Presentation on Sunday lunch for the family. Creative project “Cooking Sunday lunch”. Hot food options

Technology project

Topic: “Preparing Sunday

breakfast for the whole family"

Completed by: Zubova Anna

Student of MBOU Secondary School No. 9

5 "B" class

Head: Kholodilova O.A.

Problem situation

On Sunday morning I want to prepare Sunday breakfast for the whole family to surprise my family. This is where my culinary skills come in handy. What to cook for breakfast, how to set the table?

Objective of the project: Have a family Sunday breakfast in the kitchen.

Project objectives:

1.Develop a breakfast menu.

2. Prepare breakfast from dishes that you learned to cook in cooking lessons.

3. Set the table for breakfast.

4.Fold the napkin beautifully.


1.Which salad does the family prefer?

From raw vegetables


From fruits

From boiled vegetables

Answer: from raw vegetables.

2. What egg dish does your family like?

fried egg


in a bag

Answer: omelette.

3. What drink does the family prefer?


Answer: tea.

4. What kind of sandwich does my family prefer?

cold open

hot outdoor


hot closed

cold closed

Answer: toast.

5. What kind of tablecloth will I set on the table?

Plain painted


Answer: colored.

6. How do I fold a napkin?


"cuttle cover"

Answer:"cuttle cover".

7. How many people will be present at the breakfast?

Answer: four people. Dad, mom, sister, me.

Solution: I will cook breakfast for four people. Because

everyone in the family loves omelettes and croutons, I decided to combine these two dishes

and prepare toast with egg omelet. I will prepare the salad from fresh

cabbage, corn and crab sticks. Drinks will include tea.

Breakfast menu:

- Cabbage, corn and crab sticks salad.

  • Toast with egg omelet.

Table decoration: I’ll cover the table with a colored tablecloth and make

Each person has a cover for cutlery.

Calculation of product consumption.


Required Products

Cabbage, corn and crab sticks salad


crab sticks

Toasts with egg omelet


White cabbage

4 slices



1 jar (425 gr.)

bulb onions

3 tbsp. spoons

Bulgarian pepper

Expert assessment.



“A hearty full breakfast. The croutons turned out crispy and toasty. The salad is delicious and light. I liked the table design. Everything was delicious. We are all very pleased."

"Everything is very delicious."

“Very tasty and healthy.”


It turned out delicious and beautiful! My family liked it and so did I. While working on the project, I learned what my family likes and how to please them on weekends. I liked cooking, I will try to please my loved ones with breakfast more often.

  • Internet resources.
  • The Golden Book of Etiquette.

The best way to feel unity with your family, to be together, to communicate is to get together for a family Sunday lunch. Sunday, as a rule, is a day off for almost the entire working population, just like for schoolchildren. Of course, each of us lives according to our own schedule and schedule, and people who live under the same roof cannot always get together on weekdays. But Sunday is perfect for a family Sunday gathering at a “delicious” table.

Preparing for Sunday lunch

You need to understand that a delicious Sunday lunch requires some preparation. This is not just a quick snack on weekdays, it is a full-fledged table with various dishes, from hot dishes to dessert.

It is important to think through all the details down to the smallest moments. Decide on the menu for family Sunday lunch, prepare beautiful tablecloths, candles, get your favorite dishes and glasses. It seems that preparing dinner for the whole family is very difficult. But some nuances and tips that we will share today will help smooth out rough edges, save time, effort and money. Let's get started.


As you can imagine, a large meal will consist of several courses. But it is absolutely not necessary to cook them right before serving. Having thought through the menu, you can choose dishes that are made in advance (“at night”) and which must certainly be ready before the family arrives.

For example, if you decide to make flavorful steaks, it is better to cook them before serving. They taste better when, as they say, “piping hot.” However, stewed vegetables that serve as a side dish for meat can be made in advance. Or, for example, hot food - borscht or cabbage soup. You can cook them the day before family dinner. As you know, such dishes are tastier and more aromatic when they sit (“reach”) and reach the peak of their taste.


Preparing Sunday dinner is not only the responsibility of the housewife. Don't try to do everything on your own, alone. Involve your household, organize. A man can easily be trusted with meat or peeling potatoes. And the younger generation will be happy to take part in the preparation of culinary masterpieces.

It turns out that you take off part of the burden and at the same time spend extra time with your family and friends. Don't be afraid that your assistants will ruin the dish or do something differently than you intended according to the recipe. The atmosphere of community and team is much better for the family than lonely, proud independence.

Simplicity is the key to success

There is no need to try to do everything perfectly. You should not choose some very complex culinary masterpieces, the preparation of which will take the maximum amount of your time. It’s better to cook one dish perfectly than to rush and make mistakes in all the complex dishes you choose.

You need to understand that Sunday lunch with your family is still not a festive feast, and it is better to prepare simple dishes that everyone loves, rather than surprise you with exquisite but unusual cuisine.

By the way, store-bought desserts can also “participate” in your Sunday family gathering. For example, the hot dish will be made with your own hands, and the cakes or pastries purchased from the culinary shop will simply become an addition and decoration to your main masterpieces.

The main thing in a family dinner is not exquisite expensive dishes, but communication, the warmth of the hearth, pleasant conversations and comfort.

Hot food options

Of course, no Sunday lunch would be complete without something hot. We offer you several easy-to-prepare recipes that will help surprise and delight your family. For main course, you can choose soups, meat or fish with side dishes. Think about what your household likes best, what will definitely be swept off their plates in a matter of seconds. After all, it is very important for the hostess that the dish she has been poring over for half the day is liked and eaten to the last spoon.

with garlic croutons

To prepare cream soup you will need:

  • Potatoes - half a kilogram.
  • Leek - one large stalk.
  • Spinach - 3-4 large bunches.
  • Low-fat cream - 500 milliliters.
  • White bread - eight to nine pieces without crust.
  • Olive oil - a couple of tablespoons.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • Salt pepper.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Then pour water into a saucepan, add a little salt and add leeks and potatoes. You need to cook the vegetables until soft. While the vegetables are cooking, let's start with the spinach. The hard ends should be cut off and the base of the leaves should be cut randomly into pieces. And add greens to the boiled vegetables.

When the potatoes are ready, you can remove the pan from the heat. Let the ingredients cool slightly. Add a little salt and ground black pepper to the soup and blend everything with a blender. While beating, add cream in a slow stream. Then put the pan on the fire for another couple of minutes, bring to a boil. The soup is ready.

We make crackers from white bread. Cut them into pieces and dry them in the oven. In a separate bowl, mix olive oil and chopped garlic. Roll each cracker in this mixture and add to the cream soup.

with vegetables

Fish is always a successful and win-win dish. If you haven't decided what to cook for Sunday lunch, you won't find anything better.

  • Salmon steak (one piece per person).
  • Frozen or fresh vegetables (green beans, green peas, sweet bell peppers, tomatoes).
  • Salt, fish spices, ground black pepper.

The steaks must be seasoned with salt, pepper and spices and fried in vegetable or olive oil on both sides.

While the fish is frying, you can start cooking vegetables. Here you should decide what you want: boiled vegetables as a side dish or, a kind of fresh vegetable salad. We recommend cooking the vegetables hot. To do this, cut them all into large pieces and fry in oil for several minutes. This way they will not lose their beneficial qualities, they will remain crispy, but will be hot, which is what we need.

Meat with vegetables in foil

If there are no fish lovers among your family, then it is worth preparing hot meat. We invite you to make a delicious meat steak with vegetables in the oven.

To prepare you will need:

  • Meat steak (we calculate the portion as in the case of fish).
  • Three small potatoes.
  • A bunch of greens (dill or parsley).
  • Two medium carrots.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5-7 pieces.
  • Champignon.
  • Salt, pepper, spices for meat (to taste and optional).

Let’s say right away that while you are preparing the dish, it is recommended to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and prepare foil of the required size. You can make the dish in a baking dish, but we advise you not to be lazy and pack the meat steak in portions.

So, if the Sunday lunch menu includes hot meat, we try to purchase it from a trusted store. The meat must be fresh and of high quality, because the taste of the dish will directly depend on this.

Beat the steak a little, sprinkle with spices and salt. We cut the mushrooms into halves, as well as the cherry tomatoes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. You can do the same with carrots, or you can grate them on a coarse grater.

We place the prepared products on a layer of foil in layers: potatoes, meat, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, herbs. You can add a little grated cheese on top if you wish. Close the foil, wrap it in a small bag and put it in the oven.

Vegetable salad

As we already said, try to choose simple and easy-to-prepare dishes when you decide to organize a Sunday lunch. Recipes with photos can be found in a cookbook, or you can simply experiment with existing products. Of course, no one canceled Olivier, beloved by everyone. But, you must admit, this salad, as a symbol of the New Year, is in no way suitable for a family Sunday gathering, despite the love of all members of your family for it.

To prepare an easy and tasty vegetable salad, you will need:

  • 200 grams of champignons.
  • 10-12 cherry tomatoes.
  • Two pieces of large bell pepper.
  • Green beans.
  • Green pea.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Olive oil for salad dressing.

The champignons should be cut into halves and put in a frying pan to simmer. Green beans should also be placed there. While the mushrooms are stewing, you can chop the bell peppers and tomatoes. Then mix all the ingredients in a beautiful bowl, season with herbs and olive oil. Salad ready.

For dessert

As for desserts, the choice is yours. You can buy something unusual for Sunday lunch for the whole family in the store, or you can cook it yourself if your baking skills and free time allow.

If you decide to please your family with baked goods, we recommend easy-to-prepare and incredibly tasty homemade cookies for tea.

To prepare you need:

  • Two eggs.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Half a teaspoon of soda.
  • Ground cinnamon.
  • Ground cloves.
  • Flour - 700 grams.

All ingredients for the dough will need to be mixed, gradually adding flour. The dough should not stick to your hands, be as soft and pliable as possible. Roll it out into a large layer, from which we cut out cookies using cutters. They are baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees in just seven minutes.

You can decorate the top with glaze made from one egg and powdered sugar, or simply pour honey over it. Sunday lunch is ready!

Private educational institution

“Boarding school No. 25 of secondary general education

Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways"

Sunday lunch for the whole family


Shpakova Maria

Kibok Sophia

Barakhtenko Anastasia

Volkorezova Ksenia

Besednova Elizaveta

Imatova Elizaveta

Shargunova Diana

Head: Gabitova I.G.



Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ................3
1. Main part................................................... ........................................................ ....4
1.1 Research................................................... ........................................................ ...4
1.2 History of famous soups.................................................... ................................5
1.3 Technological sequence for preparing fish soup................8
1.4 Technology for preparing second courses………………………………….10
1.5 Technological sequence of cooking potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat.................................................... ......................................eleven
Preparing dessert......................................................... ...................................13
Table setting................................................... .............................................14

1.8 Rules of behavior at the table…………………………………………….14
1.9 Economic assessment of lunch.................................................... ...........................16
Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ .........17
Literature................................................. ........................................................ ..........18


We want to learn how to cook a variety of dishes to please our loved ones. On Sundays, every family, if possible, tries to have dinner together. Dinner with the family is the most enjoyable time. Finally, the whole family gets together and communicates!


Learn to cook a variety of dishes and treat your family.


    Create a menu

    Study the technology of preparing meat and poultry dishes

    Study the technology of preparing first courses

    Study the calorie content of dishes and products

    Learn table manners.


When preparing for a family dinner, the hostess should consider:

1. Who and how many people will attend the dinner?

2. Determine which products are missing and buy them in addition.

Our team consists of 7 people. For lessons you need to buy all the products and think over the menu.

Calorie is a unit of heat. The body's energy expenditure depends on physical and mental stress. Nutritional standards depend on the intensity of work. A girl needs an average of 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day.

We consulted with the crew members and decided that our menu would be as follows:


The history of famous soups

We found on the Internet the history of world famous soups.

Spanish Gazpacho.

Gazpacho is a cold soup. A dish of Spanish cuisine. Soup made from grated or pureed raw vegetables, especially tomatoes. In addition to these, gazpacho includes olive oil and garlic, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, vinegar, or lemon juice, salt, and spices and bread can be added.

French onion.

The recipe for French onion soup, which we know now, appeared in France in the 17th century, and included other products in addition to onions, but the secret of the soup lay in the correct processing of the main ingredient. Properly sautéed onions will make the soup truly flavorful. The highlight of this dish is that when the onion is completely cooked, white wine is added to it, which gives the soup an aroma and a special taste.

According to a famous French legend, onion soup was once prepared by Louis XV himself. The king was hunting and was forced to spend the night in a hunting lodge. At night, Louis XV became hungry, but apart from onions, butter and champagne, the king could not find other products in the entire house. At the request of the king, all the listed ingredients were mixed, and it was then that the first French onion soup appeared, prepared by the monarch himself.

Onion soup recipe:

Onions - 800 g;

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;

Butter - 50 g;

Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

White bread - 300 g;

Dry white wine - 200 ml;

Meat broth - 2 l;

Hard cheese - 200 g;

Salt, pepper - to taste.


There is a humorous gastronomic rule among foreign tourists: in order not to die of hunger in Russia, it is enough to know one word - solyanka. Many centuries ago, when there was not even a tomato in Russia, peasants cooked this soup. The solyanka necessarily contained brine, fatty meat and vegetables from the garden.Due to its richness and fat content, hodgepodge perfectly satisfied hunger. However, this soup could not be found on the tables of the upper class, so the original name of the soup - selyanka - came from the word “village”.


Like solyanka, this soup was one of the oldest in Rus', and it was cooked long before the official appearance of liquid hot dishes in our country (17th century). Rassolnik was almost 100% prepared from cucumber brine with the addition of pickles, which is how it got its name. The remaining ingredients of the soup (pearl barley, carrots) were also accessible and simple, which made it a frequent guest on the tables of ordinary peasants.

Russian soup

Russian ukha is quite simple to prepare in terms of the number of ingredients: there are only three of them - fish, carrots and potatoes. However, it takes a long time to cook it, and you also need the right cooking container. You can cook fish soup only in special non-oxidizing dishes (enamel or clay), but under no circumstances in aluminum or cast iron. Another important difference between fish soup and ordinary fish soup is the use of fresh fish. It should also be remembered that it cannot be cooked from any fish.The most common types of fish used to prepare fish soup are carp, perch, crucian carp and pike perch. Ukha tastes best when cooked over an open fire without a lid.

Technological sequence for preparing fish soup.


    Onion - 1 head

    Carrots - 1 pc.

    Potatoes - 4 pcs.

    Salt to taste

    Pepper to taste

    Bay leaf

    Canned food "Saury" - 1 can

    Rice - 2 tablespoons

    Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, add the carrots a little later. Fry the onion until golden brown.

    Add potatoes to boiling water and after 5-10 minutes add fried onions and carrots.

    When the soup is almost ready, add saury without oil.

    Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Requirements for the quality of the dish.

    The soup should be tasty and aromatic.

    Products are cut equally.

    The broth should be transparent.

    It is better to under-salt the soup than to over-salt it.

    The taste and smell of the soup corresponds to the products from which it is prepared.

    Before serving the soup, sprinkle with herbs.

    Served in a tureen.

Second course preparation technology

Second courses are dishes that are served after the first and according to the main products they are:





    From cereals

    From pasta



Meat contains proteins, fats and minerals. To prepare meat dishes, beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry and offal are used.

On the Internet we learned the meanings of the concepts:

Beefsteak is a fried piece of meat.

Rump steak is a dish in the form of a piece of beef beaten and fried in breadcrumbs.

Schnitzel is a thin chop or chopped round cutlet.

Entrecote is a cutlet made from the intercostal part of beef.

Langet is a type of cutlet made from an oblong piece of meat (tenderloin).

Escalope is a thin cut piece of meat pulp, round in shape, fried without breading.

Goulash is a dish made from pieces of meat in sauce.

Beef Stroganoff is a dish made from small pieces of meat in sauce.

We decided to prepare a poultry dish.

The poultry goes on sale pre-processed, chilled and frozen. You can buy both whole gutted carcasses and semi-finished products: fillets, breasts, thighs, drumsticks. Side dishes of potatoes and cereals complement poultry dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetable side dishes are enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Technological sequence of cooking potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat


Chicken wings or legs - depending on the number of servings, 2 ingredients per serving.

    Potatoes - depending on the number of servings, 1 ingredient per serving.



    Garlic – 3 cloves



    Parchment paper or mat

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese.

Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces.

Mix cheese, garlic and mayonnaise.

Marinate the wings and potatoes in salt and pepper.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and place potatoes and wings. Spread the sauce on top of the wings.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and gradually increase the temperature.

To find out if the chicken is ready, pierce it with a knife; if colorless juice runs out, then the chicken is ready, you can pull it out.

Preparing dessert


  • Kiwi-2 pcs.

    Banana-2 pcs.

    Sour cream-200g


    Ready cakes


Cooking method:

    Place bananas with kiwi in the order you like.

    Then decorate and grate chocolate on top.

Table setting

When setting the dinner table, two plates are placed: first a shallow one, and on top of that a deep plate for soup. The plates are placed close to the edge of the table. The cutlery is laid out near the plate. On the right side you need to place a knife and a soup spoon, on the left - a fork. The spoon and fork should be positioned with the concave side down. The utensils for hot dishes are located closer to the plate.

Table manners

    Use each utensil for its intended purpose (for example, what can be eaten with a fork, eat with a fork).

    Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.

    Ndon't use a spoon, don'tIf you drink tea or coffee, it is only needed to stir sugar or cream.

    Don't leave the spoon in the cup.

    Do not spit out the bones from the compote on the saucer, bring the spoon directly to your mouth and spit the bone into it, and then place it on the plate.

    Don't bite the bread, but break off slices and put them in your mouth

    Do not cut meat into large pieces

    Do not handle the bird with your hands, use a fork and knife.

    Remove fish bones with a fork.

    Spaghetti is eaten with a forkAfter wrapping them twice around, you can cut them with a knife on a plate.

    Don't start eating before your owner

    Watch your posture -Sit comfortably, straighten your back, place your hands on the table, keep your elbows to yourself.

    Don't reach across the table.Ask someone who is closer to tell you what interests you

    Don't talk with your mouth full.

    Ndo not smack, squelch or slurpfrom pleasure, even if you really like the food.

    Eat calmly and measuredly.

    Don't interrupt the speaker.

    Not nstraighten your makeup and hair at the table.

    Don't be distracted by your cell phone at the table.

    ZSorry first, yeahIf for some reason you need to leave the table.

    NDo not leave the table for a long time.

The location of the devices also plays an important role:

Onion - 1 pc.

Carrots - 1 pc.

Potatoes - 4 pcs.

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Bay leaf

Canned food "Saury" - 1 can

Rice - 2 tablespoons

Vegetable oil for frying

100 rubles

Potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat

    Potatoes – 7 pcs.

    Cheese – 200g

    Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons

    Garlic – 3 cloves

    Salt to taste

    Pepper to taste

300 rubles

Sponge cake with banana and kiwi.

    Kiwi-2 pcs.

    Banana-2 pcs.

    Sour cream-200g


    Cakes - ready


250 rubles


650 rubles

Economic evaluation of lunch


We learned to cook a variety of dishes that were healthy for us. We learned the technology of cooking fish and meat. We studied the table setting.

Private educational institution
“Boarding school No. 25 of secondary general education
Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways"
Sunday lunch for the whole family
Shpakova Maria
Kibok Sophia
Barakhtenko Anastasia
Volkorezova Ksenia
Besednova Elizaveta
Imatova Elizaveta
Shargunova Diana
Head: Gabitova I.G.
Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ................31. Main part................................................ ........................................................ ..41.1 Research.................................................... ........................................................ .....41.2 History of famous soups.................................... ....................................51.3 Technological sequence for preparing fish soup....... .....81.4 Technology for preparing second courses………………………………….101.5 Technological sequence for preparing potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat............. ........................................................ .............111.6 Preparing dessert.................................... ................................................131.7 Table setting................................................... .............................................14
1.8 Rules of behavior at the table…………………………………………….141.9 Economic assessment of lunch...................... ........................................................ .16Conclusion................................................... ........................................................ ..........17Literature.................................................... ........................................................ ....................18
We want to learn how to cook a variety of dishes to please our loved ones. On Sundays, every family, if possible, tries to have dinner together. Dinner with the family is the most enjoyable time. Finally, the whole family gets together and communicates!
Learn to cook a variety of dishes and treat your family.
Create a menu
Study the technology of preparing meat and poultry dishes
Study the technology of preparing first courses
Study the calorie content of dishes and products
Learn table manners.
When preparing for a family dinner, the hostess should consider:
1. Who and how many people will attend the dinner?
2. Determine which products are missing and buy them in addition.
Our team consists of 7 people. For lessons you need to buy all the products and think over the menu.
We also decided to calculate the calorie content of the dishes.
Calorie is a unit of heat. The body's energy expenditure depends on physical and mental stress. Nutritional standards depend on the intensity of work. A girl needs an average of 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day.
We consulted with the crew members and decided that our menu would be as follows:
No. Name of dish proteins fats carbohydrates Calorie content per 100g
1 Canned fish soup 2.4 3.4 3.3 52
2 Potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat 20.9 15 12.9 300
3 Sponge cake with banana and kiwi 5.4 15 49 350
4 Tea 0 0 0 0
total 28.7 33.4 65.2 702
The history of famous soups
We found on the Internet the history of world famous soups.
Spanish Gazpacho.
Gazpacho is a cold soup. A dish of Spanish cuisine. Soup made from grated or pureed raw vegetables, especially tomatoes. In addition to these, gazpacho includes olive oil and garlic, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, vinegar, or lemon juice, salt, and spices and bread can be added.
French onion.
The recipe for French onion soup, which we know now, appeared in France in the 17th century, and included other products in addition to onions, but the secret of the soup lay in the correct processing of the main ingredient. Properly sautéed onions will make the soup truly flavorful. The highlight of this dish is that when the onion is completely cooked, white wine is added to it, which gives the soup an aroma and a special taste.
According to a famous French legend, onion soup was once prepared by Louis XV himself. The king was hunting and was forced to spend the night in a hunting lodge. At night, Louis XV became hungry, but apart from onions, butter and champagne, the king could not find other products in the entire house. At the request of the king, all the listed ingredients were mixed, and it was then that the first French onion soup appeared, prepared by the monarch himself.
Onion soup recipe:
- onions - 800 g;
- vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
- butter - 50 g;
- wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
- sugar - 1 tsp;
- white bread - 300 g;
- dry white wine - 200 ml;
-meat broth - 2 l;
- hard cheese - 200 g;
- salt, pepper - to taste.
1796415285686500There is a humorous gastronomic rule among foreign tourists: in order not to die of hunger in Russia, it is enough to know one word - solyanka. Many centuries ago, when there was not even a tomato in Russia, peasants cooked this soup. The solyanka necessarily contained brine, fatty meat and vegetables from the garden. Due to its richness and fat content, hodgepodge perfectly satisfied hunger. However, this soup could not be found on the tables of the upper class, so the original name of the soup - selyanka - came from the word “village”.
Like solyanka, this soup was one of the oldest in Rus', and it was cooked long before the official appearance of liquid hot dishes in our country (17th century). Rassolnik was almost 100% prepared from cucumber brine with the addition of pickles, which is how it got its name. The remaining ingredients of the soup (pearl barley, carrots) were also accessible and simple, which made it a frequent guest on the tables of ordinary peasants.
Russian soup
Russian ukha is quite simple to prepare in terms of the number of ingredients: there are only three of them - fish, carrots and potatoes. However, it takes a long time to cook it, and you also need the right cooking container. You can cook fish soup only in special non-oxidizing dishes (enamel or clay), but under no circumstances in aluminum or cast iron. Another important difference between fish soup and ordinary fish soup is the use of fresh fish. It should also be remembered that it cannot be cooked from any fish. The most common types of fish used to prepare fish soup are carp, perch, crucian carp and pike perch. Ukha tastes best when cooked over an open fire without a lid.
Technological sequence for preparing fish soup.
Onion - 1 head
Carrots - 1 pc.
Potatoes - 4 pcs.
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Bay leaf
Canned food "Saury" - 1 can
Rice - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Wash potatoes and carrots.
336423017970500Cut the potatoes into cubes.
Grate the carrots.
Peel and chop the onion.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, add the carrots a little later. Fry the onion until golden brown.
Add potatoes to boiling water and after 5-10 minutes add fried onions and carrots.
When the soup is almost ready, add saury without oil.
Salt, pepper, spices to taste.
Requirements for the quality of the dish.
The soup should be tasty and aromatic.
Products are cut equally.
The broth should be transparent.
It is better to under-salt the soup than to over-salt it.
The taste and smell of the soup corresponds to the products from which it is prepared.
Before serving the soup, sprinkle with herbs.
Served in a tureen.
Second course preparation technology
Second courses are dishes that are served after the first and according to the main products they are:
From cereals
From pasta
Meat contains proteins, fats and minerals. To prepare meat dishes, beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry and offal are used.
On the Internet we learned the meanings of the concepts:
Beefsteak is a fried piece of meat.
Rump steak is a dish in the form of a piece of beef beaten and fried in breadcrumbs.
Schnitzel is a thin chop or chopped round cutlet.
Entrecote is a cutlet made from the intercostal part of beef.
Langet is a type of cutlet made from an oblong piece of meat (tenderloin).
Escalope is a thin cut piece of meat pulp, round in shape, fried without breading.
Goulash is a dish made from pieces of meat in sauce.
Beef Stroganoff is a dish made from small pieces of meat in sauce.
We decided to prepare a poultry dish.
The poultry goes on sale pre-processed, chilled and frozen. You can buy both whole gutted carcasses and semi-finished products: fillets, breasts, thighs, drumsticks. Side dishes of potatoes and cereals complement poultry dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetable side dishes are enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Technological sequence of cooking potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat
Chicken wings or legs - depending on the number of servings, 2 ingredients per serving.
Potatoes - depending on the number of servings, 1 ingredient per serving.
Garlic – 3 cloves
Parchment paper or mat
Cooking method:
36633152730500Grate the cheese.
Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces.
Mix cheese, garlic and mayonnaise.
81534041783000 Marinate the wings and potatoes in salt and pepper.
81534068834000 Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and place potatoes with wings. Spread the sauce on top of the wings.
170116569913500 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and gradually increase the temperature.
To find out if the chicken is ready, pierce it with a knife; if colorless juice runs out, then the chicken is ready, you can pull it out.
Preparing dessert
Kiwi-2 pcs.
Banana-2 pcs.
Sour cream-200g
Ready cakes
Cooking method:
353949029337000Peel and cut the kiwi into circles.
Slice the banana and grate the chocolate.
Beat sour cream with sugar
98234541592500 Grease the cakes with sour cream and sugar.
Place bananas with kiwi in the order you like.
Then decorate and grate chocolate on top.
Table setting
When setting the dinner table, two plates are placed: first a shallow one, and on top of that a deep plate for soup. The plates are placed close to the edge of the table. The cutlery is laid out near the plate. On the right side you need to place a knife and a soup spoon, on the left - a fork. The spoon and fork should be positioned with the concave side down. The utensils for hot dishes are located closer to the plate.
Table manners
Use each utensil for its intended purpose (for example, what can be eaten with a fork, eat with a fork).
Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.
Do not use a spoon if you drink tea or coffee; it is only needed for stirring sugar or cream.
Don't leave the spoon in the cup.
Do not spit out the bones from the compote on the saucer, bring the spoon directly to your mouth and spit the bone into it, and then place it on the plate.
Don't bite the bread, but break off slices and put them in your mouth
Do not cut meat into large pieces
Do not handle the bird with your hands, use a fork and knife.
Remove fish bones with a fork.
Spaghetti is eaten with a fork, wrapped around twice, you can cut it with a knife on a plate.
Don't start eating before your owner
Watch your posture - sit comfortably, straighten your back, place your hands on the table, keep your elbows to yourself.
Don't reach across the table. Ask someone who is closer to tell you what interests you
Don't talk with your mouth full.
Don't smack, slurp or slurp with pleasure, even if you really like the food.
Eat calmly and measuredly.
Don't interrupt the speaker.
Maintain an even tone of voice.
Do not fix your makeup or hair at the table.
Don't be distracted by your cell phone at the table.
Apologize in advance if for some reason you need to leave the table.
Don't be away from the table for too long.
139636528638500The location of the instruments also plays an important role:
No. Name of dish Product/Quantity Price
1 Canned fish soup Onion - 1 pc.
Carrots - 1 pc.
Potatoes - 4 pcs.
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Bay leaf
Canned food "Saury" - 1 can
Rice - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil for frying 100 rubles
2 Potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat Potatoes – 7 pcs.
Cheese – 200g
Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons
Garlic – 3 cloves
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste 300 rubles
3 Sponge cake with banana and kiwi. Kiwi-2 pcs.
Banana-2 pcs.
Sour cream-200g
Cakes - ready
Chocolate 250 rubles
total 650 rubles
Economic evaluation of lunch
We learned to cook a variety of dishes that were healthy for us. We learned the technology of cooking fish and meat. We studied the table setting.
