Recipe 87 pilaf from rice and meat. How to cook crumbly pilaf. Main secrets and tricks

Among the variety of meat dishes, you can find a recipe that will please the tastes of even the most fastidious gourmet. If you want to please your loved ones with something tasty and very healthy, you can cook pilaf. Few dishes can rival it. It will bring pleasure even to people who carefully watch their figure or follow a diet. After all, it is impossible to resist him. Let's consider several options for preparing pilaf with meat.

Homemade pilaf

This recipe is one of the best to cook at home. If you use this recipe, cooking will not require much effort, and the result will please the whole family.


  • long grain rice – 460 gr.,
  • meat - 350 gr.,
  • carrots – 400 gr.,
  • onions – 120 gr.,
  • turmeric – 3 gr.,
  • ground cumin – 5 gr.
  • hot red or sweet pepper – 1 gr.,
  • salt – 20 gr.
  • barberries (berries) are added to taste.


  1. The oil is heated in a cauldron and the meat is added there.
  2. Fry over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat (to medium) and fry for another 10 minutes until the meat is browned and the oil becomes transparent.
  3. It is better to cut the carrots into strips, chop the onion finely and fry it all for 15 minutes over medium heat. Stir occasionally.
  4. The cauldron is removed from the heat, spices and 10 grams are added. salt, meat mixes well.
  5. The washed rice is poured in, after which the resulting mass should be leveled.
  6. Carefully add boiling water until the rice is covered by 10mm, then pour in the remaining salt (10g). It is better to stir the water on top of the rice so that it can be absorbed evenly. In this case, the cauldron is not covered with a lid.
  7. The cauldron is placed on medium heat. It is better to cook the rice until the water is absorbed so that it is not visible in the upper layers of the rice. Then the fire is reduced to a minimum level, and the cauldron is closed with a lid. Pilaf needs to be cooked for 15 minutes.
  8. Turn off the heat, stir the pilaf, cover with a lid. You need to cook it for another 5 minutes.

Royal pilaf with beef

The simplicity of this recipe makes cooking accessible even to a novice cook. And it’s impossible to resist the aroma of pilaf. That is why the dish was called royal.


  • Beef – 500 gr.
  • Lard – 50 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 80 ml.
  • Carrots – 500 gr.
  • Rice – 230 gr.
  • Garlic – 30 gr.
  • Salt – 10 gr.
  • Spices to taste: hops-suneli, cumin, barberry.


  1. We prepare the basis for pilaf - zirvak. It consists of meat, carrots and onions. Once the cauldron is hot, pour oil into it. Onions are placed there, which are brought to a golden hue, then meat and lard. Add carrots - this can be done after 5-7 minutes. Zirvak should be cooked over medium heat for 25 minutes. It is fried for 12 minutes without a lid and stirred. Then spices and salt are added, the cauldron is closed, and the zirvak is stirred from time to time.
  2. Remove lard from the cauldron.
  3. Rinse the rice, then carefully pour it onto the zirvak on top. No need to stir.
  4. Add cold water (just enough to cover the rice). Cover the cauldron with a lid. Cook until tender at low boil. Approximately 10 minutes before readiness, garlic is stuck into the pilaf.

Uzbek pilaf with beef

Pilaf is the national Uzbek dish, so Uzbeks are unsurpassed masters in its preparation. But you can also cook pilaf, which corresponds to the best eastern traditions. It's not that difficult if you follow this recipe.


  • Beef – 500 gr.
  • Onions – 350 gr.
  • Carrots – 350 gr.
  • Rice – 500 gr.
  • Garlic – 20 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 gr.
  • Spices: thyme, cumin, barberry, black pepper (ground) - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. If the meat is too fatty, excess fat is trimmed off so that only a little remains.
  2. Oil is poured into the heated cauldron.
  3. The meat is fried so that it is browned on top but remains juicy on the inside. You can add oil if it is not enough.
  4. Remove the beef from the cauldron and fry the onion in the same oil.
  5. The meat is put back into the cauldron, and then the carrots are poured in. With the lid open, fry the zirvak until the carrots have reduced in size by three times.
  6. Pour hot water (1 cm above the meat level), then pour in the spices and cover the cauldron with a lid. Cook for approximately 2 hours. If the water boils away, it should be topped up.
  7. Salt is added, rice is poured out, boiling water is poured so that it covers the food by 1 cm. Everything is mixed, and salt is added to taste if necessary. The lid is closed and the pilaf is stewed until cooked.
  8. Garlic is added about 7 minutes before cooking.
  9. If necessary, add water to fill the holes so that the integrity of the grain is not compromised at the end of cooking.
  10. After turning off the heat, you need to infuse the pilaf for another 20 minutes, then stir and serve.

Fergana pilaf

This is a classic pilaf recipe that can be called the ultimate in perfection. It is suitable for lovers of improvisation, since unambiguous canons are inappropriate here. But the main components of the recipe should remain unchanged.


  • Beef – 600 gr.
  • Rice – 1 kg.
  • Onion – 500 gr.
  • Carrots – 500 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 500 ml.
  • Salt, spices (red pepper, turmeric, barberry, saffron, cumin) - to taste.


  1. The rice is washed and soaked for about half an hour.
  2. The oil is heated in a cast iron, the onion is added and fried for 7 minutes.
  3. Add the beef, cut into pieces, to the onion and fry everything together for 15 minutes.
  4. Raw carrots, cut into strips, are added, and all this must be cooked for an additional 10 minutes.
  5. All this is salted, filled with water (100 ml), and brought to a boil.
  6. Spices are added.
  7. The lid is closed and the food is stewed for about 2 hours.
  8. The rice is poured out, the surface is leveled, everything is filled with hot water. The top layer must not be disturbed. Then the pilaf is stewed until the rice is ready. Don't forget to add water to fill the holes.
  9. After removing from heat, let the pilaf sit for 15 minutes, then serve.

Pilaf using pork

This pilaf, crumbly and soft, will turn out successful if you follow the sequence of adding the ingredients. It is also important to respect the time intervals in this recipe. In this case, you can easily make delicious pilaf and please your loved ones with a healthy dish. In just an hour and a half you can cook 10 servings of this dish.


  • Pork pulp – 500 gr.
  • Rice (long grain, steamed) – 400 gr.
  • Onion – 400 gr.
  • Carrots – 300 gr.
  • Garlic – 30 gr.
  • Seasonings (bay leaf, turmeric, utskho-suneli) - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. The onion is cut into half rings.
  3. Carrots are cut into thin bars.
  4. Sunflower oil is poured into the cauldron (about 1 cm), the cauldron is heated. Carefully lower the meat. Stir. All this should be done over high heat.
  5. After a golden, slightly noticeable crust appears on the meat, lower the onion into the cauldron and stir.
  6. Carrots are added when the onion becomes soft.
  7. Stir the resulting zirvak periodically. After the carrots become slightly brown, the heat is reduced (to minimum). Flatten the zirvak with a spoon. Then pour the rice on top in an even layer and arrange the garlic.
  8. Pour room temperature water until the rice is covered by 2 centimeters. This should be done with utmost care; you can use a saucer or slotted spoon. Salt, turmeric, utskho-suneli, and bay leaf are added. Then the fire can be made large again.
  9. The next turning point is when the water completely evaporates from the rice surface, and “volcanoes” can be seen in the cauldron. Now turn the fire intensity to minimum. Cook in a cauldron covered with a lid.
  10. After 20 minutes, the gas turns off and the lid of the cauldron can be carefully removed. Stir the pilaf. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, this will allow any excess moisture to escape. Add salt if necessary.

Meat pilaf with the addition of chickpeas

To prepare real pilaf you need rice, carrots, onions and lamb. Adding seasonings to this set guarantees excellent taste. But pilaf is an excellent field for experimentation. For example, Turks are very fond of adding Turkish peas - chickpeas. And once you try a dish prepared according to this recipe, you will understand why they do it.


  • Meat (lamb) – 500 gr.
  • Rice – 600 gr.
  • Onion – 250 gr.
  • Carrots – 600 gr.
  • Chickpeas (Turkish peas) – 150 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Spices - to taste.


  1. The chickpeas are soaked overnight in water. In the morning, the water is drained and the chickpeas are washed. Then the long grain rice is washed (several times). All this is poured with cold water and infused for 2 hours.
  2. The lamb is cut into large pieces and can be dried with a paper towel.
  3. Oil is poured into the cauldron and heated. The meat is fried until a golden brown crust appears on each side.
  4. Peel the carrots and onions. The onion is cut into quarters of rings or cubes. Carrots are cut into small bars or strips. The onion is added to the meat and fried (with stirring) until transparent. After this, carrots are added and the whole thing is fried for another 3 minutes.
  5. Spices and salt are added, water is poured in an amount equal to rice (in this case - 600 ml). Chickpeas are added. Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer the food over medium heat for 25 minutes.
  6. Then the rice is laid out, evenly distributed over the surface, no need to stir. Extinguishing occurs until the liquid boils away, the lid is open.
  7. Cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat to minimum, and cook the pilaf until cooked (about 40 minutes).
  8. Once ready, stir the pilaf lightly with a large spoon so that the rice does not spread.

The dish is served hot.

  • It is better to prepare classic pilaf from lamb, but it can be replaced with any meat, from veal to chicken.
  • It is not necessary to add the spices specified in the recipe. You can replace them with those that you and your family love and cook pilaf with them.

To make the taste of pilaf prepared according to this recipe more intense, it must be wrapped in a blanket and left to stand for 30-60 minutes.

  • You can make delicious pilaf if you use a duck pot instead of a cauldron.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix rice and zirvak during the cooking process, since the classic version involves cooking pilaf over an open fire in a cauldron. Since such conditions are not available, the rice must be stirred so that it can infuse the flavors of the spices and meat.
  • The thickness of the chopped onion can be any, since the onion softens during cooking, and it is almost impossible to find it in cooked pilaf.
  • It is necessary to soak the chickpeas overnight in water (cold), as if you do not do this, they will be too dry and will require too long of cooking.
  • If you also soak the rice in water beforehand, it will cook faster.
  • A cauldron can be replaced by any dish with thick walls. An ordinary saucepan is not suitable, as the pilaf quickly boils over and burns. It's better to cook in a duck pot.
  • If you choose young lamb, it will not have a specific smell. And it will be easier to cook.
Recommended recipes:

The most common recipe for making pilaf at home. Beef or lamb meat, onions and carrots. Proper long grain rice. And of course oriental spices. We lived in Tashkent for several years. In ordinary families, pilaf was prepared this way from available products.


  • beef – 600 g;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • long grain rice – 400 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • vegetable oil – 100 g;
  • zira – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry barberry – 2 teaspoons;
  • coriander seeds, ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon each.

Peel and wash the carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into fairly large strips. Cut the onion into quarters and chop. Wash the garlic thoroughly, remove the husks and roots, but do not separate it into cloves; we will cook it whole. Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into pieces of 60-70 g.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan or frying pan with high sides and heat until smoking appears. Here it is recommended to take a small peeled onion, dip it in oil, fry it, remove it and throw it away. This procedure should infuse the oil with aroma. Don't be greedy and do this operation. Next, put the meat in the oil, fry it until a light brown crust forms, stirring from time to time with a slotted spoon.

Add chopped onions to the meat in a saucepan and fry them. Then add the carrots cut into strips and fry over high heat for about 8-10 minutes. Add cumin, coriander seeds, pepper to the pan and reduce heat. It wouldn’t hurt to add a handful of pre-soaked chickpeas and washed raisins. Add a whole head of garlic.

Pour boiling water into the saucepan so that it completely covers the meat. Add salt to the broth and simmer over low heat under a closed lid for 1 hour. We are preparing zirvak. This is the name for the base for pilaf, consisting of onions, carrots and meat with spices fried and stewed over low heat.

Rinse the rice in several waters until completely transparent. Lay the rice in an even layer over the entire surface of the saucepan, without mixing with the zirvak. Add boiling water to the saucepan so that it covers the rice by 1 centimeter. Cover with a lid, increase heat and let it boil. Then reduce the heat to low and cook without a lid until the liquid is completely absorbed. Then close the saucepan with a lid and cook until done for 20-30 minutes.

The pilaf is ready. All that remains is to serve it beautifully to the table. To do this, place the head of garlic and pieces of meat on a separate plate. Cut the meat into 2 cm pieces.

In Central Asia, where pilaf is a dish of traditional cuisine, and whose recipes we rely on when making it, there are many variations of it, including pilaf with fruit - the so-called “wedding pilaf”. However, it is a favorite dish with meat, and we will try to fully reveal how to make pilaf with meat.

The authentic recipe calls for the use of lamb. This type of meat gives the dish a special aroma and taste, making pilaf unusually tasty, even if it is not prepared according to all the rules. The use of lamb is traditional and due to religious preferences. But if you avoid using lamb for some reason - you don’t like the taste, it’s difficult to purchase a good quality product, you don’t like the overly strong smell, then you can use beef. The taste of the pilaf will change somewhat, but this will not make it worse.

An economical option for preparing good pilaf is to use chicken meat. The aroma of this product is more delicate, which is why chicken meat is valued. This type of meat is inexpensive, it is very nutritious and contains all the necessary substances in the most balanced form. In pilaf it will not be the dominant product due to the lack of a special aroma, however, this dish can be made both tasty and healthy if you follow our recipe on how to make pilaf with meat.

Lamb and beef meat should be fresh and have a pleasant color. When you press the flesh with your finger, the dent should straighten out within 1-2 minutes. The fat present on the product cannot have a pronounced yellow color. Only white color guarantees both its freshness and the small age of the slaughtered animal.

It is recommended to remove the skin from the chicken, and to prepare pilaf, use one type of cutting - either the leg or the breast. This is important because parts of the poultry carcass have different cooking times before being done. If you overdo it, it will be tough, tasteless and will lose the aroma so characteristic of it. In addition, the poultry breast does not contain fatty layers, which negatively affects the quality of the pilaf - it is better to prepare the most tender chicken cutlets or chops from the breast. But the lower part of the carcass is quite suitable for cooking pilaf.

  • Lamb - you can take brisket or another part of the carcass; this type of meat for pilaf is good in any version.
  • Beef - due to the size of the carcass, you should not use meat with bones, as they are too large.
  • Poultry meat - here it is advisable to use chicken or turkey legs.
  • – this most tender and healthy meat will also be appropriate in pilaf.

The use of pork should be excluded - this type of meat is good in other dishes, but it is not suitable for preparing pilaf. Pilaf is a flavorful dish, but pork is too neutral in taste and smell, too fatty, and the texture of the meat is not suitable for pilaf. When frying using the pilaf cooking technology, it is difficult to obtain the necessary crust; further cooking completely neutralizes the taste of the pork, and the pilaf will turn out tasteless.

List of ingredients

Pilaf belongs to the category of dishes in which you can observe the optimal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, microelements, and vitamins. Pilaf is not only satisfying - it does not harm the body, contrary to popular belief about the fat content of the dish. Fat content is regulated by the presence of traditional ingredients - such as dried barberry.

First you should learn how to make pilaf with meat in, after mastering this recipe, it will not be difficult for you to prepare any other dish, which is often called pilaf, but which in the strict sense it is not. Composition of pilaf with meat products:

  • Meat - lamb, beef or poultry, in the amount of 0.5 kilograms.
  • Rice – long, white, often called “Khan”, in the amount of 0.8 kg. Sometimes pilaf is replaced with another filler - for example, chickpeas. This is also a traditional recipe, although less common.
  • Carrots – 2-3 medium-sized pieces.
  • Onions - 2-3 large heads, or 3-4 medium-sized ones.
  • Odorless vegetable oil; the authentic recipe calls for the use of cottonseed oil. However, due to the use of a large amount of fertilizers when growing cotton, it is not recommended for use; it is better to take good quality sunflower oil - in the amount of half a glass. For fatty meats, it is better to limit yourself to 0.3 cups.
  • Zira is a seasoning without which the pilaf will seem unflavoured, in the amount of 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Garlic – a required ingredient, 1 head.
  • Dried breaks down the oil, reduces the calorie content of the dish, and removes excessive cloying.
  • Capsicum - without it, pilaf will never turn out as tasty and aromatic as you expect it to be. In case of intolerance or for use as food for children, you can replace it with less spicy options in the form of pepper powder, or completely eliminate this ingredient.
  • Drinking water - before pouring it must be at boiling point.
  • Salt - to taste.

Each of these products requires special preparation for the dish to be enjoyable.

Food preparation

You should tackle the rice first. Pour it into a bowl, rinse it several times, rubbing it between your palms.

When washing, cold water is used - not warm, not hot - cold. It is very important. This will wash away the flour that coats the rice grains. If this is not done, then when the rice is lowered, it seems to close in a cocoon, not fully revealing its taste and healthy potential. We rinse until the water becomes completely clear, without a hint of the presence of other impurities.

If you are using rice that is not of the highest quality, before washing it must be sorted, removing impurities from the grain and grains that have not been completely collapsed. After washing is completed, the rice must be soaked - this will take about 40 minutes. During this time, we will prepare the remaining products. cut into pieces measuring 2*2 cm. If you like pilaf with larger pieces of meat, then make them at your discretion. After slicing, wash the meat pieces, dry them on a napkin, and set them aside. Let's start preparing vegetables:

  • Peel the carrots and cut into strips. Never use graters for chopping carrots for pilaf - we only use a knife, cut carefully and with love.
  • Peel the onion from the upper scales and cut into half rings. It is advisable not to wash the bulbs - this will remove the special aroma. If it is unacceptable for you to use unwashed products, then after washing, be sure to dry the onions before cutting with a paper towel or cloth napkin.
  • We clean the head with our hands from the upper thin scales, leaving the dense coating of each clove intact. We clean the root base with a knife until the roots and dirt are completely removed.

The preparation of the products is now complete, let’s proceed to the main process.

Pilaf preparation technology

The technology for preparing the classic version of pilaf in a cauldron is as follows:

  • Place the cauldron on the fire.
  • We wait for the dishes to warm up and pour the oil.
  • We wait until the oil gets hot.

Checking that the temperature is sufficient is to lower a product - a small piece or a small onion - into boiling oil. If the product begins to “bounce” in the oil and almost immediately becomes covered with a brown crust, then you can take it out and move on to the next stage. It is traditionally believed that the first product that is dropped into highly heated oil takes on all the “bad” substances. After determining that the oil is sufficiently warm, we lower the meat - our main ingredient. You can’t stir it right away, it should get a crust on the bottom, and only then can it be stirred. If you prepared the oil correctly, you will see that the pieces of meat seem to boil in the oil and become covered with a brown crust. This crust ensures the juiciness of the product during subsequent cooking, retaining moisture inside.

When the meat has finished frying, you need to put the onion in the cauldron - mix everything and wait for it to become soft, caramelize and become sweet. After the onion has settled and become transparent, and the meat has “accepted” the new product, we lower the carrots, hand-cut into strips, into the cauldron. Stir the carrots and wait until the whole mass becomes soft. The products have “accepted” each other, it’s time to put everything out a little. To do this, pour boiling water - a little, a little less than the width of two fingers folded together. Salt - to taste. Let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes, determine the readiness of the meat - if it has become soft, then you can move on to the next stage.

At this stage we received the so-called “zirvak” - a delicious mass of beautiful pieces of meat, stewed onions and carrots.

The same option is possible in the case of cooking in dishes. It is important to remember a few rules:

  • Never use a grater, meat grinder or blender to chop vegetables.
  • First, the meat is fried, then the vegetables are stewed in oil, after which the whole mass is stewed with the addition of water.
  • Rice is not fried, but stewed by adding it to the bulk of the food and water.
  • There is no need to steam the rice until it becomes a viscous porridge - however, this is impossible if you follow the step-by-step instructions.
  • All products must be fresh.

Only in this case will you be able to please yourself and your loved ones with a worthy dish called pilaf, and not just rice porridge with meat.

You can choose your own cooking option, but if you even once try to cook it in a cauldron according to our recipe, you will never call pilaf a dish that contains rice and meat. And all because now you know what real pilaf tastes like. You can watch the video on how to cook pilaf in a slow cooker:

Real pilaf is a combination of aromas, juicy meat, delicious vegetables. Complex dishes present a certain mystery in terms of the implementation of recipes, but at the same time they give cooks many options for imagination.

The ability to cook traditional pilaf with different types of meat will help surprise even the most demanding and picky guests.

How to cook pilaf

There is no single recipe for the right pilaf: even in Uzbekistan it is prepared from several types of meat and often different oils are used to fry the base. There are unbreakable rules, without which the perfect dish will not work.

Important! In real pilaf with meat, all components complement each other, but do not merge into porridge and are distinct in shape and consistency.

A traditional dish does not need to use expensive or difficult to obtain ingredients. Technology is the basis. And if you don’t follow its sequence, the dish will be far from ideal.

Here are 7 nuances that will help you prepare pilaf correctly:

  • pilaf is cooked in a stove or on it using a duck pot, cauldron or other utensils with a thick bottom and walls that ensure uniform heating;
  • the ideal cooking mode is in a fireproof container over an open fire;
  • The starch content in rice provides its stickiness. Cooks choose different varieties, but they must be united by one condition in order for the pilaf to turn out crumbly - a minimum of starch and repeated washing of the grain until a clear liquid;

  • oil should be chosen only without odor - olive oil is suitable only for non-traditional recipes;
  • spices are the basis without which you cannot prepare a real dish;
  • the name of the broth for pilaf in which meat and vegetables are cooked - zirvak (most often this is what these two components are called);
  • The zirvak sets the aroma, taste and consistency of the pilaf; if it fails, the dish will turn into porridge.

An Uzbek dish is prepared from strict proportions of rice, meat and carrots. Reduce and increase the remaining components to taste.

Important! The recipe contains 1 part meat, 1 part rice and 1 part carrots.

In rare cases, pilaf is prepared using 0.8 parts of carrots. In this case, it must be cut into thin bars or cubes.

How long it takes to prepare a dish depends on the meat used and the method chosen. In the oven, baking pilaf will take an average of 40-60 minutes after frying the zirvak. Cook the food on the stove for 20 to 30 minutes. Cooking over fire is the fastest.

Cooked pilaf is served with vegetables and herbs. If this is a non-standard recipe, then you can use sauces. Classic Uzbek pilaf is not recommended to be seasoned with any additional sauces.


The main components of the oriental dish are meat, vegetable oil, carrots, rice and onions. Of the traditional herbs and spices, salt and cumin (cumin) are used in any recipe. But a set of spices for pilaf is real creativity.

You can come up with recipes yourself using combining ingredients, or buy store-bought seasonings “for pilaf”.

When choosing carrots, keep in mind that yellow ones have a sweeter taste: use approximately 30-40% yellow vegetables and 70-60% orange ones. However, this product may not be available in all markets. Try the vegetable before cooking; bitter carrots will ruin the taste of the dish.

Rice selection

Uzbek pilaf traditionally includes devzira rice (dev-zira). This product grows in the Fergana Valley - the “homeland” of the famous dish.

It contains little starch, absorbs a lot of liquids and oils, and is quite hard. However, even with a large amount of fat, the cereal remains crumbly. Instead of devzira, you can use arpa-sholi, koniligi, chungara, dastar-saryk.

Despite the huge number of varieties, many cooks find ordinary Krasnodar or Altai rice no less tasty and suitable for pilaf.

A common problem is that long grain rice remains dry. When cooked correctly, round boils well and does not stick together very much.

Also popular are varieties such as basmati or jasmine; rice “for risotto” or “for paella” is used a little less often.

Meat selection

Traditionally, pilaf is prepared from lamb, but you can use beef, pork, and various parts of chicken.

Advice! When using pork or lamb, fat tail fat is used instead of part of the oil. It gives the pilaf a classic flavor.

If you use beef, then take the meat from the hind leg or shoulder blade. Tenderloin has good flavor. The pork also has a very nice cut, but just as good comes from the neck and ribs with their thin cartilage.

From the lamb carcass, choose the ham or other meaty parts. Shoulder is a leaner meat, but it is also suitable for the given culinary tasks.

A little about spices

Seasonings are necessarily used in pilaf. Zira is amazing because it goes with any type of meat. Chicken, pork, and lamb acquire a spicy aroma and great taste with it.

Saffron, cumin and barberry are used with any type of meat. But not a single chef imposes a ban on the use of additional spices: amazing recipes emerge from experiments.

Remember that too much spice is not always good. Avoid more than 2-3 components of spices if you are preparing such a complex dish for the first time.

Classic pilaf recipe

The main thing that is implied by different options for preparing pilaf is the use of unique sets of spices and different types of meat. There are not many technologies on how to properly cook pilaf according to the classic recipe.

Technologies for preparing pilaf differ in the cutting of carrots and the time of adding onions (before or after meat).

At the same time, the first option is the least preferable: the dish turns out darker, and the onions almost always burn.

Crumbly pilaf with beef

To make pilaf delicious, you don’t have to prepare for the recipe to be very complicated. The main thing in preparing any oriental dish is moderation in spices. An accurate and simple recipe for delicious pilaf begins with the selection of ingredients:

  • 1 kg beef;
  • 900-1000 g of rice;
  • 350-500 g carrots;
  • 250-300 g of onion;
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil;
  • 2 tsp. cumin, 1 tsp. turmeric, 1 tsp. salt;
  • fresh garlic – 2-3 heads;
  • barberry - 1 tbsp. l. optional.

Preparation begins with washing the meat, rice and vegetables. First, wash the starch from the cereal and soak it in warm water for 20-40 minutes. Then wipe the vegetables dry, removing the husks.

The meat is cut into large cubes, the onion is chopped into half rings, the carrots are chopped into cubes or cubes.

Peel the garlic from the top peel and cut off about a quarter. The technology for preparing pilaf in this recipe is as follows:

  • heat vegetable oil in a cauldron;
  • lay out the dried pieces of beef, fry for 5-7 minutes until golden brown;

  • add onion and fry for another 3-4 minutes until it turns golden;

  • add carrots, reduce heat to medium;
  • when the vegetables become soft, add boiling water so that it barely covers the carrots;
  • add garlic and prepared spices, reduce heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes until the beef is soft;
  • The order of adding the components is completed by rice, it is distributed over the zirvak with a spatula without stirring;

  • pour hot water 2 cm above the cereal, bring to a boil over medium heat and evaporate the liquid;
  • when there is no water left, the rice is heaped, the cauldron is covered and left to simmer for another 20 minutes.

After turning off the stove, let the dish sit for 15-25 minutes.

Friable pilaf with chicken

When using pilaf in a chicken recipe, you can deviate a little from the choice of conventional ingredients. This dish cooks faster and turns out very tender.

You can use a minimum of oil and also experiment with seasonings.


  • 500 g chicken (thighs, legs, drumsticks, or in combination with fillet);
  • 400 g rice (you can try basmati);
  • onion and head of garlic;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 70 ml oil;
  • a set of spices - cumin, salt and red or black pepper are required.

Cooking begins by soaking rice in warm water. The remaining components are washed and dried. Cut the onion into half rings and the carrot into thick strips. The meat is chopped into large pieces.
The following technology is standard:

  1. Heat the oil over high heat, as soon as the house appears, add the meat.

  2. Fry the chicken for 4-5 minutes until crusty, then add onions to it.

  3. When the vegetable is browned, add carrots, stir gently, after 4-5 minutes add spices, 400-500 ml of water, add a head of garlic.

  4. Reduce the heat to medium, when the mixture boils, turn it to minimum. Simmer for another 30 minutes covered.

  5. Since the cereal was soaked earlier, and the meat was almost cooked at this point, the rice in pilaf with chicken does not need to be cooked for a long time. It is placed on the finished zirvak and leveled with a spatula.

  6. Add a little more hot water, turn the heat to maximum until the water boils a second time.
  7. As soon as the boiling begins, the power of the slab is reduced. Cook with the lid open.

  8. When the water has evaporated, cover with a lid, turn off the stove and leave the pilaf to brew for 20 minutes.

The garlic is removed before serving, or placed on a plate in the center of the mound to make it look beautiful.

Crumbly pilaf from lamb and pork

To prepare delicious lamb or pork pilaf correctly, you can use the same number of components:

  • 1 kg of meat pulp;
  • 1 kg rice;
  • 800-1000 g carrots;
  • 600 g onions;
  • 3-4 heads of garlic;
  • 1 tsp. cumin;
  • mixture of peppers, turmeric - 1 tsp each;
  • fresh red pepper – 1 pc.;
  • oil – 200 ml;
  • salt and barberry to taste.

You will also need boiling water to extinguish zirvak. 1-1.5 hours before frying the food, soak the rice, rinsing it well with water. Start cooking:

  • carrots are cut into cubes, onions - into cubes, half rings or rings;

  • heat a wok or cauldron with oil;
  • put pieces of meat cut into cubes into it;

  • Soak barberry for 10 minutes, if used;
  • fry lamb or pork over high heat for 5-7 minutes, add onion and fry for another 4 minutes;
  • add carrots to the golden onions and fry over medium heat for 5-6 minutes until soft;

  • prepare the garlic: peel the bottom part, cut the top;

  • add water to the stewed zirvak, 2 tbsp. l. salts, seasonings, and hot peppers;
  • add water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes;

  • lay the swollen rice, leveling it over the zirvak, pour water 1.5 cm above the level of the grain;

  • when the liquid has evaporated, reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and cook the pilaf for another 20 minutes.

Garlic is added to rice, drowned, immediately after sending it to the cauldron. When the water has almost boiled away, you can make small depressions - steam will escape through them better, creating the desired effect. After cooking, leave for another 40 minutes, turning off the heat and wrapping the cauldron with the lid closed in a terry towel.

Homemade crumbly Uzbek pilaf

Uzbeks prepare homemade pilaf from lamb. Recently, residents of the country have been moving away from the canons, but the traditional recipe is made only from this meat. Here is the exact list of components that will be required:

  • 0.6-0.7 kg of meat;
  • 0.6 kg rice;
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • 0.5 kg carrots;
  • head of garlic;
  • 5 tsp. mixtures of black pepper, cumin, paprika. This is a minimal set that can be supplemented with barberry and saffron;
  • 60-70 g of fat tail (lamb), or 150 ml of refined oil.

The traditional recipe uses devzira rice, but in many sources you can find the use of long-grain basmati. In fact, this product turns out to be insufficiently boiled to accept the required consistency. Many cooks note this mistake: even with a large amount of water and fat, the rice remains dry.

Cooking process

To get the right pilaf, you can’t rush when preparing it. The process is divided into 3 stages.

The first is preparing the oil or fat:

  • if fat is used, it is first melted;
  • Kazakh is heated well over high heat on the stove;

  • add fat or oil - carefully, along the wall;
  • the fire is immediately turned to minimum;
  • oil cannot be boiled - it releases carcinogens, and foods in such fat begin to stew rather than fry;
  • when the fat begins to crackle and emit a slight smoke, start frying the meat and vegetables;

  • if fat tail is used, then it is melted down to the cracklings, and then they are immediately removed.

This is the second stage.

Before calcining the dishes, you need to wash the vegetables and meat and cut them.

You cannot chop or finely chop any components for pilaf.

The second stage is the preparation of zirvak:

  • Place not too small pieces of lamb on the bottom of the cauldron, increasing the heat to high;

  • fry the meat until golden brown for 4-5 minutes;
  • towel-dried onion, cut into rings, add to the meat and fry for another 3-4 minutes until golden brown;

  • add carrots to the meat, mix gently and fry for 5 minutes;

  • add 2 tbsp. l. salt – zirvak should be over-salted, since the component is no longer added to the rice;

  • After 5 minutes, add the prepared spices.

Move on to the third stage - you need to cook the rice correctly.

When preparing pilaf, steam is used, not water.

This is the only way that products combine aroma and taste:

As soon as the time is up, turn off the stove and leave it under the closed lid for another 10-15 minutes.

It is important that during the process you use a cauldron lid that fits tightly to the edges.

If the steam escapes too much, the pilaf will not work.

Main secrets and tricks

Here are 6 more useful tricks and secrets that are not included in other recommendations.

With them, the oriental dish will turn out tastier and easier:

  • you need to take more salt than for preparing other dishes - the rice will absorb the excess;
  • You only need to fill the rice with hot water, otherwise it will crack and remain tough;

  • When washing the cereal, rub it in your palms - this will remove the starch from the grains faster;
  • the meat is cut into large pieces - it will fry and become juicy and tasty, the small parts will dry out;

  • real Uzbek pilaf is served, following the advice of the chefs, either on a common platter, pre-mixed, or in portioned plates;
  • but no less interesting is the serving of ordinary pilaf, when rice is laid out first, then carrots and meat.

To avoid cooking mistakes, remember the most important rules: never stir immediately after adding rice, do not allow vegetables to burn, and always rinse the cereal until the water is clear. The dish will remain very flavorful, but it will not be pilaf, but porridge.


A step-by-step video recipe is the best way for a novice cook to get acquainted with an oriental dish.

Real Uzbek pilaf - crumbly, aromatic, moderately hot and spicy - is a complement to the festive table and everyday lunch. If you master all the secrets and subtleties of preparing a classic dish, you can provide yourself with an inexpensive but tasty masterpiece to decorate the table for any occasion.

All the subtleties and tricks of cooking from Stalik Khankishiev live

We present to your attention a dish of the peoples of the Middle East that is stunning in its taste. Our simple step-by-step recipe with photos will help you prepare delicious beef pilaf with fluffy rice and tender pieces of meat according to real Uzbek traditions. Although there are many options for preparing this culinary delight, they all boil down to one principle.

The main ingredient in all cases is rice (but there are exceptions), and the second equally important ingredient is meat or fish. If we talk about the principle of preparing Uzbek pilaf (like any other), then it all comes down to two components: zirvak and cereal. One of these parts is always prepared separately - this is zirvak, and the rice is stewed. It is this combination that gives Uzbek pilaf with beef an unforgettable taste and aroma. No wonder there is an Uzbek proverb that says that a poor man eats pilaf, a rich man eats only pilaf. This dish is perfect in every way!

— Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
— Number of servings: 4 servings
- Utensils you will need: cauldron

Calorie content of beef pilaf

Calorie content and nutritional value of beef pilaf are calculated per 100 grams. ready dish.

Recipe for Uzbek pilaf with beef in a cauldron

Now we will tell you a traditional recipe for Uzbek pilaf with beef in a cauldron, thanks to which you will truly understand all the subtleties of cooking and all the delights of the taste of this dish. Traditionally, Uzbek pilaf is prepared from lamb and lamb fat, but if you don’t have much time and money, we recommend considering the option of using beef. Thanks to this replacement, you will significantly save your time and money, but you will lose a little in the richness of the dish. We recommend trying to prepare a version of pilaf with beef, the dish will turn out very tasty.

Here are some tips that will help you make amazing Uzbek beef pilaf!

— When choosing beef for pilaf, make sure it is fresh. The loin part of the shoulder blade, neck or back part is ideal.

— Carrots should be ripe, but not too juicy. Do not grate it; it will give more flavor and color to the dish if you cut it into strips.

— Rinse the rice in cold water until the drained water from the rice becomes clear. Then the pilaf will be crumbly.

— Do not mix the rice with zirvak, just smooth it out evenly.

How to cook beef pilaf

Let's take a closer look at how to cook beef pilaf and go through all the stages of cooking together.


  • Beef - 500 gr.
  • Long grain rice (parboiled) - 400 gr.
  • Carrots - 350 gr.
  • Onion - 250 gr.
  • Barberry - 1 tsp.
  • Zira - 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric - 1/2 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Garlic
  • Pepper

Step 1

First of all, prepare all the ingredients. Wash and peel the onions and carrots. Now cut the onion into half rings.

Step 2

Cut the beef into larger pieces, so the meat will be more juicy.

Step 3

Carrots need to be cut into strips. Remember, no grater when preparing pilaf!

Step 4

Place the cauldron on the stove, heat the oil well in it and when weak white smoke comes out, add the onions. It needs to be fried until golden brown.

Step 5

Now add the beef meat and fry it for 20 minutes. The meat should be browned.

Step 6

All that remains is to add the carrots that we cut into strips, add a little salt and pepper. Fry for 10 minutes, remembering to stir.

Add seasonings: cumin, turmeric and barberry.

Step 7

Pour boiled hot water over the roast. The water needs to cover the meat. Close the lid and simmer for 30 minutes over medium heat. During this time, the beef should become soft, and the zirvak should be aromatic and rich in taste.

Step 8

Rinse the rice thoroughly and well and add it to the cauldron with zirvak. The broth should cover the rice by 2 cm. If there is less water left, then pour boiling water. Do not stir the rice and add a little salt on top.

Continue cooking until the rice has completely absorbed the top liquid.

Step 9

When the broth has been absorbed, take a spoon and make small holes with the back of it.

Place a head of unpeeled but washed garlic in the middle.

Cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook the pilaf for another 25 minutes.

Check if the beef pilaf is ready; to do this, carefully move the rice aside; if there is no zirvak left at the bottom and the rice is soft, then everything is ready.

Before serving, remove the head of garlic and mix everything well. Fresh vegetables and sauerkraut go well with Uzbek pilaf. Bon appetit!

Pilaf in the oven with beef - a simple recipe

If you want to cook beef pilaf in the oven, then just follow our recipe. The main difference between cooking pilaf in the oven and the classic method is the last few steps.

1. You need to repeat the first 6 steps described a little above. Fry vegetables, beef and add seasoning.

2. Then place the fry in a thick-walled pan or cauldron, and on top, place a layer of washed rice and place an unpeeled head of garlic in the middle.

3. Pour in water so that it covers the rice 1 cm above; if necessary, add a little salt.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the cauldron there without covering with a lid. Cook the pilaf for about 40 minutes.

As a bonus, we offer several more options for preparing beef pilaf. The whole base remains the same as in the classic recipe, just add additional ingredients to the main version and taste it. We hope that you will definitely like something!

Pilaf with raisins is called “Bukhara”; in the village of Bukhara, this dish is prepared exclusively on holidays by special masters. It was from these wonderful places that this recipe came to us. The raisins chosen for such pilaf are quiche-mish, only they will give the pilaf with beef a unique taste and aroma.

We can experiment and choose a different variety of raisins or any other meat rather than beef, in any case we are sure that it will turn out very tasty!

To prepare pilaf with beef and raisins, prepare zirvak and add washed rice. Sprinkle raisins on top.

Cook until cooked, and when the pilaf is ready, turn off the burner, stir the ingredients and leave for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

The recipe for pilaf with beef and chickpeas is practically no different from the Uzbek recipe for traditional pilaf. The highlight of this dish is “chickpeas” - this is the name of Turkish peas, which are difficult to find on the Russian market, but have been used in oriental cuisine for a very long time.

For the amount of ingredients indicated for the classic recipe, we will need 200 grams. chickpeas

— Before you start preparing pilaf, you need to soak the “chickpeas” for 2-3 hours in cold water.

- Then, when you fry the meat, carrots and onions, add chickpeas to them. Continue frying and stirring for a few minutes, then add water and cook the zirvak.

We bring to your attention another option for preparing a popular dish. Now this will be a small recipe for pilaf with beef and mushrooms. To prepare, we will need to add 300 grams of mushrooms to the main ingredients. Familiar champignons work well.

They need to be cut into small pieces and fried along with onions and carrots. Then add the beef and fry everything together. Next, everything is prepared exactly as in the classic pilaf recipe described a little above.

To prepare pilaf with barberry, you need to prepare zirvak according to the classic recipe and add rice to it. Only after this add barberry and cook pilaf with beef until cooked. This simple recipe guarantees amazing taste to your dish and a wonderful family dinner.

Recipe for pilaf with beef and tomato paste

Adding tomato paste to a traditional pilaf recipe will make your dish more tender. We will need to add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste to the main ingredients. The paste must be added after frying the vegetables and beef, simmer a little more over medium heat, and then add water to the fry and cook the zirvak. Next, the pilaf is prepared according to the classic recipe.

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