Food coloring pepper powder method of use. Food coloring E160c Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin. Paprika extract, E160c – effects on the body, harm or benefit

Having studied the chemical composition and properties of the dye E160c paprika oil resin, doctors and scientists came to the conclusion that the food additive has a zero level of danger to human health and life, which gives grounds to classify the chemical substance as harmless. The thing is that the composition of the dye E160c paprika oil resin is completely natural and consists of substances only of natural origin.

Composition of dye E160c Paprika oil resins

The long name of the food additive hides red pepper or paprika, and not only the usual type of spice, but also hot chili. Red pepper is the primary substance included in the dye E160c Paprika oil resin. Paprika or red pepper belongs to the Solanaceae family of plants and the genus Capsicum, and has a distinctive pungent taste and aroma.

It is the content of pepper that determines the main properties of the dye E160c paprika oil resin. Food additive E160c Paprika oil resin is a natural dye that can give materials of both natural and synthetic origin a yellow-orange range of colors. Paprika oil resin dye E160c is obtained due to the action of various solvents on the plant, which separate the coloring pigments from the main chemical composition of paprika. The food additive is resistant to external factors such as humidity, direct rays of light and temperature.

The benefits of dye E160c Paprika oil resin

The value of the food additive lies not only in its excellent chemical and consumer properties, but in the exceptional natural benefits of the E160c paprika oil resin dye for the human body. You just need to look at the composition of the additive to notice with the naked eye all the benefits of the dye E160c Paprika Oil Resin. For example, the substance contains fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, linoleic, etc.), carotenoid substances, provitamin A, as well as in its pure form.

To date, not a single medical test or scientific study has revealed that the dye E160c Paprika Oil Resin is harmful to the human body, therefore this food additive is not prohibited throughout the globe, with the exception of Australia. Dye E160c Paprika oil resins are widely used in food production. Moreover, the type of food additive is taken into account. For example, fat-soluble dyes are used to color various sauces, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and spread.

Water-dispersed dyes E160c Paprika oil resins are used for coloring ice cream, dairy products, cheeses and desserts. Often the dye E160c Paprika oil resin is added to give the characteristic color to orange juice. In powdered form, paprika is added to seasoning mixtures and even into candy fillings. A universal and absolutely harmless food additive that is not capable of causing even the most common allergic reaction.

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E160c has a zero hazard index for human life and health and is included in the group harmless. This is due to the fact that the composition of this supplement is represented exclusively by natural components and substances.

Its use is permitted and widespread both in Russia and in European countries.

Main title:

  • food coloring E160c,

Alternative title:

  • Capsorubin,
  • Paprika extract,
  • capsanthin,
  • Paprika oleoresins.


The main substance included in the food coloring E160c is red pepper or paprika (including hot chili pepper).

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Paprika oil resins are used in the food industry for coloring the following products:

  • spreads, butter, chips, mayonnaise, cheeses, margarine and fat-based sauces;
  • ice cream, various milk and water-based sauces (in the form of a water-soluble emulsion);
  • emulsified meat products, orange juice, spice mixtures, sweets;
  • poultry feed;
  • cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.
Dye E160 is officially approved in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and a number of countries of the European Union, with the exception of the Australian continent.

Benefits and harms

This food additive is harmless and has zero degree of danger.

The composition of E160c is completely natural and not a single case of a negative effect on the human body or an allergic reaction has been recorded in medicine.

The benefits are as follows:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • appetite increases;
  • the production of gastric juice increases and digestion improves;
  • the metabolic process in the body is normalized.

E160c dye is successfully used in the food and cosmetics industry to color a large number of products and give them an attractive color from peach to bright orange. Thanks to the natural substances it contains, paprika extract is absolutely harmless to humans and has more beneficial properties than harmful ones.

Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin, food coloring E160c

Food coloring E160c Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin

Paprika oil resins (E160c) are extracts from red pepper Capsicum annuum L. They have a characteristic pungent taste and color from yellow to orange. The main pigment is the carotenoid capsanthin, which does not have A-vitamin activity. It is used in the production of smoked meats, culinary products, sauces, and cheeses.

[Nechaev A.P., Traubenberg S.E., Kochetkova A.A., Food chemistry, 2003]

Carotenoids - hydrocarbons of the isoprenoid series C 40 H 56 (carotenes) and their oxygen-containing derivatives. Carotenoids are plant red-yellow pigments that provide color to a number of vegetables, fruits, fats, egg yolks and other products. The intense color of carotenoids is due to the presence in their structure of conjugated double π bonds, which are chromophores. They are insoluble in water and soluble in fats and o organic solvents.

E160C is a dye obtained by extraction from red sweet pepper Capsicum annuum, growing in Europe and North America. Paprika contains the carotenoid pigments capsanthin, β-carotene and capsorubin. Depending on the pigment content, the dye can range from red to orange.

Paprika carotenoids (E160c) are extracts from red pepper Capsicum annuum L. They have a characteristic pungent taste and are yellow to orange in color. The main pigment of this group is the carotenoid anthaxanthin C 40 H 56 O 3. They are used in the manufacture of smoked products, culinary products, sauces and cheeses. This group also includes β-apocarotenaldehyde (E160e) and methyl or ethyl esters (β - apo-8"-carotenoic acid (El60f), having the following structure:

[Educational and methodological materials “Food concentrates and additives for processed products” Kasymov S.K., Ph.D., 2013]

Natural dyes, even chemically modified ones, are sensitive to acids (including fruit ones), alkalis, air oxygen, and temperature. They are also susceptible to microbiological deterioration, and some of them can change color depending on the pH of the environment. The advantages of natural dyes are their effect on the taste and aroma of the product (E160c, E150), biological activity (E101, E160a). The “psychological” appeal of the inscription on the label is also important - after all, the consumer usually prefers products with natural ingredients to products with synthetic additives.


Color index C.I.


Heat resistance

Acid resistance (including fruit acids)

Areas of use

El 60a

(i) β-Carotene synthetic

Fats, vegetable and butter oils, margarines, cheeses, mayonnaise, fruit drinks, juice drinks, desserts, confectionery, ice cream

E 160a

(ii) Extracts of nat. carotenes

El 60b

Annatto extracts

Margarines, cheeses, snacks, desserts, ice cream, liqueurs

El 60c

Paprika oil resins

Meat products, soups, cheeses, sauces, mayonnaise, drinks, confectionery

El 6lb

Fats, vegetable oils, sauces, drinks, confectionery, baked goods

Notation I: ++ highly resistant; + stable; ± relatively stable; - unstable; -- unstable.

[Food and dietary supplements: textbook by L.A. Mayurnikova, M.S. Kurakin 2006.]

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The article describes the food additive (dye) paprika extract (E160c, paprika oil resin, capsanthin, capsorubin), its use, effect on the body, harm and benefit, composition, consumer reviews
Other names of the additive: paprika oleoresin, paprika extract, E160c, E-160c, E-160c

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Paprika extract, E160c – what is it?

Paprika oil gum (also known as paprika extract, dietary supplement E160c) is a fat-soluble extract obtained from capsicum or cayenne pepper (plants of the genus Capsicum). Sweet peppers (paprika) are grown all over the world and are used directly for food and to add color, flavor and aroma to various foods. The history of using paprika for food goes back about a thousand years.

The main substances that make up paprika extract are the carotenoids xanthophyll, capsanthin, capsorubin (red coloring pigments) and beta-carotene (yellow pigment). Capsaicin, also found in paprika, when added in significant quantities to foods, gives them a characteristic pungent taste.

Paprika oil resins are obtained by extraction with various solvents (mostly hexane is used), which are removed at the end of the process.

Food supplement E160c – fat-soluble extract. In order for it to dissolve in water, it must be used in the form of an emulsion. Typically, food coloring E160c (capsanthin, capsorubin) is stored in the form of a dry powder or liquid paste and has a specific aroma that can be eliminated during food processing.

Paprika extract, E160c – effect on the body, harm or benefit?

Does paprika extract harm our health? The food supplement E160c not only does not harm the body, but can also bring tangible benefits. Paprika extract improves blood circulation, improves digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juice, increases appetite, has anti-inflammatory, mild stimulating and tonic properties, accelerates metabolism, helps fight flatulence, colds, chills, and stops ulcer bleeding. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, spleen, pancreas, heart, and stomach.

The natural pigment obtained from pepper extract is recognized as safe throughout the world and is widely used. There is virtually no information regarding the side effects and health consequences of capsanthin (capsorubin). However, some researchers note that paprika and other types of red pepper may cause allergic reactions.

Food additive E160c, paprika oil resin – use in food products

Paprika extract (food additive E160c) is used in the food industry as a flavoring agent and coloring agent, helping to extend the shelf life of products. This natural food coloring is readily available and relatively inexpensive. With its help you can get a fairly wide range of colors - from light yellow to a unique dark orange color with a large number of shades.

Products usually colored with E160c food additive: oils, sauces, vegetables, jellies, ice cream, margarine, butter, cheese, salads, baked goods, rice flour products, etc. Paprika oil resins have also found application in the feed industry, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics production.

The food additive under the code classification number E 160 c is a natural dye of plant origin. It is obtained from red chili peppers, a plant that is a prominent representative of the nightshade plant family, with an incredibly hot and spicy taste.

In essence, the E 160 c additive is an extract of chili pepper or natural paprika. The color of the dye powder is bright red or orange. It contains pigments called capsorubin and capsanthin.

Origin: 1-natural

Danger: zero level

Synonymous names:paprika resin oil, paprika resin oil, capsanthin, E160c, paprika, E 160c, dry paprika, E 160c, Paprika extract, paprika extract, Paprika oleoresin, capsanthin, paprika extract, E 160c, paprika.

​General information

Paprika extract contains the following fatty acids: palmitic, linolenic, stearic and linoleic. The dye powder exhibits a high level of resistance to exposure to direct light and high temperatures. Despite the intensely hot taste of the chili pepper itself, the extract does not exhibit any pungency in small quantities. And to give it to the product, a large amount of this is often used.

The method for producing paprika involves exposing chili pepper pods to solvents, which are removed from the final product.

The purpose of using the additive is to restore the natural color of the product, which is lost during various types of processing, and to give the product a sharper taste.

Effect on the body


According to numerous studies, this food additive is non-toxic and has absolutely no harmful properties.

In addition, not even a single case of allergic reactions has been identified to this dye.

So it can be safely classified as unequivocally and 100% safe and harmless.


Despite the complete safety of the food coloring code E 160 c, no special beneficial qualities for the human body were identified in it either.


Paprika extract or additive E 160 s is used in food production. It is added to mayonnaise, yogurt, butter, various fat-based sauces, cheeses, ice cream, smoked meats, jams, breakfast cereals and seasonings, sausages, margarines.

In addition, you can see this additive in emulsified meat products, orange juices and candies.

To improve and make the color of egg yolk more concentrated, paprika extract is added to the feed of poultry on farms.


Food coloring E 160 c or paprika extract is permitted by law throughout the world for use in food, except for the Australian continent.
