Is Greek salad healthy? Calorie content of Greek salad, its benefits and preparation features. This is what a daily diet looks like

Greek salad is as popular in its homeland as, say, sauerkraut is in our country. But here, too, its popularity has only been growing from year to year. What is the secret to the success of this simple dish? It's all about the unusual combination of ingredients that give the salad an amazing taste and pleasant aroma, and, of course, its benefits.

But keep in mind that not all establishments prepare this salad correctly. In the absence of the proper ingredients, they can put anything into the salad: not Feta cheese, but something with a similar taste, regular lettuce, instead of Romaine or Iceberg, and in general, disfigure this dish in every possible way. But Greek salad is not at all difficult to prepare yourself. For this you only need to own a knife and a spoon :)

So, you will need:

    1 red bell pepper,

    2 tomatoes

  • A head of Romaine or Iceberg lettuce,

    Fresh basil leaves,

    ½ can of olives,

    Feta cheese (sold in supermarkets under the name Fetaki),

    Dried basil,

    Balsamic vinegar,

    Extra Virgin olive oil (Greek and Italian oils have a less pungent taste and smell than Spanish ones, so I recommend Greek Kalamata or Italian Monini).

How to cook:
Mix cucumber, tomatoes and pepper into neat slices with lettuce leaves, torn or cut into large pieces, add a handful of olives. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar (no more than a teaspoon). Cut 2 layers of Feta cheese into even squares. Place the cheese on top of the vegetables and sprinkle dried basil on top of the pieces. Drizzle olive oil over everything and add a few fresh basil leaves on top. The result is a tasty and very healthy dish that you wouldn’t be ashamed to treat to your friends.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have basil and balsamic vinegar, the salad will be delicious without these ingredients.

What are the benefits:
Greek salad is a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins, minerals and beneficial microorganisms. It’s not for nothing that Mediterranean people are famous for their longevity; Greek salad is not uncommon on their table. After all, this dish has the perfect combination of taste and benefits.

Olive oil, which is used to dress the salad, is rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. Olive oil promotes the healing of wounds, ulcers and cuts, and also improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines and liver. Does it happen that you get “knocked out” after an unsuccessful ride? Then drinking olive oil will only benefit you!

Olives(ripe olives) improve liver function and have a cleansing effect on it. And not everyone can boast of an absolutely healthy liver, especially if they periodically drink alcohol in unpredictable quantities :)

Chees Feta, traditional Greek cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk contains many beneficial microorganisms. This cheese contains bacteria that kill harmful microorganisms, including listeria, which causes digestive tract upset and is one of the most dangerous.

Basil has a general somatic effect on the human body. It tones and strengthens the nervous system and is an antiseptic. Basil also promotes muscle relaxation and relieves muscle pain, which is especially important after a race and during recovery. The psychosomatic effect of basil is manifested in relieving nervous fatigue, improving memory and eliminating anxiety.

Balsamic vinegar is a strong antioxidant.

cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper And lettuce leaves- These are fiber and dietary fiber that improve digestion. In addition, the leaves of Iceberg lettuce and Romaine lettuce, among other things, are rich in folic acid (vitamin B9), which promotes the production of endorphins, happiness hormones, in the body, and Romaine lettuce was generally used as a medicine in ancient times, and its beneficial properties can be listed to infinity…

Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, magnesium, iron, potassium, as well as the pigment lycopene (which causes the red color of the fruit). Eating tomatoes reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improves the functioning of the lungs, stomach and pancreas. And the pigment lycopene, being a powerful antioxidant, protects body cells from harmful substances, and also helps prevent cancer, including prostate cancer in men.

Red bell pepper rich in carotene (provitamin A), B vitamins, vitamins C, E, P and PP. Among the minerals, it is worth highlighting potassium and sodium, calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and silicon. Vitamins A, E and C strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function. Calcium, iodine, vitamins E and B1 contained in pepper help the body fights cancer cells. The high content of vitamin A helps fight respiratory diseases. So regular consumption of this vegetable has a general strengthening effect and has a beneficial effect on the body’s immune system as a whole.

Now just think about how many healthy things a plate of freshly prepared Greek salad contains! Do you need more reasons for this dish? If we have already convinced you, then take this simple recipe into your arsenal and enjoy not only an unusually tasty salad, but also the realization of the irreplaceable benefit you are doing to your body!

Greek salad is becoming more and more popular every day among supporters of a healthy lifestyle and connoisseurs of original taste. The dish belongs to Mediterranean cuisine, is considered dietary and is easy to prepare.

The salad includes feta cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, balsamic vinegar, basil, olives, lettuce, and olive oil. All ingredients bring the body a rich vitamin charge. Does the product have at least one disadvantage? Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of Greek salad.

Health benefits of Greek salad

The main component of the salad is Feta cheese, made from sheep or goat milk (feta cheese is an alternative). The component is a source of microorganisms, in particular bacteria that fight pathogens.

Iceberg and Romaine lettuce leaves supply the body with folic acid, which triggers the production of the happiness hormone - endorphin. Moreover, Romaine salad was a medicinal product in ancient times.

You can't do without spices. Basil has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and has antiseptic properties. The seasoning promotes muscle relaxation, strengthens memory, relieves muscle spasms and nervous tension.

The health benefits of Greek salad increase with the addition of olive oil. The ingredient is a source of vitamin E, indispensable for the beauty of the skin and important for stimulating reproductive function. In addition, it supplies the body with antioxidants, prevents cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, obesity, and also promotes rapid wound healing.

Olives have a beneficial effect on the liver and cleanse the organ of toxins, waste and excess fat. Vegetables are a source of fiber, which activates the intestines, and a huge number of vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on all vital systems of the body. Balsamic vinegar has strong antioxidant properties.

Contraindications for eating the dish

From all of the above, it is clear that Greek salad, the benefits of which are truly invaluable, cannot cause harm to the body.

The only option to “spoil” the dish is to replace some products with more high-calorie ones: Feta cheese with a hard analogue, and olive oil with vegetable oil, which will increase the energy value of the salad as a whole.

Greek salad is considered one of the popular dishes on everyday and holiday tables. This is due to the fact that it is very healthy and even dietary, since it contains a small amount of calories.

Health benefits of Greek salad

This unique dish belongs to Mediterranean cuisine. It is distinguished by its ease of preparation, amazing taste, and also beneficial health properties, since its ingredients contain many minerals, vitamins and other important biologically active components.

The low calorie content of Greek salad is based on its vegetable composition, which includes cucumbers, lettuce, bell peppers and tomatoes. All vegetables are a valuable source of fiber and dietary fiber, which are essential for normal digestion. Any type of lettuce used in the recipe contains folic acid, which is necessary for the synthesis of endorphins (happiness hormones).

Greek salad is dressed with healthy olive oil, which accounts for most of the calorie content of the dish. This ingredient is a valuable source of vitamin E, as well as many antioxidants. Olive oil is used to prevent many ailments:

  • diabetes,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • obesity,
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • ulcers, cuts, etc.

The olives included in the dish have a beneficial effect on the liver, cleansing it and normalizing its functioning.

An integral component of a Greek salad is Feta cheese, which is made according to an ancient recipe from sheep or goat milk. It contains beneficial microorganisms, in particular bacteria that can cope with dangerous pathogens that disrupt digestion.

Another important salad ingredient is basil, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. This natural antiseptic also helps strengthen memory, relax muscles, and relieve tension after heavy exertion.

As for the calorie content of Greek salad, it depends on the ingredients used and the amount of olive oil. Therefore, each prepared salad must be considered separately.

Calorie content of Greek salad

Taking into account all the traditional ingredients, the calorie content of Greek salad is about 160 kilocalories per 100 grams. With a minimum amount of olive oil, its energy value is reduced by almost half.

As you know, many housewives replace Feta cheese with feta cheese (made from cow's milk) or another type of cheese, so the calorie content of such a dish changes accordingly. If one hundred grams of Feta cheese contains 290 kilocalories, then feta cheese contains a little less - 260. Therefore, for those who follow a diet, it will be even better to use feta cheese.

Greek salad recipe

Required ingredients:

  • 80 g pitted olives,
  • 200 g Feta cheese,
  • olive oil to taste,
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1 red onion,
  • ½ lemon (juice)
  • lettuce leaves,
  • 1 yellow bell pepper,
  • 1 medium sized cucumber,
  • salt,
  • fresh parsley,
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to prepare all the products. Wash the cucumber, tomatoes and yellow bell pepper thoroughly. The seeds are removed from the pepper. All vegetables are cut large. Peeled red onions are usually cut into thin half rings.
  2. Thoroughly washed lettuce leaves must be torn into large pieces with your hands. It is recommended to cut Feta cheese into small cubes. Traditionally, they do not exceed 1x1 cm in size.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, add salt and ground pepper, and then add halves of olives and fresh parsley leaves.
  4. At the very end, add olive oil and pour juice squeezed from half a lemon over the salad. Now the dish can be lightly stirred.

Some skillful housewives do not bother stirring, but prepare the Greek salad in parts, laying out the components one by one. This dish looks very impressive on a festive table and will not leave any guest indifferent.

The calorie content of Greek salad is very low, so it is present in many popular diets, and is also widely used in medical nutrition.

It should be noted that it is Feta cheese that gives the salad its piquancy. In appearance it resembles fresh pressed cottage cheese, but the taste has its own “zest”. Real Greek cheese has a salty taste with a delicate lactic sourness, which gives it a special expressiveness. If Greek salad is prepared for dietary nutrition, then it is better to use Feta cheese in a minimal amount or replace it with a less fatty type of cheese.

GREEK SALAD - benefits and history of origin... Greek salad is becoming more and more popular every day among supporters of a healthy lifestyle and connoisseurs of original taste. The dish belongs to Mediterranean cuisine, is considered dietary and is easy to prepare.

In fact, the history of this salad is very simple and straightforward. In Greece itself it is called “Horiatici”, which means “country salad”. And this is quite justified, because its main components are fresh vegetables, feta cheese, olives and olive oil... That is, everything that could always be found in abundance in the bins of Greek peasants. About the benefits of the components of this simple salad: 1. The main component of the salad is Feta cheese, made from sheep or goat milk (feta cheese is an alternative). The component is a source of microorganisms, in particular bacteria that fight pathogens. 2. Lettuce leaves of the Iceberg and Romaine varieties deliver folic acid to the body, which triggers the production of the happiness hormone - endorphin. Moreover, Romaine salad was a medicinal product in ancient times. 3. You can’t do without spices. Basil has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and has antiseptic properties. The seasoning promotes muscle relaxation, strengthens memory, relieves muscle spasms and nervous tension. 4. The health benefits of Greek salad increase with the addition of olive oil. The ingredient is a source of vitamin E, indispensable for the beauty of the skin and important for stimulating reproductive function. In addition, it supplies the body with antioxidants, prevents cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, obesity, and also promotes rapid wound healing. 5. Olives have a beneficial effect on the liver and cleanse the organ of toxins, waste and excess fat. Vegetables are a source of fiber, which activates the intestines, and a huge number of vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on all vital systems of the body. 6. Balsamic vinegar has strong antioxidant properties. 7. And the benefits of cherry tomatoes are undeniable only because they have the same beneficial properties as regular tomatoes. The content of dry substances (antioxidants, vitamins, sugars) is 1.5 - 2 times higher than that of their larger brothers - tomatoes. Cherries contain such useful elements for our body as: iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, chromium, iodine, sulfur, nicotinic and fioleic acids. They contain vitamins B1-B3, B6, B9, E, but most of all they are rich in vitamin C (up to 25 milligrams per 100 g).

Origin story or legend. I. According to one version, the recipe for Greek salad was compiled in ancient times, back in the Hellenistic era. It simply included everything that sunny Greece produced in abundance. And everything would be fine, but tomatoes, which are considered one of the main ingredients of a classic salad, appeared on the Greek table relatively recently. It is known that they were brought to Europe by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, and only came to Greece in the 19th century (1818) along with potatoes. They were brought here by wandering Catholic monks, who used tomatoes as ornamental plants to decorate their monastic lands, because their fruits were then considered poisonous. It was only in 1825 that tomatoes began to be actively grown for consumption throughout almost the entire territory of Greece. Moreover, at first the Greeks ate tomatoes as exotic fruits, biting off pieces of them and eating them with bread and cheese. What can I say, even if in those days it was not customary to chop onions... II. Here a second version of the origin of Greek salad appears, according to which in 1909 a Greek emigrant, who had worked in America for a long time, came to his native village for the wedding of his nephew. In a foreign land, he really missed the products he loved from childhood: Greek olives, olive oil, village cheese and fresh vegetables, which were always available in abundance in the house. But as luck would have it, on the way home he developed a severe toothache. And although his sister told him to rinse his teeth with aniseed vodka (ouzo), the pain subsided, but did not go away. Then, in order to be able to taste his favorite food, the man found a way out - he coarsely chopped all the food into a clay bowl, threw a handful of olives into it, poured olive oil over everything and put a large piece of feta on top. The interested sister also tried the resulting dish. She liked it so much that the very next day she treated the guests at her son’s wedding to the new dish. The salad was appreciated! Since then, village salad has become a favorite and main dish of Greek cuisine. However, many people believe that the “country salad” appeared only in the 60-70s of the last century due to the influx of tourists into the country. And that it is nothing more than the invention of tavern owners located in the historical district of Athens on Plaka, who quickly and deftly cut for their visitors a refreshing, truly summer salad from traditional Greek products, seasoned with excellent olive oil. Be that as it may, today there is probably not a single tavern in this beautiful country where you would not be offered to try this wonderful dish. So, you will need: 1 red bell pepper, 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, Head of Romaine or Iceberg lettuce, Fresh basil leaves, ½ can of olives, Feta cheese (sold in supermarkets under the name Fetaki), Dried basil, Balsamic vinegar, Extra virgin olive oil Extra Virgin (Greek and Italian varieties of oil have a less pungent taste and smell than Spanish ones, so I recommend Greek Kalamata or Italian Monini).

Greek salad is a traditional dish of Mediterranean cuisine that has gained considerable popularity. Despite the simplicity of its preparation, this salad has wonderful taste and is good for our health.

Greek salad is not only tasty, but also a healthy food, containing many of the biologically active components we need - minerals, vitamins, and so on.

The recipe for this dish includes products such as cucumbers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce. These vegetables are a rich source of dietary fiber and fiber, which are beneficial for digestion. Romaine and Iceberg lettuce leaves contain folic acid, which is involved in the body's synthesis of endorphins - happiness hormones. In ancient times, Romaine lettuce was considered a cure for many ailments. It really has a huge number of useful qualities.

Greek salad is seasoned with olive oil, which provides our body with vitamin E and other natural antioxidants. Olive oil helps prevent the development of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. Olive oil is also used to speed up the healing of ulcers, cuts and other injuries.

Olives have a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver, cleanse it and improve its functions.

Greek Feta cheese, made from goat or sheep milk, contains a number of beneficial microorganisms. Of these, it is worth noting bacteria that fight pathogenic agents, for example, listeria - one of the most dangerous bacteria that causes digestive disorders.

Basil, as a spice, has a positive effect on the nervous system and is a natural antiseptic. Basil relaxes muscles, helps get rid of pain in them after heavy exertion, relieve nervous tension, and strengthen memory.

Balsamic vinegar is a natural antioxidant.

Greek salad, calories:

If you want to lose weight without depriving yourself of important nutrients for your health, then Greek salad can be a great option. Its calorie content is relatively low. There are no meat products in it, so the salad is completely and easily digested by the stomach.

If we consider the classic recipe for preparing this dish, then:

The calorie content of Greek salad is about 130 kcal per 100 grams

It usually includes tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet bell peppers, lettuce, cheese, olives and olive oil. Its leaner version (usually with a minimum amount of olive oil) allows for lower calorie content.

What is the calorie content of Greek salad prepared in different ways? And here it is:

Calorie table for Greek salad, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of Greek salad prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of Greek salad, per 100 grams of product:

How to prepare this dish at home? Here is one of the recipes:


  • Feta - 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces
  • Cucumbers – 1 piece
  • Bell pepper (yellow) – 1 piece
  • Onion (preferably red) - 1 piece
  • Lemon juice (required) - from half a lemon
  • Olives (pitted) - 80 gr.
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Olive oil
  • Parsley
  • Salt and black pepper (ground) - to taste

First - preparing the products. Cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, lemon and lettuce are washed. Lettuce leaves are torn coarsely by hand. Cut sweet peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes coarsely. Cut the onion into half rings, then lightly knead. Feta cheese (or feta cheese) is cut into cubes (1x1 cm). Then olives are added to the salad. Salt it and pour olive oil over it. Add squeezed lemon juice to the salad and mix lightly.

To give the salad a beautiful appearance, you don’t have to stir the dish, but lay out the chopped components of the dish in parts. And eat healthy! Moreover, the low calorie content of Greek salad will not allow your body to gain extra pounds.

Greek diet: menu, recipes, rules

Rules for losing weight on a diet:

  • Using the list of products divided into groups, you are allowed to develop your own menu yourself, but for this you should familiarize yourself with the examples given here;
  • Despite the absence of special prohibitions, sweets, smoked foods and pickles are categorically not recommended - they can “slow down” weight loss;
  • To speed up the desired result, you need to drink a lot of water, which, moreover, perfectly cleanses the body.

Greek diet for 2 weeks

This example menu can be used for an unlimited time, but initially it is designed for 14 days:

  • We have breakfast with oatmeal prepared with low-fat milk, eat an apple and drink a cup of tea;
  • For lunch we drink a glass of fruit juice and eat nuts;
  • For lunch we bake fish and eat it with a traditional salad. We also eat berries;
  • We have dinner with vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast and rice porridge;
  • Before going to bed, drink 200 g of herbal tea.

Greek salad diet

Due to the low calorie content of this salad, you can use it to lose weight in two ways:

  • If you eat only salad for dinner for a month;
  • Eat exclusively salad for 3 days.

Diet with cheese

Those who want to unload their body in 3 days are offered this nutrition option that cannot be changed:

  • For breakfast, soak 30 g of feta cheese in milk, eat it with a slice of bread, and drink tea;
  • We dine with cheese, a small portion of salad and drink berry jelly;
  • For an afternoon snack - only 200 g of 1% kefir;
  • We have dinner with feta cheese (100 g) pre-soaked in water, and drink a glass of rosehip decoction.

Greek diet of Aphrodite

Unlike other diets, here the distribution into groups is canceled for 2-3 weeks, and the menu is based on seafood and chicken:

  • Before breakfast, drink a glass of water with squeezed lemon juice;
  • We eat a salad with vegetables and boiled beans, wash it down with juice;
  • For lunch – a portion of seafood and vegetable salad;
  • We have an afternoon snack with just a slice of cheese (preferably goat);
  • For dinner we eat a salad of vegetables and olives, as well as boiled fish.

Greek recipes for weight loss

Greek salad recipe:

  • Cut the onion into rings, chop the tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and feta cheese into cubes;
  • First place the onion in the salad bowl, then the other ingredients;
  • Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice sauce, sprinkle with oregano and garnish with olives;
  • Keep in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Greek soup recipe:

  • Boil the chicken breasts, cut the meat into pieces, and boil the rice (100 g) in the broth;
  • Beat a couple of eggs, squeeze the juice from one lemon;
  • Pour it all into the broth and cook for half an hour.

Greek rice recipe:

  • Finely chop the onion, carrots into cubes, chop the pepper;
  • Prepare the frying of onions and carrots, after 3 minutes add peppers and canned corn and peas;
  • After 5 minutes, add basmatti or steamed rice to the pan, add water, sprinkle with herbs and salt, cook for 20 minutes.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Since the diet is a complete diet, it is useful for almost everyone. The advantages include:

Improved metabolism.

Slow but steady weight loss, the results of which remain for a long time.

The opportunity to eat healthy and varied.

The nutrition system is approved for pregnant women, teenagers, and the elderly.

Easy to create a menu due to the large number of different products.

Among the disadvantages, the most often noted is the possibility of allergic reactions that relate to fish and seafood.

Calorie content depending on the change in components

There are several variations in the preparation of this dish, and everyone prepares it the way they like. We suggest looking at the most common versions of Greek salad and finding out how many calories it contains due to the change of one or another product:

  • with feta cheese– 52 kcal (without olive oil), 97 kcal (with olive oil);
  • with feta cheese– 83 kcal (without olive oil), 128 kcal (with olive oil);
  • with fetax– 118 kcal (without olive oil), 163 (with olive oil);
  • no olives– 59 kcal (without olive oil), 104 kcal (with olive oil).

Basic rules of the classic Greek diet

The Classical Greek Diet is based on the eating style of the Greek people and includes the traditional menu of the local people. The following food items are allowed on the menu daily:

  • Pasta (only from durum grains);
  • Olive oil (classic traditional ingredient);
  • Bread and crispbreads made from unprocessed grain;
  • Seeds;
  • Red wine (traditional component of the diet);
  • Legumes;
  • Cereals, porridge, brown rice;
  • Milk and fermented milk products of low and medium fat content;
  • Any low-fat cheeses.

From one to four times a week, according to the rules, it is allowed to consume:

  • Seafood, fish dishes;
  • Chicken and quail eggs (no more than three units);
  • Dark chocolate (in strictly limited quantities).

Be sure to read: How to pull yourself together and start losing weight?

No more than three times a month:

  • Mutton;
  • Chicken meat;
  • Rabbit meat;
  • Low-fat pork;
  • Turkey meat;
  • Veal.

It is not necessary to include all of the listed foods in your diet. A special feature of the diet is the possibility of independent choice and combinations of dishes and products. That is why the nutritional system is suitable for people with any eating habits, including vegetarians.

The calorie content of the daily menu should be between 1200 and 1500 kilocalories per day. The following concessions are occasionally permitted:

  • Two to three glasses of wine per day;
  • Rare consumption of potatoes;
  • Independent selection of products for the day;
  • Tea and coffee without added sugar.

It is advisable to eat small meals five to six times a day. The recommended volume of each serving is from 200 to 250 grams. Salt and sugar must be reduced to a minimum in any food, the maximum amount of vegetable oil per day is two to three tablespoons (for seasoning dishes, frying is prohibited).

Pros and cons of the diet

Dietary nutrition has a positive effect on metabolism, improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. Anyone can follow the diet, as it has no restrictions. By eating tasty food without going hungry, you will gradually be able to lose extra pounds. You can eat whenever you want, thanks to which dietary nutrition can be successfully adjusted to the usual course of life.

The only disadvantage of the diet is the high price of some products. Not all ingredients may be available to everyone.

Despite the fact that nutritionists do not prohibit sticking to a diet for the rest of your life, after 14 days it is important to make a break for 30 days. Try to always divide products into groups to maintain the achieved results.

Greek salad prepared at home with feta cheese

A salad with so many ingredients can easily be classified as dietary. There are very few calories in the treat, and therefore the dish is an excellent assistant in the process of losing weight.

You will need:

  • 250 gr. tomatoes;
  • 250 gr. cucumbers
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 gr. feta cheese;
  • 200 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 80 gr. olives;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 1/4 tsp. Sahara.

Greek salad step by step:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers and chop them into very large pieces.
  2. Rinse the lettuce leaves and tear them with your hands.
  3. Cut the cheese into large cubes or break into pieces.
  4. Remove the olives from the jar.
  5. Combine all products in a salad bowl.
  6. Greek salad dressing recipe: mix soy sauce with oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugar.
  7. Serve the sauce separately from the salad itself.

An excellent alternative to this dish is dietary olivier, which is not difficult to prepare and does not take much time.

For every taste: types of techniques

The Greek diet for weight loss includes several types of menus, from which everyone can choose the most suitable one.

For a three days

To unload and cleanse the body for three days, you need to eat feta cheese. Since it contains a lot of salt, it must first be soaked in water. With this diet option, you can lose 1-2 kilograms.

The food during these three days is approximately the same.

  • For breakfast you can eat a piece of bran bread or a toasted slice of black cheese, feta cheese (30g) and a cup of green tea without sugar.
  • An excellent option for lunch is a vegetable salad (serving no more than 250 grams), 100 grams of feta cheese and berry jelly or freshly squeezed juice.
  • For an afternoon snack, a glass of kefir will help satisfy your hunger.
  • In the evening (for dinner) it is recommended to eat 100 grams of feta cheese and a cup of rosehip decoction or unsweetened tea.

However, this diet is not suitable for people suffering from hypertension and problems with the cardiovascular system.

For 5 days

The 5-day version of the Greek diet is suitable for quick weight loss. The diet is quite limited and strict, but in 5 days on the Greek diet you can lose up to 7 kg of weight.

  • For breakfast you can have a cup of unsweetened green tea and fresh fruit.
  • You can snack on a couple of oranges.
  • Lunch consists of sliced ​​vegetables and cheese.
  • Dried fruits are suitable for an afternoon snack.
  • Dinner includes stewed or boiled vegetables.

For 2 week

The peculiarity of the Greek diet menu during these 14 days is the alternation of vegetarian and protein days. The basis of the diet is a three-day menu, which is repeated throughout the entire period.

The first day:

  • For breakfast – toast with a piece of feta cheese or toast and a cup of unsweetened coffee.
  • The snack will be 200 ml of yogurt.
  • For lunch you can eat baked chicken fillet and a salad of red onions and bell peppers. Be sure to drink 400 ml of water, but without gas.
  • The afternoon snack is identical to breakfast; instead of coffee, you can drink tea, but also unsweetened.
  • For dinner, a slice of baked fish and a cup of tea are recommended.

Second day:

  • For breakfast, sliced ​​vegetables and salad leaves, a cup of coffee without sugar are allowed.
  • You can snack on tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • For lunch - vegetable soup with kefir or okroshka, for the main course - baked potato or eggplant. Don't forget to drink 400 ml of water.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can treat yourself to a serving of Greek salad.
  • The evening meal will consist of baked zucchini with cheese and tomatoes and herbal tea.

Day three:

  • For breakfast you can eat 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or 250 ml of natural yogurt, a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.
  • You should have a snack with a salad with green onions and cucumbers, seasoned with a few drops of olive oil.
  • For lunch, you are allowed a piece of baked fish, a couple of tomatoes and green onions, as well as 400 ml of still water.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can eat lavash with tomatoes and feta cheese.
  • Dinner will be a casserole with minced meat (for example, lamb), onions and eggplants.

Other options

There are other types of diets that rely on seafood and/or goat cheese and cucumbers. They got their name from the well-known goddess Aphrodite.

The basic rules are simple.

  • Fried and fatty foods, sweets, nuts and sweet fruits, potatoes, and cereals should be excluded from the diet.
  • You must drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. In addition, herbal teas are welcome.
  • You can use seasonings - basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme.

Important! If your health worsens during the diet, you must abandon this weight loss technique.

On seafood

The seafood option is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system, has a great effect on appearance and is rich in various vitamins.

The main thing to remember:

  • fish and seafood are the main source of fat. It is allowed to use vegetable oil, preferably olive oil;
  • you need to eat shrimp and seaweed at least three times a week;
  • from meat products, preferably poultry, in particular chicken;
  • Only egg whites can be consumed, the yolk should be excluded due to fat;
  • eat celery.

This is what the daily diet looks like:

  • after sleep you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon;
  • for breakfast you can have a vegetable salad with beans, a cup of unsweetened green tea or a glass of fresh juice;
  • for lunch, seafood salad and sliced ​​vegetables are allowed;
  • the afternoon snack will consist of 50 grams of low-fat cheese;
  • For dinner you can eat a vegetable salad and boiled fish or meat.

With goat cheese and cucumbers

Three-day – softer, more gentle.

The first day:

  • For breakfast you can eat rye bread toast and 100 grams of goat cheese.
  • The snack will be a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • For lunch, soup with cheese and mushrooms, as well as cucumbers (can be seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice) are allowed.
  • For afternoon tea, herbal tea.
  • The evening meal will consist of vegetables baked with cheese.

Second day:

  • For breakfast you can eat oatmeal with water and dried fruits.
  • A snack will be a glass of low-fat yogurt and an apple.
  • Lunch will consist of shrimp and sliced ​​vegetables.
  • The afternoon snack will consist of unsweetened berries.
  • For dinner, you can eat a steamed omelette with cheese and tomatoes.

Day three:

  • For breakfast, boiled egg white, goat cheese and cucumber.
  • You can have a snack with low-fat cottage cheese and a couple of fruits.
  • For lunch, julienne with mushrooms and goat cheese is allowed.
  • For an afternoon snack, a glass of yogurt will be enough.
  • Dinner will consist of baked vegetables.

Ten day course involves a more strict approach to the diet, as well as the eating routine. You need to eat every 2 hours - the first meal is at 8:00, the last is at 20:00.

The rotation of dishes is as follows:

  • rye bread with goat cheese;
  • boiled egg and goat cheese;
  • fruit or vegetable salad;
  • a slice of goat cheese;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 glass of sour milk or kefir, always low-fat;
  • natural yogurt or low-fat kefir (200 ml).

To properly make Greek salad for weight loss, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. If you pour less oil, the calorie content of the salad will decrease by 20-30%.
  2. Fats cannot be completely excluded from the recipe. This will have a bad effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and hormonal disorders will appear.
  3. The dish should be consumed immediately after preparation.
  4. Unrefined, cold-pressed oil contains more vitamins and saturated acids.
  5. Vegetables purchased out of season should be soaked for 30-40 minutes in cold water with the addition of soda. Then they will contain less nitrates.
  6. Cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers should not have dark spots, plaque or rot.
  7. Regular onions can be replaced with purple ones.

Due to the absence of meat products in this dish, it is quickly and completely absorbed by the body.
