Post about food. Interesting facts about food. Oysters are alive when eaten

There are too many interesting and educational things in the world and it is simply physically impossible to know them all.
But we are not giving up and want to invite you to replenish your knowledge with a portion of the most interesting and most unexpected facts about our usual food, many of which will certainly become a real discovery for you. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of learning a little more about this world!

Tomatoes were once considered poisonous

Tomatoes have long been an integral part of our diet. We eat them both raw and use them in cooking. Interestingly, even with heat treatment they do not lose their beneficial properties.
However, previously these berries were considered poisonous, and all because of their resemblance to potato fruits, which look very similar to small tomatoes and are truly poisonous. They contain solanine, which, by the way, is also present in green tomatoes. So buy only red ripe fruits.

Sweet peppers have more vitamin C than citrus fruits

We all know that vitamin C is necessary for our body since childhood. It is a powerful antioxidant, has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps fight infections. But are lemons and oranges really the best source of vitamin C?
The answer is definitely no. For comparison: lemon has only 40 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of product, and orange has 60 milligrams, the same amount in strawberries. The leaders in the content of this valuable vitamin are parsley (150 milligrams) and sweet bell peppers, especially red and green, where 300 milligrams of vitamin C are present.

The birthplace of ketchup is China

Many people believe that tomato sauce, which has become popular all over the world, first appeared in America, but this is not so. This sauce was brought back in the 17th century from China to England and consisted of fish brine, anchovies, mushrooms, walnuts and spices. Later, already in the 19th century, a tomato-based sauce with the same name appeared in America.

Carrots were grown for their greenery

In modern cooking, carrots are valued for their delicious, sweet root vegetable, but in the past they were grown for their greens and seeds, which were used for medicinal purposes. But even now in Europe, not everyone eats carrots in our traditional way. In Portugal, for example, carrot jam is made from it.

Rice as a measure of weight

Rice dishes have long ceased to be associated only with Asian cuisine, although East Asia is considered its homeland. In Europe, this cereal appeared only in the 19th century, but in Muslim countries there is a measure of weight - aruzza, which is equal to one grain of rice, namely 0.0186 grams.

Coffee is a berry

When we talk about coffee, we most often use the term “coffee beans,” but they are actually the seeds of the berries of the coffee tree. The berries themselves ripen from 3 to 4 months and each berry can contain up to 3 grains.

Many fruit trees are relatives of roses

As you admire the blossoms of apple trees, as well as pear, cherry and plum trees, you will now know that they all belong to the rose family. This family also includes strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.

Almonds are a relative of plums

Since we are talking about the relationship of certain plants, here is another interesting fact. Plums, cherries and almonds belong to the plum subfamily, but with one fundamental difference - the almond pit is not poisonous, unlike plum and cherry pits.

In Northern European countries they eat rotten fish

In Scandinavian countries, dishes made from rotten or fermented fish are common. For example, the Icelandic dish hakarl is made from rotten shark meat, and the Swedish surströmming is made from sour herring.

What is good for a Russian is death for a German

One day, a young doctor, invited to see a hopelessly ill Russian boy, allowed him to eat whatever he wanted. The boy ate pork and cabbage and, to the surprise of those around him, began to recover. After this incident, the doctor prescribed pork and cabbage to a sick German boy, but he ate it and died the next day. According to one version, it is this story that underlies the emergence of the expression “what is good for a Russian is death for a German.”

Hippo soup

The oldest soup recipe discovered dates back to 6000 BC. The main ingredient is hippopotamus meat.

Interesting, some stupid, some funny, some scientifically and historically proven - facts in one word.

2. The Crusaders brought sugar to Europe. Before this, honey was used in Europe to sweeten food and drinks.

3. Despite the frequent appearance of oranges in famous Renaissance works, they were not eaten at the Last Supper simply because they were not available in the Middle East during Christ's life. Citrus fruits were introduced to Mediterranean countries from China only 1000 years later. The artists were most likely influenced by the stories of the crusaders, who said that they saw oranges “in the holy lands.”

4. The Romans used poisonous lead as a sweetener.

5. Sour cabbage was invented in China. Shi Huang-Ti, the first emperor of China, soaked cabbage in wine and fed it to the slaves who worked on the Great Wall of China.

6. But when ketchup was created in China (and this was in 1690), it did not contain tomatoes. It consisted of marinated fish, shellfish and spices.

7. Spinach's popularity as a "strengthening" vegetable was created by a typo in a nutrition book. The decimal point in spinach's iron content was incorrectly placed, so that spinach was recorded to contain ten times more iron than it actually did.

8. Vitellus, who was Emperor of Rome in 69 AD, is said to have spent over £1,200 a day on food. He could eat 1,000 oysters in a day, as well as a huge number of other delicacies. After a short reign, he was overthrown by Roman citizens outraged by his excesses.

9. Celebrating his victory over Pompey, Caesar held a feast where 150,000 guests were seated at 22,000 tables. The holiday lasted 2 days, and the list of what was eaten was made by 20 people over three days. To rejoice during the feast, Caesar also freed all poor families in the Empire from paying rent for a year.

10. The debate about who invented pasta - Italians, Arabs or Chinese - has been resolved scientifically. In the Yangtze floodplain in China, a clay bowl with fossilized spaghetti noodles up to half a meter long was found. The age of the find is 4000 years: this is much older than the first evidence of the appearance of noodles in Europe.

11. Are you tired of coughing? Eat chocolate and drink cocoa! The alkaloid theobromine, found in cocoa fruit, is a third more effective against persistent cough than codeine.

12. Sunbathers should eat pizza more often in the summer. German scientists have discovered components in pizza that protect the skin from sunburn. The protective effect of one medium-sized pizza is enough for two weeks.

13. The ancient Greeks were right to anoint their bodies with olive oil. This is how they protected themselves from skin cancer. Japanese scientists have discovered antioxidants in olive oil that neutralize free radicals that appear under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and damage the DNA of skin cells.

14. English student Robin Southgate invented a toaster that prints weather forecasts on slices of chlorine:) The toaster is connected to a computer with Internet access. Early in the morning, the computer finds out the weather forecast for the day and burns a symbol of the sun, clouds or clouds with rain on white bread.

15. Smokers should not eat carrots and tomatoes. The beta-carotene they contain, which usually protects cells from malignant degeneration, is harmful to smokers. It reacts in the smoker's body with carcinogenic substances present in tobacco smoke, and itself turns into a carcinogen.

16. The Sun King Louis XIV always ate with his hands. At the same time, he could eat a cup of chicken soup without spilling a drop.

17. The sandwich was invented by John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich.

18. Coffee drinkers have sex much more often and enjoy it more than those who don't drink coffee.

19. There are more than 20,000 types of beer in the world.

20. Cucumbers are 96% water.

21. Rice was first brought to Russia during the time of Peter I. Then it was called “Saracenic millet.”

22. During his life, a person eats approximately 40 tons of various foods.

Everyone loves to eat delicious food and it's no secret. We are looking forward to the approaching holidays in order to try the next delicious thing. Here are some intriguing facts about food that you didn't know.

Food is an integral part of our life. It is not only a source of energy, vitamins and nutrients, but also a remedy for depression and even boredom. We present to you amazing facts about food that amaze, intrigue and undoubtedly surprise.

It would seem like the healthiest meal of the day, but 10% of the American population simply ignores this fact. Breakfast helps the body wake up and get into working condition, speeds up metabolism and prevents you from overeating during the day. Never skip a light morning snack as it is the key to a good day.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has tasted the delicious crispy crust of still warm bread. Bread is a food without which other dishes cannot be imagined. We eat absolutely everything with bread, first course, second course, we even eat compote with bread!

Lemons are one of the healthiest foods in the world.

According to research conducted by one fitness magazine, lemon is the healthiest food product. Lemon contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, it cleanses the liver, improves the immune system and promotes weight loss. We recommend drinking water with lemon slices first thing in the morning. This will give you energy for the whole day.

These seemingly healthy drinks have more calories than even hamburgers. A large milkshake contains 1,680 calories, which is almost a day's worth of calories. Replace milkshakes with healthier drinks. For example, cocktails made from vegetables or herbs.

Almost a third of the world's population eats dinner right before bed. Just imagine how high-calorie potatoes and chops fall like dead weight into your stomach and prevent you from sleeping peacefully. Have dinner three hours before bedtime, then your stomach will have time to cope with the food and you won’t face any stomach pain.

According to research conducted by the Institute of Health, the calorie content of turkey, fish and cheese is approximately equal to the protein content in them. For every 5 calories, you get 1.5 grams of protein. If you love cheese, then you will be interested in low-fat varieties - mozzarella and regular cottage cheese.

According to a global sociological survey, 67% of people believe that they drink alcohol. The same survey was conducted in the 1970s, when 71% of the population reported their addiction to drinking. Although many of them drink a couple of alcoholic cocktails once a month.

The average number of calories consumed in fast food restaurants is 2500

And this figure is on average per person! So, a Chinese table averages 3000 calories. Avoid buffets, unlimited food does not lead to anything good.

According to research conducted by vegetarian organizations, only 3% of adults are vegetarians. Vegans do not eat meat, eggs or dairy products. Avoid consumption of refined sugar and fats.

It is this sweetness that has taken root in all cultures. So, according to data from Wikipedia, we consume 13 liters of ice cream per year. Americans love to eat ice cream before bed, and we consider ice cream a special treat that not only saves us from the heat, but also delights us with its unusual taste.

What interesting facts about food do you know?

Food is an integral part of our life. We eat food 3-5 times a day, and our health and appearance depend on what we eat. Today we won’t just talk about food, but we will explore interesting facts about food and drinks that we have never heard of before. For example, did you know that the very first soup was prepared back in the 60th century BC, and from hippopotamus meat?

Interesting facts about food in different countries: East Asia

The Japanese live on an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, and therefore they have always eaten seafood and algae. Based on research results, it was found that in the digestive tract of the Japanese there are special microorganisms that are better able to break down and absorb these products.

Banana is not a fruit as many people think, it is just a herb. But a person who eats a banana begins to emit a smell that attracts mosquitoes.

If you smoked and decided to eat tomatoes or carrots, then be careful: tobacco smoke reacts with beta-carotene, after which it becomes carcinogenic to your body. Although smoking itself is poison for humans.

The role of smell and hearing when eating

Many airplane passengers stated that food in the air is different from what it is on the ground. This is due to the fact that not only the sense of smell affects a person’s taste buds, but also hearing. Noisy engines make food seem crispier but less sweet and salty.

If you close your eyes and hold your nose, you will not be able to distinguish the following foods from each other: onions, potatoes and apples. Since they are similar in taste, they have a similar consistency.

What you didn't know about drinks

Tequila is commonly called “cactus vodka,” although in fact it is made not from cactus, but from agave juice. But the forty-degree strength of the drink allows it to be considered a brother of vodka.

Green tea has 50% higher vitamin C content than black tea. Hibiscus is mistakenly called “red tea,” but this drink has nothing to do with tea; rather, the meaning of decoction or infusion is applicable to it.

In China, there are some varieties of tea that require the addition of salt rather than sugar to the cup.

The wine is called dry because it contains fully fermented sugar.

in food

Today, almost all the food we eat contains chemical additives. How do they affect our body?

Although additives starting with the index “E” are generally considered harmful, there are beneficial additives, such as ascorbic acid (E300) and lecithin (E322). But these components should also be in limited quantities in our diet.

To enhance the taste of their products, many manufacturers resort to the use of glutamic acid and its salts (E620-E625), as well as preservatives - benzoic acid and its salts (E210-E219). Despite the fact that glutamic acid and its salts are natural components for our body, their excess content negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system and can also be dangerous for the cardiovascular system. Thanks to spices in the cuisines of China and Japan, this component is found in large quantities, so sometimes excessive consumption of this acid and salts is called “Chinese / Japanese restaurant syndrome.”

Scientists have proven that food dyes in baby food cause increased activity in babies. These are mainly red and yellow colored additives. Also, excess content of components that enhance taste can cause damage to a fragile body. For example, when overeating crackers, chips, carbonated drinks, and so on.

Some parents prohibit their children from eating fruit before meals, citing the fact that the child will “kill his appetite.” In fact, fruits contain sugars that promote the release of insulin into the blood and, as a result, stimulate appetite. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits from your native area rather than from exotic countries. Since the digestive tract contains enzymes aimed at breaking down familiar foods.

Are the benefits of extra finely ground porridge different from whole grains? Of course yes. The fact is that the smaller the grind, the more degrees of processing the cereal has undergone, and as a result, there is a decrease in its beneficial properties for the body. We remind you that various additives, which are often found in instant cereals, are not beneficial, but rather, on the contrary, harm the body.

Food is an integral part of every person’s life, which directly affects health and appearance. But how little we know about what we eat every day. Here we are talking not only about the benefits or harm, but also about the history, origin and amazing facts about food. We invite you to supplement your knowledge with interesting and sometimes unexpected information.

From the history

The following facts will help tell about the amazing stories of the appearance of various foods and dishes, and learn about the events or random adventures that they had to go through.

  • Garnishing dishes with parsley was common back in the days of Ancient Rome, where the plant was considered a talisman against evil spirits. Therefore, adding it to food was a sign of special respect for the guests.
  • In 450 AD e. Huns warriors stored meat under the saddle of a horse: the juices of the meat were mixed with the horse's sweat, the moisture evaporated and the result was dried, salted meat.
  • During the Renaissance, beer was much safer to drink than water, since fermentation completely destroyed the bacteria that caused dysentery and cholera.
  • Serving fish with a traditional slice of lemon has been popular since the Middle Ages. Then it was believed that lemon juice could dissolve an accidentally swallowed fish bone.

  • During the time of Ivan the Terrible, there were their own methods of smuggling: Russian ambassadors smuggled valuables from Muslim countries, hiding them in pork tenderloin. Naturally, the Muslims did not even approach the meat to check the cargo.
  • In the 16th century The colonizers of South America discovered the capybara, an animal that leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, and turned to the Pope with a request to recognize it as a fish to eat during the period of fasting. An amazing fact, but the head of the Catholic Church agreed with their request.
  • Sugar, after its introduction to Europe, was initially available exclusively to rich people. In this regard, teeth blackened from excess sugar were considered one of the signs of a person’s high status.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century. Oysters were considered among the English and French as food for the poor who could not afford meat. But due to uncontrolled fishing, their numbers declined sharply and by the second half of the 19th century. they became more expensive and became a delicacy.
  • In 1908, US tea merchant Thomas Sullivan mistakenly invented tea bags. He decided to use silk bags instead of boxes to send samples of his products to customers. But he could not have imagined that customers would plunge a whole bag of tea into boiling water without opening it.

  • In 1912, Moscow celebrated the 100th anniversary of Napoleon's expulsion, in honor of which they made a cake made of puff pastry with cream in the shape of a triangle, symbolizing Napoleon's cocked hat. The cake received the name of the same name, which has survived to this day, although today it is usually rectangular in shape.

Features of different products

Every day a person consumes a variety of foods, unaware of the amazing properties they are endowed with. The following facts about everyday food will tell you something that many of us are not even aware of:

  • Egg yolks contain much higher levels of nutrients and microelements compared to whites.
  • Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries, but due to the high content of citric acid, this sweetness is impossible to notice.
  • Honey is the only product with an unlimited shelf life. The oldest honey was discovered in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1922, which, after an examination, was found to be still suitable for consumption.

  • Bell pepper is the leader in vitamin C content (340 mg), followed by parsley (150 mg). For comparison, lemon and orange contain 40 and 60 mg of vitamin C, respectively.
  • Potatoes, apples and onions are foods that cannot be distinguished from each other if eaten with your eyes closed and your nose pinched. Scientists were able to confirm this amazing fact after a series of experiments with a group of volunteers.
  • When chewing celery, a person spends more calories than the body receives from eating it.
  • The most expensive spice is saffron, which is obtained by drying the stamens of a plant of the crocus family. The price for 1 kg can reach $6,000.

  • There are about 7,500 varieties of apples known in the world, the smallest of which are the size of a cherry, and the largest weigh more than 1 kg.
  • The spiciness of a chili pepper depends not on color, but on size: the smaller the fruit, the spicier it is.
  • Dry wine gets its name due to the fact that it contains completely (dry) fermented sugar.
  • Chicken tabaka has nothing to do with smoking, and its name comes from a mispronunciation of the Georgian word for frying pan, tapaki, which is used to prepare this dish.
  • Smokers are advised to limit their consumption of carrots and tomatoes. They contain beneficial beta-carotene, which, after interacting with substances from tobacco smoke, turns into a carcinogen.

Local cuisines of different parts of the world differ significantly from each other. Amazing facts about food tell about the diet, eating habits and traditions of different peoples and countries of the world:

  • In Japan, the diet of the population has long been dominated by seafood and seaweed, so special microorganisms have appeared in the digestive system of the Japanese that contribute to better breakdown and absorption of such food compared to representatives of other nationalities.

  • In Kazakhstan, it is not customary to pour a full cup of tea to welcome guests. Thus, the owner leaves a reason to care for them, which is considered an honorable and pleasant thing.
  • In China, it is not customary to cut noodles into pieces so as not to shorten your life, since noodles are considered a symbol of longevity.
  • In Russia, traditional kvass is rarely to the taste of foreigners. Most of them perceive the drink as a “cloudy sour slurry.”

  • In Chile it is not customary to eat with your hands: no matter what is put on the plate, a well-mannered person will always use cutlery.
  • There is an ice cream cemetery in the United States, where tombstones are marked with the names of flavors that were not successful or have already lost their popularity.
  • In Scandinavian countries, local cuisine recipes call for the use of spoiled fish: Icelandic hakarl requires rotten shark meat, and Swedish surströmming requires sour herring.
  • On about. Fiji has a unique dish in which the pig is not fed for a week, then the animal is allowed to eat veal and sent for slaughter a few hours later. Semi-digested food is removed from the stomach, which is subsequently used to prepare the main dish.
  • In the European Union, legislation establishes that fruits include tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, rhubarb and ginger. This is due to the fact that in the European Union it is legal to produce preserves and jams only from fruits.

Space food

Surely many people know that astronauts take food from tubes, but in addition to this, a number of amazing facts can be added about space food:

  • The diet of modern astronauts can be equated to a restaurant menu. It consists of 200 dishes and drinks that are repeated every week. Despite the amazing variety, the fact remains: the food tastes different from what you are used to.
  • The main task of space menu developers is to achieve not an expansion of the assortment, but maximum similarity to the “earthly” taste.
  • Astronauts eat about 1.5 kg of food per day to keep their caloric intake roughly equivalent to Earth's level.

  • Space bread is packaged in packages that are enough for 1 bite. This packaging makes it possible to protect astronauts from accidents associated with crumbs flying in zero gravity that can get into the respiratory tract.
  • Freeze-drying is an integral procedure for food before being sent into space, which involves dehydration through freezing and subsequent drying. This fact may seem surprising, but the most difficult thing to prepare is freeze-dried tea.
  • The most delicious dish of space cuisine, according to astronauts, is freeze-dried cottage cheese with nuts and cranberries.

  • Space nutrition is considered the most natural and safe in the world. It is carefully checked for the absence of unnecessary chemical additives, since it is impossible to predict the reaction of these substances in space.