A fairytale story about a carrot princess. Fairy tale Big carrot. What does a fairy tale teach?

What do you think is the most talkative vegetable in the garden? Of course, carrots. What are we talking about? We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Chatty Carrot"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Mama Carrot has such wonderful children. With curly green hair, slender, tall, smart: they always wear orange overalls. And so obedient! In the morning, children do not forget to wash their face with dew and do morning exercises. How do you think carrots do exercise? And here it is - the exercise for baby carrots is called “stretching”. With all their might they reach up towards the sun.

Baby carrots grow quickly. They especially like it when joyful rain comes to visit the garden. He cheerfully drums on the curls of the carrots, and they laugh loudly.

Who do you think talks the most in the garden? Of course, carrots. Nothing will escape the red eyes of the carrots; they will see and discuss everything.

-Have you seen what kind of mustache King Pea has? And Mr. Pepper’s yellow suit? Oh, what sisters Count Tomato has! Real foreigners Cherry!

That's how they are, carrots - red and talkative. They enjoy the hot summer, and they do the right thing. In the fall - in a box, and in the underground, under lock and key.

In the meantime, it’s summer – the carrots are happy, and that’s what they wish for you too.

Questions for the fairy tale “Chatty Carrot”

What kind of children does Mother Carrot have?

How do baby carrots do exercises?

Which guest does carrots like?

What are the carrots talking about?

Do you like carrots?

Carrots love summer, and you?

A fairy tale about vegetables for children is not just entertainment. Thanks to it, the child gets acquainted with this or that product, finds out what color it is, what shape it has. An interesting story about the benefits of vegetables may interest a child. He will love to eat them, and this is very important for his body.

A fairy tale about vegetables for preschoolers should not only have fascinating content, but also be presented in simple and accessible language.

What does a fairy tale teach?

A fairy tale is not just entertainment for a child. She is able to teach, educate, solve many problems, and also calm. Thanks to a fairy tale, you can explain to your baby or toddler many things that are difficult to understand with a normal explanation. There are, for example, children's fairy tales about vegetables and fruits that will help you find out the names of certain products, as well as recognize their beneficial properties.

The therapeutic effect of fairy tales

Incredibly, fairy tales have a therapeutic effect. A fairy tale about vegetables for children can be no worse than one where the main characters are people. This way the child can quickly get acquainted and “make friends” with new vegetables. If he refuses to eat certain foods, then an interesting fairy tale about vegetables will help change his attitude towards them. Reading or listening to fairy tales, you are involuntarily transported to the world of magic and fantasy, dreams and daydreams. In this amazing world, anything can happen. Animals and birds can talk, houses can be made of candy, people can travel through time, fly, etc. The world of fairy tales is always kind and beautiful. That's why not only children, but also adults like them so much.

Merry vegetable garden

This is a short story about vegetables. One day a puppy was walking through the garden and met its inhabitants. But I just didn’t know what their name was. We need to help the puppy learn about the inhabitants of the wonderful garden.

First the dog saw a green and pimply creature. Who is it? So this is a cucumber, a real brave daredevil.

And here is a business lady, she is dressed in a hundred fur coats. And in the summer she is not the least bit hot. This is cabbage that just can't get warm.

Who is it that exposed his side to the sun? He didn't tan, but just turned a little white. Yes, this is a couch potato.

He also saw a girl whose braid was always on the street, and she herself was sitting in prison. Who is this? Of course, carrots. Now the puppy knows who lives in the cheerful garden. It is inhabited by wonderful people.

Tale about vegetables (funny)

Grandfather planted a turnip. And I expected her to grow very, very big. It's time to. Grandfather began to dig turnips. He pulls and pulls... And then he hears that the vegetable is talking to him.

Grandpa, what kind of turnip am I to you, I’m a red carrot with green curly hair!

These are miracles, says the grandfather, but where did I plant the turnip? I do not remember. Get into my basket, you’ll need it for soup, but in the meantime, we’ll look for it together. He walks further through the garden. Pulls and pulls...

“Oh, be careful with me, I’m not a turnip, but a beet,” the burgundy lady answered busily.

“How come,” says the grandfather, “I got it mixed up again.” I'm an old fool. Well, come with me, you’ll need some borscht. He moves on.

“You’re probably a turnip,” the grandfather turned to another vegetable.

Who am I? No, what are you? I'm a potato.

Here's the thing, - muttered grandfather, - oh, old age is not a joy. He's blind and has problems with his memory. How can I find a turnip?

“Here I am,” exclaimed the turnip, “how long can I wait for all of you?” I'm sitting here, bored, alone.

“Finally,” the grandfather rejoiced. I wanted to pull it out, but a really big, big turnip was born. Probably we should call our grandmother, granddaughter and others. How did grandfather pull the turnip? Well, that's another story...

Vegetable dispute

This is an autumn tale about vegetables. Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. Grandfather watched TV in the evenings, and grandmother knitted socks for him. They became bored with living like this. We decided to get a vegetable garden. They spent days fiddling with it. They really liked that time flew by quickly and it was not boring at all. It's time to sow the seeds. The grandfather did not entrust such a serious matter to the grandmother. I went to the market myself and bought everything. I decided not to call grandma, but to sow the seeds myself. But he stumbled, and all the seeds scattered throughout the garden.

Grandfather came home gloomy. And he says: “Now how can you find out where the carrots are and where the beets are!” “Don’t worry, grandfather,” said the grandmother, “the time will come, we’ll figure it out ourselves.”

Autumn has come, it's time to harvest. An old man and an old woman were watching, and the vegetables were all so beautiful and ripe. But they argue with each other about which of them is better and more useful.

I am a tomato, I make a delicious tomato. I'm the best.

And I’m the most useful of all. I am an onion, I save everyone from illness.

But no. I'm also rich in vitamins. I am a sweet and very tasty pumpkin, and I am also very bright and beautiful.

You are not the only one who shines with beauty. I am a red carrot, I am a beautiful girl. Healthy and tasty, everyone really likes it.

The vegetables argued for a long time, until the grandfather and grandmother said: “You are all the main, important and useful. We will gather all of you, we will not leave anyone in the garden. Some will go into porridge, some into soup, and many of you will eat raw vegetables.” and very tasty. The vegetables were delighted, laughed and clapped."

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part one

This story about vegetables is perfect for those children who have problems with food. Approximate age: from 3.5 years. Many children enjoy conversations about tasty and healthy food, as well as junk food. The main thing is that they are interesting. If you are telling a therapeutic story, you should not use your child's name for the main character.

So, a therapeutic tale about vegetables could be next. Katya, as usual, was visiting her grandmother during the summer holidays. She really liked this village. The bright and warm sun always lifted my spirits, and I could always swim to my heart's content in the clean river. Only Katya was very often capricious and did not obey her grandmother. She did not want to eat cooked vegetables and fruits. The girl refused to eat them and said: “I don’t want this, I won’t do this. I don’t eat this green one, but take away this red one.” And everything like that. Of course, this greatly upset the grandmother, because she tried so hard for her beloved granddaughter. But Katenka couldn’t help herself.

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part two

One day the girl went outside and heard someone talking in the garden. She came closer to the beds and was very surprised. The vegetables were arguing among themselves.

“I am more important than everyone else in the world,” the potato spoke, “I am able to saturate the entire body and give strength for the whole day.” Thanks to my beneficial properties, every child will run, jump, gallop for a long time, and will not get tired at all.

It's not true, I'm the most important! - said the beautiful orange carrot. You have no idea how much beta-carotene is in me - a supervitamin. It is good for vision.

Hmm, Katya thought, grandma probably loves carrots very much, since she still knits and reads without glasses.

Meanwhile, the vegetables continued to argue:

Dear friend,” pumpkin joined the conversation, “don’t think that you’re the only one rich in beta-carotene. I have plenty of it too. I help people cope with autumn ailments. I also contain vitamin C.

“I also have this vitamin,” the red pepper answered playfully, “I have much more of it than citrus fruits.”

No, guys, of course, you are important, but I’m still the most important! - said broccoli. - You can eat me not only boiled, fried or stewed, but also raw. I contain the most useful vitamins. And the soup I make is excellent.

Friends, you are all right, of course, but without me the dishes don’t turn out as tasty. - said the bow in a deep voice, - and I can cure a person of various diseases.

And then the vegetables noticed that someone was watching them, and they immediately stopped their argument, as if they were not talking at all.

These are miracles! - Katenka said quietly. - And then the grandmother called her granddaughter to eat. Katya realized that she was very hungry and ran to wash her hands. When the girl saw that pumpkin porridge was waiting for her for breakfast, she was very happy. She wanted to try all the vegetables herself and choose which of them was more important and tastier. Katya decided that now she would enjoy eating her grandmother’s salads and porridge and would become beautiful and healthy.


Thus, a fairy tale about vegetables can be educational, therapeutic and developmental. For very young children, choose books with thick pages (preferably made of cardboard) and bright illustrations. The baby, leafing through them, will gradually find out which vegetable is which. Choose fairy tales written in simple and accessible language. When they are presented in verse, they really attract the attention of children. Make up your own fairy tales. Make up stories, but use another child's name. When your baby grows up, teach him to write fairy tales. Often the fairy tales invented by children are very funny and interesting.

Did you know that carrots can be smart, quick-witted and savvy? This is exactly how you see your child - maybe that’s why you should tell him this fairy tale?

A warm, kind and beautiful story about a dreamy carrot.

Once the wind carried a grain of carrot into the forest. It fell on the loose ground near Bereza and overwintered there. And in the spring, when the earth warmed up after a winter sleep, a small sprout of carrots grew from the grain. The sun warmed him, the rain fed him water, and the beautiful Birch told him fairy tales. The sprout has grown into a juicy carrot in the ground, and above the ground only the orange tip with a fluffy green tail flaunts.

Fluffy the bunny ran past. I saw a carrot and was surprised:

Wow! Carrots, yes, they're real!

And I’m not a carrot at all!!! I'm a fox!!! You see, my color is red and I have a fluffy tail. I'll eat you now!

The bunny got scared and ran away.

And then in the evening the Hedgehog comes. He's so cold, so chilly. Its needles don't warm it up much. He walks and shudders. I sat down under Birch, warming my paws under my arms.

Carrot felt sorry for him and said:

Hedgehog, why are you freezing? Look how orange I am, Sunshine. Sit, look at me and warm yourself, and I will tell you about the Sun - how affectionate and warm it is.

These words really made the Hedgehog feel warmer. He was happy and cheerful. He thanked Carrot and skipped home, smiling and thinking about Sunny.

This is how Mokrovka the dreamer saved herself with a word and warmed another from the cold.

Anastasia Karpova
Fairy tale "Wonderful Carrot". A fairy tale about the benefits of carrots, about pets, about mutual assistance

Marvelous carrots.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived a father and a mother. They lived in a village. And they had a daughter Annushka, a son Vanechka, and a yard full of cattle: a bull, a horse, a pig, a goat, a puppy, a cat and a mouse behind the stove.

Mom and dad loved their children very much and would like them to grow up healthy and beautiful, and to make their wish come true, they sowed a miracle carrot vegetable. Summer has passed, autumn has come.

Dad went to the garden to collect the harvest. He looks and can’t believe his eyes: the carrot has grown very, very big.

Dad: I’ll take the carrots for the tops, I’ll find some vitamins (pulls; calls mom) - mom, come help.

Mother:(surprised) Oh, yes, carrots! Let's pull the carrot tops. We'll get you some healthy vegetables.

All: oh, no way! Can't get it! Maybe I should call Annushka? (name: Annushka).

Annushka: dad, mom, what happened? What a vegetable! Let's pull the carrot tops. We'll get you a tasty vegetable.

All: oh, no way! Can't get it! We need to call Vanechka. Vanechka, Vanechka, come help.

Vanechka: what happened to you? How can I help you? - These are carrots.

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some delicious vegetables!

Vania: oh, no way! Can't get it! We need to call the bull! - bull, stop chewing, go help.

Bull: mu, mu, help whom? Ah-ah-ah, I love carrots and of course I will help.

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some healthy vegetables!

Bull: oh, no way! Can't get it! We need to call the horse! Horse, run, help!

Horse: yoke-go-go! Let's pull out carrots easily!

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some delicious vegetables!

Horse: oh, no way! Can't get it! We need to call the pig! (calls).

Pig: Oink oink oink. I will help you instantly!

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some healthy vegetables!

Pig: oh, no way! Can't get it! We need to call the goat! (calls the goat).

Goat: meh, meh, meh - I'm glad to help the family!

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some healthy vegetables!

Goat: oh, no way! Can't get it! Maybe we should get a puppy? (calls the puppy).

Puppy: Woof woof woof! What happened, here I am. I will help my friends.

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some delicious vegetables!

Puppy: oh, no way! Can't get it! We need to call the cat. (calls).

Cat: Meow meow! What noise is there near the vegetable garden? - What is this that you buried?

Mom and Dad: and we have grown a vitamin carrot, but we can’t get it out, please help.

Cat: Meow meow. I will help you in any way I can.

All: Let's pull the carrot tops!

We'll get you some healthy vegetables!

Cat: Oh, no way, I can’t, now I’ll call the mouse. (calls).

Mouse: pee-pee-pee! I saw, I heard, you need help. Well, let's say it together.

Friendly: 1, 2, 3 you carrot come out.

Storyteller: to be fast and agile

You need to eat a lot of carrots

It's a vegetable, not a fruit -

A necessary product for children.

Help yourself to some carrots (he treats all spectators).

Publications on the topic:

"A Tale of Two Dwarves." A tale of mutual assistance, kindness, non-judgment, forgiveness and true friendship“A Tale of Two Dwarves” In one magical forest, where it was always warm and it never rained, there lived two gnomes. They lived on the same tree.

“Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke...” Physical education lesson using folklore in the preparatory group“Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke...” Physical education lesson using folklore in the preparatory group Prepared and conducted by: senior teacher.

Classics for children: “The Tale of A. S. Pushkin in the opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” Topic of the lesson: Classics for children: “The fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin in the opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his glorious and mighty hero son.

Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention a master class on making bas-relief. The work of making bas-relief is useful for children.

Methodological development “Educational tale for children”: “The tale of how the dinosaur Gosha fell asleep while walking.” This development was created to help parents, educators and everyone who wants not only to entertain children, but also to instill in them spiritual and moral values.


Project “His Majesty the Carrot” Purpose of the project: all adults say that carrots are very healthy. I decided to find out all about the benefits of carrots for my health. Tasks: Look.

GOU RME “Nartasskaya special (correctional general education school - boarding school for students, pupils with disabilities of the VIII type"

Fairy tale

(event for junior level)

Compiled and conducted:



Nartas village, 2012

Storyteller 1: Hello, our dear friends,

The kids are wonderful,

Cheerful, funny

Boys and girls are nice

Storyteller 2: Funny, cute!

Congratulations on the holiday,

Our deepest bow to gardeners,

Vegetable growers and flower growers

Storyteller 1: In the capital city of Moscow, there lived a very funny animal. His name was Cheburashka.

Storyteller 2: And he was friends with the crocodile Gena, who often came to him.

(the crocodile and Cheburashka come out, he immediately sits down at the computer.)

Crocodile: Cheburashka, let's go for a walk

Cheburashka: I have no time, you see, I’m busy.

Crocodile: The problem is, he sits at the computer all day. What can we come up with? Yeah, I figured it out. (calls on the phone) Hello, Alena, hello. Or maybe I’ll come to your village with my friend. He just needs fresh air and healthy vitamins. Get ready, Cheburashka, we'll go visit.

Cheburashka: It's good to visit!


Storyteller 1: In one village, in a small hut, lived a grandfather, a woman and a granddaughter Alyonushka.

Storyteller 2: And they had a big garden. So Cheburashka came to them with his best friend Gena.

(grandfather, grandmother, Alenka, crocodile, Cheburashka come out)

Alenka: Yes, Cheburashka, you need to eat carrots. Look how pale, thin and small you are.

Cheburashka: Is carrot good for those who have heart problems?

Crocodile: Simply necessary. It contains potassium salts, and they are needed for normal heart function, and carrot juice helps with a heart attack.

Grandma: A Now we will sow carrots. For carrots to grow large and sweet, the seeds need loose, moist soil. They sowed it, covered it with soil, and watered it.

Grandfather: And water little and often. You even need to know how to weed, otherwise the carrot babies can be pulled out along with the grass.


(Alyonushka runs out)

Alyonushka: I dance and play

But I don’t forget about the matter

Look guys

I'm watering the beds

The carrot grew delicious

Very long head

Orange color, sunny summer.

There you go. I'll run to help my grandmother.

(carrots run out, followed by Cheburashka)

Cheburashka: Are you carrots?

Carrot 1: We are carrots (together)

There are no vegetables more important than us

For pilaf, soup and cabbage soup

We are definitely needed

With us the taste is excellent

Carrot 2 All the guys need us

And also for animals and calves

For everyone who wants to grow up

You won't find us more useful

Cheburashka: Why is this?

Carrot 1: Because we have a lot of carotene. And when children eat carrots, carotene is converted into vitamin A. This is a growth vitamin.


It's clear. Why do you have onions growing in your garden bed?

Carrot 2: Onion is our friend and protector. The carrot fly is afraid of its smell.

You know how harmful it is: it swoops in in a whole crowd and all the carrots grow with black holes.

Cheburashka: I’m tired, I’ll lie down and rest.

(hides behind carrots and falls asleep)

Grandfather comes out

Grandfather: And in the garden it’s quiet, quiet. And I wanted carrots. Where is she here? The first bed is with cabbage, the second with beets, and here are the carrots. Gorgeous!

(leans towards the carrot, it moves and someone puffs)

Oh oh oh. What passions.

(runs, falls, gets up and trembles)

Grandma: What's wrong with you, grandpa?

Grandfather: Oh, grandma wanted to pick a carrot, and from under the carrot some kind of monster began to puff. I forcibly took my feet away!

Grandma: Grandfather, you've had enough of making things up. Let's go pick a carrot together

Grandfather: No, go on your own. I’d rather take a look from afar

Grandma: Eh, you were scared. And the garden is quiet, quiet. This is a bed with cabbage, this is with beets, and here are carrots.

(leans over and someone puffs)

Ah, ah, ah

(runs to grandfather, hides behind him, Alena comes out with a crocodile)

Alyonushka: What's happened? Why are you shaking so much?

Grandma: There, under the carrot, a terrible puff sits. We barely made it.

Crocodile : What are you talking about! They invented some kind of puff!

Alyonushka: It's quiet and quiet in the garden. Here is a bed with cabbage, here with beets, and here with carrots

(leans over, someone puffs)

Oh, who is this? Come on, get out!

(sleepy Cheburashka comes out)

Cheburashka: Oh, I think I fell asleep

Alyonushka: Yes, this is Cheburashka! Why did you scare your grandparents?

(addressing grandparents)

Aren't you ashamed? Look who you're scared of? Ah ah ah.

(Cheburashka pulls out carrots)

Cheburashka: In my mind

A wonderful vegetable to behold!

Grandfather: To be fast and dexterous

You need to eat a lot of carrots

It's a vegetable, not a fruit

Essential product for children

Alenka: My mom said

Carrots give beauty and strength

Saturating the body

Extending people's lives.

Grandma: Get out the carrot

Tasty and sweet

But don't eat on the sly.

Wash very thoroughly

Everything will be great.

Storyteller 1: Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrot

Will you be then, my friend?

Strong, strong, dexterous

(Performed songs based on the small country)

We'll call our carrot

The main vegetable

After all, without it you can’t cook right away

Delicious and fresh cabbage soup

Can't cook without carrots

Soup and salad

Increases height and skill

Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamins


Carrots - a sweet root vegetable

Delicacy fruit

Known in Russia, useful for children

Sweet, carrot juice.

Storyteller 2: That's the end of the fairy tale. Well done to those who listened.
