Pork neck in the oven. Delicious baked pork neck in the oven - a simple step-by-step recipe with photos of how to cook it in foil. Recipe for neck baked in foil

It would seem that what could be difficult about cooking a piece of juicy meat pulp in a home oven for dinner, adding salt and seasoning it with your favorite spices? For example, if you incorrectly marinate your favorite pork neck or loin, the oven-baked flesh will turn out to be too tough or even turn into a tasteless snack.

We offer some practical tips on how to preserve the juiciness of meat by preparing it truly tasty, and also recommend two universal recipes for meat delicacies.

  • The neck part of a pig carcass is an ideal raw material for barbecue and oven cooking. The neck meat is very tender, and it is also rich in fatty layers, which makes it very juicy when baked or fried over a fire.
  • When going to the market or market for a portion of fresh meat, you need to pay attention to the color of the neck meat. If it is too dark, the animal was already old. Such meat will turn out to be tough no matter how you cook it. A shade that is too light is evidence that the pig was fed hormones to stimulate growth.

An indicator of the freshness of the collar is the color of the fat and its density. If the fat is white and not too stringy, it means the meat is fresh and you can take it.

  • Don't forget to smell the neck. A fresh neck exudes a sweetish, not pronounced aroma.

  • The fat content of the neck region varies. It depends on the age of the animal, the method of fattening and the breed. You should choose a piece based on your own preferences: if you want a more filling appetizer, take the part of the neck with thick veins.

Delicious pork neck cooked in white wine in the oven


  • - a little more than 1 kg + -
  • - 4 large cloves + -
  • Dry white wine— 200 ml + -
  • Oregano seeds - 1/4 tsp. + -
  • Turmeric - 1/2 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • Crushed coriander seeds- 1/4 tsp. + -
  • — 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

Baking pork neck in the oven at home with spices

This method of baking meat in the oven can be considered basic. The main thing is to understand the principle and follow sequential steps such as stuffing, marinating in spices, baking in foil or paper, cooling, slicing.

Choose spices for marinating and their quantity arbitrarily. Black pepper, turmeric, sweet paprika, and grated nutmeg enhance the taste of pork. You can add rosemary and, of course, garlic.

  • Trim excess fat, if necessary, wash the fillet and remove excess moisture with kitchen paper towels.
  • Remove the peel from the garlic and cut the cloves into slices.
  • Using a knife with a narrow blade, we make deep punctures on all sides of the meat piece and push pieces of aromatic garlic into them.
  • Now the pork neck needs to be generously salted on all sides.
  • Season the fillet with oregano, rub with coriander and black pepper, and season with turmeric.
  • Place laurel leaves in a glass bowl with high sides and dip the meat into it.
  • Cover the container with film (you can also cover it with a lid) and leave the pig fillet to marinate for at least 4 hours, or even better, overnight. Only from time to time the neck needs to be turned over so that it is soaked with wine on all sides equally.
  • When the fillet is saturated with the aromas of herbs and the wine has softened it sufficiently, you can put the meat in the oven. Line the pan with parchment and soak it in olive oil.
  • We place the prepared piece of pork neck, make a heat protection on top from the same paper, foil and send it to the oven.

At 200 o C, the roasting time for the neck is about 1 hour, depending on the characteristics of the oven and the thickness of the piece of pork.

  • We take the meat out of the oven and pierce it with a knife anywhere. If a pinkish liquid comes out of the cut, you need to finish baking the meat for at least a quarter of an hour, removing the parchment covering.

You should start cutting the pork neck cooked in the oven with aromatic herbs only after it has cooled to room temperature.

The meat will then yield much more easily, and the slices will turn out perfectly smooth and neat. Garnish – any stewed vegetables or a salad of summer vegetables.

Spicy pork neck baked in the oven in foil

Surprise your guests with a hearty appetizer made from the neck of a pig yourself. The peculiarity of this recipe is in the meat marinade. In addition to a large amount of chopped onion, it is recommended to add puree from half a fresh kiwi.

The acid of the exotic fruit will soften the meat fibers, and its pulp will saturate them with a delicate aroma. Furor at the table will be guaranteed!


  • Pork neck (not too fatty) – about 2 kg;
  • Large white onion – 1 pc.;
  • Kiwi – ½ fruit;
  • Pepper – 1/3 tsp;
  • Shish kebab seasoning – about 1 tsp;
  • French (Provencal) herbs - ¼ tsp;
  • Fresh garlic – 3-4 small cloves;
  • Salt - about 1 tsp.

Tender pork neck, roasted in the oven in an original marinade

Pierce a washed and dried piece of meat tenderloin with fatty layers with a sharp knife on all sides as deeply as possible.

Making the marinade

  • Pour diced fresh onion into a bowl with sides, add puree from half an exotic kiwi, season everything with spices and add some salt.
  • In the almost finished marinade, add finely grated garlic or put it through a hand press and knead everything thoroughly until the onion slices release juice.

Let's get back to the meat

  • First of all, the meat, riddled with holes, needs to be thickly seasoned with barbecue spices, rubbing them in. To ensure that the neck is well saturated with spicy aromas, spices can also be poured into the holes.
  • Next, salt it according to the same principle and place it on a sheet covered with foil.
  • Now we prepare the marinade: we thickly cover the top of the tenderloin with it, then turn it over and do the same.
  • Cover the meat with film and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.
  • Next, wrap it in foil and place it in a preheated oven.

Cooking time at 180 degrees is 1.5-2 hours, depending on the thickness of the meat cut and the characteristics of the oven. As a result, a well-marinated pork neck in a fragrant sauce, baked in the oven in foil, turns out incredibly juicy.

It is pink when cut, and if you unwrap the foil 15 minutes before the end of the process, the top will be deliciously crispy.

This treat can be served warm instead of cutlets with a side dish of potatoes, or as a cold appetizer with assorted vegetables and thin bread slices.

The neck is the tender and most delicious part of the pork. A thin layer of fat between the fibers gives the meat juiciness.

This part of the carcass is baked and also grilled, steaks or a very tasty kebab are prepared.

Pork neck in the oven in foil - basic cooking principles

Pork neck in the oven in foil turns out juicy and incredibly tasty. You can pleasantly surprise your guests with this dish. Preparing the ingredients takes a little time. The pork is then cooked in the oven for a couple of hours.

To cook pork neck in the oven in foil, use spices and herbs. The dish will turn out juicy if you do not cut off all the fat from the meat. But you can focus on your own preferences. Bake pork in a thick-walled heat-resistant dish made of metal or ceramics. The meat marinade is prepared in a container that does not oxidize.

The readiness of pork is easy to determine. The meat is pierced with the long edge of a knife and if the ichor does not flow out, the dish is ready.

Pork can be cooked with mushrooms, vegetables or cheese. The result will be a full-fledged main dish, which will not be a shame to serve even on a festive table.

Recipe 1. Pork neck in the oven in foil

kg pork neck;

two bay leaves;

four cloves of garlic;

rosemary and black pepper;

60 liters of sour cream or mayonnaise.

1. Crush the peeled garlic through a press, combine the pulp with broken bay leaves, spices and salt.

2. Wash the meat and dry it with paper towels. Lubricate a piece of pork with a spicy mixture and sour cream or mayonnaise. Marinate for several hours or leave overnight in a cool place.

3. Then wrap the pork neck in foil and bake for half an hour at 200 degrees. Then turn the temperature up to 180°C and cook for another hour.

4. Make a cut in the foil, unfold it and put it in the oven for another quarter of an hour. Serve the meat, cut into slices, with vegetable salad or boiled potatoes.

Recipe 2. Pork neck in the oven in foil with mushrooms and vegetables

pork neck - 1.5 kg;

champignons - 200 g;

dried thyme - a couple of sprigs;

garlic - three cloves;

potatoes - ten tubers.

1. Rinse the pork neck and pat dry with napkins. Now marinate the pork. To do this, salt it, sprinkle with different spices, add thyme.

2. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into slices. Make punctures in the meat and stuff it generously with pieces of garlic. Coat on all sides with vegetable oil. Leave in a cool place for several hours, or even better, overnight.

3. Remove the meat and place it in a pan lined with foil.

4. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them lengthwise into 6-8 pieces. Cut the peeled carrots into large rings, rinse the mushrooms and divide into 4 parts. Season the vegetables with salt and pepper, lightly drizzle with vegetable oil, and place in the pan with the meat.

5. Place the pork in the oven for an hour and a half. At the end, open and leave to bake for another 15 minutes. Determine readiness by piercing the meat with a sharp knife; if the ichor does not stand out, the dish is ready.

Recipe 3. Pork neck in the oven in foil with mustard

four cloves of garlic;

drain butter or melted fat - 30 g;

pork neck with layers of lard - 800 g;

two bay leaves.

1. Rinse a piece of pork neck under running water and dry. We make a kind of accordion out of a piece of meat by making deep transverse cuts. This will allow the meat to marinate well. Rub the pork with a mixture of salt and spices and leave overnight. Insert garlic slices into the slits. Wrap the neck tightly with cling film and leave in a cool place.

2. The next day, remove the film from the piece of pork and prepare the product for baking. Grease the foil and line a deep pan with it. Place marinated pork in it.

3. Coat the product with mustard, wrap it in foil and bake at medium temperature for at least an hour.

4. About 20 minutes before the end of cooking, unroll the foil and pour the juice formed on the baking sheet over the dish. Serve the neck hot.

Recipe 4. Pork neck in the oven in foil with tomatoes

five cloves of garlic;

80 ml soy sauce;

100 ml vegetable oil;

200 g tomatoes;

1. Wash a piece of pork neck, dry it and place it on a cutting board. Cut the pork into equal parts without cutting all the way through.

2. Rub the meat with salt, spices and pepper. Peel the garlic and chop the cloves into thin slices. We make small cuts and insert garlic slices into them.

3. Prepare the marinade. Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with soy sauce, vegetable oil and mustard. Mix well.

4. Place the pork in a deep bowl and pour the marinade over the meat. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator overnight.

5. Cover the baking container with foil, folding it in half. Transfer the meat into the mold. Wash the tomatoes, wipe with a towel and cut into rings. The cheese was divided into thin slices. Place tomato rings and slices of cheese into the slits.

6. Cover with a second sheet of foil and place in a preheated oven. Bake for an hour at 200 C. Then remove the foil and cook for another quarter of an hour to form a delicious crust on top.

Recipe 5. Pork neck in the oven in foil with vegetables

400 g pork neck;

50 g parsley and cilantro;

100 ml vegetable oil;

three cloves of garlic;

30 ml lemon juice;

three meaty tomatoes;

1. Chop the eggplants in advance, place them in a deep bowl and sprinkle with salt to remove the bitterness.

2. Peel the remaining vegetables and chop them into medium cubes or any other way. Crush the garlic with the back of a knife and chop finely.

3. Cut the pork neck into steaks. We wash them and dry them with paper napkins. Sprinkle the pork with lemon juice and salt. Leave the meat to marinate for 10 minutes.

4. Fry all the chopped vegetables in a frying pan, except tomatoes. We place the products in the frying pan in the following order: first the onion, then the bell pepper and the eggplants, previously rinsed from salt.

5. Mix roasted vegetables, fresh tomatoes, crushed garlic and finely chopped herbs in a deep container. Salt the mixture, add seasonings to taste and mix.

6. Place the frying pan over high heat and fry the steaks on both sides. Three minutes on each will be enough.

7. Cover a baking sheet with foil and coat it with oil. Place fried steaks and vegetables on the deco.

8. Wrap the food in foil and tuck the edges.

9. Bake the pork neck in the oven for about 15 minutes at 180 C. If you did not fry the vegetables, leave the dish in the oven for another ten minutes.

Recipe 6. Pork neck in the oven in foil with prunes and wild garlic

80 ml olive oil;

5 g dry mustard;

12 pcs. prunes;

half a hot chili pepper;

1. Wash the prunes, pour boiling water over them and leave for a quarter of an hour.

2. Place dry spices in a small bowl. Finely chop the wild garlic and chili pepper. Transfer the resulting mixture of wild garlic and pepper into a mortar. Here we also send a mixture of spices, garlic squeezed through a press and pour in olive oil. Grind everything together thoroughly with a pestle.

3. Wash the neck, dry it with a paper towel and cut it into an accordion shape.

4. Drain the infusion from the prunes and dry it. Rub the meat with our spicy mixture. Place a couple of prunes in each cut.

5. Wrap the pork in foil and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

6. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Without unrolling the foil, place the meat in a mold and place in the oven. Cooking for an hour. Then tear the foil on top, uncover the meat and bake for another 15 minutes to form a golden brown crust on top.

Recipe 7. Pork neck in the oven in foil with onions

one and a half kg of pork neck;

six onions;

pepper and sea salt.

1. Rinse the pork neck under the tap to wash off the blood. Then rub the piece of meat with a mixture of salt and pepper; you can use other spices to taste.

2. For the onion marinade, cut the peeled onion into rings or half rings. Place the onion in a bowl and add a little vinegar and water to it. Mix and leave everything to marinate for 15 minutes.

3. Rub the pork neck with onion marinade. Pre-squeeze the onion and place it on the surface of the meat. Marinate the pork neck for about an hour or two.

4. Lubricate the pork with mayonnaise and mustard. Cover the pan with foil, place a piece of pork neck on it and cover with a second sheet of foil. Bake for about two hours until fully cooked.

  • Do not marinate food in aluminum containers, as it oxidizes and the food may acquire a metallic taste.
  • The marinating and baking time depends on the size of the piece of pork neck.
  • It is better to bake the pork neck in a whole piece, so the meat will turn out juicy and soft.
  • To keep the meat tender, leave it in the marinade overnight.

In the oven. This cut of pork is soft and very juicy. There is no need to marinate it for a long time. The dish will turn out tasty and satisfying. We offer several cooking recipes.

neck with potatoes and garlic

To prepare meat according to this recipe, you will need:

  • potatoes - 700-800 grams;
  • a couple of spoons of adjika;
  • sunflower oil;
  • garlic, pepper and salt.

Cooking technology

Before baking, you need to prepare the meat. Rinse and dry it. Then make several punctures with a sharp knife and place peeled and chopped garlic into each of them. After this, salt the piece, sprinkle with pepper and spread with adjika and sunflower oil. Let it marinate. The neck is soft meat, so an hour will be enough. Prepare a baking sheet. Grease it with oil and add meat. To bake a pork neck, it is recommended to set the oven temperature to about 180 degrees and set the timer for 1.5-2 hours. After half the time has passed, you need to put the potatoes on the baking sheet. It should be washed in advance and cut into large pieces. Season it with salt, brush with oil and place the meat around it. Place the baked neck on a plate along with the potatoes. Sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe: Pork neck baked in foil

A simple baking recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • a piece of pork neck weighing about 800 grams;
  • head of garlic;
  • ground pepper and salt

Cooking technology

How to bake pork neck in the oven? This is the simplest recipe that will require the least amount of effort, but everyone will be happy with the result. Pass the garlic through a press. Rinse and dry the meat. Rub the piece well with salt, pepper and garlic. You can make several punctures and put a salt-garlic mixture in them. Cover the meat with film and leave to marinate for an hour or two. Tear off a large piece of foil and wrap the pork in it, making sure there are no holes where the juices can escape. need at a temperature of 210 degrees for an hour. After the time is up, unwrap the foil and put the neck in the oven for another half hour. The meat will brown and acquire a beautiful crust. Check the readiness of the pork - pierce the piece with a knife. The juice should be light. You can serve the neck with vegetables or potatoes.

Recipe: pork neck in a sleeve

You will need:

  • a piece of pork neck weighing about 700 grams;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • two spoons of mustard;
  • salt and seasonings for meat.

Cooking technology

Rinse the meat and dry it a little. Cut the garlic into thin slices and stuff the piece with them. Dissolve salt in boiled water. Fill a syringe with liquid and inject the brine into different parts of the piece. This will salt it evenly. Rub the neck with spices, pepper and mustard. Marinate the meat for several hours. To make it especially flavorful, you can leave the pork overnight. Then lay the piece in. Secure the edges. Place the meat in the oven at 220 degrees for half an hour. Then reduce the heat to 180 and hold the neck for another 30 minutes. To form a beautiful crust, you need to tear the sleeve and bake the pork for another 10-15 minutes. After this, you can serve the dish.

I really love cold cuts, but lately they have become somewhat unedible. So I asked myself, pick up a series meat recipes homemade.

In this recipe, we will look at the technology for preparing pork neck, or as it is also called - carbonate or boiled pork .

This recipe is more suitable for those who are not fond of fried and baked meat, i.e. for lovers of light food.

The neck is mostly boiled and only lightly baked in the oven, for aesthetic reasons, so don’t be fooled by the name: “ meat baked in the oven ».

Preparation neck recipe is divided into several stages:

- flavoring meat with spices,

- stuffing necks with garlic and carrots,

- cooking,

- baking in the oven,

- cooling and serving.

In principle, the preparation process is very simple, and the resulting product exceeds all expectations.

Household opinion:

- Slavik (husband) said that the meat looks like boiled, but he likes it baked better. But quite an edible dish.

- Vladik (son) said it was edible.

- Mom - I really liked the neck, because... it turned out soft and juicy.

If you have a desire to prepare this delicacy, then let's get started...

Initial composition of products.

As we can see, our delicacy has a simple composition: a piece of pork neck, coarse salt, garlic, ground black pepper, meat spices, garlic and carrots.

Step-by-step description of pork neck baked in the oven.

1. Preparing the pork neck.

Wash the carrots in water, remove the top layer and remove it in small cubes, from one edge as if sharpening under a peg.

Garlic, separate into cloves, wash and cut each clove into sharp slices.

We clean a piece of meat from fat, give it a relatively uniform shape, put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water, rinse and dry it with a paper towel.

We make cuts in the meat, at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Then lightly grease the piece with sunflower oil, salt, pepper and add meat seasoning.

Now, the spices need to be rubbed into the meat, including through the cuts.

We push carrot slices and garlic into the slits. It's not easy to do, but if you sharpen the pieces too much, then there will be no special problems in starting.

The piece has been stuffed, flavored with spices, now all that remains is to coat it with prepared mustard and put it to marinate.

I grease the meat in stages: first on one side, and then in the bag on the other side.

We will cook the carbonate in a baking sleeve, so in order not to dirty the dishes again, we will marinate the meat immediately in it.

To do this, take two bags and put one in the other - this needs to be done for reliability and lay the neck lubricated on one side only.

It’s more convenient - you don’t get your hands dirty.

The meat is in a bag, turn it over with the greased side on the table, and grease the ungreased side with mustard right in the bag.

If you have cloves of garlic and carrots left over, you can simply put them on top of each layer.

Leave the processed meat to marinate at room temperature for 3 hours.

2. Cooking boiled pork.

3 hours have passed, we begin further preparation.

Carefully remove the air from the bag of meat and tie it tightly.

Fill a large saucepan with cold water and lower the bag - There should be enough water for the meat to float freely in it. and cover with a lid.

Cook the neck for 1 hour, from the moment it boils. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to medium simmer and open the lid slightly.

An hour has passed, carefully remove the bag from the pan, place it on a baking sheet and carefully cut the bag.

Be careful! Hot steam will come out of the bag - do not scald yourself with it.

We cut the package, peel the carrots and garlic from the meat, carefully, using a spatula, transfer it to a baking dish.

Place in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown.

The meat is baked, all that remains is to cool it and put it in the refrigerator. I usually wrap boiled pork in foil.

If you are preparing it before serving, then cut it into slices and invite guests.

Bon appetit!

Taste Info Meat main courses


  • Pork neck – 800 g;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp;
  • Black peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Dry Italian herbs seasoning – 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Water – 1 l.

How to cook a whole roasted pork neck in the oven

Prepare the marinade for the pork neck. Pour one liter of fresh filtered water into a saucepan. Add bay leaf and black peppercorns.

Add salt. Place the pan on the stove, bring water with salt, pepper and bay leaf to a boil. Boil for 3-4 minutes and turn off. Cool the marinade.

Wash a piece of pork neck and place it in a saucepan with the marinade. Let sit for at least 5-6 hours, preferably overnight.

Once the pork neck is marinated, remove it from the pan and pat dry slightly with a paper towel. Rub thoroughly on all sides with dry seasoning to your taste or simply with different dry herbs: basil, rosemary, oregano. You can take dry garlic.

Place the meat in a roasting sleeve and secure the ends with clips. I don't have a sleeve, but a baking bag. Highly recommend. It's much more comfortable than sleeves.

You can cook the dish in foil. There are several variations here: either wrap the marinated piece of meat in foil, or place it in a mold and cover it with foil on top.

Some housewives also prepare a side dish of potatoes. Simply peeled potato tubers are put into a mold, the potatoes will turn out aromatic and very tasty.

Preheat the oven to 190-195 degrees. Place the pork neck into it. Bake the meat for one hour. Then open the bag and make a puncture with a thin knife or long wooden skewer. If the juice flowing from the pork is light, the meat is ready. If it is pink, keep the neck in the oven for another 15-20 minutes. During this time it will reach the desired condition. The main thing at this point is not to dry out the neck. During the baking process, a lot of juice is formed. When you remove the meat from the bag, do not pour out this juice, but use it in preparing sauces or soups. Some people cut the bag at the end of cooking so that the meat browns. I don't do this for fear that it will dry out. And the crust forms anyway.

When you remove the meat from the oven, do not open the bag, but let the boiled pork cool thoroughly. Once the meat has cooled, place it in the refrigerator. The next day the meat will be soft, elastic and cut perfectly into thin slices. Slice the pork neck and serve.

Believe me, baked pork neck in the oven is very tasty and can easily replace any most expensive sausage.
