Apple puff pastry recipes with photos. Prepare tender and juicy apple puffs from puff pastry according to a homemade recipe

Every housewife wants to pamper her family with delicious homemade baked goods more often, but as usual there is not enough time - home, work, children. There is no energy left for culinary delights. Today I will prepare puff pastries stuffed with apples - a dish that will suit even the busiest housewife and she will without much effort please her family with delicious puff pastries with apples.

In general, my family loves the sweets that I cook. Most often I make or because they are the easiest to prepare. Sometimes I pamper my loved ones with more refined sweets such as or, but in terms of simplicity and speed of preparation they cannot be compared with today’s puff pastries.

To prepare apple puffs you will need:

Unleavened puff pastry - 0.5 kg;

Apples - 4 pcs;

Egg - 1 piece;

Sugar - 50 g;

Butter - 30 g;

I will use the egg to grease the puff pastries, and the butter to prepare the filling.

Recipe for apple puff pastry:

First, let's prepare the filling:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly and cut them into cubes.

Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan.

2. Place apples in the pan.

3. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

4. Simmer until the apples are soft.

The filling turns out delicious - you have to constantly shoo away the household so that they don’t eat it before the dough is finished :)

Prepare the dough: defrost at room temperature, roll out a little.

5. Cut the dough into rectangles, make cuts as in the photo.

6. Place the filling on the back side of the cuts. Place as much filling as you can fit: the more, the tastier, but without fanaticism - so that you can pinch the edges.

7. Pinch the edges.

8. Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet and brush the top with yolk. Grease to obtain an appetizing crust after baking.

9. Bake at 220 degrees until golden brown.

Incredibly delicious apple puffs ready!

Enjoy your tea!

Children really love all sorts of cottage cheese treats. Indulging their desires I cook

Baking with apples is one of our family's favorites. And simple, and always tasty, and, as a rule, budget-friendly. Today we will prepare puff pastries with apples, raisins and cinnamon from ready-made puff pastry without yeast.

I use the same dough to make beautiful and tasty ones with canned pineapple rings; the recipe for making them is even simpler and faster. Today's apple puffs require a little fiddling, but the results are worth it. 🙂

Ingredients:(for 8 puffs)

  • 1 package (500 g) yeast-free puff pastry
  • 650 g sweet and sour apples
  • 50 g raisins
  • 30 g butter
  • 3 tbsp. l. sugar + 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1/3 tsp. cinnamon

If you don't like raisins, then use 700 g of apples for the filling.


Cut the package of puff pastry and leave to defrost at room temperature. You can cover it with a film or bag on top to prevent it from getting airy. While we prepare the filling, the dough will just defrost.

We sort out the raisins and pour hot water from the kettle so that they steam a little.

I prepare a very tasty filling for apple puffs according to the same principle as for and for. For the filling, I buy green sweet and sour apples such as Golden, Granny Smith or Semerenko with dense, crispy pulp. Pieces of apples of these varieties retain their shape well during heat treatment and do not become soft in puree.
Peel the apples from skins and seeds and cut them into small cubes. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and mix.

Melt butter in a frying pan and add chopped apples. Pour 3 tbsp on top. l. sugar and a bag (10 g) of vanilla sugar. Instead of vanilla sugar, you can add vanillin at the tip of a teaspoon.

Keep the frying pan over fairly high heat, stirring the contents all the time. First, the sugar will begin to melt and the apples will release juice, and quite a lot of syrup will form. Stir the apples constantly until the liquid evaporates, so that they are evenly saturated with syrup and do not burn. It is advisable to do this with a silicone spatula, delicately turning over the apple pieces and trying not to injure them.
When there is almost no liquid left, which won’t last long, add cinnamon and raisins, after draining the water.

Stir the filling for some more time until there is no liquid left at all, and as a result we get this delicious filling for puff pastries:

Set the pan aside and let it cool. Now you can turn on the oven so that it heats up to 200-220 degrees.
By this time, the puff pastry has already defrosted. We will work with one sheet, and leave the second one under the film for now.
Lightly flour the table and cut the dough sheet into 4 pieces.

Let's start making puff pastries. There are two options here. If you are cooking, as they say, in a hurry, then you can not roll out the dough at all, but do it like this. First, place a full tablespoon of filling onto the dough square and connect the opposite corners. To prevent the corners from coming unglued, you need to lightly moisten them with water.

Then connect the remaining two corners, try to glue them more securely. Pinch the corners of the puff pastry with your fingers to prevent the filling from leaking out.

I took these two photos the last time I baked puff pastries just like that, quickly. 🙂
But if you have time, try making beautiful puff braids, it’s very simple.
Roll out the dough square thinly to a size of approximately 15*17 cm. Visually divide it into 3 parts and make cuts along the edges to make 8-9 strips.

Place the apple filling in the middle and begin to braid the dough strips.

We bend the remaining ends downwards.

Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake the puff pastries until golden brown. It is difficult to say the exact time, since all ovens behave differently. My baking process took 35 minutes, yours may be longer or shorter.
If your oven bakes unevenly and the baked goods usually burn, then 15 minutes after the start of baking, place a flat container of water on the bottom of the oven.

Every housewife likes to keep ready-made puff pastry in the freezer “just in case.” Sudden guests will not be taken by surprise if you prepare a delicious treat for tea in 15-20 minutes - puff pastry puffs with apples. The recipe is so simple that even a first grader can handle it. And even the step-by-step photos here seem superfluous, but my habit of photographing the entire process is so strong that I can’t resist!

If you don’t trust store-bought products, you can stock up for future use. Then defrost and prepare puff pastries with cheese, apples, cherries... Huge scope for creativity!

Apple Puff Recipe Ingredients:

  • Puff pastry (yeast-free is more suitable) - 400-500 g
  • Sweet and sour apples - 3-4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Small egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • Powdered sugar for decoration

How to make delicious puff pastries with apples

Thaw the puff pastry. You can leave it on a cutting board in the evening, covering it with a towel to prevent it from getting too windy. If time is short, use the microwave to defrost (be careful not to accidentally bake it).

As soon as the dough is defrosted, you can immediately turn on the oven at 200 °C. The puff pastries cook at lightning speed, so the oven must be ready.

Apple filling

To make the filling, wash the apples and peel them with a sharp knife or vegetable peeler. Cut into small diamonds and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Stir. As soon as the apples release their juice, carefully drain it. For the filling, use only dry, well-wrung out pieces, otherwise the puff pastries will get soggy and fall apart in the oven.

There is another 100% way to make the filling so that the puff pastries do not leak in the oven. Place a teaspoon of butter in a frying pan and add apples and sugar. For flavor, you can mix apples with vanilla sugar, not regular sugar. Simmer the apples and sugar over the heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a spatula. During this time, the sugar and juice from the apples will turn into a thick syrup, and the fruits themselves will become soft and give up excess liquid.

Forming puff pastries

Puff pastry is usually not rolled out to make the finished product more fluffy and flaky. Therefore, you can only roll it out lightly so that the final thickness is at least 0.5 cm. Cut the layer into quarters (about 10 -20 cm). Each piece of dough will be a puff pastry.

If you decide to make as many puffs as possible, in this case the dough needs to be rolled out thinly. But the finished baked goods will not be as voluminous.

Place 1 tbsp on each piece of dough. l. apples There should be enough space from the filling to the edges of the dough. Remember that the dough is no less tasty than the filling; you should not add too much to avoid the filling leaking out.

You can form the puff pastries directly on the baking sheet so as not to transfer them from the cutting board.

On top you need to cover the puff pastry with exactly the same size layer of dough. I have a shaped knife roller that allows me to easily make a mesh. That is, you need to run a roller over the dough plate, leaving a pattern that is not completely cut.

Use a knife to spread the mesh apart.

Cover the filled puff pastry with a mesh piece of dough.

If there is no figured roller, you can make closed puff pastries. In this case, cover the apples with exactly the same size layer of dough.

There is another option to make cuts with a regular knife. Make slits at a distance of 1 cm from each other; excess steam will escape through them, and the appearance of the puff pastries will become more interesting.

I press the dough around the edges and press it tightly. You can press the edges with a fork: you will get a beautiful curly rim. Squeeze as hard as possible to prevent the puff pastries from opening in the oven.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

To make the puff pastries have an appetizing and crispy crust, brush a mixture of yolk and milk with a brush. Break an egg into a small bowl and scoop out the yolk into a separate cup.

Add 1 tbsp. l. milk and stir the mixture. For crunch, you can lightly add salt to the puff pastries.

Using a pastry brush, coat each puff with this mixture.

To ensure that the delicacy gets a caramel crispy crust in the oven, use the following trick: combine 0.5 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. Sahara.

Stir the dry mixture.

Now sprinkle the puff pastries on top. The sugar will stick well to the egg grease and the puff pastries will get a wonderful crust.

Now another secret to delicious puff pastry in the oven. Using a spray bottle, spray the puff pastries with plain cold water. This way the puff pastries will become even tastier, the dough will rise and reveal its layers much better.

After 20-25 minutes in the oven, the puff pastries will be ready. Be sure to cool the puff pastries before serving. The filling is so hot that you can burn yourself with it!

Sprinkle the finished treat with powdered sugar through a sieve. It will be even tastier and more beautiful. Bon appetit! The puff pastries are satisfying and moderately sweet. Based on this recipe, you can prepare puff pastries with any berries, just add 1 tbsp to the filling. l. starch to prevent leakage.

On my You Tube channel I posted a detailed video on how to make yeast puff pastry with your own hands and how to make croissants from it. If you want to make homemade puff pastry, start with this recipe!

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Puff pastry with apples - deliciously tender and tasty will cheer up not only those with a sweet tooth! What could be simpler and tastier?

The children will eat it with pleasure first of all, and their happy smiles will certainly add comfort to your home. With a package of ready-made puff pastry from the freezer, you can quickly prepare delicious pastries for tea - fragrant puff pastries with apples. According to your taste, you can add nuts, poppy seeds, cinnamon, cottage cheese, fruits, berries, jam to the apples and decorate with powdered sugar or chocolate. Lovers of homemade baked goods are welcome in the sweet pastries section.

French puff pastry apple puff with salted caramel and cream

An interesting recipe for French puff pastry with apples and salted caramel.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
For puff pastries
Puff pastry without yeast - 300 g
Apples - 2 pcs.
Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 4 tsp.
Coarse sea salt or fleur de sel
For the sauce
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Cream 33% - 3/4 cup

Fine sea salt - 1/2 tsp.
Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make French puff pastry with apples and salted caramel

Making caramel sauce

Place the sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and place over medium heat. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon or shaking the saucepan.

Once the sugar has completely melted, leave the saucepan on the heat until the sugar turns amber. Reduce heat to low and carefully pour in cream. Be careful, the caramel will bubble and splatter a lot! Bring the caramel to a boil, stirring the sugar cubes into the cream. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add salt and stir until smooth. Strain the sauce if desired.

Preheat the oven to 200 C. Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the dough a little. Cut out 4 circles with a diameter of 12 cm or make a model of an apple out of cardboard. Transfer the pieces to a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Cut the apples in half, peel and core them. Cut into thin slices. Arrange the apples on the dough. Melt the butter and brush the apples with a brush. Sprinkle with sugar.

Place the baking sheet with puff pastries in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, the apples should become soft and the dough should be golden.

Heat caramel sauce and spread over apples. Sprinkle with coarse salt or fleur de sel. Serve the puffs warm with scoops of ice cream.

On a note
You will end up with more caramel sauce than you need, but it will keep well in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Cinnamon Apple Baking Recipe

Puff pastry with apples and cinnamon turns out delicious and aromatic.
Puff pastry (yeast-free) - 500 g
Apples - 2-3 pcs.
Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
Butter - 50 g
Powdered sugar (for sprinkling)


Mix sugar with cinnamon. Melt the butter. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into small cubes.

Roll out the puff pastry a little and cut into two layers. Brush one layer with melted butter and sprinkle with half of the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Distribute apples on top. Cover with a second layer of dough, also grease with butter and sprinkle with the remaining sugar mixture.

Along the long side, roll both layers with the filling into a roll, cut into pieces 3 cm wide. Press each puff in the middle with a wooden stick, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 C for 25 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished puff pastries with powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Video recipe on how to make puff pastries with apples and cottage cheese

These puff pastries are good for breakfast for the whole family along with coffee, milk or tea.

Bon appetit!

Puff pastry with apples and oranges

Make these baked goods for your family. Such a sweet and sour taste that you will lick your fingers!
Ready-made puff pastry without yeast - 1 pack
Medium-sized apples - 4 pcs.
Zest of one orange
Oil - 30 g
Sugar - 1 glass
Flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.
Egg - 1 pc.


Peel the apples and cut into cubes.

Put oil in a frying pan and add apples. Mix well. Add the grated orange zest and mix well for a minute.

Add sugar, mix well. Until the sugar dissolves.

Add flour, mix well and remove from heat.

Beat the egg, add a little water or milk.

Roll out the finished dough, divide into 4 parts. Place 1 tbsp of filling in the middle. l. Brush both inside and outside with egg. Shape into a triangle. Place the apples in puff pastry in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

You can prepare the glaze and apply it to the apples in the puff pastry in stripes. It will turn out beautiful and very tasty. Bon appetit!

Appetizing envelopes made of puff pastry without yeast with fillings

Let's prepare puff pastry envelopes filled with apples and also with cheese and mushrooms. Puff pastries are great for tea or just as a snack!

Yeast-free puff pastry (ready) – 1 kg
Apples - 3 pcs.
Champignons – 300 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Garlic - 4 cloves
Cheese - to taste
Sugar - 150 g
Butter - 40 g
Vegetable oil
Salt to taste
Yolks - 3 pcs.


Preparing the apple filling

Coarsely chop the apples. Pour sugar into a cold, dry frying pan, then apples, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and place over low heat.

When the sugar melts a little, add a small piece of butter and fry until the apples are soft. The first filling is ready!

Preparing the filling with mushrooms

Finely chop the mushrooms, onions, garlic, parsley. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, add the herbs at the end. The second filling is ready.

Roll out the puff pastry without yeast to about 0.5 cm, cut into equal parts. Place mushrooms on the squares, cheese on top and cover with another square of dough.

Also make puff envelopes with apples.

Place the envelopes on foil greased with vegetable oil. Also grease the envelopes with lemonade (3 yolks + 2 tsp water). Bake the puff pastry puffs in the oven over medium heat until golden brown.

Puff envelopes with apples and mushrooms are ready! Bon appetit!

Puff pastry with apples and lingonberries in a slow cooker in 15 minutes

Beautiful and fragrant pastries with powdered sugar will decorate any table.
Puff pastry without yeast - 350 g
Sweet and sour apple - 1 pc.
Grated lingonberries with sugar - 4 tsp.
Ground cinnamon - optional
Powdered sugar


Wash the apple, remove the core, cut into 8 slices. Cut the dough into 8 squares.

Place 0.5 tsp in the center of each square. pureed lingonberries with sugar.

Make “boats” from the squares. Place an apple slice into the hole. If desired, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Preheat the multi-oven to 200 degrees. Place 4 boat puffs on the mesh. Bake for 6 minutes at 195 degrees.

Bake the second batch of puff pastries in the same way.

Sprinkle the finished apple puffs with powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

We bake beautiful roses from puff pastry with apple and powdered sugar

A simple, beautifully decorated pastry made from ready-made puff pastry.
Yeast-free puff pastry (ready) – 250 g
Apples (preferably red) - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
Powdered sugar (for sprinkling) to taste


Frozen dough must be thawed first. Cut the apples into quarters, removing the inedible part. Then cut into thin slices 2 mm thick.

Pour 200 ml (1 cup) water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add sugar. Carefully place apple slices into boiling water. Cook for no more than 2-3 minutes, then drain the water. The apples should become flexible.

Roll out the defrosted dough into a thin layer, about 1-2 mm thick. Cut the layer into strips about 3 cm wide and 25-30 cm long.

Place 5 apple slices onto the strip of dough. The slices should protrude one-third beyond the top edge of the dough. Carefully roll the strip of apples into a roll. Fold the bottom edges of the dough inward.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Place the finished roses on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in a preheated oven and bake puff roses with apple for about 30 minutes.

Cool the finished apple puffs completely and sprinkle with powdered sugar. The puff pastry rosettes are ready. Bon appetit!

Ideas for decorating beautiful baked goods

Take these ideas for decorating beautiful baked goods into service.

If the puff pastry for puff pastry consists of one layer, then you need to cut it into rectangles of about 10-20 cm (you will get about 4 puff pastries). Each workpiece is divided into two parts. In one part, make cuts lengthwise at a distance of 1 cm, not reaching the edge by 1 cm. Place the filling on the uncut part, cover with the second part, press the edges (not folded) quite firmly with a fork. This will prevent the puff pastries from “opening” during baking. Do the same with the rest of the blanks.

More interesting options for decorating beautiful baked goods. The kids will love it!

Bon appetit!

Prepare puff pastry apple puffs - a simple and delicate dessert for evening tea for the whole family. Fragrant pastries with apples, sprinkled with powdered sugar, will decorate your table.

Choose your most delicious puff pastry recipe with apples, which will delight your family with its aroma and bright design. Also on my colleague Oksana’s blog you can see recipes for delicious buns made from yeast dough and 22 ways to make them.

Autumn has arrived and most people now watch how to cook or how to cook. My first video - subscribe to the channel, like it. Now I will have more work, I will congratulate everyone on the holidays, and we have a lot of them!

Puff pastry, despite all the complexity of its production without the appropriate equipment, rightfully occupies first place in the “Table of Ranks” of children's preferences,

Yes, to be honest, many adults enjoy crunching golden brown pastries.

The slightly salty puff pastry provides a great contrast, adding flavor to the sweet fillings.

And among them, fruit puffs deservedly take the first place.

Puff pastry with apples - general principles of preparation

For baking puff pastry with apples from puff pastry, both yeast and yeast-free dough are suitable. You can cook any of these types yourself or buy them frozen.

The given recipes contain a description of not only a quick and simple method of preparing yeast-free puff pastry with beer, margarine and sour cream, but also a more complex one.

Before cutting, a purchased frozen semi-finished product must be thoroughly thawed so that it is easy to work with and does not break during the formation of products.

The dough is thawed directly in the package, laid out from the refrigerator compartment on the table. You cannot defrost the dough in the microwave, or by immersing the package in water, this will kill all its properties.

Puff pastry prepared independently or already thawed is rolled out into a thin rectangular layer. The thickness of the layer usually does not exceed 0.8 cm; for some products it is rolled out thinner.

Apples for puff pastries are peeled, the seeds are removed from them, cutting out the middle, and cut into slices, slices or slices. Whole apples are also baked in puff pastry.

“Apple envelopes” – puff pastry with apples made from puff pastry


Half a kilo of yeast-based puff pastry;

One egg;

Granulated sugar;

300 grams of sweet autumn apples.

Cooking method:

1. Form the defrosted yeast dough into 5x5 cm squares, sprinkle with a little flour and roll out thinly.

2. Separate the yolk from the white and beat the white well with a whisk into a thick foam.

3. Brush the surface of each square well with protein foam. On top, in the center, place apples, cut into small slices, and sprinkle them with sugar. Do not add a lot of sugar, otherwise excess juice will be released, the puff pastries will burn and stick to the baking sheet.

4. Fold the apple squares into a triangle and pinch, pressing the edges tightly with your fingers.

5. Transfer the “envelopes” to a roasting pan greased with vegetable fat and leave for a quarter of an hour to rest.

6. Brush each triangle with beaten yolk and place the baked goods in the oven.

7. Bake, depending on power, for 12–15 minutes.

“Puff tongues with apples” – puff pastries with apples made from puff pastry of easy preparation


Margarine “Stolichny” - 200 grams;

Egg yolk;

100 ml low-fat sour cream;

Half a kilo of white baking flour;

Fine salt - a small pinch;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peel off the apples; if it is not very thick, you can leave it. Cut each apple lengthwise into two parts, remove the center and cut further into thin slices.

2. Mix the sifted flour with salt, add slightly softened margarine, cut into pieces. Very quickly grind everything into fine crumbs, add sour cream mixed with yolk and also quickly knead the dough. Transfer it to a bag and put it in the refrigerator to cool for a few hours.

3. Divide the cold dough into pieces, leave one, and put the rest back in the refrigerator.

4. Roll out the dough into a layer about 0.8 cm thick and cut it into rectangles of the desired size.

5. Brush each rectangle with whipped egg white, and overlap the surface of the dough with apple slices.

6. Place the puff pastries on a lightly floured baking sheet, brush the top with loose yolk and bake.

7. After a quarter of an hour, the apple puffs will be ready.

“Chocolate apples with plums and nuts in dough” – puff pastry with apples made from puff pastry in beer


For the test:

200 filtered light beer;

250 g margarine “Sloyka”, “For baking” or similar;

Three glasses of white flour;

Salt – 0.5 tsp.

For the filling:

250 grams of apples, sweet varieties;

300 grams of pitted plums, can be frozen;

75 grams of sugar;

Potato starch – 2 tbsp. l.;

Cocoa – 0.5 tbsp. l.;

40 grams of sweet cream butter;

Dried walnut kernels - a full 200 gram glass.

Cooking method:

1. Grate well-frozen margarine into the flour on a coarse grater, pour in cold beer, add salt and knead into a homogeneous elastic dough. Divide it into parts and, putting each in a separate bag, put it in the cold for an hour and a half.

2. Cut plums and peeled and seeded apples into small slices. Lightly crush the nuts with a rolling pin, or you can use a mortar, and mix them with potato starch and cocoa powder. Pour melted butter into the nut mixture, add chopped apples and plums and stir until smooth.

3. Take a piece of chilled dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out into a layer, which you cut into squares measuring 10x10 cm.

4. Place three teaspoons of the prepared filling in the center of each, fasten the opposite corners, forming knots, and transfer the products to a baking sheet.

5. Bake until tender golden brown.

“Apple boats” – apple puffs made from puff pastry


Packaging of purchased puff pastry, yeast-free;

Macaroons – 10 pcs.;

Three small apples;

100 grams of cheese;

Granulated sugar and cinnamon.

For lubrication:

A tablespoon of milk;

A pinch of granulated sugar;

Lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Halve the peeled apples, remove the middle and sprinkle lemon juice on all sides to prevent them from darkening. Cut each half into a fan.

2. Prepare an apple-shaped template from paper and cut out blanks from the thawed dough using it.

3. From the remaining scraps, form double sides on the blanks. To ensure that the dough sticks well, brush the edges of the edges and pieces with water.

4. Place the cookies in a bag and roll them with a rolling pin until they turn into crumbs.

5. Sprinkle the inside of the workpieces with the resulting crumbs, and place small pieces of cheese on top of them. Place the apple with the rounded side up on the cheese and sprinkle it with a mixture of cinnamon and granulated sugar.

6. Brush the apples with the yolk whipped with milk and sugar. Bake for 20 minutes.

“Tea rose” – puff pastry with apples made from homemade puff pastry


A kilogram of wheat flour;

A glass of ice-cold boiled water (250 ml);

Butter 72% fat – 500 grams;

10 gr. evaporated salt;

800 grams of apples;

A mixture of ground cinnamon and a quarter cup of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the sifted flour with fine table salt, add two tablespoons. tablespoons of softened, not melted, butter and knead the dough, which is not too tight, gradually adding ice water while kneading.

2. Having formed the dough into a lump, knead it again and roll it out on a floured table into a rectangle one and a half centimeters thick.

3. Cut the cold butter into small thin rectangles, up to 0.5 cm high, and place it in the center of the rolled out dough into a square, and wrap its edges with an envelope. Remove the dough, covering it with a linen towel for twenty minutes in the cold.

4. Roll out the cold dough with a rolling pin, away from you, into a long rectangle. Try to do this so that the dough does not break and the oil does not come to the top. Fold the edges towards the middle without overlapping them, and again roll out the resulting square in the same way and fold it as well. Refrigerate the dough again. This procedure with the test must be done at least three times.

5. After the last repetition, roll out the dough into a large, even layer (up to 0.5 cm) and cut it into 3x15 cm strips.

6. Closer to the middle of each strip, place apples cut into thin, almost transparent slices nearby. The rounded part of the plates should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the strip. Sprinkle a little mixture of cinnamon and sugar on top of the apples.

7. Roll the strips into rolls, form them into roses and secure by piercing them through with a wooden toothpick.

8. Bake these roses until golden brown, placing them in a preheated oven.

“Vanilla slice” – puff pastry with apples


A small tin of Sprite;

Two packages of yeast puff pastry;

Two small apples;

200 grams of granulated sugar;

Butter – 300 grams;

Ground cinnamon, vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. An hour before cooking, place the semi-finished product on the table to thaw.

2. When it thaws and becomes soft, roll it out slightly, try to get a rectangular shaped layer.

3. Cut it into small 5x10 cm rectangles and cut each diagonally.

4. Place a small slice of apple without peel on the wide side of the triangle formed when cutting the dough, and roll it into a roll. Place it on a baking sheet with low sides.

5. Dissolve sugar mixed with vanillin in melted butter and pour this mixture over the puff pastries.

6. Pour Sprite on top and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Bake for up to half an hour.

“Golden Paradise Apple” - puff pastry with apples made from puff pastry


Puff pastry, not yeast – 1 kg;

600 grams of apples;

Liquid honey;

Egg – 1 pc.;

Cooking method:

1. Roll out the dough to a thickness of half a centimeter and cut the layer into fairly large, symmetrical rectangles - squares, rhombuses. Calculate their size so that you can wrap the entire prepared apple.

2. Cut off the lower part of a peeled apple so that it can be placed, and from the side of the tail, cut out the middle with a cone, not very wide.

3. Brush each side of the squares along the edges with egg white, and place an apple in the middle.

4. Place a little less than half a teaspoon of honey in the middle of each fruit, sprinkle cinnamon on top of the apple and, bringing the corners of the dough together, fasten them together, pinching them lightly with your fingers.

5. Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet, brush with yolk and bake. Baking time 20 min.

Apple puff pastry puffs - tricks and useful tips

To make good puff pastry yourself, use only natural fats with the highest percentage of fat content.

If the butter itself is salty, reduce the amount of salt added to the dough.

To make the dough more elastic, add a little citric acid to the water.

Fat and sour cream for kneading puff pastry must be cold, and the added liquid must be ice-cold, but without ice.

Do not sprinkle too much sugar on the apples; a lot of juice will be released. The product will not rise well and will become damp inside.

To better hold the dough together, brush its surface with whipped egg white.

If the outside of a product baked from puff pastry is brushed with a thin layer of beaten yolk, it will acquire a golden color.
