At what temperature to bake crucian carp in the oven. Cooking crucian carp using the oven. Crucian carp in the oven: recipe with potatoes and mayonnaise

It is not a noble fish, but due to its prevalence it is a frequent guest in the kitchen. The fish often lives in ponds overgrown with algae, having a peculiar taste and smell of mud. This often confuses inexperienced housewives who fear that baked fish may turn out tasteless. Meanwhile, crucian carp cooked in the oven with various spices can delight even sophisticated gourmets.

This ancient recipe contains a minimum of ingredients, but modern cooks supplement it with tomatoes, fried onions, lemon slices, herbs, cheese or breadcrumbs. Once you have mastered the basic recipe, you can experiment.

One of Chekhov's heroes advised using dairy products to cook fish. One of the best embodiments of the advice was the most tender crucian carp in sour cream. Sour cream effectively eliminates the swampy smell, while simultaneously making the fish softer and fattier. For this recipe, it is better to take a medium-sized fish - the size of a man’s palm, the so-called “palm fish”:

  • 6 pcs. crucian carp;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • salt, pepper, flour.

Fish freed from scales, entrails, fins, tails and gills should be washed. To better eliminate the smell of mud, you can soak it in salted water for several hours, although small crucian carp should not yet acquire an unpleasant odor. Then you need:

  1. Dry the carcasses slightly using soft paper.
  2. Rub with salt and pepper on all sides and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Dip the carcasses in flour and fry in a frying pan for 2 minutes on each side to obtain a crust. At the same time, leave ¼ of the oil to grease the mold.
  4. Place lightly fried crucian carp in a mold (sleeve, foil, baking sheet), spread sour cream on top. If it is not fatty enough, add a few pieces of butter.
  5. Bake in an oven heated to 220 degrees. First, the sour cream should boil, then after 25 minutes a beautiful golden crust will form.

Baked crucian carp is laid out on a dish and sprinkled with herbs. For garnish you can use grilled vegetables, potatoes in any form, rice.

Crucian carp baked in foil

Ready-made crucian carp can be served directly in a foil dish, placing it on a flat plate or carefully transferring it to a plate along with vegetables and pouring the resulting juice on top.

Whole baked fish always delights with its delicate taste, and with the addition of onions and herbs it becomes simply incomparable. For this recipe you will need:

  • 2-3 crucian carp;
  • 1 onion;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • lemon slices;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt, spices - per taste.

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. Cleaned, washed and dried, as in the previous recipe, the fish should be rubbed with salt, seasonings and allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Fry the onion half rings until golden, coarsely chop the dill and stuff the carcasses with it.
  3. Combine mayonnaise with garlic passed through a press and coat the outside of the crucian carp with it.
  4. Place the foil on a baking sheet, then the fish, and a piece of lemon cut into 4 pieces on it.
  5. Wrap the foil. Do the same with the rest of the carcasses.
  6. Bake the crucian carp in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Serve with fresh vegetable salad and herbs.

You can also bake crucian carp in foil on a vegetable bed, for which you will need:

  • 2 medium-sized fish carcasses;
  • 1 young zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • tomato;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Rub the cleaned and gutted carcasses with spices and salt and let stand for 15 minutes. Cut carrots, tomatoes and zucchini into thin slices. Make rectangular shapes from foil with sides the size of the fish, grease the inside with oil and put in each a layer of zucchini, a layer of carrots, a carcass of crucian carcass, plastic tomatoes on top, sprinkle with vegetable oil and cover with foil, tightly sealing the edges. Bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, then remove the top foil and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes until the fish is browned.

Crucian carp in the oven with potatoes

Crucian carp with vegetables in the oven is a great option for a family lunch or dinner. The good thing about this recipe is that the side dish is prepared at the same time as the fish.

For this dish you need to prepare:

  • 3 pcs. fresh crucian carp;
  • 0.8-1 kg of potatoes;
  • 170 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. spices for fish;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Prepared as in the previous recipe, rub the carcasses with salt, sprinkle with a small amount of lemon juice and leave for 10 minutes. Mix mayonnaise with garlic and spices, grate ½ of the mixture into the crucian carp. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and mix with the remaining sauce.

Place crucian carp on a greased baking sheet and potatoes around the edges. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes until the potatoes are ready.

The dish should be served hot, with sprigs of dill or parsley.

Stuffed crucian carp, baked in the oven

It is better to serve the fish hot, although it will also be delicious in a cold dish.

Stuffed crucian carp are prepared in the oven quickly and easily. You will only have to tinker with cutting - freeing the carcasses from scales, gills, and entrails (the head, tail and fins are left in this recipe). Gutting should be done carefully so that bile does not leak out - then the meat will taste bitter. The gutted fish is thoroughly washed, dried, cut crosswise on both sides, rubbed with salt, stuffed:

  • boiled rice or buckwheat with mushrooms and onions;
  • grated carrots, onions and boiled eggs;
  • squid with cheese;
  • various vegetables;
  • herbs, cheese and walnuts;
  • greens with lemon;
  • processed cheese and boiled egg;
  • fried sauerkraut with onions.

There are a lot of filling options. Besides them, you can invent something of your own. To prepare crucian carp stuffed with buckwheat and mushrooms, you will need:

  • 1 crucian carp (0.5 kg);
  • ½ tbsp. buckwheat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 pieces. fresh or frozen mushrooms;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. sour cream or 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2 pinches of dried herbs.

First, the fish is freed from scales - if you pour boiling water over it and immediately dip it in cold water, the scales can be removed by hand. The fins are cut off, the abdomen is cut, the entrails and black film are removed. The crucian carp is washed, cut from the sides, rubbed with salt and coated inside and outside with a mixture of mayonnaise (sour cream) with garlic and herbs (1 tablespoon of the mixture is left).

Buckwheat is cooked until cooked, but it should remain crumbly - when baked it will reach the desired consistency. Fry onions with mushrooms and mix with porridge, salt and pepper so that the filling is not bland. Mushrooms can be replaced with smoked bacon.

The crucian carp is stuffed with the resulting minced meat, the belly is secured with toothpicks, placed on a baking sheet greased with oil, and the remaining mayonnaise is coated on top. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

How to cook whole crucian carp in the oven

You can serve the dish on its own or with a side dish of potatoes or other vegetables.

To prepare you will need to take:

  • 4 things. small crucian carp;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • half a lemon;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • ½ tsp. wasabi powder;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Chop the garlic with a knife and squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix wasabi, soy sauce, garlic, pepper and lemon juice. Prepared as in previous recipes, cut the carcasses on the sides and lower them with the marinade, stir, and leave for 1 hour.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment greased with vegetable oil. Place the carcasses on it, add salt, spread with butter, place in an oven heated to 190 degrees for 45 minutes until a beautiful crust is obtained. If the crucian carp starts to darken and dry out on top, you need to reduce the temperature to 160 degrees.

Crucian carp in the oven without bones

The distance between the cuts can be 5 mm, but usually it is 2-4 cm, depending on the size of the carcass.

To prevent small bones from being felt, they are cut through with a knife - side cuts are made in the carcasses to the depth of the large bones extending from the ridge.

In order to bake boneless crucian carp in the oven you need to prepare:

  • 1 kg of fish;
  • 1 large onion;
  • green onions - optional;
  • medium carrot;
  • 400 ml sour cream;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • flour - for breading;
  • lean oil - for frying;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

For carcasses prepared as in previous recipes, you need to cut off the tail and make side cuts. Season the fish with salt and spices and leave for 25 minutes.

Fry onion in half rings and coarsely grated carrots in a frying pan with added oil. Then fry the carcasses until golden and place them in a deep frying pan or mold, top with vegetables and pour sour cream over everything. In an oven heated to 190 degrees, the dish is cooked for 20-22 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the garlic, passed through a press.

How to bake large crucian carp

If you have a large fish, then it is better to bake it with filling, but you can also bake it without it. Then for a kilogram carcass you will need to take:

  • 150 g lard;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • 1 kg of potatoes, 50 g of butter and a bunch of dill - for garnish.

The prepared carcass should be salted, rubbed with spices, and placed in a frying pan, mold or on a baking sheet. Finely chop the lard and sprinkle on the fish. Cover the top loosely with foil and place in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees. Every 7-9 minutes, water the crucian carp with the resulting juice so that it does not become dry. While it is cooking, you can boil the potatoes, put butter in them and sprinkle with chopped dill, stir.

Crucian carp baked in salt

This recipe allows you to prepare dinner with minimal effort. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to worry about the fish being over-salted.


  • medium or large crucian carp - 1 piece;
  • half a lemon;
  • rosemary, parsley or dill - several sprigs;
  • salt - 0.5 kg.


  1. We take fresh crucian carp, weighing half a kilo. We clean the scales, remove the gills and gut the fish. To remove the unpleasant taste, wash the belly from the inside and remove the black film from it.
  2. Place cooked greens and lemon slices into the washed belly.
  3. Pour a third of the salt onto a baking sheet and place the fish on it.
  4. Pour the remaining salt completely over the crucian carp. It is necessary that the fish be completely hidden in it.
  5. Bake the dish in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 40 minutes.
  6. Let the fish cool, then thoroughly remove the salt.

On a note! If you add a little water and egg white to the salt, the consistency will resemble wet snow. In this case, less salt will be needed, since the fish can simply be covered with salted glaze.

Crucian caviar casserole

The dish contains a large amount of protein, with a relatively low calorie content. It doesn't take long to prepare and is great for a light breakfast.

To bake 500 g of caviar you will need the following ingredients:

  • A glass of milk.
  • White bread - 1/4 loaf.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Sunflower or olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Heated butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Red pepper.
  • Parsley.
  • Two onions.
  • Tomato juice - 2/3 cup.


  1. The onion is cut into small rings and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then it is taken out and allowed to cool.
  2. The bread is kneaded in milk, then taken out and squeezed until the milk stops flowing freely.
  3. Onions, caviar and squeezed bread are scrolled in a meat grinder.
  4. Salt the mixture, pour in tomato and lemon juice, pepper, and knead thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste to the resulting mass, add tomato and lemon juice, then mix thoroughly again.
  5. Baking dishes are greased with oil and the caviar mass is applied. To add flavor, you can sprinkle the dish with a thin layer of breadcrumbs. Bake at 170 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

It is better to serve the dish hot, garnished with fresh dill or parsley.

Step 1: prepare the crucian carp.

The most difficult thing about preparing river fish is cleaning it. Therefore, let's look at this process in more detail. First, lay out your crucian carp in front of you and use kitchen scissors to trim off all the fins. Now you should remove the scales. This needs to be done with a knife, and to prevent the fish from slipping out during the process, stick a regular fork into it in the tail area and hold it with one hand. Take a knife in your other hand and remove the scales with it, moving against its growth, that is, from the tail to the head.
Once the crucian carp are scaled, remove the gills by simply cutting them out with the point of a knife. For convenience, you can take a smaller device.
All that remains is to take out all the insides. To do this, use the tip of a knife to make a longitudinal cut in the abdomen, again moving from the tail to the head. Then gut the crucian carp and rinse them with cool running water, inside and out. After cleaning and washing thoroughly, dry the fish with disposable paper towels.
Season the prepared crucian carp with pepper, salt, add other seasonings, rubbing the spices over the entire area of ​​the carcasses, inside and out, and then leave the fish in this form for 20-30 minutes.

Step 2: prepare the onion.

While the crucian carp are marinating in salt and spices, prepare the onions. First, peel the onion and, after rinsing it with cold water, cut into thick half rings.
Heat a little vegetable oil in a clean frying pan and fry the onion half rings in it until light golden brown. Moreover, you need to remove it from the heat as soon as the vegetable begins to change color, otherwise you will fry it too much.

Step 3: prepare the greens.

Rinse fresh herbs with warm running water and cut into very small pieces.

Step 4: prepare garlic with mayonnaise.

Pour a small amount of mayonnaise into a bowl. Peel the garlic cloves and chop them using a special press or simply cut them with a knife. Mix garlic with mayonnaise until smooth.

Step 5: stuff the crucian carp.

Place the crucian carp on sheets of foil, each fish on its own piece. Place fried onions and fresh herbs inside the carcass. On top, coat the fish with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic so that the sauce lays down in an even thick layer. Divide the lemon slices into wedges and place on top of the crucian carp. Fold the foil so that the fish is inside a kind of envelope. In this case, the crucian carp should be separate from each other, and not all in one piece of foil.

Step 6: bake the crucian carp in foil in the oven.

Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees Celsius. Place the crucian carp wrapped in foil on a baking tray and place inside the oven for 30 minutes. During this time, the fish will be perfectly baked inside and out and acquire an amazing aroma. If you want the crucian carp to also be covered with a golden brown crust, after 30 minutes, remove the top layer of foil and send the fish inside the oven for another 7-10 minutes until the desired crust appears.

Step 7: serve the crucian carp baked in foil.

Crucian carp baked in foil is a completely independent dish, so cut it into portions and serve. Of course, you can add some light side dish of boiled or baked potatoes, as well as cabbage salad or assorted fresh vegetables. Sour cream or the same mayonnaise mixed with garlic is suitable as a sauce.
Bon appetit!

Various fresh and dried herbs, such as basil, rosemary, and ground dried garlic, are excellent as a seasoning for crucian carp.

You can bake crucian carp with or without the head.

If you don’t like the smell of river fish, coat it with sour cream, not mayonnaise, and you also need to coat the inside of the crucian carp. You can stew such fish in sour cream, then it will completely lose its smell and taste.

Of course, noble fish is easy to prepare. Especially one with virtually no bones. But experienced housewives can serve any fish in such a way that even a gourmet experienced in various delicacies will ask for more.

Take the same crucian carp. Not everyone takes this bony fish seriously. But if you turn to folklore, you can remember that it was the old man from the famous fairy tale about the goldfish who pulled it out with a net. After all, a goldfish is an ordinary goldfish.

The peculiarity of crucian carp is that they are found mainly in ponds and lakes, and where the shore is overgrown with reeds and the bottom is covered with mud. And if sea fish smells of iodine, then crucian carp has a very specific aroma - the smell of mud. But this does not mean that you need to give up the tasty and tender meat that crucian carp has. Moreover, the specific smell is easily removed by simple pickling.

Marinade filling can be prepared from a mixture of vinegar, herbs and spices. If you don’t like vinegar, take a regular lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice onto the prepared fish carcass. Half an hour of marinating like this and there will be no trace left of the smell of mud.

By the way, not every crucian carp smells like mud, but mostly only golden ones. Silver crucian carp, fortunately, is deprived of this specific smell.

Each housewife fights numerous bones in her own way. There is a method in which numerous transverse cuts are made on the surface of the fish, cutting through the bones. But so that the bones are not felt, the crucian carp needs to be fried very well - until crunchy. But this doesn’t always work in the oven.

Therefore, it is best to leave the fish in its original form. But at the same time, you need to be sure that your household will get real pleasure from picking apart crucian carp piece by piece - in the literal sense of the word. But what delicious fish it turns out!

Read below on how to cook it in the oven.

Crucian carp baked in sour cream with potatoes in the oven


  • fish – 600 g;
  • flour – 30 g;
  • ghee – 45 g;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • medium-sized boiled potatoes – 600 g;
  • pepper;
  • sour cream – 230 g;
  • salt;
  • cheese – 80 g;
  • ground crackers – 30 g;
  • greenery.

Cooking method

  • Clean the crucian carp and gut it. Cut off the head, fins and tail. Wash thoroughly, especially the inside. If the crucian carp are large, cut into pieces.
  • Sprinkle the carcass with salt and pepper. Roll in flour and fry in oil until golden brown.
  • In a separate frying pan, fry a teaspoon of flour, add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix well, bring to a boil. If there are any lumps in the sauce, strain it through a strainer.
  • Pour a little sauce into a mold with high sides and add the fried fish.
  • Place potato tubers around the fish.
  • Pour sour cream sauce over everything. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Place thin pieces of butter on top of the breading.
  • Place in the oven. Bake at 240° until golden brown. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Crucian carp baked with buckwheat porridge in the oven


  • fish – 500 g;
  • flour – 25 g;
  • buckwheat porridge – 400 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • eggs – 1-2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil – 35 g;
  • cheese – 70 g;
  • sour cream – 130 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • greenery.

Cooking method

  • First, cook crumbly buckwheat porridge, season it with butter.
  • Clean and gut the fish. If it is large, then cut into portions.
  • Bread in flour, fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  • Place the fish on the porridge.
  • Cut hard-boiled eggs into slices. Place on fish.
  • Mix sour cream with salt and pepper. Cover the fish with it. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  • Bake in the oven at 220-240° until golden brown. Sprinkle with herbs.

Crucian carp with soy sauce, baked in the oven


  • fish – 600 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • seasoning for fish – 4 g;
  • soy sauce – 25 g;
  • sunflower oil – 40 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method

  • Clean the fish, cut the belly from the anus to the head, and gut it. Do not cut off the head, which means that you must remove the gills, otherwise the fish will turn out bitter. Rinse the carcasses well.
  • Prepare the marinade by mixing soy sauce, half the sunflower oil, chopped garlic, pepper and fish seasoning.
  • Soak the fish in this marinade for one hour.
  • Cover a baking sheet with foil and spray with oil. Place the fish, which is also covered with oil.
  • Place in a well-heated oven and bake until golden brown.

Crucian carp baked with tomato sauce in the oven


  • fish – 600 g;
  • salt;
  • tomato paste – 20 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • coriander – 5 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • sunflower oil – 30 g;
  • pepper;
  • lemon juice or vinegar – 20 g;
  • sugar – 5 g.

Cooking method

  • Clean the fish, gut it and rinse well under running water. If you cook with your head, be sure to remove the gills.
  • Cut the onions and carrots into strips. Chop the garlic with a knife. Mix the vegetables.
  • Mix lemon juice (or vinegar) with tomato paste, sugar, sunflower oil, coriander, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  • Marinate the fish in this mixture, thoroughly coating it on all sides and keeping it in the refrigerator for one hour.
  • Grease the mold with oil and fill with vegetables. Place prepared crucian carp on them.
  • Place in a well-heated oven, bake for 30 minutes until golden brown. Serve in the form.

Crucian carp baked with tomatoes and herbs in the oven


  • fish – 600 g;
  • tomatoes – 250 g;
  • seasoning for fish – 5 g;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml.

Cooking method

  • Mix sunflower oil, lemon juice, fish seasoning and salt (if the seasoning is unsalted).
  • Coat the prepared fish with marinade and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, wash the greens, cut off the thick stems.
  • Cover the pan with foil. Place the fish. Place tomatoes and herbs inside the fish (no need to chop it).
  • Drizzle oil over fish. Place in a well-heated oven and bake until golden brown.

Crucian carp baked in the oven in foil


  • crucian carp – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • sunflower oil – 35 g;
  • carrots – 120 g;
  • seasoning for fish – 5 g.

Cooking method

  • Clean the crucian carp, gut it, wash it. Pour lemon juice and rub with fish seasoning. Leave to marinate for 1 hour.
  • Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into slices.
  • Place onions and carrots on a sheet of foil. Place the fish on top of the vegetables. Place two lemon slices on the fish. Pour in vegetable oil. Close the foil like an envelope.
  • Place the sealed crucian carp on a baking sheet. Place in an oven preheated to 220°. Bake for 15 minutes. Then open the foil and cook until the fish is golden brown for about another 20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped parsley or dill.

Note to the hostess

Very often there are recipes that suggest stuffing crucian carp. Such fish, of course, is tasty, but given the abundance of large and small bones, it is still better to place vegetables nearby. After all, when cutting the finished fish into portions, the bones will definitely end up in the filling. And if the eater does not notice them, he may choke.

Today, there are many recipes for preparing a variety of fish (sea, river, ocean) from the simplest to the most sophisticated and even exclusive. Most housewives prefer to choose the simplest recipes and, accordingly, delicious fish. They focus primarily on the affordable price and satiety of the dish itself. One of the most favorite fish, common among housewives, is crucian carp. It lives in rivers and belongs to the freshwater family. It is famous for its excellent taste if this fish is prepared correctly. The recipe for cooking “crucian carp in the oven” is very popular.

You can give crucian carp a festive look and a pleasant taste by cooking it in the oven

Baked fish

There are many variations of this recipe with different ingredients - vegetables, mayonnaise, garlic, crucian carp, baked in the oven whole or in a sleeve. It's all incredibly delicious! Let's talk in more detail about cooking and how to prepare fish for a meal.

The most important thing is gutting. First you need to remove all the insides (not edible), then wash the fish, after that (based on which recipe is chosen) you should either remove the scales or leave them in place, but there is no need to cut off the head of the crucian carp, as this can negatively affect the taste dishes. Cooking methods include: marinating, stewing, boiling, frying and baking.

It’s very tasty to bake crucian carp in the oven. This recipe is very easy to prepare. First, the fish is prepared in the above manner, then sprinkled with lemon juice, rubbed with salt and sprinkled with spices (garlic, herbs, soy sauce) and placed whole on a baking tray. Housewives ask the question “how long does it take to prepare crucian carp to obtain a bright and rich taste of the dish?” The answer is simple: when baking and frying it takes 20 minutes, for boiling 15 minutes is enough, but stewing takes an hour.

Before any preparation, crucian carp should be properly cut

Other variations of cooking crucian carp

Crucian carp is low-calorie and low-fat, so this fish is ideal to offer to those who are on a diet or have stomach diseases (pancreas and liver). The dietary recipe for preparing this river fish (baking) should be done in a double boiler, slow cooker or in a sleeve. To make it tasty and healthy, you need to bake for about an hour with minimal addition of spices - only salt. Baking with vegetables is allowed, but it’s better not to get carried away with mayonnaise. Cooking in this way preserves all the beneficial properties of the fish and makes it tender and juicy.

Diet option:

  • 2 small crucian carp;
  • 150 ml water;
  • three pinches of salt;
  • 50 g sunflower or olive oil.

To prepare dietary dishes from crucian carp, you should use a multicooker

The fish must be cleaned and gutted, then washed thoroughly and cut into pieces across the ridge. Place everything in a multicooker bowl, add oil, salt and water and cook in the multicooker on the “Cook” program, setting the duration to 20 minutes.

The most common cooking recipe is crucian carp in the oven with vegetables. They are baked together, which gives a special taste to the vegetables, and the vegetables give their aroma and juiciness to the fish.

Crucian carp baked with vegetables

Products needed:

  • 2-3 crucian carp ;
  • vegetables (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower) one fruit at a time;
  • 2-3 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, spices to taste;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

You can bake crucian carp with various vegetables

Gut and clean the fish, rinse thoroughly, and make transverse cuts. Cover the baking sheet with foil, lay out the chopped vegetables and potatoes, put the whole crucian carp on top, sprinkle everything with lemon juice, add garlic, onion, salt and spices. If desired, the finished dish can be seasoned with mayonnaise. This type of cooking takes little time and allows you to enjoy a hearty dish for the whole family.

And, perhaps, the simplest recipe for crucian carp, for lovers of a “crispy crust”.


  • 3 crucian carp;
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • a few pinches of flour (for dredging);
  • oil for frying.

Cooking fish this way is easy. How long does it take? Just 15 minutes. The crucian carp must be cleaned, gutted, cut along the ridge, heads cut off and washed. After this, you need to pepper, salt and roll the fish in flour, then fry in oil and serve with a side dish.

The easiest way to cook fried crucian carp

Unusual recipes for crucian carp

Less common and unusual ways of preparing fish include recipes with various dressings or sauces. They give fish meat its unique taste and aroma. There are many dressings, sour cream, sesame-garlic, mustard-honey, lemon-soy. The widely loved sour cream and cream dressing makes crucian carp meat tender and soft.


  • fish;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • sour cream;
  • greens (preferably dill);
  • butter;
  • cream.

Cooking crucian carp with sour cream makes the meat more tasty

The crucian carp must be cleaned and washed, then rubbed with salt and spices. To eliminate bitterness, rub the fish with vinegar. Mix sour cream, cream, butter, herbs and spices separately and heat in a water bath; you can add flour to thicken.

Another less common dish is fish soup. Since the meat of this freshwater fish is considered the most delicious, the broth is rich and aromatic. Various variations of cooking fish soup are described in many cookbooks; they are simple and uncomplicated. All you need is crucian carp, water, salt, bay leaf and basil. These spices will add flavor to a hot dish.

Secrets of cooking crucian carp

Each dish and product has its own secret or its own zest; when preparing crucian carp, such a unique ingredient is crucian caviar. It is considered a source of vitamins and beneficial microelements. You can simply salt the caviar, you can also fry it, bake it, or make potato pancakes or cutlets from crucian carp caviar. Everything will turn out incredibly tasty if prepared correctly. The main thing is to separate the eggs from the film. There are many ways to do this: they suggest using a grater or a mixer, but the simplest and most reliable is to place the caviar on gauze and lower the gauze bag into water heated to 70 degrees.

Crucian caviar can be used to make cutlets

After separating the eggs, you can pickle the caviar; this delicacy is suitable for daily consumption (as caviar oil, first rub the caviar through a sieve) and as a dish for a festive table (canapés with crucian carp caviar).

  • 0.5 kg of crucian caviar;
  • 1 liter of clean water;
  • 7 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5-7 black peppercorns.

Pour boiling water over the caviar until it turns orange, then mix clean water with salt and pepper and place the caviar in gauze for 40 minutes, then strain the liquid, put it in a container and refrigerate for three days. The product is ready to use!

Caviar can be salted and used for appetizers

Any housewife will not find anything complicated in the recipes for cutlets, casseroles and pancakes (caviar pancakes), ingredients such as chicken eggs, flour, breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs), herbs, salt and oil (butter and vegetable) are used everywhere, and the preparation itself is carried out in the oven or slow cooker, rarely in a frying pan.

We looked at some options for recipes for crucian carp dishes, suitable for different occasions. Which recipe to choose , Only you decide. The most important thing is that each dish should be served individually (without mixing), this will give it sophistication and whet the appetite of guests or family members.

How to bake crucian carp in the oven - about this in the video:

Despite the fact that crucian carp is the most common fish that lives in freshwater, if cooked correctly you will get a rather tasty and appetizing dish. In this article we will tell you how to cook crucian carp in the oven. Two recipes for cooking crucian carp in the oven will be presented, with and without pre-frying. The first recipe, the most common, is sweet crucian carp in sour cream with garlic, the second method of preparation is fried crucian carp baked with onions and mayonnaise.

Recipe No. 1

Crucian carp in sour cream

We suggest baking crucian carp in the oven along with sour cream and garlic. You need to purchase several crucian carp, garlic, sour cream, lemon juice (it can be replaced with vinegar), vegetable oil, salt and onion.


  • Crucian carp – 6 pcs.,
  • Sour cream – 1 glass,
  • Onions – 3 pcs.,
  • Garlic – 3 cloves,
  • Lemon - half
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

So, take the fish, clean it of scales, and then wash it thoroughly. Cut the belly of each crucian carp lengthwise, remove all entrails, gills and fins (although you can leave the fins). To make the dish more tasty, bake the crucian carp whole, without removing the heads.

Everyone knows that the fish is quite bony. To soften the numerous bones, make cuts along the back - this will make the bones softer during baking. You may also encounter an unpleasant odor, as crucian carp smell like mud. To get rid of it, you can pour lemon juice or vinegar on the fish and wash them after 2-3 minutes.

To cook crucian carp in the oven, you will need a deep baking tray. Take vegetable oil and pour it onto a baking sheet, then place the fish in one layer, after salting it. Place the sauteed onion and place it on the crucian carp. Chop the garlic, add it along with salt to the sour cream, mix everything well and pour the resulting sauce over our fish.

Bake the crucian carp for half an hour. Check the readiness of the fish by the appearance of an appetizing crust of sour cream and onions.

Remove the crucian carp from the oven, carefully transfer it to a plate and sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top. That's all! You can serve the dish on the table.

    Recipe No. 2

Fried crucian carp baked with onions and mayonnaise

  • Crucian carp – 6 pcs. (approximately 1.5 kg),
  • Onions – 4 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise – 4-5 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

We clean, gut and rinse the crucian carp thoroughly under running water. I caught one crucian carp with caviar, I put it in its belly and fried it with it.

Sprinkle with salt and place in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil.
Fry on both sides until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes.

Place the crucian carp fried until half cooked on a baking sheet.

Cut the onion into half rings, add a little salt and fry until almost done.
Place the onion on top of the crucian carp, then coat it with mayonnaise.

Set the oven temperature to 180-200 degrees and place the baking sheet with crucian carp for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.

They turn out very tasty, tender - one might say sweet.

I served my crucian carp with a salad of fresh tomatoes, green and onions, dressed with vegetable oil.
It turned out to be a very tasty and at the same time light dinner.

You can also boil potatoes or make mashed potatoes as a side dish.

We thank Svetlana Burova for the recipe and step-by-step photos of preparing crucian carp.

The Recipe Notebook website wishes you bon appetit and a good catch.
