Romantic dinner for your beloved. How to arrange a romantic dinner for two. Salmon carpaccio

A romantic dinner at home is cheaper than a date at an expensive restaurant. How to arrange a cheap but promising romantic date that ends in sex?

A romantic dinner at home can be much more special than a meal at a restaurant, not to mention much cheaper. If you want to cook a romantic dinner at home, you need to carefully plan the menu and set the mood before your dinner begins. Follow these steps to make your romantic dinner at home special.

1. Menu creation

1.1 Select drinks. If you are planning to have a romantic dinner at home, then the first thing you need to do is have a drink to mark the start of your delicious home-cooked dinner. Wine is the most romantic drink, so if you and your partner drink wine, stock up on a bottle of red or white wine (or other), depending on what you're having. Red wines tend to pair better with steak and other meats, while white wines are better for summer and pair well with lighter foods like shrimp or salads. If you have a casual setting or just like beer, this will work too.

If you plan to drink beer, white wine, or another drink that should be served cold, be sure to put it in the refrigerator in advance.

You should also prepare lemon water. Place a jug of cold water on the table. You don't want to run to the refrigerator for it in the middle of dinner.

1.2 Choose simple snacks. After you've poured the drinks, you need to serve the appetizers. You don't want to spend an hour sipping drinks while waiting for your main course to be ready. While cooking together is fun, you probably won't enjoy it if you're both too hungry. Prepare simple snacks, such as finger foods, to whet your appetite. Here's what you can try:

Prepare bruschetta in advance, but on the same day. All you need is a baguette, garlic, olive oil, onions, tomatoes and a few other simple ingredients.

If you want to make something special, you can make the deviled eggs the day before and serve them while you wait for dinner.

Make ahead or store-bought guacamole and serve with a small bowl of chips.

In the summer, make a simple four-ingredient salad: watermelon, feta cheese, sunflower seeds and mint.

Hummus with pita chips and fresh vegetables are always great.

Although cheese and crackers are traditionally eaten after the main course, you can put them on a plate and serve them as an appetizer. Gouda, brie and fontina go great with crackers.

1.3 Choose your main course. The main course should be simple and not require much preparation, or you should be able to partially prepare it in advance so that it takes you no more than 45 minutes to finish in the evening.

If you're making homemade pizza, have all the ingredients ready and preheat the oven so all you have to do is put the ingredients on the pizza and put it in the oven. Here are a few more dishes for you to consider:

Chicken fried with vegetables is perfect for a romantic dinner at home. Wash, marinate and bread the chicken in advance so that it doesn't take long to prepare later.

Baked salmon with rice and Brussels sprouts is another great option for a homemade dinner.

If you decide to make pasta, instead of spaghetti or fettuccine, choose penne, tortellini, orzo or ravioli, which will be easier to eat.

Don't prepare dishes with too many ingredients or that require a lot of cleanup after cooking. You can make your mom's 12-layer lasagna recipe, but you'll spend all evening fussing and then have a lot of cleanup to do.

Choose aphrodisiac foods to create an even more romantic atmosphere. Such foods include oysters, almonds, basil and asparagus.

Do not use too much onion or garlic during cooking, otherwise you will not feel romantic after dinner. The same goes for fatty and creamy foods, which will leave your stomach feeling heavy.

Avoid foods that are easy to get dirty, such as lobster or French onion soup. If you are making a salad, chop it thoroughly so that the pieces are easy to eat.

Choose a simple main dish that your partner can help prepare, such as chopping celery or tomatoes or preparing a simple salad.

1.4 Choose a simple dessert. If you've done a good job with the wine, appetizers, and main course, you may not have much room in your stomach for dessert. Instead of making an elaborate dessert, simply buy cupcakes from your favorite local bakery or ice cream and serve it with whipped cream and a handful of raspberries and blueberries.

1.5 Have a backup plan. While your romantic dinner at home should go as smoothly as possible, you should have a backup plan in place just in case. This doesn't mean you have to prepare anything else, but it does mean that you should have a plan for what to do if something goes wrong. You can simply keep the menu from your favorite sushi restaurant on hand or put frozen pizza in the freezer. If something happens and you don't have any other products on hand, you're in trouble.

2. Creating a mood

2.1 Determine the location. You can always have dinner in the garden if you have one. This can be very romantic at the right time of year if you have a nice insect-free garden. You can also eat in the kitchen, but then you will be in a rush to clean everything up to make the kitchen look nice. If possible, choose a place where you don't usually eat to make the evening special. If you have a fancy dining table that you never use, now is the time.

2.2 Use beautiful dishes. Perhaps you have a nice set of crystal glasses, pretty plates, napkins and silverware that you never use because they're for special occasions. Now is the time to use them and enjoy the romantic atmosphere they create.

2.3 Choose romantic decorations. Flowers, rose petals and unscented candles work great. There are many options you can use, just use your creativity. Remember that candles are important for a romantic dinner, so light a few and place them near the table. Flowers, such as elegant roses, are almost as important. Both extravagant and simple flowers look good on the table. Just remember that you should be able to see each other across the table. Light jazz or romantic music can also help create a romantic mood, as long as it is not distracting.

2.4 Get dressed. Before you start your romantic dinner, take a shower and apply some perfume or cologne. Dress as you would if going to a restaurant. Wear casual but nice clothes that make you look fresh and attractive. Your partner will appreciate the effort and make the evening even more special. Discuss the dress code with your partner to ensure your clothing is appropriate.

Avoid any distractions. Think things through and avoid distractions so that you and your partner can easily enjoy delicious food and each other's company. If you have children, make arrangements in advance to have a nanny look after them outside the home. Also, turn off your phones, TV and radio and focus only on each other. If an important championship is being shown that day, and you both really love sports, reschedule the date so as not to be distracted. Once you get rid of all distractions, you can enjoy your romantic evening.


Play slow, quiet music that you both enjoy.

Dinner and the table should be ready when your partner arrives.

Dim the lights and light candles before your partner arrives.

Make sure the house smells good.

Make sure your home is at a good temperature.

When your partner gets home, call and make sure everything is okay.

Your home should be clean.

You can have dinner together, have a drink, and then give your partner the opportunity to shower, change clothes, and maybe watch a movie together.

Turn off your phone so that a random call doesn't ruin your mood.

Leave the dinner mess for the next day.

Men are incorrigible romantics who constantly need affection from their women! Women really need to periodically arrange something incredibly sensual for their heroes, and then the spark in the relationship will not fade away!

For example, on Valentine's Day, every woman has a chance to create a romantic dinner for her loved one, capable of igniting a burning flame of passion!

All the details of this event must be thought out in advance so that you can take your mind off the everyday hustle and bustle, work and other troubles. And on Valentine’s Day, the strong half of humanity should not forget about their chosen ones, who are expecting pleasant surprises and gifts.

How to prepare a romantic dinner for your husband

It is worth noting one important point: first of all, complete privacy should be achieved. On February 14, children should be sent to their grandmothers, animals should be sent to neighbors, colleagues and friends should stay away.

We also focus your creative energy on the fact that you can pleasantly please a man (woman) only if, when planning an evening for two, you take into account his (her) tastes and preferences. They should dominate the menu of the proposed dinner, the music, the environment as a whole, the outfit, and other elements.

For example, if your lover is a football fan, be sure to prepare a surprise related to this exciting sport. Lay out a warm green blanket in front of the TV, reminiscent of a lawn, scatter souvenir soccer balls on it, and put chips (preferably homemade) in a spacious glass bowl.

You can also make pizza. As for low-alcohol drinks, the best option is ice-cold beer. Put on the T-shirt of the club he “supports” yourself.

If such an original option does not interest you, we suggest further considering a more classic version, so that a romantic dinner for your loved one at home will be remembered for a long time.

Dinner of two romantics

First of all, you need to take care of the perfect order and do thorough cleaning. You just need to do it in advance so that you look great and radiate energy on the festive evening. Women, do not forget that a charming smile is our main weapon!

To create an intimate and mysterious atmosphere, you should buy thick candles of different heights - after all, they are considered the main symbol of romance. It is also necessary to stock up on incense (lavender or ylang-ylang, although bergamot is also suitable), as well as rose petals. And the reigning twilight will do its job!

It is advisable to pay due attention (the best option is red or snow-white linen) and cutlery.

In the case when a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved at home, he also needs to take care of fresh flowers and place them wherever possible. A table lamp should be placed behind tightly curtained windows. Such unusual lighting will become an unusual imitation of a summer sunset, and this will add its own zest to the prevailing romantic atmosphere.

Musical accompaniment for dinner

A relaxed atmosphere on Valentine's Day is created by quiet instrumental music that does not drown out the speech of coquettishly cooing lovebirds. It should not contain sad motives and consist of measured and calm melodies.

These could be sounds of nature or a saxophone, for example. If you have the opportunity to make a selection of your favorite compositions that evoke pleasant memories of some moments of your relationship, do not be lazy to prepare it.

You can also record two playlists: for dinner and for its continuation. Take advantage of the tonic and stimulating music of the Enigma project and the result of the evening will exceed all your expectations! By the way, it is also possible to watch a movie about love together.

Romantic dinner menu

Now the turn has come to the main component of Valentine's Day - creating a menu for a romantic dinner, which should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Festive dishes are rightfully considered the central element of the surprise. Dishes prepared with love will surely delight your loved one.

That is why you should opt for original salads, which must include aphrodisiac products.

Refreshing salad cocktail with shrimp


  • Avocado – 150 g + -
  • — 50 g + -
  • — 150 g + -
  • - a quarter of the fruit + -
  • - for refueling + -
  • Lettuce leaves - for decoration + -
  • as your loved one likes it + -
  • Red caviar - optional, for decoration + -


  1. Cut the avocado, cherry tomatoes and shrimp into neat pieces.
  2. We combine the listed components, mix evenly, after seasoning with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice. Don't forget about salt.
  3. Serve in glasses with green salad leaves, garnished with red caviar.

Turkey fillet baked in a sleeve


  • Juice of one pomegranate+ -
  • Turkey fillet - 300 g + -
  • - in moderation + -
  • Red wine – 100 ml + -
  • Spices - (thyme, cardamom, cloves) - to taste + -


You can rekindle the flame of love by preparing your next culinary masterpiece.

  1. Place the meat in a spacious bowl, salt it evenly, add spices, and then pour in pomegranate juice and red wine.
  2. After the turkey has stood in the marinade for at least 2 hours, put it in a baking sleeve, pour in the existing liquid and put it in the oven. Cook at 180°C for 50 minutes.
  3. When serving, place the fillet on a flat serving plate (necessarily white), then pour the resulting sauce on top.

For dessert, you can serve pieces of fruit on skewers or chocolate ice cream. If your other half doesn’t like chocolate, then whipped cream with strawberries or other aromatic berries will help out. Don't forget about the main attributes of a romantic dinner. Yes, you read that right, we are talking about strong drinks - champagne or wine.

How to make a romantic dinner memorable

The whole evening should be accompanied by games and erotic flirtations. The ideal version of the game is “French kiss”. To do this, you need to write the parts of the body on pieces of paper and pull them out one by one, and then kiss each other in the places you come across (tummy, lips, cheeks, eyes).

Prepare an assortment of fruits, berries, nuts and various chocolates, cut them into pieces. Blindfold your partner and give him a taste of the “sweets” so that he guesses them. To complicate the exciting entertainment, you should put food on your beloved, and the chosen one will now determine where and what he eats. You need to understand that on this evening any games are welcome and even erotic ones are not forbidden.

You can also diversify them with a light, mesmerizing striptease, belly dancing and similar entertainment. These are such interesting ideas , without a doubt, they will ignite the fire of love in any couple: both with a history of years lived together, and in a union that has recently been formed.

So, the doorbell rings... It's on the doorstep... You look your best: in a sexy transparent dress with a deep neckline and bare back, with beautiful evening makeup, a new hairstyle and a light aroma of delicate perfume.

Having met your loved one, send him straight away for a bath in a fragrant bath, then pamper him with a massage using eucalyptus oil, and then take him to the table.

Don’t be shy to completely liberate yourself this night and then you will know what bliss is! Know that a romantic dinner for your loved one at home is better than even the most luxurious restaurant!

Hello, dear friends and blog readers! Today we’ll talk about how to prepare a romantic dinner at home. A good reason to get to know each other better or renew a relationship, surprise your other half with a pleasant and delicious evening by candlelight.

You don’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day or your birthday; you can celebrate on any day or evening.

How to make a romantic dinner unforgettable? Let's start cooking.

Decorate the room romantically, turn on beautiful music. The color scheme in the room should be biased towards red and pink tones. If this is not possible, set the table with elements of this color. This is the color of love and therefore it is conducive to romance and sincerity.

Be sure to choose a beautiful dress so that you look seductive and mysterious in it. If you meet your loved one in a dressing gown, all the romance will disappear.

Don't turn on the TV, otherwise a romantic evening can smoothly turn into gatherings in front of a blue screen.

The lighting should not be bright, soft and subdued; a few lighted candles will be enough. Choose candles of different sizes; floating candles look beautiful.

If you are planning roses (when a man is preparing the evening), separate a few petals and place them on the table, you can lay out a heart with them, throw some petals into glasses with floating candles.

Let’s say there is a romantic dinner option without flowers, but what if you don’t have the opportunity to buy them that day or for some other reason, or the girl is preparing dinner. Ordinary balloons will help out, inflate the required number of red and pink balloons, write messages to your loved one on them. Heart-shaped gel balls look very impressive.

There shouldn’t be anything superfluous on the table, you don’t need to prepare ten dishes, three, and sometimes two, are enough. Food should be light with a predominance of fruits, berries and vegetables. For the main course, a dish of rabbit or turkey is ideal. Heart-shaped chocolates and marmalade will look good on the table.

It is better to take white plates, beige or red tablecloth, but choose red-pink napkins.

Everything is very simple, these are just standard tips, and you can prepare your own special romantic dinner, and instead of candles there can be just lanterns.

Several options for setting a romantic table - video

We've sorted out the organization of the evening, don't bother, improvise. Just take as a basis: candles, balloons, wine, chocolate and light, but not everyday dishes. And most importantly, a charming smile and a playful mood.

Romantic dessert - fondue

There are a huge variety, but we want something that is easy and easy to prepare. Fondue is ideal for such a dinner.

Fondue means molten, melted, stretchy. This is an invention of the Swiss, a national dish of their cuisine. There are many varieties of fondue: cheese, fish, sweet, etc.

The whole point is that you take a thick-walled, heat-resistant bowl and add the product that needs to be melted (cheese, chocolate, sauce, butter). A saucepan or any other vessel is placed on the fire; in the case of fondue, it can be a small burner or a candle.

The fondue pot is placed in the center of the table (modern fondue pots are very beautiful, comfortable and compact), and guests, using skewers or special forks, dip pieces of bread, meat, vegetables or fruits into the resulting mixture.

Today we will prepare fondue from strawberries and other fruits.

For this we need:

  • 200 gr. fresh strawberries (sold all year round), frozen ones will not work, they won’t stay on the fork, and they won’t look very nice.
  • Bananas, kiwi, pears - you can take any fruit or opt only for strawberries.
  • Sticks or forks for planting berries and fruits.
  • Chocolate 200 grams, dark chocolate.
  • 150 gr. cream
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 50 gr. butter


  1. Break the chocolate into bars and place in a saucepan with milk, melt while stirring.
  2. Add cream, heat further, stirring constantly.
  3. Before boiling, add butter and stir again.
  4. This takes a long time to write, but is done very quickly.
  5. The magic mixture is ready, now all that remains is to cut the strawberries into 2 parts, and cut the fruits not very finely so that they don’t fall off the fork.
  6. Pour the finished chocolate into the fondue pot and turn on the heat. The chocolate will always be warm and soft. And when it’s time for dessert, place this wonderful device in the center of the table, and place forks and fruit next to it. All that remains is to place the strawberry and fruit pieces on a fork and dip them in warm chocolate.
  7. If you don't have a fondue maker, don't worry, this dessert can be prepared in advance. Dip the fruit, let the chocolate harden and place it beautifully in martini glasses or on a beautiful plate - a salad bowl.

That's all, a romantic dinner for two by candlelight is ready. All that remains is to do your makeup, fix your hair and put on a beautiful dress.

Oh yes, I completely forgot about wine, well, it’s a matter of taste... Wine and white will work well, too. Light chilled champagne is also an option; it in itself identifies the holiday.

Video - 2 types of fondue, cheese and chocolate

Make your partner happy, it's worth it.

Are you throwing a holiday dinner for your loved ones? Share your experience, it’s very interesting, maybe we’ll learn something new. Don't be greedy, tell us.

If this article about a romantic dinner was useful to you, share it with your friends and click on the social media buttons. I wish you many years of happiness and love.

Of course it's a candlelight dinner! Therefore, it is worth stocking up on this simple accessory. You can choose simple or scented candles. The latter, depending on the smell, will fill the room with a relaxing or stimulating aroma. Grapefruit, neroli, sage will help your man to cheer up after a tiring day, and rose and lavender will help relieve stress. Incense sticks and essential oils have also been invented for this purpose. It is better to light candles or incense sticks in advance, for example, 20 minutes before your loved one arrives, so that the aroma has time to spread throughout the house. Essential oil gives this effect immediately.

What to cook for a romantic dinner?

You should answer this question while still at the supermarket so that you can definitely find everything, even down to the little things like beautiful skewers for appetizers! First, look at the fruit department and opt for the most famous aphrodisiacs: strawberries, bananas, pineapples, avocados, grapes. In the pastry shop, grab some cream (both whipped and regular) - it will definitely come in handy! To ensure that the dinner lasts longer and the communication does not end in severe intoxication, opt for champagne or light semi-sweet or dry wines. After them, both you and your chosen one will be in a better mood. Seafood, meat and fresh vegetables are a must in your grocery basket.

Recipes for a romantic dinner

In order for the evening to take place, and your loved one to be full of more than just love, you must prepare several dishes, and there should not be too many of them: leave space on the table for rose petals and vases with floating candles. The meat dish should not be heavy and fatty, so that your loved one does not think about sleep after a hearty “lunch” (in our case, dinner). So, let's start preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one!

We suggest starting with the hot dish: while it is cooking, you can make a salad and appetizers. Chicken with honey sauce will not leave your stomach heavy, but at the same time will amaze your loved one with its original taste. Season the cooled breast with salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil on both sides, this will take no more than 10 minutes. Pour a little apple cider vinegar into the juice from the chicken that remains in the pan, heat it, and then add a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey and half a glass of water. 5 minutes is enough for the sauce to thicken properly. The chicken can be cut into portions and poured over the sauce, and then garnished with a sprig of parsley (by the way, a well-known aphrodisiac) and cherry tomato halves.


Ideas for a romantic dinner will perfectly complement hearty salads with seafood. So, for starters - shrimp salad. Fry finely chopped tomatoes and green bell peppers in a frying pan for three minutes, add 300 g of shrimp and wait another 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle cilantro and dill, salt and pepper on top. Salad ready! You can eat it warm or cold - it will be delicious in any form. The second option is a salad with salmon in Norwegian style. Cut the vegetables: tomatoes into slices, cucumbers into slices, and red bell pepper into strips. Mix vegetables with parsley, dill or Chinese salad, place on a plate, and roll a piece of salmon on top into an elegant roll. Lemon slices are suitable as decoration.

And now it’s time for appetizers to replenish your collection of simple and festive recipes for a special dinner. The most delicious and simple ones are canapés with cheese: brie cheese and grapes; tilsiter (or whatever you like best), a couple of olives and a leaf of parsley; two types of cheese separated by cherry tomatoes and olives.

The final chords are played not only by the music (which should be pleasant and relaxing at the beginning and exciting at the end of the dinner), but also by the desserts. Traditional strawberries and cream are very easy to prepare: beat 30% heavy cream fresh from the refrigerator with a blender, adding powdered sugar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 g of cream. Place the thickened cream in a beautiful bowl or wine glass, then a layer of strawberries, then cream again. Ready! Place the fruit beautifully on a plate, perhaps in the shape of a heart. And here you can play: blindfold your loved one and, having dipped the fruit in cream, ask him to guess what it is.

You definitely need to have a romantic dinner for two. If you have never arranged such surprises for your other half, then now is the time to think about it by preparing a romantic menu.

The most important thing in a romantic meal, oddly enough, is not the food, but the surroundings. That is, you, of course, can spend half a day preparing a wonderful dish or a whole parade of delicacies, but you cannot do without some kind of theatrical performance. Otherwise, all your work will go down the drain. You can make a romantic dinner themed: decorate it, for example, in Oriental, Mexican or Indian style. To do this, decorate the room in an appropriate style, not forgetting about candles and flowers, and prepare bright, but not heavy dishes. Oriental cuisine is replete with spices and spices, which are known to be strong aphrodisiacs and will be quite appropriate this evening. It is believed that the more attention is paid to external effects, be it an organza tent over the table or candle runners throughout the house, the simpler the dishes should be. Conversely, a romantic surprise dinner in a garage among car tires must be served to the highest standard: on fine china, and the dishes must be exquisite or exotic. Contrasts are always great.

However, it is quite enough to strew the floors in the apartment with rose petals, put a lot of candles, dim the lights and turn on pleasant music. This, as they say, is a classic. If you decide to go this route, then pay special attention to the dishes you will prepare. A romantic dinner will most likely continue in bed, which means your dishes should be literally packed with aphrodisiacs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to seafood dishes.

Culinary Eden offers you several seafood dishes to choose from. From the suggested recipes, create a romantic menu for your date at the table and don’t forget about light wine. For starters, a few salads.

300 g seafood cocktail,
2 tomatoes
1 avocado,
100 g natural yogurt,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
5 tbsp. balsamic vinegar,
7 pitted olives
greens - to taste.

Boil the seafood cocktail, cool and place in a bowl. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, carefully remove the skin and cut into cubes. Blanch the tomatoes for 1 minute in boiling water, then plunge into ice water, remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Combine yogurt, balsamic vinegar and olive oil and season the resulting sauce with a mixture of seafood, avocado and tomatoes. Place the resulting mixture into glasses, garnish with olives, tomato slices and herbs.

150 g salted salmon,
150 g crab meat,
150 g hard cheese,
4 eggs,
1 fresh cucumber
½ onion,
sauce - natural yogurt, mustard, lemon juice (or mayonnaise, if you prefer).

Divide the boiled eggs into whites and yolks, grate the whites on a coarse grater. Cut the cucumber into strips and squeeze out excess moisture. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the salmon and crab meat into thin strips. Mix yogurt with mustard and lemon juice, salt to taste. Place the salad in layers in transparent glasses, placing a spoonful of sauce on each layer: whites, cucumber, salmon, onion, crab meat, cheese. Decorate the top with mashed yolks and herbs to taste.


1 jar of krill meat,
2 squid carcasses,
100 g crab meat,
1 jar of red caviar,
½ onion,
8 large shrimp for garnish
yogurt sauce (from previous recipe) or mayonnaise.

Boil the squid in boiling salted water, lowering the carcass for 2-3 minutes, then wait until the water boils and lower the next carcass. Cool and cut into strips. Cut the onion into small cubes and soak in a weak vinegar solution for 10-15 minutes. Cut the crab meat into strips, and also cut the whites into strips. Shred the krill meat with a fork. Combine all ingredients and top with yogurt sauce. Place in a salad bowl, place boiled shrimp on top and place a spoonful of caviar in the bend of each shrimp.

Hot dishes for a romantic dinner should be light and at the same time satisfying. Spicy fish dishes in an unusual breading or with an incredible sauce - just what you need!


400 g cod fillet,
2 eggs,
2-4 tbsp. coconut flakes,
2-4 tbsp. breadcrumbs without additives,
2 eggs.

Dry the prepared fillet, season with salt and pepper, dip in beaten egg and roll in a mixture of breadcrumbs and coconut flakes. Fry in hot oil on both sides. Garnish with a salad of fresh vegetables.

600 g red fresh frozen fish,
3 tbsp. oils for frying.
1 protein,
½ cup mineral water,
¾ stack. flour,
salt, pepper - to taste.
2 tbsp liquid honey,
100 g butter,
½ cup chopped walnuts,
1 orange.

Combine mineral water, flour, salt and pepper, mix well and add beaten egg white. Wash the red fish fillet, remove the bones, cut into 2 cm thick pieces and dry. Dip the fish pieces into the batter and fry in vegetable oil. Place on paper towel to remove excess grease. For the sauce, melt the butter, mix with honey, add orange juice and simmer the whole mixture until it becomes caramel-like. Add walnuts minced through a meat grinder. Pour hot sauce over fish and serve.

2 salmon steaks about 2 cm thick,
1 tbsp. olive oil,
1 onion,
1 tsp mustard powder,
½ tsp. dry garlic,
60 g spiced breadcrumbs,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté finely chopped onion and dry garlic. Add salt and pepper and place in a bowl. Add breadcrumbs, mustard powder and mayonnaise to the onions. Mix until a paste-like mass is obtained. Add more mayonnaise if necessary. Place the salmon fillets on a greased baking sheet and brush each piece with the breading mixture, making sure the layer is at least 6mm thick. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

100 g cod fillet,
150 g strawberries,
100 g lettuce,
½ onion,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
1 tsp apple juice,
mustard, ground red pepper, salt - to taste.

Wash the strawberries, peel and cut into slices. Sort the salad, wash, dry and tear into small pieces. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour half the lemon juice over the prepared fish, salt and pepper. Fry the fish pieces on both sides. Combine the remaining lemon juice with 1 tbsp. water, apple juice, mustard and olive oil, add salt and pepper, stir. Place the lettuce, strawberries and onions on a dish, pour over the sauce, and place the fried fish on top.

250 large shrimps,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
1 fresh hot pepper without seeds.
1 clove of garlic,
1 tsp chili powder,
1 tsp paprika,
¼ tsp. cumin,
1 lime,
4-5 tbsp. mayonnaise,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix raw shrimp with oil and ground pepper and fry them in hot vegetable oil on both sides. Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil, garlic, chili, paprika, cumin, lime juice and mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Serve the cooked shrimp with a fresh vegetable salad, crusty bread and hot sauce.

In addition to hot dishes and salads, you can also serve cold appetizers to the table.


300 g fatty smoked salmon fillet or salmon,
60 g butter,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
4 tbsp. heavy cream,
a pinch of nutmeg,
freshly ground black pepper.

Grind the smoked fish fillet using a meat grinder or blender. Beat the butter and add it to the fish. Stir and add lemon juice, cream, nutmeg and pepper to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly and place in a glass vase. Cool in the refrigerator. Serve with crusty bread or crackers.

Curd roll with seafood


200 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
100-150 g wholemeal flour,
3 tbsp. rye bran,
spices and salt - to taste.
200 g shrimp and squid,
100 g corn,
50-80 g brown rice,
2 eggs,
1 carrot,
parsley and onion - to taste,
salt, spices.

Add eggs, flour, bran and spices beaten with salt to the cottage cheese, mix well and knead into a loose dough. Boil the rice until half cooked, add seafood, corn, herbs and a raw egg, stir well, add salt and pepper. Roll out the curd dough, spread out the filling and roll it up. Brush the roll with beaten egg and place in a hot oven for 40 minutes.

A romantic dinner is unthinkable without dessert. You can prepare delicate truffles or a low-calorie dessert. But after a fairly light seafood dinner, delicate chocolate fondants will come in handy. A cup of strong coffee and a piece of airy biscuit will be the finishing touch to your dinner for two.

250 g dark chocolate,
250 g butter,
40 g flour,
50 g sugar,
4 eggs,
4 yolks,
vanillin or cinnamon - to taste.

Melt the butter and chocolate in a water bath. Combine whole eggs and yolks. Pour melted chocolate into the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly (not vice versa!), stir and gradually add flour. Add flavorings, stir and pour mixture into muffin cups. Place the molds in a hot oven for 7-8 minutes. Serve with ice cream and strong coffee.


2 kiwis,
100 g chocolate,
300 ml heavy cream.
Cut the kiwi into pieces. Divide among two bowls. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Whip the cream, combine with chocolate and pour over the kiwi. Garnish with nuts or berries.

Dessert “Twilight of the Gods”
200 g strong coffee,
100 g ice cream,
2-3 tsp. cognac or liqueur.

Divide the ice cream into two glasses, pour in not too hot coffee and add cognac. You can also use liqueur.

Undecided on your choice? Then be sure to take a look at our recipes with photos and you will definitely find a lot of tasty things for yourself there. Try choosing something else to create your romantic menu. Moreover, it doesn’t have to be dinner - an unusual breakfast or lunch can also become something unforgettable. Romance to you and new gastronomic discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina
