar, dry wine or sour juice, you should not keep the meat in it for more than 2 hours, otherwise it will dry out. Marinated meat is ready for baking in the oven and on the grill; it does not require preliminary heat treatment, as a result of which the product will lose its juice and become dry.

Any utensil that does not contain metals is suitable for marinating: they oxidize under the influence of acids, so the kebab turns out tasteless. As for the composition of the marinade, this is a matter of taste preference, but pork, chicken and duck are considered to go well with sweet marinades.

How to properly marinate pork for barbecue

Cut the pork into small pieces and brush with Dijon mustard, then immerse it in the marinade. A classic pork marinade is usually prepared from vegetable oil, vinegar and chopped herbs; the marinating time is 6-8 hours.

Pork marinated with soy sauce, vegetable oil and cumin turns out to be very tasty; in this case, it is enough to marinate the meat for 3-4 hours. If you want to prepare your pork in a special way, make a lemon marinade using lemon juice and zest, fresh mint, olive oil and oregano. You can marinate pork in a spicy pomegranate marinade. For this you will need 200 ml of pomegranate juice and red wine, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 5 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 heads of finely chopped onions, black pepper and suneli hops. Mix all the ingredients, immerse the pork pieces in the marinade and keep in the refrigerator for several hours.

How to properly marinate beef for barbecue

How to marinate lamb for barbecue

For lamb, a semi-sweet red wine marinade is ideal, into which you can add finely chopped garlic and leeks. Young pine branches, wild garlic and anise will complement the taste of the marinade, but most importantly, do not add dry wine to the marinade, otherwise the lamb meat fibers will be too loose. Leave the pieces of meat in the marinade overnight, but no longer. When preparing lamb for marinating, leave the fat - this will have a positive effect on the taste of the kebab.

Since lamb is quite fatty meat, a marinade with ginger is ideal for it. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. salt and sugar, ¼ tsp. ground black pepper, 1 tbsp. l. cumin and chili pepper, half a chopped onion and 2 pieces of grated ginger. The result will definitely impress you.

There are so many housewives, so many marinade recipes. If you have your own secrets on how to marinate chicken, as well as pork, beef or lamb for barbecue, share your recipes with us. Have a fun and delicious picnic!
