Chocolate ice cream with nuts and marshmallows. Chocolate ice cream at home: how to make a delicious treat? Algorithm for making ice cream

Chocolate ice cream with nuts is perhaps the main confectionery classic. On store shelves you can find chocolate ice cream from different manufacturers, but none of them can compare in taste to the homemade dessert that you and I will make, at home, with our own hands and with great love for our loved ones.

However, be careful, its calorie content is quite high - 280 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

First of all, of course, we will try for the children. I’ll be honest with you, as a child, what I most wanted to eat was chocolate, and not something like that. No, not because they rarely bought it for me, but because it ran out quickly. But I was always denied supplements, because my mother was afraid that I would catch a cold. That’s why I imagined how one day I would eat a whole bucket of this miracle. Modern children are no exception either. You can be absolutely sure that everything you prepare according to this recipe will be received with delight by both your children and, of course, their friends.


Add two tablespoons of cocoa powder and coarsely chopped walnuts and fried in a dry frying pan to our ice cream. Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a mold and put it in the freezer.

If a large form is used for ice cream, then during the freezing process it needs to be stirred 2 - 3 times.

If we use small molds, then there is no need to stir the ice cream during the freezing process. That's all done. Chocolate ice cream with nuts, a favorite since childhood, is completely ready. You can see the result in the top photo. Bon appetit!


  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar – 150 grams;
  • Cream 30% - 300 milliliters;
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons;
  • Walnuts – 150 grams.

For a long time I struggled trying to figure out how to make chocolate ice cream in The Sims Freeplay. But it turned out to be simple, but the translators who translated the game into Russian should be hit in the head.

Well, how can you translate this? How am I supposed to figure out that chocolate ice cream is kind of a bumpy road. Damn, it's annoying. But now you don’t have to suffer, because thanks to this article you learned how to make chocolate ice cream in The Sims Freeplay.

The whole difficulty in the game “The Sims free play” is that the [make ice cream] item is simply missing, so for many players it becomes problematic to complete this task. And the translators of the game are to blame, who instead of the word “ice cream” inserted the word pie with the rather unexpected name “Rough Road”.

To pass this level you just need to head to the kitchen stove and select the “Rough Road” option by clicking on it. We are waiting for this “pie” to be ready (baked) and the task to be completed. That's the solution.

In the Sims free play toy, one of the quests requires you to make chocolate ice cream with nuts and marshmallows, but for some reason there is no such item in the menu. So the players try to come up with various tricks to complete the task. Some people bake anything that can be chocolate instead of ice cream, for example, pudding.

Unfortunately, we had to deal with a mistranslation, and the chocolate ice cream in the game is called "Bumpy Road" cake. Therefore, when you go to the stove, you should select a dish with this strange name from the “baking” menu. Now you know all the nuances of preparation and will successfully create the desired chocolate ice cream.

Many people, I think, wanted to make ice cream in the Sims game, because they heard that it was theoretically possible.

But most of them also encountered a problem, or rather, could not find the appropriate item.

So what's the deal?

It turns out that there is a glitchy translation in the game. So, to make ice cream, you actually need to bake a cake, which is called “Rough Road.”

Everything is banal and simple: bring your Sim to the stove, click on it. A menu appears in which you select the “Baking” section, and in it search and find the “Rough Road” item, it is located at the end of the list. The icon looks like this:

The cake, which is actually ice cream, is made and you complete the task.

My question is how and where to make this ice cream?

There is a rough road on the slab.

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Making your own ice cream, especially chocolate ice cream, is not at all difficult. This cold delicacy is becoming one of the most favorite desserts prepared at home, especially since it always turns out excellent and does not require the use of flour. We’ll tell you how to make chocolate ice cream without spoiling the food!


  • heavy cream from 35% - 300 g;
  • regular cream with fat content from 15% to 25% - 300 g;
  • white sugar in sand – 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 55 g;
  • finely ground salt – 3 g;
  • cocoa powder – 100 g.

Step by step manufacturing process:

  1. Pour regular cream with a fat content of 15% to 25% into a small saucepan and heat (do not boil!).
  2. Pour about a fifth of warm, just heated cream into a glass or bowl - 60 g.
  3. Add cocoa powder to the glass (bowl) with the cream. Dissolve it completely, carefully stirring it into the cream with a spoon.
  4. Pour white granulated sugar into the remaining cream, put it back on the fire and boil. During this time it should completely dissolve in the cream. Add creamy cocoa. Stir the sweet mixture and boil it again.
  5. Cool the creamy sweet cocoa.
  6. Add vanilla sugar to the cold cocoa mixture and stir.
  7. Pour heavy cream into a blender bowl and add salt. Beat with a blender at highest speed for 3-4 minutes.
  8. Pour cold sweet creamy cocoa into the salted heavy cream and beat intermittently for another seven minutes.
  9. Transfer the lump-free chocolate-cream mass resulting from whipping into a prepared specialized container.
  10. Place the container with semi-finished chocolate ice cream in the freezer for six hours, taking it out every hour and stirring with a regular fork. In this case, the chocolate ice cream will be tender, melting while eating, with an amazing, unsurpassed refreshing aftertaste.

Tip: In this recipe, cocoa powder can be replaced with concentrated chocolate syrup in the same amount.

Ice cream "Custard" chocolate


  • large fresh chicken eggs - 8 pcs;
  • bitter chocolate, very high quality, without adding soy filler – 100 g;
  • white granulated sugar – 250 g;
  • cream with fat content from 15% to 20% - 850 g;
  • cocoa powder (it must be “real” - without additives in the form of sweeteners) - 80 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 40 g.

Algorithm for making ice cream:

  1. Separate the yolks from raw chicken fresh large eggs and place them in a separate bowl. Also transfer the whites into a jar and put them in the refrigerator. They will still be needed.
  2. First, you should melt the chocolate until creamy as follows: break it into square pieces and put it in a fireproof container. This could be a saucepan or bowl. To melt, use a microwave oven or water bath. Then, without removing the melted chocolate from the selected container, cool it.
  3. In a separate container, mix the sugar with the yolks and beat these products with a blender (mixer) at the highest speed that the device is capable of. The sweet mass will be creamy and white in color with foam.
  4. Pour the cream into a small saucepan and add cocoa powder. Mix well and quickly.
  5. Place the creamy cocoa mixture over medium heat and, continuing to stir, bring to a boil. Turn off and cool the creamy cocoa. It should remain warm enough.
  6. Slowly pour the cooled mixture into the creamy yolk sweet mass. Mix thoroughly using a hand mixer or whisk, there should not be a single lump. To be sure, rub the entire mixture through a sieve.
  7. Combine the freshly prepared mixture with the melted chocolate paste. Stir well and put on very low heat.
  8. Stirring constantly, wait until the chocolate mass begins to thicken. This chocolate mass should not boil, otherwise it will curdle and you will have to throw it away.
  9. Remove the mass of the desired thickness from the heat and, continuing to stir it, add vanilla sugar.
  10. Stir again and put the semi-finished chocolate product on the refrigerator shelf for an hour.
  11. After removing from the refrigerator, pour the resulting chocolate cream into the selected portion forms for freezing the dessert. It is recommended to fill them only halfway, then it is easier to mix the gradually freezing mass.
  12. Place the filled pans in the freezer, covering them with tight-fitting lids, for six hours.
  13. Every hour they should be taken out and mixed thoroughly, then put back in the freezer.
  14. Before serving, you can decorate the ice cream with fruits; they will add some charm to the dessert.

Homemade chocolate ice cream is ready!

A simple ice cream recipe with chocolate, marshmallows and nuts


  • large fresh eggs – 6 pcs;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • very fat cream from 30% - 50 g;
  • thickener (especially for cream) – 10 g;
  • bitter dark chocolate – 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 20 g;
  • marshmallows (or small soufflés) to taste;
  • any nuts to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, first breaking it into slices. Cool the resulting chocolate paste of homogeneous consistency.
  2. Divide large fresh chicken eggs into whites and yolks. Place them in bowls. Place the bowl of whites in the refrigerator to cool.
  3. Beat the yolks with a blender. A thick foam should form.
  4. Gradually add the cooled chocolate paste into the whipped yolks. Continue blending with the blender at the lowest power and speed. The mixture will have a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Take the whites out of the refrigerator and beat them too, but only with a mixer, gradually adding powdered sugar in a thin stream, which should completely dissolve in the egg whites.
  6. Place the cream and cream thickener into a bowl specially designed for beating with a blender. Using a blender at high speed, beat the cream until it becomes thick and fluffy.
  7. Add vanilla sugar to the cream and continue beating.
  8. Now slowly and carefully add the whites (they should not “settle”) and the chocolate mixture to the vanilla whipped cream. The mass obtained as a result of whipping should resemble chocolate cream with a uniform consistency.
  9. Add crushed marshmallows (or small souffles) and crushed nuts to taste to the resulting semi-finished chocolate mass, mix well.
  10. Pour the chocolate mixture into your chosen ice cream mold and place it in the freezer for six hours.
  11. Every half hour, remove and stir the frozen dessert with a regular fork.
  12. When serving the ice cream with ready-made chocolate ice cream, you can decorate it with a leaf of fresh mint and pieces of seasonal berries, sprinkled with chocolate chips or coconut flakes. In addition to ice cream, you can serve strong, bitter, black, freshly brewed coffee.
  • cream, if necessary, can be replaced with very rich sour cream. This substitution will not change the taste of the ice cream at all;
  • If the household has such an assistant as an electric ice cream maker, then you can use it. Just pour freshly prepared chocolate cream into a chilled bowl from an ice cream maker and in half an hour an excellent dessert will be ready, which you can eat right away;
  • Along with vanilla, you can add cinnamon powder or pieces of dried fruit or candied fruits to the ice cream. In this case, the ice cream will take on an unusual look and taste;
  • if you don’t like marshmallows and nuts, then replace them with cookies, you’ll get the same delicious ice cream, but a little more nutritious and higher in calories.

General tips and tricks for making chocolate ice cream

  1. Homemade ice cream, made in your own kitchen, can be frozen either in an ice cream maker or in the freezer.
  2. Choose only the best, highest quality products for making ice cream at home. Ice cream is only as good in consistency and taste as the food ingredients that make it up. You should buy only real, farm-fresh cream, eggs should not be stale, and fruits and berries should be used when they are ripe and in season.
  3. You should not use low-fat dairy products, even the freshest ones, to prepare this delicious dessert. In this case, ice cream will never work. Instead, there will be some strange mixture with ice grains. Therefore, if you only have chocolate and milk, you can’t make ice cream, but you can actually make a chocolate shake.
  4. Any ice cream can be made into a cake without changing the recipe. Ice cream cake is a wonderful dessert for any occasion or just to lift your spirits.

Do you want your life to be sweeter than chocolate? Conquer new culinary heights. It's no secret that chocolate is a healthy and incredibly tasty delicacy, on the basis of which you can prepare various desserts. Today we will learn how to make chocolate ice cream at home.

Chocolate delight

Today every housewife can learn how to make delicious homemade chocolate ice cream. Just imagine that the history of the delicacy described goes back to the 3rd century BC. Yes, it was then that China first tried a treat made from ice, snow, pomegranate seeds, orange and lemon.

And Marco Polo brought ice cream to the Eurasian continent. If you prefer to make your own sweets for your household, then you have a unique opportunity to learn how to make chocolate ice cream in your kitchen.

On a note! The classic recipe for preparing a dessert involves the use of cream with a maximum percentage of fat content, granulated sugar, eggs and pasteurized milk. When it comes to chocolate, choose cocoa bars or cocoa powder.


  • a pinch of fine-grained salt;
  • 0.2 liters of cream with a fat concentration of 33%;
  • 4 things. chicken eggs;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 2 tsp. vanilla crystalline sugar;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 350 ml pasteurized cow's milk.


On a note! If you are preparing this ice cream without an ice cream maker, then place the prepared chocolate mass in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours. Every half hour, take the chocolate mass out of the refrigerator and beat thoroughly with a mixer, breaking up the ice that forms.
For the most curious

Chocolate milk ice cream is a classic dessert. As already mentioned, it should be prepared only from high-quality dairy products, preferably with the maximum percentage of fat content. Whole pasteurized milk can be replaced with condensed milk.

On a note! Remember one simple formula: the more chocolate, the less granulated sugar.


  • 75 g granulated sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 0.25 liters of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 6%;
  • 0.25 l cream;
  • 125 g chocolate.


  1. Pour pasteurized cow's milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add granulated sugar, stir and place on the stove.
  3. Heat the milk over moderate heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Add sifted cocoa powder and set aside.
  5. As soon as the milk has cooled to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater.
  7. Place the cream in a bowl and beat with a mixer into a foamy mass.
  8. Combine the cream with milk and mix well.
  9. Place in the freezer for one hour.
  10. Then mix again and add the chopped chocolate.
  11. Keep the ice cream in the refrigerator overnight. Stir 3-4 times every half hour.

Real jam!

Chocolate ice cream with nuts and marshmallows is the height of gastronomic bliss. No one will refuse such a dessert. Take some marshmallows and your favorite nuts and chop them. Use these ingredients as a topping for homemade chocolate ice cream.


  • 100 g milk chocolate;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 4 things. chicken eggs;
  • 500 ml cream.


  1. Melt milk chocolate in a steam bath or microwave oven.
  2. Separate the egg yolks and beat them well.
  3. Separately, beat the whites with granulated sugar into a fluffy, stable mass.
  4. Combine the cooled chocolate with the yolks and mix.
  5. Beat the egg whites and yolks together.
  6. In a separate bowl, whip the cream into a foamy mass. Just don’t overcook them, otherwise they will turn into butter.
  7. Now combine the egg mass with the cream, mix thoroughly and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
  8. According to tradition, we whip the ice cream every half hour, avoiding the formation of ice.

On a note! Wet a spoon in water and scoop out ice cream with it. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped nuts, for example, walnuts or almonds, and add marshmallow pieces.
