Expiration date of Frutonyanya baby food. How to store baby puree. Why mothers prefer factory-produced complementary feeding products

The question of buying baby purees concerns almost all mothers when complementary foods are introduced to a child under one year old. Most manufacturers of baby products offer purees that can be offered to a child from 3.5 months. However, when to introduce puree into a child’s diet is a personal matter for each family, but the issue of product quality is a global matter.

First, let’s look at which manufacturers represent the children’s product market in Russia. Today on the shelves of supermarkets, pharmacies and specialized stores you can find products from Agusha, Frutonyanya, Babushkino Lukoshko, Tema, Gerber, Hippo, Hinz, Semper and some other manufacturers. Some of the listed companies offer a full range of products - from infant formula to baby cereals and first cookies.

In order not to run into a fake, you need to know that:

  1. “Frutonyanya”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Gerber”, “Tema” do not produce milk formula;
  2. “Agusha”, Frutonyanya”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Gerber” do not produce children's cookies.

That is, if you saw the listed products under the auspices of these trademarks, then this is a fake; today they do not produce the products listed above.

The expiration date of products should always be checked, even for cereals packaged in tightly dried porridges; they also have limitations. In addition, on the jar products of any baby food manufacturer it is indicated that when opening purees, juice or other products in a glass jar, the cotton characteristic of a hermetically closed lid should be heard. Otherwise, the company does not guarantee the quality of the products.

The box/jar/bag of baby food must indicate the composition of the product, as well as the storage conditions of the product, its description and, most importantly, the shelf life of the food in an open package. Most often, for formula milk this is 3 weeks from the day the packaging is sealed, for canned products - a day. However, it is worth clarifying this on each jar separately.

The majority of baby food is GMO-free, but there are also companies that use GMOs when preparing the product. Thus, the manufacturer of Tema brand baby food uses GMOs in some types of products. The position of consumers on this issue is important here, and in general, the products comply with the mark

The difference between baby purees among manufacturers is not so much in the composition as in the range and processing method. For example, the Gerber brand has a large selection of curd desserts, but vegetable purees are poorly represented, the choice of fruit and berry purees is wider, but meat purees are not in demand due to the inconvenient weight of the product - 80 mg. “Babushkino Lukoshko” offers the widest range of domestic puree products to choose from - there is a large assortment of vegetable, fruit and berry jars: in pure form, for example, zucchini, and in mixed form, apple and blueberry. Meat purees are also produced - turkey, rabbit, beef, and meat purees with vegetables. The Hipp brand is popular for its children's teas. They produce tea in the form of soluble granules, which is very convenient, say, on a trip.

Heinz is famous for its cereals. The assortment is really wide, a large selection of flavors for different ages. It is also interesting to note that the Hipp and Heinz companies use the statements of the company’s founders on their products - this is another sign that you are not buying a fake; you should focus on this sign too.

The Agusha brand produces all types of baby food - from infant formula to purees and juices. However, its products often remain on store shelves, although all technologies and processing methods and components are certified. Apparently, there are other factors involved in the consumer’s choice of certain goods than the objective characteristics we are talking about.

In addition to the listed manufacturers, there are other, less common brands, for example “Spelenok” or “Malysh”, they all also meet the quality standard, but their distribution area is narrow and they are not available in all regions.

The natural ingredients of the product are not flavored with dyes, preservatives, starch, GMOs, or artificial additives. This is a multi-component product that combines fruit and cream. It has a homogeneous (homogeneous) consistency and delicate taste, is pasteurized, and is completely ready for use.

FrutoNyanya puree made from apples and apricots with cream will expand the child’s taste preferences, and the components will help his growth and development. Six months is the age that allows the introduction of such a product.

If a distinct pop was heard upon first opening, then the product is suitable for consumption.

The calorie content of FrutoNyanya puree from apples and apricots with cream is 73 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of FrutoNyanya puree from apples and apricots with cream

The composition of FrutoNyanya puree from apples and apricots with cream contains: applesauce, apricot puree, fresh cream (from cow's milk), sugar, specially prepared water.

Useful properties of FrutoNyanya puree from apples and apricots with cream

Cream in FrutoNyanya puree made from apples and apricots with cream is an excellent source of milk fat that is easily digestible. They also contain fat-soluble vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin A. They also contain minerals (for example, iron).

Apricot pulp is distinguished by its content of sugar, carotene, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (PP), provitamin A, and ascorbic acid (C). They contain quite a lot of minerals (for example, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, zinc). Pectin substances are also present, as well as citric, tartaric, and malic acids.

Apples are a source of organic acids and pectin. These components have a beneficial effect on the digestion process and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (calorizer). Their fruits are characterized by a richness of sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose).

They are also endowed with various microelements (about 30 types), especially a lot of iron in their pulp. The vitamin composition of this fruit is as follows: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), folic acid (B9), carotene, vitamin P. Apples promote hematopoiesis, prevent the accumulation of uric acid and have an antiseptic effect.

This FrutoNyanya puree made from apples and apricots with cream is recommended to feed babies with poor appetite and underweight.

How to use FrutoNyanya apple and apricot puree with cream

Be sure to stir the contents of the jar immediately before feeding.

At the initial stage, offer your baby half a teaspoon of FrutoNyanya apple and apricot puree with cream (up to two times a day).

Be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction to its components. In the absence of allergies and good stool, a gradual increase in portions (calorizator) is allowed. Within a week, its size should correspond to age recommendations.

By the age of one year, you can give your baby from 80 to 100 grams of this puree per day.

How to store FrutoNyanya apple and apricot puree with cream

The shelf life of FrutoNyanya puree from apples and apricots with cream is limited to 12 months.

Storage conditions are as follows:

    temperature from 0 to +25 degrees; relative humidity no more than 75 percent.

Opened puree must be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a day.

The manufacturer guarantees the naturalness of the original ingredients in FrutoNyanya Berry Salad with Cream puree.

At the same time, it contains absolutely no preservatives, dyes, starch, artificial additives, or genetically modified ingredients. This is a multi-component product that combines fruits, berries and cream. It is homogenized (has a uniform consistency), pasteurized and completely ready for use.

FrutoNyanya puree Berry salad with cream can be offered to a child who has reached the age of six months. A guarantee of good quality of the product is the presence of clear cotton when it is first opened.

Calorie content of FrutoNyanya puree Berry salad with cream

The calorie content of FrutoNyanya Berry Salad with Cream puree is 67 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Ingredients of FrutoNyanya puree Berry salad with cream

The FrutoNyanya Berry Salad with Cream puree contains: applesauce, fresh cream (from cow's milk), sugar, cherry puree, blueberry puree.

Useful properties of FrutoNyanya puree Berry salad with cream

FrutoNyanya Berry Salad with Cream puree combines the taste and benefits of apples with various berries and cream. This will expand the baby’s diet and have a beneficial effect on his development.

Apple puree FrutoNyanya Berry salad with cream is distinguished by its content of organic acids and pectin. These beneficial substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also help improve the digestion process.

Cherries contain potassium, which strengthens blood vessels and improves the functioning of the heart (calorifier). Vitamins C, B2, B6, B9, as well as iron and magnesium prevent nervous system disorders and anemia. It contains tannins and vitamin P, which help improve immunity and lower blood pressure.

Blueberries help strengthen vision and also act as a regulator of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they activate the metabolic process and promote the development of strong bones and teeth.

How to use FrutoNyanya puree Berry salad with cream

At the initial stage of introducing the product, limit yourself to a serving of one teaspoon per day (half a spoon twice). This amount should be increased only after making sure that the baby tolerates the components of the FrutoNyanya Berry Salad with Cream puree well. If there is no allergy and the stool is normal, gradually increase the portion to the age norm.

By the age of one year, you can give up to 100 grams of this puree per day.

Mix the contents of the jar well before feeding your baby.

How to store FrutoNyanya puree Berry salad with cream

The shelf life of FrutoNyanya Berry Salad with Cream puree is twelve months. It should be stored at temperatures from 0 to +25 degrees. The relative humidity in the room should be within 75%.

The opened product should be consumed within 24 hours, and it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

What the examination of popular baby food brands showed

A few years ago, MK wrote about the results of a baby food test, after which I wanted to cry. They didn’t find anything in various purees for babies back then: soy, GMOs, and preservatives...

Fortunately, the situation has changed dramatically since then. At least, a check of seven popular brands of children's applesauce, carried out on the initiative of Roskontrol, revealed almost nothing wrong with it. But experts learned which foods are the sweetest, where there is the most vitamin C, and where it is clearly lacking.

Applesauce is one of the first to be introduced into a baby's diet - after vegetable puree and cereal. Apples contain healthy dietary fiber, pectin, sugars and minerals - potassium, calcium and iron.

Applesauce rarely causes allergies, is well absorbed, and helps intestinal function. It is very important for parents that the new dish is safe, of high quality and tasty. For examination, seven samples of puree produced in Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Italy were purchased at prices ranging from 16 to 60 rubles per jar: “Frutonyanya”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, Hipp , Gerber, “Gardens of the Don Region”, Nutricia, Heinz. The examination was carried out jointly with the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Canning and Vegetable Drying Industry (VNIIKOP)... Industrially produced baby puree is essentially canned food.

They must be sterile - no germs or bacteria, much less mold. Experts not only checked the puree for microbiological indicators, but also determined the content of the mycotoxin patulin in it - a dangerous waste product of mold fungi that can be formed when apples spoil. When stale apples that have already begun to deteriorate are used in the production of puree, mycotoxins remain in the finished puree even after heat treatment. According to the results of the examination, patulin was found only in Babushkino Lukoshko and Hipp purees, but its amount (50–60% of the maximum permissible level) is so insignificant that it cannot harm the child. Experts tested all applesauce for the content of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural ( 5-HMF) is a harmful substance formed when sugar is heated in an acidic environment.

Its quantity may exceed the norm if the manufacturer violated the technology - the puree was cooked for too long. 5-HMF was found in all samples of applesauce, but its amount also complied with the standards. Pesticides, nitrates and preservatives were not found in any of the purees. All tested samples meet the highest safety standards.

Gerber applesauce has the best results. If you compare industrially produced canned puree and homemade puree, which is safer and of higher quality? “Children under one year old should receive only industrially produced canned puree,” says Artem Samoilov, head of the VNIIKOP testing laboratory. - This is the opinion of our institute’s experts who have studied and tested fruit and vegetable based baby food products for many years. And pediatricians agree with us. The fact is that a self-prepared product can be dangerous.

Even if the apples are grown on a personal plot in an ecologically clean area, the safety of the finished puree cannot be guaranteed. It is necessary to strictly follow many rules: take apples only fresh, ripe, recently picked from the tree, otherwise, if stored improperly, the mycotoxin patulin may form in them. Apples must be boiled or baked for a certain time at a certain temperature, otherwise the standards for 5-HMF will be exceeded. Industrially produced products undergo safety control.

If the puree is made according to all the rules, it is perfectly stored throughout the entire shelf life (from 12 to 30 months)... The sweetest taste was the “Babushkino Lukoshko” puree. It, as well as Heinz puree, contains the most sugars. However, no additional sugar was added there. The content of natural apple sugars depends on the variety of apples used in production.

The Gerber puree tasted sour, but everything was within normal limits. The experts also checked how much vitamin C was contained in each puree. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and preservative, thanks to which the puree is better stored. 5 out of 7 manufacturers indicated ascorbic acid in the composition (Frutonyanya, Hipp, Gerber, Nutricia and Heinz). The manufacturer of Heinz puree did not spare ascorbic acid: the vitamin C content in a jar of this applesauce exceeds the daily requirement for a child under one year old by 2.5 times. However, consuming vitamin C even in this amount does not pose a danger to the child’s health.

But in the “Babushkino Lukoshko” puree there is practically no ascorbic acid. This suggests that artificial vitamin C was not added to the puree, and that the one contained in apples was destroyed as a result of heat treatment - the puree was well cooked before being poured into jars. As a result, all tested apple purees turned out to be safe. So choose any. At what age should a child be introduced to the first complementary foods?

On jars of applesauce they write “from 3.5 months”, “from 4 months” - which is correct in fact? - If your child is breastfed, add 2 months to the age of introduction of complementary foods indicated on the label. The main food for a child up to one year old should be breast milk. But if the child is “artificial”, then you can start complementary feeding earlier, but it’s still better to start it not with applesauce, but with dairy-free porridge or vegetable puree, recommends the head of the expert department NP "Roskontrol", doctor Andrey Mosov. - Of the samples we tested, all are suitable for feeding children under 1 year of age.

All samples are made without the addition of any food additives. Only Heinz puree has an unusual composition, since in addition to applesauce it also contains concentrated juices (apple and lemon), so parents need to be careful when introducing this puree as complementary foods. The information on the labels of the puree about the absence of starch, gluten, GMOs, and preservatives is clearly of an advertising nature, since these ingredients are usually not added to applesauce. The presence of these labels on individual samples creates the false impression that other samples may contain the listed ingredients.

I bought “Fruto Nanny” puree for a walk for my eldest daughter. When it went on sale, she was no longer quite a baby, she went to kindergarten. But Fruto Nyanya purees attracted her and me with the following:

    Convenient for a snack while walking;

    The caps from the purees are connected to each other like construction sets or puzzles in different directions, representing an interesting educational game.

Of course, for big children the volume of puree is too small, after all it is aimed at children from six months to 2-3 years old.

When my youngest son was born and began to receive complementary foods, Fruto Nannya puree often helped out and continues to do so. help us out on a walk or when going to the clinic.

At one year old, the baby holds and sucks on his own

puree, sitting in the stroller while he is being transported. No need to rush home for a snack or carry a spoon with you.

The composition of puree in sippy packaging is the same as that of puree in jars. The only thing that confuses me is that Fruto Nanny puree with cottage cheese or cream in the composition is stored like purely fruit puree - for several months without refrigeration, at room temperature. Somehow they took it, no one seemed to be poisoned,but such storage conditions make one doubt the naturalness of the ingredients used - cream and cottage cheese.

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In order for your baby to actively grow and develop, you need to take care of comprehensive, nutritious nutrition for the baby. The shelves of today's stores are full of colorful jars of fruit and vegetable purees intended for children under one year old.

The assortment includes products from both domestic and imported manufacturers. However, it is not always possible to find complete information on its storage on the product packaging, both after purchase and after opening. Therefore, in today’s material we will talk about how to properly and for how long to store purees for children.

How to properly store baby puree

Storage temperature for baby puree

The standard storage temperature for a closed jar is 0-15°C.

Modern manufacturers of baby food take care of young mothers, making their work much easier. Today, even in a small store you can find special food for babies. And it’s convenient to store such food.

Fruit and vegetable purees are sold in jars, inside of which a special vacuum environment is maintained, as a result the food does not spoil and harmful microorganisms do not grow in the puree. Closed jars of baby puree can be stored even at room temperature. However, it is not advisable for the jars to be exposed to sunlight. This puree will spoil before the expiration date stated by the manufacturer.

Sometimes puree can be purchased in Tetra Pak packaging. As a rule, such food is cheaper, but soft packaging is in no way inferior to its glass counterparts. In addition, it does not allow sunlight to pass through, which has a positive effect on the taste and beneficial properties of the ground product. The only disadvantage of such packaging is its relative fragility. The box of puree can be easily dented, causing it to become deformed.

And with strong compression or impact, its integrity may be compromised.

After purchasing baby food, still read the information provided by the manufacturer. Typically this is the shelf life of the jar when unopened, as well as the range of recommended temperatures within which the quality of the product will be good throughout the shelf life.

I would also like to say something about homemade purees. This food should only be stored in the refrigerator and no longer than 1-2 days.

If you want to extend the life of baby food, simply freeze the puree. To do this, place the prepared chilled product in containers and freeze using the “emergency freezing” mode. When you need a serving, simply remove the container from the freezer and defrost the puree in a baby food warmer or water bath.

How to store opened baby puree

Once opened, baby puree can only be stored for a limited time. Most manufacturers recommend consuming the puree immediately or storing it in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours. Thus, a portion of puree can be divided into 2 times. Give the child half the portion after opening and supplement the puree the next day. At the same time, you cannot heat the puree in a jar.

It is necessary to put the required amount of food into another container, and only then heat it up. Otherwise, the shelf life of the puree will be reduced to several hours. The optimal storage temperature for an open jar is 0-4 degrees. At higher temperatures, puree should be stored for no longer than 6 hours.

All parents want to see their child healthy, so that he grows and develops properly. A healthy baby means a good mood for everyone. In the first months of life, the main condition for achieving such results is good nutrition. It is clear that the most complete and high-quality nutrition is breast milk, but the time comes and you need to start giving complementary foods, and then switch to a more expanded diet.

On the shelves of even non-specialized stores you can find domestic and imported vegetable and fruit purees, specially made for small residents. Each jar or package contains information about the method of use and shelf life. But not everywhere there are recommendations on how to store the product after opening the jar, until how long can it be useful?

How to properly store baby puree

Baby food products, and, in particular, vegetable and fruit purees are sold in special glass containers of small capacity, in which a vacuum environment is created, thanks to which unnecessary microorganisms do not appear in the puree. In such a container, you don’t even have to put the puree in the refrigerator, you just need to put it in a dark place, since sunlight can significantly shorten the shelf life.

Some manufacturers produce baby food in Tetra Pak packaging. In such packaging, food is cheaper, but this does not affect the quality of the product. The advantage is that the packaging does not allow light to pass through, but the disadvantage is that it can be wrinkled, deformed or simply torn.

You need to know that the shelf life indicated on the packaging shows the terms and storage conditions of the entire container. As soon as the container is opened, completely different conditions begin to apply.

A separate topic is storing mashed potatoes prepared at home. The best thing is to eat it completely. But each time preparing a 15-20 gram portion of puree is, if not expensive, then simply inconvenient, and the shelf life of such food is no more than one and a half days. Therefore, it is best to cool the puree, use some of it, and divide the rest into portions into molds and quickly freeze. In this form, it can be useful for two to three weeks, after which the remaining food must be thrown away without pity, otherwise it can seriously harm the child’s health.

You only need to defrost the portion in a water bath.

Shelf life of opened baby puree

Having opened a jar or package of baby puree, you need to know that its shelf life does not exceed a day. Therefore, it is best to divide the contents into two parts immediately after opening. Heat one in a water bath and use immediately, and put the second part in the refrigerator, but no more than a day. Mommies need to know that puree cannot be heated in a jar, otherwise the shelf life of the remaining mass is significantly reduced, an hour, a maximum of one and a half.

You need to store an open jar with a portion of baby puree in the coldest place of the refrigerator, where the temperature does not rise above 5-6 degrees. In other compartments, puree can be stored for no more than six hours.

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