Brew dark beer at home. Find out the recipe for beer made from hops. Early beer with light molasses

The foamy, intoxicating drink came to us from Ancient Egypt. For brewing, people from the African continent took malt, hops and water. The Egyptians did not make beer for the sake of intoxication - they saw it as medicine and bread. Over time, in the process of improving production, recipes began to be supplemented with various additives, sometimes useless and even harmful to the body. They are included in beer for its unique taste. But what if you want a natural, environmentally friendly drink? We will answer this question by telling you how to brew beer at home.

Preparing the base for beer

The main components of the foamy drink are:

  1. The water is free from impurities, does not leave a strange aftertaste and is absolutely transparent. If artesian water is not available, it is replaced with filtered water. It is also allowed to use water purchased in a store. Its advantage is that it undergoes bacteriological control.
  2. Yeast. The recipes suggest using beer ones. If there are problems with the purchase, you can put in the usual “live” ones.
  3. Hop. This phytoproduct gives beer the necessary density and taste. The best drinks are obtained from reddish or yellow-green cones with yellowish pollen under the scales. Green and cloudy fruits are not suitable for brewing.
  4. Malt. The good quality of this ingredient is confirmed by its white color, pleasant smell and sweet taste. He shouldn't drown in water. Before preparing homemade beer, the malt should be soaked and sprouted at a temperature of 10 – 30°C. Then the component is dried and ground to obtain grains. The malt drying conditions determine the color of the beer. The light drink is made from naturally dried barley, the dark drink is made from raw materials fried and steamed in the oven.

Equipment for making beer at home

To work with ingredients conveniently you will need:

  • an enamel container, the capacity of which allows you to boil 30 liters of wort;
  • utensils for the fermentation process;
  • glass or plastic containers for dispensing finished beer;
  • thermometer to monitor temperature conditions;
  • a piece of gauze (about 5 m);
  • a narrow silicone hose that makes pouring the drink into bottles easier;
  • hydrometer - sugar level determiner;
  • ice water bath to cool the wort;
  • iodine tincture and a large white plate.

How to make beer at home: instructions

To get high-quality homemade beer, you need to do some preparatory work.

  1. Equipment must be washed, sterilized and dried. There is no need to pour boiling water over the hydrometer and thermometer. After preparing the malt in the manner described above, they begin to activate the yeast. Before adding them to the wort, they are diluted with boiled, not hot water.
  2. The second stage is mashing the wort, that is, mixing the wort with hot water. 25 liters of prepared liquid are heated in a saucepan to 80 degrees. Then the grain-like malt is poured into water or first placed in a gauze bag and lowered into a container in this form. The bag will prevent the mixture from burning and will prevent the removal of malt residues. As soon as the malt is in the water, close the pan and set it on low heat. The contents should be cooked slowly for 90 minutes, and its temperature should fall within the range of 61 - 72 degrees. If you want to make a strong drink, keep the temperature around 61 degrees. If you want a weak product with a pronounced flavor, increase the temperature to 70 degrees. The optimal thermometer reading is 65°. Compliance with this condition allows you to obtain a bright taste and a standard strength of 4%. After an hour and a half, place a little wort on a clean white plate and drip iodine onto it (1 - 2 drops). The blue color of the wort indicates the presence of starchy particles, which need to be removed by an additional 15-minute boiling. The initial shade of the mixture indicates the absence of starch and suggests a transition to the next stage of beer preparation.
  3. The temperature of the contents of the pan is raised to 78 - 80 degrees and set for 5 minutes, after which the bag of malt is removed. It is washed in the remaining water, heated to 80°. The liquid with extracts is poured into a common container.
  4. Boiling the wort is an important step in making beer. After filtering, it is brought to a boil and combined with 15 g of hops. After boiling the composition for 30 minutes, a second portion of hops is introduced into it, and after another 40 minutes, a third 15-gram portion is introduced. Boiling is extended by 20 minutes. In total, the wort is boiled for 90 minutes, and it should constantly gurgle - this is what the recipe requires.
  5. Brewing technology requires cooling the wort quickly, preventing foreign microorganisms from entering the composition. The pan is taken to the bathroom and placed in cold water. Within 15 - 30 minutes the wort should cool to 25 degrees. The mixture is passed through a piece of gauze over a container in which subsequent fermentation will occur. To enrich the wort with oxygen, it is poured twice from container to container, but without gauze.
  6. To ferment the wort, it is combined with activated yeast and stirred. The top-fermentation product can be introduced into the wort at a temperature of 18 – 22°. Bottom-fermenting yeast requires conditions of 5 – 16°. A variety of yeast allows you to make two types of beer. The fermentation container with all the ingredients should be moved to a dark room. The temperature should be the same as required by the type of yeast. Place a lid with a water seal on the container and keep the mixture for 7 – 10 days. Gradually, fermentation will become regressive, and the hop liquid will become clearer by the last day. Its readiness is determined by a water seal or a hydrometer. In the first case, understanding is facilitated by bubbles, in the second - identical indicators taken with an interval of 12 hours.
  7. The preparation of the drink is completed by capping and carbonation. To obtain foam and excellent taste, sugar is poured into opaque sterilized bottles at the rate of 8 g per liter of intoxicating liquid. The silicone tube allows you to carefully pour the beer, and it also prevents sediment from getting into the beer. During the pouring process, it is important to ensure that the tube remains in the middle of the contents of the pan and does not touch its surfaces on which yeast remains. When filling bottles, leave 2 cm from the top and seal the container. Homemade beer is enriched with carbon dioxide in sugar, which gives the effect of light fermentation. For this process to take place, the drink requires placement in a dark place and a temperature within 20 – 24°. The beer container should stand for 3 weeks, but from the 8th day it is recommended to shake it weekly. At the beginning of the 4th week, the bottles are transferred to the cellar or refrigerator.

Chilled beer is completely ready to drink. But an additional month of aging in a cool place will significantly improve its taste. We invite you to watch the brewing process in the video below.

An old recipe for homemade honey beer

You can prepare this delicious drink from the following ingredients:

  • live pressed yeast – 100 g;
  • natural flower honey – 4 kg;
  • red or yellow-green hop cones – 65 pcs.;
  • purified cold water – 20 l.

How to brew beer at home? Add hops to a pan of water and boil the raw materials over low heat for 2 hours. The broth is cooled to 70 degrees and honey is gradually introduced. The sweet liquid is brought to 25° and stirred with yeast. The container is left slightly open and kept in a room at room temperature for 6 days. On the 7th day, the beer is bottled and placed in a cold place again. After 24 hours, the container is sealed. After 2 days they begin tasting. The video clearly shows how to brew a honey intoxicating drink.

Simple recipe with molasses

For variety, you can make beer with molasses. 45 g of hops are boiled in 10 liters of water and, after straining, added to 1 kg of molasses. The mixture is boiled again, then poured into a barrel and put away for cooling. The wort is prepared from 260 g of diluted yeast and wheat flour (the recipe can be taken from the literature on baking pies). The noisy, voluminous wort is poured into the cool contents of the barrel and stirred thoroughly. Next, the barrel is sealed and transferred to heat for 6 hours. After the time has passed, the container is moved to a cool place and kept for 3 days. Preparation is completed by pouring the drink into bottles and sealing with stoppers and filling with wax, resin or sealing wax.

Homemade table beer recipe

You can make your own table beer from the following ingredients:

  1. hops – 50 g;
  2. wine – 50 ml;
  3. water – 100 ml;
  4. malt – 1.5 kg;
  5. raisins – 50 g;
  6. sugar – 1 kg 250 g;
  7. yeast - 1/10 cup.

Prepare table beer by mixing wine, water and sugar in a saucepan. The composition is supplemented with hops and raisins, wait until it boils and boil for 35 minutes, stirring constantly. Add malt and 9 liters of water to the liquid filtered through cheesecloth. The mass is boiled again, cooled to 30 degrees and combined with yeast. Then they let it sit for 8 days, but periodically visit the vessel and skim off the foam. Finally, the homemade beer is bottled and kept cool. This makes 10–15 servings, which are recommended to be consumed within 2 weeks. With a longer shelf life, the beer becomes cloudy and loses its taste.

Vilna beer recipe

To make delicious Vilna beer, the housewife must put the following components in the container:

  • rye malt – 1 kg 200 g;
  • linden honey – 200 g;
  • raisins – 400 g;
  • scalded hops – 900 g;
  • mashed crackers – 400 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • yeast combined with a glass of warm boiled water.

Production begins with diluting the created mass with water to a thick, creamy consistency. Cover the container with a thick cloth and put it in a warm room for a day. The next day, the mixture is diluted with 3.2 liters of boiled water and, after thorough mixing, 10 grains of ground bitter almonds are added to it. And again, cover the container and put it away in a warm place for a day.

Next, the recipe instructs to add 6.5 liters of boiled water to the composition and pour it into a cast iron pot, which will simmer all night on a hot stove. In the morning, 50 g of baking soda is poured into the mass and after a couple of hours the infusion is drained, passing through a canvas cloth. Filled bottles are sealed with corks and the top is reinforced with wire. First, the container is placed in a warm place, and after 6 days it is transferred to the cold. The drink will be ready in 10 days.

Now you know how to brew beer at home in different ways. Having mastered these simple recipes, you can please your loved ones with a delicious drink that does not contain additives that are dangerous to the body. We hope our selection of videos will teach you the art of brewing.

Beer is a drink that is popular all over the world.

Preparing it at home is not difficult. There are many advantages of home cooking: health benefits, saving the family budget, great taste.

The main requirement for brewing is sterility of the container, as well as all necessary instruments.

All containers should be washed with hot water, glass and metal should be sterilized. The ingredients are carefully selected depending on individual taste preferences. For beginners, simple advice: first prepare the drink according to the classic recipe, and then start experimenting.

Equipment – ​​purchased or homemade?

Contrary to popular belief, you can make beer without using special brewing equipment. This is what distinguishes the process of making beer outside of industrial conditions.

So, you will need:

  1. Boiling container - pan, basin, bucket.
  2. Wide gauze or pre-sewn cotton bag.
  3. Thermometer – for measuring temperature at each stage of cooking. You can use a submersible one, or you can use a special one - which is installed on the container during cooking.
  4. Spoon for stirring the wort - wooden or metal.
  5. Container for wort fermentation - also depending on the volume of the drink being prepared.
  6. A water seal is a special device designed to allow gases to escape during fermentation of a drink. You can use a medical glove or a plastic tube instead of a water seal.
  7. Containers for further storage of the product. Preferably glass bottles with tinted glass will prevent harmful ultraviolet rays from entering.

Important! All utensils and preparation items must be sterile to avoid contamination of the drink with pathogenic fungi.

Ingredient Selection

To make beer, you will need simple ingredients:

  • Water;
  • Malt;
  • Hop;
  • Sugar;
  • Brewer's or regular yeast.

Malt and hops can be grown independently or purchased ready-made. It all depends on your capabilities and preferences.

Sugar is added in a proportion of 8 grams per liter of drink.

For preparation, it is better to use brewer's yeast, but if you cannot buy it, then regular yeast - dry or liquid yeast - will do. In addition to the main ingredients, you can diversify the taste of beer by adding honey and raisins.

Attention! When brewing, it is better to use purified, filtered water or buy bottled water in a store so that the quality of the drink is at the highest level.

How they made beer before and how they do it now is explained in the video:

How to cook at home?

The beer making process can be divided into several conditional stages:

  1. Preparation (mashing) of wort;
  2. Boiling the wort (cooking);
  3. Cooling;
  4. Fermentation;
  5. Clogging and carbonation of the finished drink;
  6. Excerpt.

Making (mashing) wort

Preparing raw materials for the future drink is an important stage of preparation. Depending on the amount of the final product, you need to calculate the amount of raw materials. The malt must be cleaned, and then the grain must be ground to a powder using a blender or a regular meat grinder.

If you do not grow malt at your dacha, you can purchase ready-made raw materials in a store or market.

After preparing the malt, prepare the yeast: dry yeast should be diluted with warm boiled water, and liquid yeast should be removed from the refrigerator so that its temperature approaches room temperature.

Reference! Infuse the diluted yeast for 25 minutes.

What mashing is and how it affects the quality of the drink is explained in the video:

Boiling the wort (cooking)

Pour water into a pre-prepared container, heat it to 75 degrees and lower the malt:

  • The malt should be placed in cheesecloth or a cotton bag.
  • The wort is brought to a boil and hops are gradually added to it.
  • At the beginning of cooking - 1/3, and then the remaining 2 parts every 30 minutes.

The entire boiling process takes place at a temperature of 70 degrees for one and a half hours. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, it is necessary to increase the boiling temperature to 80 degrees.

Important! The malt must be removed and washed with two liters of hot boiled water to remove the bitterness. Then add all the liquid along with the malt back to the wort.


Cooling of the drink should be sharp and occur within 15-20 minutes. To do this, lower the hot container into a pan with cold water, and in case of large volumes of the resulting product, into the bathtub.

The drink must be cooled to 24-26 degrees. A special food thermometer should be used to measure the temperature.


Modern brewers use 2 types of brewer's yeast:

  • Top-fermenting yeast (ale);
  • Bottom-fermenting yeast (lager).

They obtained this difference due to different fermentation temperatures. For the first type it is 10-25 degrees, for the second - 1-15 degrees.

Reference! When purchasing yeast, you should pay attention to the packaging, which indicates the degree of fermentation. Ideally, it should be 77-80%. In addition, different yeasts affect the taste of the resulting drink. Most contain special flavors.

Homemade recipes usually use ale yeast, as well as simple dry and live yeast, because they do not require special refrigeration equipment.

So, you need to infuse the chilled wort for a maximum of 1.5 weeks. The optimal temperature will be 10-25 degrees.

The container with the wort should be closed with a special water seal or use a homemade device.

Attention! Avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts, do not open the container until the fermentation process is complete!

The video explains the fermentation procedure for homemade beer:

Capping and carbonation

Carbonation is necessary to saturate the beer with carbon dioxide to give the drink flavor and foam formation:

  • Sugar should be added to the container with the wort at the rate of 8 grams per 1 liter of beer.
  • Carbonation takes 2 days, after which the finished product must be filtered to remove sediment.

The brewing process is complete and the beer can be bottled, leaving a couple of centimeters at the neck so that the remaining gases can escape.

Aging and storage

In order for the drink to acquire a rich, pleasant taste, aging is necessary. The aging period for homemade beer is 1 month.

Subsequently, the finished drink can be stored in a cool place for up to 6-8 months away from sunlight. An opened drink can be stored for no more than 2-3 days, so choose in advance the optimal volume of storage container.

The bottled beer is usually aged for a month to obtain a richer flavor.

Attention! The finished foamy drink can be stored on the refrigerator door for a little more than six months.

Simple recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for making beer, but when brewing you should be guided by general recommendations and only then add a “zest” to your recipe. The main condition is to strictly follow the cooking technology and take into account your own taste preferences.

Molasses based

  • Water – 10 l.;
  • Molasses – 0.5 l.;
  • Hops – 1/3 cup;
  • Liquid brewer's yeast - 1 cup.


  1. Pour water into a pre-prepared container, add molasses, mix well and bring to a boil.
  2. Cook until the smell of molasses disappears.
  3. Wrap the hops in cheesecloth, place in a saucepan and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. When the contents have cooled, add brewer's yeast to the pan and stir the wort.
  5. Pour the resulting drink into bottles without closing the lids until foam appears on the surface.
  6. Skim off the foam and leave the beer to age for 4 days in a cool, dark place.

Molasses (or sugar syrup) is the sweet ingredient in many beer recipes. It gives the drink a wonderful taste.

Its shade varies from dark to light wheat and, of course, the final taste of the product will depend on the quality of the molasses.

From malt and hops


  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Hops – 100 gr.;
  • Malt extract – 1 kg;
  • Water – 10 l.;
  • Brewer's yeast – 50 gr.


  1. Combine hops and malt extract, wrap in thick gauze or cotton bag, pour boiled water.
  2. Then add sugar and cook for an hour. When the water evaporates, you need to add 10 liters of boiling water.
  3. Add 50 grams of yeast to the mass sharply cooled to 27 degrees. Leave to ferment for 3 days in a closed container.

Remove the finished drink from the sediment, pour into bottles and keep for 7 days in a cool, dark place.

How to make homemade beer from malt and hops without special equipment is described in the video:

From malt concentrate

To prepare you need:

  • Unhopped malt concentrate – 1.8 kg (pack);
  • Water – 22 l.;
  • Glucose – 1 tsp;
  • Hops and yeast - from the concentrate kit.

Boil water, then remove container from heat and add beer concentrate. Mix thoroughly, add hops. Cook for 30 minutes.

Remove the wort, pour into a clean container and cool to 27 degrees. Mix glucose and yeast in warm water, pour into a fermentation container, close the lid tightly, install a water seal and leave to brew.

The finished drink should be kept for 2-3 weeks.

Reference! Beer concentrates appeared in Russia in the 90s. They are easy to use and do not require additional filtering.

The video describes the technology for preparing homemade beer from malt concentrate:

Dining room


  • Water -10 l.;
  • Hops – 50 gr.;
  • Raisins – 50 gr.;
  • Table wine – 50 ml;
  • Sugar – 1.25 kg;
  • Malt – 1.5 kg;
  • Brewer's yeast – 50 gr.


  1. Pour 100 ml into a pre-prepared container. water, add wine and sugar, stir.
  2. Then add the hops and raisins, bring the water to a boil and cook for half an hour.
  3. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth and add malt.
  4. Then add the remaining 9 liters of water and boil again.
  5. Cool the resulting mass sharply to a temperature of 27 degrees and add yeast. Stir the wort and let it ferment.

At the end of the process, bottle the beer and age for 8 days.


This fun recipe includes:

  • Water – 15 l.
  • Malt – 1 kg;
  • Hops – 800 gr.;
  • Honey – 1.8 kg;
  • Raisins – 300 gr.;
  • Breadcrumbs – 300 gr.;
  • Yeast – 50 gr.;
  • Baking soda – 50 gr.;
  • Salt – 2 gr.;

The preparation of Vilna beer occurs in several stages:

  1. The prepared products must be ground and mixed with 3 liters of water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. Cover the resulting mass with gauze and leave for 24 hours.
  3. Add 3 liters of water again and let it brew for another day.
  4. After this, add the remaining water and cook over low heat for 8 hours.
  5. At the end of cooking, add baking soda to the wort and leave for another 2 hours.

At the end, the drink should be filtered and bottled.

The finished beer should be aged for 10 days in a cool, dark place.


To prepare you will need:

  • Water – 10 l.;
  • Hop cones – 30 pcs.;
  • Yeast – 50 gr.;
  • Honey – 2 kg (preferably liquid).

Pour hop cones with water and boil at 70 degrees for 2 hours. Then reduce the temperature to 50 degrees and gradually pour in honey. Cool the resulting mass to 25 degrees, add yeast.

Reference! Infuse the wort at a temperature of 10-25 degrees in a dark place for 7 days.

How to make honey beer at home is shown in the video:

Brewing secrets

The secrets of brewing are quite simple, but they should be remembered:

  • Maintain cleanliness and sterility.
  • Choose the right ingredients. If you buy raw materials in a store, carefully read the instructions and storage conditions.
  • Use filtered water or live water from springs.
  • When pouring finished beer, raise the container higher so that the aeration process goes much faster.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment - different types of malt, as well as different types of yeast, will help give the drink the desired taste and aroma.

Important! Making beer at home is a creative process that should bring only positive emotions! Over time you will be able to hone your skills. Many brewers can create their own mini-brewery even at home.

There are a lot of beer recipes, but you can prepare an excellent quality drink based only on your own experience.

Making beer with your own hands is quite easy, the main thing is to follow the preparation technology.

This article lays out the basics of brewing, the use of which will help anyone who wants to prepare a wonderful foamy drink. Good luck!

Early beer with dark molasses


Grind the malt well with hops, pour it into a bag and hold it with a wide hole under the tap of the samovar while it is boiling, and place a tub under the sharp sewn end. It is necessary that 12 bottles of boiling water flow out of the samovar and that it does not flow quickly (do not turn off the tap too much). Cool the wort in a tub to the warmth of fresh milk, pour molasses and dissolved yeast into it, and when the fast homemade beer has fermented, pour it into bottles, seal and keep in a cold place until use.

Early beer with light molasses


  • 5 liters of water,
  • 600g light wheat malt,
  • 200g wheat flour, 100g hops,
  • 2 cups light molasses,
  • 0.5 cups of yeast.


Place malt, hops and flour in a deep saucepan, tub or other container, mix them well and pour boiling water over them. Then cool to a temperature of 30-40 °C, add molasses and yeast, cover the container with a lid or clean canvas and place in a warm place for 4-5 days. After the instant beer has fermented, pour it into bottles, cap tightly and keep in a cool place until use.

How to quickly make homemade beer

Quick ginger beer


  • 4.5 liters of water,
  • 25 g ginger root,
  • 15 ml wine,
  • 400 g sugar,
  • 15 g yeast.


In a saucepan, mix sugar with crushed ginger root, pour in wine, add hot boiled water and cool. Add yeast to the cooled mixture, let it ferment, strain, pour into bottles, seal tightly with scalded corks and reinforce them with wire. Using this quick beer recipe at home, you can drink the drink the very next day.

Early ripening beer in 5 days


  • 1.8 liters of boiled water,
  • 300g of fermented and crushed grain (barley or rye),
  • 10 g hops,
  • 100 g granulated sugar,
  • 50 g burnt sugar,
  • 1 g yeast.


In a large bowl, mix hops, grain and sugar, grind them well, pour into a saucepan, pour 0.4 liters of water into it, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Then, after cooling to a warm state, add burnt sugar and yeast, mix thoroughly, pour into an enamel bucket, add the remaining (1.4 l) water, stir, tie with a thick cloth (canvas) and leave for 5 days at room temperature.



  • 12 liters of water,
  • 1.2 kg sugar,
  • 100-200g hops,
  • 1 glass of yeast,
  • 25-30 g ginger,
  • lemon or orange zest (raspberry or strawberry juice) - to taste.


Pour boiled water into the tub, add sugar and let it dissolve completely, then cool the liquid to room temperature, add liquid yeast, stir well and put in a warm place for 2-3 days (until fermentation ends). During this time, the foam that forms on the surface must be removed regularly. At the end of fermentation, pour the beer into bottles, adding lemon or orange zest (or raspberry or strawberry juice) to each to improve the taste, cap tightly, secure the corks with wire and store in a cool place. If desired, to prepare this quick beer at home, you can add a hop decoction and ginger root before fermentation begins.

Beer is one of the oldest drinks, known to mankind since the Neolithic era, along with honey, kvass and wine. Some scientists even believe that grain crops began to be grown not for bread, but specifically for making beer. This article will discuss a method for preparing it at home, without specialized equipment.

How to brew beer at home - what you need

  • Two pans with a volume of 5-6 liters.
  • An aluminum colander, a piece of gauze, a 5-6 liter bottle of bottled water. And a thermometer for water up to 100 Celsius.

How to brew beer at home - ingredients

Pilsen barley malt approximately 1.5 kg, give or take depending on what kind of pans you can find.
6 gr. hops for bittering and 6 gr. hops for aroma. And, of course, yeast and water.

Brewing beer at home

  • The first thing we need to do is take a pan, pour 3 liters of water into it and heat it to a temperature of 66-67 degrees. After this, the heating must be turned off. Next, slowly add the malt and stir it at the same time. When adding malt, the water temperature should drop to approximately 62-63 degrees. Now close the lid and wrap for 40 minutes.
  • After 40 min. we need to add a little boiling water to our mash, thereby raising the temperature to 72-73 degrees. If you can’t raise the temperature with boiling water, you can turn on the gas or stove for a short while, while constantly stirring the mash and monitoring the temperature.
  • After raising the temperature, the mash needs to be wrapped again for about half an hour.
  • Half an hour has passed and now we need to put our beer base on the fire again and heat it to 78 degrees and wrap it again for five minutes, this is necessary to stop the processes.
  • At this time, pour 3 liters of water into the kettle and heat it to a temperature of 78 degrees. We will need it later for washing the wort.
  • Five minutes have passed, now we need to pour our mash through a colander into the second prepared pan, and slowly pour the remaining grain with water and combine it with our main wort.

  • We drained and spilled the wort, now we put the main pan back on the fire and bring it to a boil. After about 20 minutes, add bittering hops to the wort, and after another 50 minutes, add aroma hops and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • The entire brew took us 80 minutes and now we need to cool our wort in the sink to 50 degrees Celsius.

  • Pour the wort into the bottle through a funnel, after placing gauze in it.

  • Place the bottle under cold water and cool its contents to 20-28 degrees. You can just wait for it to cool naturally. We take our fermentation container out of the sink, check the temperature and if it is what we need, shake the bottle, saturating the liquid with air so that the yeast added further wakes up.
  • After adding the yeast, insert a water seal into the bottle cap to allow gas to escape, you can use a rubber glove and leave to ferment for 10 days.

Ten days have passed and we hope you were patient and didn't drink beer sooner. All that remains is to pour it into a suitable container and you can go to your neighbors.

There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lovers of the intoxicating foamy drink around the world. But not everyone is able to brew beer at home for themselves and their friends, which would be not only natural, but also unusual and truly tasty. But only from such a drink can you get true pleasure! We want to tell you some secrets that will help you brew excellent quality homemade beer. You yourself will enjoy it, and you won’t be ashamed to treat it to your friends. It is important to understand the algorithm, the technology that is the basis for making any beer, and you can experiment with adding different types of malt and using different types of hops and yeast later.

How to brew homemade beer from natural ingredients

First, let's look at the composition of any natural foamy drink. It includes:

Barley malt is very popular today, as it allows you to brew homemade beer with a rich malt flavor. Hops are usually used granulated. It is prepared in advance, which greatly simplifies the task. Yeast is a fermentation catalyst and is also very easy to buy, for example, at a malt shop. Now let’s look at the specific proportions and algorithm of actions.

Proportions for mixing ingredients

It is impossible to brew beer at home without relying on specific numbers. Therefore, we will look at making beer from 35 liters of water (soft, as mentioned above), for which 5 kilograms of malt will be enough. As for hops, its proportions can be different (it all depends on the taste preferences of the brewer), but, as a rule, it is about 50 grams of granulated hops per 5 kilograms of malt at the initial stage of a home brewer; after a year, the brewer’s “appetites” increase significantly. Based on these proportions, you can brew homemade beer in a volume of about 25 liters.

Algorithm of actions

To make it easier for you, we will schematically outline the algorithm for mixing ingredients and processing them:

Directly brewing beer

Often two weeks are enough for the sugars to completely ferment into alcohols. The beer can then be bottled. In this case, for every liter of beer you need to add one teaspoon of dextrose (glucose). This promotes carbonation (saturation of carbon dioxide) in the beer. This is what makes the beer “fizzy”. Carbonization time on average can be 7-10 days. You can also use sugar instead of glucose, but the taste of homemade beer may suffer from this.

Actually, now you have everything that will allow you to brew beer at home, which you will enjoy doubly. And the point is not even that it will be natural. The most important thing is that you managed to brew homemade beer yourself.

And even if the first “pancake” turns out to be lumpy, the main thing is desire, and our malt shop will help you with the rest. For any additional questions, you can always contact us using the information from the “Contacts” tab. Now you don’t have to think about how to brew beer, what’s more important is who you’ll share it with! Craft beer is a drink for friends.

  • Thursday, 13 July 2017 15:15