Prepare sea buckthorn jam. How to make sea buckthorn jam for the winter: simple recipes. Features of cooking from frozen berries

1. In our family, making seedless sea buckthorn jam at home has become traditional. Moreover, one day it helped a lot. So, this berry is beautiful, but contains very hard and large seeds. It is from them that we, first of all, will need to get rid of. This is not entirely easy to do, but I will tell you one secret. Jam should be made from freshly harvested sea buckthorn. Wash the berries and let the water drain, after which you will need to squeeze out the juice. I do this using a juicer.

2. Modern available equipment of this type copes with this task perfectly. Add sugar to sea buckthorn juice. The calculation is as follows: 1.5 kg of sugar per liter of juice.

3. To make jam, it is better to use enamel or stainless steel dishes. Place our mixture on the fire and bring it to a boil. Don't forget to stir constantly and taste the jam periodically. If necessary, add more sugar.

Sea buckthorn jam has a whole list of beneficial properties. In addition, the product has a rich, unique taste. You can eat this sweetness and at the same time treat and improve your health. Among the so popular and favorite sweet preparations for the winter, not a single option can compare with this elixir in terms of its quality, taste and beneficial properties.

Everyone should be aware of the benefits and harms of sea buckthorn jam. Among the beneficial properties of the delicacy, the following can be noted:

  • reducing the percentage of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • excellent prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • effective bowel cleansing;
  • normalization of the intestinal microflora;
  • beneficial effects on liver cells;
  • improving the immune system;
  • antibacterial effect on the oral cavity and mucous membrane;
  • rapid recovery from colds and viral diseases, thanks to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  • cure for stomach ulcers;
  • reduction of high body temperature;
  • the risk of blood clots in blood vessels is reduced;
  • reducing the likelihood of heart attack or stroke;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Sea buckthorn jam can replace an entire first aid kit, especially in winter, when no one is immune from colds and viral diseases.

Nuances of preparation

To make sea buckthorn jam as healthy, aromatic and tasty as possible, you need to know and take into account little cooking tricks. A delicious dessert will be as healthy as possible if you cook it at a temperature no higher than 85 degrees Celsius. That is, it does not need to be boiled. Otherwise, all the vitamins and benefits of sweetness will disappear.

The final result of preparing the delicacy depends not only on how to prepare sea buckthorn jam, but also on what fruits to use for this. Ripe hard fruits are used to make jam with whole berries, and soft berries can be used for jam. They easily turn into mush.

To make the sweet dessert have a beautiful and rich color, bright taste and smell, you can add a small amount of other berries, nuts or honey, pumpkin. This delicacy will not leave even children indifferent.

By the way, the finished jam tastes a little like pineapple. Which makes the taste deeper and more mysterious. Sea buckthorn fruits, as a rule, ripen in mid-summer. However, in order for them to taste sweeter and have a strong aroma, you need to wait until the first frost. It turns out that the time to collect the fruits is no earlier than the end of September, beginning of October.

How to prepare sea buckthorn for jam

Before you begin the process of preparing the delicacy, you need to prepare the fruits. To do this you need:

  • sort through all the fruits;
  • remove twigs, leaves, stalks;
  • discard bruised berries;
  • wash thoroughly to remove dust;
  • place on a towel or paper napkins;
  • Allow the water to drain completely and the fruits to dry.

Regardless of how you prepare the jam, these steps must be followed.

What recipes for sea buckthorn jam are popular?

In cooking, it is customary to constantly experiment, try to combine flavors and fruits. The successful experience of one person quickly spreads and receives universal recognition. Likewise, there is not a single recipe for making sea buckthorn jam.

You can make sea buckthorn jam without cooking, according to the standard recipe, with the addition of pumpkin, honey, and nuts. The fruit itself can be used both with seeds, to make jam with whole berries, and without seeds, to make jam.

Which option is better, each housewife decides for herself. As they say - there is no friend according to taste!

Sea buckthorn recipe for the winter without cooking

The most popular recipes are those without cooking. It is this method that preserves the vitamins and beneficial properties of this wonderful product as much as possible. However, in this case you will need a little more sugar than when cooking. It is this ingredient that acts as a preservative and prevents the delicacy from spoiling. You can prepare a couple of jars of sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking as a medicinal elixir.

You will need:

  1. 800 g berries.
  2. 1000 g sugar.

Pre-cooked fruits must be poured into a saucepan or enamel bowl and covered with sugar.

Mix the mixture well and crush. Let the jam sit for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can occasionally stir and crush to quickly mix the ingredients.

When the sugar has completely melted, the consistency will become transparent and you can pour it into jars. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator.

You can mix berries and sugar using a mixer or blender. This will take much less time. However, the device may be subject to a large load. You should add sugar and sea buckthorn in small parts to the blender, stir, and pour into a large common bowl. All parts of the jam should ultimately be mixed and poured into jars.

It is important to observe the proportions of sea buckthorn with sugar. Because less sugar may not retain the sweetness well enough and it will spoil.

You can only experiment with the amount of sugar if the jam is cooked over a fire. In such cases, you can reduce or add the amount of this ingredient according to your own taste preferences.

Sea buckthorn for the winter with honey without cooking

Sea buckthorn itself is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. However, sea buckthorn jam for the winter with honey and nuts cannot be compared with anything. With this delicacy, sore throats, inflammation of the oral mucosa, colds and viral diseases and coughs are not scary. The main thing is that the dessert is very tasty. Children eat it with pleasure.


  1. 1000 g sea buckthorn;
  2. 600 g sugar;
  3. 200 g;
  4. 200 g crushed and peeled walnuts.

Place peeled and washed berries in a bowl and add 0.5 cups of water. Everything needs to be heated for 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Sea buckthorn should be wiped and pitted. Add sugar to the mixture. Leave the ingredients for an hour to completely dissolve the sugar.

Pre-crushed ones should be added to the mixture and put on fire. Wait for the sweet dessert to boil, cook for 2 minutes and turn off.
Let cool for about 5 minutes. Pour in honey and mix well. Pour the jam into sterile jars and close.

A simple recipe for sea buckthorn jam for the winter

The simplest recipe for sea buckthorn jam for the winter can be considered five minutes. This dessert simmers over a fire for only 5 minutes, which explains its name. Thanks to the short heat treatment time, all the vitamins and nutrients of the product are preserved. The dessert is not very sweet, since it contains less sugar than in recipes without cooking.

You will need:

  • 1000 g sea buckthorn;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • 250 g of water.

First, you should prepare the syrup.
Boil the syrup and remove from heat. Peeled berries should be poured into sweet water and left for 3 hours. Then put it back on the fire. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, without boiling.

The finished dessert is poured into jars while hot and closed.

Sea buckthorn jam can also be prepared with the addition of apples. This jam has a more pleasant and delicate taste. You can take apples and berries both in equal quantities and according to your own desires. As a rule, you need to puree each ingredient separately, then mix and cook for a few minutes. It is better to store in the refrigerator.

Interesting information:

  1. Sea buckthorn in Rus' is also called Siberian pineapple, since the taste of the fruit is reminiscent of pineapple.
  2. The wonderful small orange-hued fruits contain more than 190 nutrients. In another way, small berries are called holy fruits.
  3. Sea buckthorn is mentioned in both ancient Greek scriptures and Tibetan medical texts.
  4. Research conducted in Germany found that sea buckthorn and liver contain equal amounts of vitamin B 12.

The wonderful fruits of sea buckthorn should be in the diet of any person. They are able to protect the body from numerous diseases, strengthen the immune system and provide a supply of nutrients. After all, it was not without reason that sea buckthorn was included in the astronauts’ menu.

Sea buckthorn jam is an affordable and tasty delicacy that is quite easy to prepare and store.

Video recipe for supervitamin sea buckthorn jam

Sea buckthorn jam is the most valuable and useful preparation for the winter in terms of its biochemical composition. By the time they are ripe, berries contain the maximum amount of ascorbic acid. There is a lot of this vitamin not only in fresh berries, but also in their processed products.

Before canning, the berries are cleared of leaves and stalks, and spoiled and softened fruits are removed. Then they wash it in water, let it drain, and let the berries dry.

The beautiful fruits are used to make raw jam without cooking, with or without seeds; the cooking method is also used to prepare such a delicacy.

Raw sea buckthorn jam for the winter with seeds

In its raw form, the preparation turns out to be the most delicious and healthy. What a pleasure it is to drink a cup of tea in the winter cold with delicious crushed berries. And immediately a mood of warmth and comfort is created in the house.

Required: for 1 kg of berries 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar


1. Sea buckthorn berries must be cleaned of all impurities, stalks, washed with water and dried. Cover the clean fruits with sugar and grind them with a blender.

2. The result is a thick puree with seeds containing a lot of sea buckthorn oil.

3. Pour raw sea buckthorn jam into a sterile jar.

4. Place a layer of granulated sugar on top of the jar to prevent mold from forming. Immediately close with a boiled lid.

5. Then fill the second jar.

Enjoy eating!

Sea buckthorn pureed with sugar without seeds

Find out the most natural way to use jam, when there are no seeds.

You will need: for 1 kg of sea buckthorn puree - 0.8-1 kg of sugar.

Action plan

  1. We rub clean and well-washed berries through a sieve. Our task is to remove seeds, skins, and separate juice and pulp.
  2. If the berries are hard and difficult to wipe, then they need to be blanched for 2-3 minutes in hot water.
  3. Mix the resulting puree with sugar and start heating over low heat to 70 degrees C, no more. We need the sugar to dissolve.
  4. Then we transfer the berry mass into clean jars and pasteurize at a temperature of 80 degrees C: half-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

The result is a jelly-like jam that tastes very pleasant.

How to make sea buckthorn jam with seeds

Now let’s prepare a very tasty and healthy sea buckthorn jam. In the winter season, it is dissolved in boiled water, filtered through a sieve from the seeds and drunk as a drink.

Cooking method

1. We clean the berries from debris, stalks, wash them, and let the water drain.

2. Pour 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar into a saucepan with 1 kg of berries. Mix berries with sugar.

If we cook the berries now, we will pour 1/4 of a glass of water. And if you have the opportunity to wait 3 hours, then you don’t need to pour water, because the juice will come out of the berries.

3. Place the pan on the fire; the berries will burst when heated, so cover them with a lid. Stir the contents in the pan so that the berries do not burn.

4. The jam begins to boil and foam forms on it, which will need to be removed. In the case of adding water, cook for 30 minutes, and without adding water, cook for 20-25 minutes.

5. Time has passed and the jam is ready.

6. Place the berry preparation into different sterilized jars.

7. Close the jars with boiled lids. Place the cooled jars on a shelf.

Delicious sea buckthorn jam with pumpkin

Find out the recipe for healthy and easy to prepare delicious sea buckthorn jam. Pumpkin extinguishes the specific smell of sea buckthorn, this is important for those who do not like it.

You will need: for 1 kg of pumpkin - 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries and 700 g of sugar

Action tactics

1. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.

2. Place the missed pumpkin in a saucepan, add 200 ml of water and cook over low heat, stirring. Cook until soft puree forms and turn off the heat.

3. Pass the prepared sea buckthorn berries through a meat grinder.

4. Place the missed berries in a saucepan with pumpkin puree. Add sugar and let sit, stirring occasionally.

5. Then put the pan on the fire, heat it, and bring it to a boil. Boil sea buckthorn and pumpkin jam for 5-7 minutes and pour into jars.

6. Part of the preparation can be placed in a container and frozen to strengthen your immunity in winter.

Video on how to prepare sea buckthorn with honey

Check out the healthiest recipe for preparing sour sea buckthorn berries with honey.

Now autumn is already approaching, everyone is picking berries, because it is impossible to leave them on the tree until there is a steady frost. Collect berries and prepare sea buckthorn jam in any way.

Today I will tell you how to prepare healthy seedless sea buckthorn jam for the winter. Sea buckthorn berries are sour in taste, so it is unlikely that anyone will eat them in this form. Then you can cook aromatic, bright jam, which turns out sweet and not only children will like it.

Sea buckthorn preparations will undoubtedly be useful in winter for preventing vitamin deficiency and boosting immunity. You can make jam with or without seeds. The second option is good because you can cook any baked goods with this preparation and the bones will not get in the way. However, the maximum benefit is concentrated in the black seeds.

In order for sea buckthorn jam to be stored longer, it must be heat treated. There is no need to add acid; there is enough of it in the berries themselves. The container for jam must be disinfected in advance with hot steam and dried. The jam is poured into jars hot. After cooling, it is not too thick and stores well in the cellar.

Ingredients for making sea buckthorn jam

  1. Sea buckthorn – 600 g.
  2. Sugar – 600 g.
  3. Water – 500 ml.

How to prepare seedless sea buckthorn jam for the winter

It is necessary to choose fresh sea buckthorn without damaged berries for jam. Remove green leaves before washing.

Pour the sea buckthorn into a small-mesh ladle and rinse well with water, shake the bowl several times.

Pour the berries into a saucepan and add filtered water. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat. During cooking, you can remove the foam if there is a lot of it.

Then drain the water through a colander into the sink, and leave the boiled berries in the pan. That is, liquid is not needed to cook the main part.

Using an immersion blender, grind the sea buckthorn until smooth. It can be left as is.

Or grind through a sieve to remove seeds and remaining skins.

Pour sugar into sea buckthorn puree. Mix well with a spatula and leave on the table for about 1.5-2 hours.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Collect the foam at the beginning of the boil.

Pour the jam into a sterilized jar, it turns out to be approximately 0.5 liters.

Close with an iron lid and turn the jar over. Cover with a towel and leave overnight.

Sea buckthorn jam has a beautiful amber hue, it is very tasty and aromatic. It is suitable for both cookies and buns as a filling. Bon appetit!

Sea buckthorn has been known to us for its beneficial properties since ancient times. Currently, many recipes are based on yellow berries. Healing decoctions, delicious compotes and other delicacies are made from sea buckthorn. The berries are not difficult to grow and most often grow in the wild. Sea buckthorn is an order of magnitude superior to many berries in its beneficial qualities. Let's look at popular jam recipes.

Classic sea buckthorn jam

  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries (fresh) - 1.2 kg.
  1. Collect sea buckthorn berries and organize preparatory activities when you arrive home. Sort out the raw materials in the usual way and get rid of spoiled fruits. Rinse the sea buckthorn in a colander and wait until it drips.
  2. Place the berries on a sheet and leave to dry for half an hour. After this, the fruits must be placed in a convenient container, pierced each specimen with a needle, add sugar and mix.
  3. Leave the product to infuse for 5-6 hours. Next, you need to place it on the stove, turn on the minimum power and wait for it to boil. When bubbles appear, boil the mixture for literally 5-7 minutes. Close the jam in the classic way.

Frozen sea buckthorn jam

  • filtered water - 0.8 l.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg.
  1. Remove the sea buckthorn from the freezer, sort, rinse and place in a sieve. Wait for all the liquid to drain and at the same time start cooking the syrup. Place purified water in a saucepan on the stove and wait for bubbles to appear.
  2. Add sand, reduce heat, and do not forget to systematically mix the composition. Boil until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. After this, the liquid must be passed through cheesecloth and returned to the stove.
  3. Wait for the syrup to boil. Place the sea buckthorn in a heat-resistant bowl, pour the hot sweet mixture over the berries. Leave it like this for several hours. After the time has passed, the sea buckthorn should be put back on the burner.
  4. Turn on the heat, wait until it boils, then reduce the power to low. Boil for 4-6 minutes, turn off. Pour sea buckthorn jam into sterilized jars and seal with nylon. Keep refrigerated.

Sea buckthorn jam with hawthorn

  • ripe hawthorn - 550 gr.
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • fresh sea buckthorn - 950 gr.
  1. Sort out the raw materials, remove the stalks, and rinse in the standard way with running water. Drain the berries in a colander. Wait until the water has completely drained. After the manipulation, immerse the products in the blender bowl.
  2. Turn the berries into a smooth paste. Next, the finished puree needs to be poured into a metal container. Add sugar and mix ingredients. Place the container with its contents on low heat. Warm up to 80-85 degrees.
  3. After a series of steps, pack the sea buckthorn delicacy into dry jars. Place the glass container with the jam in a pan of hot water. Carry out sterilization in boiling liquid for about a third of an hour.
  4. Please note that the lids must not be tightly closed. After the expiration date, roll up the jars using classical technology. Turn the container over and insulate it. After a day, remove the jam for long-term storage in a suitable place.

  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn (amber) - 1.4 kg.
  1. Prepare the berries in the classic way. Combine sea buckthorn with sugar in a metal pan.
  2. Gently mix the products and leave at room temperature for several hours. After this, transfer the components into the multi-bowl and set the “Stew” program.
  3. The manipulation should take about 1 hour. Open the lid of the household appliance, stir the composition. As a result, you will get a thick mass.
  4. Set the multicooker to any mode at which the delicacy will boil. Skim off foam if necessary. Boil the treat for another 10 minutes. Place the jam into containers in portions and roll up.

Sea buckthorn jam in a bread maker

  • lemon juice (fresh) - 27 ml.
  • sea ​​buckthorn - 0.9 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 975 gr.
  1. Place the prepared sea buckthorn berries on a cloth and dry for a while. After this, move the fruits into a bowl, add sugar, and stir.
  2. Leave the product to infuse for 2-3 hours. Place the container on the fire, pour in 200 ml of water and fresh lemon juice. Boil the mixture until the bulk product is completely dissolved. Do not forget to systematically mix the components.
  3. Pour the prepared mixture into the bread maker bowl. Set the “Jam” mode on your household appliance. Close the lid and wait for the program to complete. Next, the treat needs to be distributed into a sterile container and closed in the classic way.

Sea buckthorn jam with walnuts

  • purified water - 450 ml.
  • sugar - 975 gr.
  • walnuts (shelled) - 225 gr.
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1.1 kg.
  1. Place the shelled walnuts in a coffee grinder. Fill the resulting composition with water and place on the stove. Boil the nuts for about 20-25 minutes. At the same time, prepare the berries.
  2. Grind the washed sea buckthorn with sugar until pureed. After the specified cooking time for the nuts, stir in the berry mixture. Mix the mixture well.
  3. Simmer the food for about 10-12 minutes. Pour the finished treat into a sterile container and roll up the lids. Store indoors with suitable conditions.

Sea buckthorn jam with apples

  • sweet and sour apples - 950 gr.
  • sugar - 2.4 kg.
  • ripe sea buckthorn - 900 gr.
  1. Wash the sea buckthorn and place it on a cloth to dry. Next, grind the berries with half the mass of sand in a convenient container and set aside.
  2. Peel the fruit and remove the middle. Cut the apples into cubes and add sugar. Pour in 120 ml. place water on the stove. As soon as the product boils, simmer for another 8-10 minutes.
  3. Using a press, turn the apples into pulp. Next, you need to add the sea buckthorn mixture to the mass. Mix the ingredients, heat on the burner to 80-83 degrees.
  4. The composition should not boil, otherwise all the beneficial substances will dissolve. The hot mass must be poured into clean jars. Place the container in a pan with boiling water, sterilize the product for a third of an hour, and roll up.

  • fresh sea buckthorn juice - 950 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg.
  1. For preparation you will need freshly picked fruits. Juice can be obtained using a juicer. Place clean berries and start the process.
  2. Use a suitable stainless steel pan. Mix the ingredients in a container and place on the stove. Stir the ingredients until they boil.
  3. Pour the hot treat into glass containers that have been sterilized and roll up the lids. Once cooled, store refrigerated. Do not be alarmed by the delicacy separating, this is normal.

Sea buckthorn jam with pumpkin

  • sea ​​buckthorn (prepared) - 2.9 kg.
  • pumpkin pulp (fresh) - 2.8 kg.
  • orange (large) - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  1. Pass clean, dried berries through a food processor. Fold the gauze in several layers, squeeze out the product, get sea buckthorn juice.
  2. Chop the pumpkin pulp into small pieces. Pour boiling water over the orange, remove the zest, and chop with a blender. Combine the sea buckthorn product with sugar in a saucepan.
  3. Place the container on the fire and wait for bubbles to appear. Then add the citrus peel and pumpkin. The products must be thoroughly mixed and boiled for at least half an hour.
  4. Pay attention to the pumpkin: if it has become transparent and soft, the jam is ready. Roll up the product using classical technology and store in a suitable place.

Sea buckthorn jam with cinnamon and honey

  • freshly ground cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • honey (flower) - 1 l.
  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.1 kg.
  1. Prepare sea buckthorn for cooking, remove stems and damaged fruits. Rinse the berries in a colander, place on a cloth, and wait to dry. Pour the honey into an enamel pan.
  2. Place the container with the contents on the stove, turn on the minimum heat. Bring the mixture to a boil. Carefully monitor the process, constantly stir the mass, otherwise the honey may burn.
  3. Place the berries and ground cinnamon in a common container. Mix the products thoroughly. Boil the mixture until done. The manipulation time will take about 40-50 minutes. After this, roll up the jam and store it in the cold.

  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn (prepared)
  1. Grind the pre-prepared berries through a fine sieve, and you will end up with a homogeneous paste. For similar purposes, you can also use a food processor or blender.
  2. Add sand to the prepared mixture and mix. Transfer ingredients to an enamel-lined saucepan. Send the container fire. Warm up the homogeneous mixture to 70-75 degrees. Boiling in this case is unacceptable.
  3. Pour the future jam into jars, sterilize the glass containers in the classic way. Roll up with nylon. Insulate the jam with a thick cloth. After a day, the jars should be removed to a dark room with a temperature below room temperature.

Sea buckthorn can cope with many diseases; the berries are also used against baldness and for weight loss. Amber fruit jam can be combined with almost any fruit, berries and even vegetables. Delight your household with an unusual treat. Use sea buckthorn jam and improve your health with pleasure. Add the treat to a variety of baked goods and hot drinks.

Video: sea buckthorn jam
