Cinnabon rolls with cinnamon and butter. Sinabon buns with cinnamon and fudge. Step-by-step photo recipe

The famous French Cinnabon buns, with their traditional recipe and excellent taste, have made the bakery of the same name famous throughout the world. You can recreate its atmosphere at home and make your own Sinabon buns, the recipe for which is not so complicated.

You will need

To prepare Sinabon rolls at home, the recipe with photos of which contains all the nuances of baking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk (200 ml);
  • wheat flour (650-700 g);
  • eggs (2 pcs.);
  • dry yeast (11 g);
  • salt (1 tsp);
  • butter (180-200 g);
  • white sugar (100 g);
  • cane sugar (200 g);
  • vanilla sugar (1 tsp);
  • powdered sugar (100 g);
  • cream cheese (100 g);
  • cinnamon (20 g).


To prepare the same dough for cinnabon buns as in a cafe, you need:

  1. Mix heated milk with a spoonful of white sugar in a cup and add dry yeast - after 10-15 minutes the resulting dough should rise.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the remaining white sugar. Add 1 tsp. salt and softened butter (70-80 g). Mix.
  3. Pour the dough into the resulting mixture (only after it has risen), add carefully sifted flour. In order for the dough to acquire the desired consistency, it is recommended to add flour gradually, constantly stirring the mass. After the flour, you need to add gluten (according to the traditions of the famous cinnabon bakery, the recipe for cinnamon rolls necessarily calls for this ingredient).
  4. Knead the dough, make a ball out of it and wrap it in cling film (or cover with a towel), then put it in a warm place without drafts.

To make the dough rise faster, you can fill a bowl with warm water and place it there, after placing it in some container. Having risen, the dough should approximately double in volume - this will not take much time: an hour or an hour and a half. To make Sinabon buns with cinnamon and buttercream more tender and fluffy, the dough should stand longer - 2 hours. During this period of time, it is recommended to knead it thoroughly 2-3 times.


Sinabon's signature cinnamon roll recipe features a simple filling that's easy to prepare while the dough rises. To do this you need:

  1. Melt butter (40-50 g) in the microwave or in a saucepan on the stove.
  2. Mix cane sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Add the resulting mixture to the melted butter and mix thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass.

Cream glaze

The most delicious Sinabon cinnamon rolls according to the classic recipe are obtained if the cream for them is prepared correctly and all the ingredients are taken in the right proportion. Fudge or cream for Sinabon buns is prepared quite simply:

  1. Heat butter (40 g) until softened.
  2. Mix cream cheese (mascarpone, Almette or Philadelphia are suitable) with soft butter so that a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  3. Add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar to the resulting mixture.

To prevent the finished filling for buns from hardening (this can happen if the kitchen is cool), it is better to place it in a warm place - next to the stove or oven.

How to cook gluten

The Sinabon bun, the step-by-step recipe for preparing which is not difficult even for beginners, requires such an essential ingredient as gluten. If you neglect it, the dough will not obtain the desired consistency and taste. To prepare gluten you need:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. flour with an equal or slightly less amount of water to form a dense dough. It needs to be rolled into a ball.
  2. Pour cold water into a large bowl. Place the resulting dough ball there and knead it with your hands (this is done in order to wash out all the starch from the dough).
  3. After the water in the bowl becomes almost transparent (this should happen in 5-7 minutes), the dough can be taken out. It will slightly change its consistency and become more sticky (this will happen due to the removal of starch).

During the dough preparation process, gluten is added after the desired consistency has been found and flour has been added.

Step-by-step photo recipe

When preparing Cinnabon buns in the oven, it is convenient to check the recipe and photos step by step - this will help make sure that all stages of creating the baked goods are performed correctly. After the dough, filling and filling for the cinnamon rolls with buttercream have been prepared separately, you can proceed to the main thing - shaping the dessert itself and baking it.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Cinnabon buns: a short recipe

In addition to the classic recipe for making Sinabon buns at home, there are other variations. You can replace the traditional cinnamon filling and make Sinabon buns with chocolate. For the chocolate filling you will need:

  • cocoa (2 tbsp);
  • sugar (4 tbsp);
  • butter (50 g).

The butter must be heated until softened, and then mixed with cocoa and sugar.

In addition to the chocolate filling, you can make double glaze for the buns - traditional, from cream cheese, and on top of it - chocolate. To prepare chocolate icing you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk (½ cup);
  • sugar (½ cup);
  • butter (50 g);
  • cocoa (30 g).

Melt the butter in a saucepan until liquid, then pour in the milk, add sugar and cocoa. The resulting mass is stirred until it becomes homogeneous and simmered over low heat for 10-15 minutes (until thickened).

Otherwise, the technology for preparing buns with different fillings does not differ from the traditional one - the dough, gluten, and fudge are prepared in the same way. The calorie content of one Cinnabon bun with traditional filling is 880 kcal, with a slightly larger chocolate bun - 1023 kcal.

Video recipe

Sinabon (or rather Cinnabon) is a world-famous chain of fast food cafes and bakeries, where the main dish is cinnamon rolls with cream cheese. The secret of these buns is no longer kept in the strictest confidence by the company, but on the contrary, it is revealed with pleasure at master classes held by the cafe.
First, it is a high-gluten wheat dough. Secondly, Makara cinnamon, grown in Indonesia at an altitude of five thousand meters above sea level. Thirdly, strict production standards: the roll that the master rolls and then cuts into buns must have no more than five turns. I’m afraid we won’t find Makara cinnamon, but nothing will stop us from replacing it with ordinary cinnamon (the difference, to be honest, is not very noticeable), but we will strictly follow the rest of the recipe’s features. Pamper yourself, surprise your family and friends, prepare homemade Sinabon buns :)

Ingredients for 12 large buns

  • dough,
  • filling,
  • fondant

For the test:
250 ml warm milk (45 C),
2 eggs,
75 g butter or margarine,
4.5 cups flour (+ another handful for rolling out dough),
1 tsp salt,
100 g sugar,
2.5 tsp. (7-11 g packet) dry active yeast.
The milk for the dough must be warm, but in no case hot. The remaining ingredients are at room temperature.
1 cup brown sugar
2.5 tbsp. ground cinnamon,
75 g butter.
100 g cream cheese (Philadelphia, Mascarpone, Almette),
50 g butter,
200 g (1.5 cups) powdered sugar,
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract or vanilla sugar,
1/8 tsp salt (very small pinch).

Recipe for making buns

Serve the buns warm. Bon appetit!

PS: The dough for Sinabon buns can also be kneaded in a bread machine. Add the dough ingredients to the bread maker and start the Dough mode.

One of the best desserts for coffee or tea can be called Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. This treat will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth, but not every housewife dares to prepare it.

Working with yeast dough for buns may seem like a difficult and uninteresting task to novice housewives, because the process is really quite labor-intensive. Actually this is not true.

If you have a desire to snack on a delicious Cinnabon roll, you should not deprive yourself of this opportunity, because the delicacy can be prepared at home.

Their recipe is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, especially since in this article I tried to outline all the steps step by step and write them as clearly as possible so that no housewife has any problems with preparing buns.

Cooking principles

  • To make delicious cinnamon rolls at home, you need to prepare a yeast dough batch. Even if you don't have a single skill with yeast, don't be afraid. The recipe is described step by step, all proportions are clearly indicated, and therefore soon lush Cinnabons will grace your table, which will delight both adults and children. You just need to choose the right ingredients for the dough and follow the baking regime for the buns.
  • For home baking, you should use premium flour. If you have low-grade flour, there is a high probability that the dough will simply float. The products will turn gray. The flour needs to be sifted a couple of times using a sieve. Typically, sifting the cinnamon roll flour mixture called Cinnabon several times will be enough. This simple step will keep the dough light and airy while baking.
  • Often, housewives wonder what yeast is best to use when baking buns - dry or fresh, or they are also called pressed. It’s easier to work with a dry composition; you just need to dilute them in warm water with added sugar, let them stand in a warm place so that the mass is activated and a foam cap appears. This mixture should be mixed with flour in a small amount. Based on it, you need to prepare a dough from about half the specified amount of flour. Maintain the temperature of the liquid at about 38 degrees, you should not take it lower, because otherwise there is a high chance that the dough will not rise, since the yeast will not be activated.
  • It is worth adding fat to the dough for cinnamon rolls, it can be rast. butter or margarine, chicken. eggs. When the yeast composition is made with water, you need to add sour cream to it. Butter and margarine should be used only of high quality so that they do not have an unpleasant odor. Melt them before using in a water bath, but I advise adding ingredients to the batch only after they have cooled. It is best for them to be at room temperature.
  • Sinabon buns use ground cinnamon. It is added to the filling. This spice provides the buns with a fragrant smell. You need to put a small amount of it in the dough to make the buns fragrant. Just be aware of a sense of proportion!
  • Sinabon buns must be decorated as indicated in the recipe.

Well, now I propose to move on to practice and bake buns for your family. Choose a recipe and put it into practice right now.

Cinnabon, buns originally from France

Components: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 125 gr. margarine; 3 tbsp. flour; 1 tbsp. milk; 50 gr. fresh yeast; ¼ tbsp. Sahara.
Ingredients for cream: 125 gr. sl. oils; 150 gr. Sahara; cinnamon (you need to make powdered sugar); 1.5 tbsp. starch.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. First, I'm preparing the cream. In this case, I mix starch, cinnamon, sugar. sand together and add to the melted butter. I stir until the mixture becomes paste-like.
  2. I knead the dough. I heat the milk to 38-40 gr. Pour the yeast into a bowl and crumble it, stirring until the mixture is well dissolved. Add sugar and mix again. The component should dissolve well.
  3. I introduce the melted slurry. butter, chicken eggs and a little flour sifted in advance.
  4. I mix, the dough mass should be homogeneous in composition. It is important that the mixture does not stick to your hands, but it should not turn out dense either.
  5. After preparing the batch, I separate 1/3 of the dough and roll it out into a rectangular layer about 1 cm thick. I spread 1/3 of the cream on top of the layer. I roll it up into a roll. Next you need to make several of these blanks.
  6. I cover the baking sheet with parchment, the layer should not be very thick. I cut the rolls into pieces; they should be about 4 cm wide. I lay them out on the surface of a baking sheet, but lay the cut sides of the buns down. You shouldn’t press the buns down, but you should leave some edges between them on the baking sheet. Cover the buns with a towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
  7. The Sinabon oven needs to be set at 180 degrees, but before that I advise you to preheat the roasting pan to 220 degrees. The buns take about 20 minutes to cook.

Cinnamon-apple French buns: recipe on dough

The recipe is not complicated, a step-by-step algorithm is presented with a photo.

Ingredients for the dough: 25 gr. fresh yeast; 250 ml milk; 2 tbsp. Sahara; 3 tbsp. flour.
Ingredients for the dough: 500 gr. flour; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; ¼ tbsp. Sahara; 1/3 pack sl. oils; bath Powder; 70 ml sour cream.
Ingredients for cream: 3 pcs. apples; 0.5 tbsp. Sahara; 1/3 tsp. cinnamon powder; 1 PC. lemon; 30 gr. cream or butter.
You will also need: 1 tbsp. milk and 2 pcs. chickens yolks

Cooking algorithm:

  1. First, I make a dough, pour in milk and add sugar to it. I stir until the grains are all dissolved. I add yeast to the mixture and mix again. I add flour. Using a whisk, I mix the lumps. I cover the container with the dough with either a towel or food. film and leave for 25 minutes.
  2. The dough should be allowed to rise, and only then should you knead the dough. I sow the flour into a container, add salt, vanilla and make a batch. I shake the chickens in the container. eggs, melt in a water bath. butter and let cool to room temperature.
  3. I sow the flour, make a hole in it on the surface and pour in the chickens. eggs, then I add the following. butter and add the dough mixture. I mix the mixture with a spoon, then switch to kneading with my hands. I knead the dough as thoroughly as possible, leave it in a bowl under a towel to rest there for 1.30 hours.
  4. At this time I am busy filling the buns. I peel the apples, cut the fruit into pieces and remove the seeds. The cubes shouldn't be too big. I put it in a bowl and sprinkle it with lemon juice, this is necessary so that the apples do not start to darken.
  5. I cover the apples with sugar, mix well, and then put them in a frying pan, poured with melted sugar. oil I simmer the fruit for about 7 minutes in a frying pan, and the heat should not be high. Only then should you add cinnamon to the mass and cool.
  6. When the dough has settled, you need to knead it for 5 minutes. Then cut into 20 balls and roll out into flat cakes, the thickness of which will be about 1.5 cm, and the diameter will be about 20 cm.
  7. I take one of the blanks, put a glass in the center and use it to cut out a circle. I take off the headband and put it aside.
  8. Cover the dough with 1 tbsp. apple fillings. We need to make sure that the circle does not break. I stretch the rim, put the filling around it, twist it into a figure 8 and place it on top. I form buns from blanks.
  9. I place the buns at a short distance from each other on a baking sheet, but I make sure to cover it with parchment. To allow them to space, I cover the pieces with a towel for 25 minutes. I brush the buns with chicken milk. yolk. I send it to bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Sinabon multi-layer buns: another recipe

Components: 500 gr. flour; 1 PC. chickens eggs; 1 tbsp. milk; 0.5 tbsp. Sahara; 30 gr. sl. butter another 50 g. For filling; cinnamon; 1 tsp dry yeast.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I drown the words oil, pour it in so that it cools a little in the bowl.
  2. I warm up the milk, add 2 tbsp to it. sugar and yeast. I leave it warm for 25 minutes.
  3. Pour the yeast mixture into a bowl, add sl. butter, kneading.
  4. I sift the flour several times before adding it to the mixture. The dough should be homogeneous. I knead it well on the table, this will take about 10 minutes. I form the dough into a ball and put it in a bowl, leaving it alone for another 60 minutes.
  5. All that remains is to divide the dough into 3 parts. They must be equal. It is worth rolling out the dough thinly, about 2 mm in thickness. I grease the top with melted slurry. butter, sprinkle the layers with sugar and cinnamon. I cover the dough again with a layer, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and repeat the procedure again. I lubricate the last layer. butter, then a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. In general, you will get a layer cake, but you need to divide it into parts and form buns.
  6. I cover the baking sheet with the plant. butter, cover with parchment.

I lay out the buns and leave them to proof for 30 minutes, only then bake them in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

The buns will be very tasty, there is no doubt about it, and you will make them for your loved ones for tea more than once! The recipe is so simple!

I wish you great success in your home kitchen, create real culinary masterpieces with my recipes!

My video recipe

Cooking time:

Number of servings:


The recipe for Sinabon cinnamon rolls is kept in the strictest confidence, and the best technologists worked on its creation. It was many years ago in America in Washington state under the auspices of Ritch Komen and his son Greg. The creators confidently claim that they managed to come up with a real culinary masterpiece. The secret of taste is in the patented recipe. First, the dough is made from wheat with a high gluten content. Secondly, Makara cinnamon, grown in Indonesia at an altitude of five thousand meters above sea level. Third, strict production standards. The roll that the master rolls and then cuts into buns should have no more than five turns. The company's business card is classic Sinabon with cream cheese and cinnamon. Each Cinnabon product is baked in front of customers and served hot straight from the oven.
This roll made the bakery famous and made it famous throughout the world. Cinabon - this word combines cinnamon, which means “cinnamon” in English, and bun - bun. The recipe is not troublesome, however, you should stick to it as closely as possible, otherwise you will end up with ordinary “grandmother’s buns.” Americans use high-gluten wheat flour. But if you're not sure about the stickiness of your flour, you can make your own gluten. Whether to add it or not can only be decided experimentally.


For the test:
Flour ~ 600
Milk – 200 ml
Eggs - 2 pieces
Sugar - 100 g
Butter - 70-80 g
Yeast - 50 g fresh (or 11 g dry)
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Gluten according to instructions optional

For filling:
Butter - 50 g
Brown sugar - 200 g
Cinnamon - 20 g (3 tablespoons)

For the glaze:
Cream cheese (for example, Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette) - 50-60 g
Powdered sugar - 100 g
Soft butter - 40 g


Prepare the dough.

In a cup, mix warm milk with a spoon of sugar and add yeast.

Leave for 10-15 minutes until the dough rises a little.

In a large bowl, beat room temperature eggs with the remaining sugar, then add soft butter and salt, mix.

When the dough has risen (increased), pour it into the egg-butter mixture, add gluten, stir and add the sifted flour.

It may take less or more flour, so you should add it gradually so that the dough does not turn out too stiff.

Knead the dough thoroughly.

Form the dough into a ball and cover with cling film (towel).

Leave in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours, during which time knead the dough 1-2 times. You can take a larger bowl and pour warm water into it, and then place the container with the dough.

The dough should approximately double in size.

Prepare the filling.

Melt butter on the stove or in the microwave.

Mix sugar with cinnamon and butter. The filling is ready.

Prepare the glaze.

Beat cream cheese with soft butter until smooth.

Add powdered sugar to the resulting mass.

If your kitchen is cool, the buttercream icing may be very thick, making it difficult to spread evenly onto the buns. Therefore, to make the cream more pliable, let it stand a little near the stove; the heat of the oven will not allow it to harden.

Form buns.

Place the dough on a floured table.

Knead the dough for another 2-3 minutes and leave on the table for 5 minutes.

Using a rolling pin, roll out a thin layer about 5 millimeters thick and measuring 12x16 inches (30x40 centimeters).

Distribute the filling evenly.

Leave three centimeters empty from the edge so that the rolled roll sticks well into the lock.

Roll the dough tightly into a roll so that it does not fall apart.

The tighter you get it, the more your buns will resemble the original and won't fall apart during baking. But don’t overdo it, don’t forget that for a proper Sinabon there should be no more than five turns.

Cut the resulting roll into one-inch (2.54 cm) thick pieces. You should have 12 pieces.

This recipe is not authentic and does not contain Philadelphia. But these buns are just as good, they have an attractive aroma and taste of cinnamon, and are also covered with a very pleasant sweet fudge.

Prepare the necessary ingredients to make Sinabon cinnamon rolls.

In a large saucepan for preparing the dough, combine milk (200 ml), sugar (75 g) and vegetable oil (60 g). Heat almost to a boil and remove from heat, let cool to 35-40 degrees.

Add the crumbled yeast, do not stir for a couple of minutes.

Add sifted flour (320 g). Mix until you have a smooth, sticky dough. Leave in a warm place, covered with a towel, for 1 hour. The dough should double in size.

The risen dough looks very attractive.

Add another 80 g of flour, a pinch of salt and baking powder prepared from the indicated ingredients (just mix soda, citric acid and starch).

Knead into a smooth dough.

Divide the dough into three equal parts. Prepare the filling: melted butter in one container and a mixture of cinnamon and sugar in another.

Using a rolling pin, roll each piece of dough into a rectangular layer, brush it with melted butter and sprinkle generously with the cinnamon-sugar mixture.

Roll the dough into a roll. Cut it into five pieces. Place each one vertically on the table and press it lightly with your hand on top.

Place the pieces in a baking dish greased with butter.

Bake Sinabon cinnamon buns in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes at 190-200 degrees.

While the buns are baking, prepare the fudge. To do this, mix melted butter, powdered sugar and warm milk. The more powder there is, the thicker the fudge will be. This moment can be adjusted.

Sprinkle the hot finished buns generously with the resulting fudge.

You can decorate the buns with soft nuts or almonds.

Bon appetit!)
