Cooking pike perch caviar at home. How to pickle pike perch caviar, how such a delicacy is useful and how valuable it is. Other caviar dishes


    100–150 g pike perch caviar

    1 onion

    1 bunch of green onions

    1 bunch of lettuce

    2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

    juice of 1 lemon

    Salt - to taste

    Ground black pepper - to taste

How to prepare an appetizer from pike perch caviar:

  1. Scald the purchased pike perch caviar, which is usually kept inside the fish in a film bag, with boiling water, then remove all the films and pour the caviar onto a layer of gauze in a colander. Rinse it well under running cool water. After this, set the caviar aside for 12–15 minutes.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop and place in a serving bowl, pour lemon juice over the caviar and sprinkle with a pinch of black pepper and salt.
  3. Place green salad leaves on a large, flat plate, sprinkle finely chopped onion on top and pour a little oil over the vegetables.
  4. Place caviar on top of all these ingredients. An excellent cold appetizer of pike perch caviar is ready!



    500 g pike perch caviar

    2 medium ripe tomatoes

    2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream

    fresh herbs

    salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook pike perch caviar with tomatoes:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut into thin slices.
  2. Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and fry the tomatoes until golden brown.
  3. In a separate bowl, season the pike perch caviar with salt and pepper and let it steep in the refrigerator for 40–45 minutes. After this time, add pike perch caviar to the same oil in which the tomatoes were fried and also fry until a crust forms (usually from 5 to 8 minutes).
  4. Place the caviar in the center of a serving dish, mix the tomatoes with sour cream and “surround” the caviar with them.
  5. Garnish pike perch caviar with tomatoes with a sprig of herbs.



    200–250 g pike perch caviar

    1 chicken egg

    1 cup wheat flour

    soda on the tip of a knife

    1 drop of vinegar

    2 cups kefir

    1 onion

    pepper and salt - to taste

How to cook pancakes with pike perch caviar:

  1. Peel and grate the onion, separate the caviar from the films, then lightly pepper and salt the ingredients, then lightly fry until pre-cooked without crust.
  2. In a separate deep bowl, break the egg, quench the soda with vinegar and add it to the egg, add flour and kefir. Mix the ingredients well until a smooth and liquid dough forms.
  3. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan for 2 minutes on each side.
  4. When serving on pancakes, place pike perch caviar with onions on top. If desired, decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs.



    200–300 g bread

    150–200 ml milk

    300–400 g pike perch caviar

    ½ onion

    salt and pepper - to taste

    butter for frying

How to cook casserole with pike perch caviar:

  1. Soak the bread in milk for literally 10 minutes, then pass it through a meat grinder and add pike perch caviar to the bread. Chop the onion and place in a container with the rest of the ingredients. Add a little salt and pepper, then mix well.
  2. Grease a casserole dish with butter, place the bread-caviar mixture into it and bake the dish for 18–20 minutes at 180°C.
  3. The original casserole with pike perch caviar is ready!
Another recipe with caviar in our video!

Pike perch is a valuable commercial fish, but pike perch caviar is even more valuable. Recipes for preparing caviar dishes are quite simple, and you can prepare them every day. After all, pike perch caviar is valuable because it contains a minimum of fat and at the same time a huge amount of easily digestible proteins, amino acids and minerals

How to cook pike perch caviar?

How to cook pike perch caviar at home, and what can you cook from it? Unlike sturgeon caviar, which is only salted, pike perch caviar can be prepared in different ways. Depending on the habitat and variety, pike perch come in different sizes. River pike perch weighs on average from 3 to 5 kg, but there are individuals weighing 15 kg, and it is these sizes that determine how much caviar can be obtained from one fish. After all, the eggs are kept in eggs, that is, in film bags. If the individual is large, one roe can weigh about 1 kilogram, and this caviar is easier to pickle. Smaller yastyki, weighing 100–200 grams, are more convenient to fry. The size of the egg does not affect the size and quality of the eggs themselves, and it is purely a matter of ease of preparation. Let's look at the basic recipes, what can you cook from pike perch caviar?

Recipe for salting pike perch caviar at home:

Most often, caviar is salted so that it can then be spread on bread and made into sandwiches. To do this, the caviar should be freed from the membranes (films). In industrial conditions, caviar is ground through a sieve, but at home there is no such equipment. Most housewives combine caviar cleaning and heat treatment. This greatly simplifies the salting of caviar and speeds up the process. Cut each egg with a sharp knife and place the caviar in a deep pan.

In a separate pan, boil water with salt (brine). Depending on the amount of caviar, take enough water to completely cover it. For every liter of water, add two tbsp. l. salt and boil until the salt dissolves.

Pour boiling water over the caviar, cover with a lid and let the caviar steam for 10–15 minutes. After the brine has cooled, stir the caviar vigorously with a fork. You will see how the film will wrap around the fork, and the caviar itself will noticeably lighten.

Drain the caviar into a sieve and rinse with cold water until the water runs clear. If you see film residue, remove it.
Leave the caviar in the sieve for 30 minutes so that the water drains thoroughly and the caviar is not watery.

Try the caviar for salt, literally a couple of caviar. If necessary, salt it with fine “Extra” salt, but don’t get carried away. Pour the caviar into a saucepan and pour in the vegetable oil. For 1 kg of caviar you need about 100 grams of vegetable oil. Place pike perch caviar into clean jars with lids and place them in the refrigerator. The caviar will be ready for consumption in 5–6 hours.

Another recipe for salting pike perch caviar involves subsequent drying. In this case, the joints need to be intact, without damage. The eggs are washed in cool water, sprinkled on all sides with coarse salt and placed in a plastic or glass container. You can spare no salt and generously sprinkle layers of caviar. Then the container with caviar is closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for 7–10 days.

After standing, the caviar is washed in running water to remove salt and dried. Although, you can eat it like that, right in the film.

Fried pike perch caviar

How to fry pike perch caviar in a frying pan if the eggs are small?

There are no special secrets here. There is no need to clean the film, because this small bag keeps the eggs from spreading across the pan.
Wash the eggs, salt them and leave them in a bowl while you prepare the side dish or salad. The caviar needs to be salted a little and lie down for 20-30 minutes.

After this, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat it thoroughly.

Frying breaded caviar gives good results. For breading, you can use flour, breadcrumbs or semolina. Roll each egg in breading and fry them on both sides until a pleasant golden color is obtained.

Pike-perch caviar cutlets

Children find pike perch caviar very useful, but they rarely like salted or fried caviar. You can trick the children a little and make cutlets from pike perch caviar. You can be creative when preparing cutlets. After all, pike perch caviar is quite watery, and, one might say, liquid. For the cutlet to keep its shape, it needs some kind of filler.

Most often, the filler is white bread crumb soaked in milk, but you can add breadcrumbs, starch or boiled pasta. In the latter case, you will not need to prepare a side dish for the cutlets separately.

The first step is to clear the film from the game. Place the caviar in a deep bowl and beat it with a fork or mixer. The film will wrap around the rims, and the caviar will become more uniform.

Salt and add eggs, grated onion and filling (semolina, bread, pasta, etc.) to the caviar. If you like fluffy cutlets, add a pinch of baking soda to the minced meat.

The minced meat will still remain liquid and should be spooned onto a heated frying pan. Fry the cutlets on both sides until cooked through.

For 1 kg of pike perch caviar you need:

  • - 2 eggs;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 100 grams of white bread (and milk for soaking);
  • - 3 tbsp. spoons of semolina or other filler;
  • - salt.
  • If desired, after frying, you can place the cutlets in a deep saucepan, add 50 grams of water, a tablespoon of sour cream and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Cutlets made from pike perch caviar will become more tender and airy.

    Pike-perch caviar fritters

    “Ikryaniki”, or pike perch roe pancakes, are prepared using almost the same recipe as cutlets.

    For "caviar" you need:

  • - 0.5 kg of pike perch caviar;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • - salt.
  • If desired, you can add grated onion, garlic or herbs.

    Pike perch caviar is washed and beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then gradually stir in the eggs and flour and add a little salt.

    The consistency of the “dough” for pancakes is more liquid than for cutlets, but the pancakes are no less tasty.

    Pour small portions of flatbread into a hot frying pan and bake them on both sides until cooked. The readiness of the pancakes is determined visually when they reach a golden color and an amazing smell.

    Pike perch caviar is a product that is difficult to spoil. But to make your dish delicious, read the recipes and cook with us.

    So, the caviar is taken. Not necessarily pike, but any kind. The most delicious
    roach caviar Bream is very good, but you can even make it from caviar
    winter fish, pike perch, rudd caviar is slightly greenish, but also very
    delicious. In short, any caviar, but not carp caviar.
    1. Caviar is placed in a bowl.
    2. With a sharp, fishing knife (with a narrow blade), with frequent movements,
    the ability to cut films better.
    3. Now you need to prepare the brine and bring it to a boil.
    (Brine is a saturated solution of table salt. In cooking, the standard is 100 g.
    salt per 1 liter of water)
    4. Without cooling, pour the brine into the bowl with the caviar.
    5. Mix the caviar as thoroughly as possible with a fork for about three minutes.
    6. Drain the brine, prepare a new one and pour in the caviar again.
    7. And stir again with a fork for two or three minutes. At the same time, some of the films
    will wrap around the plug.
    8. Drain the brine, select small pieces of films that cannot wrap around
    fork. They look like curled up dark lumps. There are surprisingly few of them
    therefore this process is not labor-intensive.
    9. Prepare the brine again and bring to a boil.
    10. Pour brine over the caviar for the third time.
    11. Mix thoroughly again. This time the brine should be light and
    transparent, in any case, much more transparent than with the first two
    12. Now you need to throw the caviar into a fine sieve and let the water drain. This
    The procedure will take 10-15 minutes.
    13. If there is no sieve, the caviar is placed in a thin (3-5 cm) layer on an inclined
    surface, water drains no worse than through a sieve.
    14. Two tablespoons of sunflower oil are poured into a clean liter jar.
    Now you need to fill the jar 75% with caviar, add a heaped teaspoon of salt
    and stir with a fork.
    15. Next, fill the jar with caviar to the top, so that you can pour it on top
    layer of sunflower oil (5 mm).
    16. Close with a plastic lid and let stand for at least 2 hours, or better yet.
    put in the refrigerator overnight.
    The result is crumbly, slightly salted, delicate yellow in color.
    caviar that doesn't smell like fish at all.
    With minimal practice, at home, such preparation does not take
    more than half an hour.
    If there is a lot of caviar, sterilize the jar, spoon, sieve, closed in this way
    caviar can sit on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for months.
    See photo version of the recipe here:…

    - a favorite delicacy of many. Some people like it fried, some add it to fish soup, but most people prefer dishes in the form of pickled caviar. Unfortunately, the cost of the familiar caviar from fish of the salmon or sturgeon family is prohibitively high and few can afford the product.

    In search of an alternative, lovers of caviar dishes are trying to prepare them by using cheap varieties of fish. Today our resource decided to consider the most delicious, but at the same time cheap alternative to sturgeon and salmon caviar. We will talk about pike perch caviar, its benefits for the body and methods of preparation.

    A few words about the composition, value and benefits of pike perch caviar

    Pike perch caviar is a valuable product

    Pike perch is a fish of the perch family, which has healthy and very tasty caviar. At the moment, several species of this fish are known. In our country, Europe and Asia, the following are used for cooking:

    1. common zander;
    2. sea ​​pike perch;
    3. Volga pike perch.

    Any type of fish is not large in size, but can grow up to 15-20 kilograms. Since pike perch is valuable from a fishing point of view, it is not difficult to find fish carcasses or eggs directly. On average, one adult fish during the spawning period contains about 300-700 grams of caviar grains.

    The cost of such a product is low, so absolutely anyone can purchase it. In addition, no one ruled out catching pike perch on their own.

    The caviar of the fish considered has a composition rich in substances, which is distinguished by its considerable usefulness for people. 100 grams of product contains about 90 kilocalories. Mostly they come from proteins and amino acids (17.5 grams per 100), only a small part goes to fats (2 grams per 100). There are no carbohydrates in pike perch caviar. Despite this, fish caviar grains are slightly more valuable than its meat.

    Pike perch caviar cannot be considered equivalent to ordinary red or black caviar. In terms of value, it is weaker, but also boasts the presence of:

    • phosphorus;
    • fish oil;
    • healthy fatty acids;
    • vitamins A, B and E;
    • many mineral and organic compounds.

    Note! Pike perch caviar grains are very useful for the whole body, as they tone it and help increase the level of immunity. The product is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract in that it stabilizes the secretion of gastric acids in the presence of a number of pathologies (ulcers, etc.).

    The consistency of pike perch caviar is watery and has a light beige color. When properly prepared, the product is quite tasty and healthy, which has contributed to its widespread use in cooking. In principle, pike perch caviar can be fried, salted, and added to the same fish soup as a fish additive.

    Pickling recipe

    It’s easy to pickle pike perch caviar

    Judging by the reviews of pike perch caviar lovers, most of them prefer to use the product to prepare a delicious pickle.

    As culinary experts note, a competent approach to preparing such a dish will make fish caviar grains a good alternative to the real delicacy of sturgeon and salmon. By the way, salting caviar is not difficult and even novice cooks can do it.

    On the Internet you can find many interesting and in their own way good pickling recipes. Regarding pike perch caviar, our resource chose the most successful version of the dish, for the preparation of which you will need:

    1. 500 grams of caviar grains;
    2. several liters of boiling water;
    3. 6-7 tablespoons of regular salt;
    4. 2 teaspoons fine-grained salt;
    5. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    By taking the ingredients in the noted proportions, you can prepare about 6-8 servings of the dish and feed a similar number of people.

    The cooking process is as follows:

    • Take caviar shells - film strips with caviar grains, and place them in any pan.
    • Cut each joint with a knife and pour boiling water over it.
    • After this, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the resulting substance, separating the film from the caviar grains. As a rule, problems do not arise at this stage, because the shell of the roe is perfectly separated from the caviar and wound around the fork.
    • Then it is important to make sure that there are no film structures in the caviar substance and strain the caviar grains into a separate container. This can be done using a regular fine-grained strainer.
    • Here the preparatory measures end and the salting stage begins. First of all, a special solution is prepared - brine. To prepare it, just take 1 liter of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of salt to it and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
    • Having prepared the brine, all that remains is to add the previously strained caviar, mix the mixture thoroughly, separate the remaining films and cloudiness and filter again.
    • Manipulations with preparing brine are repeated exactly three times. Often this amount is enough to completely clean the future salted caviar from unnecessary fractions and salt it.

    After the third use of brine, it is important to carefully strain the caviar and exclude the presence of even the slightest amount of liquid in it. Now you need to take any dry and clean dish, pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into it and fill it with cleaned caviar.

    At the final stage, the caviar grains are poured with the remaining oil on top, mixed with fine-grained salt and infused in the refrigerator for about 4-6 hours. All. The caviar is ready and can be used for food.

    Caviar salted in this way is a very tasty dish. You can add “gastronomic delights” to it with finely chopped greens. Perhaps, apart from it, no additional additives are required. You should enjoy the taste of ordinary salted pike perch caviar. It really is very tasty.

    Other caviar dishes

    Pike perch caviar - tasty and healthy

    At the end of today’s article, let’s turn our attention to other dishes made from pike perch caviar. Among the many recipes for its preparation, in addition to salting, frying caviar grains looks very interesting.

    For such a dish, you can take both caviar eggs in film and already peeled grains. What is better is for everyone to decide for themselves. You can fry caviar directly like this:

    • Rinse the product thoroughly.
    • Salt and season it in every possible way.
    • Heat a frying pan previously filled with oil.
    • Treat the caviar with flour.
    • Fry it until bright golden or slightly brownish.
    • The taste of caviar with and without film is slightly different. Some people like one type of dish, some people another.

    The only way to determine which form of pike perch caviar tastes best for you is through experimentation. Don't forget this.

    Advice! You can fry pike perch caviar not only in its pure form, but also in the form of a mass. Many cooks add onions, herbs, and similar products to it. If you want to prepare a mass, then the mixed products should be thoroughly ground or even minced before frying. In this case, the taste of the final dish will be most pronounced and pleasant.

    The third most popular recipe for pike perch caviar is adding it to the fish soup. As a rule, caviar grains are supplemented with fish heads or fins. The general process of preparing “caviar” fish soup is no different from preparing regular fish soup. Except for the moments with the addition of caviar. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this aspect - just enough:

    • Wash the caviar thoroughly and salt it.
    • 10-15 minutes before the final preparation of the fish soup, add caviar grains to the soup.
    • Wait for it to cook and eat it.

    Note that not everyone likes the presence of caviar in the ear. At first, it’s better not to overdo it with the amount and add a little bit. If you really like it, you can resort to adding more caviar grains to the soup.

    This concludes the most interesting information on the topic of today’s article. As you can see, the use of pike perch caviar in cooking is quite extensive. We hope that the presented material helped all readers of our resource understand it.

    This video recipe will help you salt caviar correctly:

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