Features of cooking duck. Duck dishes. Preparation and features. options for non-standard filling for duck in the oven

Delicious and simple recipes for cooking duck (fried, stewed or baked) are available in all culinary traditions of the world - in Finland, duck is stuffed with cranberries, in England - with bread crumbs and bacon, in Ukraine - with potatoes, in Denmark it is cooked with cherries, and in Russia - with apples. Each country has its own characteristics and rules for preparing a whole duck, but the Chinese are especially successful in this - the famous Peking duck, rubbed with honey and served with juicy onions, green sauce and tangerine cakes, is considered the best way to cook duck for Christmas and New Years. year.

Choosing a good duck

It is not so easy to find a suitable duck for the holiday table, since a high-quality bird that is well-fed, dry, soft, smooth, non-slippery and odorless is not often found. At the same time, it should have a firm breast, shiny skin, tender webbed feet and rich red meat when cut. Consider yourself lucky if you manage to find a two-month-old duck weighing 2 - 2.5 kg.

Interestingly, store-bought duck has more tender meat and tastes like chicken, while country duck is considered fattier.

Basics of proper preparation of duck dishes in the oven

Whole carcass, cooked in pieces or stuffed, but the most delicious is the stuffed duck, the various variations of which allow you to get a new dish every time. The most popular fillings for preparing stuffed duck are sweet and sour apples, sauerkraut, pickled lingonberries, boiled potatoes, rice or buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables, pasta, legumes, fruits, dried fruits and nuts.

Before cooking duck at home, you need to wash it well, dry it, marinate or rub it with salt, spices, garlic outside and inside, and then fill it two-thirds with the filling. Then you need to sew the edges with thread, coat the duck with vegetable oil and put it in the oven in a duckling pan or on a baking sheet with high sides.

The most important thing in cooking baked duck is to achieve softness, juiciness and rich flavor. To do this, you need to calculate the exact time for cooking the duck in the oven, taking 45 minutes for each kilogram of duck meat from the moment the oven is fully heated, not forgetting to include 25 minutes for browning the carcass.

It takes up to 90 minutes to cook duck pieces in the oven - it all depends on the size of the pieces and the initial softness of the meat. The finished bird is served with various side dishes, spicy sauces, herbs, sour appetizers and dry red wine.

Duck and game: cooking recipes and their differences

Cooking Peking duck differs from traditional recipes in that the carcass is doused with boiling water, then rubbed with garlic and spices, placed on a jar and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours in a deep plate, as juice will be released from the bird. Cooking Peking duck is usually not very difficult, since it is baked in foil for an hour, after which it is coated with a mixture of ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper and again put in the oven for half an hour. The temperature for cooking duck in the oven in the first stage should be set at 200 degrees, and in the second stage - at 250 degrees. Once cooked, the duck is brushed with honey sauce and served.

Cooking stewed duck, cut into pieces, involves pre-frying the meat with onions and vegetables. During the frying process, juice is released from the bird, in which the duck is stewed for an hour with periodic addition of water or wine. If desired, you can supplement the dish with vegetables, mushrooms and dried fruits.

Cooking duck in a frying pan begins with marinating - the carcass is rubbed with salt, pepper and coated with mayonnaise, and after half an hour the bird, cut into portions, is fried on both sides in a hot frying pan, and then poured with water and stewed until cooked with spices and vegetables. A whole duck is fried in the same way.

Cooking duck in a sleeve or foil follows the usual scenario with one difference - the duck is placed in a sleeve or wrapped in foil, and then sent to the oven. The meat can be surrounded with potatoes and other vegetables, and the carcass can be greased with a mixture of honey, butter and garlic. In foil usually for an hour, and in a sleeve - 90-100 minutes with a baking temperature of 180 degrees.

Cooking methods for wild duck are slightly different from traditional poultry cooking recipes. The fact is that game meat is tough, so it takes more time to bake or stew. It is best to cook wild duck in pieces so that it is well baked, but game has one peculiarity - its meat does not seem cooked through, although in fact the duck may be cooked. The spicy taste of game can be emphasized with roots and herbs, and the specific smell of fish, characteristic of wild duck, can be eliminated by marinating it in spices.

A few more secrets of cooking duck

  • Before roasting the duck, do not forget to cut off the butt to rid the dish of any unpleasant odor.
  • To obtain juicy meat, it is better to use juicy fruits and berries as a filling - apples, oranges, prunes, cranberries and lingonberries.
  • If you cook duck in foil or a sleeve, be sure to remove them 20 minutes before cooking to allow the bird to brown.
  • Periodically remove the duck from the oven and baste it with the fat that renders during the baking process.
  • Cooking duck in a slow cooker is considered simpler and faster; moreover, this method of baking, stewing or frying allows you to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties of the meat, and at the same time it remains incredibly soft, tender and juicy.
  • To prevent the chicken breast from becoming overdried, it should be fried very quickly on both sides over maximum heat.
  • Experienced housewives boil the duck for 20 minutes, and then cook it according to the recipe - thanks to this trick, the duck will never be raw.
  • Cooking duck in a duck pot and cauldron made of ceramic, tempered glass and cast iron makes the bird tender, tasty and aromatic.

Properly cooked duck meat is usually pink and bloodless, with a delicate flavor and pleasant aroma. People on a diet are afraid to include duck in their diet, and this is completely in vain. Followers of a healthy diet can also enjoy this dish if they buy less fatty poultry, fill the carcass with dietary fillings and remove the skin before eating. Duck is an excellent dish not only for holidays, but also for every day, and it goes well with all products, so you won’t have any problems with side dishes. On our website you will find interesting recipes for cooking duck with photographs. Enjoy delicious dishes and indulge in gastronomic pleasures!

Carrot RST RSFSR 369-77

Honey GOST R 52451-2005

Spices GOST 29053-91

Salt GOST 51574-2000

2.2 The raw materials used for the preparation of “Honey Duck” must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


3.1. Recipe for Honey Duck.

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Vegetable oil


4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the “Honey Duck” dish is carried out in accordance with the 2008 collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments.

4.2 Wash the duck well and dry. Peel and chop the onion and carrots, fry in vegetable oil. Wash the mushrooms, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil. Boil the rice until half cooked, rinse. Mix everything, salt, pepper and stuff the duck. Rub the top of the carcass with salt and pepper. Coat with honey and bake until done.


5.1 Served on a round porcelain dish. Before serving, decorate with greens.

5.2 Serving temperature 75-80˚С.

5.3 Implementation time – 2 hours.


6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance – a whole duck carcass laid out on a porcelain dish, with a golden-brown crust;

Consistency - soft, juicy with a crispy crust;

Color – light or dark brown when cut;

The taste and smell are delicate with an aroma characteristic of baked duck.

6.2 Physico-chemical indicators:

mass fraction of dry substances, % (not less) _

mass fraction of fat, % (not less) _

mass fraction of salt, % (not less) _

6.3 Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 g of product, no more than 1x10;

bacteria of the coli group, not allowed in the product mass, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the product mass, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the product mass, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the product mass, 25 g.



Name of dish: “Honey Duck”

Product name

Norm per serving

For the estimated number of portions of raw materials (kg) by net weight

Gross, g

Fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Vegetable oil

Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for restaurant

Technical and technological map No.Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for restaurant(CP recipe No. 713)

Publishing house "Economy", Moscow 1983


This technical and technological map applies to Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant, generated into the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of raw semi-finished products duck stuffed with apples must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Broiler duck (cleaning act)1000,0 0,00 1000,0 0,00 1000,0
Salt5,0 0,00 5,0 0,00 5,0
Ground black pepper1,0 0,00 1,0 0,00 1,0
Mayonnaise20,0 5.00 (portioning)19,0 0,00 19,0
Soy sauce10,0 0,00 10,0 0,00 10,0
Fresh apple, peeled from the seed nest, p/f392,0 0,00 392,0 0,00 392,0
Granulated sugar10,0 0,00 10,0 0,00 10,0
Honey20,0 5.00 (portioning)19,0 0,00 19,0
Mustard20,0 5.00 (portioning)19,0 0,00 19,0
Exit 1475
  1. Cooking technology Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant

The duck carcass, cleaned of giblets and remaining feathers, is rubbed with a mixture of salt, ground black pepper, soy sauce, honey and mustard.

Peeled and seeded apples are cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar. The bird's belly is stuffed with prepared apples. The abdomen is sutured or pinned with toothpicks.

Sent to a hot shop for heat treatment. If the product is planned to be sent to another facility, the stuffed duck carcass is placed in a vacuum bag. Label (name of the semi-finished product, weight, date and time of preparation).

Transported in a refrigerated car body.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant

Appearance– duck stuffed with apples, marinated. The duck carcass is placed in a vacuum bag and vacuum sealed.

Taste– characteristic of the incoming ingredients. No foreign taste.

Smell– characteristic of the incoming ingredients. No foreign smell.

6. Requirements for design, sale and storage Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant

Shelf life of semi-finished poultry products:

– chilled (carcasses):

– at temperatures from 0ºС to 4ºС and relative air humidity from 75% to 80% – no more than 2 days;

– chilled (pieces):

– at temperatures from 0ºС to 4ºС and relative air humidity from 75% to 80% – no more than 1 day;

Frozen (carcasses):

– at a temperature from minus 2ºС to minus 4ºС and relative air humidity from 75% to 80% – no more than 15 days;

– at a temperature not higher than minus 12ºС and relative humidity from 85% to 95% – no more than 1 month;

– at a temperature not higher than minus 12ºС and relative humidity from 85% to 95% in vacuum packaging – no more than 1.5 months;

– at a temperature not higher than minus 18°C ​​and relative humidity from 85% to 95% and using a vacuum or modified atmosphere – no more than 3 months.

microbiological indicators raw semi-cooked meatballs stuffed with apples, must meet the requirements SanPiN

- 717.50 Kb
  1. Introduction 4
  2. Cooking technology for stuffed duck 9
  3. Organization of hot shop work 19
  4. Technological map 23
  5. Process diagram 24
  6. References 26


Since ancient times in Rus', poultry dishes have been considered tasty and healthy food. And this is no coincidence: after all, the tender and aromatic meat of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and game has high nutritional value. Thus, the edible part of a chicken carcass (and it makes up about 60% of its total mass) on average contains 13.5% proteins, 4.5% fats, 0.9% carbohydrates. Poultry meat is not deprived of vitamins and minerals. It contains little connective tissue proteins elastin and collagen, and fat is easily melted, so it is well absorbed by the body and is considered a dietary product. For those who are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, doctors recommend replacing pork, beef, and lamb with chicken and fish. Boiled chicken without skin can be included in the most strict diets.

A large number of extractive substances determine the special taste of poultry broth. The meat of a young bird contains less extractive substances than that of an adult, so for preparing broths it is better to use an adult bird, but not an old one. Old poultry produces cloudy, flavorless broths. It is used for cooking and stewing, and young - for frying.

DUCK is a domestic and wild bird, intended mainly for frying and stewing. As a result, duck gives a good, tasty dish in those national cuisines where traditional culinary techniques contribute to the best identification of the qualities of its meat and where additives are used that during the cooking process absorb duck fat, neutralize it or eliminate the specific smell, especially in a wild bird. Duck dishes are classic in Western European and Chinese cuisines, where there are several different ways of preparing duck, very different from each other.

Peking duck (Bei-Ing-Kao-Ya) has gained the greatest international fame: (preparing this dish is practically possible only in China, since specially fattened ducks of a certain weight (2-3 kg) are taken for this purpose, a special oven equipped with hooks is used for hanging ducks and trays for collecting draining fat, but most importantly, cold processing techniques for ducks are used that require special skills and dexterity (for example, blowing air through a cleaned crop into the duck, removing entrails not through the abdominal cavity, but through a cut under the right wing , washing the inside of the duck with water through the anus and filling the duck with water before grilling in the oven, as well as special treatment of its skin before placing it in the oven).

This treatment with boiling water and soy sauce, carried out twice, actually lasts two days with two 12-hour breaks required to dry the skin naturally without wiping it or drying it out.

This alone shows that preparing one or two or three ducks in this way is simply unprofitable - it is necessary, at the very least, to produce two to three hundred duck carcasses so that the whole working day is occupied without idle time. Therefore, even in China itself, Peking duck can only be obtained in the largest restaurants that can handle such a dish - both from the point of view of the qualifications of the chefs and from the point of view of profitability.

Roasting the duck itself takes 30-40 minutes and is not difficult, but cold processing it requires a lot of effort, professional skill, accuracy and endurance.

It is very significant that those descriptions of the Peking duck recipe, which are sometimes published in other countries or in international restaurant directories, do not even remotely resemble a real Chinese dish of this name and omit the most essential processing techniques either due to ignorance or due to their culinary impracticability at the existing level training of chefs in European cuisine.

It's no wonder that Peking duck is considered the best duck dish in the world. But you can only try it when performed by Chinese chefs, and even then only in one or two first-class restaurants in Beijing or Shanghai.

In Central Asia and especially in the Caucasus, ducks and geese are practically not eaten. On the contrary, in Belarus, Ukraine, and Lithuania, duck and especially goose are a favorite and even festive dish. However, it is not always prepared tasty, which is explained by the lack of previous culinary skills among the younger generation.

In China, as we saw above, duck, due to the complexity of its traditional processing, has been a dish of ceremonial cuisine for many centuries, which is prepared occasionally, but in large quantities at catering establishments equipped with appropriate equipment and working for large government or public orders (for example, cooking Peking duck for state receptions where hundreds and sometimes thousands of guests are present).

In Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, duck, like other large game poultry products, has always been a traditionally homemade, typical family dish, which is not least explained by the fact that it is convenient to divide poultry, and especially duck, into portions for a family dinner , it is convenient to use the by-products obtained during its preparation, especially fat.

However, the reduction in family cooking has automatically led to the oblivion of duck dishes, and cooking in public catering chains, where it is cut into portions in its raw form (which sharply reduces the quality and distorts the taste), has discredited duck in canteens and made it an unloved and undesirable dish.

The fact that ducks are now supplied to the retail chain frozen, and the inability to thaw them correctly, along with ignorance of the recipe and the most rational forms of preparation, also does not contribute to strengthening the traditions of preparing duck dishes.

Baked duck with apples is a traditional Russian dish made for Christmas. (It is also accepted among many other peoples, although now turkey is everywhere displacing other birds from the Christmas table). Duck and goose occupy a place of honor in Russian cuisine and used to enjoy no less success than chicken now. Today, ducks and geese, unfortunately, are not so common, and I attribute this to the difficulties in breeding their meat breeds in domestic poultry factories and farms.

Compared to the trendy turkey, duck has very fatty meat. But in our conditions this is justified: such food warms you up in winter and gives you a lot of energy. As a side dish (except for sauerkraut and apples), you can serve baked potatoes with it. It is best to preface this dish with appetizers customary for the festive Russian table: pickles, pickled vegetables and mushrooms, herring, jellied meat, Olivier salad. All the classics of Russian cooking are appropriate here.

As for sauces, Russian cuisine has an interesting alternative to them - infusions. I know onion broth (onion, vinegar and honey), cabbage broth... You can prepare cranberry broth for duck. Boil cranberries (1 cup) with sugar (to taste), puree, strain, add honey (optional) and cinnamon.

As for serving, you can use a steak mold made of milky white porcelain on a cupronickel silver tray with gilding. This is an expensive but surprisingly functional item. It is well suited for presentation dishes at small banquets. The metal lid prevents the dish from getting cold if the serving time is slightly delayed.

Nutritional value

Roast duck can be the centerpiece of the Christmas meal. It is advisable that in the selection of cold appetizers and dishes following the duck, its fat content should be taken into account. Provide plenty of non-alcoholic drinks, since the human body uses a lot of moisture to absorb so much fat. This bird is generally distinguished by its nutritional value, surpassed only by the goose. For comparison: roast goose – 490, roast duck contains 345 kcal/100 g, chicken – 210, partridge – 105. Nutritionists do not classify goose and duck fat as refractory (their melting point does not exceed 26-34°C, that is, it remains lower human body temperature). Such fat is digested relatively quickly, but its amount in duck – 27-35% – in itself puts a strong strain on the stomach, liver and other organs.

Use of poultry fat

As mentioned above, well-fed, first-class poultry carcasses, especially geese and ducks, contain a significant amount of fat, which is one of the highest quality edible fats and has a wide variety of uses in cooking.

In catering establishments, poultry fat should be used wisely and only in accordance with its culinary purpose.

The consumer should not be served either excessively fatty portions of poultry or completely low-fat portions. It is necessary to properly regulate the fat content of all dishes in general, taking into account the fat content in the main product from which it is prepared.

this dish. It is clear that this rule should be carefully observed in relation to poultry dishes.

Naturally, it is best to fry the meat of the corresponding bird in poultry fat, for example, chicken in chicken fat, goose in goose fat, duck in duck fat, etc.

There is no need to waste fat to fry the goose, but, on the contrary, excess fat must first be cut off from a fat goose, rendered and used for preparing goose dishes and side dishes for them.

Poultry liver pates (especially goose) are best seasoned with goose fat, fried with onions. Poultry fat is also good for veal and beef liver pates.

Bird. Useful tips.

G Geese and ducks have somewhat specific taste and aroma. The main indicator of the quality of a goose or duck is fatness.

GWhen using poorly fed poultry, fried food turns out dry, rough, and a dish made from too fatty poultry acquires a too cloying taste and is difficult to digest.

GTo soften the taste of fat, fried goose or duck dishes are served with side dishes that have a sour taste (stewed sauerkraut, sour apples, pickled fruits and berries).

G In filling soups made from goose and duck meat, products with a sour taste are mainly used. Therefore, pickles, cabbage soup, borscht, and solyanka are prepared from geese and ducks.

GBut the specific taste and aroma are not perceived equally by everyone; many find them unpleasant for the broth. This is why transparent broths from geese and ducks are usually not prepared, and such broths are not transparent; they usually have a greasy aftertaste.

G You don’t need to put bay leaves, celery, onions, or other spices into the poultry broth - the smell is lost.

To keep poultry meat juicy and white, rub it with lemon juice before cooking.

GIn the water in which the poultry is cooked, you need to pour a spoonful of vinegar. This makes the meat more tender.

GWhen marinating young lamb and poultry, it is better to replace vinegar with dry wine.

To ensure that the bird has a crispy, golden-brown crust, you need to prick the skin in several places before cooking.

Delicious jellied dishes are prepared from the legs.

Both hot and cold, the meat of this bird has an excellent taste.

A well-browned, golden-crusted fried carcass of a plump duck is a decoration for the festive table.

Technology for preparing stuffed duck.

Primary processing of poultry and game consists of the following operations: thawing, plucking, singeing, gutting, washing, shaping (dressing) and preparing semi-finished products.


Frozen poultry and game are thawed in a storage chamber at a temperature of 3 to 6° or directly in the workshop at 15-20°.

The paper is removed from the carcasses and placed in one row on tables or racks so that the carcasses do not touch. If the carcasses are packed tightly, they become moist, which makes plucking and singeing difficult.

At a room temperature of 14-16°, the carcasses of geese and turkeys thaw after 8 hours, chickens, ducks, wood grouse, grouse and pheasants - after 5 hours, hazel grouse and partridges - after 2-3 hours.


The feathers of thawed carcasses are plucked, starting from the neck. In order not to damage the skin, it should be stretched with the fingers of your left hand in the place where the feathers are pulled out.

Pluck the carcass with quick movements of the hands, pulling out several feathers in the direction opposite to their natural growth.

Feathers on the legs and neck of the carcass and stumps on the skin are removed from poultry. The stumps are plucked out with a small knife.

Poultry is plucked immediately after slaughter, since the feathers of a cooled bird are difficult to pull out and the skin can tear. To speed up and facilitate plucking a freshly killed bird, immerse it in hot water (70-80°) for one minute.


All types of poultry and game are scorched.

Before singeing, the carcasses are straightened so that there are no folds of skin on them. To do this, the wings should be deployed and, taking

Hold the carcass by the head with one hand and the legs with the other hand, stretch it a little and scorch it on a non-smoking flame of a gas or alcohol burner.

Carcasses should be rubbed with bran or flour only if they are wet or if they have to be scorched in a smoky flame (a bunch of dry straw, a splinter, paper rolled up in a tube, etc.). Flour absorbs moisture, as a result of which small hairs remaining on the bird carcass after plucking are easily separated from the skin and quickly burn. When singed in a smoky flame, the soot deposited on the skin of the carcass along with the flour is quickly washed off.

Description of work

Since ancient times in Rus', poultry dishes have been considered tasty and healthy food. And this is no coincidence: after all, the tender and aromatic meat of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and game has high nutritional value. Thus, the edible part of a chicken carcass (and it makes up about 60% of its total mass) on average contains 13.5% proteins, 4.5% fats, 0.9% carbohydrates. Poultry meat is not deprived of vitamins and minerals. It contains little connective tissue proteins elastin and collagen, and fat is easily melted, so it is well absorbed by the body and is considered a dietary product. For those who are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, doctors recommend replacing pork, beef, and lamb with chicken and fish. Boiled chicken without skin can be included in the most strict diets.

Roasted duck in marinade is a traditional Christmas and New Year's dish in Western countries. In Russia, not all housewives take up cooking duck, for fear of spoiling the dish. Yes, this bird requires special cooking conditions, but handling them is quite simple. The main thing is to observe all the subtleties of the process.

How to prepare a carcass for baking?

Many people, when they hear the phrase “baked duck,” imagine appetizing juicy meat and a tender crispy crust. In order to bake this bird correctly, you need to learn a few simple truths:

  • Choose the right size carcass: it should be large and fatty, a small duck will be dry, no matter how hard you try to marinate it.
  • Wash and dry the bird thoroughly.
  • Before cooking the whole duck, you need to trim off the outer part of the wings (using a knife along the joint) and check whether the coccygeal glands have been cut out during gutting, since when roasting they will give the dish an unpleasant taste.
  • If you marinate the bird, keep it in the mixture for at least two hours.

Whole baked duck with apples

Surely those people who have never tried this bird, when it is mentioned, imagine duck with apples. This is the most popular way to cook duck. This dish will decorate any holiday table.

How to deal with it?

First defrost the duck carcass, wash it and remove any remaining feathers. In a bowl, mix a spoonful of any vegetable oil and lemon juice, two pinches of cinnamon and one pinch of nutmeg. First rub the duck with salt and pepper (inside and outside), and then spread the prepared marinade. Place it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Peel a few apples and cut them into pieces. Then stuff the duck with fruit and add a few bay leaves. Place the prepared carcass in a deep baking pan, wrapping the wings in foil. Cooking duck in the oven will take an hour. To keep the meat soft, do not forget to pour the juice over the dish. When the dish is almost ready, add a few more chopped apples to it. When serving portions, you need to decorate each plate with them.

Peking duck

Cooking Peking duck is a difficult and time-consuming process. But the flavorful and soaked meat is worth it.

The gutted bird must be hung and poured with boiling water so that the meat turns white. Dry the bird with a paper towel, place in a bowl and pour dry red wine over it. Then rub the duck with coarse salt and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

When the specified time has passed, coat the duck with honey, place it on a bottle and put it in the cold for several hours. Then take a baking sheet and pour water into it, placing a wire rack on top.

Place the duck on the rack and place in the oven for an hour.

At this time, prepare the sauce. Mix 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, grated ginger, vegetable oil and pepper. Rub the hot bird with the mixture and place in the oven for half an hour. When the dish is ready, rub it with honey and soy sauce. It is customary to serve Peking duck with pancakes.

Recipes for cooking duck in the oven: duck with tangerines

Rub the gutted duck with salt and pepper and put it in the refrigerator. Mix three tablespoons of soy sauce and a spoonful of honey and grind with a fork. Peel 6 tangerines and squeeze out the juice, mixing it with honey and sauce. Lubricate the carcass with the resulting mixture.

Take a few more tangerines and kiwis, peel and cut. Stuff the duck with them and carefully sew them up. Then place it on a baking sheet, adding a few tablespoons of water. Place tangerine peel around the bird. Bake the dish for about two hours.

Cooking a whole duck is a painstaking process; be careful to ensure that it does not burn.

Confit - duck in French

Confit is an exquisite dish that has captivated many gourmets. First, you need to cut off all the fat from the duck and divide it into pieces. Then chop a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Rub the duck with this herb, adding salt and pepper. Place it in the refrigerator overnight.

Take the cut pieces with fat and place them in a frying pan without oil. These pieces need to be fried on the lowest heat for a very long time. Drain off the resulting fat. It should be approximately 500 ml. If it doesn’t work, the duck fat can be slightly diluted with vegetable oil.

Remove the duck from the refrigerator, blot any remaining marinade with napkins and place on a baking sheet.

Cut two onions into rings, chop 4 cloves of garlic and add to the duck. Top with some thyme and rosemary. Pour in duck fat and place in the oven on low for three hours.

The confit duck is served with potatoes fried in the remaining fat. Cooking duck this way is quite labor-intensive, but the results are usually delightful.

Braised duck

The bird can not only be baked in the oven, but also stewed in a frying pan. When stewing occurs in its own juices, the meat is better saturated with aromas and comes out very soft.

The recipe for cooking duck is as follows. It is necessary to remove the fillet from the bones and cut into small pieces. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and put the meat there. Fry the duck over high heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Then reduce the heat and fry for another 5 minutes.

Chop 2 onions and 2 cloves of garlic and add to the bird. Fry for another 15 minutes and then add water to the pan. It should cover the duck. Add to the dish 2 bay leaves, a few peppercorns, a pinch of paprika and nutmeg, and salt.

When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer the dish in its own juice for 1.5 hours. After removing from heat, let it simmer under the lid.

Stewed duck is served with any side dish.

In addition to the options for preparing duck presented in the article, it is baked with potatoes in the sleeve, cooked with orange sauce, prunes, and sauerkraut.
