Processed cream cheese Hochland composition. Review: processed cheese hochland "creamy" price reviews


The question is logical. Now I will tell you the secret of the name of this cheese, and at the same time, you will learn some information about the cheese itself.

It bears this name because one such round cardboard package contains three types of processed cheese. Let's list them:

    two slices of cheese and ham

    two slices of cheese with mushrooms

    four pieces of cream cheese

What can you say about the taste of Hochland "Classic Trio" cheese?

This cheese is processed.

Each individual piece of cheese is made in a triangular shape, which is wrapped in foil. The foil is very easy to remove. You just need to pull the red “detail” of the foil and the cheese is yours!

Ham cheese has a ham taste, mushroom cheese has a mushroom taste, and cream cheese has a creamy taste.

They are all very tasty! But I like cream cheese most of all, by the way, I think it’s not just me, and manufacturers know this, because they put two types of cheese in a package, and four of cream cheese. You get the feeling that you are eating delicious butter, which is difficult to buy these days.

How much does Hochland Classic Trio cheese cost?

Prices are different everywhere, and you know this yourself, but I can tell you the approximate price - 70 rubles. You can find it cheaper, you can also buy it on sale. 70 rubles is even its maximum price. Weight - 140 grams.

    it's convenient to take on the go

    you can put it in a salad with an egg (the manufacturer even has his own recipe for such a salad and it’s called “Vitamin”; only I don’t put prunes in it). And so satisfying! Tasty! And useful!

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The dollar is growing, winter is coming...)))
The winter in our Siberians (c) this time is really somehow not very good - windy, damp, sometimes cold and completely snowless. If you drive 200 kilometers from Abakan, there are snowdrifts up to your waist, and not a snowflake in the city.
Price tags for ordinary products also add dullness to the soul and fuel to the fire - “yesterday they were three rubles, but big, and today they were five, but small.” It’s really not far from the farm here))) Well, you can plant potatoes, carrots, roses for the joy of the eyes. Get a cow too! Well, I’m unlikely to dare to do this, but for now in my area (in the village) I cherish the hope that someone will get cattle, and I will start buying fresh milk, sour cream and cottage cheese not at the market, but right on the next street . Oh well, at least just milk! I’ll make the cottage cheese myself! And then cheesecakes, cheesecakes, etc. are made from cottage cheese.
I found a simply amazing cheese recipe here - from the simplest and most affordable ingredients you can prepare a whole bowl of the freshest creamy processed cheese!
My hare will sell his account in World of Tanks, his mother and his homeland for cheese)) “Tubs” and triangles of processed Hochland are always in the strategic reserve in the refrigerator, all sorts of “braids” and slices of Maasdam are held in high esteem. The hare admits that he only eats curd cheeses in batches because the name has the word “cheese”)))
In general, if there is such a raw foodist and cheese lover in your circle, this recipe is definitely for you! Processed cheese is easy to prepare!


  • 500 grams of 5% cottage cheese (I like the local “Sibirzhinka”)
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 2 yolks
  • 1 teaspoon (without top) salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon regular soda

From the inventory you need to prepare:

  • the main bowl or pan in which everything will happen
  • water bath (larger pot of boiling water)
  • mixing spatula (you can use a blender)
  • whisk for more even mixing
  • container for the finished product (jars, containers)

It couldn't be simpler!
1. Take the main bowl, mix all the ingredients until smooth, although you still won’t get perfect smoothness - grains of cottage cheese will remain.

2. Place the bowl/pan in a water bath and heat, stirring with a whisk. You can do without a water bath - then be prepared that the mass will at some point begin to burn to the bottom, no matter how well you mix. As a result, we get a spoiled saucepan and cheese with a “specific” taste.
At high temperatures, the curd begins to melt and the mass becomes liquid. At first there are still curd grains in it, and then it becomes a uniform texture. There is no need to bring to a boil - as soon as the consistency becomes liquid and smooth, remove from heat.

3. Grease the mold for the finished product with vegetable oil (you can line it with parchment paper) and pour the cheese from the pan.
On a cold spoon it immediately solidifies into solid drops...

...a trembling foam immediately appears on the surface, like boiled milk.

Immediately after cooking, you won’t be able to enjoy the melted cheese - it’s too liquid, and when it cools down, it hardens right on the knife. But if you put it away for 8-10 hours (or better yet, a day) in a cool place, without touching or stirring it, then something magical happens inside and the cheese acquires the familiar consistency of processed cheese - tender, slightly stretchy.

The cheese lasts well in the refrigerator for about two weeks. However, if the refrigerator is equipped with a No Frost system, then you need to put the bowl in a bag or close the container tightly, otherwise there will be a dried crust on top. It just keeps for a week in a cool place, does not separate, does not change the taste - and this is without any preservatives or stabilizers, only from natural ingredients!
Well, the taste is the same, the classic taste of Hochland cream cheese!

The result is an honest half kilo of cheese.
By the way, before pouring the cheese into containers, you can stir in fried onions, champignons, bacon, herbs, sun-dried tomatoes and peppers, and basically anything your heart desires!
Have fun!

Dairy products occupy an important place in the human diet. Modern technologies and scientific achievements make it possible to create real masterpieces for gourmets from ordinary milk. Hochland cheese from the company of the same name can satisfy the taste of the most demanding customer. German manufacturers focus on the taste and usefulness of their products.


Germany, Bavaria, Gossholz, 1927 - Robert Reich and Georg Zummer founded the small company Hohland for the production of processed cheese. A modest family enterprise managed to enter the world market and make Hochland cheese a recognizable and popular brand.

More than a dozen years have passed since the launch of the first product - a two-kilogram block of Emmental processed cheese. The most significant events in the company's history are listed below:

  • 1927 - start of production in Gossholz;
  • 1928 - the company moves to Heimenkirch;
  • 1931 - opening of the packaging department for lump and slice natural cheeses, expansion of production areas;
  • 1956 - the development of the French market was marked by the opening of a subsidiary, Hochland France;
  • 1975 - purchase of the French factories “Henri Uten” in the city of Lacroix and “Levenbruck” in Dieu-sur-Meze for the purpose of producing Camembert cheese;
  • 1978 - entry into the Spanish market, setting up cheese production in Hochland Espãnola;
  • 1988 - foundation of the Hochland Polska plant in Poland;
  • 1995 - launch of production of curd and white cheeses (Schongau, Germany);
  • 1997 - entry into the Romanian markets, purchase and modernization of production facilities in Transylvania, founding of Hochland Romania;
  • 2002 - launch of cheese production in Russia, completion of modernization at the plant in Heimenkirch;
  • 2003 - entry into the Ukrainian market, foundation of Hochland Ukraine (the representative office was closed in 2014);
  • 2007 - opening of Hochland Pars Ltd in Iran.
  • 2010 - refusal to use GMOs;
  • 2011 - opening of a factory for the production of curd cheeses in Russia;
  • 2013-2015 - entering the American market, founding Bergland Cheese USA LLC, Natec USA LLC; E.V.A. GmbH, acquisition of Franklin Foods Inc, producer of cream cheeses.

The company's products are known all over the world, its products are deservedly popular. Modern technologies, strict adherence to recipes, and expansion of the range allow the company to confidently maintain a leading position in the production and sales of cheeses.


For many years, Hochland has been a leader in hygiene, product safety and quality. The factories are IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (British Retail Consortium) certified. The criteria for the requirements of both organizations are much stricter than state standards.

In addition to quality control, the company cares about preserving the environment. The concept of the corporation is simple and clear: only from environmentally friendly raw materials can a truly high-quality product be obtained. The factories are equipped with their own modern treatment facilities. Much attention is paid to the processing of secondary raw materials.


The company's cheese products are represented in almost all segments of the cheese industry. Hochland curd cheese, processed and hard, is used in the restaurant business and retail trade. Constant expansion of the range of all types of cheeses, improvement of technology, development of modern packaging materials allows the company to offer the widest selection of product formats.

Hochland cheese is supplied to the McDonald's chain. The company's assortment includes all types of cheeses:

  • hard;
  • fused;
  • curd.

In different packages:

  • circle (triangles in foil);
  • plates or slices;
  • slicing;
  • plastic baths with different volumes;
  • plastic film;
  • wooden buckets.

The ingenuity and imagination of the company’s specialists who develop new tastes never ceases to amaze. Processed cheese "Hochland" has not only a creamy taste. There are varieties rich in natural flavors and aromas of mushrooms, ham, herbs, paprika, and others. Portion layout in the form of individual triangular pieces or plates (all of them separately packaged) is very convenient. Processed cheese in containers is perfectly spread on bread and serves as an excellent addition to culinary recipes.

The company's curd cheeses are no less in demand. Popular varieties include:

  • Curd cheese "Hochland" "Alimete". Gently whipped cheese with a variety of natural flavors. Packaging - original containers in the form of wooden buckets of 150 grams each with a variety of natural flavors: apricot, cherry, blueberry and raspberry, dill with cucumbers, creamy, with herbs.
  • "Cremette." The consistency resembles a cream and is available in plastic packaging of 2 and 10 kg. Widely used in restaurant business


The company strictly monitors the quality of its products and compliance with the recipe. The different types of cheeses include:

  • butter;
  • skimmed milk powder ;
  • whey powder;
  • milk protein;
  • ham;
  • lemon acid;
  • drinking water;
  • table salt.

Preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, nisin preservative (it is found in cheese and ham) - only those allowed by the European Union.

Benefits and harms

Any product is considered from the point of view of usefulness. Hochland cheese is a dairy product. It contains calcium, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins D, E, A, essential amino acids, and the complex protein casein. Consumption has a positive effect on the human body: the immune system is strengthened, the condition of nails, hair, and skin improves.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the high nutritional value of Hochland cheese. The calorie content of processed cheese is about 300 kcal per 100 g, curd cheese - up to 250 kcal, hard cheese - up to 300 kcal. With uncontrolled consumption, excess weight can easily be gained. Cheeses are made exclusively from natural products and contain natural milk. People suffering from an allergic reaction to milk protein are not recommended to consume cheese.

Beware of fakes

Like other popular brands, Hochland cheese (customer reviews have confirmed this more than once) is not immune to counterfeits. There are simple and accessible ways to identify a “double”:

Attentiveness will protect you from mistakes and give you the opportunity to enjoy real cheese from a famous brand.

Previously, I bought regular cheeses, hard ones, because they seemed of better quality to me. But now these cheeses have risen in price so much that it is impossible to buy them at all. That's why I switched to processed cheeses.

Of course, of all the cheeses I tried, Hochland was the best.

Its taste is significantly different from the taste of other processed cheeses. Very unusual, I can say so.

This cheese also contains a lot of different additives, which help improve the taste of the cheese.

I also like cheese with the addition of ham, mushrooms, herbs and other delicious ingredients.

I can’t say anything specific about the quality. Naturally, like other food products, Hochland cheese contains a certain amount of chemicals. Nowadays no product is produced without it.

This cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Then it will begin to deteriorate, so there is no need to delay it, although there is no need to delay it - the cheese is very tasty and is unlikely to remain in the refrigerator for a long time.

It is not very expensive, since it is molten.

The cheese is very unusual and delicate. The sandwich turns out very filling and tasty. What you need for breakfast and afternoon snack.

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Of course, a huge number of Russian consumers prefer to buy Hochland cheese. Delicate creamy aroma, spicy taste, a universal ingredient when preparing dishes... And these are not all the epithets that are firmly attached to the product of the above brand.

Today Hochland is a successful enterprise, one of the leaders in the production of high-quality cheeses. The above brand is involved in all cheese products, creating the latest conceptual solutions in the food industry and restaurant business.

Hochland cheese simply amazes with its widest range: soft, processed, curd, hard, and so on. What is good about this product? Before answering this question, let's talk a little about when and where Hochland cheese was produced.

What do we know about the manufacturer

A factory for the production of cheese of the above brand was opened in 1927 near the German city of Lindenberg. The founders of the cheese business are considered to be two entrepreneurs - Robert Reich and Georg Zummer.

Today Hochland is a giant supplier of cheese products in European countries. The quality of the goods he produces is confirmed by the most reputable cheese makers in Germany. Advanced equipment and modern technologies make it possible to produce a tasty, environmentally friendly and healthy product. Quality specialists monitor all stages of production, from the selection of raw materials to the control analysis of the product before it hits supermarket shelves. Hochland products are made exclusively from high-quality raw materials, and the shortage of scarce components is compensated from Holland and New Zealand. In other words, eating Hochland cheese is a real pleasure.

The consumer has a wide choice

Today, store shelves are literally bursting with a variety of Hochland products.

You can easily find both classic variations of cheeses and varieties with additives in the form of mushrooms, herbs, and ham.

It should be noted that reviews from Russians once again prove that Hochland cheese is delicious and ideal for making sandwiches, salads, and desserts. The consumer is especially attracted by the convenient packaging - it opens easily, and you can take the right amount of cheese. The product is easy to store in the refrigerator and convenient to take with you on a picnic or on a trip.

It is noteworthy that the cheese used by McDonald's in preparing dishes is supplied by Hochland.


For many years, the presence of the mentioned German company on the market, processed cheese “Hochland” remains a favorite dish among the majority of Russian buyers. Impeccable quality, meticulous work, bright advertising - all this ensures high consumer demand for the above product.

Beneficial features

It should be noted that Hochland “Creamy” (processed) cheese is rich in vitamins A, D, B2, B12.

It also contains useful macroelements: zinc, magnesium, cobalt, calcium. The latter, by the way, is quite easily digestible if you eat. This product is convenient to give to children at school or to make sandwiches from it for a snack at work. And if you are planning to make pizza or don’t know how to diversify boiled spaghetti, then be sure to remember this cheese. It has the most delicate taste, convenient shape and is universal in cooking. One way or another, such advantages have turned processed cheese “Khokhdand” into a favorite dish throughout the world.

By the way, did you know that a century ago no one had heard of this kind of product, for the simple reason that it did not exist at all? The first person to make processed cheese was the Swiss Walter Gerber. Today, when choosing such a savory version of the above delicacy, you should carefully study the information on the packaging. And one cannot help but be surprised by the variety of Hochland processed cheeses: tubs, blocks, triangles, slices, with mushrooms, with ham, with all kinds of spices - all this is available to the buyer.

Production Features

The above version of cheese at the Hochland company is made by melting special varieties, and then the final product is placed in a convenient form and packed in a calorizer.

This technology makes it possible to produce a fundamentally different form of cheese, while preserving all the beneficial substances that have made the product extremely popular among consumers. Hochland's production is represented in many European countries, and even in Iran there is a German cheese factory.

One hundred grams of processed cheese contains about 280 kilocalories. The cost of one hundred and fifty grams of product averages 65-75 rubles.


Hochland curd cheese is no less in demand among consumers at present. It is consumed both in its pure form and as an ingredient in savory dishes of different cuisines around the world. In particular, the Kremet variety has such a pleasant and delicate taste that it cannot be distinguished from the classic cottage cheese that we were given in childhood.

Where can I use it?

Hochland cheese (curd, creamy) is an indispensable ingredient in pasta dishes.

Again, this product is widely added to pizza and pasta. Many housewives like to use Hochland “Curd Cream” cheese in the preparation of dessert dishes, and due to the fact that it has an elastic consistency, the product does not lose its properties as a result of heat treatment. Thanks to the above properties, the ingredient has found wide use in Japanese cuisine, in particular in sushi. Hochland curd cheese also goes well with fish dishes.

How to choose and how to store

When choosing a curd version of cheese, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the delicacy. In particular, the Hochland product contains extremely useful components: natural cottage cheese and bacterial starter culture. Naturally, the use of flavors, sweeteners, thickeners and other preservatives is excluded. Please note that the beneficial properties of the product are preserved only if it is stored correctly. Of course, this should be done in the refrigerator, placing the pack on the bottom shelf. Do not forget that curd cheeses have a short shelf life - only a week. You can extend the life of a “frozen” product by another 4-5 months if you periodically heat it. In this simple way you can preserve Hochland curd cheese, whose calorie content is 216 kilocalories per hundred grams. This delicacy costs 55 rubles.

Beneficial features

Hochland curd cheese contains a lot of useful amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

This product is also rich in calcium and phosphorus, since it contains natural cottage cheese. The above macroelements are the building material of bone tissue. The Hochland curd product contains, among other things, iron, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. In addition, the treat contains B vitamins, which improve the functioning of the nervous system. Hochland cheese is also rich in vitamins E and PP, which normalize metabolism in our body.

On the Russian market, cheese products from the famous German brand have long proven themselves on the positive side, since the quality and taste of this savory product always remain at their best.
