Table setting in Italian style. French, Italian and Japanese cuisine features table setting. Italian style

The table, however, should not be cluttered. Dishes are not filled to the brim. Serving sizes vary by age and gender, with more food offered to men and less to older people.

When preparing dishes, it is assumed that any piece can be easily picked up using chopsticks. To do this, remove the bones from the products and cut them into small portions.

The Japanese prefer to use an odd number of dishes, dishes and portions. Five colors can be combined on one plate, which symbolize the flavors that go together (usually the five colors are black (the color of noria seaweed) and brown, green, yellow and red (the colors of fish, vegetables and sauces). White rice is served in glossy dark bowls .

Square plates are placed in a diamond shape and complemented with round bowls. Round-shaped treats are served on square plates or rectangular trays.

When decorating a Japanese-style table, consumers pay attention to details and try to create beautynaturalness and grace. They also follow the principle of seasonality: eat foods when they are the freshest, most tasty and healthy.

They eat from the Japanese table in any order, but it is customary to start with a small lump of rice.

Before starting the meal, a damp oshibori towel is provided to wipe the face. In winter, spring and autumn it should be heated, and in summer it can be cold.

The Japanese eat at a low table standing on a wooden floor covered with a tatami (rug). Instead of chairs, they use zabuton - a flat cushion, sometimes with a wooden back.

Chinese table setting

Chinese serving implies restraint: contrasts, bright and colorful cutlery are not used, the color scheme of dishes is kept in restrained, similar and calm tones. Blue and white colors are often used. The table can be decorated with various masterfully cut products.

Common dishes are placed in the center of the table, and unleavened rice is placed in individual bowls. Each person sitting at the table adds what he liked best from the common dish into his own bowl and eats it, mixed with rice.

Often the table is rotating and then those sitting at it can scroll through it and choose dishes from all those presented behind it.

A Chinese meal takes place in peace, serenity, and quiet, unhurried conversations. Nothing should interrupt the eating process.

Chinese cuisine involves the use of a large number of herbs, seasonings, and spices.

A Chinese meal begins with a cup of aromatic green tea, continues with soft dishes, and ends with liquid dishes, soups, and broths.

The Chinese, like the Japanese, eat with chopsticks.

Italian table setting

Italian serving has its own specific features. The tablecloth can be ordinary, but in Italian national colors: green, white and red. Regular napkins can be the same color (either white or pastel shades). Instead of napkins, you can use straw stands. Water and wine of average quality are served in decanters. Good wine - in an original bottle. Olive oil and vinegar are placed on the table in beautiful vessels. In a large basket there are buns or bread already cut into thick slices, which is not cut at the table, but broken into pieces. In the center of the table is a bouquet of fresh flowers. You can also place a decoration of dry pasta on the table, tied with a ribbon in traditional national colors.

The use of vintage items is encouraged at the Italian table.silver dishes. In noble Italian families, forks were placed with the tines down so that the family coat of arms, which was on the back of the handle, was visible.

Snacks will look very original if they are laid out in the geographical shape of Italy. For example, consumers can cut out the famous Parma ham.

The most popular Italian dish is pasta (various pasta products). The pasta is served on a large platter when the guests are already sitting at the table. Like risotto, pasta is a first course.

Italians consume a lot of tomatoes, basil, and dry wine.

In general, Italians value simple and natural food.

It is worth keeping in mind that superstitious Italians do not pass the salt shaker from hand to hand. And one more thing: ashtrays are not placed on the Italian table.

Hawaiian table setting

Hawaiian table setting is gaining more and more popularity every year. A characteristic feature of its serving is the presence of garlands of leis (flower garlands - beads). You can weave them yourself using threads, fresh flower heads, feathers, leaves, shells, dried flowers, candies, candy wrappers, etc.

The tablecloth and napkins should be bright colors. Instead, if possible, it is better to use banana (or similar) leaves.

You should place a decorative or artificial palm tree in the center of the table. It can also be made from tropical fruits, for example, from pineapples, by cutting out their middle, top and bottom, and attaching them to each other. You can surround such a palm tree with other fruits and cut out pieces of the same pineapples.

For drinks, instead of traditional glasses, you can use coconut halves, decorating them with cocktail umbrellas and straws.

The Hawaiian table is always fun, music, loud conversations accompanied by, in general, simple food.

Italy can boast of a lot of things - original and exquisite cuisine based on national recipes, successful innovations in high fashion, progress in art and cultural heritage. In this list we must include table setting in Italy inexpensively at an attractive price, which is brought to complete perfection, because the most important events in life take place right behind it, decorated with a special zest and subtlety of taste inherent in Italians. The unshakable rules of table setting in Italy:

  • the tablecloth and napkins should be in harmony tonally, the choice is opted for light classic shades;
  • Antique appliances are preferable; vintage silver is a special reason for pride;
  • dishes are welcome in pastel colors;
  • glasses are used more often in the form of a goblet; each has its own individual purpose.

You can inexpensively order decoration for a feast in Italian style at home, in Moscow. Fabulous summer evenings with friends and family, the enticing aroma of Italian spices, a beautifully decorated interior, glasses of aromatic wine, pleasant music - all this is nostalgia for sunny Italy. Table setting in Italy inexpensively at an attractive price pays special attention to napkins, which have long become the main element of decor, using:

  1. Linen, openwork, synthetic.
  2. Cotton, creating the most festive mood, although they require frequent washing and starching.
  3. Paper ones, previously considered simple, are now distinguished by the presence of complex patterns and designs, and the price allows them.

Additional decorations for table setting in Italy will also be in theme. What else to buy and how to decorate the holiday fun? Additional aesthetics are used only when there is enough space on the table so that guests can feel comfortable. Your imagination, taste and sense of proportion will become your advisor. On New Year's holidays, decoration with fragrant pine branches is allowed. All decorations, of course, should not overshadow the main theme of the celebration.

Italian table setting "Russian style" inexpensively

The most interesting thing, for which a table is set in Italian, is exquisite dishes according to rare recipes, beautiful accessories that create a romantic atmosphere and anticipation of the holiday. The color combination of the table decor should ideally complement the interior of your apartment. Guests will be delighted with the table setting, like in Italy, when they are in Moscow for the New Year holidays, if instead of the usual tablecloth they decorate the dining area with artificial snow and a small Christmas tree in the center.

Lamps of unusual shape will look impressive, reflecting the theme of the celebration as an Italian table setting. Candles will also come in handy, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere. Beautiful flowers with a light delicate aroma will beneficially dilute decorations in a traditional style and bring a lot of positive emotions to the fair half of humanity.

Bright, original, cozy - Italian style!

Italian style is a type of country style- very cozy and expressive.
Dishes in this style are characterized by rather thick, deliberately simple ceramic ware. Such dishes have practically no sharp corners, they are softly smoothed, and the dish itself has a soft rounded shape. Usually it is covered with bright, colorful, somewhat naive paintings and ornaments in "rural spirit". These can be floral and vegetable ornamental motifs depicting the gifts of the Italian land; they can also be pastoral motifs that convey the characteristics of the national color and way of life.

Country style appeared in England approximately at the beginning of the last century.
This is a generalized image that does not have a specific “nationality”. Decorative elements of the style depend on the coloring of a particular country - Italy, France, Russia, Germany, England, Norway. But regardless of geography, the essence of country is “country style”.
Porcelain dishes in this style are distinguished by slightly muted multi-colors, still lifes, paintings of village life and rural motifs.

Colors and shades of dishes in Italian style
Ocher, terracotta, sunny yellow, creamy, baked milk tones, brick-chocolate, copper, copper-green and olive tones dominate. These are paints that convey fertility, abundance, prosperity and warmth of the sunny Italian land and the Mediterranean. As a rule, dishes in the Italian style are made by hand, or imitate handwork, as if they were created by the caring hands of a craftsman living next door. White color is less typical for Italian tableware; if it is used, it is mostly as an addition. It is applied to a bluish-white glaze or to a light blue and dark blue background.

When setting the table with Italian style dishes, you can use textile- linen or cotton large-woven napkins and hand towels (small hand towels), decorated with embroidery. You can use small ceramic holders and clips for napkins - it will look very beautiful and stylish.

Living garden plants will add a special flavor to a table decorated in Italian style. flowers or fruits, placed in vases - lemons, oranges, pears, grapes, and even red onions, small zucchini and pumpkins. In Italy, dishes are usually stored in hanging open racks made of wood. They can also be decorated with small porcelain figurines or figurines. Either way, pay more attention to detail and color. It’s the little things and accessories that will make your table, and therefore the image of your kitchen, more complete.

French, Italian and Japanese cuisine table setting features

When preparing for a romantic dinner, family lunch, meeting of relatives or a festive feast, you need to pay attention not only to creating a menu, but also to decorating the table. After all, deliciously prepared dishes will bring more positive emotions if they are beautifully decorated and served.

The choice of dishes of a particular cuisine of the world depends not only on the choice of ingredients necessary for their preparation, but also on the surroundings that recreate the atmosphere of this country. The French have a wonderful expression “art de vivre”, which means “the art of living”, which refers not only to life itself, but also to the ability to cook and the ability to beautifully set the table. If you want to cook French cuisine, then the most relevant would be to use bone china, the distinctive feature of which is very thin and even lines, or classic porcelain with original edges of the plates. Table setting in the spirit of France involves the use of a large amount of silver. Cutlery made in the style of antique silver, the use of partial polishing will emphasize the taste and beauty of the served dishes. One of the dishes that the French love is cheese dessert, so there should be cutlery for eating it on the table. In addition, to add originality to your table setting, you can use spice sets.

If you want to recreate the atmosphere of life-loving Italy, then you should know that the culinary traditions of this country go back to antiquity. Italians believe that a feast should be conducive to lively conversation and not be rushed. The main feature of table setting in the spirit of Italy is the use of the Italian tricolor: green, white and red. Instead of traditional tablecloths, you can use fabric panels of these colors, placing them on the table so that they form the Italian flag. Napkins for table setting can also be used in green, white and red colors, placing them on fabric panels of a different color, for example green on red, white on green, red on white, or combining colors in a single color. Since the culinary symbol of Italy is pasta, its presence on the table is mandatory. It is better to serve it on a long narrow dish in green tones. To liven up the table, place a bouquet of flowers on it. In addition, you can use Italian spaghetti to serve the table. They can be placed in the form of a tent and tied with ribbon. Originally shaped figurines, decanters, vessels, candlesticks - all these decorative elements will add a special charm to table setting in the Italian style.

Japanese-style table setting is one of the most difficult, since the difference in European and Eastern traditions and customs is very large. When first introduced, Japanese cuisine is striking in its simplicity. According to the Japanese, delicious dishes should not only be a means of satisfying hunger, but also delight the eye, body and soul. The served dishes must look beautiful in order to bring aesthetic pleasure in their appearance, be aromatic and moderately hot or cold. The color scheme of the dishes consists of five colors: black, yellow, white, red and green. To recreate the atmosphere of Japan, it is necessary to take into account that the Japanese have their own colors for each season. This is reflected in the interior design and table setting. The change of seasons also affects the decoration of cooked dishes. In the winter season, blue tones are used, which are associated with snow. But white and red are festive colors that harmoniously fit into any interior. Also, the time of year should be reflected in the color of food, the shape and texture of utensils. At the same time, the main principles of Japanese art are asymmetry, free composition, and emptiness. All Japanese-style table decor elements should be positioned freely.

No matter what kind of cuisine you prefer, you can always bring your original ideas into

Venice, Florence, Palermo, Milan and Rome... Summer, sea, juicy fruits, aromatic delicious wines, spicy home cooking... A dream! And even if an Italian party does not compare with a trip to this wonderful, hospitable country, friends will still certainly enjoy a little experiment with immersion in the cozy warm atmosphere of a sunny paradise!


In Italy, home gatherings and small family restaurants are very popular. Therefore, the party can be held both at home and in a stylized rented room if there are many guests. One of the advantages of the theme is its simple, not too expensive design.

The color scheme is green and white plus a little red. These are the colors of the Italian flag, and it is quite possible to use them in equal proportions, but the decor will be overwhelmingly aggressive if you overdo it with a red tint. And Italy is a measured vacation, languid bliss, so it is better to focus on green and white, and let red be a few bright accents - napkins, pillows, wine in transparent glasses, flower buds, checkered tablecloths. Three-color paper garlands in the shape of triangles or rectangles (mini flags) are suitable for decorating the ceiling and walls. You can cover part of the walls and ceiling with balloons of these colors.

To make the theme party formal and clear, hang on the walls several photographs of views of Italy - mountain slopes, cozy wild beaches, endless vineyards, pastoral houses. If you don’t want to get too immersed in the village theme, use photographs of stars, historical figures, landmarks, and cities. It is advisable that paintings and photos be in lightweight wooden frames.

Plant elements (and there should be a lot of them) - grape bunches, vines and leaves, olive branches, bouquets of wildflowers mixed with ears of cereals. You can make interesting “bouquets” of pasta and herbs, compositions of vegetables in wicker baskets. Or place orange trees in tubs or clay pots around the hall.

Invitations in the shape of an Italian boot or the Leaning Tower of Pisa will leave no doubt about the theme of the script. A three-color flag postcard or pizza circle is no less informative. Start the invitation with the address “signora or signorina, donna or don, signor”, ​​change the names (Eugene - Giovanni).

The furniture is wooden, good quality, but simple in a homely way. Place comfortable pillows on the chairs, throw on the floor several rugs woven from multi-colored fabric ribbons. Place a low table and rattan lounge chairs or chairs somewhere to the side. Textiles on furniture and windows are made only from natural fabrics - cotton, chintz, linen.

Within Italy, such design ideas as “Roman Holiday”, “Mafia”, “Venice Carnival”, “Fashion Show”, but still these are separate topics.


There are several options here. An Italian-style costume party is more suitable for narrow themes - Rome, mafia, carnival, etc. But you can make suits (or buy them) in three colors: white top, red or green bottom and a red or green scarf tied with a loose knot around the neck (green skirt or trousers - red scarf, and vice versa). Instead of a scarf, you can buy hats - Panama hats, summer hats or caps.

If you used a lot of rustic paraphernalia in the decoration of the hall (a la a family restaurant), the clothes should be simple, comfortable and light. Summer linen suits, colorful sundresses or dresses, shorts and skirts made of cotton, cotton.

If your Italian hall is a tricolor, photos of attractions and celebrities, then you can play with evening options. For example, girls in cocktail dresses and guys in classic suits. After all, Italy is a trendsetter, and you can show off in a stylish evening dress both at an anniversary and at a graduation celebration.


Large communal table, many dishes of beef, lamb, poultry and, of course, fish and seafood. Olives and olive oil, garlic, basil and other spices. Bread and grain buns with spices in wicker baskets. An indispensable cheese slice! Pasta with tomato sauce, lasagna, risotto and other Italian dishes. Everything is simple at home (both in terms of the cooking method and in terms of the availability of ingredients), but incredibly tasty!

The menu, traditional for an Italian restaurant, can be presented in the form of a buffet if there is no desire to have a feast. This is not entirely within the scope of the topic, but it is quite possible to play with this option. For example, use the same tricolor flag to decorate dishes (multi-colored baskets, skewers, tartlets), white-red and white-green checkered napkins, plates and cups.

Don’t forget to stock up on Italian wine and divinely delicious desserts - sabaion, tiramisu, savoiardi, panna cotta, etc. The recipes are incredibly simple, preparation will take a few hours, and the surprise and gastronomic joy of your sweet-toothed friends will know no bounds!

Pizza - meat, cheese, fish, vegetable, sweet fruit, open and closed and... There are so many recipes and types of pizza that you can generally limit yourself to pizza and only pizza! Especially if this is a meeting of close friends for a pleasant, but insignificant occasion, which does not oblige significant investments.


Colorful decoration, traditional dishes and costumes, an interesting script and all other efforts will be complemented by Italian music. A successful musical selection is half of your success as an organizer, without exaggeration! Celentano, Cutugno, Albano, Pavarotti, Ramazzotti, Bocelli - their voices and compositions are heard by everyone, regardless of the age and tastes of your friends. If possible, install karaoke equipment - guests will appreciate it, especially after a couple of glasses of Chianti.


Table games and competitions will finally convince your friends that the window offers a view of Italy! Invite guests to take turns naming any associations in the theme or guessing which of the images is related to Italy. For example: photos of Ferrari, Renault and Honda, the Arc de Triomphe, the Leaning and Eiffel towers, Marcello Mastroianni, Johnny Depp and Khabensky. The preparation is simplest - print out photos of stars, football players, landscapes, monuments and anything from the Internet in three versions (Italy and two other countries), glue them to a landscape sheet.

Best taster

Three tours for everyone. You can divide guests into teams and award points for each correctly named ingredient. The first round is the simplest - we taste pizza. The second is pasta sauce. The third is wine.

Pasta tycoon

Again, two teams or every man for himself. According to the scenario, it is necessary to arrange the supply of pasta from Italy to any other country. At the start, place a model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, at the finish - a model of the landmark of the country to which the delivery is being made. Along the way there are obstacles (mountains, rivers, famous architectural monuments). Obstacles can be easily made from cardboard and a photo glued on top.

The task is to pave a path with pasta from start to finish. Of course, faster than your rivals! And avoiding obstacles. If the room is large, use spaghetti; if it is small, use small multi-colored pasta.

Football, football!

The kids will probably like this competition more. But sometimes girls don’t mind kicking the ball. Of course, we won’t go out into the field. All you have to do is bring a mini-football table into the hall and arrange a competition.

Or you can put a couple of goal-cups on a free table and compete by kicking a grape (or olive) ball with your middle and index fingers. Fun and 100% on topic, because Italian footballers are some of the best football players on the world stage!

Don't forget to prepare memorable gifts for your friends. This could be a photo album decorated in the style of Italy, wine or dessert sets, recipe books for Italian cuisine, a disc with songs by Italian performers or a film about Italy.
