Types of coffee makers and coffee machines. Coffee makers: how to choose the best model for your home. Choosing a coffee machine for your home. How is a coffee machine different from a coffee maker?

“Espresso” or “Americano”, “Latte” or “Cappuccino”, coffee with syrups or liqueurs, medium roast or strong, “Robusta” or “Arabica” - among such a variety of varieties, everyone can find one they like. How long did it take for us to enjoy the aroma of coffee at home?

Coffee is the most popular drink of our time. Its origin remains unknown to this day. The first mention of it dates back to 850 AD. in Ethiopia. Coffee has been described as a drink that excites the imagination and awakens the body. A little later, it appeared in the countries of Yemen, Egypt and the Near and Middle East. Only in the first half of the 19th century did the drink come to Italy, America and Indonesia.

Initially, a Turk was used to brew coffee. However, over time, the process of preparing this drink was simplified - in 1800 the first coffee machine was created. It was a drip model developed by the Archbishop of France. After it, others appeared: filtration, geyser and vacuum. It was not until 1855 that the first compression coffee maker appeared.

Over time, coffee makers have been refined and reduced in size. The most advanced models represent the optimal combination of 4 key factors: amount of coffee, preparation time, steam pressure and heating temperature. For example, it was experimentally found that the ideal temperature for preparing Espresso is from 86 to 93 degrees, while the pressure should be more than 9 atmospheres.

Today you can find coffee makers produced under various brands. They differ:

  • a method for obtaining an invigorating drink;
  • functionality;
  • sizes;
  • appearance;
  • at a price.
How to choose the model you need without overpaying for unnecessary features? To answer this question, you need to clearly understand what to look for when buying “coffee” kitchen appliances.

Device types

Before buying a coffee maker, you need to answer the main question, what kind of coffee do you like best? Different types of coffee makers prepare this drink in different ways, which affects its taste. On the modern market there are:
  • Drip coffee makers, which are in constant demand due to their simplicity of design and ease of use. Suitable for preparing Americano. The operating principle of drip coffee makers is simple - just pour water into the tank, where it heats up to 87-95 degrees and passes through ground coffee located in a mesh filter. The finished drink goes into the coffee pot. The water in such coffee makers does not boil and devices of this type are supplemented with special filters. Budget models of drip coffee makers have a minimum set of functions and cost from 870 to 1200 rubles. More expensive models have thermos coffee pots, high-quality filters and a number of pleasant additional features.

  • Geyser coffee makers. They are very common in Europe, especially in Italy. There they can be found in almost every home. The electric geyser coffee maker is convenient for making coffee. Connect the device to the network and within a few minutes the aromatic coffee is ready. The operating principle of a geyser coffee maker is that coffee is brewed as a result of repeated passage of steam or hot water through a layer of ground beans. Structurally, a geyser coffee maker consists of a metal vessel and special separators that separate ground coffee and water from each other. Water is poured into the lower compartment, which, boiling, passes through the ground coffee into the upper compartment. Then it cools and condenses. It takes about 5 minutes to brew coffee.

  • Carob coffee makers. Such devices are suitable for those who want to delight themselves with a cup of aromatic Espresso or Cappuccino with the most delicate milk foam. It is impossible to prepare such drinks either in a drip coffee maker or in a Turk. A more serious unit is needed here. Carob coffee makers brew coffee from ground beans, and the entire preparation process takes place under high steam pressure. The drink prepared in this way is known as “Espresso”. Horn coffee makers got their name because of the design features - instead of bags for coffee powder or filter meshes, they use metal or plastic horns. The coffee preparation process begins by filling the boiler with water and the coffee horn with ground coffee. It is important to compact the contents of the cone well. Next, steam under high pressure passes through the coffee powder, and the prepared drink is poured into a cup, which is best preheated. With this method of preparation, the maximum aromatic and beneficial substances are released from the coffee powder. In addition, with high water pressure, up to 25% of the coffee substance is extracted, while in conventional coffee makers only 15–18%. This allows you to reduce the consumption of coffee beans by approximately 1/3. Many people like carob coffee makers because the so-called “cream” appears on the surface of the drink - a delicate aromatic foam.

  • Capsule coffee makers. They allow you to brew Espresso, Lungo, Ristretto, as well as coffee and milk drinks. In the latter case, it is necessary to use additional capsules with a milk component, and the preparation process takes a little longer. In terms of the quality of the drink, coffee from a capsule coffee maker is no worse than from a carob coffee maker. Such devices use pressed ground coffee, which is packaged in a special plastic or aluminum capsule. It is pierced with one or more needles, after which hot water passes through them, carrying with it the aromatic drink into the cup. In this case, the user is limited only by the flavors and blends provided by the coffee maker manufacturer. Each brand of coffee maker produces capsules that do not fit models of other brands. The advantage of such devices is their small size, which allows them to find a place in the kitchen or office. Capsule coffee makers boast a colorful design.

  • Espresso coffee makers. According to their operating principle, they are identical to carob ones. The only difference is the expanded functionality. For example, their electronic memory can contain several programs, the number of which depends on the “sophistication” of the model. You can adjust the strength of the drink, the volume of water or the dosage of powder per serving. Many of these coffee makers have a special display that simplifies working with the device.

Coffee maker power

The speed of water heating and, accordingly, the coffee preparation time directly depend on the power of the coffee maker. The power of modern models varies from 350 to 2,400 W. This parameter is especially important for those models where there is no adjustment of coffee strength. If you prefer a strong drink, then it is better to choose a coffee maker with the lowest power from 350 to 800 W. The lower the power, the slower the water is heated and the more aromatic substances the coffee beans release. Coffee makers with power from 800 to 2400 W tend to have a larger capacity, require more ground coffee, but brew the drink faster. The speed of such devices is about 1 cup per minute.

Coffee maker capacity

When choosing a coffee maker, you should pay attention to the volume of the device. Think in advance about how much coffee your family needs in the morning. For example, geyser coffee makers operate exclusively at full load. Italians prefer to drink coffee in small cups (30-50 ml), which means that when choosing a coffee maker from an Italian manufacturer, you need to be careful and multiply its volume by two. At the moment you can find geyser coffee makers for different numbers of servings:

  • two - three (100 ml);
  • six (250 ml);
  • twelve (500 ml).
In this case, drip models can have a flask volume of up to 2500 ml.

Heater type

Coffee makers can have two types of water heaters:

In devices with a boiler, water is heated to the required temperature, after which it passes through ground coffee. In turn, the operating principle of the thermoblock is that water enters the heating labyrinth in small portions (15-20 ml), where it is heated to the required temperature using spiral tubular heating elements. After this, boiling water, passing through the coffee, enters the cup.

Coffee makers with a boiler have greater productivity. In a unit of time, they can prepare a larger number of cups of coffee with minimal energy consumption. Such devices belong to the category of professional equipment, but are more expensive. Coffee makers with a thermoblock are compact, lighter and cheaper. Thus, it is better to buy them for home, because the higher energy consumption when using the coffee maker once during the day will have virtually no impact on your wallet.

Coffee used

Depending on the type of coffee maker, different types of coffee are used:

  • grain  (for professional coffee machines);
  • capsules  (for capsule coffee makers);

Greetings, dear readers!

Life is hard for true coffee lovers. It takes a lot of time to prepare an aromatic drink at home in Turkey, and money to buy ready-made drinks in specialized establishments. It’s difficult to even call instant powder coffee, so we won’t even mention it.

It’s so good that they came up with a miracle technique that turns grains into an invigorating elixir in a matter of minutes. And all this with minimal human participation. The name of this invention is a coffee machine.

You will have to spend a lot on such a device, so before purchasing it is worth understanding in detail how to choose a coffee machine for your home, so as not to regret it later.

A coffee machine is a new word in home coffee preparation. These devices were designed for cafes and restaurants, but due to the convenience and good quality of the final product, there were people who wanted to buy such a device for home.

Manufacturers responded to the desire of the consumer and began to produce household coffee machines: they are smaller in size and more affordable than industrial ones. They are marketed as automatic coffee machines.

So what is the secret of such units? Everything is extremely simple: they prepare coffee of the highest quality and do not require any special knowledge or special effort from a person. Simply add water and add grains. And then we select the desired drink on the control panel and the equipment will do everything itself.

But this is only if you don’t want to understand the recipe and you are satisfied with the result. If you wish, you can experiment: change the temperature, strength, volume of finished coffee, reduce or increase the amount of milk. In addition, the devices cause minimal hassle, since they also clean themselves.

It is impossible not to mention the intermediate link in the chain of progress “Turk - coffee machine” - coffee makers. They have varying degrees of automation, but still require more participation during brewing. The main difference between coffee makers and coffee machines is the lack of a built-in coffee grinder. You will have to purchase it separately or buy already ground coffee, not beans.

Carob and capsule coffee makers are the closest to coffee machines. The first brews a drink from ground coffee, requiring virtually no participation. With a capsule one, everything is even simpler - special capsules with crushed beans are loaded into the device, and it will quickly prepare aromatic coffee.

No technique can save you if coffee is made from low-quality raw materials. The choice of coffee for a coffee machine should be treated with special care. It is the grain that determines what kind of drink you get in the end.

Criterias of choice

So, you have definitely decided that you need a coffee machine. Now you need to figure out how they differ from each other and what characteristics a good device should have.


Millstones are designed for grinding coffee beans and come in two types:

  • Steel

Durable, they are not afraid of foreign objects, such as stones. However, they get very hot and can impart a “burnt” taste. Although manufacturers are trying to solve this problem and install an electric drive on their devices.

And to be honest, only true gourmets are able to “catch” the shade, and most people do not feel the difference. A significant disadvantage is the high noise level during operation.

  • Ceramic

They do not burn the grains, preserving their taste and aroma as much as possible, and they work much quieter than their counterparts. But they are quite fragile: if any hard foreign object comes across, the millstones will most likely crack and the machine will need to be sent for repairs.

Water heater

A thermoblock or a boiler can act as a water heater in a coffee machine, but which is better? For your home, it’s definitely better to take a thermoblock, and now we’ll figure out why.

  • Boiler

It is a container located inside the housing that contains hot water. As soon as you have prepared a portion of coffee and the liquid level has become less, the machine immediately replenishes it to full. And again heats the entire volume.

This is not the best solution, because due to constant heating the taste of the water deteriorates, scale appears faster, which means there is a need for cleaning. This heating system is suitable for industrial use where high performance of the device is required.

  • Thermoblock

For brewing, freshly collected water is used and only the portion that is needed at the moment. The rest of the water is drained into a separate tank and stored there.

The drink tastes better and energy costs are lower. And the thermoblock heats boiling water for one dose faster. In the previous version, you will have to wait until the entire volume heats up, only after that the machine will start preparing the next cup.

Power and performance

The higher the power, the faster the device will make coffee. At the same time, as the power indicator increases, the strength of the drink decreases. This is due to the fact that during processing in high-power machines, the brewing speed is very high and the water simply does not have time to absorb all the taste and aroma of the grain.

Decide what is more important: speed or taste. In general, there are devices with power from 800 to 2,500 watts. Average values ​​are considered optimal for a home - 1,000 - 1,500 W.

You should pay attention to performance if you have a large family of coffee lovers or if you are purchasing a device for the office. For an ordinary family, where several people drink coffee a couple of times a day, a minimum capacity of up to 30 cups is sufficient.

Brewing mechanism cleaning system

The brewing mechanism is the heart of any coffee machine. This is where the magic of transferring the properties of coffee beans happens. There is a removable and fixed brewing mechanism.

  • Removable

The structure must be periodically removed and manually washed under the tap, dried and put back in place. But the difficulty arises with cleaning the hydraulic system tubes - it is impossible to remove them. A coffee residue remains inside, which accumulates over time and gives the drink an unpleasant aftertaste. In addition, it is simply unhygienic, due to the multiplying bacteria.

A special product in the form of tablets is designed to solve the problem, which allows you to effectively wash the internal surfaces of the hoses.

  • Pinned

In this design, it will not be possible to remove the brewing part. But maybe it’s for the better - the machine determines the level of contamination and cleans the internal parts itself. After a certain number of cups of coffee have been brewed, the device gives a signal, saying, “it’s time to wash yourself.” The user just has to load the tablet and activate the cleaning function, and the equipment will do everything on its own. Very convenient, but more expensive.

Availability of a cappuccino maker

This option will definitely be needed for those who love varieties such as cappuccino and latte. If the device is not equipped with a cappuccino maker, then it will only be able to make dairy-free varieties of coffee.

The cappuccino machine creates that very airy milk foam that many people adore. It happens:

  • Auto

You are required to pour the milk into a special container or immerse the tube in a jar of liquid (depending on the design). The skilled technician will do the rest itself. In some advanced models, it is even possible to select the degree of airiness of the foam and its height. The presence of an automatic cappuccino maker significantly increases the cost.

  • Manual

Steam is supplied from the tube under pressure. You need to place a bowl of milk under this stream and use circular movements to catch the boundary between the foam and the liquid. In this case, the container should be moved up and down. To make work easier, there are devices with a Panarello attachment. But in any case, you will have to adapt.

If you rarely drink cappuccino, then you can get by with a model with a manual cappuccino maker. But if you are a fan of milk foam, then you should take a closer look at automatic units, otherwise it will take a lot of time to prepare coffee.


Now let's figure out how coffee machines differ from each other in terms of functions.

  1. Grinding degree – varies from 3 to 12.
  2. Temperature – the liquid can be scalding, hot or just warm, your choice.
  3. Drink strength – you control how rich the product should be.
  4. The volume of the serving - whether it will be a small cup of the strongest espresso or a large mug of delicate latte, depends on the settings.
  5. Two cups – some models can prepare 2 servings at once.
  6. Heating cups - according to the rules, coffee is poured into heated dishes, so the tray of the unit preheats it.
  7. Filter – if ordinary tap water is poured in, then to obtain a high-quality product, it simply needs to be pre-cleaned.
  8. Descaling – Limescale deposits are automatically removed, which significantly prolongs the life of the device.
  9. A second boiler to speed up the process of frothing milk - for very busy people who have no time to wait for the device to change from hot water to steam and back.
  10. Internal memory - if everyone in your family likes different coffee, so as not to reconfigure the device every time, you save in it all the necessary parameters for each coffee lover once. Then it’s easy to activate the desired mode - just select your name from the list.

Of course, the most expensive models have the widest range of options. Simple coffee machines are equipped with a couple of variations of the presented functions. And this is not bad, because it allows you to save significantly on your purchase.

Professionals advise not to be tempted by a large number of additional parameters. As practice and reviews from owners show, in reality all this is not used at home, but a couple of favorite settings are selected.

Rating of manufacturers and where to buy them

Among coffee machine manufacturers, there are several large companies that occupy leading positions and firmly hold their place in the market. The ranking of 10 manufacturers in alphabetical order will look like this:

  1. Bork.
  2. Bosch.
  3. De Longhi.
  4. Jura.
  5. Kambrook.
  6. Krups.
  7. Melitta.
  8. Philips.
  9. Saeco.
  10. Siemens.

All these companies guarantee high quality products and provide a full range of warranty services for their products. Moreover, if one of the parts breaks down, it is much easier to find a similar one for a device from a well-known brand than for a “nameless” brother. This provides them with leading positions in all the TOPs of the best coffee machines.

Of course, it makes sense to purchase equipment only at large retail outlets. This way you will protect yourself from counterfeiting and in the event of a breakdown or defect, the device will be exchanged or repaired without any hassle. The most popular online sellers are the following store sites:

  • Top-Shop
  • Ulmart

On any of these sites you can order the model you like and the desired product will be delivered to you in a short time, even if it is not available in the seller’s regular store.

Examples of models and their prices

Buying a coffee machine is an expensive proposition. Therefore, before you decide on it, think about whether you really need it? Or is it better to get by with a more budget-friendly coffee maker? Weigh the pros and cons.

If you are unshakable in your decision, then it’s time to make a rating of devices from different price segments that enjoy the trust of buyers in 2018.

  • Budget models start from 20 thousand rubles.

– an inexpensive device with good data. It has a boiler, ceramic millstones, 5 grinding levels and a manual cappuccino maker. It is possible to prepare three drinks: espresso, cappuccino and lungo. Small dimensions will allow you to place it even in a small kitchen.

Nice price - 20 thousand rubles.

  • The cost of equipment with an automatic cappuccino maker starts at 35 thousand rubles.

– a compact device from France. Can prepare 6 types of coffee, including with milk. Equipped with a stainless steel coffee grinder and various indicators characterizing the status of the device. It is very easy to care for: it is equipped with a self-cleaning system using a tablet. Moreover, a signal will be sent that it is time to wash, i.e. the owner will not have to monitor this.

The assistant will cost 36 thousand rubles.

  • Advanced devices with expanded functionality will cost from 60 thousand rubles.

– prepares one cup in just 13 seconds! Ideal for true connoisseurs: 13 grinding levels, 7 programs, professional preparation of cappuccino, latte and latte macchiato, strength adjustment.

The built-in memory for saving a personal recipe deserves special attention. The energy saving mode and self-shut-off system will help you save on electricity bills. Cleaning of the device is fully automated.

Cost – 70 thousand rubles.


In order to choose a suitable coffee machine, you need to first decide what you want from it. What kind of coffee and in what quantity should she be able to prepare? Are you willing to hand wash the internal parts? Do you really need several degrees of grinding, a heated cup and a second boiler?

Having answered these questions, it will be easier for you to navigate among the wide range, choose “the one” and at the same time not spend money on unnecessary functions.

Tell me, would you like to buy a coffee machine? Or maybe you already have it? Then share your experience of selection and use.

It would seem: just pour boiling water over a bag of instant coffee and drink the finished drink. Why extra complications? However, more and more people are abandoning powder of unknown origin and are thinking about how to choose a coffee maker for their home in order to enjoy a real strong drink more often. Moreover, anyone who has at least once tried how delicious a coffee maker makes does not want to deal with instant powders anymore.

And rightly so, because it is still unknown what exactly is put in the notorious bags. Another thing is grains. The aroma alone is worth it! What about the taste? It's just a fairy tale! But which coffee maker is really worth choosing for your home? There are so many of them that your eyes literally run wild. You can, of course, contact the consultants in the store and ask them to explain the difference between different types of devices. But are they always objective? Let's better figure out how to choose a modern coffee maker for your home.

  • drip;
  • carob or espresso;
  • geyser;
  • capsule;
  • combined.

There are also coffee machines - complex and expensive devices that can make a delicious drink at home without any human intervention. However, they will be discussed separately. Today, let’s determine which type of device is best to choose for your home. Shall we begin?

"French Press"

It's not even a coffee maker, but rather a brewing device. It is a glass jug with a piston and a metal filter at the end. To prepare a drink at home, you need to pour the ground raw materials into a cylinder, pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes. When ready, simply push the filter down using the plunger. So all the thick stuff will end up at the bottom.


  • easy to use;
  • no need to connect to the mains;
  • no need to buy consumables (filters, etc.);
  • you can prepare different amounts of coffee (within the capacity of the cylinder);
  • compactness.


  • it is impossible to brew different types (espresso, cappuccino, etc.);
  • the strength will have to be determined empirically;
  • there are no additional features (timer, heating, etc.).

If you want to choose just such a device for your home, pay attention to its details: the cylinder should be made of heat-resistant glass, the piston and filter should be made of good stainless steel, and the handle should not heat up.


This type of device can be seen in some American films. It consists of two different vessels with a compartment for ground raw materials between them. You need to pour water into the top one to a certain level, then pour the ground grains into the compartment and turn on the device. The water will heat up to 90 degrees and begin to flow down, seeping drop by drop through the raw material until the lower vessel is full.


  • in one cycle a lot of drink is prepared at once;
  • you can choose any type of ground coffee;
  • if there is a thermos or heating, everything is generally prepared and poured continuously, you just need to timely add water to the drip coffee maker and change the raw materials in it;
  • suitable for large companies.


  • drops do not always have time to “pull out” the aroma and taste from the ground grains, so the drink sometimes does not turn out tasty;
  • it is necessary to change filters in a timely manner;
  • you will always have to prepare a full vessel, otherwise the machine will not work properly.

Those who want to choose a drip coffee maker for their home should look at the following indicators:

  1. Power. The lower it is, the slower the water flows and, accordingly, the stronger the coffee. Devices with a power of 700-800 W have the strongest finished product.
  2. Flask. It is better if it is glass, since plastic can ruin the taste. Let the flask handle be made of a material that does not conduct heat well, otherwise you risk getting burned when pouring coffee at home.
  3. Flask size. Before choosing a device, consider how many people will use it at the same time.
  4. Filters. They can be disposable, nylon (for 60 brews) and “gold” with almost unlimited use.
  5. Thermos or heater. Basically, the longer coffee sits, the worse its taste. However, sometimes using a heater or thermos is justified.
  6. Timer. It allows you to turn the machine on or off at a specified time.
  7. Choice of strength. This feature is not available on all models.

Carob or espresso

They are divided into two types:

  1. With pressure up to 15 bar. Here, coffee is brewed using steam: water is poured into a vessel, which is heated to a significant temperature and turns into steam. At a certain moment, a hidden valve opens and steam under pressure is forced through the horn with ground raw materials. Once cooled, it is poured into a mug in the form of coffee. The drink prepared in this way turns out to be very strong and tasty.
  2. With pressure over 15 bar. Ground grains are prepared using water heated to 87-90 degrees, which is passed under pressure through a cone with raw materials and poured into a cup in the form of a finished drink. This carob coffee maker works much faster and the coffee in it does not lose its unique aroma.


  • you can choose a model for one or two cups;
  • you can prepare cappuccino and espresso;
  • the drink is prepared quickly and retains all its unique properties;
  • The carob-type coffee maker is easy to clean, and the quality of the finished product does not depend on the time of its intensive use.


  • in carob-type steam machines, the drink takes a long time to prepare, which is why it partially loses its aroma and taste;
  • For cooking, you need to select only grains of a certain grind.

If you want to choose a carob-type coffee maker for your home, it should have:

  • a metal cone, since a plastic one can ruin the taste;
  • a tray to collect possible leaks;
  • a milk tank or a special straw for making cappuccino;
  • overheat protection.


They come in two types: electric and regular, which need to be heated on the stove. They look like teapots. Inside the geyser models there are two compartments: for water and for ground raw materials. While the coffee maker is running, the water heats up, passes through the compartment with the ground beans and falls back into place.

Before choosing a geyser coffee maker, determine which of the two types suits you best. It is also worth weighing all the pros and cons of this type.


  • you can get a large amount of drink;
  • Suitable for both coffee and tea.


  • the coffee is not as aromatic as in other models;
  • difficult to operate (too many parts and compartments that need to be washed).


If you don't like fiddling with beans for a long time, capsule coffee makers are created especially for you. You just need to put a special capsule or paper bag of coffee, and you will soon be able to enjoy a great drink. Such machines are in demand in cafes and offices, as they allow you to quickly brew any amount of drink: just know, change your bags and add water.

But before you choose a capsule-type coffee maker for your home, keep in mind that you will only be able to use capsules of a certain brand, since others will not be able to fit your machine. Moreover, only the chief technologist of the manufacturing company knows what exactly was put in the bag. So you won't be able to experiment.


Combined ones combine several types at once, which is why they are more expensive. It would be convenient if one of the functions of such a device would be the ability to prepare coffee from capsules. This way you can try different types and at the same time quickly brew a bag of your favorite drink if necessary.

When choosing any device for making coffee, be sure to check: is it convenient to use? It is advisable that all parts be removed and washed under running water, or even with detergent. The fact is that the sediment that remains on the walls can ruin the taste of the finished drink.

A cup of aromatic coffee in the morning is an incomparable pleasure! You can feel how with every sip your mood rises and your body is filled with strength. The usual morning time pressure forces us to resort to the help of a coffee machine. How to make the right choice of device from all the variety of designs? A review of the model ratings will help with this.

What is a carob coffee maker

This kitchen appliance has the ability to preserve and enhance the aroma of the drink during its preparation. The operating principle of an espresso coffee maker is simple:

  • Ground grains are placed in a special horn;
  • hot steam passes through it under pressure;
  • it is saturated with coffee aroma;
  • the steam condenses in a special chamber;
  • the finished drink is poured into cups.

A carob type coffee maker differs from a drip type in the absence of coffee grounds in the finished drink. There are not even suspended particles in the cup. Advantages of this design:

  • thanks to high pressure, more components are extracted from coffee that provide taste and aroma;
  • the cooking process takes a minimum of time - no long boiling of water is required;
  • the taste of the drink does not change;
  • it forms a pleasant foam;
  • coffee consumption is reduced when compared with other machines.

Carob coffee maker Delonghi

  • Delonghi EC 7.
  • Price: 7500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power 810 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; power indicator; control of drink strength; making cappuccino.
  • Pros: ease of operation.
  • Cons: the cappuccino maker is inconveniently located.

The Delonghi carob-type coffee maker, powered by grain and ground coffee, has a wide range of functions:

  • Delonghi ECAM22.360.
  • Price: 34 thousand rubles.
  • Characteristics: power – 1460 W; machine; setting the heating temperature; start time; water tank volume – 1.8 l. There is functionality for making cappuccino; timer; control of drink strength.
  • Pros: display; 13 options for grinding beans.
  • Cons: plastic body.

It is convenient to have a coffee machine in the office. It is optimal to buy a model with automatic cappuccino preparation:

  • Delonghi EC 680 M/R/BK DEDICA.
  • Price: 12500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1470 W; semi-automatic machine for coffee in tablets – pods, ground; descaling indicator; simultaneous serving for 2 cups.
  • Pros: metal case, automatic shutdown.
  • Cons: Only low cups are used.

Vitek coffee maker

Vitek company offers a wide range of coffee machines. Equipment can be purchased in departments of shopping centers. It’s easy to order goods using catalogs, study photos, descriptions and buy in the online store. Inexpensive model:

  • VITEK VT-1511.
  • Price: 4800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1060 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; water level indication; removable drip collection tray.
  • Pros: Cooks two servings at the same time.
  • Cons: noise during operation.

The Vitek carob-type coffee maker, which has the ability to make cappuccino, is popular:

  • VITEK VT-1516.
  • Price: 15600 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1060 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; adjusting the amount of water; The material of the two horns is metal.
  • Pros: liquid level indication.
  • Cons: lack of an anti-drip system.

An economical option for a coffee machine that prepares cappuccino automatically:

  • VITEK VT-1513.
  • Price: 5800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1360 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; water portion indicator 1.25 l; metal coffee maker horn.
  • Pros: removable tray for collecting drops; preparing two cups at a time.
  • Cons: plastic body.

Carob coffee maker Krups

  • Krups EA8010 EspresseriaAutomatic.
  • Price: 19,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1460 W; coffee bean machine; capacity – 1.8 liters. There is a temperature setting, self-cleaning from scale.
  • Pros: built-in coffee grinder; metal case.
  • Cons: Difficulty whipping cappuccino foam.

The Krups carob coffee maker is distinguished by its quality and ease of operation. It has an option for making cappuccino:

  • Krups XP 3440.
  • Price: 11800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1460 W; semi-automatic for ground grains 1.1 l; liquid level indication; metal horn.
  • Pros: small dimensions; manufacturer's warranty.
  • Cons: small volume of water; It is inconvenient to remove the grounds from the cone.

A very convenient model of a coffee machine that has an automatic system flushing function:

  • Krups EA8298.
  • Price: 29,500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power –1460 W; coffee bean machine; 1.8 l vessel; temperature setting.
  • Main advantages: adjustable dispenser position; waste container; there is a display.
  • Cons: high cost of replacement filters.

Philips coffee maker

This company, which acquired the Saeco brand, preserved its traditions of making coffee machines. The models are distinguished by a set of useful functions and quality. Great option:

  • Philips HD 8828.
  • Price: 55,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power 1860 W; machine for ground and grain coffee; volume – 1.8 l; display; control of drink strength.
  • Pros: energy saving mode.
  • Cons: short cord.

A popular model of a coffee bean machine with self-cleaning descaling is:

  • Philips HD 8649.
  • Price: 18500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1410 W; automatic machine with a capacity of 1 l; making cappuccino. There is a temperature setting and portion control.
  • Pros: the presence of a grinding degree setting.
  • Cons: There is no mug height adjustment.

The Philips carob-type coffee maker with cappuccino making function has excellent reviews:

  • Philips HD 8822.
  • Price: 18300 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1860 W; automatic machine for ground and bean coffee with a water volume of 1.8 l; portion adjustment; self-cleaning from scale; Serves 2 cups.
  • Pros: changing the height of the dispenser.
  • Cons: There is no adjustment of grinding fineness.

Carob coffee maker Polaris

The company produces carob coffee machines for home and office. They are easy to operate and reliable. Preference is given to the model:

  • Polaris PCM 1515E.
  • Price: 4800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 860 W; semi-automatic machine for ground coffee with a capacity of 1.5 liters with a liquid level indicator; Horn material – metal.
  • Pros: affordable price.
  • Cons: no anti-drip system.

Easy-to-use Polaris carob coffee maker with manual cappuccino preparation:

  • Polaris PCM 1517E.
  • Price 5000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1060 W; semi-automatic machine for ground coffee; 1.3 l tank; power-on indication; two metal horns.
  • Pros: case – stainless steel.
  • Cons: noisy operation; lack of features; no display.

A coffee machine designed for producing drinks in pods – tablets:

  • Polaris PCM 1914 S.
  • Price 5800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1210 W; semi-automatic volume 0.6 l; water level indicator. One metal horn, power indicator.
  • Pros: ease of control.
  • Cons: noisy operation; few functions; no timer; expensive coffee tablets.

How to choose a carob coffee maker

What criteria should you use when choosing if you need a carob coffee machine? It is worth paying attention to the following features:

  • Types of structures. Pump, where heated water is forced under pressure through a horn - the best aroma of coffee is obtained. In the steam room, steam is first formed, which passes through the ground grains. This drink has a higher caffeine content.
  • Number of horns, their material.
  • The volume of the water tank is 0.2-1.85 liters.
  • Cappuccino preparation option – automatic or manual.

Choosing a carob coffee maker for your home involves taking into account the following factors:

  • using coffee beans, pods or ground;
  • presence of light indicators indicating the process status;
  • equipping with devices for safe operation;
  • function of heating milk, maintaining the temperature of the drink;
  • work area lighting;
  • the presence of a removable anti-drip system;
  • power – the more, the shorter the cooking time;
  • Possibility of heating cups.

Video: the best carob coffee makers for home

If you consider yourself to be one of the people who appreciate the aroma of natural coffee, then you can appreciate the importance of having a coffee maker in your home. In a minimum amount of time, she can prepare a delicious tonic drink for you, your loved ones or friends. If you have not yet decided which coffee maker to choose for your home, reviews and recommendations from experts will be very helpful for making the right choice. We will compare the operating principles of various devices, consider their features, and talk about suitable options for specific conditions.

When choosing a coffee maker, you must answer several important questions for yourself:

  • how much time are you willing to spend preparing the drink;
  • how many cups do you expect to drink per day?
  • how great is the variety of drinks that you will prepare;
  • how much money are you willing to spend on purchasing a coffee maker;
  • How important is the ease of use of the device to you?

Based on these criteria, choose the right model. Coffee makers for home, the ratings of which can be studied on numerous websites of sellers of this equipment, are divided into several types, depending on the design and features of preparing the coffee drink.

French press

Such mechanisms operate without electricity, which makes them indispensable on hikes, away from civilization, although some prefer to use them at home because of the simplicity of the device. The press consists of a transparent container, inside of which there is a movable piston with a filter. Ground coffee powder is poured into the bottom of the container and poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid with the piston raised. After 4-7 minutes, the piston lowers and the filter prevents sediment from passing through it. The drink is poured into cups.


  • To make coffee, you just need to boil water;
  • You can also brew tea this way;
  • ideal for hiking conditions.


  • the taste of the resulting drink is far from ideal;
  • in such a device it is impossible to prepare any coffee drink other than coffee;
  • the finished drink cools quickly.

Drip devices

How to choose a coffee maker for your home so that it has a simple design and is affordable? Pay attention to drip models. This type of coffee maker is considered the most popular. To prepare a drink, just pour a certain amount of water into a container and place a measured amount of ground coffee in a special mesh.

The water boils and is passed drop by drop through the coffee. The drink flows through the filter into a glass teapot placed on a heated stand. The teapot can be used to fill cups.


  • low cost;
  • after preparation, the device keeps the coffee hot;
  • easy operation.


  • the drink is of medium strength;
  • long cooking time;
  • the need for frequent filter replacement.

Emphasize on:

  1. Power. The smaller it is, the longer the water will be in contact with the coffee, and the stronger the resulting drink will be.
  2. Adjusting the coffee strength allows you to manually change the intensity of the drink.
  3. The container for the finished drink must certainly be glass.
  4. The drip-stop function will stop the flow of coffee into the kettle if it is removed from the coffee maker, and the overflow protection will stop the coffee preparation process as soon as its volume in the kettle reaches its maximum value.
  5. An indicator of the ratio of coffee and water will be useful.
  6. Filters come in both disposable paper and reusable (nylon and gold).

Geyser coffee makers

Water is poured into the lower compartment of the device, which is heated by electric current. Then it rises through a vertical tube and passes through the coffee powder. Depending on the model, water can pass through the coffee layer from one to several times. With several passes, the drink becomes richer and more aromatic.

Tip: Consider the amount of drink you plan to prepare at one time. If the container is designed exclusively for 6 cups, then you will not be able to prepare a smaller amount of coffee. The coffee maker simply will not work if less water is added.


  • It is possible to prepare not only coffee. You can brew tea and herbs in the device;
  • quite rich taste of the drink;
  • ease of care.


  • the need to prepare a full portion of the drink, even when it is not necessary;
  • long coffee preparation time (about 5 minutes).

Features when choosing:

  1. The larger the volume of the coffee maker, the more power the device should have.
  2. The function of heating the finished drink will be very convenient.
  3. The drink strength feature allows you to change the strength of your coffee as you wish.
  4. There are manual models of geyser home coffee makers that do not require connection to an outlet. They need to be placed on the stove.

Horn devices

When we decide which is the best coffee maker for home, reviews from real coffee lovers are unanimous: the carob type. Only with such a machine can you appreciate all the variety of coffee drinks and prepare them quickly and easily.

Using this model, you can prepare regular coffee, as well as cappuccino, espresso, latte and other types of aromatic drinks. The operation of the device is based on passing steam under high pressure through coffee powder. It is possible to prepare cappuccino by adding thick milk foam to the drink.

When deciding which carob-type coffee maker to choose for your home, you need to know that such devices are divided into steam (pressure of about 4 bar), usually used in everyday life, and pump (pressure of 15 bar), which are more often used at a professional level, although for At home, such a coffee maker will be much better than a steam one.


  • minimum drink preparation time (from 30 seconds);
  • many drink options;
  • best quality drinks;
  • less amount of coffee is needed than in other types of coffee makers;
  • Some models provide the ability to prepare coffee in pods. This will eliminate the need to empty the machine of coffee grounds.


  • coffee should be finely ground;
  • in steam devices, water is heated to boiling point (100 degrees), although the ideal temperature is about 90 degrees. Pump models do not have this drawback.

Please pay attention when choosing:

  1. The automatic mill function will allow the machine to grind the beans you set, and even in the fraction required for brewing espresso. However, this feature makes the cost higher.
  2. The greater the power of the device, the greater the pressure will be created, and the faster the drink will be prepared. For example, with a power of 1000 W, a pressure of 5 bar is created. A cup of coffee will take about 2 minutes to prepare. With a power of 1800 W, the pressure will already be 15 bar. Coffee will be prepared in just 30 seconds.
  3. The presence of a cappuccino maker will be appreciated by cappuccino lovers.

Capsule coffee makers

According to the principle of operation, a capsule coffee maker works exactly the same as a carob model, but with one difference: the steam does not pass through a layer of coffee, but through the capsule. Thus, there is no need to calculate the required amount of coffee and water.


  • By using different types of coffee capsules, you can get drinks of different strength and taste;
  • the device does not require regular cleaning and requires minimal maintenance;
  • Ease of Management.


  • the cost of ready-made capsules is high;
  • the composition of the capsules is not varied;
  • The price of such coffee makers is still quite high.

Important: Some models of capsule devices only work with capsules from the same manufacturer that produced the coffee maker. This can be very inconvenient, so ask the seller about this nuance in advance.


  1. Models that allow you to adjust the volume of water per 1 cup will allow you to change the strength of your coffee.
  2. The automatic capsule ejection feature makes cleaning the coffee maker easier.

Features of choosing a coffee maker

What coffee makers and how to choose for your home so as not to regret your purchase? To make the right choice, you should keep in mind some features of the operation of these devices:

  1. Consider the number of members in your family. Carob models are considered universal, capable of preparing the required amount of drink in a short time. It is also recommended to purchase a carob machine for those people who have a clear lack of time.
  2. If the lack of device maintenance is important to you, choose a capsule device.
  3. For lovers of espresso or cappuccino, we can recommend a carob machine.
  4. Americano coffee is obtained more successfully in drip-type machines.
  5. If you like rich drinks, then a geyser-type device may be the most suitable for you.
  6. The most affordable are drip and geyser coffee makers.
  7. The cost of a coffee maker depends on whether it has many functions. Some of them may be completely useless, so it’s not worth paying money for them.
There are also combination coffee makers that combine the functions of carob and drip models.

By listening to the advice outlined above, you can easily choose the coffee maker option that suits you. When choosing, proceed from your desires and available opportunities.
